How to get yourself in order: seven great ways to get your perfect body back. How to get in shape for summer: Basic knowledge Eat right, but don't starve

Spring has finally arrived. The bright blue sky, the warm sun, the first flowers give us a joyful mood, the expectation of happiness, the desire to love. How you want to quickly take off your heavy, boring winter clothes and surprise others with your light, fashionable outfits! In addition, summer is a quick, long-awaited vacation.

All this today makes girls think about how to tidy up their skin, make their figure slim, fit and finally get rid of the nasty cellulite. So, in order to look graceful and attractive on the beach in a new swimsuit, we welcome summer fully armed with beauty!

Let's start with the skin

The condition and appearance of our skin can tell a lot. Including bad habits, winter overeating, and most importantly, the skin mercilessly reveals our age. Look, extra wrinkles have appeared, the skin has sagged slightly on the cheekbones and neck, and the complexion has become somewhat gray. We will fight this mercilessly!

To get rid of these signs as quickly as possible, a fractional laser will help us. Skin rejuvenation procedures using lasers are carried out in cosmetology clinics and offices. It works very simply. Under the warm influence of a laser beam, the skin of the face heats up, its cells begin to actively renew themselves. After several procedures, wrinkles disappear, the skin tightens and becomes smooth.


A self-respecting girl will not wear a short sundress and will not undress on the beach if her body has excess hair in the armpits, legs and bikini area. Fortunately, the time has passed when you had to shave problem areas almost every day with a regular razor. They were replaced by modern epilators, again laser and phototherapy. With their help, you can quickly, efficiently, and painlessly remove excess vegetation.

Laser hair removal and photoepilation are now very popular. You can remove excess hair on your own at home using wax.

Lymphatic drainage

A necessary procedure for those who suffer from cellulite. You can use a home remedy and fight the “orange peel” with cupping, which is usually used for colds. They also help perfectly with cellulite, as they activate blood circulation. But the process is long. If you have not made any attempts to overcome cellulite in winter, now you need a quick way.

I would suggest lymphatic drainage. The procedures can be done by a cosmetologist. It works on the principle of massage. You can do it manually, but hardware lymphatic drainage massage is more effective. It perfectly corrects the figure, smoothing, leveling and reducing the volume of problem areas.

It is done using pulsed currents, microcurrents, vacuum, pressure drops, and ultrasound. Using the procedure, products of the breakdown of adipose tissue, waste, toxins, and excess fluid are removed from the body. As a result, the skin texture improves.


Usually in the spring or at the end of winter, many girls follow various diets in order to lose weight and be fully prepared for the summer. After losing weight in the arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and chest, the skin loses elasticity and sometimes even sag a little. This does not add beauty to us in any way. To quickly restore the skin's elasticity and blooming appearance, myostimulation procedures are performed.

Pads with electrodes are attached to the surface of the skin, previously lubricated with a special gel, in problem areas. When the device is turned on, an impulse is given, causing the muscles to actively contract. You are doing intense physical exercise, but in reality you are just relaxing. It’s not for nothing that myostimulation is called gymnastics for the lazy. After all, at this time, while the muscles are actively contracting, you can sit, lie, read, watch TV.

Healing wraps

This is a very pleasant, everyone-loved procedure that makes the skin velvety. The wrap has a gentle effect on the skin texture, eliminating excess fluid and toxins. The procedure will be done at a beauty salon.

Any wrap begins with peeling. It is necessary for better absorption of nutrients. After peeling, a hydromassage bath with the addition of seaweed or sea salt is recommended.

Then the entire surface of the body or only some parts of it is coated with the wrapping mixture. Then they are tightly wrapped in film, then in a disposable sheet, and covered on top with a special thermal blanket, in which the required, comfortable temperature is set.

Usually, sea water and healing mud are used for wraps, and the main component is algae. Such procedures stimulate metabolic processes and break down fat cells.

By the way, you can do the procedure at home yourself. You just need an assistant to lubricate your body with the chosen healing composition and help wrap you in film.

Making sensual lips

When you put your body in order, make your figure slim, and your skin soft and velvety, you can add sensuality to your appearance with the help of seductive plump lips. For this purpose, there is the Tech4beauty EP electroporation procedure. It involves increasing the volume of the lips without the use of painful injections and often noticeable silicone. This is how far technology has come!

So worry about your upcoming vacation now. Take care of your beauty, don’t let annoying little things or your own shyness ruin your summer season. Meet him fully armed with your own beauty and irresistibility!

Anastasia Sergeeva

How to lose weight by summer? Putting the figure in order in advance

How to quickly lose weight by summer, so as not to hide on the beach in a pareo if there are only three months left? And not to lose extreme weight, which will soon remind you of itself, but with the expectation of long-term results? Follow our recommendations!

How to lose weight by summer without harming your health?

First of all, set realistic goals for yourself. If you are wondering how to lose weight by summer in three, two or a month, and how many kilograms you can lose during this period, the answers can be very varied. But the faster you lose weight, the faster it will come back to you, and the worse the results can be. Therefore, it would be more correct to ask yourself another question: how many kilograms can you lose by summer without harm to your health?

Calculating safe weight loss

Nutritionists know the answer: it is believed that it is safe to lose weight in a month by no more than 3% of your initial body weight. To lose weight by summer in three months, multiply the resulting figure by 3. Of course, the answer will be different for different weights. For example, with a weight of 100 kg, without harm to health and with long-term results, a person can lose weight by 9 kg (100 * 0.03 * 3), and with a weight of 75 kg - by 6.75 kg.

Even when you “really need to,” losing more than 10 kg during this period is still not recommended if your weight is less than 110 kg. Keep in mind that a more obese person is able to lose more pounds in a shorter period of time than a lighter person.

Reviewing our diet

The main principle of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. And by this logic, you may decide that the consumption of junk food, buns and cakes fits organically here, if only in small quantities - but this is not so. A cake with cream, for example, contains on average 500 kcal, but there is 0 useful value in it. At the same time, baked fish and vegetables fit perfectly into this caloric content, which will also give your body a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and other substances it needs . In addition, if you are worried about how to lose weight in three months for the summer, then you need to increase your protein intake and reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake.

That is why it is worth sticking to a healthy diet and giving the green light to vegetables and fruits, cereals, various types of meat and fish, and the red light to sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty and sweet milk, canned foods, sausages, fast food, store-bought sauces , as well as other products that contain a lot of sugar and fat.

And don't forget about water! Proper weight loss without it is impossible, since it is actively involved in the breakdown of fats. How much water you need to drink depends on your body weight: calculate the volume by multiplying your weight by 30, say 90 kg * 30 = 2700 ml. Important: juices, soups, milk are not included in this volume, only still water and tea.

If you have heard enough advice about how mono-diets and fasting help you lose weight quickly, then we have to disappoint you: after this, you will definitely regain all the lost kilograms again. And this is not to mention the dangers of such diets for health, since they upset the balance of necessary substances entering the body.

Playing sports

Why is it important not just to lose weight by switching to proper nutrition, but also to exercise? Because without toning your body and building muscles, you will turn into skinny fat (skinny fat, “fat skinny”) - people with such a physique look good in clothes, but without it everything looks deplorable: fat accumulated under the stomach or on the hips , loose skin, very weak muscles, saggy butt, cellulite.

The most effective results will be given to you by going to the gym. The best thing is to at least initially go to individual lessons with a trainer who will create a personal training program for you, based on the characteristics of your physique and the purpose of the training, will help you understand the equipment and show you how to correctly perform the necessary exercises.

At home, achieving success is more difficult and takes longer, but with the right amount of perseverance, this will be possible, because time allows - we still want to find out how to lose weight in three months, and not in one month, and certainly not in a week. It is necessary to perform strength exercises, alternating them with cardio exercises - this is the combination that will most effectively allow you to gain muscle mass and burn fat.

Pay attention to exercises such as leg swings, lunges, squats, crunches, planks, waist and arm exercises. Buy dumbbells or weights for home, and gradually introduce them into your workout, increasing the weight. For cardio exercises, you can jump on the spot, do sets of consecutive squats and jumps, jump rope, or go for a run. If you have a treadmill or exercise bike at home, use them.

You can also do these exercises:

In addition to working out at the gym or at home, increase your physical activity in your daily life. Try to walk more, refuse transport, or get off a couple of stops earlier. During your workday, find time to get up from your desk, walk around the office, or at least walk around in place. Do not use the elevator, but the stairs.

Motivating ourselves

Remember that results do not come quickly. Many people desperately want to lose weight by summer, but after a couple of weeks of training and proper nutrition they give up without seeing results. It may not be there in a month, but this is not a reason to give up. In addition, we are talking about a visible result, but the process has already started anyway, and you will still notice some changes.

Motivate yourself by the fact that there is nowhere to put off any further, every day counts, otherwise you will not see your own fit and slender figure in a swimsuit, with which you can not hide on the beach. You can even hang a current photo of yourself in a prominent place, which will remind you of how unsatisfactory you look now.

Believe in yourself, show patience, willpower, work on yourself every day - and you will succeed! Don't relax and don't indulge yourself. And then, following this well-known truth - proper nutrition + exercise - you will not only be able to lose weight by summer in three months, but also begin to lead a healthy lifestyle that will change your eating habits and allow you to always keep yourself in good shape.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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In our last two collections, we told you how to prepare for summer. Today's complex includes 5 exercises from the book “7 Minutes for Fitness” published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, which develop coordination and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Those who want to get their figure in order for the upcoming beach season need to do these exercises every day; they can be done anywhere, even in the countryside.

The pattern of performing the exercises remained unchanged: at the initial stage, you should repeat the exercise 10-30 times, then rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next exercise. Subsequently, you can increase the number of approaches of each exercise to 3-5, but then the training time will take more than 7 minutes. But by summer, your muscles will get stronger, and your slender body will attract the admiring glances of others.

Exercise No. 1. Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups are very effective at developing the triceps (the muscles located on the back of the arms)

  1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair with your palms at your sides, fingers pointing forward.
  2. Step your feet forward, moving your body off the seat.
  3. Straighten your legs so that all the weight is supported only on your palms and heels.
  4. Lower your body down by bending your arms.
  5. Having reached the maximum possible depth, push up back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat.

So, summer is just around the corner, and with it the season of light summer clothes, swimsuits and open bodies. Unfortunately, the long winter has left its mark on our bodies in the form of dry skin, dull hair and a couple of extra pounds. But don’t be sad, because there is still time to get in shape.

First of all, you need to deal with what is most difficult to get rid of - extra pounds. Remember that the best way to burn fat is not crazy loads and lifting weights in the gym, but so-called cardio training - regular running, eating on a bicycle, exercise bike or on an orbitrek simulator. The latter, by the way, is one of the most effective, as it combines the load of a treadmill, bicycle and stepper.

In addition to cardio exercises, it is necessary to perform muscle tightening exercises. They can be performed under the guidance of a trainer in the gym, or at home, for example, using video lessons. It’s even better to create your own mini-gym with your friends and do everything together, then you’ll be motivated not to miss classes.

Dry and dull hair over the winter also requires intensive resuscitation. Use once or twice a week. It is not necessary to buy expensive salon products; even homemade masks made from natural products will have a positive effect on your hair. For rinsing, use herbal decoctions that are also suitable for your hair type.

It is probably the easiest way to cope with skin problems. Exfoliate not only your face, but your entire body once a week, using ground coffee or honey, then apply moisturizer. As an emergency treatment, you can try going to the bathhouse. Steamed skin perfectly absorbs all the beneficial substances that you apply to it, and using a birch broom in a steam room is several times better than any peeling.

The most important thing is to start acting now, and do not be lazy to carry out all the planned procedures, and then the result will not be long in coming.