Open lesson "spelling soft signs in various parts of speech." Soft sign after sibilants in various parts of speech

The soft sign is probably the most mysterious letter in the Russian language. It does not indicate a sound; it is not classified as a vowel/consonant. Why is it needed then? It turns out that her role in our writing great. In this article we will figure out when “b” is used after sibilants with nouns, adverbs and verbs.

Nouns. Soft sign after sibilant consonants

The exact writing of the soft sign located after these consonants causes the greatest difficulty, since it is not clear by ear whether it needs to be written or not.

It turns out that the rule is very simple: a soft sign after the hissing ones. noun written only in the words of wives. genders belonging to the 3rd declension.

The words “oven”, “speech”, “daughter”, “night”, “game” are feminine, have a nominative case and are in the singular. Therefore, we must definitely write “b” in them.

But be careful: they should not be confused with words of the 1st declension, which are in indirect cases: “many clouds”, “no tasks”, “several heaps”. All these words, it would seem, feminine, and probably should be classified as 3rd declension.

But let's take a closer look: they are in the genitive case. If we raise them to initial form(“cloud”, “task”, “heap”), then we will make sure that they belong to the first declension, which means they do not obey this rule.

There is another “trap” in the Russian language, where under no circumstances should a soft sign be used after hissing words. Words ending in a hissing consonant, but belonging to the second declension, are not written with “b” (“rook”, “doctor”, “cloak” - 2nd cl.). Therefore, ask the question to the noun more carefully. Do this before determining the declension, since gender depends on it. noun, and number.

When do we write “b” for adverbs?

An adverb is one of the unchangeable parts of speech. It is not declined, no endings are distinguished in it. The spelling of “b” in adverbs is not subject to any difficult rules.

  • In those adverbs that end in a consonant “sh” or “ch”, a soft sign is always written. For example: “jump up”, “exactly”.

In adverbs starting with “w”, it is never written. An exception would be the word “wide open”.

  • Another rule that the adverb is subject to: a soft sign after hissing ones is always used, with the exception of “already”, “married”, “unbearable”. Undoubtedly, such a humorous sentence is easily remembered by schoolchildren, especially girls.

It is not so important which rule you remember, the main thing is that both reflect the essence of spelling adverbs.

Verb and soft sign after sibilants

The verb is one of the most commonly used parts of speech, without which our language would be very impoverished. Spelling “ь” with verbs causes a lot of difficulties not only for students, but also for adults.

  1. If a verb in an indefinite form (infinitive) ends in a sibilant, then “b” will always be written in this case. And here without any exceptions. “Take care”, “bake”, “burn”. It will also be stored in a reflexive form, before the postfix “-sya”: “to get carried away”, “to light up”, “to be careful”.
  2. All 2nd person singular verbs use a soft sign. This applies both to the present tense: (“you are now”), “writing”, “drawing”, “walking”, “sleeping”, and to the future: (“you are tomorrow”) “working”, “thinking”, “finishing” ", "you'll redo it." The soft sign will also be preserved before the postfix “-sya”: “you will like”, “you will use”, “you will touch”, “you will gain”, “you will take shape”. In verbs that are in the imperative mood and end in a hissing consonant, a soft sign is always written: “cut”, “eat”, “smear”, “hide”. Before postfix plural“-those”, it is necessarily preserved: “designate”, “cut”, “hide”.

Before the postfix “-sya” it also does not disappear: “take comfort”, “don’t cut yourself”.

And again, be careful and do not fall into the “trap” of the insidious Russian language! The words “cry” and “cry” are completely different parts of speech, and therefore are written differently.

“Crying” without a soft sign is a noun of the 2nd declension, and, accordingly, a soft sign cannot be written in it. But “cry” with a soft sign is an imperative verb, and, as you know, we always write “b” in them. All this can be easily guessed from the proposed context, in which the meaning of the word will become clear.


The soft sign after sibilants is used with many parts of speech. Knowing simple rules, you will never have trouble spelling it after these consonants. If you suddenly forget some nuances, our article will remind you of them.

Spelling a soft sign at the end of words after sibilants
In Russian, sibilants at the end of words (Zh, Sh, Shch and Ch) are possible in six parts of speech:

in adjectives (HOT),
in verbs (WRITE),
in adverbs (WIDE),
pronouns (OUR),
particles (ONLY).

Each of these parts of speech for the use of a soft sign has its own special rule.

1. If we have a noun in front of us, then a soft sign is placed after the sibilants only when the word belongs to the III declension (NIGHT). Nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension with a sibilant at the end are written without a soft sign (MANY CLOUDS, BRICK). Don’t forget that patronymics and surnames ending in -ICH are nouns of the second declension and are written without a soft sign. For example: SERGEEVICH, RYURIKOVICH, VOYNOVICH.
2. If the word answers the question WHAT? and is a short adjective, then after the hissing one at the end a soft sign is not needed (HOT, MIGHTY).
3. Verbs with a sibilant at the end are always written with a soft sign. For example: LOOK or LOOK (in the form of the second person singular of the present or future tense), CUT (in the imperative mood), BURN (in the indefinite form). Please note that in verbs the soft sign may appear after the sibilant and not at the very end of the word, but before the postfixes -СЯ or -TE, for example: BATHING, HIDE.
4. At the end of adverbs after hissing ones, a soft sign is always written (WIDE, JUMP, AWAY), except for exceptions: UZH, MARRIED, UNBEARABLE.
5. Pronouns with sibilants at the end are written without a soft sign, for example: OUR, YOURS.
6. The particles ISH, ONLY, Bish are always written with a soft sign.

We already knew this and did not stop him from managing things in his own way; but between us was an officer who had recently been transferred to us. (“Shot”, A. S. Pushkin)

Petrovich had a skein of silk and thread hanging around his neck, and on his knees was some kind of rag. (“The Overcoat”, N.V. Gogol)

This is exactly how they first took and suspected these, what's their... Kokh and Pestryakov. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Finally, the poor guy became, in some way, unbearable, and decided to get through by storm at all costs, you know. (" Dead souls", N.V. Gogol)

This expression said that she decided to endure her misfortune without complaining, and that her husband was a cross sent to her from God. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

The sun was just beginning to rise from behind the clouds; the air was fresh and dewy. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

And just think about what and who - what insignificance can be the cause of people’s misfortune! (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

He knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore he had to pretend that he did not doubt it. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

As soon as he began to say something that did not satisfy the purpose of the accusation, they took a groove, and the water could flow wherever it wanted. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

They say that his mother was very pretty, and it seems strange to me why she married so unsuccessfully, to such an insignificant person... (“Poor people”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

I told him... Don't cry for me: I will try to be both courageous and honest all my life, even though I am a murderer. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

The whole battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov-Denisov did; the rest of the troops lost several hundred people in vain. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

It will fall on its own when it is ripe, and if you pick it green, you will spoil the apple and the tree, and you will set your teeth on edge. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

Nikolai, in two words, bought for six thousand_ seventeen stallions for selection (as he said) for the horse-drawn end of his repairs. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

On the other side of the fence, the old man was whittling a hoop and did not see Levin. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

Nothing could come out now except falsehood and lies; and falsehood and lies were disgusting to his nature. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

No one declared war, but people sympathize with the suffering of their neighbors and want to help them, said Sergei Ivanovich. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

And in Moscow, where every meeting is a knife in her heart, she lives for six months, waiting for a decision every day. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

Night fell - the mother blessed her daughter and wished her a gentle sleep, but this time her wish was not fulfilled; Lisa slept very poorly. (" Poor Lisa", N. M. Karamzin)

But sometimes - although very rarely - a golden ray of hope, a ray of consolation illuminated the darkness of her sorrow. (“Poor Liza”, N. M. Karamzin)

And there is one key - there is more than everyone else, three times, with a jagged beard, of course, not from the chest of drawers. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

“Don’t worry, I won’t give it to you,” the mustache said decisively and went after them. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

But as I leave, I dare say that in the future I hope to be spared such meetings and, so to speak, compromises. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

The crying of poor, consumptive, orphaned Katerina Ivanovna seemed to have a strong effect on the audience. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Her pale yellow, withered face was thrown back, her mouth opened, her legs stretched out convulsively. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Ditch_! - Luzhin screamed, enraged to the point of rage, - you are all wild, sir. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

Marfa Terentyevna did not let up, but pestered the mayor more and more: take out Bonaparte, and in the end he will become exhausted. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Whatever you shoot from a gun will shoot right through your heart, whatever you wave with a saber will take your head off your shoulders. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

He made numerous campaigns against debtors and was so eager for spectacle that he would flog anyone without himself.
didn't trust. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

"Enough! - he said decisively and solemnly, “other mirages, other feigned fears, other ghosts!..” (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

I thought that the sky would collapse, the earth would open up under my feet, that a tornado would fly from somewhere and swallow everything, everything at once... (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

He bargained with them for a long time, asking for altyn and money for the search, but the bunglers gave a penny and their bellies in addition. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

The exercise was prepared by N. Solovyova and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

Objective of the lesson:

  1. Repeat and summarize educational material on the topic.
  2. Check your level of mastery of new material.
  3. Mastering algorithmic patterns of reasoning.


  • computer,
  • projection equipment,
  • visibility in the form of a presentation

I. Organizational moment

II. Front work (Option 1)

1. General conversation on the studied theoretical material.

List the cases when a soft sign is written after non-sibilating consonants.

(-b is written at the end of words to indicate the softness of consonants, for example: stump, laziness [Н`])

In combination of which consonants is a soft sign written?

(- b is written in the middle of the word)

a) after a soft l, standing before any consonant, for example: sick, boy, herring;

b) after a soft consonant standing before a hard consonant, for example: Kuzma, less, struggle).

In which verbs is b written?

(- In reflexive verbs before – sya, in an indefinite form, for example: smile (verb in an indefinite form).

What do you remember about spelling adjectives?

(- In adjectives formed from the names of months with b at the end, words other than January (from January), for example: November (from November), October (from October).

How are complex numbers written?

(- In numerals denoting round tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, after the first root, for example: seventy, six hundred).

In what combinations of consonants is a soft sign not written?

(- b is not written in a combination of consonants chn, chk, cht, chsh, nch, nsch, schn, rch, rsch, for example: reading, chick, tip).

In what forms of the verb b is not written?

(- b is not written in reflexive verb 3l., unit, plural. numbers n.b. time).

Lesson option.

Students prepare the topic “Spelling b after consonants (except sibilants)” with homework.

The class is divided into two teams, which include children with different levels mastering the material. During the game, teams exchange tasks and solve them in the allotted time. Each question of the opposing team is answered by the member of the answering team whom the opponents choose. The team is interested in the knowledge of each of its students, which means that the strong pull up the weak. (Prepared questions are previewed by the teacher).

2. Performing exercises to consolidate the spelling of b after consonants (except for sibilants).

Selective dictation. From the text, select words with spelling and place them in two columns: one with b, and the other without b.

Our estate is especially beautiful in spring. Lilac branches cover the weight... house. On a June evening, clusters of white flowers stand out against the dark greenery. If you get up early... you can go and meet... the dawn. I get the greatest joy from communicating with nature. Every twig, every familiar path brings joy to the heart.

3. Summarizing the repetition.

III.Repetition and generalization educational material on the topic “Soft sign after sibilants in different parts of speech”

1. Preparing students for active cognitive activity in order to generalize theoretical material.

Creative task. Guess the words of the metogram

(Greek meta-“transition” + gramma-letter) replacing one letter in a word with another: gender – count – mole – ox – dol – goal.

From the third letter of the alphabet
I treat the sick.
And from the fourth
I'll fly back in the spring.

In further work we use small genres of literature: riddles, proverbs, word games.

Guess the riddles, divide the answers into two columns

  1. I am very passionate at work...
    If you touch me with your hand -
    At least cry...
  2. If you give her a job... -
    The pencil was in vain...
  3. Low and prickly...
    Sweet and fragrant...
    Pick the berries...
    You'll rip off your whole hand...
  4. Day and night... - day and night...
  5. To get married... is not to drink honey, but to shed tears.

On what basis did you divide the words into two columns?

(Words are distributed based on the presence or absence after hissing b at the end of the word)

Without b b


you'll rip me off

night away

2. -And now that we have found out that b is written after sibilants in some cases and not in others, let’s write down the topic of the lesson “Soft sign after sibilants”

3.Working with the table.(Sample of filling out the table)

4. Summing up. Graphic diagram. Generalization of the rule

Oral formulation of the rule by the teacher:

  1. If you work with a verb, always write b after sibilants;
  2. If it is a noun, check immediately: it must be in nominative case units numbers and belong to the 3rd school, i.e. to be f.r. - write b;
  1. If you have a short adjective in front of you (what?), don’t write b;
  2. If you have an adverb for hissing, write b, but remember the exceptions in which there is no b: already, married, unbearable.

IV.Input of the algorithm.

What step should you take first?

(- determine what part of speech the given word is).

Second step?

(-for a noun, find out which declension this noun belongs to)

If the noun is 1st and 2nd declension?

(-after a hissing b is not written, for example: clouds (1st declension noun). Rook (2nd declension noun).

If the noun has 3 declension?

(-after the hissing b we write, for example: night (3rd declension noun).

What if the word is a short adjective?

(-we don’t write after a hissing b, for example: prickly (except for an adjective).

What if it's a verb?

(-in any case, in a verb after sibilant b).

If this is an adverb (except: already, married, unbearable)

(- after the hissing we write b, for example: away, backhand (adverb).

Generalized algorithm.

3. How can you formulate a pattern of reasoning?

Oral argument sample

Well... the sky was breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often, the days were getting shorter (A.S. Pushkin).

(-Uzh-adverb is an exception; therefore, b is not written after w.

Graphic justification: already (?) - adverb, excl., b no

Koluch is a short adjective, therefore, after h
b is not written.

Graphic justification: mighty (?) – cr., adj., - b no

V. Consolidation.

1. Vocabulary dictation with commenting using an algorithm

Daughter..., see..., creaky..., wide open..., eat..., ray..., puddle..., stuck..., beach..., pencil..., married..., supine..., guard...

2. Copy proverbs and sayings, find and graphically justify the spelling of words with the desired spelling.

  1. The game is not worth the candle...
  2. Eat bread and salt... but tell the truth...
  3. Good... roll... while it's hot...
  4. Whatever you wish for people... you will get it yourself...

3. Selective dictation

Fill out a table consisting of 4 columns (by type of spelling) with words from the vocabulary dictation.

The class is divided into 2 groups:

4. Creative task

Form words with the desired spelling from these words by changing the form or choosing a word with the same root:

1 in: nouns; 2 in: adjectives; 3 in: verbs; 4 in: adverb.

6. Additional task:

make a logograph with words

crying - cry;

mascara - mascara

Logogryph (Greek logos - “word” + griphos - “riddle”) - the search for a hidden word and the formation of new ones from it by rearranging or throwing out individual syllables or letters: the whole is part of a tree, without one letter - a river, without two - a pronoun, without three - a preposition (crown - Rona - she - on).

Summing up

VI. Homework:

  1. Write the words in the table;
  2. Learn to reason using an algorithm.

Evening (shift) school

Spelling soft sign

V various parts speeches


Russian language and literature

Kurtveysova E.N.


Subject: Spelling of soft signs in various parts of speech.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: repeat theoretical material about the function of b in various parts of speech; consolidate the basic rules of spelling b in various parts of speech; improve competent writing skills; systematize knowledge about the conditions for using b in various parts of speech.

Educational: provide conditions for the development of skills to express thoughts competently, clearly and accurately, create conditions for the development of attentiveness, observation and the ability to highlight the main thing.

Educational: provide conditions for cultivating positive interest in the subject being studied, and facilitate the acquisition of the necessary skills for independent learning activities.

Equipment: textbook, handouts, computer presentation.

Lesson progress

Hello guys. Sit down. Let's start the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment.

      Explanation of new material.

Teacher: In this lesson we will work on the topic “Spelling the b sign in various parts of speech.” (Slide No. 1). Voice the objectives of the lesson. (Slide No. 2).

Open your notebooks. Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Guys, pay attention to the screen. Read the recording (slide number 3 is read by the student)

How can we be familiar with this?

Should I install it or not?

It is necessary that parts of speech

You gave the answer yourself


Teacher: Let's look at the table on the screen (pay attention to the table) (slide No. 4), and then write down the examples in a notebook. Look where b is placed and where it is not placed. Now the parts of speech will tell you on their own.

Spelling b in various parts of speech

It's written b

b is not written

1.In feminine nouns of the 3rd declension: night, daughter, oven, youth, rye.

1.a) In masculine nouns of the 2nd declension: key, doctor, cloak, comrade, ray;

b) In nouns genitive case plural: from behind the clouds, from the rooftops.

2.a) In verbs in the infinitive: guard, cut - cut your hair;

b) In 2nd person verbs singular: you see, read, write, wash;

V) In imperative verbs: cut - cut, assign - assign, hide - hide.

2.In short adjectives: dense, ebullient, powerful, prickly, good.

3.In the infinitive form of the verb yes, yes: what to do? what to do? teach - learn.

3.In the form of a 3rd person verb tsya: what does it do? what will he do? Study, prepare.

4.In adverbs after Ch, Sh: jump, completely, away. Exception: wide open.

4.In adverbs starting with F: I can't bear to get married.

5.In particles: you see, just, you see, you see.

6.In cardinal numbers at the end of a word: twenty, thirty, and in the middle of the word (after the first root): fifty - eighty, five hundred - eight hundred.

Let's clarify in which parts of speech b is placed? (in various).

In what parts of speech is b written? (students list).

Write down some examples of spelling words with b (add your own examples).

Guys, read the examples of which words are written b and which are not (give 2-3 examples).

After reviewing the second part of the table, the teacher asks students to write down several examples where b is not written in the words.

We finished working with the table.

3.Vocabulary work(slide number 5)

Vocabulary work

    Lay down – leaning over onto his back, face up. For example: Fall backwards.

    Backhand – swinging wildly. For example: Hit backhand.

    Unbearable - the same as unbearable. For example: I can't bear it anymore.

    Completely – without gaps, over the entire surface. For example: The board is completely covered with advertisements

    wide open - opening completely, to the end. For example: Open the window wide.

    whim – ridiculous fad, nonsense. For example: Get the whim out of your head.

    Deposit – accumulation of minerals. For example: Coal deposits.

Our topic is reflected in the textbook on page 26.

Repetition of spellings.

4.Working with the textbook(2 students at the blackboard):

p. 26, task 6, ex. 2;

p. 164, task 5, ex. 2.

5. I ask homework: (slide number 6).

page 7, task 6, ex. 2;

page 10, task 6, ex. 2;

p. 121, task 5, ex. 1.

6.Working with handouts(on students' desks):

Proverbs: Don't always say what you know, but always know what you say.

Teacher: How do you understand it? What can you say? (A person must think first and then speak).


Card No. 1

1.Copy down the proverbs by inserting verbs from brackets in the 2nd person singular form and underline:

    The water that flows nearby cannot be... (appreciated). (Uzbek).

    When (in a hurry), there are always many hills on the way. (Mongolian).

    If you (love) me, love my dog ​​too. (English).

    When new shoe begins to reap, (remember) the old one. (English).

    (If you want) to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove. (Russian).

    (Speak) the truth, the truth and do it. (Russian).

    In which people (to live), adhere to that custom. (Russian).

2. Underline the particle with b at the end:

1) Some friends are only good for drinking tea. (Japanese).

2) I’m ready to call a donkey an uncle, if only he would work for him. (Armenian).

3) Only fools persist in their delusions. (German).

Card No. 2.

1. Write down proverbs and sayings in which nouns are of the 3rd declension speech , mouse stand in I.p. units h.

1) Brief speech- good speech. (German).

2) If the truth is not in your chest, do not speak to people. (Kalmytskaya).

3) Good speech okay and listen. (Russian).

4) If you want to know a person, listen to his speech. (Chinese).

5) Speech is the image of the soul. (Latin).

6) In its hole, a mouse is like a lion. (Lezginskaya).

7) A mouse will not escape from the clutches of a hungry cat. (Armenian).

8) I dug up a mountain, but a mouse dug it up. (Indian).

9) The mouse dug and dug and got to the cat. (Georgian).

Teacher: What theme are the proverbs united by?

Guys, we must enrich our language.

Pay attention to the slide (Slide No. 7) Kuzya. (1 student at the board writes down the correct option).


I declare that as soon as the night is midnight, all kinds of young people come to my house. My feet are completely dirty from the puddles. And you walk around here, wash, wipe, clean. In general, I can’t bear to live like this. I’ll just fall over backwards from fatigue, no doctor will help. So, I ask you to put a home phone on my house, otherwise, even though I’m good, I’ll leave here.

Brownie Kuzma.

Teacher: Guys, what style of speech does the statement belong to? (Official business).

What speech styles do you know?

What two groups are all speech styles divided into? (For conversational and bookish).

Name the book styles. (Scientific, official business, artistic, journalistic).

What is the scope of application conversational style? In what cases and where is it used? (In a conversation with loved ones. It is appropriate in a home or other informal setting, in letters).

7. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. What topic did we review today?

2. When do we write b in nouns?

When do we write b in verbs?

When do we write b in adverbs?

When do we write b in numerals?

3. When do we not write?

4.Name the types of business papers.

8. Summing up. Lesson grades.

Part of speech




b is written – zh.r. 3 stacked units

Youth, luxury

b is not written

m.r. 2 cl. units

Watchman, key, ivy

Tasks, pears, schools


In short adjectives with a base, a hissing b is not written

Fresh, hot, good


Indeterminate form

Take care, get burned

2nd person unit

You can draw


Smear it, don't cry


Always (excl. already, married, unbearable)

Jump up, wide open, completely


Just, you know, you see, you see

Examples for spelling warm-up:

Re h b , young and b , We w b , di h b , But h b , full h b , up to h b , ne h b , retu w b , su w b , those h b , you w b. Kama w , comrades sch , But and , pay and , headlights w , feces h , boron sch , gara and , monta and ,gro w , traction h , obru h , le sch , ovo sch , pla sch , pla h, Yes h , ro sch , matured sch , fire sch , roof w , meet h , thousand h Sve and , prigo and , pogo and , entry and , similar and , not good and , similar and , ry and , bests and , du and , awkward and , broad-shouldered h , oho h , lol h , singing h , I live h , I'll jump h , traction h , I'm taking h , bad luck h. Teach w b , teach w b Xia , wear w b , wear w b Xia , carrying w b , carrying w b xia, losing w b , losing w b Xia , sleep w b , get some sleep w b xia, familiar m b those , familiar m b Xia ; bro With b bro With b Xia bro With b those bro With b hang on ; otre and b. Splo w b , sunday h b , about h b , for example h b , That h b -in-th h b , backwards h b , Nastya and b , naotma w b , nevmo h b.

Exercise No. 1. Explain the spelling of b, indicate the spelling, indicate the part of speech.

ovo sch

Exist, 2nd class, m.r.

Don't cry

I'll mix sch

Short adjective

get carried away



mutual assistance

you'll have fun

you'll cry

storage facilities

you'll get burned




Exercise No. 2. Put these nouns in R.P. pl. h, make up phrases with the subordinating connection management.

Exercise No. 3. Match these words with nouns with the same root as hissing, write them down, and indicate the spelling.









Exercise No. 4. Write down the nouns in R.P. pl. numbers

Exercise No. 5. Replace the full forms of adjectives with short ones. Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence. Which part of the sentence are short adjectives?

good friend

handsome young man

viscous honey

dense forest

shameless man

hot coffee

broad-shouldered young man

black cop

son who looks like his father

biting frost

red baby

skinny goose

suitable occasion

Exercise No. 6. Change verbs according to patterns.

will be offended

grievances look Xia

will rise



will look after

will grow up

get some sleep

    Explain the spelling of verb endings in the 3rd person plural form. numbers.


Eat b , eat b those



don't cry


console yourself



you'll save

Save, save


you'll distract

you will cut

you take care

Exercise No. 7. Find a correspondence between phrases and synonymous adverbs with hissing, indicate the spelling.

Exercise No. 8. Fill in the columns of the table (indicate only word numbers)

1) lubricate_ 2) married_ 3) youth_4) supine_ 5) tractor_ 6) treasure_ 7) sushi_ 8) pursue_ 9) mighty_ 10) already_ 11) enter_ 12) hide_ 13) thing_ 14) fresh_ 15) skinny_ 16) violinist_ 17) completely_ 18) save_ 19) quiet_ 20) kalach_ 21) awkward_ 22) good_ 23) cottage_ 24) trifle_ 25) hidden_ ​​26) lie down_ 27) brooch_ 28) timing_ 29) hot_ 30) hard-working_ 31) luxury_ 32) brought_ 33) 34 ) speech_ 35) patronage_ 36) omniscient_ 37) electric oven_ 38) dry_ 39) pay off_ 40) false_ 41) prestige_ 42) revenge_ 43) kleish_ 44) sick_ 45) strongman_ 46) medical doctor_ 47) arbitration_ 48) brilliant_ 49) ish_ 50) smelly_