Learning fortune telling using cards by Madame Lenormand. Classical school of Lenormand Electronic course of fortune telling on Lenormand cards

Once upon a time, they lived in a small French village. Man And Woman.

The man was a youth, he fell in love with a woman at first sight, his Heart filled with love.

Soon he galloped to the woman's house Rider on a white horse. Of course, it was our Man.

He offered her his hand and heart and put it on her finger Ring. The man found a small one Key to the Woman's heart and soon married her.

He accomplished everything that a real man should do in life: he built a house, planted Tree and raised a son.

Their Child grew up long ago and sailed away on a big Ship across the seas and oceans to get an education in another country. There he soon got married and left Anchor".

A man and a woman lived in a large comfortable Home. Near it there was a small Garden, which bloomed in the spring and filled the air with an extraordinary aroma. When they appeared in the sky Clouds and it began to drizzle, the woman did not want to go into the house and she hid under the branches of the trees.

Under the windows of the house there were small flower beds in which all kinds of flowers grew. When they blossomed, the Woman collected them of extraordinary beauty Bouquet and put it in a vase. But the woman loved more than other flowers Lilies. It was these flowers that the Man brought on the first date and since then they have become her favorite.

Their house was reliably guarded from thieves and robbers by the faithful Dog. She loved her owners very much and always happily wagged her tail at them when they met.

On the roof of the house a man built a nest and settled in it Storks. It was believed that it would bring happiness to the house on whose roof they would settle. And the man and woman were really happy. As in all families, it happened that “I found Scythe on a stone,” but this was so rare that they did not attach any importance to it.

The only disappointment in the life of the Man and Woman was that there were infestations in the basement of the house Rats and began to damage property and supplies. The owner wanted to get rid of them as quickly as possible by kicking them out broom.

There was a green meadow near the house. The woman loved to walk along it and look for Clover with four leaves. It was believed that the wish of the one who finds it will be fulfilled. The woman wanted only one thing: for her son to send them Letter with news.

Just outside the village a coniferous forest began. Night dwellers lived in it - Owls. At night, their screams could even be heard as far as the Man and Woman’s house.

She also lived in the dense forest Fox. After all, not a single forest can do without this trick. She loved to “visit” the villagers for a chicken, duck or goose.

In the very depths of the forest lived a brown Bear. Everyone thought so, but not a single resident of the village had ever seen him.

This forest was also inhabited by Snake. Once she even attacked a Man who came to the forest to get firewood. After all, a snake is a very smart and cunning creature. It is not for nothing that she is considered a symbol of wisdom.

Just beyond the forest the road turned into Fork in the road. One path led to a small pond. There was a lot in it Fish. The man often went fishing and returned from it with a big catch.

Another path led to an abandoned Tower. It was so old that the villagers no longer remembered who built it and why. The children often ran away from home and played hide and seek, although their parents strictly forbade them to go far from home.

Right behind the tower was Mountain. It was very large and it was impossible to get around it. Therefore, no one ever went or traveled further.

Since the village was in the middle of nowhere, the only entertainment for the Man and Woman in the evenings was. Every winter evening they sat down in front of the fireplace and read enthusiastically.

The woman loved clear days and Sun. She rejoiced at every ray of it.

The man loved the night more. When she came and appeared in the sky Moon And Stars, he went outside, sat on the porch and dreamed about something.

One day a misfortune happened. The dog, which faithfully and devotedly served its owners for many years, died of old age. Words cannot describe how difficult it was for the owners to part with her. The man made a small Coffin, put the dog in it and buried it. He placed a small one on the grave Cross.

This is how a Man and a Woman lived in those distant times - the times of the life of the famous fortuneteller Maria Lenormand.

If you want to quickly learn how to tell fortunes on cards, start with Lenormand courses. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE OF LENORMAN is the ease of interpretation, which is directly related to the simplicity of the symbolism of the cards of this Oracle.

The classic Lenormand Oracle consists of 36 cards with intuitive, easy-to-interpret and easily memorized symbolism during the learning process. Almost all Lenormand fortune telling techniques, with rare exceptions, involve the use of ONLY straight cards in layouts. This means that with Lenormand you will not need to study inverted cards, which are almost impossible to do without when reading Tarot!

Another advantage that simplifies the study and work with Lenormand cards is the ease of their interpretation. Unlike Tarot, Lenormand is not used positional interpretations. All cards are interpreted in pairs. And you just need to learn how to interpret successive pairs of cards!

And the last pleasant clarification - Lenormand does not have that huge variety of layouts, the study of which is mandatory for full-fledged predictive practice of the Tarot. All possible layouts for Lenormand are divided into only three categories, each of which contains only minor modifications, and does not pose any difficulties for understanding, studying and memorizing.

What can you learn from Lenormand maps?

Despite all the described ease of use and ease of learning, in skillful hands the Lenormand Oracle is capable of giving accurate and amazingly deep predictions! Lenormand cards, in fact, have access to all levels of prognostication, with the exception of complex psychological fortune-telling, for which it is still better to use Tarot cards.

After completing the Lenormand course, you will be able to guess and make readings for the following questions, topics and situations:

  • predicting expected events and making forecasts for how and how the matter you are interested in will end;
  • understanding the specifics of relationships between people (communication, lies, deception, love, fidelity, etc.);
  • fortune-telling about the prospects of relationships (is a long-term and reliable relationship possible, is there a prospect in communicating with any person, etc.);
  • fortune telling for incidents and sudden incidents (theft, disappearance of people and things);
  • fortune telling for crisis life situations (divorces, quarrels, conflicts);
  • fortune-telling about the current life situation of the person you are interested in (personal life, affairs, work, career, health, material well-being, etc.) and about the prospects for the development of affairs in the future;
  • fortune telling for periods (is it possible to improve life circumstances and when, the possibility of expecting certain events in a given period of time, etc.)
  • overview fortune telling without specific questions and given topics.

All this and much more is available for predictions using Lenormand cards.

How long does it take to learn to tell fortunes using Lenormand cards?

You can learn all the above prediction skills on Lenormand cards in my courses in 18 hours. . The entire training cycle consists of intensive training (12 training hours) and additional classes in the form of Mastery Training in practical work (another 6 hours at the request of students). Both Intensive for Beginners and Mastery Training are available both online and in absentia, at distance online courses Lenormand .

Training at the intensive Lenormand Course for Beginners

The intensive course ORACLE LENORMAND FOR BEGINNERS includes 12 hours of theory and practice on Lenormand cards, and is suitable both for those who have never tried fortune telling with any cards before, and for those who already use Tarot, other Oracles or ordinary playing cards. , and wants to expand his knowledge and learn a new way of predicting and predicting events.

Despite the fact that the duration of training is only 12 hours, this Lenormand course covers all the basic aspects of theory and practice necessary for fluency in Lenormand cards in three areas of forecasting: predicting events, describing people (psychology and social status), analyzing relationships (how interpersonal and social).

In order to understand the technique and master the understanding of combinations of cards in layouts for students It is not necessary to have prior training or experience working with Lenormand or Tarot cards. You will receive all the necessary information during the classes.

Together we will save your time and money, and we will not spend lecture hours dictating the meanings of individual cards; students receive theoretical information (meanings of cards, algorithms of techniques, etc.) in printed form. This approach to presenting the material allows you to minimize class time, and therefore make the course accessible and short, but without compromising the information richness.

The main emphasis of the Lenormand course is on mastering the practice- the ability to compose and select layouts on Lenormand cards, give interpretations, describe people, and make predictions.

Practical fortune telling skills in our classes are practiced mainly using examples from students, who during the learning process can ask any questions available to the Lenormand Oracle, and we will analyze in detail the most suitable layouts and make predictions. The teacher’s examples are considered only if the students have no topics for guessing.

The standard number of students in a group is 4-5 people. Training takes place in a comfortable environment. Geographically, we train in training centers located within walking distance (3-7 minutes) from the station. metro Taganskaya, Kurskaya or Prospekt Mira. The exact address can be found out the day before the start of classes, when the total number of students in the group is determined.

Training takes place on weekends(usually two days off in a row, Saturday and Sunday), six hours a day, from 12:00 to 18:00. .

The cost of full-time courses in Moscow is 8,000 rubles, payment is made on the first day of classes! The cost of individual training in online distance courses differs from the cost of training in a group, check the prices on the website Online Training .

Enrollment for this Lenormand course is carried out monthly(usually classes take place on the second or third weekend of the month).

DISCOUNTS are available for all those who sign up for a 12-hour course on Lenormand! You can get acquainted with the full list of which here.

To register for this course You need to send your application to: [email protected] In the letter, be sure to indicate the chosen course (in this case it is Lenormand:) and your contact telephone number!

About the founder of the Lenormand school in Russia

Lenormand school in the center "Your Way"
Reviews about the School Study program at the School
The love story of Maria Lenormand Lenormand cards - connection with profession
Gypsy layout Tarot Reader's Code
School Promotions Pagan Oracle Lenormand Lilac and Cherry Twilight Secrets of the Old Castle

About cards

Maps and predicting the future

A person always wants to know what awaits him in the future – love? wealth? happiness? People turn to maps to find out what's going on they will be. Fortune telling with cards has become especially popular in recent years, probably due to the mystery and exoticism of the cards themselves. Even their very origin is shrouded in mystery. During the Dark Ages, maps were cursed and outlawed as the “book of devilish designs.” And even today they are looked at with suspicion in some places. Such fears are born of ignorance, for anyone who is at least somewhat familiar with cards understands that there is nothing bad or sinister in them.

Many people do not understand why card predictions work and how they reflect our current situation in life. Some people believe that when we shuffle cards and draw them from the deck in one order or another, our actions are guided by the Supreme Intelligence. Others subscribe to Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. He proposed that everything in the universe is interconnected and that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Since there is no separate reality, the essence of the question asked will be expressed in an arbitrarily drawn map that answers the question, albeit symbolically, but accurately. It can also be said that any fortune telling is based on a person’s intuition, on his ability to sense the subtle world. Our entire world is energy packed into information.

You may have heard the phrase “TORSION DIMENSION” or “LEPTON FIELD”, i.e. informational. The torsion field contains information about the past, present and future of the Earth, both as a whole and about each creature individually.

The human subconscious is directly related to the torsion field, and human intuition is nothing more than the ability to listen to one’s own mu subconscious.

A professional fortune teller is none other than a person who has honed this skill and uses it in practice. The fortuneteller uses cards as an auxiliary tool that helps his intuition communicate with the subconscious. However, it is important to remember that cards can tell you about your past, present and future, they can give you advice or prepare you for change, but they cannot control your free will. It depends only on you what you will do after receiving a prediction.

Fortune telling and symbolism

All over the world, a language of symbols exists to reveal the secrets of the human psyche. Such language is called fortune-telling, prediction, prophecy. When we consult cards, we guess, trying to understand what spiritual aspirations, desires, motivations our subconscious hides. The symbols and images of the cards serve as a bridge between our conscious thinking and the subconscious and tell us about our strengths and weaknesses, about our potential, and about character traits that can cause irreparable damage or hinder spiritual growth. The cards, with their symbolic images, tell the story of a person’s spiritual journey through life. These are the archetypes of life experiences that each of us faces. The encrypted symbols of the cards contain the secrets of the human heart and, according to some conclusions, the Divine law of the universe. By unraveling the mystery of the cards, we unravel the mystery of our life and our predestination. Thanks to cards, we get to know our psyche and character traits, thereby getting to know ourselves.

Using maps

Cards can be used for different things:

  • As a tool to unlock your potential
  • How to find out the truth using intuition
  • As a method of viewing a situation that occupies your imagination
  • As a stimulant for your senses
  • As a powerful tool that gives an outlet to your intuition in response to signals from the subconscious, establishing a connection between the seemingly arbitrary choice of cards and the events of your life
  • As a tool in predictive practice
  • As an auxiliary tool in psychotherapeutic counseling
  • As a method of spiritual development of personality

A deck of cards is a book of knowledge and wisdom in images and symbols. When we draw a card, it reflects our inner or outer, and also explains the essence of a particular situation. Sometimes a map only confirms what you yourself know but doubt. We all have innate intuition, which we do not always trust. By coming into contact with the symbols and images of the cards, we learn to develop our intuitive knowledge so that we can be in harmony with ourselves and rely on our own intuition in everyday life.

Intuition is one of the keys to success in mastering the work with cards. And you need to start developing this quality from the moment you choose your first working deck. It is very important to choose a deck that is right for you.

Which deck to choose

For beginners in this matter, I advise you to start your acquaintance with the small Lenormand deck - this will be an excellent start to studying kart.

Unlike Tarot, the number of cards in the deck is 36 and they can be compared to the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, which illustrate the events of our daily life. They are incredibly accurate, concise, clearly and clearly reflect everyday, “earthly” human issues that occupy us all the time and require everyday decision-making. The cards are simple, clear, but at the same time elegant, colorful and positive. Even cards that carry a negative meaning do not frighten, are perceived without fear and, in the best possible way, reveal the law of duality of the world, which is the interaction of two polarities behind the created universe (light and darkness, good and evil, etc.).

The classical school does not use inverted card meanings. The Lenormand deck will not create difficulties in interpretation. They are easy to remember and even if you pick up these cards for the first time, it will be enough to simply feel and understand what the image on the card and its meaning convey.

You will be able to appreciate the ease of use, ease of interpretation, the atmosphere of good mood, genuine interest, and the softness of the energy inherent in this amazing deck.

Of course, I recommend this School not only to beginners. If you are already an Initiate in other various fortune-telling systems, the Lenormand deck will become another step in self-development and will open another facet of the Unknown. A professional needs to know and use several divination systems and have in his arsenal a selection of auxiliary tools used in his work.

Lenormand training

In our Center "Your Way" you can undergo training from the first steps to a serious deep level of knowledge.

Based on the basic course lies the training of the classical Lenormand School, developed and systematized by the famous tarot reader and psychologist Anna Anatolyevna Kotelnikova, who was one of the first to adapt this system for the modern Russian-speaking society.

The first stage of training is the basics, the beginning, the foundation on which all your further work is then built. And it is very important what this foundation will be. The program includes questions that concern everyone who begins to enter the world of cards: “How does it work?”, “Is it a sin or not?”, “Where does the information come from?”, “What is the difference between fortune telling and forecasting?”, “Who can give information, and who can’t, and why?”... Invasion of privacy, ethical restrictions, safety precautions when working with cards and many other important issues.

The course itself is focused specifically on teaching the basic principles of working with the Lenormand predictive system. Divided into topics corresponding to the lessons, adhering to the principle of “from simple to complex.” To successfully assimilate information, theoretical lectures alternate with practical classes, so that you can immediately apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Detailed information on the course program

Continuing education is the author’s special course based on many years of practical work as a tarot reader in consulting and accumulated experience. There are a lot of developments, original layouts, interesting approaches to studying the Lenormand system, which I am happy to share with my students. The course is structured in the form of convenient mini-blocks: “Business and Career”, “Health”, “Identification of negative programs and magical effects on a person”, “Love and partnerships” and much, much more.

The second stage of training is an in-depth study of the Lenormand system. If the first is primary school, then the second is higher education, after which the Listener has the opportunity to put his work at a professional level and receive a certificate confirming his qualifications as a “Tarot reader-consultant”.
Stage II includes additional study of the “Old Castle” deck, which is perfectly suited for diagnosing magical influences and for all other questions where it is necessary to clarify the cause-and-effect relationship, everything secret and unmanifested, everything that is hidden and remains in the shadows. We will also touch upon the issues of Karma and approach the study of the Kabbalistic system of the Western Esoteric Tradition, the foundation of which is the Tree of Life.

On a continuing course we also get acquainted with new versions of the Lenormand Oracle, which are now coming out in large numbers, but which are based on the same classical meanings, only with shades and various nuances of interpretation.

At the end of each stage, a corresponding personal certificate is issued with the right to further practical work with Lenormand system cards.

You can apply the acquired knowledge both for your own development and self-knowledge, and continue your education to a professional level.

Our Center trains professional specialists with qualifications " Tarot consultant" and "Tarot teacher" , which includes all levels of tarological training plus psychological training conducted by professional psychologists at our Center: “General psychology of fortune-telling”; "Use of Tarot cards in psychological counseling"; "Ethics of behavior in working with clients."

To be awarded the qualification “Tarot Teacher”, higher psychological education is required.

In both cases, mandatory practical experience in working with maps is at least one year (we provide students of our Center with the necessary conditions for practical training).

After successful completion of training and passing the qualifying exam*, an International Certificate is issued with the qualification “Tarot Teacher” and the graduate can be invited as a teacher or practical consultant to our Center.

Small Oracle Lenormand:

1. Consists of 36 cards

2. Has a simple and clear symbol-picture on each card

3. It is customary to use only straight cards

4. Particular importance is attached to card combinations

5. Working with the small oracle Lenormand engages and develops intuition.

Despite the simplicity and ease of this oracle, with its help you can look at deep, ambiguous questions, analyze complex situations, do serious psychological and karmic analyses, as well as view a specific series of events, everyday and everyday issues.

After completing the course you will receive:

1. Specific and detailed interpretations of each card, applicable to real layouts and real situations. Without unnecessary “water” and “philosophy”.

2. Each card is considered not only on its own, but information is given on how the card changes in combination with other cards in different layouts.

3. In the course you will learn how to correctly formulate a question and clearly answer the question posed using Lenormand cards.

4. Learn to predict the future, analyze the present, recognize the past.

5. Individual training, which means a unique approach to each student. It is also convenient in terms of choosing the time of classes.

6. Layouts, card meanings, everything else that is given in the course are worked out and tested in real layouts for real people and existing situations.

7. Independent practice of real layouts under my guidance. The most effective way to learn how to make layouts is to actually do them.

8. Training takes place via Skype in real and live communication.

9. The course provides a lot of information on working with clients, as well as information on how to effectively use cards to strengthen and develop abilities.

10. During the course you will develop your creative skills, imaginative thinking, and eloquence.

11. You will be able to strengthen your intuition, which is important in the life of any person.

12. Learn the principles of effective fortune telling with cards.

I had to observe quite a lot how people who studied on their own or even in courses find it difficult to understand the meaning of a particular card when making predictions and often turn to more experienced specialists for help. Therefore, when creating my training program, I was primarily concerned with this factor. My course is conducted in such a way that during the training process a person will not only learn the different meanings of the cards, but will be able to feel and understand the cards in the layouts.

Lectures are individual, training takes place via Skype in real and live communication. Microphone and headphones required.

The course consists of theoretical and practical classes.

The goal of the theoretical part is to learn to understand cards, how cards change in combination with other cards, in different situations and layouts. Studying cards in the context of combinations.

The goal of the practical part is to learn how to make real and accurate layouts. Practice real layouts in real time + homework (optional), detailed discussion of layouts and checking assignments.

Lectures are divided into two blocks:

1 block, 6 lectures – this is a practice aimed at studying and understanding the meanings of cards, the ability to interpret them in the context of the question and a large amount of theoretical material for independent study. Meanings, interpretation of cards in different areas: the general meaning of cards in layouts, love and relationships, work, personality, health, time. Important aspects of combinations with other cards for each card. Examples. Practical assignments for lectures and small practical assignments for home. The cost of one lecture in this block is 600 rubles.

2 block, 6 lectures - This is the practice of layouts. The first lecture in this block covers the rules for safe and effective work with cards, the basic principles of card combinations, and the practice of simple layouts. Next come layouts with combinations of cards: choice, layout for the cause of the situation, development for the future. Layout for the year by area (helps you learn to interpret cards in different aspects). Relationship plans: prospects for new relationships, problem analysis, choice. Layouts for the analysis of loneliness, ordinary and deeper analysis. Career and business plans.

You can choose two training options:

1. Practice only during lectures. Practice real layouts. The cost of one lecture is 600 rubles.

2. Practice in lectures + homework. Practice layouts during lectures + written assignments to practice layouts independently, and then discussion and detailed analysis of these assignments during lectures. The cost of one lecture is 800 rubles.

The types of layouts completed are the same in both training options, the difference is in the amount of practice of these layouts.

Also, in both training options, at the request of the student, you can take additional lectures.

If the student wishes, it is possible to complete the second block separately, without studying theory, only practice + homework, the cost of one lecture with this training option is 1100 rubles.

The work schedule and mode are selected individually.

Upon completion of training, a real paper certificate is sent:

Contact information:

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Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand or Lenormand) was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a small town fifty leagues from Paris. Her father was a wealthy textile merchant. Even in the boarding school of the Benedictine monastery, where her father sent her, she became famous for her successful predictions: for example, the boss, whom little Maria predicted that she would not have long to stay in the monastery, was indeed soon transferred to another place.

With the death of their father, the family's wealth ended, and the Lenormands moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but soon her unusual talent in fortune-telling manifested itself and in 1790, together with a friend, she opened her own “salon” on the Rue de Tournon, in which she predicted the fate of willing ladies and gentlemen using cards, astrology and other methods.

Very soon, Mademoiselle Lenormand's salon gained enormous popularity. All the “light” of the then revolutionary Paris was in it. In 1793, the salon was visited by Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre. She predicted violent death for all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and the other two were arrested and executed a year later.

But the greatest fame, of course, was brought to Marie Lenormand by her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At the first meeting, the fortune teller predicted a crown for her. Neither Josephine nor Napoleon himself believed the fortune teller at the time, but less than ten years had passed before the fortune-telling came true. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortune teller of Empress Josephine. And she predicted not only a divorce from Napoleon, but even the defeat of the French army in Russia.

The cards that Maria Lenormand used for fortune telling were the most ordinary. Only she had her own interpretation, largely based on the rules of fortune telling introduced by Eteilla. After her death (1843), no special cards, much less notes about fortune telling, survived, although Lenormand wrote a lot.

The most successful reconstruction of Maria Lenormand's system was undertaken by the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke. Erna Drusbeke van Enge was born in 1952 in Antwerp, into a Belgian-Dutch family. She is an artist, and has drawn various maps herself since childhood. She owns a divination system (and deck) called the Isis Tarot. Having become interested in the history of Maria Lenormand, Erna Drusbeke, who herself has quite good occult abilities, tried to restore her divination system from the memoirs of her contemporaries.

When fortune telling, Erna Drusbeke does not take into account the upright and inverted positions of the cards. To facilitate the work of intuition, Erna Drusbeke provided 36 cards of an ordinary French deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult: it is clear that the sun means joy, warmth and light, the ring means marriage, and the cross means suffering.

To interpret any card, it is also important which cards surround it. Thus, the relatively neutral card “Clover”, meaning expectation or hope, in combination with “Clouds”, “Mountain” and “Snake” foreshadows trouble, and with “Garden”, “Pisces” or “Bouquet” - success and good luck.

To get acquainted with the fortune-telling system of Maria Lenormand, we offer you several options for online fortune-telling, developed for these cards.