How to pay for electricity in an apartment building. Who pays for the light in the entrance? These include

Now, for calculations, it is officially possible to use meter readings, and not standards. This rule was established by federal law signed by the president. The document is already in force and needs to be executed.

Management companies will no longer be able to profit from shared electricity and water and charge residents more than they should. But just yet, that doesn't mean anything will change on your next receipt.

What are general house needs?

Residents pay for electricity, water and gas, which they use in their apartment. And also - for the general resources that go towards lighting and cleaning entrances.

This is a mandatory payment. It depends on the area of ​​the apartment: the larger the apartment, the more you have to pay for the maintenance of common property.

How were payments for general electricity and water used to be calculated?

Until January 1, 2017, management companies charged fees for general house needs as they wanted. There was no clear regulation.

Starting this year, they decided to establish standards: a maximum, beyond which residents do not pay. If the house actually uses more water or electricity, the management company will pay the difference.

In the regions, by June 1, new standards for paying for general household needs had to be established. According to the rules, you need to take into account how the house is insulated, whether there are energy-saving light bulbs, what materials the walls are made of, and what the area of ​​the common rooms is.

But the problem is not in the standards themselves, but in the fact that the law stipulated only the maximum: residents pay according to the standards and no more. It was not written in the law that you can pay less. Although in fact the house could use less light and water for general needs than the management company charged and the regional authorities calculated. The light bulb might not be on, but the residents would pay for it.

There was another problem: residents were charged for services that did not exist. For example, for general drainage, which is technically impossible. As a result, the residents overpaid, and the management company made money.

What has changed with these charges?

There are no common meters in our house, how will we pay?

If there are public meters, what options are there?

You have a choice. You can pay according to standards or meters.

By default, counters are given priority. If the readings according to them are lower, you will not have to pay according to the standards - the actual consumption is taken into account. If more, pay only the standard.

But as always, the devil is in the details. Here are your options under the new law.

No general meeting. If the house has common meters, you continue to pay according to the standards from August 2017. And next year the amount will be recalculated for you, taking into account the actual readings. The recalculation will be downward, or you simply won’t have to pay extra.

By decision of the general meeting. You can choose how to pay for general household needs:

  • average monthly volume by meters. Then this amount will also be adjusted;
  • actual volume according to meters. There is no need to adjust the amount - what you spent is what you paid for.

Total. Without a meeting - pay according to the standards, and then the amount is recalculated. With the meeting, you can already pay the meters.

When and how will payments for general house needs be recalculated?

The procedure and terms of recalculation are approved by the government. The federal law on new rules for paying for common household needs is already in effect, but there is still no resolution. As soon as it is published, we will tell you how it will work.

There is only a draft that says that they will recalculate once a year until July 1st. This is a common practice - this is what they do with heating.

What about the structure of payments for general needs?

The Housing Code stipulates what exactly is included in general household needs: cold and hot water, electricity and sewerage. If the house does not use any of the resources, then you will not have to pay for it.

Check your receipt. If you are charged for sewerage and hot water, although there is no public sewer in the house, and there is only cold water in the basement, this is illegal.

Who pays for the light in the entrance?

    Now everyone who lives in the house pays for the light in the entrance. It just turns out to be very expensive. Then they explained to us that there are people in the house who do not pay for anything at all and therefore their debts are paid by law-abiding citizens.

    This is a long and boring song! Listen to her friend! There is no need to pay for sunlight at the entrance. You have to pay for electricity consumed for general household needs. Those. An electricity meter is installed at the entrance to an apartment building; it shows how much electricity the house has consumed. The sum of the readings of all apartment electricity meters is compared with the readings of the general house meters Vtot.-Vkv.=X. This difference X is the general house electricity needs. The value of X is scattered among residents in proportion to the square meters of the apartment area. What's the trick - let's say from your 100 apartment building, 50 apartments submitted their data to the electricity supply organization about the electricity consumed by the 25th, and 50 apartments forgot to submit data. Then Vkv. decreases, and the difference X increases. Consequently, the common house fee also increases. THOSE. a conscientious tenant must pay for himself and for those who have not submitted data to the electricity supply organization. THAT. By the 25th day of each month, data from all residential meters must be submitted to the electricity supply organization. Good luck to everyone, may everyone have light and warmth!

    All residents of the house pay for the light in the entrance. All consumed electrical energy that will burn up in a month will be divided among everyone. And here it doesn’t matter who has the meter and where it is, at home or on the site.

    Payment for lighting of entrances is included in the cost of paying for utilities for public utility services (general house needs). So, absolutely all residents of an apartment building have to pay for this service, regardless of whether they have individual metering devices (electricity meters) or do not have them. There is a fairly detailed article on this topic here.

    Payment for electricity, that is, for lighting in the entrance, is included in the rent. In this case, residents are charged in full. In our country, for example, this is included in the article House Maintenance. I actually thought that they should pay according to the number of people living in each apartment, and not just according to the number of apartments in the entrance.

    Regardless of where the meter is located (in the apartment or on the site), in each entrance there is a common house electricity meter, which also takes into account the consumed electricity in the entrance, which includes burning light bulbs in the entrance and street lighting, lighting of common property, for example , basement, etc., the operation of the elevator (after all, in order for it to function, electricity is needed). At the end of the month, the consumed electricity is distributed to apartment owners depending on the square footage of the apartment and the number of residents.

    So, the general household needs for electricity consumption are paid for jointly, and not in such a way that someone pays for another, although this exists.

    No, the state pays for the light in the entrance, as far as I know. Our entrance lights are on around the clock and no one has to worry about it.

    The payment for light in the entrance is distributed among all residents of this entrance proportionally. Usually there is a general building meter that takes into account the readings specifically for the electricity spent in the entrance; its readings at the end of the month are distributed to the residents of the entrance.

    All residents who are registered in our building pay. Even in order to save money, a switch for the lamp was installed on the ground floor. Because it is the most popular. Although, perhaps these are only our rules.

    payment for light in your entire entrance falls on the wallet of the entire entrance; this is called general house needs; the more meters there are in each apartment, the lower they will be.

    For example, in a hotel type there are more apartments and few meters (we have friends who live there), they pay for these needs more than 100 rubles for each apartment, and in an ordinary panel house, where almost everyone has meters, I pay 25 rubles. Four times less.

    We have meters for both heating and light in the entrance, they come, take readings and distribute them to everyone.

    So do it yourself tenants And pay for the light in the entrance.

This includes not only the light that is on in the entrance, as some residents think. We are talking about the amount of electricity required for the operation of elevator facilities, installed alarm systems, intercoms, etc. Since each residential building has certain technological losses associated with the existing domestic appliances for common use, the bill in each case will be individual, but has general rules and formulas.

Everyone has always paid for such general household needs, only in the old law, which was in force until September 1, 2012, payment could be made in proportion to how much was indicated for individual consumption, which did not suit many and became the reason for changes to the law.

The law on one-time tax for electricity in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 provides for payment based on the square footage of housing used by the owner.

Calculation of one tax for electricity formula. How is it calculated and how to calculate

The calculation methodology presented in this article and is based on the government decree of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011, number 354.

To begin with, each received consumer reading taken between the 23rd and 25th of each month is added up. Note that it is better to have individual devices in order to pay less for light. The resulting consumption value is summed up with the standard that was consumed for the billing period according to the standard that is available for an apartment that does not have a meter. Next, the value of all the electricity that came to the apartment building is taken, which is indicated on special common building meters.

One value is subtracted from the other and the value of electricity consumed for the entire house is obtained. When the volume of ODN is determined, and it does not exceed the readings on the meter, and there are no complaints about the distribution, distribution is made to each of the personal accounts in the house, including to non-residential premises, for example, offices. All that remains is to multiply by the established tariff the value obtained after distribution among the owners of the premises of the house and there will be a figure indicated on the receipt.

General house needs for light how to control

Although the question is relevant, answers to it are difficult to find. In most cases, it is recommended to keep under control the process of reading readings on all metering devices, for which residents should create an initiative group that, together with the management company, will take readings from meters and check the values ​​obtained, which prevents the issuance of inflated bills.

Should I pay for general household needs or not?

Whether it is necessary to pay and what is the judicial practice regarding bills that are clearly inflated can be found out from lawyers, but it is also clear that to pay or not to pay is an inappropriate question, because everyone has paid and is paying, it’s just that nowadays it is possible to see specific numbers and then where this or that amount is sent, but previously everything was included in one account and it was not possible to obtain any detailed information.

Electricity consumption standard without an ODN meter

Standards for ODN for electricity of the Russian Federation in the Moscow region, Ivanovo, Bashkortostan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd region and others, this is the value established by the city administration in the relevant resolution or region. It is noteworthy that it will work in any home, including in a situation where a common meter was not installed on the house.

To find out the exact value, you need to contact by e-mail, send a letter by regular mail or call the Elektrosbyt phone number in a specific city to find out electricity tariffs from January 1, 2016 for beneficiaries, disabled people and the general population group.

How to pay one tax for light and electricity

Payment is made according to a standard receipt. If there is no meter, you will still have to pay, but the payment will not exceed the standard available for the region. If this happens, you must file a complaint with Elektrosbyt and receive a recalculation.


    Where and how to find out what the standard is for the region, or rather for the city of Pechora, Komi River. An apartment building without an elevator without a common house meter. Individual metering devices are installed in all apartments. There are no other rooms in our house, there is only a basement, which is used by almost all the residents of our house.

    I live in a two-entrance, two-story, eight-apartment building. The ODN column indicates the amount of 400 rubles. From the one-room building we have only four light bulbs for two entrances. One apartment doesn’t pay the bill at all, drunkards. Their bills are spread among others. Tell me, what should we do?

    The ODN electricity bill accrues the same amount every month. How can this be?

    If you have the same amount in your receipts, it means that your apartment building is not equipped with an ODPU, and in this case, charges are made according to current standards.

    A lot of things are not clear, there was one manager there, and they brought in a coefficient from O.7 to 1.0 for different months! This company brought receipts for 13 kW of light 10 kW one???

    We have the same problem. The house is a two-story building with 12 apartments. There is no light in the attic and there never was, there is no basement either. The bill for one is more than the amount of fire in my apartment in a month, how is that possible? The meter is new, how to achieve justice? and not overpay 900 rubles for light?

    ODN is stated in two receipts (for electricity - 47 rubles and for an apartment - 16 rubles). Why are the numbers for the same service different? What receipt should I pay with? Or both?


    Hello. Tell me what to do. I pay about 800 rubles on the meter. per month plus monthly communal light 700 rub. Some neighbors do not have meters and they pay 200 or 250 rubles. Not fair! I called the energy sales office, where they told me “you deal with your neighbors yourself.” WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    Tell me, please, is the accrual of one-month tax for electricity made a month later? Those. for December 2016, ODN was accrued in receipts for January 2017, which I received and must pay in February? I received receipts for January with ODN el.en for December 2017 and KR El.en for January 2017. The HOA convinces that this is how it should be.

    PLEASE TELL THE O.D N FOR THE WORLD THEY WERE ACCRUED 3.19 multiplied by the square footage of the apartment. Is this legal?

    It’s necessary now, no matter what they calculate, everything will be based on the area of ​​the owner’s apartment, why not on the number of residents and registered residents, because this is for people and not for the area, for example, one person lives in a three-room room, and in one room there are three lamps on the train and the elevator works the same for everyone so why will everyone have to pay differently? The same should be distributed to everyone equally as it is for common areas

    I received a court decision, which says that I must pay a tax payment of almost 8,000 rubles. I am shocked. I pay monthly according to the meter. Now I have to pay from July 2011 to September 2015, and yet in the decision there is not a single word about one-time tax, they simply write that I am a debtor. What to do? All residents of our house received this court decision.

    For the utility service electricity supply (ind) the fee in March 2017 was 187.58 rubles, and for a “light bulb” in the entrance, without an elevator - 278.79 rubles (ODN).

    Food for thought?

    We went to complain to one of the electricity departments and they answered: you choose the government yourself and it comes up with such regulations, so you pay for the light bulb in the entrance from the area of ​​your apartment...

    many questions...not a single answer from the authorities...

Electricity supplier OJSC Sverdlovenergosbyt won another court case regarding charging for general household electricity consumption.
In mid-November, the energy sales company achieved forced collection of debt from a Kamyshlov resident who, in principle, did not pay for lighting the entrances. All of the above occurs against the backdrop of a change in the methodology for calculating charges for energy consumption in public areas and the cancellation of the clock change. These topics are touched upon in an interview with Anatoly BLINOVSKIKH, manager of the Eastern Sales of Sverdlovenergosbyt OJSC.

– Anatoly Georgievich, let’s start with perhaps the most pressing problem – paying bills for lighting of public places. It is constantly said that some measures are being taken to reduce energy consumption in the entrances, and, nevertheless, every month the receipts show unaffordable amounts...
– And we never tire of explaining that savings on paying for general house energy consumption depend primarily on the citizens themselves.
One of the biggest problems today is outdated metering devices in citizens' apartments. They incorrectly record the volumes of consumption in the apartment, which, accordingly, affects the calculation of charges for electricity supply to common areas for both the resident himself and his neighbors. Old meters must be changed promptly! This can be done by contacting the Kamyshlovsky site of Sverdlovenergosbyt OJSC.
Also, the calculation of the fee is greatly influenced by how regularly and timely the residents of the house transmit readings from individual metering devices. It is ideal for these readings to arrive on time and within approximately the same period. They can be transferred when paying for a receipt at post offices, as well as using services such as a Web account on the company’s website, an SMS message to the number 34-18 for Beeline subscribers or to the general number +7- 903-767-69-77. You can find out details about using this service at the site or on the website of the guaranteeing supplier.
And the last problem is the unsatisfactory condition of intra-house networks, which also remain unprotected from unauthorized connections.

– Anatoly Georgievich, then please explain who is responsible for what when providing energy supply services. Because it happens that you call one organization with your question, and then they send you to another, and you start going in circles...

– Responsibility for the supply of electricity to the point of connection of the collective (common house) metering device with the utility network included in the apartment building lies with the State Unitary Enterprise SO "Oblkommunenergo". The same organization takes monthly readings from common house metering devices and provides them to Sverdlovenergosbyt OJSC. OJSC "Management Company" purchases electricity from the supplier of last resort for the owners of premises in apartment buildings, and is also responsible for the maintenance and condition of in-house engineering systems, through which energy is provided to the owners of the premises.
And the guaranteeing electricity supplier only calculates fees for energy supply to apartments and common areas based on the readings transmitted to it from residents and the network organization. Thus, the problems of maintaining intra-house networks, including identifying illegal connections, should be dealt with by the management company, since it receives payment from residents for the maintenance of housing. It is from her that residents of apartment buildings have the right to demand an audit of intra-building networks.
True, unfortunately, today some citizens prefer to accumulate debts to the supplier of last resort, ignoring payments for energy supply to public areas. This is a mistake. On November 11, in judicial district No. 2 of the Kamyshlovsky District Magistrate Court, a hearing was held at the request of Sverdlovenergosbyt OJSC to collect a debt from a household subscriber. This consumer intentionally failed to pay fees charged for public area lighting. As a result, the claims of the energy sales company were fully satisfied, and the amount of debt was collected from the subscriber. Let me also remind you that the Sverdlovsk Regional Court supported the position of the supplier of last resort in the trial on the claim of the Kamyshlovsk Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office and recognized the charging of charges for general household electricity consumption as lawful. Thus, it was established that citizens are obliged to pay for it in the same way as other utility services - on time and in full.


We, who live in the Pervomaisky district at 3 Berezovaya Street, entrance 4, are charged for the light in the entrance per square meter from the owner of the property, and the number of registered people in the apartment is not taken into account. And why is this amount now not included in the amount for housing maintenance, because previously it was included in this amount. In a month, more than a thousand rubles are received from the entrance.

How is this amount calculated and why is it paid in addition to housing maintenance?

And why is the elevator paid per square meter? Where can I find a legislative explanation if in 2009. We paid for the elevator per person.

Voronkova Svetlana Mikhailovna, help me sort out the PES No. 74 of the Pervomaisky district about payments for our apartments.

Dear anonymous author! I believe you came to our website from a widget posted on the website of the TV program "Precedent". On our website, any specialist can advise you, not only Svetlana Mikhailovna. However, I will certainly draw her attention to your problem.

Sincerely, moderator of the site "Tak-tak-tak".


Good afternoon When answering your question, you should start with the fact that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) contains a legal definition of the concept “ rent for living quarters", characterizing it as a fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, including a fee for services and work on managing an apartment building, as well as the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, in other words, common areas (i.e. stairs, elevators, attics, basements, roofs, etc.).

Indeed, previously, owners of premises in apartment buildings paid for the energy supply of common areas as part of the tariff item “repair and maintenance of housing stock” (housing service). The situation changed due to the adoption of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the case of the provision of services and performing work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration,” according to paragraphs. “b” clause 11 of which the amount of electrical energy supplied for the operation of lighting devices in common areas and for the operation of electrical equipment included in the common property in an apartment building must be paid as part of the payment for the utility service “electricity supply”.

Obviously, when making such a decision, the legislator proceeded from the fact that lighting of common areas, which are the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, requires a utility resource - electricity, and “in fairness” the costs of paying for it should be borne by the owners of premises in this building .

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens,” apartment owners must fully pay for the electricity consumed by an apartment building and switch to this payment scheme. In addition, according to clause 28 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the owners of premises are obliged to bear the burden of expenses for the maintenance of common property in proportion to their shares in the right of common ownership. It is in connection with this, regardless of the number of persons registered in the residential premises, the fee is collected only from the owners of the premises, while the number of registered people in the apartment is not taken into account.

The concept of “lighting of common areas” is interpreted in relation to paragraph “h” of paragraph 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (as the maintenance and repair of electrical networks of an apartment building, lamps, that is, the implementation of work to create conditions for the supply of electricity to common areas) , as well as with clause 13 of the Rules for the provision of utility services (ensuring the readiness for the provision of utility services of in-house engineering systems that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building).

Simply put, “lighting of common areas of an apartment building” includes lighting of landings, stairs, attics, basements, power supply for intercoms, amplifiers for shared television antennas, automatic locking devices, pumps, technological losses of intra-house electrical networks and other property in an apartment building.

Appendix 2 to the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services determines the procedure for calculating charges for electricity supply depending on the availability of communal and individual metering devices. Without going into technical calculations, we note the main thing: according to the law, the cost of electricity consumed for lighting common areas (as well as the operation of in-house equipment), as well as losses, are included in the payment for the utility service of electricity supply, subsequently being divided between the owners in proportion to their shares in the common right property

When answering the second part of the question related to payment for the maintenance of the elevator, it should be borne in mind that, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, elevators, elevator and other shafts, mechanical equipment located in a given building are part of the common property in an apartment building, the burden of maintaining which in proportion to their shares in the right of common ownership are the responsibility of the owners of the premises.

In addition, in accordance with the Methodology for planning, accounting and calculating the cost of housing and communal services, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 02.23.99 No. 9, the maintenance and repair of the elevator are paid as part of the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. This fee is set by the general meeting of the house per 1 sq. m. m is the same for all owners of residential and non-residential premises.

Hello.. I came across this blog article:

The procedure for calculating fees for utility services - electricity supply is defined in paragraph 16 of Government Decree No. 307 of May 23, 2006. It reads: “If there are individual, common (apartment) metering devices in the premises and in the absence of common house metering devices, the amount of payment for utilities is determined based on the readings of individual, common (apartment) metering devices.” That is, in accordance with current legislation, we must pay for the electricity utility service (which includes electricity spent in the apartment and MOP electricity) only according to the readings of our meter in the apartment. MOP should not charge us any amounts for electricity.