What can I do to make my period end faster? What can you do to make your period go faster? My period ended quickly.

Basic rules for safely speeding up your period. Medicines and traditional medicine. Acceptable physical activity to correct the cycle.

Whether women want it or not, they menstruate monthly. But menstruation does not always start on time, and it also happens that bleeding lasts more days than usual.

If the discharge is constant for 5-7 days, and a woman needs to be “clean” on a certain date, she will probably want her period to go faster. But desire alone is not enough here. Action needs to be taken.

Is it possible to speed up your periods?

A trip, an important meeting, a competition, a vacation on the beach and other everyday affairs sometimes coincide with menstruation and make a woman worry about whether everything will go well.

If the desire to speed up your periods is not related to curiosity, but has reasonable reasons, then you can reduce the duration of the discharge by 1 to 2 days. The main thing is not to do this too often and give the body time to restore its usual rhythm.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make your period one day or two days. Usually the intensity of the discharge decreases, and in the end only a smear flows out. In order for menstruation to end quickly, provoking measures should be taken in advance.

When deciding to use this or that remedy, a woman must understand that it is better not to interfere with the physiological cycle. But if the situation requires it, certain safety rules must be followed. Then the discharge will quickly disappear, and the body will not suffer.

Four simple rules for safely speeding up your period:

  1. You cannot force the body to perform menstrual function at an accelerated pace every month. Any hemostatic method is allowed to be used no more than once every six months (minimum interval - 4 months).
  2. If you have an irregular cycle, it is prohibited to intentionally stop the bleeding. In case of emergency, you should consult a gynecologist.
  3. During the period of inflammatory disease and at elevated temperatures, any attempts to slow down the cycle are dangerous. To avoid complications, it is easier to postpone all plans and get sick. There is no need to interfere with menstruation.
  4. If the method used did not work, you cannot try others in the same month. Intervention in the reproductive system affects the functioning of the endocrine department. This is fraught with failures of various systems.

Accelerating menstruation is prohibited in case of food poisoning and acute infectious pathologies, as well as at body temperature above 37.5°C.

Drugs to speed up menstruation

Hormonal medications will help women speed up their critical days:

  • Silest.
  • Marvelon.
  • Utrozhestan.
  • Norkolut.
  • Postinor.

Vikasol and Etamzilat are suitable hemostatic agents.

But you can take any medication only in consultation with your doctor. Oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone reduce the number of “red days” or delay their onset. Under the influence of artificial hormones, discharge becomes scanty and does not cause.

In addition to contraceptive and hemostatic pills, in order to speed up the course of menstruation, doctors prescribe vitamins:

  1. Ascorbic acid - 5 tablets for every 10 kg of weight (if you are prone to allergies, reduce the dose).
  2. Vitamin E – strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves the absorption of potassium and magnesium and tissue regeneration.
  3. Vitamin D – strengthens bones, teeth, hair, participates in the absorption of potassium and magnesium.
  4. Hematogen – increases iron levels in the blood, prevents anemia.
  5. Calcium and potassium are substances that improve the health of the cardiovascular system.

If you are looking for a way to make your period end faster, start fortifying your body 4 weeks earlier. When the bleeding stops at the right time, increase the number of hours of rest and continue taking vitamins. Buy quality medications from trusted manufacturers.

On menstrual days, the female body requires increased amounts of vitamins and microelements. Fruits, greens and vegetables rich in vitamin C are especially useful. Instead of tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, it is better to drink pomegranate, lemon or orange juice (can be diluted with clean water).

How to speed up menstruation with folk remedies

If critical days traditionally last a long time, the answer to the question “what to do to make your period end faster” can be found in brochures with folk recipes.

Nettle is famous for its vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties.

5 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and slowly simmer for 20 minutes so that the mass does not boil. Drain the cooled liquid from the grounds and take 5 times a day, 3 tbsp. l.

During prolonged critical days, you can use decoctions of onion peels. The raw materials are poured not with boiling water, but with hot water (1: 1). After half an hour, filter the infusion. Drink it in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 1 tbsp. l.

What else to drink to make your period go faster:

  • Bay leaf decoction. Aromatic raw materials provoke the onset of menstruation during a delay and help the “red days” end faster. 10 g of bay leaf are poured into 500 ml of water and the mixture is boiled over low heat for 1 hour. The product turns out bitter. It is filtered and cooled. Take 2 tbsp at half an hour intervals. l. The maximum dose per day is 1 glass. Contraindication: cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Burnet. A mixture of herbs and boiling water (2 tablespoons per 250 ml) is simmered in a water bath for 30 minutes and filtered. The decoction is very strong. It is diluted with water in equal proportions. Drink 1 tbsp decoction. l. with a break of half an hour, but not more than 6 tbsp. l. per day. Menstruation passes faster due to the effects of vitamins and minerals contained in burnet. It is prohibited to exceed the dose. Side effects may include allergies.
  • Shepherd's Purse. 2 tbsp. l. the herbs are infused for an hour and a half in a glass of boiling water. The strained product is taken 4 times during the day in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Shepherd's purse preparations are contraindicated for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypotension, VSD, hypotension and heart failure.
  • water pepper. 120 drops of pharmaceutical tincture of water pepper, divided into 3 doses per day, will help speed up the end of menstruation. It is recommended to add drops to water and take half an hour before meals. This method has no contraindications, but its effectiveness is rather weak (it does not help all women).

In order for your period to end quickly, your diet needs to be divided into small portions. Dietary restrictions inhibit natural processes and in some cases shorten the cycle. Temporary vegetarianism will help you deceive your internal clock.

Physical exercises to correct your cycle

Continuing the topic “How to speed up your periods so that spotting ends faster,” let’s look at acceptable physical activity.

Proper training increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, activates muscles and repels epithelium. Daily exercises of 40 minutes during the “red numbers” will shorten the unpleasant period by 1 day.

Useful exercises:

  1. Squats.
  2. Abdominal exercises.
  3. Jumping in place.
  4. Stretching.
  5. Pilates.
  6. Bodyflex.

But it is better to do yoga on critical days.

Her exercises are smooth and do not require high-amplitude movements. Static poses improve body flexibility and increase muscle tone. Breathing exercises promote relaxation.

Systematic exercise reduces and eliminates pain during menstruation, shortens its duration and stabilizes the cycle.

What are the dangers of prolonged menstruation?

Unfortunately, not every woman has a well-functioning 28-day cycle. Normally, blood loss takes 5 days and gradually decreases in intensity. Too abundant or dangerous due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the development of anemia.

Pathological menstruation must be corrected in consultation with the doctor, without secretly taking the drugs described above. The gynecologist will prescribe suitable treatment only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

And finally, an interesting fact. An active sexual life without the use of barrier contraceptives with mandatory orgasm reduces the duration of menstruation. Scientists explain this by the influence of prostaglandin, which is contained in sperm. Thanks to its presence, the uterus is quickly freed from the endometrium.

So have sex more often, but with a trusted partner. And do not forget to calculate the “safe” days so as not to get pregnant instead of short critical days.

Menstruation often causes some discomfort, when the time of its appearance can change plans. Sometimes it happens that menstruation comes at the wrong time, so many women are interested in the question of how to speed up the end of their periods. There are various ways to do this: from taking medications to folk remedies.

Normally, the female body works according to its laid down plan. The menstrual cycle is a complex hormonal mechanism, and it is undesirable to interfere with it unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, if you really want to make adjustments during the normal monthly cycle, a woman should be aware that this may provoke its failure. However, there are certain ways to avoid harming the body.

First of all, a woman should inform her doctor about her desire to shorten her menstruation and not use uncontrolled medication at her own discretion. It is also worth remembering a few important rules:

  • you cannot do this regularly and for several cycles in a row;
  • It is prohibited to use acceleration of menstruation in case of irregular cycles in women over 40 years of age;
  • you should not use acceleration methods when the cycle is already unstable;
  • It is prohibited to use any methods at elevated body temperature;
  • Do not accelerate menstruation due to infectious and other diseases;
  • It is prohibited to shorten your period due to food poisoning.

Gynecologists do not advise interfering with the normal course of the menstrual cycle, but there is still an extreme need. To make your period end faster, there are proven methods of traditional medicine, as well as medications.

Medication methods

It is important to remember that using medications without the advice of an experienced gynecologist is unacceptable. In some cases, an excessive accelerating effect can cause complications, requiring treatment and even surgery.

The general mechanism of action of drugs is based on their hemostatic effect. In order to reduce menstruation, the following means are used:

  • calcium gluconate with ascorbic acid;
  • ascorutin;
  • vikasol;
  • vitamin E;
  • dicinone;
  • oral contraceptives.

To reduce menstruation by 2-3 days, calcium gluconate with vitamin C is used. To achieve the desired result, start drinking the drug from the first day of menstruation three times a day simultaneously with taking ascorbic acid.

is a drug that strengthens small blood vessels, which reduces bleeding time. The product gives a good effect, but you can take it no earlier than the third day of your period.

The set of exercises is carried out gradually without excessive load. The total duration of classes should not exceed 40 minutes.


When you really need your period to end faster, you need to consult a gynecologist and choose the best remedy. The safest option would be to use exercise and herbal remedies.

There are situations in the life of every woman when the question arises - what to do to make your period end faster. This could be a long-awaited date, a vacation, an important trip during which you need to feel good. Experts strongly advise against influencing the menstrual cycle in any way; this can cause a serious disruption in the natural mechanism. But if for some reason you really need to speed up the end of your period, you can use several methods that can pause your period and cause it to end more quickly.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, the high hemostatic properties of some plants have been known, which can be used to stop menstruation.

Method 1
Thus, decoctions of nettle, burnet or bay leaf can speed up the completion of bleeding. Before you start using herbal remedies for this purpose, you need to understand that it is possible that in the next cycle, menstruation will be heavier than usual, thus restoring balance in the body.

To achieve the desired effect, the plants should be used on the first day of menstruation, or, if possible, a few days before the expected start of the menstrual period. When they are already underway, the effect of the product may not appear immediately.

To prepare a remedy from nettle, you need to take three tablespoons of dry leaves and pour two glasses of water over them. The composition should be placed on the stove and kept on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then infuse the broth for half an hour and drink ¼ glass three times a day after meals.

Method 2
Another remedy for stopping bleeding is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of dry bay leaf and add two glasses of water. Cover the container with the mixture with a lid and keep on low heat for 60 minutes. Then the broth must be strained. Take three large spoons throughout the day at intervals of two to three hours. The taste of this product is not very pleasant, but the effectiveness is quite high, it speeds up the process of completing menstruation.

Method 3
An infusion of burnet helps when it is necessary to stop bleeding. But it should be noted that this plant helps to consolidate stool and contributes to constipation. To prepare the product, you need to steam two tablespoons of raw materials with boiling water and place in a water bath for 30 minutes.

In addition, in the same way you can prepare products based on water pepper, barberry, raspberries, and shepherd's purse.

In addition to hemostatic properties, healing decoctions can be beneficial for blood vessels, since they contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Important! It is not recommended to experiment with your own health, making attempts to reduce the duration of your periods using hormonal drugs. Especially without consulting a doctor first. The use of such medications can cause problems with blood vessels.


Physical exercise will help bring the end of menstruation closer. Workouts such as bodyflex, yoga, and Pilates cope well with this task. Regular exercise will help you achieve control over the natural processes that occur in the body.

Sports have another pleasant aspect - regular exercise will help get rid of the pain that occurs during menstruation. In addition, the problem with instability and delays in the menstrual cycle is eliminated.


Another way to make your period end sooner is to take a special medicine. It is quite possible to reduce the duration of menstruation to two to three days if you use drugs that contain hormones, for example, Duphaston and its analogues. However, as mentioned above, experimenting in this way is only permissible in consultation with a gynecologist.

The doctor may recommend Silest or Marvelon - medications that speed up menstruation. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed to relieve painful and prolonged menstruation.

Medicines such as Utrozhestan and Norkolut are also prescribed to correct the menstrual cycle. But a specialist should calculate the dosage and prescribe a treatment regimen.

It should be borne in mind that you cannot do this on your own due to the fact that side effects may occur when using hormonal drugs: increased blood pressure, migraines, nausea, depression, and a sharp increase in body weight. But the most dangerous of them is a decrease in reproductive ability, that is, infertility.


This is also a pretty effective method. To make your period end faster, you need to eat less than usual. Those ladies who have been on a diet for a long time most likely noted that strict food restrictions “slow down” natural processes. As a result, the menstrual cycle decreases. Of course, it would be unwise to torture yourself with hunger strikes. To outwit your internal clock, you can only exclude meat products from your diet. If you need to reduce the length of your periods, you should stick to vegetarianism for a while.

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. It should be noted that many common foods can help reduce the length of your period. For example, hematogen, pomegranate juice, and onion broth have such properties.

Unconventional methods

Intimacy during menstruation can help speed up the process of ending your period. Intense movements, increased arousal, and the release of the prostaglandin hormone will help complete the process a couple of days earlier. In addition, sex helps reduce pain, improve mood and reduce stress levels.

A few steps to end your period

If it is necessary for your period to urgently end by a certain date, there is a special plan, following which you can achieve a change in the timing of your discharge. If you follow these points, you can induce menstruation some time earlier, and then make the process faster due to heavy bleeding:

  1. About three days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, you need to prepare a decoction of bay leaves and take 5 tablespoons of it. throughout the day at three-hour intervals.
  2. On the first day of your cycle, eat at least one lemon and a package of ascorbic acid. In this case, the daily volume of liquid should be at least two liters. In addition, you need to take an acetylsalicylic acid tablet in the morning and at night, which will cause bleeding to be more profuse, but will end in a couple of days.
  3. Every day from the beginning of the cycle you need to do abdominal exercises, squats and jump on the spot.
  4. On the second day of menstruation, take Vikasol (1 tablet). The action of this medicine is aimed at improving blood clotting. The product helps normalize natural processes and stop menstruation. The next day, the daily dosage will be two tablets. By this time, practically no blood will be released.

What to do if your period does not end for a long time?

Often, girls try to find a way to end their period faster, not because they have to go on vacation or to a long-awaited meeting with their loved one, but because their natural cycle is not stable, and their periods may not end for quite a long time. This threatens to decrease hemoglobin, which is fraught with consequences in the form of the development of iron deficiency anemia.

However, such a phenomenon as pathologically prolonged menstruation cannot be treated independently. It is imperative to visit a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary examinations.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that intrusion into the sensitive reproductive system can lead to high health risks. You can take measures to speed up your periods only after permission from your gynecologist.

Video: how to get rid of terrible periods

There are often situations in a woman’s life when it is necessary for menstruation to begin or end faster. This includes planned vacations, long trips or a wedding celebration. There are many ways to speed up your periods.

For this purpose, not only medicines are used, but also traditional medicine. It is important to know that such interference in the functioning of the female body affects the overall hormonal balance, which can have an unfavorable effect on health.

However, a one-time acceleration of menstruation should not cause severe harm to the body. It is important to do everything correctly and control your cycle.

Disruption of the menstrual cycle is something that many women face. In some cases, amenorrhea occurs - a condition when there is no menstruation for several months. How to speed up the arrival of menstruation in this case and whether it can be done is a question that worries many ladies.

The reason often lies in the disruption of the hormonal system. If the body does not produce a sufficient amount of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, then menstruation may not occur for several months or years.

But there are also diseases that lead to. These include the following:

  • adnexitis;
  • various neoplasms;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

The absence of discharge does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There are other reasons if your period does not come on time:

  • Changes in climate or weather conditions. can occur when flying to other countries or at home, in the off-season. Sudden changes in outdoor temperature and weather in general in a number of cases negatively affect the sensitive female body. For example, excessive heat may well cause a delay of a couple of weeks.
  • Diet. Changes in normal diet contribute to amenorrhea. If a woman suddenly loses weight due to diet, missing her period may be a consequence. The hormonal system cannot quickly adapt to the new weight and reacts this way.
  • Light weight. Reducing weight to a critical level can lead to problems with the menstrual cycle. If a girl weighs less than 45 kg, the absence of menstruation should not be surprising.
  • Serious physical activity and stress. It also affects the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system.
  • Use of medications. Some drugs have side effects with cycle problems.
  • Pregnancy. This is another reason why a woman cannot wait for her period. If a girl is thinking about the question of how to speed up her periods so that they go faster, she must first rule out possible conception.

How to speed up your periods?

  • Vikasol. The drug contains vitamin K, which increases the rate of blood clotting. Start taking pills on the 2nd day of your period, 2 tablets per day
  • Ascorutin. A highly effective drug. The action is to strengthen blood vessels, which makes it possible to reduce bleeding. Tablets are prescribed no earlier than on the third day of menstruation.
  • Vitamin E. This substance accelerates the end of critical days. But the effect is that menstruation becomes longer and the endometrium leaves the uterus much faster. As a result, periods end earlier. It is important to strictly follow the instructions to avoid severe bleeding.
  • Hormonal contraceptive pills. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. The doctor will also prescribe the required dosage.

Any medications should be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist, who will determine the woman’s health status, possible contraindications and tell about the likely consequences.

Folk recipes

When asking how to speed up your periods, don’t forget about folk remedies. Their use is safer than taking medications.

The following recipes are effective:

  • . The product allows you to speed up the end of your period. You need to take 5 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle, pour in 500 ml of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, without bringing to a strong boil. Next, cool, strain and take 3 tbsp. spoons 5 times a day. The product can be used starting from the 2nd day of menstruation. In most cases, it stops within a day or two after taking the decoction.
  • Water pepper. With the help of this substance you can reduce the duration of menstruation by 3-4 days. It is better to buy a ready-made infusion at the pharmacy and take 40 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals. You can start taking it only at the end of the second day of menstruation.
  • Shepherd's purse. To prepare the remedy, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry herb, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink half a glass twice a day. This infusion can be drunk from the first day of menstruation.

When interventions in the cycle are prohibited

In some cases, interfering with the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the reproductive system is strictly prohibited.

These include the following:

  • diseases of the internal organs of the female reproductive system;
  • irregular cycle in girls due to the fact that it has not yet been established;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle or abortion;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • increased thrombus formation;
  • infertility;
  • stressful situations.

Even if at first glance there are no contraindications, you should think carefully before interfering with the work of your body. Indeed, in some cases, you can not shift the cycle, but simply use high-quality hygiene products, of which there are many in pharmacies today.

Video about the reasons for the delay

The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism, the correct operation of which depends on the state of health. is an integral part of a girl’s life. There are situations when you urgently need to speed up the regulations, but doing it yourself is not recommended. Only a doctor knows how to induce menstruation ahead of schedule so as not to harm the body. For this purpose, medicinal and traditional methods are used. This should not be done too often, as such procedures can cause serious health problems and hormonal imbalances.

Why induce menstruation ahead of time?

Often women try to get their periods ahead of schedule before going on vacation, so that they can have a good rest at sea and not have their time spoiled by menstruation. In crowded places it is difficult to monitor the amount of blood released and change the pad. You have to look for privacy in order to do all the manipulations on time and not get your clothes dirty.

In addition, few women can boast of feeling excellent during this period; the appearance of menstruation is almost always accompanied by discomfort and pain. It is for these reasons that women try to bring their periods closer by a couple of days in order to have a normal rest.

It is important to understand the seriousness of the situation. There are often delays during pregnancy, so taking any measures on your own is dangerous. It is better to consult a gynecologist, and only then plan for the approach of menstruation.

Is it safe to bring these days closer?

A regular menstrual cycle is an indicator of good health. Accelerating your period is not a safe activity. A woman must understand that this can harm herself. If you are planning a long trip, a holiday at sea or an important celebration, you can provoke regulations, but before that you need to carefully consider the possible consequences.

The most dangerous complications include:

  1. Hormonal imbalances.
  2. Complete or irregular frequency.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Uterine bleeding.
  5. Lethal outcome.

Only a doctor can analyze the safety of the chosen method, based on an examination of the woman and her state of health. Doing it on your own can lead to dire consequences, including death. If you are pregnant, you should not take any measures without a preliminary examination.


Whatever the desire to speed up your periods, this is absolutely forbidden for the following diseases:

  • Unknown cycle in girls or women who have recently given birth;
  • Various pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine system;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Presence of female diseases;
  • Risk of blood clots;
  • Hormonal imbalances, amenorrhea;
  • Infertility treatment;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Myomas and other benign tumors;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Stress.

Before making a decision to speed up your menstruation, you need to pay attention to existing health problems. If they are missing, you can use some proven methods; we’ll look at them below.

Possible ways to prematurely start the regulator

When a long-awaited vacation or an important event is on the horizon, women think about what to do to make menstruation start earlier. There are three ways to call the regulator:

  1. Medication – involves taking medications that accelerate the hormonal process, raising progesterone levels.
  2. Physiotherapeutic – various massages, hot baths and other physical effects.
  3. Folk - some tinctures and decoctions prepared with your own hands help to induce menstruation ahead of schedule.

As already mentioned, you cannot independently, without prior consultation, take any measures to approach menstruation. If the doctor has given the go-ahead for your period to come faster, you can take special hormonal medications or use folk recipes.

How to bring your period closer with medications

Before using any medications, you need to make sure there are no pregnancy or contraindications. Most often, critical days are brought closer with the help of such medications:

  • Preparations containing progesterone -, etc.;
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Medicines used for emergency contraception - Postinor and others.

Thoughtless interference with hormonal balance can lead to serious problems. You cannot prescribe therapy for yourself, only honey. the employee knows what and how to take so as not to harm his health.

OK – hormonal oral contraceptives

Women who regularly take OCs can speed up the onset of menstruation by abruptly stopping taking the drug a few days before the due date. Menstruation will begin literally the next day after the woman stops taking contraceptives. Most often, doctors prescribe Marvelon and Silest. These drugs eliminate pain during menstruation and also reduce the period of their occurrence.

OC contains progesterone, which provokes the early onset of menstruation and eliminates pain. During the period of refusal to take OCs, a woman should take care of additional contraception. It is advisable to use condoms for 2 weeks to avoid unwanted pregnancy. You should take such medications only as prescribed by your doctor.


The drug is a homeopathic remedy that consists of natural plant substances. Pulsatilla comes in the form of granules that need to be dissolved under the tongue. in case of delays and restore the cycle. To normalize menstruation, it takes a long time to take granules (6 pieces each). They are absorbed until completely dissolved 2 times a day.

After the cycle is normalized, tablets to speed up the regulation are taken for preventive purposes, 5 granules 1 time per day every other day. During therapy, a woman should not eat chocolate, drink tea, coffee or alcohol. These products reduce the effect of treatment and are therefore not recommended. Pellets are often prescribed to speed up periods. After application they arrive a few days earlier.


The drug contains progesterone, a female hormone involved in the maturation of the egg. The drug is available in the form of injections for intramuscular or intravenous administration. prescribed in emergency cases, after 2-4 days you can wait for the arrival of menstruation. A large dose of progesterone often leads to excessive hair growth, rough skin and cycle disruptions.

You cannot inject yourself; the dosage is selected individually. Usually prescribed 0.5 ml for 10 days. Contraindications include liver failure, tumors in the mammary glands, bleeding. The drug causes many adverse reactions, so doctors try not to use it to induce regulation. Preparations with progesterone affect a woman’s hormonal levels, so they should be used with caution.


The drug is based on dydrogesterone, which is similar in effect to progesterone. The drug Duphaston is completely safe for delayed periods, unlike analogues containing synthetic progesterone. It does not cause roughness of voice, excessive hair growth, etc. The active components have a good effect on the state of blood lipids, but do not affect the functioning of the liver and carbohydrate metabolism.

Duphaston causes menstruation and is also prescribed for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis.

Take these tablets only as directed by your doctor. The standard dosage is 1 tablet 2 times a day for five days. As soon as the course of therapy is completed, menstruation should begin. In some situations, changes appear on the third or fourth day after stopping the drug.

Adverse reactions include bleeding, itching, excessive sensitivity, and cycle disruptions. Sometimes pills provoke.


The drug is prescribed in emergency cases, when it is necessary to urgently interrupt unwanted fertilization. It is often taken after violence, unprotected sexual intercourse, etc. After three days, bleeding begins. Therapy is prescribed only in emergency situations, since the drug has many adverse reactions, which include effects on the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

You can speed up the onset of your period within 3 days. Drink the product only once a month. After consumption, an atrophic process begins in the endometrium, leading to the absence of attachment of the egg to the mucosa.

The drug should not be taken during breastfeeding and puberty. Another serious contraindication is thrombosis. Pills often lead to cycle disruptions or more serious problems in the reproductive system.


The drug is made on the basis of micronized progesterone, which is obtained from plant materials. The product is available in the form of gelatin capsules and vaginal suppositories. One capsule contains 100 mg of active substance. The component suppresses the functioning of estrogen, which causes cycle failure.

In order for critical days to begin earlier, you need to start drinking the product on the 15-25th day of the menstrual cycle. The dosage is selected individually, the standard is 200-400 mg, divided by 2 times. One of the main advantages is the possibility of vaginal insertion. Thanks to this, the drug can be taken if adverse reactions occur.

Contraindications include thrombosis, breast or genital cancer, bleeding, epileptic seizures, asthma. The desired result can be achieved within 2-3 days.

Non-drug methods

If you don’t know how to speed up your period at home, there are many methods and recipes that will definitely help. If there is an emergency and you need your period to come faster, you can use folk remedies to speed up your periods. This method is much safer than taking pills, but no less effective. The action is based on the ability of some plants to cause bleeding.

Before using decoctions or infusions, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction to the components.

Infusion of elecampane

You can speed up your periods using elecampane root. To prepare, you need to take 5 g of root and 200 mg of water. The components are mixed, boiled for 15 minutes, and then left for 4 hours. Take the decoction during the day in small quantities, 2-3 tsp is enough. If you need your period to start urgently, that is, on the day of your appointment, drink a more concentrated decoction. To prepare, take 1 tbsp of roots, add 200 ml of water and boil for five minutes. The drink is infused for 30 minutes. Take a decoction of 50 mg in the morning and evening.

Ascorbic acid and lemon

You can speed up the onset of regulation by taking vitamin C in large quantities. It reduces progesterone levels, causing the endometrium to begin to shed. To induce menstruation a couple of days earlier, drink 2 g of ascorbic acid at one time. It should be remembered that although the method is considered safe, it is better to consult a doctor. After consuming ascorbic acid, a woman should drink a lot of purified water so that the substance is eliminated from the body naturally.

Contraindications include stomach diseases, high acidity and low blood pressure. If you eat a couple of lemons you can delay your menstruation for several days. Some women take lemon juice diluted in warm water (1:1). This drink has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, due to which the walls of the uterus contract well. Take the drug several times a day after meals. It is better to abandon this method if there is increased acidity in the stomach.

Parsley-based decoction

Parsley contains substances that accelerate menstruation. Parsley improves blood circulation and activates blood flow to the uterus. To make the drink you need to take 2 tablespoons of grass seeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for 1 hour.

Next, the solution is filtered, divided into 3 doses and drunk at equal times throughout the day. After taking the decoction in the evening, menstruation begins at night. In addition, it is recommended to eat a lot of parsley and dill, the effect will be approximately the same.

Decoction based on blue cornflower

You can speed up your periods by preparing a simple decoction of cornflower inflorescence.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and place in any container;
  • Pour boiling water over the flowers;
  • Leave for 4 hours.

Drink ½ cup of decoction before meals in the morning and evening.

Onion peel infusion

You can induce menstruation by preparing a bitter but effective decoction. Take 2 tablespoons of husks and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let sit for 30 minutes, strain and drink once before meals. The result appears after 6 hours, and sometimes after a day.

Taking carrot seeds, pomegranate seeds and beet juice

If you eat 5 g of dried carrot seeds before meals, menstruation will not take long to arrive. Juice obtained from fresh beets and pomegranate kernels has the same effect. These products contribute to increased contraction of the uterus, and as a result, the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.

Herbal infusions

You can also induce menstruation with a herbal mixture based on valerian, mint and chamomile. Raw materials are taken in equal quantities; the recipe uses mint leaves and chamomile flowers. All herbs are combined and kept in a water bath for half an hour. After which the broth is infused for 3 hours and drunk 100 ml before meals.

Infusion of nettle and tansy

A tansy-based decoction quickly induces menstruation, but has a slightly bitter taste. To prepare, you need to take 25 g of crushed dry inflorescences of the plant and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The drink is infused for an hour, at a time you can drink no more than 1/3 cup of the decoction 3 times a day.

Nettle decoction is used if there is an urgent need to induce regulation. Take 1 tablespoon of dried leaves, pour 200 mg of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The product is infused for half an hour and taken 100 mg 3-4 times a day. If you drink too much of the decoction, the level of prothrombin increases, causing the blood to thicken.

Bay leaf decoction

If a woman does not have gynecological diseases and is not pregnant, she is allowed to use a recipe for an infusion of bay leaves, which can cause regulation even a week ahead of schedule. To prepare, take 10 g of leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The drink is brewed for an hour over low heat and taken 1 glass before meals. Substances that cause menstruation work the very next day.

Water pepper tincture

The product can cause regulation and shorten its duration. The tincture is freely available and can be purchased at a pharmacy. You need to drink 30 drops of the solution 2 times a day per day. Drops are diluted in 100 ml of water.

If a woman has no desire to take medications and decoctions, you can use physical methods.

Physical methods

Therapeutic exercise has a healing effect and, if necessary, the cycle routine is changed.

The most effective methods:

  1. Boat exercise - Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, raise your legs and grab your feet with your hands. You need to hold this position for 15-20 seconds. The exercise is performed 10 times, but no more.
  2. Running, cycling, squats, lower abdominal training - this type of sport contributes to the rapid completion of menstruation.
  3. Massage of the uterus - gentle pressure and rubbing of this area stimulates blood circulation.
  4. Hot bath - a method that speeds up blood circulation and improves uterine contractions. You need to stay in hot water for no more than 20 minutes, and then have active sex. Your period will come in 2 or 3 days. To enhance the effect, add salt (2 packs) and 8 drops of iodine to the bath. Before bathing, it is recommended to take a decoction of nettle leaves or onion peels.

Regulations can come sooner if you drink milk with a drop of iodine. This method is dangerous as it causes poisoning.

As you can see, you can speed up your periods using folk remedies right at home, but it is better to discuss the chosen method with your doctor. Some procedures are dangerous to health and have serious consequences.