Alexander Kerzhakov’s wife is prohibited from talking about her personal life. The wife of Alexander Kerzhakov, Milana, told why his son will not live with his own mother Kerzhakov, what happened to his first wife

There are rumors that Alexander Kerzhakov has another one. However, the football player’s wife assures that everything is fine with them.

For several weeks, the discord in the Kerzhakov family has been actively discussed on the Internet. At first, fans of the couple noticed that Milana rarely posts photos with her husband, and then a number of media outlets wrote that the football player allegedly raised his hand against his wife. The young woman tried not to comment on the speculation.

However, recently footage appeared on the Internet in which Kerzhakov was captured in the company of a certain girl. They began to accuse him of treason. The speech added fuel to the fire ex-wife Kerzhakova, Ekaterina Safronova.

“Milana called me herself. I asked her to arrange a meeting with her son and persuade Sasha to make concessions to me. Milana promised to help. Apparently, having become a mother, she understood what it was like not to see a child. A month after the conversation, we met. Milana came all in tears and explained: “Meeting with the child is impossible, he said that he would rather divorce me than let you see Igor.” Then she began to say how bad everything was for them. Milana is a young girl, and I don’t think she had any before Sasha serious relationship. Therefore, she did not expect such treatment from her husband. At the same time, we must not forget that she is the daughter of an influential and rich man. In general, Milana said that he was raising his hand against her,” Safronova shared.

In addition, an interview with Kerzhakova herself appeared in this publication. The footballer's wife claims that she did not consent to its publication. In the text that appears, Milana declares the existence of an agreement according to which she cannot disclose information about her personal life with her husband. The young mother was enraged by this material, and she left an angry post on Instagram, which she later hastened to delete.

“When I want to say something, I will say it myself. Be that as it may, not a single person in the world has the right to discredit the honor of my husband while he is my husband. This is a person who has done a lot of good for me, and I am very grateful to him for a lot,” Milana wrote.

By the way, Kerzhakova’s friend Svetlana claims that Sasha does not spend the night at home, and also does not tell his wife when he will return. “Milana loved him very much, wanted to save the family, but now it’s too late. Now she lives with her mother,” a friend said in an interview with Express Gazeta.

30-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, the former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov, spoke out about the upcoming divorce of her ex-lover. Let us remind you: 24-year-old Milana Kerzhakova is still the official wife of the football player. Rumors about this, however, the girl preferred not to dwell on this topic. The girl responded to a comment on Instagram from one of her subscribers on social networks. She asked her about her relationship with her husband.

“I haven’t been in a relationship with him for a long time,” Milana replied to the subscriber. - This is an absolutely fallen person, unworthy of respect, alas.

Ekaterina Safronova, with whom Kerzhakov met before Milan, told reporters that she was not surprised by this news. It turns out that she has long been friends with Milana, who, in fact, is raising her son, because in 2014 the football player took the boy away from Safronova, accusing his chosen one of drug addiction and a wild lifestyle.

Safronova allegedly knew about the problems in their family. Ekaterina said that they even met with Milana.

We met with her, she even wanted to help me establish communication with my son,” Safronova told reporters. - But Kerzhakov then reared up. She tried to help, but it didn't work. They had a big fight over this back then. Can I not comment anything further for now? The less I take part in dismantling them, the calmer I will live.

Ekaterina also said that she had not seen her son for four years. She claims that Kerzhakov is not concerned with little Igor.

The last time I saw my son was when he was one year old. Now he is five. So consider it. According to rumors, he constantly lives with his grandmother. Kerzhakov seems to be nowhere near there. Kerzhakov does not allow me to communicate with the child under any circumstances. No one deprived me of parental rights, and the court did not restrict my communication with my son. It seems to me that mine ex-spouse problems... - she said.

At the same time, Safronova herself is not looking for meetings with her child:

Why do this? I don’t want to traumatize the child’s psyche and mine. We can't communicate on the phone either. He's still small. And the son won’t understand what kind of aunt this is calling him. You see how everything in life has turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's for sure. Milana understands this now, she says.


Safronova speaks positively about Milan. He says he sympathizes with her because “she made a mistake”:

- She's a normal girl. I just made a mistake when I linked my life with Kerzhakov. She understood what a bad past he had with his previous wives. Until recently, no one took my words regarding the football player seriously. I screamed into nowhere. It was hard for others to believe that such a cute guy on the cover could be a scary person,” she said.

Reporters asked the football player's ex-girlfriend if it was true that the relationship between Kerzhakov and Milana deteriorated after the sudden death of the girl's father, member of the Federation Council Vadim Tyulpanov. A man fell in a bathhouse and suffered a fracture of the base of his skull. As doctors later found out, Tulipov died of heart failure. Safronova, however, did not comment on these conversations, saying that “she does not yet have the right to talk about this.”


Safronova is a mother of many children. She already has three children. Her eldest daughter lives with her father, hockey player Kirill Safronov and his wife Anastasia. Son Igor is in the family of Alexander Kerzhakov. Ekaterina gave birth to her daughter Stefania in the spring of 2016, but she still hides the name of the baby’s father. Journalists found out that this is a law enforcement officer in the city of St. Petersburg, Alexander Semelyuk.

True, Safronova no longer lives with a man. The last man whose photo appeared on her Instagram was a certain Ivan, who, apparently, spoiled Catherine with expensive gifts. True, then Ekaterina deleted all the photos with this man from social networks and, apparently, is now alone.

Milana Kerzhakova made a public statement: she filed for divorce and wants her son to stay with her. For support, she first turned to her husband’s ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova.

The athlete's legal wife Milana has returned her maiden name on social networks - Tyulpanova. Black stripe in her life began with the death of her father, Vadim Tyulpanov, on April 4, 2017. The girl began to experience depression and problems with her husband. Everyone knows the rest: she wrote on the microblog that she has not been with Kerzhakov for a long time and “he, alas, is a fallen man.” Then Milana stated that Kerzhakov had taken her son away from her and was hiding it from her. This was followed by an even more unexpected confession: about drug addiction and that she slandered her husband. After completing a rehabilitation course, Milana filed for divorce. Ekaterina Safronova told the site that at the same time as this statement, Milana’s family invited her to meet.

“We talked with Milana, her mother and brother,” says Ekaterina Safronova. “She apologized to me and explained that everything bad that she said about me was dictated to her by her husband. As a woman, I understand her. She was blind in her love - I was the same! When you love, it's normal. After all, at some point she turned away from her family, and they were the only ones who supported her in the end. Of course, my bitter experience will serve as an example in this matter. Milana signed a contract with a lawyer (Alexander Dobrovinsky.. It seems to me that she doesn’t even have that opportunity.”

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After a divorce from his second wife Ekaterina Safronova, the court left his son Igor to live with his father Alexander Kerzhakov. The mother has not seen the child for five years. The boy lives not with his father, but with his mother in St. Petersburg, Safronova assures.

“Kerzhakov doesn’t need children. Even his eldest 12-year-old daughter wrote to me: “I’m ashamed of my father!” True, then he forbade the girl to communicate with me. Why is he taking them away? Just imagine that it is not a man who is acting, but an offended girl, and immediately everything will fall into place. Wounded pride when you want to offend in return. You see, I was not a fool who married a man, succumbing only to his charm. There were wonderful moments in our lives, good human qualities emerged, but then... For example, I know that at some point they simply wanted to kill me, remove me - this option was considered. Milana told me about this, and I know it myself.”

According to Safronova, Milana has a key trump card in the fight with her husband, which she wants to open in the very near future. “We are talking about Kerzhakov’s financial frauds, when, with the help of dummies, he moved huge sums of money. Yana Rudkovskaya is also involved here - she received 30% of the amount. That’s why she defended Kerzhakov like that, shaming Milana. If a girl comes to the police with this, Kerzhakov will be immediately imprisoned. I'm being asked to act as a witness - I'm still thinking. There are certain conditions, circumstances, I have small child(my youngest daughter is 2.5 years old - website) and I really want to see my son, which means I should always be open to dialogue. I have only one goal - to see the child, but Kerzhakov dug a hole for himself.”

Six months ago, Ekaterina Safronova became a mother for the third time. A joyful event happened in the life of Alexander Kerzhakov’s former common-law wife on March 24, in the midst of her struggle with the football player for the right to raise them little son Igor. The newborn was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, but to this day Safronova does not want to advertise the name of the baby’s father.

Life still managed to find out who 29-year-old Safronova was in a relationship with immediately after her high-profile breakup with the Russian bomber. Little Stefania calls St. Petersburg law enforcement officer Alexander Semelyuk dad. By the way, the man is distinguished from the football player Kerzhakov and her first husband, the hockey player Safronov, not only by his type of activity, but also by his relationship with his mother of many children. According to Catherine’s close circle, Alexander is the only one with whom she managed to keep her children’s fathers. warm relations after the breakup.

In addition to her own father, there is another man in the life of six-month-old Stesha. The other day Safronova and her youngest daughter. Judging by the girl’s social networks, the young man does not skimp on expensive gifts, spending a lot of money on his beloved. A man working in the auto business literally showers his beloved with chic bouquets of flowers and branded bags. In her microblog, Safronova also repeatedly boasted about trips to the sea and a brand new snow-white Mercedes.

It is worth noting that with the advent of a new boyfriend, Safronova’s name began to appear less in scandalous chronicles, and the struggle for her three-year-old son seems to have completely disappeared. Let us remember that for several years Catherine tried to win little Igor from Kerzhakov, who is raising him with his new wife Milana, the daughter of a St. Petersburg senator. The athlete insisted that Safronova was not capable of being responsible for the boy because of her addiction to narcotic substances. This is precisely what caused the football player to restrict his former common-law wife’s parental rights through the court.

Little Igor, however, does not notice the absence of his own mother. The father's wife, Milana, spends all her free time with the child. While the baby’s father is training at the training camp, Igor is relaxing with the family of the 22-year-old daughter of a St. Petersburg politician, Vadim Tyulpanov.

Ekaterina’s eldest daughter, nine-year-old Sonya, lives with her father, hockey player Kirill Safronov and his wife Anastasia. The girl, however, sometimes visits country house her mother’s new lover, where not so long ago Safronova moved things from a modest five-story building.

The media are actively discussing the new relationship between the striker of the Russian football team and Zenit, Alexander Kerzhakov, and the ex-wife of St. Petersburg SKA hockey player Kirill Safronov, Ekaterina Safronova.

Journalists learned about the football player’s new passion back in 2010. However, this topic was discussed much less actively than the divorce of another Russian football player Andrei Arshavin.

Like many other girlfriends and wives of Russian football stars, little is known about Kerzhakov’s passion.

As written on Ekaterina’s VKontakte page, she was born on July 20, 1987. It is known that the girl has a daughter from her marriage to Safronov.

According to media reports, the hockey player met an attractive brunette in 2006 at a beauty contest for fans of his hockey team. Then, along with the others, Katerina Safronova - nee Lobanova - fought for victory.

According to rumors, the young and promising hockey player immediately liked the girl, but he decided to meet her a few months later during a chance meeting.

Express Newspaper reports that then Safronov began to actively court Ekaterina, literally showering her with gifts and flowers. Soon the girl became pregnant and in 2007 gave birth to Sonya.

According to media reports, the wedding took place after the birth in the Wedding Palace on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg.

The family lived happily for several years, but gradually Safronov’s career began to decline. Unable to withstand the competition, in 2010 the young man left SKA and signed a contract with the Neftekhimik club from Nizhnekamsk.

The athlete had to move, but his wife did not plan to leave St. Petersburg, saying that in hometown Her mother helps her raise her daughter, which is much easier than raising a child alone.

The girl came to her husband in Nizhnekamsk several times, but even then, according to rumors, she began an affair with Alexander Kerzhakov.

There is no information about how and under what circumstances the football player met Safronova. A number of Internet portals report that, most likely, the football player’s affair with the hockey player’s wife began before Safronov left St. Petersburg. In what year is also not reported, but the media note that Safronova and Kerzhakov managed to hide their relationship for quite a long time.

Gazpromneft party

It is known that both appeared publicly for the first time at the Gazpromneft party. Kerzhakov openly hugged and kissed Katerina. Immediately after this, the first articles appeared in the press about the football player’s affair with Safronov’s wife (in December 2010).

Literally the next day after the party, the hockey player himself found out about everything. There is unverified information that Safronov even got into a fight with Kerzhakov over his wife, but Katerina ultimately preferred the Zenit striker.

At the same time, Kerzhakov at that time was also married to Maria, with whom they have a joint daughter, Daria. The football player’s wife also found out about her husband’s affair on the side by accident. According to media reports, the girl saw them kissing in the tribune room. Later (when exactly is also unknown) Maria Kerzhakova filed for divorce.

According to press reports, the divorce proceedings between the football player and his wife have not yet been completed. What is to blame for this remains unknown. According to some reports, the reason for the protracted divorce was the division of property.

Katerina now freely posts joint photographs with Kerzhakov in social network. The first such photograph, despite the couple’s already long relationship, appeared in Safronova’s album only in November 2012.

In January 2013, one of the photographs with Kerzhakov posted by Ekaterina shows that the girl is pregnant. She gave birth to a son in April.

“I am a happy mother! I have a daughter, and now also a son,” the girl wrote on her page.

The press assumes that the child is Kerzhakov’s, despite the fact that the football player himself does not confirm this information. However, judging by the photographs, he was the father of the child. In any case, the football player calmly holds the baby in his arms.