Vegetable garden in Scandinavian style. Scandinavian style garden - landscape design for a summer residence

The main features of the Scandinavian style in landscape design are conciseness, simplicity and versatility. This style emerged in conditions where it was necessary to take into account the harsh climatic influences on plants, and at the same time obtain a beautiful, comfortable and viable garden.

1. Characteristic features of the style.
Today, the Scandinavian style is the quintessence of landscape design trends that emerged in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and other northern European countries. All these areas are distinguished by the desire to create a cozy, comfortable corner for relaxation and unity with nature. At the same time, the Scandinavian style is characterized by severity, a certain severity, which is successfully leveled out with the help of bright colors. This approach is due to the fact that the long, harsh winters in these regions encourage the desire to introduce certain bright accents into the landscape, which will make it easier to endure the winter months.

The Scandinavian style in the landscape is characterized by an open layout. There are no separate isolated corners hidden by high arches or human-sized fences. This approach creates a feeling of spaciousness.

Fences in the Scandinavian landscape are replaced by low hedges - this also serves to create additional visual space.

The layout of the site is carried out in such a way that, in harmony with artificial elements - flowerpots for plants, rectangular areas of the territory paved with tiles or stones, flower beds, elements of “wild” nature are adjacent: rockeries, rock gardens, ponds of irregular shape, unfenced lawns. A very characteristic feature of the style is the presence of a heather garden - this plant serves as a kind of calling card of Scandinavian landscapes.

Clear lines and precise geometric outlines of landscape elements here coexist with a variety of large irregularly shaped boulders distributed throughout the site. In this way, the same unity of man-made components and natural beauty is achieved, for which this style is so valued.

2. What plants are suitable for a Scandinavian-style landscape?

Plants for the garden are selected to be unpretentious, but at the same time quite decorative and expressive. After all, on the one hand, they should easily tolerate cold and bad weather, and on the other hand, they should serve as a true accent and decoration for the entire territory.

It is impossible to imagine the Scandinavian landscape without evergreen trees and shrubs - juniper, boxwood, yew, thuja and conifers. Climbing plants such as hops, ivy or morning glory are perfect for decorating the walls of gazebos and outbuildings.

Plants that may suffer from cold weather are also quite appropriate in the Scandinavian style, but they should be grown in miniature greenhouses, which themselves serve as an excellent decorative element of the garden.

3. Finishing materials.

One of the main materials for creating small garden forms in the Scandinavian style is, of course, stone. A very characteristic element of the landscape can be a stone grotto or a decorative fireplace built from large rough boulders.

In addition to stone elements, ancient objects are actively used to decorate the site - pots, jugs, cart wheels. All this creates a patina of time and a feeling of respect for traditions.

To create bright accents, you can use small garden sculptures of gnomes, trolls, and other representatives of Scandinavian folklore. But try not to have too many of these sculptures, because the Scandinavian style allows for bright artificial accents that should not overshadow the natural beauty.

The Scandinavian style of landscape design is characterized by simple, but at the same time expressive decoration of space. Instead of benches, hewn logs are often used, next to which you can see a strangely shaped driftwood. Wicker or wooden furniture is placed between the pine and maple trees. The constant attributes of the design are rustic implements and utensils.

Modern Scandinavian landscape design has combined folk styles and their individual trends that developed in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The climate and topography in these countries have significant differences, which cannot but influence different approaches to planning and choosing plants for the home garden. Nevertheless, household plots in all climatic regions of Scandinavia have much in common, which experts explain by the influence of the character and mentality of the peoples inhabiting the peninsula. The Scandinavian style has gained enormous popularity in Russia, and this fact is explained by several reasons:

  • decorative design of the site does not require a large area (the optimal option is 5-6 acres);
  • plants, trees and shrubs used in the design grow throughout the country;
  • A landscape Scandinavian garden can be developed with minimal capital investment.

Main features of Scandinavian landscape design

Naturalness, freshness, space, a minimum of artificial decorations - this is Scandinavian landscape design. We can add that this direction is characterized by optimism and a life-affirming attitude. Swedish and Norwegian front gardens are distinguished by regular geometric shapes, clear zoning, and the use of bright colors against a background of a predominant green shade (there are many evergreens in the Scandinavian garden). The main elements that characterize the Scandinavian style are:

  • paved or gravel areas (square or rectangular);
  • smooth boulders;
  • lawns without borders;
  • natural oasis (lawns with wildflowers, shrubs, perennial plantings);
  • small vegetable garden;
  • artificial pond of irregular shape;
  • heather garden;
  • hedges instead of wooden and stone fences (open plan);
  • wood products are painted in bright colors;
  • Instead of flower beds, flower containers are placed throughout the garden.

Decorating a personal plot

The Scandinavian style of landscape design is characterized by simple, but at the same time expressive decoration of space. Instead of benches, hewn logs are often used, next to which you can see a strangely shaped driftwood. Wicker or wooden furniture is placed between the pine and maple trees. The constant attributes of the design are rustic implements and utensils.

A cart wheel, ceramic and straw figurines made by handicraft, clay pots, baskets made of willow twigs, brightly colored watering cans - all these simple household items are widely used in decorating a garden plot. Stones and boulders are found throughout the area; there is no system in their distribution on the site.

Wooden objects are painted blue, orange or red. Shrubs are planted along the perimeter of the site: lilac, elderberry, spirea, snowberry. Poppies, bright dahlias, phlox, asters, peonies, calendula, and wildflowers grow on lawns and lawns. There are also islands of flax and cereal plants on the site.

The Scandinavian garden is characterized by miniature greenhouses in which rare ornamental plants are grown. If there is no space on the site for arranging a pond, you can put a tall tub of water. A characteristic technique is the random, at first glance, planting of unpretentious flowers. Variegated marigolds, calendula, and bluebells grow under the benches and along the fence and porch. These joyful little oases add a special charm to the northern garden. For vertical gardening, clematis, hops, ivy, and Aubert's knotweed are used. The main trees in the garden area are maples, pines and pyramidal thujas.

Speaking about Scandinavian landscape design, it should be emphasized that this direction is folk and very far from aristocracy. Such a garden looks harmonious against the backdrop of a wooden frame and a small stone cottage and is not very suitable for gardening areas laid out around palace mansions.

Reading time: 4 min

The summer season is in full swing, and, regardless of whether bags of potatoes are planted, you want to create a piece of the Garden of Eden on your 6 or 40 acres. It’s not too late to decide on your future landscape design and make it from scratch, or transform an existing one. Let's create a Scandinavian-style garden with our own hands.

There are many possibilities today: you can invite a landscape designer to the site for a consultation - it will cost about 750-1000 UAH, and the development of a project, indicating the work, layout of the site, plants and a sketch - 1200-1900 UAH / hundred square meters. You can also improve the area yourself: garden centers have almost any plant, and consultants, once they know what direction you want, will offer options.

As they told landscape designers Elena Terentyeva and Viktor Vasiltsev, the Scandinavian garden is now in demand. “Popular in interiors over the past few years, it has confidently moved into areas,”- says Elena. Experts explained the basic principles of creating a northern garden. So, how to create a Scandinavian-style garden at your dacha.

Scandinavian style garden - decor and wooden furniture

Simple benches for a Scandinavian garden are ideal

There is no place for luxury in the harsh forest. Find a corner for one or two log benches, a few wide stumps for a bench, and a picnic area with a small table. In the Scandinavian landscape, only furniture made from natural materials bestowed by cold nature is applicable. One plastic chair can spoil the charm of the site, and forget about rattan furniture: tropical liana does not grow in Norway.

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Rough furniture from Western Ukraine is the ideal solution. If there is no opportunity or desire to purchase a set of furniture for 4-7 thousand UAH, make benches, a table and even sun loungers from pallets. Bright pillows will be an additional decoration.

Furniture made from pallets. Fashionable, practical and inexpensive

Interesting and varied mythology of the Scandinavian countries: trolls, elves, gnomes and other forest brethren will fill the landscape with fabulousness. The northern garden would not be complete without a sculpture of a goblin, carved from wood, that has taken up residence in the juniper thicket. But antique statues, naked bathers or broken amphorae have no place here.

Leshy - guarding the garden

Scandinavian style garden - pond and boulders “to match nature”

In Scandinavia, cottage construction is common, when everyone has a small plot - a northern garden can be laid out on 4-10 acres. These countries are almost devoid of summer, and the harsh landscapes impress with their pristine beauty. Therefore, the main principle is maximum naturalness: stones-boulders, embankment paths-streams, asymmetrical layout and islands of evergreen conifers.

An ideal Scandinavian garden would be one with a decorative pond - a stream or pond. And there is no artificiality or symmetry - this is a fragment of a cold forest. If there are beds, then they will be small and high, which will become not part of the garden, but its additional element.

Dry stream as a highlight

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Scandinavian style garden - modest flowers and plant persistence

The climate in Sweden, Norway or Denmark is cold, the soil is poor, so choose plants that are hardy and frost-resistant. Bright spots of conifers brighten up cold landscapes; they are obligatory inhabitants of the Scandinavian garden: junipers, thujas, pines and spruces, boxwoods.

Place several ground covers on the boulders: sedum, cotoneaster, creeping gypsophila, and small clearing areas will be decorated with islands of flowers: alpine carnation, Carpathian bellflower, daisies and calendula. Mandatory occupant - heather. Experiment with its varieties. Southern beauties roses, lilies, and hydrangeas have no place here - they will violate the strict northern asceticism.

Scandinavian style garden -northern tricks with stones and roots

To make the garden “real”, add some designer touches. The slightly exposed roots of the juniper will resemble frozen snakes in their shape. Bring driftwood or moss-covered trunks and chaga mushrooms from the nearest forest, which you place in different parts of the garden. Use flat stones as a table or chair, and place an unusually shaped stone so that it casts a mysterious shadow.

Create an artificial pond using an old basin dug into the ground. The “banks” lined with sharp stones and tree bark will hide its essence. You don’t have to change the water in it, just add more - let it bloom a little, like in a real forest.

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Scandinavian style on a country plot - a very concise and simple style, which is often used in landscape design. The main task of this style is to combine comfort, harmony and functionality in the garden. can withstand bad weather conditions, since in Scandinavian countries, the climate and terrain have significant differences.

The main distinguishing feature of this style is unity with nature, a continuous connection with it. Natural simplicity and at the same time uniqueness energizes and gives strength. This style is dominated by restraint and functionality, one of the main components of a successful design of a suburban area. But despite the fact that this style is not pretentious, it is not at all boring and has bright and rich colors. Just like in our climate, in northern countries there is a lack of daylight, so bright and light colors are used to add warmth and comfort to the garden.

Important components Scandinavian style are: hedges instead of fences, open plan. There are containers and flowerpots with flowers. Paved areas for recreation, natural glades with wild plants, lawns without flower beds, ponds of irregular shape, all this distinguishes the Scandinavian style from others. Another striking feature is the heather garden, which is very common in Scandinavian style. Artificial decorations are not welcome in this style. A frequently encountered decoration element is stone. Large stones and boulders have found their special place in the Scandinavian style. The arrangement of elements shows clear lines and a consistent arrangement.

A good addition to a heather garden would be a small vegetable garden, regular in shape and with beautifully decorated beds. In order not to deviate from the natural style, the beds can be decorated with board frames, and the paths between the beds can be filled with gravel. To decorate the garden, shrubs and flowers, which are often found in Scandinavian countries, are always used. It is impossible to make this garden without evergreen coniferous plants, since it is they who greatly enliven the not too bright nature of the north and it is these plants that withstand cold weather. Junipers, pines, spruces, thujas are the main participants in the Scandinavian ensemble. Since containers and flowerpots are used for decoration, yews, boxwoods, and hydrangeas will look very beautiful in them. They are the ones that will replace multi-tiered flower beds.

You can hide the recreation area with the help of climbing plants. Hops, climbing beans, clematis, ivy, and morning glory are suitable for this. To grow heat-loving plants, you can use small greenhouses. Emphasizing the naturalness of this style, bright lawns of asters, phlox, flax and calendula should be found on the site. They are the ones who color the restrained style and give the garden its attractiveness. Among the bright accents of flowers, semi-wild grains would be very appropriate. Bluebells, alpine dianthus, creeping gypsophila and sedum nest well among the rocky islands.

When choosing plants to decorate a suburban area, you should remember that the garden should remain natural and discreet, with the exception of bright accents in the form of colored flower beds. Natural materials should also be used, such as wood and stone. Using these materials you can make excellent

A beautifully decorated garden plot can please the eye and also allows you to have a great rest after a hard day at work. Garden landscape decoration has a huge number of varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. The Scandinavian style in landscape design is one of the most popular types. This stylistic direction has simple decoration bordering on discreet execution. Despite this, decoration in this style requires the use of bright palettes with plants and decorative items of unusual shapes.

Materials used

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Despite the fact that this stylistic trend is typical for northern countries, it can also be formed on your own personal plot. An important point that will come in handy is to stock up on various necessary materials and items for decoration. It is thanks to them that you can get a completely unique image. Scandinavian style is a sophisticated combination of a little chaos that looks quite harmonious.

The rough details of garden tools look ideal in combination with a fragrant garden, in which the stems can entwine various decorative items. For example, hewn pieces of furniture, which are mainly used instead of ordinary benches, should always be placed near flowering bushes or flower beds. To make the style more expressive, according to the recommendations of decorators, it is better to install an unusual piece of driftwood near the log. It is small accents like these that make it possible to recognize the image in all its beauty.

Plant selection

Wicker furniture is an indispensable attribute of this stylistic trend. Basically, pieces of furniture should not be placed in the open air, but between an area of ​​trees or overgrown bushes. To make the image perfect, you definitely need to use wooden equipment, as well as various objects. It is important to remember that style is a combination of small elements. When combined into one composition, they can form one image that is full of perfection and harmony.

Subtleties of this style

Scandinavian garden decor involves the use of “wild” stones, granite, and a variety of wooden structures. Large boulders, as well as various figures of women, can be used as stones. Boulders can be useful both for decorating the garden area and for equipping the area near the front area with them. Different seemingly careless huge stones will make it possible to recognize some elements of the stylistic direction inherent in the Scandinavian style. Almost any personal plot that has decor in this stylistic direction has paths that are original in their decor. Paths must be equipped with granite paving stones or sandstone slabs and other stones. It is necessary to remember that this style is characterized by pastel colors, diluting bright accents. Designers mainly use red and orange colors.

Let's consider the main elements inherent in the Scandinavian landscape style:

  • Artificial grotto

This is one of the design features of this stylistic direction. Basically, grottoes are built from medium-sized pebbles. To make the appearance more natural, decorators can decorate with stone blocks made from plants. There is no need to use only flowering plant varieties. The selection of creeping plant varieties is quite wide; here you can find beautiful options with different leaf shapes.

  • Stone fireplace

Thanks to the use of large stones, with the help of which such products are built, you can get the spirit of the northern tradition on your personal plot. Such boulders are functional, however, they are mainly used as decoration. Sitting around an open fire is a favorite evening entertainment, during which different stories are told.

Scandinavian style

  • Paved areas

Such paving must be made of stones. The site should have a rectangular or square shape. To make the area varied, you can use flower beds in its decoration. The place for flower beds can be either around the perimeter of the site or located directly on it. Often flower beds are arranged in smooth shapes throughout the area. The central part of the territory is decorated either with the help of boulders, which are thrown one on top of another in a chaotic manner, or with a pedestal with strict forms. This may turn out to be a monument that looks like a small table, but has a multifaceted base.

Selecting material for Scandinavian style

Any decorative details must be made of either wood or stone. Slatted and plank facades are used more often. Wood is an indispensable material for the Scandinavian stylistic trend. Various decorative figures like gnomes and so on. In addition to wood, wicker is also very often used. Wicker furniture is very impressive, at the same time it is very practical. Such furniture is distinguished by comfort and beautiful decor. In addition to furniture, there must certainly be accessories such as baskets and much more.

To decorate a garden plot in the Scandinavian style, plantings are used, which are widespread in central Russia. If you wish, you can plant decorative plants next to it, which are shrubs along with berries and fruit trees. It is important to note that the entire appearance should be very simple and discreet; only some details can be highlighted with bright colors.