Corn milk porridge. Corn porridge with milk recipe, cooking features

Hello, dear blog readers!

Children develop very quickly, and in order to support their development, help the body, strengthen it with vitamins, it is important to create the right diet for the baby. Today we will talk about corn porridge, how healthy it is, and at what age can a child be introduced to this product.

The variety of food that can be prepared from corn is sometimes surprising, no matter what they make from it: soups, salads, cereals, sticks, just boiled cobs. A universal product, don't you agree?

An interesting fact is that until the 18th century, corn was grown only for decorative purposes.

Corn porridge is a dish that is prepared not from the grains themselves, but from the cereal. Corn porridges are very attractive to children with their unusual and bright color. This sunny porridge will also delight your baby with its taste.

Corn grits are an acceptable product for baby food; they can impress with their supply of vitamins and microelements that stimulate the functioning of all organs. It contains most of the representatives of the vitamin B complex (folic acid, thiamine, B6). 100 grams of this cereal contains ¼ ​​of the daily value of vitamins A and E.

The list continues:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium.

Corn grits are rich in fiber and starch.

200 grams per week is a sufficient dose for children, do not get carried away with one product. The menu for a child should be varied, which will have a positive effect on his well-being.

Properly prepared porridge is valuable for children's health.

  1. It is good for digestion (fiber stimulates proper intestinal function);
  2. Strengthens teeth (silicon);
  3. Nutritious and does not cause allergic reactions;
  4. Inhibits the fermentation process in the stomach (good for children who suffer from constipation).

The first thing you need is to attract the baby with the appearance of the dish. The second is the taste, so that he likes the porridge and would always eat it with pleasure. Here are some cooking tips.

  1. Prepare porridge only from fresh cereals, so you will get the maximum benefit.
  2. Cook the porridge in a container with a thick or non-stick coating, this way you reduce the risk of spoiling the taste.
  3. Corn porridge can be either a sweet or savory dish.
  4. Corn porridge is usually introduced into the menu from the age of 9 months, after you have already introduced him to buckwheat and rice.

Coarse grains last longer; before preparing them for the children's menu, they can be ground again using a coffee grinder or food processor.

Corn porridge - a recipe for children under one year old


  • 5 cups of cereal;
  • 5 cups of water.

Cooking method

Pour the washed cereal into boiling water, stirring constantly, cook the porridge over low heat for 7 minutes. Then put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for half an hour. Allow the finished porridge to cool slightly and blend it with a blender. You can add a little breast milk, for older children a teaspoon of butter per serving, a grated banana or apple.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

It would seem - what kind of wisdom is there? Pour in the cereal and let it cook. But there are still nuances...

  1. Be sure to rinse the corn grits before cooking.
  2. Place the cereal in a thick-bottomed pan, first filling it with water. Simmer under the lid until completely boiled, and then add milk.
  3. Cook corn porridge in milk for 15 minutes.

Recipe for corn porridge with milk:


  • 400 ml water;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 150 grams of cereal;
  • a pinch of salt.


Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and add clean cereal. After boiling, reduce the heat to low, add salt and cook the porridge until that moment, do not forget to stir so that the porridge does not burn. As soon as the water has completely boiled away, pour in the milk and wait another 5 minutes.

The porridge is ready!

Corn porridge in a slow cooker:

Cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker is even easier than in a saucepan, which makes mommies very happy. You can put food in the kitchen aid and feel free to go for a walk with your child - lunch will be ready when you return.

Subtleties of cooking porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. For children, it is better to choose finely ground cereal. It will cook faster, and the porridge will have a delicate texture.
  2. In a slow cooker, the porridge will become much larger in volume, so the proportion of liquid and cereal needs to be increased.
  3. If you want to make the porridge thicker, leave it in the “warm” mode for 15 minutes.

Milk corn porridge


  • 50 grams of cereal;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 5 tbsp. sugar or honey.


Place washed corn grits, butter and sugar into the multicooker container. Mix with milk and water. Set the “milk porridge” mode for 35 minutes. The resulting porridge will be liquid, and the corn particles will become soft and delicate in taste.

Corn porridge with pumpkin


  • 200 grams of cereal;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 400 grams of pumpkin;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Pour boiling water over the washed cereal and leave it for 40 minutes to swell. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and simmer in a frying pan with sugar. Drain the water from the cereal, boil the milk and add corn grits to it, stirring constantly.

The porridge will cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. 3 minutes before readiness, combine the pumpkin with the porridge and mix thoroughly with the oil.

Banana milk porridge with corn


  • 400 ml milk;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 200 grams of corn grits;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method

Fill the cereal with water and put it on fire. When it boils, add salt and sugar, reduce the heat to low. While stirring, wait until all the water has evaporated.

Then we grind the porridge with a blender and fill it with hot milk, add butter and let the porridge boil.

Puree the banana and add it to the porridge, stir.


Properly prepared corn porridge has every chance of becoming your baby's favorite dish.

This is a delicious breakfast, a healthy lunch, and a hearty but not heavy dinner. This porridge can be introduced next to buckwheat and rice cereals, after your child is 9 months old. Its advantage is that it does not contain gluten, so it is well suited for children with allergies.

There are many recipes with corn grits: salty, sweet, with the addition of dried fruits, and so on. Of course, you don’t have to stop there and add your baby’s favorite foods to the porridge.

Rinse the corn grits thoroughly and pour salted and/or sweetened boiling water into a saucepan. Stir, cook with occasional stirring. Then add oil to the porridge and cook some more.

Cook corn grits in bags for.

How to cook porridge from corn grits

Products for porridge
Serves 2
Corn grits - 1 cup
Liquid (milk and water in the desired proportion) - 3 cups for thick porridge, 4-5 cups for thin porridge
Butter - cube 3 centimeters side
Sugar - 1 heaped teaspoon
Salt - a quarter teaspoon

How to cook porridge from corn grits

  • Pour the corn grits into a sieve and wash under cold water, then let the water drain.
  • Pour milk into a saucepan, place on low heat, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.
  • Pour water into another pan, put on fire, add salt and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, add corn grits and cook over low heat without a lid for 5 minutes until the water has completely evaporated.
  • Add boiled milk to the corn grits, stir and cook for 15 minutes, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon or spatula. Place a cube of butter into the cooked porridge, add sugar and stir.
  • After cooking, it is recommended to wrap the corn porridge in a blanket for 15 minutes to evaporate.
In corn porridge as supplements you can add dried apricots, raisins, chopped prunes, grated pumpkin, yogurt, jam, vanilla sugar. If porridge is offered for dinner, you can add vegetables and boiled meat.

To cook porridge without milk, it is enough to replace part of it with the same amount of water.

How to cook porridge from corn grits in a slow cooker
Pour the washed corn grits into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, salt and butter. Pour in milk and water, stir, cook on the “milk porridge” mode for 30 minutes, then 20 minutes on the “heat” mode to evaporate, or simply do not open the multicooker lid for a few minutes.

How to cook corn porridge in a double boiler
Pour corn grits into a cereal container, add milk and water, and place in a double boiler for half an hour. Then salt and sweeten the porridge, add butter, cook for another 5 minutes.

If you have coarsely ground corn grits that are difficult to boil, you can grind it in a coffee grinder or kitchen mill, it will cook faster.


What to add to corn porridge
Corn porridge can be varied by adding pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots, apples, dried peaches, canned pineapple or peaches. If you want unsweetened corn porridge, you can make it with cheese, tomatoes, and feta cheese.

Calorie content of corn grits- 337 kcal/100 grams.

Benefit Corn grits are due to the large amount of vitamins A, B, E, K and PP, silicon and iron, as well as the presence of two important amino acids - tryptophan and lysine. Due to its high fiber content, it removes toxins from the body and clears the intestines of waste products.

Shelf life of corn grits- 24 months in a dry and cool place.

Shelf life of corn porridge- 2 days in the refrigerator.

Cost of corn grits from 40 rubles/1 kilogram (average cost in Moscow as of June 2017).

Proportions for cooking corn grits
When cooked, corn grits increase in volume 4 times, so add 4 parts of water to 1 part of the grits.

Perfect pan for cooking corn grits- with a thick bottom.

Ready corn porridge becomes very soft and thick. If the porridge turns out to be too thick, you can add milk or cream and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

For a glass of corn grits - 2.5 glasses of milk or water, a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Butter - 1 small cube. So cook in a saucepan with constant stirring.

In a slow cooker- for 1 cup of corn grits, 3.5 cups of milk or water. “Milk porridge” mode for 20 minutes, then “warm up” for 10 minutes. Or you can turn on the “buckwheat porridge” mode for 20 minutes.

In a steamer- just like in a saucepan, cook for half an hour.

See classic corn porridge recipes and how to cook porridge from corn flour.
There are many types of corn grits, but stores sell polished ones - these are crushed corn kernels, previously polished. A number is often written on packages of ground corn - from 1 to 5, this indicates the grind size. 5 is the smallest, it cooks the fastest, 1 is the largest, it takes longer to cook.

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to cook corn porridge with milk for a child. The fact is that corn grits are very healthy, and the porridges made from it are wonderful, but, unfortunately, many simply do not know how simple and easy it is to prepare them.

Yes, yes, there is nothing complicated in preparing them, I cook corn porridge with milk on the stove in literally a matter of minutes, and it always turns out tasty and beautiful. Actually, this food is not only for children: I’m sure adults won’t refuse this bright and appetizing porridge either.

In this case, you just need to adjust the amount of sugar to suit the taste of an adult. This is an excellent breakfast - full of vitamins, beautiful and tasty. I will be happy to share with you how to cook corn porridge with milk - you will see for yourself how quick and easy it is. Shall we go to the kitchen?

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • 90 g of corn grits (4.5 heaped tablespoons);
  • 400 ml milk (2 glasses);
  • a pinch of salt (to taste);
  • 1-2 tsp. Sahara;
  • butter.

Measure the cereal into a dry container.

We will need milk - of good quality, of course. If your child is lactose intolerant, then you can cook delicious corn porridge with lactose-free milk (lactose-free milk is now available in stores almost everywhere).

Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, previously moistened with water (so that the porridge does not burn). Be sure to take a pan with a thick bottom, not enameled (in an enamel pan, the porridge will definitely stick to the bottom, and it will be difficult to wash it).

Place the pan with milk on high heat and warm it to room temperature - if the milk is from the refrigerator. If the milk is at room temperature, immediately pour corn grits into it (if you pour corn grits into hot milk, lumps will form - the porridge will turn out unappetizing, the lumps will remain hard).

Stir the cereal thoroughly in the milk and put the pan on the fire.

Stirring all the time, bring to a boil.

And now we have reached the most important point - how long to cook corn porridge with milk. At minimum heat, stirring constantly, the corn porridge cooks for only 12-13 minutes. It’s very good to cook porridge on a divider, then you don’t have to stir constantly, just stir 3-4 times - the porridge won’t burn.

The porridge gradually swells, and by the end of cooking the porridge becomes thick.

Salt the almost finished porridge and add sugar to taste, mix again. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside for 5 minutes, no longer on the fire, but simply covered with a towel.

It is better to serve this porridge right away - it is very tasty when it is hot.

Traditionally, butter is added to it.

But you can add honey, dried fruits, or whatever you prefer.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Do you eat healthy? Corn grits have long been used in the diet of many peoples of Georgia and South America, Moldova and Romania in various dishes. How to cook corn porridge with milk, recipe and features of cooking corn grits, this knowledge will help you feed your family healthy food.

Corn grits have long been used in the diet of many peoples of Georgia and South America, Moldova and Romania in various dishes.

This cereal is an excellent source of many minerals and vitamins necessary for our health. 100g of cereal contains 18 essential amino acids, 4.2 mg of iron to increase hemoglobin, 127 mg of magnesium for the nervous system, 241 mg of phosphorus to strengthen bones and 287 mg of potassium for a healthy heart. It is also a good source of thiamine, choline, folic acid and vitamins B6, A, E and K.

Carbohydrates make up most of the energy in this cereal, and the cereal also has a high content of dietary insoluble fiber. Fiber helps fill your stomach after eating so you don't feel hungry for a long time, and normalizes intestinal function. A cup of corn grits contains 8.9 grams of fiber, which is 1/3 of your daily requirement.

The only harm of corn grits is that it contains a sufficient amount of starch, more than in green vegetables, but less than in potatoes and refined rice. But the high amount of fiber content allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.

Corn grits - cooking features

♦ If you bought fresh cereal, then no special preparation is required, just rinse it and slowly pour it into boiling water or milk so that no lumps form. If left for a long time, the cereal may become damp, so it is advisable to dry it in a dry frying pan to avoid clumping in the porridge.

If you doubt the freshness of the milk, boil it separately so that it does not curdle in the porridge.

♦ Corn grits absorb a lot of liquid when cooked. To obtain thick porridge, you need to take it in a ratio of 1:4. The porridge thickens quickly, but it takes a long time to cook - about 30 minutes, so it requires constant stirring.

♦ If you want to cook thick corn porridge without hassle, the easiest way is to buy it in bags now sold and cook in them until tender, then pour it out of the bag into a suitable container and add oil.

♦ To cook liquid corn porridge, take a ratio of 1:5. It’s easier to prepare liquid, you can stir less often, however, be careful when stirring so that the cereal does not collect in lumps at the bottom.

♦ To cook corn grits, it is advisable to have a thick-walled pan, or at least a stainless steel pan.

It is better to add sugar to the porridge at the end of cooking so that it does not burn.

♦ Corn grits porridge goes well with dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins and, if you like, prunes. In the fall they prepare porridge - it turns out very tasty, and the color is like the clear sun! The addition of vegetables, fish and cheese in polenta, beloved by many people, gives the porridge a special taste, recipe.

How to cook corn porridge in milk, recipe with dried apricots

Let's prepare a very tender liquid porridge with dried apricots. This porridge will appeal to children over 2 years old, but adults also eat it with pleasure.

Pour the washed corn grits into a boiling mixture of milk and water, add salt, and do not add sugar yet so that the grits do not burn. Cook on the stove over low heat.

The porridge thickens very quickly and often tends to form lumps at the bottom of the pan, so it needs to be stirred frequently. When it thickens, place it in a frying pan with boiling water, creating a water bath.

While the cereal is cooking, pour boiling water over the dried apricots for 1-2 minutes to steam them, drain the water and cut into pieces.

Cook the cereal for about 25-30 minutes until it becomes soft. At the end of cooking, add sugar and dried apricots, cook for another 2 minutes.

Now you can add butter, close the lid and let it brew for another 5-10 minutes.

The porridge turns out to be delicious.


  • 1 cup corn grits
  • 2.5 glasses of water
  • 2.5 glasses of milk
  • salt to taste
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 100 g dried apricots

Porridge for weight loss

To lose weight, cook porridge in water. Depending on whether you want thick or liquid, take water in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:5 or even 1:6. Add liquid not all at once, but as the porridge thickens.

Boil water, slowly add corn grits, salt and cook until tender for 25-30 minutes, stirring constantly. When the cereal is swollen, but not yet ready, you can put the pan in a water bath so that the porridge does not burn.

Add odorless vegetable oil and honey to taste to the finished porridge; you can add steamed dried fruits. Close the lid and let stand for 10 minutes.


  • 1 cup corn grits
  • 4-6 glasses of water (for thick or thin porridge)
  • salt, honey to taste

Porridge with pumpkin - video recipe

Porridge with milk recipe in a slow cooker video

Corn porridge accompanies us throughout our lives, starting from infancy. The traditional dish is truly a universal product; it can be used not only as breakfast, but also as a side dish for lunch or dinner. The nutritional properties of corn cereal, due to its saturation with many beneficial vitamins, have long been proven. There are several ways to cook porridge from corn grits. We present more detailed technology, important rules and the exact ratio of the necessary components.

Corn grits porridge on water

The method of making porridge from water is simple, in contrast to the length of its preparation time, and is about 1 hour. Any self-respecting housewife knows how to cook porridge from corn grits in water, and each has her own recipe. In any case, the main aspect is the execution of the technology sequence.
It is recommended to follow 8 important rules:

  1. Rinse the cereal under warm water.
  2. The pan should have thick walls.
  3. Pour the cereal in a thin stream into salted boiling water, stirring at the same time.
  4. Cook over moderate heat only.
  5. Stir occasionally throughout cooking.
  6. Preparation of the dish takes 30 minutes.
  7. To prepare a liquid dish, 4 glasses of water are required, and for a thick dish, 3 glasses.
  8. Leave with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

List of correct ratios of products:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • water - 3 - 4 tbsp.;
  • a little salt;
  • butter – 50g.

Order of laying components:

  1. pour water into a saucepan and boil;
  2. add salt and cereal;
  3. stir occasionally until boiling over medium heat for 30 minutes;
  4. remove the pan from the stove;
  5. stir in adding oil;
  6. close the lid and leave for half an hour.

Adding butter while steeping the porridge gives it richness. Onion lovers can add fried onion product, which will give the dish a piquant taste. The savory dish is also suitable as a side dish for meat and fish products, mushrooms and vegetables. An important aspect when cooking a corn product is maintaining proportions.

Corn grits porridge with milk recipe

This dish is especially useful due to the content of healing vitamins in milk, which complement the valuable properties of corn. It is possible to properly prepare porridge with milk by first boiling the cereal in water. This is a necessary condition so that the product does not burn or splash during cooking. At the same time, the grains will be undigested and intact. Milk porridge made from corn grits includes for preparation:

  • cereal - one glass;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • salt - half a small spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 spoon;
  • 50 gr. oils


  1. boil water in a saucepan;
  2. put the cereal;
  3. Continue cooking over moderate heat until the liquid evaporates;
  4. stirring add milk, portions of sugar and salt;
  5. continue cooking, stirring, for 10 minutes;
  6. Remove from the stove, add oil and mix well.

Milk baby corn porridge can be cooked with vanilla sugar and dried fruits. This dish for a child’s body will have not only amazing taste, but also the nutritional properties of dried fruits. In addition, it will have a fragrant vanilla smell that children love so much.

For a dairy dish you need:

  • cereals – 1 glass;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 50 grams:
  • granulated sugar – 3 spoons;
  • 200 gr. dried fruits;
  • half a spoon of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Sequential order:

  1. boil salted water;
  2. stirring, pour in the cereal;
  3. cook, stirring, over medium heat until evaporated, 15 minutes;
  4. pour in milk, stir, adding vanilla sugar;
  5. cook for 15 minutes with occasional stirring;
  6. turn off the stove and put in butter and dried fruits;
  7. leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Corn grits porridge in a slow cooker

The technology of preparing porridge in a multicooker has a quick and simple process. There is no need to monitor how long to cook corn grits - the set mode of the household electrical appliance will handle all functions automatically during cooking. There is also no need for constant stirring of the product. During cooking, the evaporation of liquid occurs gradually, with a transition from the “porridge” mode to the “heating” mode. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to worry about burning.

Cooking a product in a slow cooker has a great advantage over cooking in a saucepan. It turns out more tasty and aromatic, while maintaining all the necessary nutritional properties. You can leave the dish in the slow cooker and enjoy it later. At the same time, it will remain warm and fresh for a long time.

All porridges in a slow cooker turn out excellent, but corn grits, the recipes for which are very diverse, work best. We suggest considering recipes for dairy dishes and water ones. A dietary corn dish prepared with water is a product for the health of the body.

The easily digestible product consists of:

  • one glass of cereal;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • salt for taste.

Required order:

  1. put the cereal in a bowl;
  2. put butter and salt;
  3. add water and stir the contents of the bowl;
  4. press the “porridge” mode for 35 minutes;
  5. stir and leave for 10 minutes;
  6. add butter before serving.

A hearty recipe for milk corn porridge - an easily accessible option for cooking in a slow cooker. Its calorie content in porridge is much higher than that of a product prepared with water. It is especially loved by children, who eat it with adoration in the morning, adding various jams or fruits. The recipe for a dairy dish is almost no different from the recipe for water.

You will need:

  • one glass of cereal;
  • milk – 4 tbsp.;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Product order:

  1. pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl;
  2. add salt, milk, sugar;
  3. set the “porridge” program for 25 minutes;
  4. leave for 10 minutes with the lid closed;
  5. serve with butter.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits

Many gourmets are faced with the question of what can be prepared from corn grits with a lower calorie product. Pumpkin is definitely suitable as such a product. Being a topical additive in porridge, it does not lose its valuable significance in combination with a corn product. Pumpkin corn dish is precisely such a low-calorie dish, which is not only healthy, but also sufficiently consumed in the family diet.

The rich color of pumpkin and its delicate taste always attracts the attention of little admirers. Pumpkin corn porridge is prepared in water, and cooking in milk is also popular, which makes it much more tender and buttery. Honey and cinnamon added at the end of cooking can add a piquant note to the dish. Such a bright product can be included in the diet of the whole family.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits in a slow cooker

The presence of pumpkin in corn porridge turns it into a dessert product. Rich in aromatic taste, it is not only a favorite dish for children, but also an adored product for adults. Adding honey instead of sugar gives it an amazing flavor. A slow cooker recipe with honey requires the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of cereal;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • pumpkins 500 gr.;
  • honey 2 spoons;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • salt.

How to prepare the recipe:
Pumpkin porridge with corn grits and milk

Dishes made from corn grits cooked in water have lower calorie qualities compared to dairy dishes. Low-calorie corn porridge cooked in milk increases its calorie content. Due to the large amount of vitamins found in milk, it has beneficial nutritional properties.

An unusual recipe for pumpkin porridge with corn grits contains the following ingredients:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • pumpkin – 400g;
  • oils – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. put the cereal in a frying pan and fry a little;
  2. bring milk to a boil in a saucepan;
  3. pour the cereal into boiled milk and leave for 30 minutes;
  4. peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes;
  5. pour sugar into the pumpkin and leave until it is completely dissolved;
  6. Since time immemorial, porridge has been a traditional food in every family. Our ancestors used this wonderful product to celebrate the birth of a newborn and to see off the deceased on their last journey. Each housewife has her own cooking recipe, but it is always necessary to observe important points in the cooking technology. It is not for nothing that she is rightfully considered the “queen of the table”, always desired and very much loved not only by gourmets, but also by everyone.