How to keep your tan after the sea. How to maintain a tan for a long time after the sea: useful tips

To maintain a tan with benefits for the skin for as long as possible, you need to carefully prepare for sun treatments, stimulate the production of melanin - the pigment that gives the epidermis golden, bronze or chocolate shades, as well as protect the skin, take care of nutrition and hydration.

When exposed to ultraviolet rays, you should follow a uniform distribution and gradual tanning regimen to avoid skin burns. Such a defect does not look aesthetically pleasing, so it will not be possible to get a uniform dark shade and then maintain a beautiful tan for a long time.

A competent plan for visiting the beach and the widespread use of suitable sunscreens will help eliminate the negative effects of exposure to UV rays. It should be borne in mind that, regardless of weather conditions, human skin reacts to exposure to the sun in summer, even if it rains outside.

The ritual of cleansing the epidermis of dead horny scales helps to obtain the expected even tan and make it as durable as possible.

If you ignore this procedure, there is a risk of burning and peeling of the skin, which noticeably spoils its appearance and does not allow you to get an even sea or country tan.

  • Cleansing for all skin types. Peeling is ideally performed a few days (3 or 4) before going to the beach. You can prepare your skin for sunbathing with a chemical peeling procedure from a cosmetologist or using exfoliants - mild exfoliants with fruit and lactic acids, which allow you to cleanse at home. Such manipulations are good for those with oily or combination dermis. For normal skin types, fine abrasive scrubs and scrubs are selected. For girls with thin, sensitive skin, it is better to use gommage that does not contain abrasive (solid) particles. If you purchase such a product in a store, you should give preference to a cosmetic product marked Sensitive. Such products, in addition to fruit acids, often contain caring components that soften, moisturize and nourish the skin, making it smooth and elastic.
  • Hydration. For fans of salon procedures, cosmetologists recommend non-invasive manipulations to saturate the skin with moisture, and may also recommend biorevitalization or mesotherapy if there are indications for the use of these techniques. For self-moisturizing the skin at home, the following are suitable: creams, lotions, cosmetic milk, corresponding to the type of dermis. You need to start actively using them a week before your trip to the resort, saturating your skin with moisture in the morning and evening.
  • Stimulation of melanin synthesis. Consuming a large amount of antioxidants - “beauty vitamins” E and A - will protect the skin from the negative effects of free radicals. The coloring pigment lycopene, found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, activates the body's production of melanin, which is responsible for a particular skin tone. You can get and maintain a beautiful southern tan for a long time using any variation of the Mediterranean diet. It saturates with omega-3 fatty acids through fish and seafood; polyphenols, thanks to the abundance of greens and vegetables, and also prevents the occurrence and development of cancer.
  • Special cosmetics. When choosing moisturizers to prepare your skin for exposure to ultraviolet rays, dermatologists advise paying attention to cosmetics. Tan prolongator, included in most lines of global cosmetics manufacturers, helps to deeply moisturize tissues, which cannot be achieved with conventional care products. With its help, the skin will be protected from damage, will flake less, and will maintain a deep and rich tone. Apply the prolongator after a shower, leaving it on the skin until the morning.

In addition, preliminary visits to a solarium with gradual adaptation of the skin to the effects of ultraviolet radiation allow you to get and maintain a tan for a long period. Experts advise starting with a two-minute session, and then your future sea tan will become more durable and can be maintained for a long time.

Tanning rules

Following certain recommendations helps to avoid the negative consequences of sunbathing:

  • You need to tan gradually. In the first days, you should not abuse solar treatments, limiting yourself to 15-20 minutes on the beach. After the skin gets used to it, when it acquires a light golden tint, you can increase your exposure to the sun to 45-60 minutes. With this method, the tan is even and lasts longer.
  • You should not be in the direct rays of daylight from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., since in this interval its effect is the most aggressive, so there is a high risk of getting a burn.
  • You need to consider your skin type and level of sensitivity to the sun. White-skinned beauties need to use sunscreens with a high SPF index and reduce the time they spend under scorching rays. Dark-skinned people have a higher concentration of melanin, so their skin is more adapted to sun exposure. It is much easier for them to maintain a tan for a long time, but you need to make sure that it is even and beautiful.
  • You should not visit the beach on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. Sunbathing is taken 1-1.5 hours after meals.
  • You can’t sleep on the beach or lie for a long time without moving; it’s better to sunbathe actively.
  • Having received a burn, even with slight redness, it is necessary to avoid visiting the beach for several days, using Panthenol and other means to restore the health of the skin.

Skin care on vacation

It is a mistake to use sunscreen with the lowest index in order to tan faster. It is impossible to maintain such an instant tan for a long time, and the risk of getting burned in this case is high.

On a short vacation of 1-2 weeks, you can use a cream with SPF 50 in the first 2 days, and a product with an SPF level of 30 for the next couple of days. You should stop at the SPF index of 15 and do not reduce it further when using this cream.

After solar treatments, the skin requires restoration, even if it was prepared for them in advance. The sun and sea water intensively draw moisture out of it. After each visit to the beach, you need to take a shower, washing off the salt, and then restore the skin’s water balance with a moisturizer. These could be cosmetic products with hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E, and other antioxidants.

The obligatory application of cream with a high SPF index helps to maintain a bronze or chocolate shade on your face, not only before visiting the beach, but also before regularly going out. The décolleté area should also be treated with this product.

If the tan has already reached the desired shade, you still need to use it to protect the skin from penetration of rays deep into the dermis, which provoke negative processes in cells and the production of free radicals that increase photoaging of the skin.

How to keep a tan for a long time

The durability of summer pigmentation depends on the place and conditions in which it was obtained. Individual skin characteristics also play a big role. For example, some people manage to maintain a Turkish tan for three or four months, but for fair-skinned blondes it lasts no more than two months.

From Egypt, a bronze skin tone pleases its owners for about the same amount of time; judging by reviews, it can be preserved longer only with the help of a solarium. A sea tan, unlike a tan from a country house or acquired on the river bank, washes off much faster.


Products required:

  • with vitamin A (milk, cheeses, beef liver, egg yolks, apricots and others);
  • with vitamin C (fresh gifts of nature - berries, fruits, vegetables);
  • with vitamin E (vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, almonds);
  • with beta-carotene (peaches, watermelon, carrots, melons, spinach and mango).

After sun products

If increased peeling of the skin is observed, then it is better to use a nourishing cream with a thick texture instead of peeling at night; it should be applied no more than 1-2 times a week. Such products moisturize and nourish the skin well, but are not relevant in hot weather.


If summer pigmentation begins to actively wash away, then several sessions of artificial insolation help slow down skin lightening. You can maintain a tan after a solarium using the same methods as after regular darkening of the skin on the beach.

Taboo on visiting saunas and baths

This ban serves to preserve summer pigmentation by avoiding steaming the skin and using a hard washcloth. For swimming after relaxing at sea, a warm shower for 5-10 minutes and active moisturizing of the skin is enough to keep your tan longer.

Folk remedies

Nourishing masks that moisturize the skin help maintain a tan for a long time at home, using regular products:

  • Mix 2 chicken egg yolks, grinding them with 1 tbsp. l. warm honey and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply a homogeneous mixture to the skin, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water without soap.
  • Linden infusion. Dried flowers (30 g) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for about an hour, strain and dilute 50 g of honey in the infusion. Wipe the skin with the resulting tonic, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm, comfortable water.

Staying tanned for as long as possible after a vacation is the dream of many vacationers. A sea tan gives your skin a beautiful chocolate-golden hue. It is necessary to take a whole range of measures to preserve it for a long time.

Useful video on how to maintain a tan

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After you return home, try not to overuse peeling, but you shouldn’t neglect this procedure either. Old cells die off, the skin becomes smooth, the tan looks beautiful and even. After the procedure, do not forget to moisturize your skin so that it remains soft and supple, and your golden tan lasts as long as possible.

Do not use hard washcloths or shower gloves - otherwise the top layer of skin will gradually be “erased off” along with the tan. Give preference to gentle exfoliants and refrain from visiting baths and saunas for some time.

Remember to do face masks two to three times a week. They will help moisturize and soothe the skin after intense exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Have you been burned and your skin is starting to peel off? Use soothing creams, coconut oil or other skincare products that contain aloe, green tea and calendula. The most effective are special pharmaceutical sprays or creams against burns.

Missoni © fotoimedia/imaxtree

What home remedies will help with burns? We tell you how to give yourself first aid using available means.

Sour cream or kefir

At home, if you get a burn, sour cream or kefir will help you - dairy products perfectly soothe and cool the skin. Apply any of them in a small amount, and when the product is absorbed, rinse with warm water.

It also cools the skin and reduces redness. Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze and put it in the freezer - and keep it there until it hardens. Then apply gauze with cottage cheese to the burnt areas of the skin.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice reduces redness, restores healthy skin color and promotes rapid healing. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and apply the resulting mixture to the burnt areas of the skin. Wait 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Have you taken all possible measures to ensure that your skin has a truly beautiful and even tan during your stay at sea? There is a lot you can do at home to maintain this effect. A tan will last a long time on the skin if:

  • Moisturize the skin. It is important to avoid dehydration. If your skin is dry, it is more likely to flake and, as a result, renew itself faster, causing your tan to fade faster. To prevent this from happening, take care of your skin on a daily basis with moisturizer, oils and other products.
  • Avoid hot showers. This point is directly related to the previous one: if you greatly increase the temperature of the water while showering, moisture from the upper layers of the skin evaporates, which makes it dehydrated. Again, for this reason, the skin begins to peel off - there is no need to talk about tanning in such conditions for a long time. Therefore, the water should be warm, but in no case hot.
  • Do not overuse peeling. It is necessary to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis. But those who want to enjoy a southern tan longer should not repeat this procedure too often. Peeling promotes more active skin renewal. Because of this, she will very soon acquire the same appearance that she had before leaving for the sea.
  • Emphasize the golden tone. You can enhance the effect obtained under the sun with the help of cosmetics. Use or tint oil - they will make already tanned skin even darker. And in order to “even out” the tan, use a foundation several shades darker than your skin.

  • Use regular body oil. Once absorbed, it will give dark and tanned skin a beautiful glow.
  • Drink more water. Moisturizing your skin and nourishing your body with water is actually not that easy. Don't neglect this if you want to prolong your tan.
  • Eat right. Include in your diet foods rich in beta-carotene (these are usually reddish vegetables and fruits - for example, carrots, apricots, peaches), which is involved in the synthesis of melanin - not only the appearance, but also the maintenance of a beautiful tan is associated with it.
  • Use cream only with a high degree of protection. Many people believe that if they use a cream with SPF 25 or higher, they will never tan. But the situation is completely different: the higher the degree of protection of the cream, the faster the tan will “set” and last longer.
  • Proper makeup is another help in prolonging your tan. It is best to use make-up products in warm, soft shades. Olive, plum and any bright colors will also look beautiful on tanned skin. And with the help of highlighter, do not forget to give tanned skin a beautiful and healthy glow.

Luxurious brown skin color is the dream of almost every second girl. Since it is not easy to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time and not peel off, you need to be patient and use numerous folk and professional remedies.

What not to do

The most important thing in maintaining a tan is getting it right. If the skin is burnt, then it will certainly begin to peel off soon; this cannot be prevented. In essence, tanning is the body’s protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the surface layer of the epidermis (also called the spiky layer), active cell division begins, exceeding a certain norm of which can develop into oncology. To slow down this division, the body begins to produce melanin, which colors the body in pleasant shades of brown.

Therefore, the first thing you need to know in order not to peel off and maintain a tan after the sea is to try not to get sunburned. The body peels off when it lacks certain substances or only dead cells remain on the surface. The reasons can be distinguished by the type of layer being removed:

  1. If the epidermis simply peels off or looks dehydrated, then the problem is a lack of nutrients and moisturizing substances;
  2. If it peels off in large pieces, then the body is freed from problematic keratinized cells.

Peeling method

  1. Use products with deep moisturizing properties. First of all, these are special creams or after-sun creams. They are saturated with natural ingredients and chemical elements that retain moisture in the skin even in the hottest heat. Do not use glycerin - it will “suck” moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis and speed up the process of removing the outer shell;
  2. Use mild soap or shower gel, do not use chemical or cheap detergents. In most cases, good gels contain effective moisturizers: oils, extracts, extracts. They will help nourish and protect the body from tissue keratinization;
  3. Special masks and wraps will help preserve your tan. For example, from seaweed or honey.

But, at the same time, if peeling begins on the face, then the process is irreversible, you need to get rid of the cause and moisturize. At home, a scrub made from sugar or coffee will effectively remove scales. Under no circumstances use chemical or acid peels in the summer - they can affect natural pigmentation. Wash your face several times a day with chamomile infusion or rose water and be sure to apply a cream with a good UV filter (from 25). This will help maintain a dark complexion at first. In the future it will simply light up again. As an analogue of creams, you can make a carrot mask every morning, but this method is only suitable for dark-skinned girls.

Photo - Tanning creams

The most important thing for blondes and redheads to remember is how to maintain their tan longer. In girls of this type, the sun “sticks” the fastest and lasts the least on the epidermis. Even an instant burn can be turned into a gorgeous tan if you apply shea butter to it. It is not only a natural antioxidant, but also an excellent natural pigment enhancer. You can also use cosmetics with coconut or shea butter additives.

The Crimean southern tan always catches the eye, it even differs in shade from that obtained in central Russia. It also lasts the longest, but it can be extended, if you are burned, literally until the next season:

  1. Apply vitamin E, A, or beta-carotene to yourself both before and after sunbathing. These substances will not only help improve the quality of pigmentation, but also help protect the resulting pigment;
  2. Do not take a steam bath in the bath or sauna - otherwise your body will peel off very quickly;
  3. Bathe in herbal decoctions, for example, nettle, string or chamomile have proven themselves to be excellent activators.

Photo – Vitamin E

The next rule is to draw up the main menu. According to research from leading beauty companies, girls who regularly eat peaches, watermelons and carrots stay tan longer. This is due to the presence of a certain substance in these fruits that affects the amount of pigment produced by the body. Olives and black olives have proven themselves to be excellent enhancers.

And the most basic rule for prolonging a tan is quality sunbathing. The fact is that if you initially tanned incorrectly, then the dark skin color will not last long. Therefore, prepare in advance for going to the beach.

Video: useful tips for maintaining a tan

How to tan properly

You can maintain a southern tan longer after your vacation if you scrub thoroughly before going to the beach. Otherwise, dead cells will dry out and begin to take moisture from healthy ones, this will lead to peeling and varying degrees of pigmentation (colored spots on the body). For home scrubbing you can use:

  1. Salt or sugar;
  2. Coffee;
  3. Professional scrubs or shower gels with special additives.

If you don’t have anything like that at hand or you’re already on the beach, then just wipe yourself with sand. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite and ingrown hairs after depilation. Only contraindicated for wounds and cuts.

Photo – Coffee scrub

Next, you need to choose the right creams for sunbathing. You should use cosmetics with UV filters even in winter; this will help maintain your summer tan and prepare your epidermis for the new season. An excellent activator is olive oil. It can be used on both the body and face. Olive ether will also help protect you from burns in the first months of solar activity. If you regularly apply a couple of drops of this product to yourself after a shower, the pigmentation will last at least a couple of months longer than usual.

After a pleasantly spent vacation at sea, I want to keep for a long time not only the memories of a wonderful time spent, but also the brown-chocolate tan that the gentle sun on the sea coast gives us. To do this, it is enough to know a few secrets of the technique of proper preparation and care of tanned skin.

During a week at sea, even people whose skin is distinguished by aristocratic pallor have a chance to acquire a fairly even and long-lasting bronze tan. But naturally dark-skinned people simply need to spend several hours a day in the sun to achieve an excellent coffee-colored skin tone.

The main principles of a beautiful tan consist of only three rules: preliminary cleansing of the skin, good protection during tanning and sufficient nutrition and hydration after exposure to the sun.

Proper preparation

In order for the tan to be good and, most importantly, evenly applied to your skin, it should be cleaned first. It is best to use special products: scrubs and peelings. However, there are several nuances here. You should not use products based on fruit acids, because if you cleanse your skin with such a scrub immediately before tanning, you risk getting a skin burn. Because they enhance the effects of sunlight.

For the best effect from peelings and scrubs, preparatory cleansing procedures should begin at least a week before the long-awaited vacation. During this time, you will prepare your skin well enough for tanning. To avoid allergies to purchased products and save your budget, prepare a homemade peeling or scrub yourself.


  1. With coffee. Coffee intended for brewing is best suited for this scrub. It is natural, well crushed, but at the same time has a hard structure of grains that exfoliate and cleanse the skin well. In addition, coffee gives an additional brown tint. To make a coffee scrub at home, just take 200 grams of ground coffee and mix it with 1 teaspoon of any natural oil. For example, olive, burdock or castor. You need to apply the scrub using massage movements, working well on every part of the body. Thus, you not only cleanse your skin, but also make it firmer, tighter and smoother. Because coffee scrub is the number one remedy in the fight against subcutaneous fat and “orange peel”. For those with a sweet tooth and chocolate lovers, this scrub is complemented with 1 bar of dark chocolate melted in a water bath.
  2. With sea salt. Thanks to sea salt, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleansed of all toxins and harmful substances. And honey softens and nourishes the skin very well, both during the procedure and after it. To prepare this miraculous mixture for the whole body, you will need 200 grams of crushed sea salt without dyes or additives and 100 grams of liquid honey. This scrub should be applied carefully over the entire body in a thin layer. For the mixture to work effectively, keep it on your body for 5 minutes and then rinse the scrub off your skin with massaging movements.

Important advice. Before using any body scrub, first check whether you are allergic to any of the components of the home remedy. To do this, apply the prepared mixture in a small amount on your wrist and wait 7-10 minutes. If there is no reaction (itching, redness), then feel free to use a self-prepared scrub.

The frequency of such procedures will depend on your skin type. For normal skin, it is allowed to cleanse with scrubs 2 times a week, for oily skin - 3 times a week, and if you have sensitive and dry skin, then it is better to use scrubs no more than once a week.

Tanning safely

The sun gives us positive emotions, vitamin D and charges us with positivity. But, unfortunately, this is not the only thing the sun’s rays can give us. If you sunbathe without knowing the limits, there is a chance of getting burns, premature skin aging and even skin cancer. Therefore, when going to the beach, always follow a few simple rules:

  • Immediately before going to the beach, you need to take a shower or bath at least 2 hours before. And don't use regular soap. Because it greatly dries out the skin and strips it of its natural oil coating, which protects the skin from severe sun exposure and burns. It is better to use a soft gel with a neutral pH.
  • Just like before visiting a solarium, you should not apply cosmetics to your face. This way the tan will apply evenly and there will be no irritation on the skin due to mascara or lipstick.
  • Use sunscreen or special oils containing panthenol and bisabolol. These components reliably protect the skin from burns and at the same time promote a uniform and beautiful tan. All products should be applied in a thin and even layer half an hour before going out into the sun.
  • Arrive in the sun at a safe time, before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. Since the rest of the time, solar activity is at its peak and the rays penetrate the skin quite quickly and deeply, causing serious burns, even when using protective creams.

Moisturizing after sun care

One of the important conditions for a good and long-lasting tan is sufficient skin hydration. If it is dry, then with prolonged exposure to the sun it will burn rather than acquire a beautiful tan.

In order to maintain your newly acquired tan, just rinse your skin with warm water after being on the beach and moisturize it. The best means for this are creams containing panthenol, aloe vera or biofin. Thanks to such components, the skin is restored, toned and receives additional hydration. And in order to consolidate and maintain a tan in the future, use sea buckthorn oil for the skin, it nourishes the skin with vitamins and gives it an additional golden color. Many cosmetologists also advise strengthening the durability of a tan by eating fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene. It is found in carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, red peppers, persimmons, apricots, melons, black currants and peaches.

Our tips will help you not only maintain a beautiful tan for a long time, but also properly protect your skin from the negative effects of sunlight.

Almost every woman, basking on the beach in the summer, dreams of a beautiful and even tan, with which she can surprise her friends for a long time. And women themselves, frankly speaking, enjoy a dark skin tone. However, unfortunately, over time, any tan begins to lighten, fade, and as a result, no trace remains of the dark shade. Therefore, women worry: how to maintain a tan longer, how to make it more durable?

To begin with, it should be noted that the duration of the tan is affected by where exactly you got it: in the country, in the village or in the south, near the sea. It is known that sea tans tend to fade faster than northern tans. A properly formed tan within fourteen days lasts on average about 60 days on dark skin, up to 45 days on light skin, and only 20 days on almost white skin. Of course, the intensity of tanning also varies depending on skin type. But in any case, there are some methods for preserving it.

Basic rules for maintaining a tan

Add vitamin A to your diet

Due to sun exposure, the skin becomes dry, so it needs to be nourished with vitamin A from the outside and inside. To do this, after a shower and bath, it is recommended to use various body oils and apply a drop of retinol palmitate internally on a piece of black bread daily (you will find this remedy in almost any pharmacy).

Watch your diet

The menu should include eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, beef liver, apricots and various vegetables and fruits in red and yellow colors. Be sure to increase your intake of beta-carotene, which stimulates melanin production. Beta-carotene is one of the strongest natural tanning activators and fixers. Make it a rule to drink one glass of carrot juice every day, starting before sunbathing - this will help the tan “lay on” your skin more intensely and last longer.

Don’t forget about nourishing your skin with a sufficient amount of fats contained in food - for this you should eat fish (especially tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines), as well as vegetable oils. In addition, these products also contain tyrosine, an amino acid that maintains dark skin pigment.

Provide skin with hydration and protection

Be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin. As a rule, after tanning, the skin becomes very dry and therefore begins to peel, as a result of which you can forget about tanning. Moisturized skin retains its tan longer.

If you are interested in how to maintain a tan after the sea, use special after-sun products. They are used immediately after sunbathing, but you can continue to apply them after vacation, as they help to maintain a long-lasting tan.

Also, prolongators, or simply fixers, will come to your aid - special cosmetics that fix the tan and preserve it for as long as possible. As a rule, these are rich moisturizing complexes that restore and tone the epidermis, and also provide a skin rejuvenation effect. Some prolongators contain special components that give the skin a seductive shimmering shine.

Don't forget about gentle peeling

Over time, your skin tone becomes less attractive, which means it's time to update it. Of course, you want to constantly maintain and improve your tan, so many people resort to using a solarium. However, visiting it too often leads to dry skin. For this reason, it is better to lightly exfoliate a few weeks after your vacation and apply a moisturizing lotion with a toning effect to your skin - this will help your tan look fresher and your skin well-groomed.

Refrain from visiting the bathhouse

You should avoid visiting the sauna and bathhouse for a while, since the tan “comes off” from steamed skin very quickly. Also refrain from using scrubs.

As for the bath, it should not be taken for very long. A bath with vegetable oils and sea salt will be especially beneficial for the skin, and in particular for tanning.

Folk remedies for maintaining a tan

There are a lot of effective recipes for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to maintain a tan for a long time using traditional methods. One of these is rinsing or rubbing the skin with tea or coffee. Tea, moreover, perfectly moisturizes the epidermis and tightens pores.

Another way to maintain a tan is to rub the skin with chamomile or chamomile infusion. Pour 8 tablespoons of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours. This product is recommended to be used daily during morning procedures.

A carrot mask will also help maintain a dark skin tone. Grate the carrots on a fine grater or squeeze out a small amount of carrot juice and mix with olive oil, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse. But it is necessary to take into account that such a mask is contraindicated for skin that is too pale - it may not acquire a dark tint, but turn yellow.

Freshly brewed coffee crab will help cleanse your skin of impurities and maintain a tan.

A tomato mask will help prolong the temporary darkening of the skin. Mash two tomatoes, mix with one tablespoon of olive oil and four tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse off first with cold and then warm water.

Cucumbers, lemons, and milk should be temporarily excluded from the diet, as well as the list of products that help care for the skin, as they whiten the skin.
