Cucumbers interesting recipes. Facts about cucumbers Interesting facts about cucumbers

Everyone knows how pleasant the aroma of the first fresh cucumber is. When the fresh ones get a little boring, we want to quickly taste the crispy juicy pickles. Without them, as they say, lunch is not lunch.

It seems to us now that this vegetable always grew in vegetable gardens and bore its Russian name. In reality this is not the case. The word “cucumber” was preceded by the long-vanished “cucumber”, and it was borrowed from the Greeks: among them “aguros”, “cucumber” is associated with “aoros” - unripe, unripe. This is very interesting. Indeed, in fact, unlike their close relatives - watermelons and melons, which the riper, the tastier, cucumbers are valued only until they turn yellow, that is, they are not completely ripe.

Meanwhile, cucumber is the lowest nutritional product. Judge for yourself, a cucumber accumulates up to 96 percent or more water. Therefore, cucumbers are more valued for their taste rather than nutritional benefits.

But they also have a strong side: in terms of the content of such important minerals for our health as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and others, cucumbers are not inferior to carrots, onions, tomatoes, cabbage and even citrus fruits. cucumbers and all the essential vitamins: carotene, B2, PP, pantothenic acid, B6, C and others.

Why did such a “poor” vegetable become the most widespread in almost all countries of the world? First of all, because cucumbers have a short growing season (40-60 days) and they can be grown in different latitudes, not to mention the possibility of year-round cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. Secondly, they have excellent taste both fresh and in the form of one of the most favorite and long-lasting pickles.

Fresh cucumbers have also proven themselves as a cosmetic product. Cucumber juice refreshes the skin, whitens it, makes it matte and velvety, and also helps remove acne, freckles, pigmented spots and tanning. It is useful to wash your face with cucumber slices from time to time.

Where did cucumbers come to us from? When are they called gherkins and pickles?

Interestingly, cucumbers are the oldest vegetable crop. They have been cultivated for about 6 thousand years. India is considered the birthplace of cucumbers. And today you can find wild cucumbers in this country. They, like vines, twine around trees in forests. Fences of Indian villages are woven with cucumbers.

Cucumbers as a cultivated plant were known to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.

Doctors of Ancient Greece attributed antipyretic effects to cucumbers. This vegetable was held in special esteem by the Roman emperors Augustus and Tiberius - not a single dinner of theirs was complete without cucumbers.

In the 1st century n. e. Cucumbers began to be grown in China and Japan.

When cucumbers were still very rare, the Turkish court-tan Mohammed II, cruel and greedy, once ordered the bellies of seven of his courtiers to be opened to find out who ate one of the cucumbers sent to him as a gift.

For a long time, cucumbers have been a favorite vegetable plant in Russia. Chronicles say that under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, tens of thousands of cucumbers were grown annually in gardens near Moscow for palace needs.

It is interesting that in the extensive Russian manual of the 18th century. on agriculture, “Florin's economy, consisting of ten thousand,” it was said that since cucumbers grow better in Russia than in other European countries, there is no need to describe them much.

Scary facts about cucumbers Facts about cucumbers And it's true Facts about cucumbers

Every cucumber you eat brings you closer to death.

It’s amazing how thinking people still have not recognized the deadly nature of this plant product and even resort to its name for comparison in a positive sense (“like a cucumber!”). And, despite everything, the production of canned cucumbers is growing. All major bodily ailments and all human misfortunes in general are associated with cucumbers.

Almost all people suffering from chronic diseases ate cucumbers. The effect is clearly cumulative.

99.9% of all people who die from cancer ate cucumbers during their lifetime.

100% of all soldiers ate cucumbers.

99.7% of all victims of car and plane accidents consumed cucumbers in the two weeks preceding the fatal accident.

93.1% of all juvenile delinquents come from families where cucumbers were regularly consumed.

There is also evidence that the harmful effects of cucumbers last a very long time: among people born in 1839 and subsequently eating cucumbers, the mortality rate is 100%.

All persons born 1869-1879. have flabby, wrinkled skin, have lost almost all their teeth, and are practically blind (if the diseases caused by the consumption of cucumbers have not brought them to the grave long ago).

Even more convincing is the result obtained by a renowned team of medical scientists: guinea pigs that were force-fed 20 pounds of cucumbers a day for a month lost all appetite!

The only way to avoid the harmful effects of cucumbers is to change your diet. Eat, for example, swamp orchid soup. As far as we know, no one has ever died from it.

Fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers are a national Slavic snack. It turns out that you can also tell some interesting facts about them.

Humanity has been eating cucumbers since the time of Mesopotamian civilization, that is, four and a half thousand years.

On the Pacific islands, the natives bury cucumbers in the ground, wrapping them in banana leaves - this is how they create a reserve in case of a storm or crop failure. In those parts, this food is an expensive delicacy; the more cucumbers the groom has in stock, the more financially attractive he is to the brides there. On the island of Fiji, for example, parents do not give consent to their daughter’s marriage until the groom presents his supply of cucumbers.

Cleopatra believed that she owed her beauty to eating cucumbers. Modern scientists believe that it is all about genes... On the other hand, Slavs often eat cucumbers, and Slavic women are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. What if this is not a coincidence?

Most American producers of pickled cucumbers include in the technological process an aging phase in an open tank outside under the rays of the sun. This destroys harmful bacteria and yeast (in return we get insects and bird poop).

In the Mississippi Delta, cucumbers soaked in Kool-Aid (like Yupi) are a popular treat among children. The recipe is simple - wash the cucumber, cut it in half and soak it well in Kool-Aid for a week. The resulting product is considered an enormous delicacy and costs about a dollar apiece.

According to various statistical agencies, on average in Europe and the USA, one person eats up to four kilograms of cucumbers per year.

Cucumbers may have helped discover America - Christopher Columbus added fresh and pickled cucumbers to the diet of his sailors as a remedy for scurvy on his 1492 voyage, during which the American continent is believed to have been discovered. In Hawaii, where ships stopped for crew rest, cucumbers were (and are still being grown?) specially grown to replenish the vitality of exhausted sailors.

For opponents of Columbus who believe that America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci, I will add that this man is also known as a large cucumber trader.

Napoleon was also a fan of green pimply cucumbers, and he announced a reward - the equivalent of $250,000 - for a way to preserve fresh cucumbers during long military campaigns. As far as I know, no one ever received it.

The Americans in their repertoire include the city of Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA, they proclaimed the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World (cucumber capital of the world). For several days in December, the city hosts a special parade led by the Grand Dillmeister, who throws cucumbers into the crowd of onlookers and citizens participating in the parade.

Fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers are a national Slavic snack. It turns out that you can also tell some interesting facts about them.

Humanity has been eating cucumbers since the time of Mesopotamian civilization, that is, four and a half thousand years, writes

On the Pacific islands, the natives bury cucumbers in the ground, wrapping them in banana leaves - this is how they create a reserve in case of a storm or crop failure. In those parts, this food is an expensive delicacy; the more cucumbers the groom has in stock, the more financially attractive he is to the brides there. On the island of Fiji, for example, parents do not give consent to their daughter’s marriage until the groom presents his supply of cucumbers.

Cleopatra believed that she owed her beauty to eating cucumbers. Modern scientists believe that it is all about genes... On the other hand, Slavs often eat cucumbers, and Slavic women are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. What if this is not a coincidence?

Most American producers of pickled cucumbers include in the technological process an aging phase in an open tank outside under the rays of the sun. This destroys harmful bacteria and yeast (in return we get insects and bird poop).

In the Mississippi Delta, cucumbers soaked in Kool-Aid (like Yupi) are a popular treat among children. The recipe is simple - wash the cucumber, cut it in half and soak it well in Kool-Aid for a week. The resulting product is considered an enormous delicacy and costs about a dollar apiece.

According to various statistical agencies, on average in Europe and the USA, one person eats up to four kilograms of cucumbers per year.

Cucumbers may have helped discover America - Christopher Columbus added fresh and pickled cucumbers to the diet of his sailors as a remedy for scurvy on his 1492 voyage, during which the American continent is believed to have been discovered. In Hawaii, where ships stopped for crew rest, cucumbers were (and are still being grown?) specially grown to replenish the vitality of exhausted sailors.

For opponents of Columbus who believe that America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci, I will add that this man is also known as a large cucumber trader.

Napoleon was also a fan of green pimply cucumbers, and he announced a reward - the equivalent of $250,000 - for a way to preserve fresh cucumbers during long military campaigns. As far as I know, no one ever received it.

The Americans in their repertoire include the city of Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA, they proclaimed the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World (cucumber capital of the world). For several days in December, the city hosts a special parade led by the Grand Dillmeister, who throws cucumbers into the crowd of onlookers and citizens participating in the parade.

Fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers are a national Slavic snack. It turns out that you can also tell some interesting facts about them.

Humanity has been eating cucumbers since the time of Mesopotamian civilization, that is, four and a half thousand years.

On the Pacific islands, the natives bury cucumbers in the ground, wrapping them in banana leaves - this is how they create a reserve in case of a storm or crop failure. In those parts, this food is an expensive delicacy; the more cucumbers the groom has in stock, the more financially attractive he is to the brides there. On the island of Fiji, for example, parents do not give consent to their daughter’s marriage until the groom presents his supply of cucumbers.

Cleopatra believed that she owed her beauty to eating cucumbers. Modern scientists believe that it is all about genes... On the other hand, Slavs often eat cucumbers, and Slavic women are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. What if this is not a coincidence?

Most American producers of pickled cucumbers include in the technological process an aging phase in an open tank outside under the rays of the sun. This destroys harmful bacteria and yeast (in return we get insects and bird poop).

In the Mississippi Delta, cucumbers soaked in Kool-Aid (like Yupi) are a popular treat among children. The recipe is simple - wash the cucumber, cut it in half and soak it well in Kool-Aid for a week. The resulting product is considered an enormous delicacy and costs about a dollar apiece.

According to various statistical agencies, on average in Europe and the USA, one person eats up to four kilograms of cucumbers per year.

Cucumbers may have helped discover America - Christopher Columbus added fresh and pickled cucumbers to the diet of his sailors as a remedy for scurvy on his 1492 voyage, during which the American continent is believed to have been discovered. In Hawaii, where ships stopped for crew rest, cucumbers were (and are still being grown?) specially grown to replenish the vitality of exhausted sailors.

For opponents of Columbus who believe that America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci, I will add that this man is also known as a large cucumber trader.

Napoleon was also a fan of green pimply cucumbers, and he announced a reward - the equivalent of $250,000 - for a way to preserve fresh cucumbers during long military campaigns. As far as I know, no one ever received it.

The Americans in their repertoire include the city of Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA, they proclaimed the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World (cucumber capital of the world). For several days in December, the city hosts a special parade led by the Grand Dillmeister, who throws cucumbers into the crowd of onlookers and citizens participating in the parade.

  • The use of cucumbers began during the Mesopotamian civilization that existed 4.5 thousand years ago. Cucumbers were first cultivated in India.
  • The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates spoke about the beneficial properties of cucumbers in his treatises. The sorcerers of Ancient Rus' quite often recommended cucumbers as a remedy for many diseases.
  • On his sea voyages, Christopher Columbus often took pickled and fresh cucumbers with him. At that time they were used in the diet of sailors as a means of combating scurvy.
  • Emperor Napoleon promised a reward to anyone who could come up with a worthy way to preserve cucumbers during long military campaigns. It is not known for certain whether anyone received this award, equivalent to 250 thousand dollars.
  • There are not many vegetables in the Pacific Islands, so they were treated as real delicacies. The Aborigines wrapped cucumbers in banana palm leaves and buried them in the ground. This is how they stocked up in case of crop failure or storm. On these islands it was believed that a financially secure and profitable groom had a large supply of cucumbers. On the island of Fiji, the bride's parents gave permission for their daughter's marriage only after the potential groom presented his supply of cucumbers.
  • The beauty of Queen Cleopatra was recognized by all her contemporaries; she was a famous trendsetter of fashion and beauty of her time. Cleopatra claimed that her beauty largely depended on cucumbers, which she ate almost daily.
  • In the Mississippi Delta region of the United States, children have a popular treat made by soaking cucumber halves in Kool-Aid. This instant drink is sold in powder form and comes in six flavors - lemon, strawberry, grape, raspberry, cherry and orange. Soaking continues for a week, and after that the finished delicacy costs almost a dollar apiece.