Strict rules of life for women from Irina Khakamada. How to increase self-esteem

The path to sustainable success, especially in a crisis situation, both personal and public, is self-esteem with a “plus” sign. Not with a “!” sign, which means inadequacy, but with a calm “+”.

I successfully failed my future achievements, underestimating myself, in private business and, on the contrary, I broke through in politics when I was confident in myself.

So, effective self-esteem is the path to success. You can believe me, because I walked this path to the end, feeling myself until I was 30 years old. ugly duckling and only after 40 did I finally gain the belief that I was some kind of swan, maybe not a white one.
So what techniques did I use? Please!

-First: the world is what you are. You have to look for everything within yourself. Troubles and failures are a reason to recognize your mistakes and not repeat them. A smart person is one who learns from his mistakes, a genius is one who actually learns from them. (Unfortunately, no one learns from strangers.)

- Second: They carry water to the offended. They were offended, expressed everything to themselves and... let them go and forgive. Your back will not hurt, and the energy of believing in yourself will remain. Don't collect negativity around you, it will attract even more negativity. Collect positive things, even in small forms, and admire them every day.

- Third: Avoid words and expressions like “I knew it, (knew)”, “It will always be like this”, “Nothing will work out”, “Everything is clear, understandable” and so on. Open your ears and wait for a miracle. A miracle does not tolerate generalizations, it is extremely individual and happens where it is respected.

-Fourth: Having set a big goal, move towards it in small steps. The main thing is to move... According to R. Branson, become a “when” person, not an “if” person. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Women will understand me... Evaluate success by modest achievements.

-Fifth: look for evaluation of your activities among like-minded people, and not in someone else’s environment. Stay within your context. People often complain to me that my books and master classes are designed only for middle class. Yes, indeed, fair. I bring my experience to my environment. As soon as I go beyond its borders and start flirting with farmers and workers, everything will become a lie.

-Sixth: If criticism, even if given in a harsh form, is fair and develops your potential, you don’t need to take it with hostility or develop complexes. If criticism destroys your personality and humiliates human dignity, “hit” backhand. This is the case when the risk is justified.

- Seventh and last: Don’t prove anything to anyone! You will receive fewer aggressive attacks and will not waste time on devastating arguments. Listen more and collect ideas.

Being an optimist is the art of not creating for yourself. empty space extra enemies. There are already enough of them.

Well? Have you become a “glass half full” person?
I’m sure yes, but what if you also work?!

A leader is not a boss, he is the best among equals, a person who is voluntarily accepted by everyone else, equally talented. A leader does not bully his subordinates in fear that someone smarter will appear and compete with him. On the contrary, he pulls the team along with him.

To remain a leader in turbulent times, you need to take responsibility for the future, rely on your intuition and learn to enjoy constant change.

Take personal responsibility

In times of spontaneous change, the emphasis is on responsible creativity. A true leader blows the minds of everyone, including himself, but he is ready to be responsible for all subsequent actions.

He pulls the company out of crisis and even achieves growth when the rules and conditions of doing business change every day.

The main quality of a leader is not the ability to lead or persuade. Nothing of the kind! There are people for everything, and a smart top manager will find such people, even if sometimes he himself will convince and give energy.

More often, the manager waits for instructions “from above”: “Just tell me what to do, I’ll do it.” But turbulent times do not tolerate such people. They will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence.

But a leader cannot be replaced! Because even in a team where three geniuses work and computers do everything else, the process needs to be seen in its entirety. And no computer is yet able to handle this. Believe in yourself!

10 films every director should watch

Editorial staff of the magazine " General manager"selected motivational films about the lives of entrepreneurs who made history.

Read and Learn

Study anything from Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism to biographies successful people- Steve Jobs, Einstein, who took full responsibility for their lives. Read Nassim Taleb's books "Black Swan", "Antifragile". They tell you how to run a business in an environment of absolute fragility.

Get to know the chaos theory of Russian scientist Ilya Prigogine. In 1961, he and his colleagues defended their work in the field of chemistry, and in 1977 received Nobel Prize. Prigogine explains the principles by which the world exists during periods of turbulence. He developed mathematical formulas showing that the chaos that seems like a complete mess actually has order. New knowledge will give impetus to creativity and inspiration.

The main quality of a leader is personal responsibility. And this “thing” in Russia is historically very rare. Become a leader who constantly improves himself and makes strategic choices right decision, the CEO School will help you.

Live happily and stay calm

A person who considers himself the owner of his life and understands that there will be no second one, wants to make it as successful and happy as possible. Because money is not a criterion for success. The main thing is to live and work happily, when a hobby turns into work and vice versa. When freedom and financial success come together, self-realization emerges.

I took risks all my life: I left teaching, was an assistant professor, opened cooperatives in the nineties, quit business, got involved in politics.

For twelve years, despite the difficulties, I worked with joy. And when I lost this feeling, I went nowhere again. I was unemployed for a year and wrote a novel. And suddenly they called me and invited me to give lectures.

Why? Because I didn’t hesitate, I was confident in myself and knew: success and the thrill of work would definitely return!

Get inspired

When you understand yourself, you immediately find people on your wavelength. This is how business leadership begins. In turbulent times, it is extremely important to find two or three like-minded people, enthusiasts who will support your idea and will be ready to plow with you. Your inspiration is incredibly inspiring to them too!

Assemble a creative team

How to check: who is creative in the team and who is not? Offer to middle managers and specialists: “We will pay you a fixed salary, and after the project is completed, we will give you a bonus tied to results. Some will get it, some won’t.”

Then look at the faces. If someone becomes dull, loses heart and submits a letter of resignation, breathe a sigh of relief: thank God that he left on his own! And if someone, on the contrary, cheers up and says: “This is it, now I can do what I want!” - this is the one you need.

Reduce risks

One way to reduce risks is to not make sudden leaps. Don’t set yourself gigantic goals: “A billion by the end of the year!” Take small steps. You see your goal, you go towards it. Even if nothing was scheduled, it’s not scary. In two or three years, everything will change so that your plans will still fall apart.

Remember the movie "The Butterfly Effect"? In stable times, you can “flip your wing” incorrectly, make a bad investment - and everything will “slip through the cracks”. The market is growing: you quickly took out a loan, closed the gaps, invested, etc. If you act correctly and without risk, you grow slowly, because everything is stable.

And if you “waved” incorrectly during chaos, you risk getting into a disaster. Or vice versa: we accidentally got into right time and place - and rode the wave, like I did with my lectures. Someone called and asked for 40 minutes to read something. And suddenly, a business was born that, 10 years later, feeds the whole family.

“Flap your wings” to reduce risks, but with minimal amplitude. And analyze all the time: are you hitting the target or not?

Look for a third option

If you are driven into a corner, for example by a bank or a partner you need, remember: You live in chaos, and this is your advantage. There is always a third solution. Under any pretext, the most unexpected, so that no one is offended (as a last resort, say that the cat suffered a heart attack), take a break and work with your team all night to look for a solution.

Be absolutely sure that there is a way out, and you will find a third option. This even applies to your personal life! People are used to living by cliches: either I get a divorce or I don’t get a divorce; I either get married or I don’t get married; either tragedy or happiness. Avoid extremes!

Be open, communicate more

Get out of the house, communicate. But not in the environment where people like you gather. You need to go where people are different and meet people anywhere, even in a store. Let me give you an example: one of my friends found a business partner in a bookstore.

He chose some abstruse philosophical book, and then a young boy approached him from behind. “Wow,” he says, “what books you read!” The acquaintance clarified: “Are you also interested?” - “Not anymore. I decided to commit suicide." And their dialogue developed so interestingly that they agreed on this topic. Ten years have already passed, men lead successful business, everyone is alive and well. Thanks for communication!

Keep the blow

Train your stress tolerance, stop being afraid of everything, stop wanting stability and learn to enjoy endless changes. You still have no choice. When you are very scared, visualize your fear, live it as if you had died beforehand. And then imagine how you will live if the worst happens. Find a solution: for example, you can go homeless. Make a plan: go outside, to the station, look for a suitable place.

And then laugh at yourself and pull yourself together. The fear will go away, and now go ahead - overcome yourself! Repeat the exercise the next time you have a panic attack.

Develop your intuition

70% of your activities in turbulent times should be implemented through professional intuition. Art will help. You need to get carried away by some kind of art, even a very popular one, but in such a way that you are “carried away”.

Here you are flying on a business trip, you turned on the music, exactly the one that is yours, and you were “carried out” from the plane. Or watch a movie - and it “explodes” you. This is a direct path to extracting subconscious information and using it externally.

Check whether you are a leader or not

In the evening, sit back and imagine your deepest dream, an absolutely idiotic one that no one knows about.

Think about what you can do today with your skills and abilities to make your dream come true. What are the first steps to take? Then go to bed.

If you wake up in the morning exhausted, in a semi-depressed state, you are not a leader. Responsibility is killing you. The subconscious gives you the answer in the form of concern. And if, when you wake up, you feel wings behind your back, a surge of energy, a desire to act, then you are a leader.

“There has never been a more difficult situation than now,” says writer, politician and public figure Irina Khakamada. Although she herself calls herself nothing more than a freelancer: she simply shares her experience with people, helping them to be successful in life and business, emphasizing that she does not pretend to be a psychologist, much less a clairvoyant. An correspondent attended Irina Khakamada’s master class in Moscow and recorded interesting sayings about survival in a crisis.

The economic recessions of 1998 and 2008 were cyclical: we fell and rose, reminds Irina Khakamada. And now the crisis is turbulent. This means that it has no bottom, since it has covered all aspects of life: it has shown the ineffectiveness of internal management, accompanied by isolation and falling oil prices, sanctions. “It doesn’t get any cooler - everything at the same time. And everything works in the negative, well, at least something would work in the positive,” says Khakamada. “And then there are our counter-sanctions, and every evening we discuss how to replace American chickens with rabbits!” And in these conditions of unpredictability, you need to learn to be the master of your life.

If a monkey is hungry and his banana is in a jar, he will do anything to get it. That is, now is the time when everyone becomes monkeys with a jug. “And if now you can pull your banana out of it, you will not be killed,” Khakamada is convinced.

So, what becomes critically important for a business leader, other than the desire and ability to take responsibility? and professional qualities?

Develop Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to “read” other people, establish contact with them, “take” the necessary information from them and promote your interest through them. It is impossible for a leader who takes risks and makes his own decisions to be a misanthrope. He must have emotional intelligence(EQ), that is, master the art of communication. Even if you are an artist and paint pipes, and you hate all of humanity, you will have to find a person who will sell this painting. Or fall in love with a woman who will do it for you. By the way, according to Western practice, 80% of success depends on the success of communication.”

Become a "little chaos"

"You can't plan anything, you can't get hung up on anything, you can't program yourself. Throw all your academic and practical experience out the window. I'm not saying that you should forget it, but you shouldn't stick to it from A to Z. You should stop relying on the past: “I succeeded then and it will work now.” It won’t work, because today a situation has arisen that did not exist in the past. Before the chaos, two and two were four, but now it’s unknown. There is a piano of the soul and you need to tune your brain to an incomprehensible melody.

How to do this? Transform into a snail. Under no circumstances should you stand and you should not run. Have you seen micro-filming of a snail crawling? She has a shell, two sticks, wavy legs, a wavy abdomen - all this is soft and scans, reacts to every change in the air, soil, sounds. That is, you move slowly, but at the same time keep all your antennas turned on. Everything possible! You turn on your visual memory, listen to people very carefully, establish communication with everyone, and perhaps somewhere among them there will be your business partner. This technique includes both rest and jerk.

By the way, in real life flexible people look much more modest than charismatic people. Charismatics die in times like these. It is the quiet, soft snails that survive. In other words, the time of chaos is negative for those who are unable to change their behavior patterns, push their horns against the wall and do what they are used to."

Turn vertical into horizontal

"We need to create a real dream team. What does this mean? This means involving everyone in the process of making a profit, moving from division of labor to optimization, ensuring that everyone does as much as possible. And in this case, from which employees are you freeing yourself? From the lazy and uncreative. Subject to sharing in the profits, the team may agree to work without salaries. That is, you turn on other motivational mechanisms. These teams survive.

There is no need to look for freebies, cheat, prove that you are cool, or try to “induce” your partner. If you are working horizontally, the most effective thing today is to find someone as honest as you and start an honest partnership.”

Invest in super creative employees

“Instead of asking for money from investors with protruding lips, who now do not give it, it is easier to look for human investments. Don't skimp, that is, spend money on creative employees. Don't be sorry! If you find a super creative person, it doesn't matter how much he demands. You can bargain, but you don't need to skimp on it, because these people can get you out, and not everyone is capable of being creative. To all performers - goodbye, all creative people - here."

Don't strive for huge profits

“Aim for a profit margin of 10-15%. Don't try to get 1000%, 100%, or 50%. Why? Because it will be one time, and then you will die. People are squeezed, saving, but why? Not because they don't have money. In Moscow, for example, they exist. But because everyone is waiting for clarity. As long as the chaos continues, no one will spend.”

Create a world of good news around you

“Phenazepam, of course, will help, but not for long. We have more than one year of chaos ahead of us - that’s how much Phenazepam we need to eat! There will be nothing left of the liver! You need to become your own psychologist and be stress-resistant.

Good way Strengthen your ability to calmly experience stress - stop telling people that everything is bad and listening to negativity from others. You need to switch them to something else - and collect positive information every evening. This is difficult because someone is always in pain or lacks money.

I call the negative toadstools, and the positive - porcini mushrooms. Toadstools are an eye-catcher, but the white ones always hide. Don't let people weigh you down with negativity. Create a world of good news around you.

Another way to enhance stress resistance - open your home. It's kitchen time and get-togethers. Therefore, go to visit as often as possible, invite your friends to your place. And send off your suggestions - here and there. Expand your circle of acquaintances - you'll see, something will sprout. And sow, sow your ideas!”

Elizaveta Babanova


In a post recommending the book “The Tao of Life,” I already wrote why I love and respect Irina Khakamada.

But let me quote myself, because I think I can’t express it better the way I said it earlier:

Irina Khakamada today is the only woman for me whom I consider my teacher.

Why are there so few such women?

I don’t know for sure, but I assume that most of the women from whom it would be worthwhile to learn are busy either with families or with businesses. And they simply don’t have time to tell other people how to simultaneously build a successful career, get married successfully, and maintain harmonious family relationships for many, many years.

But Irina Khakamada finds time for this.

He writes books, gives master classes, and all this in parallel with active professional activities.

This woman incredibly inspires me: a unique image that she has created bit by bit over decades, her sharp mind, her persistent character, which coexists with flexibility and the ability to avoid unnecessary conflicts, her openness, self-irony and enormous interest in life.

Therefore, today I invite you all to learn from this unique European-Oriental woman. Osho, the Eastern mystic of the last century, said that today the time has come for the Zorba Buddha: a person who can combine East and West, mind and emotions. Irina Khakamada is our Zorba-Buddha. Judge for yourself:

Lesson 1: Priorities

“If you prioritize between career, personal happiness and freedom, then freedom and personal happiness will both come first. Secondly, career.

I don't take on a project for the sake of a career or money. I take it up if it stimulates me and allows me to be free and happy. I take the risks myself, since no one helps in such projects. And I start doing it. As a result, I achieve career growth.”

Lesson 2: How to take off?

“To take off, you need to have a reckless Dream. If I didn't want to become president, I wouldn't become deputy speaker. If I wanted to be a deputy speaker, I would only become a deputy. And if I had been a deputy for the sake of being a deputy, and not for the sake of changing the country, then I would not have won at all.”

Lesson 3: Tao / Follow Yourself

“I listen to myself more than the world around me. If the world around us offers a criterion for success, then the Taoist still listens to himself. My criterion for success is absolute drive. That is, first of all, I do what I like, then money.”

Lesson 4: Routine

“Everything in our life is routine: politics, the work of a journalist, and the work of a writer. But if you have a dream to create something extraordinary, if you like what you do, the routine disappears.

A farmer who enjoys his farm enjoys his work every day and feels happy. Otherwise, he will never be able to withstand the competition.”

Lesson 5: Laziness

“To be wildly successful, you have to be lazy. Sometimes you feel like you are standing still - this means that you have exhausted your potential and filled your head with “routine”.

In this case, you need to take a break and switch. You can go to the country, read a book, completely relax, preferably alone. During this pause, you will see the absolutely correct path.”

Lesson 6: Self-Love

“The world constantly challenges you to new challenges, and to be happy, you must improve. I call this the “Theory of Positive Egoism”: as long as I live, I develop.

A person who is constantly developing loves himself very responsibly, because he needs to be a worthy object of his love.

How can you love yourself with dignity if you are nobody and nothing, and everyone around you is to blame for this?”

Lesson 7: A Woman in a Man's World

In order for a woman to be heard in a male team, she must be a greater professional than the men in this team. You need to come to terms with this.

Lesson 8: What's annoying

“What infuriates others most is their inability to learn on their own.

When a person drains energy from others: he constantly repeats that he needs help, he is given a million pieces of advice, but at the same time he hears nothing and believes that someone else is to blame, and when he does not try to change himself.”

Lesson 9: Change

“At a moment when you are unbearably bored and your dream disappears, imagine for a second that this is how you will live until your death. By imagining, you will reach despair, and then changes for the better will begin.”

Lesson 10: Formula for Success

  1. “Self-realization. I am realizing my dreams.
  2. I earn enough money to ensure my self-realization. I don't want more money than I need for self-realization. If there is too much money, then part of my time is spent managing it. Extra money takes away energy.
  3. As a result of self-realization, I receive recognition from a limited number of people, whose opinion is my reference.”

P.S. Which of what Irina Khakamada teaches do you already apply in your life? What are you going to review/change/implement as a result of reading this article? Share your thoughts with us!

Advice for women from Irina Khakamada 1. The first thing to do is to get rid of illusions about the prince who will find you, pick you up in your arms and carry you over the vicissitudes of fate. Over time, the man gets tired of dragging, and you fall like a heavy suitcase. To avoid the sad fate of an abandoned suitcase, a woman should concentrate not on finding a man, but on her own dream. 2. How to take a punch? My main principle- die in advance. Only the samurai who is already dead wins in a mortal combat. Live out the worst-case scenario in your head. And imagine what you will do after that. Be clear and specific about your steps after defeat. And then, like in a movie, scroll the “film” back to the first frame and go into battle. 3. If they say to me: “Ira, you’re a fool,” I answer: “Yes, I agree.” And I go and do what I think is necessary. They ran into me - I missed it and went to do it. Never prove anything. There is no need to measure yourself against anything. Especially in a male team, this will not end well. 4. To build a harmonious relationship with anyone, you must first find harmony with yourself and love yourself. 5. What to do? I'll tell you. Learn to dream, set high goals and go towards them. At the same time, getting a thrill not from the final result, but from the process. And if you manage to find and develop this energy in yourself, no more effort will be required, everything will work out by itself - dreams, career, and love. 6. A woman who is able to harmoniously develop and combine the feminine and masculine principles, who uses everything that is in the world for her self-realization, becomes a unique woman, a one-of-a-kind specimen. This was, for example, Coco Chanel. And if desired, anyone can become like this. Tested for yourself! 7. A rocket woman, that is, one who rushes forward, realizing her goals and dreams, will definitely be appreciated by a smart man. There is always something to unravel in such a Woman, and this turns her on. 8. When meeting a man, you need to be able to speak brightly, and then turn into a fool. Moreover, it is important to unexpectedly and very diplomatically move from one state to another. The man is immensely timid, he is always afraid of something. Either the woman is too rich, or too poor, too beautiful, or vice versa. Therefore, we need to become unpredictable, build communication with ease and humor. 9. If a man does not want to change, you have a choice: live with him, as he is, or in your own way without him. If you can’t decide, it means you can’t hear yourself well, and the problem is not with him, but with you. 10. A man should not be our whole world, but should be one of its parts, standing in the general row. 11. I dreamed of becoming president. The husband said: look at yourself in the mirror and say your last name out loud. Which kind of president of the Russian Federation are you? I was offended, I borrowed election campaign money from bandits. I found a marginal district, terribly poor, on the outskirts of Moscow, where public transport did not go. And I did everything. I passed. My husband financed my competitor. And the competitor lost, and I won. And then I realized that I am a leader. I can. 12. Money comes second in achieving success. You need just enough money to realize your ideas. And so as not to wake up every day thinking: God, I hate this job, but I will die of hunger if I don’t do it. 13. Study all the time, get new information. This is insurance, this is the base that will help you survive in the most difficult times. Once in Oxford I gave a lecture and met a girl from Russia there. She herself entered there and is studying to become a philologist. And at the same time he works in the most famous bank. She says: you have no idea what an experience this is. Now I can do everything! I will never disappear anywhere. 14. Don't be afraid of despair. Fall to the very bottom. I went to the dacha, lay flat for a week, didn’t communicate with anyone. I told myself how terrible I was, that I was a loser, and stuff like that. I felt sorry for myself, and I even began to like being unhappy. But at some point the body gets tired of it, and it says: life goes on! I'm not dead, the sun is shining. Everything is fine! And you get up and move on. 15. But fate is like a lion. If you are afraid, she will attack you, and if there is no fear, then she will turn where you want.