Prayer before the exam - full text. Who and how to pray to successfully pass exams? Prayer for children to pass exams

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer for a successful son’s exam” with a detailed description and photographs.

When your child is preparing for the first time in his life difficult tests, I want to help him, so the prayer for a mother to pass an exam for a child is known and passed on from mouth to mouth for several centuries. Caring mothers are always close to their child, even in thoughts and prayers. With a mother's word You can protect a child, believe in it and read your prayers.

Prayer for a mother to pass the exam for her child

Wherever the child studies: at the institute or at school, he cannot avoid exams. But an exam is like a lottery. You don’t have to learn anything, you’ll be lucky with a ticket and the teacher will be in good spirit, and the exam is passed. Or you can cram for the whole semester, and you will come across a difficult test, and even a bunch of additional questions. Just hope for good luck it’s not worth it, it’s better to teach, and also know the prayers who help pupils and students with exams.

Mom can support too son or daughter while taking the exam. You will learn what prayers to read when a child takes an exam, and how to behave at this time.

“Holy Matronushka, protector of children and mothers, I ask you for one thing at this moment, but I don’t ask, but I beg. Give strength to my dear little one, do not abandon her in difficult trials, help her, show her the easy way. So that the tickets are not difficult, and that the Servant of God (name of the child) holds the answer, and that luck be upon him.”

I advise you to read such a prayer three times when the child leaves the threshold of his home. You can take it handkerchief and read this prayer, holding it in your hands, and then give it to the child, and tell him not to be separated from this handkerchief.

Prayer for parents for the child to pass the exam (for the mother)

I’ll also teach you one prayer, which you need to read exactly at the time when your child’s exam begins. Suitable for both schoolchildren and students. This prayer can be for a daughter or a son. The most powerful is the prayer to the holy martyr Tatiana.

“Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, patroness and protector of all who follow the thorny road to their knowledge and obtain it through honest labor. Help the Servant of God (child's name) pass exams and overcome all difficulties. Let them only be in your head clear thoughts, and all questions will be within your reach. Do not leave my soul, my child, in difficult times for him. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students and all students. Therefore, pray to her, and she will definitely help you and your child. This prayer for passing exams at school will definitely come in handy for caring parents.

Prayers for a child to do well in an exam

A few more prayers that can be read while your child is passing exams, be it Unified State Exam, OGE or university entrance exams. It can be read when the child passes his license or undergoes any other tests. This is a prayer to St. Archangel Michael.

“Holy Archangel Michael, protector of all children and mothers. Help me in this difficult moment, on this difficult day, when my little blood will endure the test. Give him the strength to show his knowledge. May the judges be merciful to him, may luck be on his side. I know you won’t leave us alone. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Every prayer for a mother to pass an exam for her child is strong if you read it from the heart.

Prayer before the exam

There is not a person among us who would not turn to God, who would not ask him for something. Many can note that if you ask sincerely believe in help, and hope that the Lord will definitely help. When an important event happens in our lives, we always ask for support from above.

The exam is undoubtedly important event, a test and a kind of test that everyone must pass. Everyone must pass their exam, and they must pass well. Of course, we are very worried and worried, so we should definitely pray. Prayer before an exam calms you down, gives you strength, good spirits and faith in a good outcome. Prayer for good luck always helps. Anyone who prays knows this for sure. The cherished lines of prayer help you concentrate and accomplish your goals and objectives. Man is designed in such a way that he needs support and help in both sorrow and joy. And, for sure, this very support is prayer. Both in sorrow and in joy. This is how it has been done since time immemorial. After all, how many exams we have to pass in life, how many worries and fears we have to endure. But with prayer it’s not so scary, not so scary. After all, you are no longer alone.

Of course, when going to the exam, you must definitely pray and believe in miraculous power prayers. And thank you for this strength, for your help.

Powerful Prayer to the Lord for study/exam
Prayer to all saints and ethereal heavenly powers for help in teaching
Prayer to the Guardian Angel for good luck before the exam
Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for successfully passing the exam
Prayer to Matrona of Moscow before study/exam
Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for studying / before the exam
Parents' prayer for their daughter or son to pass the exam

Lord Jesus Christ, we fall before You and pray to You, look upon us who pray to You. Remember, Lord, Your promises: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them,” and remember also after Your Resurrection what You said: “I am with you to the end of the age.” Who blessed Your holy disciples and apostles after Your Ascension and promised them the Grace of the Holy Spirit and made them worthy of the gift of wisdom and reason on the day of the fiftieth, having created some of them teachers of the wisdom of faith. Grant to our youth (names) now passing the examination tests the same Spirit of Wisdom and reason, as you once bestowed upon your holy disciples. Grant that our youths, without fear and embarrassment, will not forget anything from the teachings taught to them and will reasonably present what is required during the test. Make those examining you peaceful and supportive, as you once did to the Venerable Sergius and righteous John and your other saint. Through their prayers, together with the martyr Tatiana, with Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, through Your Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, be merciful to all of us forever and ever. Amen!

Prayer Our Father

Prayers before communion and confession

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Prayer for a successful son's exam

In order to succeed in the exam, you must not only pray, but first of all study well, try for a year, and know the subject. God helps those who work!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for my studies/exams, send Your holy help so that I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, O Lord, and what is useful for me. Amen.

Most gracious Lord, bestow upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, for the glory, for the comfort of our parents, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland. Amen.

Our Lady of "Increase in Mind" Part of a four-part

icons. 1780s. Wood, tempera. Rybinsk state-

national historical and architectural art museum-

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for study/exam

Most Pure Mother of God, the House in which the Wisdom of God created for Himself, the Giver of spiritual gifts, raising our minds from the world to the worldly and leading everyone to the knowledge of reason!

Receive prayerful singing from us, Thy unworthy servants, who bow with faith and tenderness before Thy most pure image. Pray to Thy Son and our God to grant to our rulers wisdom and strength, to judges truth and impartiality, to shepherds spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls, to mentors humility, to children obedience, to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth.

And now, our All-singing, All-beloved Mother, give us an increase in intelligence, pacify, unite those who exist in enmity and division and lay down for them an insoluble bond of love, convert all those who have gone astray from foolishness to the light of the truth of Christ, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and hard work, Grant the word of wisdom and helpful knowledge to those who ask, Autumn us with eternal joy, the brightest Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. We, seeing the glorious deeds and manifold wisdom of God in the world and our life, will remove ourselves from earthly vanities and unnecessary worldly cares, and will raise our minds and hearts to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity We send our praises to the glorious God and Creator of all, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for study/exam

Holy angel of Christ, faithful servant of God, warrior of His heavenly army, I appeal to you in prayer, crossing myself with the holy cross. Send me heavenly grace to my spiritual strength and grant me meaning and understanding, so that I may carefully listen to the godly teaching that the teacher conveys to us, and my mind will grow enormously for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church for the benefit. I ask you this, angel of Christ. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for studying / before the exam

O Saint Nicholas, People's Pleasant! We remember and honor Thy holy kindness, Do not forsake God’s (God’s) sinner’s servant (sinful) even now! Clear my mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to bring peace to my soul, Grant me, be lenient, the intelligence for the upcoming exam! I believe that You are blessed and just, I have holy hope for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to St. Matrona of Moscow before study/exam

Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me too (say out loud what you need help with). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to all saints and ethereal heavenly powers for help in teaching

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the gift of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself act all in all, many saints have been accomplished in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Sergius of Radonezh before studying / exam

O venerable and God-bearing Father Sergius! Look at us (name) mercifully and, those who are devoted to the earth, lead us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers. By your intercession, ask for every gift that is useful to everyone and for everyone, and through your prayers that help us, grant us all, on the day of the Last Judgment, to be delivered from the last part, and the right hand of the country to be partakers of life and to hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . Amen.

An ascetic of virtues, like a true warrior of Christ God, you labored in great passion in the temporal life, and in singing, vigils and fasting, you became your disciple; In the same way, the Most Holy Spirit dwells in you, by whose action you are brightly adorned; but as having the boldness to Holy Trinity, remember the flock that you wisely gathered, and do not forget, as you promised, visiting your children, Our Reverend Sergius.

Having been wounded by Christ's love, Reverend, and having followed that irrevocable desire, you hated all carnal pleasure, and like the sun of your fatherland you have risen, thus Christ has enriched you with the gift of miracles. Remember us, who honor your blessed memory, and we call to you: Rejoice, O wise Sergius.

Prayer to St. John of Kronstadt before studying/exam

O great servant of Christ, holy and righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick helper and merciful representative! Raising praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your name is Love: do not reject me, who am erring. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, who is weak and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me.” Now the all-Russian flock, grateful to Your intercession, prays to You: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and weaklings, grant us the ability to bear worthy fruits of repentance and to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation. With your power, strengthen our faith in us, support us in prayer, heal ailments and illnesses, deliver us from misfortunes, visible and invisible enemies. With the light of your face, incite the servants and heads of the altar of Christ to perform holy deeds of pastoral work, grant education to infants, instruct youth, support old age, illuminate the shrines of churches and holy abodes. Die, O most wonderful miracle worker and prophet, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver them from internecine strife; Collect the squandered, convert the deceived, and unite the Holy Ones of Your Catholic and Apostolic Church. By your grace, preserve marriage in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to monastics in good deeds, give comfort to the faint-hearted, freedom for the suffering unclean spirits, have mercy in the needs and circumstances of those who exist, and guide us all on the path of salvation. In Christ living, our Father John, lead us to the unevening light of eternal life, so that with you we may be worthy of eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Thanksgiving Prayer After Study/Exam

We thank You, Creator, for You have made us worthy of Your grace to listen to the teaching. Bless our leaders, parents and teachers, who lead us to the knowledge of good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching. Amen.

There is not a person among us who would not turn to God, who would not ask him for something. Many can note that if you ask sincerely believe in help, and hope that the Lord will definitely help. When an important event happens in our lives, we always ask for support from above.

An exam is undoubtedly an important event, a test and a kind of test that everyone must pass. Everyone must pass their exam, and they must pass well. Of course, we are very worried and worried, so we should definitely pray. Prayer before the exam calms, gives strength, good spirits and faith in a good outcome. Prayer for good luck always helps. Anyone who prays knows this for sure. The cherished lines of prayer help you concentrate and accomplish your goals and objectives. Man is designed in such a way that he needs support and help in both sorrow and joy. And, for sure, this very support is prayer. Both in sorrow and in joy. This is how it has been done since time immemorial. After all, how many exams we have to pass in life, how many worries and fears we have to endure. But with prayer it’s not so scary, not so scary. After all, you are no longer alone.

Of course, when going for the exam, you must definitely pray and believe in the miraculous power of prayer. And thank you for this strength, for your help.

We wish you to pass the exam with flying colors!

Strong prayer to the Lord for study/exam

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for my studies/exams, send Your holy help so that I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, O Lord, and what is useful for me. Amen.
Most gracious Lord, bestow upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, for the glory, for the comfort of our parents, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland. Amen.

Prayer to all saints and ethereal heavenly powers for help in teaching

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the gift of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself act all in all, many saints have been accomplished in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for good luck before the exam

Holy angel of Christ, faithful servant of God, warrior of His heavenly army, I appeal to you in prayer, crossing myself with the holy cross. Send me heavenly grace to my spiritual strength and grant me meaning and understanding, so that I may carefully listen to the godly teaching that the teacher conveys to us, and my mind will grow enormously for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church for the benefit. I ask you this, angel of Christ. Amen.

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for successfully passing the exam

O venerable and God-bearing Father Sergius! Look at us (name) mercifully and, those who are devoted to the earth, lead us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers. By your intercession, ask for every gift that is useful to everyone and for everyone, and through your prayers that help us, grant us all, on the day of the Last Judgment, to be delivered from the last part, and the right hand of the country to be partakers of life and to hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . Amen.

Troparion, tone 4
An ascetic of virtues, like a true warrior of Christ God, you labored in great passion in the temporal life, and in singing, vigils and fasting, you became your disciple; In the same way, the Most Holy Spirit dwells in you, by whose action you are brightly adorned; but as you have boldness towards the Holy Trinity, remember the flock that you wisely gathered, and do not forget, as you promised, when you visited your children, Our Reverend Sergius.

Kontakion, tone 8
Having been wounded by Christ's love, Reverend, and having followed that irrevocable desire, you hated all carnal pleasure, and like the sun of your fatherland you have risen, thus Christ has enriched you with the gift of miracles. Remember us, who honor your blessed memory, and we call to you: Rejoice, O wise Sergius.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow before study/exam

Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me too (say out loud what you need help with). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for studying / before the exam

O Saint Nicholas, People's Pleasant! We remember and honor Thy holy kindness, Do not forsake God’s (God’s) sinner’s servant (sinful) even now! Clear my mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to bring peace to my soul, Grant me, be lenient, the intelligence for the upcoming exam! I believe that You are blessed and just, I have holy hope for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord. Amen.

Mother's prayer for her daughter or son to pass the exam

Lord Jesus Christ, we fall before You and pray to You, look upon us who pray to You. Remember, Lord, Your promises: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them,” and remember also after Your Resurrection what You said: “I am with you to the end of the age.” Who blessed Your holy disciples and apostles after Your Ascension and promised them the Grace of the Holy Spirit and made them worthy of the gift of wisdom and reason on the day of the fiftieth, having created some of them teachers of the wisdom of faith. Grant to our youth (names) now passing the examination tests the same Spirit of Wisdom and reason, as you once bestowed upon your holy disciples. Grant that our youths, without fear and embarrassment, will not forget anything from the teachings taught to them and will reasonably present what is required during the test. Make those examining you peaceful and supportive, just as you once did to St. Sergius and Righteous John and your other saints. Through their prayers, together with the martyr Tatiana, with Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, through Your Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, be merciful to all of us forever and ever. Amen!

Why does prayer before an exam help?

The banal advice “not to worry” before an exam does not apply. But schoolchildren and students have more effective methods– For decades now, students have been reciting a prayer so that the test goes well. Even psychologists assure: it really helps. At a minimum, the person receives a feeling of support.

Prayer instead of sedatives

About 54% of students believe that faith in good result significantly reduces pre-exam anxiety and helps you pass the exam. This is especially important for sensitive people who tend to fear failure. And everything would be fine, but excessive anxiety makes it difficult to concentrate and remember information during the test. Even if you learn everything, you can be too nervous and confused, never remembering the required material. Prayer allows you to remain collected and concentrated during the exam, without wasting your strength fighting emotions.

According to psychologists, after prayer a person feels the support of God. The result is confidence and improved mood, belief in a favorable outcome and peace of mind. In such stressful situation You especially need an understanding that everything will be fine. In the language of psychology, thanks to prayer, a person “comes out” of the epicenter of stress and seems to be observing the exam situation from the outside.

Supporting Prayer in an Exam

Another reason is the feeling of support. It is important for a person to gain confidence that the Higher powers will be on his side. The female half especially needs support - 61% believe that faith in God helps reduce anxiety before exams. That is why, even as adults, women tend to say a prayer for their children to successfully pass the exam.

Believers first ask the priest for a blessing before preparing for exams. According to them, testing is then easier. They also pray to the Mother of God, turn to the Apostles Peter and Paul, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian, Nicholas the Wonderworker. They also ask for help from the Holy Martyr Tatiana, the patroness of students. You can also read a prayer to Sergei of Radonezh.

The effect of prayer on the body

Scientists, as always, question everything. Researchers from North Carolina (USA) decided to conduct an experiment by inviting priests of different faiths to pray for patients who suffered from various heart ailments. Over the course of several days, doctors took notes.

The results were surprising - the recovery rate increased by 93%. Scientists have concluded that during prayer many processes in the body return to normal. For students, this means a significant reduction in stress levels. And if the body feels good, it is much easier for a person to concentrate and pass the test.

Prayer before the exam

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Complete collection and description: a mother’s prayer for her child to pass the exam for the spiritual life of a believer.

And an exam is a kind of stress for the body. And a test of independence in adult life.

Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask.

Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask. Especially when it concerns children. And your prayer will be fulfilled. As they say: “According to our faith, let it be done to us!”

You can always read prayers for your child about any issues:

  • About health in infancy;
  • About the mind in the ice age, more precisely in adolescence; It’s not for nothing that she called it glacial. The period of icebergs and cold ice, fragile snow. When a teenager is cold as ice to parental advice. No matter how much they talk, he’ll get into trouble. And until it thaws, it won’t let anything into its brain.
  • About peace of mind;
  • About choosing the right one;
  • About spiritual values.
  • And in general, in all kinds of need. Now is the time to take final exams. Who else, if not the mother, can put in a good word before the Almighty? And there are still entrance exams ahead. The child needs help. So call on the heavenly powers to help.

To start, write a cheat sheet for your dear one. Take white leaves and cut them into small squares.

Light a church candle and say the right words.

So that each question is on a separate paper.

“Heavenly powers, honest angels, I ask not for myself, but in the name of my foolish child. Help him pass his exams and get cheat sheets without being noticed. Cover it with your wings. Show great knowledge. Let it be easy for him to answer. These solutions are within your power. Please accept my gratitude, my maternal gratitude.”

When you finish saying these words, put all these clues into the child’s clothes unnoticed. Be sure that at the most crucial moment the angels will tell him which pocket to get into.

“Lord, our Almighty Father, hear my prayer, do not turn away your Holy face from me, your sinful servant (name). I don’t ask for myself, but for my slow-witted child, God’s servant (name). Help him pass the exam today and score the required points. Get all the stupid thoughts out of his head and put in the smart ones. Let the questions be easy for him, and the examiners be kind. I trust in you, my Lord. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Believe me, dear, everything will be fine. Your son will pass any exam.

“Heavenly powers, Holy powers. Messengers of God, you are my dear ones. Soften the hearts of scientific teachers, send them blessings and smoked fish. Let there be salmon, caviar and lobster. And so that the answers are not paired. Let the child forgive his mistakes and shortcomings. Let them not notice the errors in the calculations. Let them be happy and supportive. And I will bow for them in church. Thank you, dear ones, thank you, Saints. I trust in you, my golden ones.”

These are the tips for you, dear. And know that there is no one in the world better and smarter than your child. He will get help and you will have peace of mind.

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Prayer for passing the exam

Every believer knows that prayer can help in any matter. And passing the exam is no exception. But this absolutely does not mean that you can pray and not study, but simply pass exams successfully. Prayerful appeal will attract success and give confidence. But at the same time, if there is no knowledge, then no matter how strong the prayer is, it will still be useless.

Many Saints patronize students. Therefore, each student can choose a prayer for himself, that is, the one that will be closest to him in spirit.

Prayer before the exam for a good grade (excellent)

Very often, students who not only strive to pass an exam, but also get a good grade, turn to the help of Higher Powers. And, as is known, even with good knowledge, anxiety can interfere with this. In order to calm down and feel confident in yourself, you need to pray to Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr.

The prayer appeal sounds like this:

Mother's prayer for the successful passing of the exam by her child (daughter, son)

When a child is preparing for a serious exam, the mother’s prayer can be an effective help. This is explained by the fact that the energetic connection between mother and child remains for life.

A prayer for your son or daughter to successfully pass the exam should be said at the moment when the child leaves home.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer should be said three times. It is also permissible to say a handkerchief using the above prayer words and put it in the pocket of the clothes that the son or daughter plans to wear for the exam. But you should not tell your child about this.

When the time comes when your child is planning to take the exam, you should turn to Saint Archangel Michael in prayer.

Prayer to students for good luck in the university exam

In order not to worry before an exam at the university, you need to read a special prayer. Prayerful appeal to To the Higher Powers, will not only allow you to calm down, but also instill hope in a successful outcome of the upcoming test. With the help of prayer, you can increase your self-esteem and tune in to achieve high results.

The most popular among students today is the prayer to all the Saints and Ethereal heavenly powers.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for passing the driving test at the traffic police to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker helps everyone who turns to him with a variety of questions. Prayer to him will also help if you need to successfully pass the traffic police exam.

In this case, the prayer will act as follows:

  • It will help you get rid of uncertainty, inner fear and anxiety.
  • Allows you to concentrate and direct your thoughts the right direction, even when a stressful situation arises.
  • Will provide positive attitude, which will allow you to get good results.

The prayer goes like this:

This prayer is usually read before leaving the house. But if upon arrival at the traffic police you feel that the excitement has not gone away, then immediately before the exam you should mentally say another prayer.

A strong prayer to Sergei of Radonezh for help in passing any exams

A prayer request to this Saint will help:

  • Not only pass the exam, but also get good grades.
  • Get rid of pride, which will allow you not to overestimate yourself.
  • Calm down and get in the right mood for the exam.

Tradition says that St. Sergei of Radonezh had a very difficult time studying during his lifetime. He couldn't bring himself to even pick up the book, although he understood how important it was. Therefore, one day Sergei of Radonezh decided to turn to the Lord for help and read a prayer. From that moment on, he began to study eagerly. Moreover, everything he read was very easy to remember, so he soon became an educated person. That is why the Saint always hears the prayers of people who turn to him and ask for help in educational matters.

Before the exam, every student or student can turn to Sergei Radonezhsky for help. But at the same time, you must remember that a lot when passing the exam depends on you. If you don't know program material, then no prayer will force the teacher to give you an excellent grade. But on the other hand, if you study well, then praying to the Saint will allow you to gain confidence in yourself, and, therefore, this will be a guarantee of successfully passing the exam.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer can be read not only before passing an exam, but also before defending a diploma project or dissertation. Parents can also make a prayer request to Saint Sergei of Radonezh before their child’s exam. It will also be useful if you feel that one of the subjects is difficult for your child.

Prayer for passing the exam (must read for mothers)

When your child is preparing for the first difficult tests in his life, you want to help him, so the prayer for a mother to pass the exam for her child is known and has been passed on from mouth to mouth for several centuries. Caring mothers are always close to their child, even in thoughts and prayers. You can protect a child with a mother’s word, believe in it and read your prayers.

Prayer for a mother to pass the exam for her child

Wherever the child studies: at the institute or at school, he cannot avoid exams. But an exam is like a lottery. You don’t have to study anything, you’ll be lucky with a ticket, the teacher will be in a good spirit, and you’ll pass the exam. Or you can cram for the whole semester, and you will come across a difficult test, and even a bunch of additional questions. Just hope for good luck it’s not worth it, it’s better to teach, and also know the prayers who help pupils and students with exams.

Mom can support too son or daughter while taking the exam. You will learn what prayers to read when a child takes an exam, and how to behave at this time.

“Holy Matronushka, protector of children and mothers, I ask you for one thing at this moment, but I don’t ask, but I beg. Give strength to my dear little one, do not abandon her in difficult trials, help her, show her the easy way. So that the tickets are not difficult, and that the Servant of God (name of the child) holds the answer, and that luck be upon him.”

I advise you to read such a prayer three times when the child leaves the threshold of his home. You can take it handkerchief and read this prayer, holding it in your hands, and then give it to the child, and tell him not to be separated from this handkerchief.

Prayer for parents for the child to pass the exam (for the mother)

I’ll also teach you one prayer, which you need to read exactly at the time when your child’s exam begins. Suitable for both schoolchildren and students. This prayer can be for a daughter or a son. The most powerful is the prayer to the holy martyr Tatiana.

“Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, patroness and protector of all who follow the thorny road to their knowledge and obtain it through honest labor. Help the Servant of God (child's name) pass exams and overcome all difficulties. Let there be only clear thoughts in your head, and let all questions be within your reach. Do not leave my soul, my child, in difficult times for him. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students and all students. Therefore, pray to her, and she will definitely help you and your child. This prayer for passing exams at school will definitely come in handy for caring parents.

Prayers for a child to do well in an exam

A few more prayers that can be read while your child is passing exams, be it Unified State Exam, OGE or university entrance exams. It can be read when the child passes his license or undergoes any other tests. This is a prayer to St. Archangel Michael.

“Holy Archangel Michael, protector of all children and mothers. Help me in this difficult moment, on this difficult day, when my little blood will endure the test. Give him the strength to show his knowledge. May the judges be merciful to him, may luck be on his side. I know you won’t leave us alone. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Every prayer for a mother to pass an exam for her child is strong if you read it from the heart.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before the exam, for successful passing and for studying

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. “God bless you!”

To successfully pass the exam and sessions, you can turn to the Holy Image for help, because many students before the exams begin to have an insurmountable feeling of anxiety and fear of not passing both oral and written tests, but in addition, panic also increases from possible teacher nagging.

Usually in prayer they appeal to Nicholas the Pleasant, because it is his prayers that are considered the most powerful, attracting good luck and influencing human destiny. In addition, all requests to this image are always fulfilled quickly, but only if you really do this with all your heart.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

As for the appeal itself, the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in studying works as follows:

  1. Helps get rid of fears and worries;
  2. Helps overcome self-doubt;
  3. Prayer words to the Pleasant direct thoughts in the right direction, even in a stressful situation;
  4. There is a mood to receive high results and gives hope to the one asking.

In addition to this Saint, you can ask for help in the exam from many other miraculous images that can also help you get through this difficult and nervous test.

Here are some of the saints to whom you can turn in such a request:

  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Guardian angel;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Radonezh series;
  • You can also ask the Righteous John of Kronstadt for help in passing the exam and for help in studying.

Prayer before the exam to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

« O Saint Nicholas, People's Pleasant! We remember and honor Your holy kindness, Do not forsake God’s (God’s) sinner’s servant (sinful) even now! Clear my mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to bring peace to my soul, Grant me, be lenient, the intelligence for the upcoming exam! I believe that You are blessed and just, I have holy hope for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord. Amen".

Prayer for children taking the exam

As you know, not only those who have to go through a test of their knowledge are worried before the exam, parents are also worried about their children, and in some cases even more than the children themselves. That is why the father and mother, before the examination of their son or daughter, call for help in sincerely turning to the Saint.

“Lord Jesus Christ, we fall before You and pray to You, look upon us who pray to You. Remember, Lord, Your promises: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them,” and remember also after Your Resurrection what You said: “I am with you to the end of the age.” Who blessed Your holy disciples and apostles after Your Ascension and promised them the Grace of the Holy Spirit and made them worthy of the gift of wisdom and reason on the day of the fiftieth, having created some of them teachers of the wisdom of faith. Grant to our youth (names) who are now passing the examination tests the same Spirit of Wisdom and reason, as you once bestowed upon your holy disciples. Grant that our youths, without fear and embarrassment, will not forget anything from the teachings taught to them and will reasonably present what is required during the test. Make those examining you peaceful and supportive, just as you once did to St. Sergius and Righteous John and your other saints. Through their prayers, together with the martyr Tatiana, with Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, through Your Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, be merciful to all of us forever and ever. Amen!"

God bless you!

Also watch the video from which you will learn the prayer to St. Nicholas for the exam:

Prayer for a child to pass the exam, 3 prayers for a mother

To ensure your child passes the exam successfully, read orthodox prayers mother. Of course, he should seriously prepare, and you should pray for him heartily.

What can I say - not only in institutes, but also in secondary schools, the program is very complex.

More and more I have to solve logic problems, becoming a Doctor of Science at school.

Exam questions may not be exactly the same as those discussed in class.

Your mother's heart has suffered. You are worried that your child will fail the exam.

Believing in the intercession of Jesus Christ, slowly pray to God's Saints.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you for gracious help so that the child passes the exam without getting sick or ill. Having taken the ticket, I was not at a loss; when I gave the answer, I did not hesitate. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Calm down maternal suffering, and instilled bright knowledge in the child. Let him prepare seriously for the exam; after passing it, his heart will calm down. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You heal us and save us, you always instruct us to live by faith. And now, help me study, my child is in mourning excitement. During the exam, his memory will not fade, and his reason will not leave him. Thy will be done. Amen.

Read each prayer 3 times in a row, not forgetting to cross yourself.

And may the Lord help the loving mother!

The most detailed description: prayer for children to pass exams - for our readers and subscribers.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker before the exam, for successful passing and for studying

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also add to the YouTube channel Prayers and Icons. “God bless you!”

To successfully pass the exam and sessions, you can turn to the Holy Image for help, because many students before the exams begin to have an insurmountable feeling of anxiety and fear of not passing both oral and written tests, but in addition, panic also increases from possible teacher nagging.

Usually in prayer they appeal to Nicholas the Pleasant, because it is his prayers that are considered the most powerful, attracting good luck and influencing human destiny. In addition, all requests to this image are always fulfilled quickly, but only if you really do this with all your heart.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

As for the appeal itself, the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in studying works as follows:

  1. Helps get rid of fears and worries;
  2. Helps overcome self-doubt;
  3. Prayer words to the Pleasant direct thoughts in the right direction, even in a stressful situation;
  4. The mood for obtaining high results appears and instills hope in the person asking.

In addition to this Saint, you can ask for help in the exam from many other miraculous images that can also help you get through this difficult and nervous test.

Here are some of the saints to whom you can turn in such a request:

  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Guardian angel;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Radonezh series;
  • You can also ask the Righteous John of Kronstadt for help in passing the exam and for help in studying.

Prayer before the exam to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

« O Saint Nicholas, People's Pleasant! We remember and honor Your holy kindness, Do not forsake God’s (God’s) sinner’s servant (sinful) even now! Clear my mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to bring peace to my soul, Grant me, be lenient, the intelligence for the upcoming exam! I believe that You are blessed and just, I have holy hope for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord. Amen".

Prayer for children taking the exam

As you know, not only those who have to go through a test of their knowledge are worried before the exam, parents are also worried about their children, and in some cases even more than the children themselves. That is why the father and mother, before the examination of their son or daughter, call for help in sincerely turning to the Saint.

“Lord Jesus Christ, we fall before You and pray to You, look upon us who pray to You. Remember, Lord, Your promises: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them,” and remember also after Your Resurrection what You said: “I am with you to the end of the age.” Who blessed Your holy disciples and apostles after Your Ascension and promised them the Grace of the Holy Spirit and made them worthy of the gift of wisdom and reason on the day of the fiftieth, having created some of them teachers of the wisdom of faith. Grant to our youth (names) who are now passing the examination tests the same Spirit of Wisdom and reason, as you once bestowed upon your holy disciples. Grant that our youths, without fear and embarrassment, will not forget anything from the teachings taught to them and will reasonably present what is required during the test. Make those examining you peaceful and supportive, just as you once did to St. Sergius and Righteous John and your other saints. Through their prayers, together with the martyr Tatiana, with Saints Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian, through Your Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, be merciful to all of us forever and ever. Amen!"

God bless you!

Also watch the video from which you will learn the prayer to St. Nicholas for the exam:

Prayer for a child to pass the exam, 3 prayers for a mother

For your child to successfully pass the exam, read the mother’s Orthodox prayers. Of course, he should seriously prepare, and you should pray for him heartily.

What can I say - not only in institutes, but also in secondary schools, the program is very complex.

More and more I have to solve logic problems, becoming a Doctor of Science at school.

Exam questions may not be exactly the same as those discussed in class.

Your mother's heart has suffered. You are worried that your child will fail the exam.

Believing in the intercession of Jesus Christ, slowly pray to God's Saints.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you for gracious help so that the child passes the exam without getting sick or ill. Having taken the ticket, I was not at a loss; when I gave the answer, I did not hesitate. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Calm the mother's suffering and instill bright knowledge in the child. Let him prepare seriously for the exam; after passing it, his heart will calm down. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You heal us and save us, you always instruct us to live by faith. And now, help me study, my child is in mourning excitement. During the exam, his memory will not fade, and his reason will not leave him. Thy will be done. Amen.

Read each prayer 3 times in a row, not forgetting to cross yourself.

And may the Lord help the loving mother!

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Number of reviews: 13

Lord, I ask all caring people to pray for my daughter Lily, who is taking a very important exam tomorrow, July 9, 2016.

It’s all God’s will, Svetlana.

And I really hope that the exam will be passed perfectly.

I ask you to pray for my son Vadim.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my son Kirill.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my son Andrei.

Today he has a difficult exam.

I beg you, pray for my son Daniel, he is taking the OGE in mathematics - a difficult subject.

Lord, help my son Nikolai to go to study at the Academy.

Lord, help my son Vitaly pass the entrance exam in mathematics.

Today my daughter came to appeal due to a lack of points in the exam.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help her.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my daughter.

She has a difficult exam today.

Help my son Nikita pass the exam tomorrow 10/31/2017.

Tomorrow my grandson Anton has a difficult test!

I call upon all Saints!

Don't leave him in your prayers, help him pass on December 8, 2017.

Matronushka, Nikolai the Wonderworker, I kindly ask you to help my daughter pass December 19, 2017 with a high score differentiated credit in philosophy.

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Prayer for passing the exam (must read for mothers)

When your child is preparing for the first difficult tests in his life, you want to help him, so the prayer for a mother to pass the exam for her child is known and has been passed on from mouth to mouth for several centuries. Caring mothers are always close to their child, even in thoughts and prayers. You can protect a child with a mother’s word, believe in it and read your prayers.

Prayer for a mother to pass the exam for her child

Wherever the child studies: at the institute or at school, he cannot avoid exams. But an exam is like a lottery. You don’t have to study anything, you’ll be lucky with a ticket, the teacher will be in a good spirit, and you’ll pass the exam. Or you can cram for the whole semester, and you will come across a difficult test, and even a bunch of additional questions. Just hope for good luck it’s not worth it, it’s better to teach, and also know the prayers who help pupils and students with exams.

Mom can support too son or daughter while taking the exam. You will learn what prayers to read when a child takes an exam, and how to behave at this time.

“Holy Matronushka, protector of children and mothers, I ask you for one thing at this moment, but I don’t ask, but I beg. Give strength to my dear little one, do not abandon her in difficult trials, help her, show her the easy way. So that the tickets are not difficult, and that the Servant of God (name of the child) holds the answer, and that luck be upon him.”

I advise you to read such a prayer three times when the child leaves the threshold of his home. You can take it handkerchief and read this prayer, holding it in your hands, and then give it to the child, and tell him not to be separated from this handkerchief.

Prayer for parents for the child to pass the exam (for the mother)

I’ll also teach you one prayer, which you need to read exactly at the time when your child’s exam begins. Suitable for both schoolchildren and students. This prayer can be for a daughter or a son. The most powerful is the prayer to the holy martyr Tatiana.

“Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, patroness and protector of all who follow the thorny road to their knowledge and obtain it through honest labor. Help the Servant of God (child's name) pass exams and overcome all difficulties. Let there be only clear thoughts in your head, and let all questions be within your reach. Do not leave my soul, my child, in difficult times for him. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students and all students. Therefore, pray to her, and she will definitely help you and your child. This prayer for passing exams at school will definitely come in handy for caring parents.

Prayers for a child to do well in an exam

A few more prayers that can be read while your child is passing exams, be it Unified State Exam, OGE or university entrance exams. It can be read when the child passes his license or undergoes any other tests. This is a prayer to St. Archangel Michael.

“Holy Archangel Michael, protector of all children and mothers. Help me in this difficult moment, on this difficult day, when my little blood will endure the test. Give him the strength to show his knowledge. May the judges be merciful to him, may luck be on his side. I know you won’t leave us alone. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Every prayer for a mother to pass an exam for her child is strong if you read it from the heart.

Prayer for passing the exam

Every believer knows that prayer can help in any matter. And passing the exam is no exception. But this absolutely does not mean that you can pray and not study, but simply pass exams successfully. Prayerful appeal will attract success and give confidence. But at the same time, if there is no knowledge, then no matter how strong the prayer is, it will still be useless.

Many Saints patronize students. Therefore, each student can choose a prayer for himself, that is, the one that will be closest to him in spirit.

Prayer before the exam for a good grade (excellent)

Very often, students who not only strive to pass an exam, but also get a good grade, turn to the help of Higher Powers. And, as you know, even with good knowledge, anxiety can interfere with this. In order to calm down and feel confident in yourself, you need to pray to Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr.

The prayer appeal sounds like this:

Mother's prayer for the successful passing of the exam by her child (daughter, son)

When a child is preparing for a serious exam, the mother’s prayer can be an effective help. This is explained by the fact that the energetic connection between mother and child remains for life.

A prayer for your son or daughter to successfully pass the exam should be said at the moment when the child leaves home.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer should be said three times. It is also permissible to say a handkerchief using the above prayer words and put it in the pocket of the clothes that the son or daughter plans to wear for the exam. But you should not tell your child about this.

When the time comes when your child is planning to take the exam, you should turn to Saint Archangel Michael in prayer.

Prayer to students for good luck in the university exam

In order not to worry before an exam at the university, you need to read a special prayer. A prayerful appeal to the Higher Powers will not only allow you to calm down, but also instill hope in a successful outcome of the upcoming test. With the help of prayer, you can increase your self-esteem and tune in to achieve high results.

The most popular among students today is the prayer to all the Saints and Ethereal heavenly powers.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for passing the driving test at the traffic police to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker helps everyone who turns to him with a variety of questions. Prayer to him will also help if you need to successfully pass the traffic police exam.

In this case, the prayer will act as follows:

  • It will help you get rid of uncertainty, inner fear and anxiety.
  • It will allow you to concentrate and direct your thoughts in the right direction, even when a stressful situation arises.
  • Will provide a positive attitude, which will allow you to get good results.

The prayer goes like this:

This prayer is usually read before leaving the house. But if upon arrival at the traffic police you feel that the excitement has not gone away, then immediately before the exam you should mentally say another prayer.

A strong prayer to Sergei of Radonezh for help in passing any exams

A prayer request to this Saint will help:

  • Not only pass the exam, but also get good grades.
  • Get rid of pride, which will allow you not to overestimate yourself.
  • Calm down and get in the right mood for the exam.

Tradition says that St. Sergei of Radonezh had a very difficult time studying during his lifetime. He couldn't bring himself to even pick up the book, although he understood how important it was. Therefore, one day Sergei of Radonezh decided to turn to the Lord for help and read a prayer. From that moment on, he began to study eagerly. Moreover, everything he read was very easy to remember, so he soon became an educated person. That is why the Saint always hears the prayers of people who turn to him and ask for help in educational matters.

Before the exam, every student or student can turn to Sergei Radonezhsky for help. But at the same time, you must remember that a lot when passing the exam depends on you. If you do not know the program material, then no prayer will force the teacher to give you an excellent grade. But on the other hand, if you study well, then praying to the Saint will allow you to gain confidence in yourself, and, therefore, this will be a guarantee of successfully passing the exam.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer can be read not only before passing an exam, but also before defending a diploma project or dissertation. Parents can also make a prayer request to Saint Sergei of Radonezh before their child’s exam. It will also be useful if you feel that one of the subjects is difficult for your child.

What should be the prayer for passing the exam?

Each person at one time passed the test of knowledge by exams. If you think about it, even performing at a matinee kindergarten- also an exam, because you need to sing a song or recite the verse that you were asked to learn earlier. As you get older, you have to take exams at school, then at higher education institutions. educational institutions. It is even impossible to obtain a license without demonstrating your knowledge and skills.

And this is not always easy, even after learning everything you need, you can get confused, get nervous and not remember required material. Prayer for passing the exam will help calm anxiety and concentrate on the answers (for effective texts of prayers, see later in this article). This is especially important for sensitive children who experience stress throughout the sessions. It would not be superfluous to pray for a child taking an exam, since the power of a mother’s request for her child is so high that it does not go unanswered.

Why do we so need prayer for passing an exam?

Prayer is not just words, it is our form of communication with God. It is in this form that you can say everything that torments your soul, ask for everything - advice, help, and be sure that the answer will not take long to arrive. Thanks to such communication, you can clear your thoughts, think about actions for the coming day, and analyze the events that have occurred.

Prayer also helps to cope with the fear of failure, because it is the main reason for the fear of exams. Most often, such fear prevents you from concentrating, believing in yourself, and remembering everything that you have been taught for so long. But a prayer said from a sincere heart will give you confidence and improve your mood before the exam. The mere thought that the Higher powers will be on the student’s side will give him the desire to bring everything to a victorious end.

Before you say a prayer for passing the exam, you need to remember one important thing. Prayer is a request, but not a requirement, therefore, having said the cherished lines, you should not hope that a difficult subject will be learned by itself, without the efforts of the student. Here you simply cannot do without diligent preparation and repetition of what you have learned. It is especially worth paying attention to complex issues - the future result depends on whether everything is extremely clear. If some of the material is difficult to understand, you need to turn to the Almighty God in prayer; He will reward your diligence and help you understand everything.

Who should you pray to for success in school?

An exam is a test that must be passed. Prayer and hard work are two tools that make this challenge much easier. So who should you bring your fears and prayers to, who should you turn to for help?

Lord God

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is pray to the Lord God, He is the source of goodness, mercy and power. By His will, the entire course of events on Earth occurs. Our prayers should be addressed to God with words of petitions and thanksgiving, and only He makes all our dreams possible.

Mother of God

It is worth remembering the Mother of God, who intercedes for praying people and responds to sincere words. A mother’s prayer for a child taking an exam will be heard, and what was asked for will be fulfilled. You can also turn to your guardian angel for help, who has been given the task by God to be a support for the person under his care in all difficult life situations.

Apostles Peter and Paul

Also Orthodox Church has its own saints, who are considered patrons of students. They have been literate people all their lives, or for their prayers they received support from the Lord in acquiring knowledge. It is to such saints that the prayer is addressed to pass the exam. Among them are God's disciples - the apostles Peter and Paul, who were given the gift of understanding of all existing languages peace. They not only understood all dialects, but could also speak with them.

Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian

Often the words of prayer are said to Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, and Gregory the Theologian. They were students and became learned people with a good secular education, which is what the students ask for for themselves.

Cyril and Methodius, Nicholas the Wonderworker

They turn to Cyril and Methodius, the founders of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which is the basis for most modern Slavic alphabets. Nicholas the Wonderworker is also a permanent assistant. Nikolai is constantly approached with various requests, including about successful training.

Holy Martyr Tatiana

Undoubtedly, they also ask for help from the patroness of students, Holy Martyr Tatiana, who helps with their studies, with mastering scientific material and, of course, with passing exams.

But in fact, it is not so important which of the saints the prayer is read, what is important is how it is done.

How to Pray

Has anyone ever thought about the power of a spoken prayer? Especially if it contains a sincere plea. Such words will always be heard, and what is asked for will be fulfilled. The appeal must come from a pure heart. The mind should not be occupied with other, everyday thoughts.

It is not enough just to voice the lines from the prayer book, you need to pass them through your mind and heart, understand every word, and then the prayer will reach the Almighty. In cases where the words from the prayer book are not fully understood, it is worth reading the prayer in your own words. Along with diligent preparation, it will surely lead to excellent grades.

How to choose a time to pray

In fact, the time when the prayer for passing the exam will be said and how long it will last is not so important. God always hears our sincere words. The only thing that really matters is an open heart and a lot of desire. A prayer read mechanically several dozen times will not be as effective as one sincere cry from the soul for help to the Almighty.

There are many problems in our lives, and it often happens that we pray directly when we need the Lord’s help. At the same time, we forget that we should thank God for every day we live, for the fact that nothing bad happened to us, for the fact that we have the opportunity to live the life we ​​live.

This same advice applies to students as well. You should not remember prayers directly during the session. Pray also throughout your training. This way, knowledge is given more easily, so that the learned material is not forgotten, so that it is possible to find the answer to difficult questions and tasks.

Prayer for a child taking an exam will also not be complete without constant prayers for the children’s studies. You should ask the Lord for patience, perception, and the desire to learn new things. The main thing is to believe in prayer.

What prayers can a mother say for a child taking exams?

Mothers and their children are connected to each other on an energetic level. Thus, all the trials and difficulties that stand in the way of the child are also experienced by his parent. To make it easier for children to gain new knowledge, you can say the following prayer:

“O Lord our God and Creator, who adorned us, people, with His image, taught Your chosen ones Your Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, Who revealed to children the secrets of wisdom, Who bestowed upon Solomon and all who seek it - open the hearts, minds and lips of these Your servants (names ), in order to understand the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful teaching taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and structure of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will.

Deliver them from all the snares of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity all the time of their lives, - may they be strong in mind and in fulfilling Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom, - for You, God, are strong by mercy and goodness and strength, and all glory, honor and worship is due to You, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

These lines will make learning unknown material much easier, and therefore it will be easier to prepare for the session. Before passing the subject, a prayer is read for the child taking the exam:

“Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Our Father! Hear the mother’s prayer for her son/daughter (name), he/she is now taking tests and exams at the university. Lord, Our Father, have mercy on him (her), help him/her pass these tests, enlighten his mind, give him patience, be a help and support, don’t leave him in this difficult time! Let the teachers be lenient and kind. You are the hope of my child and mine, hear me, Lord, may it be as You please. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen"

Such a prayer will help children study better, and parents will know that their child is under the reliable care of the Almighty.

Text of prayers that make it easier to pass exams

To relieve the unpleasant feeling of fear and stress, trembling, all students should say these lines before passing the subject:

“Most gracious Lord, bestow upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow towards You, our Creator, for glory, for our parents for consolation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

This short prayer will also be useful for every student:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for the study (exam), send Your holy help, so that I can achieve what I desire, what is pleasing to You, and what is useful for me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

These few lines give peace and relief, so the child will feel more confident, remember the required answer and be able to pass the exam session with dignity. But even if, out of excitement, you were unable to remember the prescribed prayer, you should not despair, because The Lord sees our hearts and will even accept a request in his own words if it comes from a pure heart. You can also pray the Lord’s Prayer, which will not only help those who believe in its power to pass difficult questions, but will also save them throughout the day.

And don’t forget to thank the Lord our God, who helped me cope with a difficult obstacle, calmed my anxiety, helped me get ready to pass a difficult subject, and did not leave me in difficult times. Always be grateful!

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Prayer for a child to pass the exam, 3 prayers for a mother

For your child to successfully pass the exam, read the mother’s Orthodox prayers. Of course, he should seriously prepare, and you should pray for him heartily.

What can I say - not only in institutes, but also in secondary schools, the program is very complex.

More and more I have to solve logic problems, becoming a Doctor of Science at school.

Exam questions may not be exactly the same as those discussed in class.

Your mother's heart has suffered. You are worried that your child will fail the exam.

Believing in the intercession of Jesus Christ, slowly pray to God's Saints.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you for gracious help so that the child passes the exam without getting sick or ill. Having taken the ticket, I was not at a loss; when I gave the answer, I did not hesitate. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Calm the mother's suffering and instill bright knowledge in the child. Let him prepare seriously for the exam; after passing it, his heart will calm down. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You heal us and save us, you always instruct us to live by faith. And now, help me study, my child is in mourning excitement. During the exam, his memory will not fade, and his reason will not leave him. Thy will be done. Amen.

Read each prayer 3 times in a row, not forgetting to cross yourself.

And may the Lord help the loving mother!

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Number of reviews: 13

Lord, I ask all caring people to pray for my daughter Lily, who is taking a very important exam tomorrow, July 9, 2016.

It’s all God’s will, Svetlana.

And I really hope that the exam will be passed perfectly.

I ask you to pray for my son Vadim.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my son Kirill.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my son Andrei.

Today he has a difficult exam.

I beg you, pray for my son Daniel, he is taking the OGE in mathematics - a difficult subject.

Lord, help my son Nikolai to go to study at the Academy.

Lord, help my son Vitaly pass the entrance exam in mathematics.

Today my daughter came to appeal due to a lack of points in the exam.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help her.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, help my daughter.

She has a difficult exam today.

Help my son Nikita pass the exam tomorrow 10/31/2017.

Tomorrow my grandson Anton has a difficult test!

I call upon all Saints!

Don't leave him in your prayers, help him pass on December 8, 2017.

Matronushka, Nikolai the Wonderworker, I kindly ask you to help my daughter pass the differentiated test in philosophy on December 19, 2017 with a high score.

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With mother's prayers it will be easier to study

And an exam is a kind of stress for the body. And a test of independence in adult life.

Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask.

Our Father is merciful and attentive to those who ask. Especially when it concerns children. And your prayer will be fulfilled. As they say: “According to our faith, let it be done to us!”

You can always read prayers for your child about any issues:

  • About health in infancy;
  • About the mind in the ice age, more precisely in adolescence; It’s not for nothing that she called it glacial. The period of icebergs and cold ice, fragile snow. When a teenager is cold as ice to parental advice. No matter how much they talk, he’ll get into trouble. And until it thaws, it won’t let anything into its brain.
  • About peace of mind;
  • About choosing the right one;
  • About spiritual values.
  • And in general, in all kinds of need. Now is the time to take final exams. Who else, if not the mother, can put in a good word before the Almighty? And there are still entrance exams ahead. The child needs help. So call on the heavenly powers to help.

To start, write a cheat sheet for your dear one. Take white leaves and cut them into small squares.

Light a church candle and say the right words.

So that each question is on a separate paper.

“Heavenly powers, honest angels, I ask not for myself, but in the name of my foolish child. Help him pass his exams and get cheat sheets without being noticed. Cover it with your wings. Show great knowledge. Let it be easy for him to answer. These solutions are within your power. Please accept my gratitude, my maternal gratitude.”

When you finish saying these words, put all these clues into the child’s clothes unnoticed. Be sure that at the most crucial moment the angels will tell him which pocket to get into.

“Lord, our Almighty Father, hear my prayer, do not turn away your Holy face from me, your sinful servant (name). I don’t ask for myself, but for my slow-witted child, God’s servant (name). Help him pass the exam today and score the required points. Get all the stupid thoughts out of his head and put in the smart ones. Let the questions be easy for him, and the examiners be kind. I trust in you, my Lord. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Believe me, dear, everything will be fine. Your son will pass any exam.

“Heavenly powers, Holy powers. Messengers of God, you are my dear ones. Soften the hearts of scientific teachers, send them blessings and smoked fish. Let there be salmon, caviar and lobster. And so that the answers are not paired. Let the child forgive his mistakes and shortcomings. Let them not notice the errors in the calculations. Let them be happy and supportive. And I will bow for them in church. Thank you, dear ones, thank you, Saints. I trust in you, my golden ones.”

These are the tips for you, dear. And know that there is no one in the world better and smarter than your child. He will get help and you will have peace of mind.

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What should be the prayer for passing the exam?

Each person at one time passed the test of knowledge by exams. If you think carefully, even a performance at a kindergarten matinee is also an exam, because you need to sing a song or recite the verse that you were asked to learn earlier. As you get older, you have to take exams at school, then at higher educational institutions. It is even impossible to obtain a license without demonstrating your knowledge and skills.

And this is not always easy, even after learning everything you need, you can get confused, get nervous and not remember the necessary material. Prayer for passing the exam will help calm anxiety and concentrate on the answers (for effective texts of prayers, see later in this article). This is especially important for sensitive children who experience stress throughout the sessions. It would not be superfluous to pray for a child taking an exam, since the power of a mother’s request for her child is so high that it does not go unanswered.

Why do we so need prayer for passing an exam?

Prayer is not just words, it is our form of communication with God. It is in this form that you can say everything that torments your soul, ask for everything - advice, help, and be sure that the answer will not take long to arrive. Thanks to such communication, you can clear your thoughts, think about actions for the coming day, and analyze the events that have occurred.

Prayer also helps to cope with the fear of failure, because it is the main reason for the fear of exams. Most often, such fear prevents you from concentrating, believing in yourself, and remembering everything that you have been taught for so long. But a prayer said from a sincere heart will give you confidence and improve your mood before the exam. The mere thought that the Higher powers will be on the student’s side will give him the desire to bring everything to a victorious end.

Before you say a prayer for passing the exam, you need to remember one important thing. Prayer is a request, but not a requirement, therefore, having said the cherished lines, you should not hope that a difficult subject will be learned by itself, without the efforts of the student. Here you simply cannot do without diligent preparation and repetition of what you have learned. It is especially worth paying attention to complex issues - the future result depends on whether everything is extremely clear. If some of the material is difficult to understand, you need to turn to the Almighty God in prayer; He will reward your diligence and help you understand everything.

Who should you pray to for success in school?

An exam is a test that must be passed. Prayer and hard work are two tools that make this challenge much easier. So who should you bring your fears and prayers to, who should you turn to for help?

Lord God

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is pray to the Lord God, He is the source of goodness, mercy and power. By His will, the entire course of events on Earth occurs. Our prayers should be addressed to God with words of petitions and thanksgiving, and only He makes all our dreams possible.

Mother of God

It is worth remembering the Mother of God, who intercedes for praying people and responds to sincere words. A mother’s prayer for a child taking an exam will be heard, and what was asked for will be fulfilled. You can also turn to your guardian angel for help, who has been given the task by God to be a support for the person under his care in all difficult life situations.

Apostles Peter and Paul

The Orthodox Church also has its own saints, who are considered patrons of students. They have been literate people all their lives, or for their prayers they received support from the Lord in acquiring knowledge. It is to such saints that the prayer is addressed to pass the exam. Among them are God's disciples - the apostles Peter and Paul, who were given the gift of understanding all the existing languages ​​of the world. They not only understood all dialects, but could also speak with them.

Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian

Often the words of prayer are said to Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, and Gregory the Theologian. They were students and became learned people with a good secular education, which is what the students ask for for themselves.

Cyril and Methodius, Nicholas the Wonderworker

They turn to Cyril and Methodius, the founders of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which is the basis for most modern Slavic alphabets. Nicholas the Wonderworker is also a permanent assistant. Nikolai is constantly approached with various requests, including about successful training.

Holy Martyr Tatiana

Undoubtedly, they also ask for help from the patroness of students, Holy Martyr Tatiana, who helps with their studies, with mastering scientific material and, of course, with passing exams.

But in fact, it is not so important which of the saints the prayer is read, what is important is how it is done.

How to Pray

Has anyone ever thought about the power of a spoken prayer? Especially if it contains a sincere plea. Such words will always be heard, and what is asked for will be fulfilled. The appeal must come from a pure heart. The mind should not be occupied with other, everyday thoughts.

It is not enough just to voice the lines from the prayer book, you need to pass them through your mind and heart, understand every word, and then the prayer will reach the Almighty. In cases where the words from the prayer book are not fully understood, it is worth reading the prayer in your own words. Along with diligent preparation, it will surely lead to excellent grades.

How to choose a time to pray

In fact, the time when the prayer for passing the exam will be said and how long it will last is not so important. God always hears our sincere words. The only thing that really matters is an open heart and a lot of desire. A prayer read mechanically several dozen times will not be as effective as one sincere cry from the soul for help to the Almighty.

There are many problems in our lives, and it often happens that we pray directly when we need the Lord’s help. At the same time, we forget that we should thank God for every day we live, for the fact that nothing bad happened to us, for the fact that we have the opportunity to live the life we ​​live.

This same advice applies to students as well. You should not remember prayers directly during the session. Pray also throughout your training. This way, knowledge is given more easily, so that the learned material is not forgotten, so that it is possible to find the answer to difficult questions and tasks.

Prayer for a child taking an exam will also not be complete without constant prayers for the children’s studies. You should ask the Lord for patience, perception, and the desire to learn new things. The main thing is to believe in prayer.

What prayers can a mother say for a child taking exams?

Mothers and their children are connected to each other on an energetic level. Thus, all the trials and difficulties that stand in the way of the child are also experienced by his parent. To make it easier for children to gain new knowledge, you can say the following prayer:

“O Lord our God and Creator, who adorned us, people, with His image, taught Your chosen ones Your Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, Who revealed to children the secrets of wisdom, Who bestowed upon Solomon and all who seek it - open the hearts, minds and lips of these Your servants (names ), in order to understand the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful teaching taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and structure of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will.

Deliver them from all the snares of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity all the time of their lives, - may they be strong in mind and in fulfilling Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom, - for You, God, are strong by mercy and goodness and strength, and all glory, honor and worship is due to You, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

These lines will make learning unknown material much easier, and therefore it will be easier to prepare for the session. Before passing the subject, a prayer is read for the child taking the exam:

“Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Our Father! Hear the mother’s prayer for her son/daughter (name), he/she is now taking tests and exams at the university. Lord, Our Father, have mercy on him (her), help him/her pass these tests, enlighten his mind, give him patience, be a help and support, don’t leave him in this difficult time! Let the teachers be lenient and kind. You are the hope of my child and mine, hear me, Lord, may it be as You please. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen"

Such a prayer will help children study better, and parents will know that their child is under the reliable care of the Almighty.

Text of prayers that make it easier to pass exams

To relieve the unpleasant feeling of fear and stress, trembling, all students should say these lines before passing the subject:

“Most gracious Lord, bestow upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow towards You, our Creator, for glory, for our parents for consolation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

This short prayer will also be useful for every student:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for the study (exam), send Your holy help, so that I can achieve what I desire, what is pleasing to You, and what is useful for me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

These few lines give peace and relief, so the child will feel more confident, remember the required answer and be able to pass the exam session with dignity. But even if, out of excitement, you were unable to remember the prescribed prayer, you should not despair, because The Lord sees our hearts and will even accept a request in his own words if it comes from a pure heart. You can also pray the Lord’s Prayer, which will not only help those who believe in its power to pass difficult questions, but will also save them throughout the day.

And don’t forget to thank the Lord our God, who helped me cope with a difficult obstacle, calmed my anxiety, helped me get ready to pass a difficult subject, and did not leave me in difficult times. Always be grateful!

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Prayer for passing the exam

Every believer knows that prayer can help in any matter. And passing the exam is no exception. But this absolutely does not mean that you can pray and not study, but simply pass exams successfully. Prayerful appeal will attract success and give confidence. But at the same time, if there is no knowledge, then no matter how strong the prayer is, it will still be useless.

Many Saints patronize students. Therefore, each student can choose a prayer for himself, that is, the one that will be closest to him in spirit.

Prayer before the exam for a good grade (excellent)

Very often, students who not only strive to pass an exam, but also get a good grade, turn to the help of Higher Powers. And, as you know, even with good knowledge, anxiety can interfere with this. In order to calm down and feel confident in yourself, you need to pray to Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr.

The prayer appeal sounds like this:

Mother's prayer for the successful passing of the exam by her child (daughter, son)

When a child is preparing for a serious exam, the mother’s prayer can be an effective help. This is explained by the fact that the energetic connection between mother and child remains for life.

A prayer for your son or daughter to successfully pass the exam should be said at the moment when the child leaves home.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer should be said three times. It is also permissible to say a handkerchief using the above prayer words and put it in the pocket of the clothes that the son or daughter plans to wear for the exam. But you should not tell your child about this.

When the time comes when your child is planning to take the exam, you should turn to Saint Archangel Michael in prayer.

Prayer to students for good luck in the university exam

In order not to worry before an exam at the university, you need to read a special prayer. A prayerful appeal to the Higher Powers will not only allow you to calm down, but also instill hope in a successful outcome of the upcoming test. With the help of prayer, you can increase your self-esteem and tune in to achieve high results.

The most popular among students today is the prayer to all the Saints and Ethereal heavenly powers.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for passing the driving test at the traffic police to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker helps everyone who turns to him with a variety of questions. Prayer to him will also help if you need to successfully pass the traffic police exam.

In this case, the prayer will act as follows:

  • It will help you get rid of uncertainty, inner fear and anxiety.
  • It will allow you to concentrate and direct your thoughts in the right direction, even when a stressful situation arises.
  • Will provide a positive attitude, which will allow you to get good results.

The prayer goes like this:

This prayer is usually read before leaving the house. But if upon arrival at the traffic police you feel that the excitement has not gone away, then immediately before the exam you should mentally say another prayer.

A strong prayer to Sergei of Radonezh for help in passing any exams

A prayer request to this Saint will help:

  • Not only pass the exam, but also get good grades.
  • Get rid of pride, which will allow you not to overestimate yourself.
  • Calm down and get in the right mood for the exam.

Tradition says that St. Sergei of Radonezh had a very difficult time studying during his lifetime. He couldn't bring himself to even pick up the book, although he understood how important it was. Therefore, one day Sergei of Radonezh decided to turn to the Lord for help and read a prayer. From that moment on, he began to study eagerly. Moreover, everything he read was very easy to remember, so he soon became an educated person. That is why the Saint always hears the prayers of people who turn to him and ask for help in educational matters.

Before the exam, every student or student can turn to Sergei Radonezhsky for help. But at the same time, you must remember that a lot when passing the exam depends on you. If you do not know the program material, then no prayer will force the teacher to give you an excellent grade. But on the other hand, if you study well, then praying to the Saint will allow you to gain confidence in yourself, and, therefore, this will be a guarantee of successfully passing the exam.

The prayer text reads as follows:

This prayer can be read not only before passing an exam, but also before defending a diploma project or dissertation. Parents can also make a prayer request to Saint Sergei of Radonezh before their child’s exam. It will also be useful if you feel that one of the subjects is difficult for your child.