The peoples of Russia. Peoples of Russia National Russian animal dice game

Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous not only for their unique and extremely interesting culture, but also for exciting games for both children and adults. However, time, warriors and the influence of European neighbors gradually overshadowed the old Russian games. Now they are beginning to revive and never cease to amaze with their liveliness, original ideas and tasks filled with noisy fun.

Having learned the simple rules of Russian folk games, you can immerse yourself not only in the exciting world of childhood, but also understand how our ancestors lived and rested.

Russian folk games and their rules


This game has been known since ancient times, however, very few people know its rules now. The point is that from 60 to 100 sticks 10 cm long are taken. They are placed in a bag, and then poured onto a flat surface. The sticks, getting enough sleep, fall randomly and the task of the game is that everyone takes turns removing one spillikin, trying not to disturb those that are nearby. The winner is the one who, after parsing the entire pile, has the most collected "trophies". To make the game even more interesting, you can make sticks in the form of a spatula, spear or spoon. For such spillikins more points are awarded.

Golden Gate

This game is very dynamic and is designed not so much for the dexterity of its participants, but for their luck. The rules of the "Golden Gate" are as follows: two players stand opposite each other and join their hands in such a way that a gate is obtained. The rest of the participants hold hands and take turns passing through them. At the same time, the players who make up the gate sing:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is forbidden
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After the song ends, they lower their hand, and those players who are caught also become gates. Thus, the chain of participants gradually decreases. The game ends the moment everyone becomes a "gate".

Catch a fish

To win this game you need to have a good reaction and speed. The meaning of this fun is that the participants form a circle, in the center of which stands "water" with a rope and rotates it around the floor around its axis. The task of the participants is to jump over the rope. The game that catches on to it is out of the game.

hot seat

This game is perfect for those who like to play catch-up. Its meaning lies in the fact that in the center of the site a place is indicated that will be called hot. "Water" should try to catch the participants seeking to get to this place. The one who is caught helps the "water". If the player manages to reach the "hot spot", he can rest there as long as he wants, however, having gone beyond it, he will again have to run away from the "water". The game continues until all players are caught.


This game allows you to test the strength and endurance, so the boys love it the most. The meaning of the game is that the participants are divided into two equal teams. After that, one of them will be an "elephant", and the other will jump on it. A member of the first team approaches the wall and bends down, resting his hands on it. The next one comes up from behind and wraps his arms around his waist, bowing his head. The rest of the players do the same. It turns out "elephant". The first member of the other team runs up and tries to jump on the "elephant" in such a way that there is room for other team members. After the whole team is on the back of the "elephant", in order to win, it must hold out for 10 seconds. After that, the teams can switch places.


This is a very moving and fun game. According to its rules, you need to choose two participants: "monk" and "seller". The other players stand in a line, and the seller tells them in a whisper any color. After that, the following dialogue occurs:

A monk walks into a paint shop and says to the clerk:

I'm a monk in blue pants, I came for paint. - For what?

The monk names colors (for example, red). If there is no such color, the seller replies:

There is no such! Jump along the red carpet, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, but bring them back!

At the same time, the monk is given a task: to walk like a duck or jump on one leg. If there is such a color, then the seller replies:

There is one! - What is the price? - Five rubles

After that, the monk claps the seller's hand five times.) As soon as the last clap sounded, the “paint” participant jumps up and runs around the line. If the monk catches up with him, then he himself becomes a “paint”, and the one who was caught takes his place.

Swan geese

This game is for those who love active games. Its meaning is that two wolves and one leader are selected from all participants. All the rest become geese. The leader needs to be on one side of the site, and the swans on the other. Wolves stand at a distance "in ambush". The leader says the following words:

Geese-swans, home!

Run, fly home, there are wolves behind the mountain!

What do wolves want?

Pinch gray geese and gnaw bones!

When the song ends, the geese must run to the leader and try not to be caught by the wolves. Those who are caught are out of the game, and the rest are returned back. The game ends when the last goose is caught.


The name of this game comes from the old Russian fairy tale "Turnip", so its meaning is somewhat similar to this work. It is perfect for developing reaction and coordination of movements.

The rules of the game are as follows: all participants stand in a circle and begin to dance. In its center is a “turnip” child, and behind the circle is a “mouse”. All players during the round dance sing the following song:

“Grow re-pon-ka!
Grow cre-pon-ka!
Neither small nor great
Down to the mouse tail!

While the song is playing, the turnip is gradually “growing”, that is, rising. After the end of the song, the mouse should try to get into the circle and catch the turnip. The rest of the participants can either interfere with her or help her. After the mouse catches the turnip, new players are selected.

There is another variation of this game.

Players stand one after another and wrap their arms around the waist of the previous participant. The first player must hold onto the tree trunk tightly. The game begins when the "grandfather" tries to unhook the extreme participant from the rest of the team and so on until the "turnip" is completely "stretched out".


This is one of the most common variations of a mobile and physically developing game. Its participants disperse around the site, close their eyes, while holding their hands behind their backs. The host puts an object in one of the players' hands at the expense of “one, two, three”, everyone opens their eyes. The hands of the participants remain behind their backs. Then the player who has the item says: "I'm a tag." The rest of the participants must run away from him, jumping on one leg. The one who is touched by the "trail" becomes "water" himself. An important condition is that the "trail" must also jump on one leg.

Kick on the rope

This simple game will help develop reaction speed and have fun. Its meaning lies in the fact that a dense rope is taken, which is tied into a ring. All players stand outside and take it with one hand. In the center of the ring stands "water". He must have time to "salt" one of the players, who then takes his place.

Cossack robbers

This is an old Russian fun, the rules of which are known by heart by our parents, grandparents. Its meaning lies in the fact that all participants are divided into two teams "Cossacks" and "robbers". The Cossacks choose a place for themselves in which they will equip the "dungeon" and choose a watchman. The robbers at this time scatter and hide, leaving arrows and other clues in their path. The Cossacks must find each robber and bring them to the dungeon. With each player caught, a watchman remains, however, other robbers can help a teammate and, after grabbing the watchman, free the prisoner. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.

The robbers, so that they could not be found for as long as possible, first run away all together, and then split up.

According to one version of this game, the robbers think of a secret password, and the Cossacks must find it out. Therefore, the game continues even after the capture of all the robbers, until the password is found out.

"Eat Quietly"

This noisy and fun game requires not only skill, but also resourcefulness. Before starting, you need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of 5 meters from each other. In front of one of the lines is "water", in front of the other - the rest of the players. The task of the participants is to run to the "water". Whoever does this first takes his place. The difficulty lies in the fact that the “water” periodically says: “You go quieter - you will continue. Freeze! After this phrase, all players should freeze, and the leader's goal is to try to make each of the participants laugh without touching him. You can make faces, stare into the eyes, tell funny stories. If one of the players laughed or smiled, he returns back to the line.

bear cub

This is a very moving and fun game. First you need to draw two circles on the ground. In one of them there will be a "lair" with a "bear cub", and in the other - a house for the rest of the participants. The players leave the “house” and sing: “I take mushrooms, berries. But the bear does not sleep and growls at us. After they have finished singing, the bear cub runs out of its lair with a growl and tries to catch up with the rest of the players. The one who is caught becomes a bear cub himself.


This game was very popular in the old days. She develops attention and speed very well. Its meaning lies in the fact that players in the amount of 11 people choose water, and then break into pairs and form a column. "Water" stands with his back to the participants and does not look back. A line is drawn in front of him twenty meters away.

The members sing the following song:

"Burn, burn clearly,
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"

After its completion, the last pair separates their hands and runs on opposite sides of the column to the "water". Having caught up with him, they shout: “One, two, do not crow, run like fire!”. After that, the "water" starts chasing this couple and must "peel" one of them before they reach the line and join hands. If he succeeded, then he becomes paired with the remaining participant, and the one who was caught up performs the duties of "water". If it was not possible to catch up, then the couple becomes the head of the column, and the “water” continues to “burn”.

This game is different in that it can be played for a very long time until the participants get tired.

People invented ancient Russian games with care for their children, with the idea that they would not only have fun and energetic time, but also learn to communicate with each other, learn the value of friendship and know what honesty and mutual assistance are. There is nothing better than outdoor fun, which helps not only to get out of the familiar closeness of closed rooms, but also to find true friends, see the world in all its bewitching colors, and also give freedom to your own imagination.

Modern children also consider old games that we, modern adults, played with pleasure in our childhood. These are "Ring", "The Sea is worried", "Bouncers", "Classics", "Elastic band" and others.

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- “Peoples of Russia. Atlas of Cultures and Religions" includes basic information about the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation at the present time. The first part of the publication represents the space of the Russian Federation in synchronous and historical aspects and consists of ... ... Wikipedia

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- ... Wikipedia

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  • Peoples of Russia, Pantileeva A. (ed.-comp.). This album introduces the reader to the color lithographs "Peoples of Russia", made according to the drawings of E. M. Korneev, which the artist performed during his stay on an expedition to the most remote ...

Vladimir Lebedev

31.01.2012 - 16:27

Russia is a country of 100 nationalities. Who is not here: the Tatars, and Ukrainians, and Azerbaijanis, and Chechens, and Mordovians. And all nations - honor by honor answer the question: “Who? What?". That is, they are nouns. And only one nation in Russia - the Russians - answers the question “Which one? What kind?". That is, they are an adjective - a part of speech that describes the features of an object or its belonging.

Most likely, the word "Russian" is a truncated form of the broader expression "Russian people" or "Russian people". That is, people living in Russia (and, accordingly, belonging to Russia). That is, it is built exactly according to the same rule as the expression "Soviet people", from which the concept of "Soviet", similar to the concept of "Russian", has already begun to form.

In other words, "Russian" is a word as far from the concept of nationality as "Soviet", which, as everyone knows, is based on the word "Soviet". Moreover, the Council as a body of political power. In this sense, the Soviet people can just as well be called the "Parliamentary people" or the "Mejlis people", meaning only the form of their state political structure.

And what was the political structure in Ancient Russia? Vechev. So why was the Russian people not called "Vechev", but called "Russian"? Yes, because the adjective “Russian” refers our people, by the fact of belonging, not to the Veche, but to Russia, which was not the name of a state authority, but the State itself. More precisely: a variety of the State, which actually made up the sign of distinctiveness, according to which our people received the name "Russian".

What kind of State is this and where was it located? And this state was called, more precisely, the type of state - “Rus”, and it was located ... And where, by the way, was the state named Rus?

You will be surprised, but historians are still arguing about where Russia was located: from the extreme north of Europe (Norman Rus) to the extreme south of Europe (Khazar Rus). Moreover, in both cases, historians do not know exactly what the name “Rus” came from, for which they come up with a variety of toponymic explanations, which usually come down to the fact that this was the name of the river near which the Russian people lived.

We are such "cheap little people" that, unlike other peoples who proudly call themselves Chechens or Avars or even Bashkirs, we took and named ourselves after some river, which dries up almost every year, leaving the great and mighty Russian people without Stanovoy toponymic ridge.

Does this explanation of the name of the Russian people seem convincing? We don't. Moreover, we are firmly convinced that the Russian people is not our national name at all, just as the name Soviet people has never been the name of any people belonging to the USSR, which, as is known, was the World Empire. And empires are such vast entities that they are always subdivided by necessity into administrative allotments. Like Satrapies in the Persian Empire or Uluses in the Tatar-Mongol horde.

So our ancient empire was divided into "Rus" or "Reichs": Great Rus, Lesser Rus, Kievan Rus, Lithuanian Rus. Rate the last name: Lithuania+Rus. Can the word "Rus" with the obviously national determinant "Lithuanian" mean nationality? No.

What can she do? Mean the state form of division: such as a republic in the USSR. Do you know when the Empire began to be called the Republic? The Roman Empire (and we are talking only about it everywhere) began to be called the Republic after in the Empire, as a result of the mass migration of rural barbarians to cities, the cities turned into Polises - City-States, which primarily indicates that the United before The Empire, ruled by the One Emperor, fell apart into Parts, that is, into Polises. On the very Polis, from which such words as "Uluses" (P + Olis = P + Uluses), and "Prusy" and "Rus" were formed.

What does the word "Policy" mean, you ask?
Yes, the same as the word "Ulus" or "Rus" - namely: Rez or Rezan or Ryazan (here is another Rus - Ryazan), which in modern language usually sounds like "Narez" (whoever has a dacha knows that this is so), although in Russian historical literature they are usually called feudal “Allotments” (this is such a large land plot with the City at the head that it is given into the possession of the Prince). So the word “Polis” (from which all the names of Narezov or Nadelov in the world originated, including the German Reich, which is the Russian “Rez”) means only a Cut, or as they used to say - Polez (remember that the word “Rez " used to begin with the letter "L", and the example of "Blade" instead of "Rezviya" is the best confirmation of this).

As a result, we see that the word "Rus", from which the name of our people came, does not mean anything other than the name of Polis or Ulus, or Narez, to which we were assigned after the collapse of the Empire, which collapsed under the blows of the Barbarians of the Steppe - the same Tatar-Mongols or Perso-Arabs, who actually divided our Unified Roman-Egyptian Empire into their uluses or satrapies.

We will not delve into the details of this process now, but will confine ourselves to the question posed: What nationality were the Russians? Kyiv (if we keep in mind that our national history begins with Kievan Rus)? Great (if we keep in mind that this was the name of Great Russia, within which the Great Russians lived - the current Russians)? Moscow (if we keep in mind that Moscow became a political center around which all parts of the defeated imperial people who moved from the Mediterranean to the North of Europe as a result of the Exodus of the Slavs gathered). There are no such nationalities and never have been (with the exception of offensive national nicknames like "Moskal").

What is left in the balance?

Only one name: the Slavs, who appeared in Europe (including Northern Europe) exactly when the last bastion of the Empire, Byzantium, was invaded by the barbarians. It was at this time - and we are talking about the 5-6 centuries. AD - in Europe, out of nowhere, a huge migration column of the Slavs appears - the mysterious Ants, consisting of 12 tribal unions, namely: Slovenes, Krivichi (by the way, this is how we, Russians, are still called the Balts), Severyan, Drevlyan , Polyan, Dregovichi, Ulich, Volynyan, Radimich, Dulebov, Vyatichi, Croatian.

The question is: who were these mysterious Ants? And the Antes are none other than Vanty or Veneti or Venedi, known in history for being natives of Rome (where they built Venice and all other Roman cities), and even earlier - from Troy, which, after being taken by the barbarians - they left the Danaans under the leadership of Aeneas. And Troy - as we now know for certain - is a city in Egypt, located in the First Memphis nome under the name Turov (with the etymology of Troy - C + Troy - Build or St + Roy, which in Egyptian sounds like "Place at the Dug Mountain" , which was Built, Digging the Earth - and in this form we are talking about the Pyramid of Cheops).

In other words, speaking about the nationality of Russians, we, first of all, must proceed from the fact that Russians ... are Egyptians.

Second: Russians are Romans (more precisely: the indigenous population of the Roman Empire, of which Egypt was a part)

Third: Russians are not just the main population of the empire, but also its native ethnic group, which was subjected to assimilation by the Barbarians of the Steppes as a result of the so-called Sinoikism, which actually resulted in the Degradation and Fall of the Empire, which turned into a plebeian Republic with its subsequent division into Polises or Uluses or Russ.

Fourth: Russians are its original ethnic groups, successively expelled from the Empire, who did not want to mix with the Barbarians of the Steppes and preferred the Exodus from each new place of residence if the Barbarians became the predominant population in it.

This is how the formula of the Three Romes arose: the First Rome is Troy, which the Russians left when the Turkic-Arabs prevailed in it.

The second Rome was Rome, which the Russians abandoned when the Roman Empire was conquered by the barbarian Turks, along with the Persians.

The third Rome was Moscow, which became the last Rome for the Russians, since there is nowhere to retreat beyond Moscow.

According to the magazine "Opponent"