Latent humanity. Humanity - what is it? Legal norms of humanity

Latency is a passive or inactive state that manifests itself in a latent form, as well as stagnation or waiting for a certain period. Synonyms for latency are terms such as “latent conflict” or “incubation period” - states that are in a latent stage before the climax, resolution of the problem and transition from this stage to the action stage.

In a broad sense, latency is inherent in all life processes, which from time to time tend to occur secretly.

A striking example of latency is pregnancy in some mammals - it can be delayed until the female finds suitable conditions for the birth of offspring. Often the term “latent” can be heard when defining certain deviations - be it aggression, inappropriate behavior or homosexuality. Latency is also a period of inertia within the body (system), which is initiated under the influence of a certain stimulus and gives a reaction upon completion of this latent state. Often the term “latency” is supplemented with definitions that clearly indicate the type of state under consideration or a specific system.

Application of the term

Latency period, in relation to computer networks, indicates the amount of time it takes for a packet of data to travel from one point to another. In relation to network switches, the latency period is the time it takes a given packet to pass through a particular switch. Also in computers, latency is a wait or delay that increases the actual recall time compared to the expected time.

Latency, as a parameter of RAM, is the time it takes to wait for a data packet from memory or for the execution of processor commands.

In psychology, the latent period refers to natural mental manifestations that occur between 6 and 12 years. During this period, children's behavior is easily corrected and taught. Modern psychologists argue that during the latent period, the child is able to develop cognitive, social and mental skills through contact with perceived objects. During adolescence, erotic needs in the form of masturbatory activity and the fantasies associated with it do not disappear anywhere, since they are an important factor in maintaining the child’s stability during the middle and late phases of the latent period.

Humanity– humanity, human attitude towards others.
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

Humanity– a moral quality that expresses the principle of humanism in relation to everyday relationships between people. It includes a number of more private qualities - benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, generosity, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, and sincerity.
Philosophical Dictionary

  • Humanity is one of the best moral qualities of a person, making him worthy of all respect.
  • Humanity is the ability to feel another person, his spiritual world, his interests and hopes.
  • Humanity is a friendly attitude towards people and the world.
  • Humanity is the readiness to come to the aid of everyone who needs it, without regard to his merits, capabilities and social status.
  • Humanity is the ability to notice the positive character traits and personality of each person.
  • Humanity is a willingness to forgive mistakes and rash actions of others, and a refusal to judge.

The Benefits of Humanity

  • Humanity makes it possible to notice the best, distracting from the worst.
  • Humanity gives strength - in order to make the world around us better.
  • Humanity gives hope - for a decent future not only for oneself. But also for others.
  • Humanity helps to find freedom - from negative emotions and worries about the imperfections of others.
  • Humanity gives faith - in the best principles of every person.
  • Humanity gives peace of mind - due to self-confidence and trust in life.
  • Humanity helps to gain the will to do good deeds.

Manifestations of humanity in everyday life

  • Helping those in need, charity. By helping children, the elderly and those who for some reason need help, a person shows his best qualities; humanity is one of them.
  • Interpersonal relationships. The more humanity a person shows towards others, the more people are drawn to him.
  • Interest in other people. A person who is sincerely interested in the inner world of others shows humanity.
  • Professional activities. There are professions in which humanity comes first among the necessary personal qualities - these are doctors, teachers and rescuers.
  • Family relationships. The love of parents for children and children for parents, love between spouses is one of the manifestations of humanity.

How to develop humanity in yourself

  • Be interested! Only a person who is sincerely interested in the people around him and the world around him can be called humane.
  • Charity. Participation in charity events and active assistance to those in need develop humanity.
  • Caring. At the everyday level, it can be expressed in the fact that a person will not pass by someone who has fallen on the street, but will try to help him. This is how humanity develops.
  • Psychological trainings. By participating in psychological trainings, people better understand the human essence; The better you get to know it, the more you begin to appreciate each person - this is humanity.

Golden mean

Indifference | complete lack of humanity


Forgiveness | excessive humanity, often leading to permissiveness

Catchphrases about humanity

True humanity is a noble attitude towards any life. - Georgy Alexandrov - He will be humane who will be able to embody five virtues everywhere: respect, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness. - Confucius - Good feelings, emotional culture is the center of humanity. - Vasily Sukhomlinsky - Love, hope, fear and faith, taken together, make up humanity. These are signs, signs and properties of humanity. - Robert Browning - Humanity is a meaningful feeling, only education develops and strengthens it. - Claude Adrian Helvetius - People, be humane! This is your first duty. Be like this for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Joachim Bauer / The principle of humanity. Why we are naturally cooperative Everything in our lives is determined by the desire to maintain contact with society, Bauer believes. This is the key motivation for all actions. The book is a polemic with sociobiological views on human behavior. Thirst for humanity. Stories A collection of stories with a pronounced humanistic pathos. Among the authors are Faulkner, Sillitoe, Vonnegut, Aldridge, and others.

It is possible that scientists are hiding the truth about the ancestors of humanity because it casts doubt on the theory Darwin. What kind of truth this might be is discussed traveler Viktor Melnikov.

Skeletons in closets

During my travels around the world, I many times observed archaeological excavations where there were traces of giant people, the remains of their skeletons. There are especially many of them in South America - in Peru, Ecuador, Chile...

What kind of bones are these? Large ancient animals? However, local scientists say that their research does not confirm this.

To begin with, we will list just a few cases of amazing finds mentioned in historical chronicles. In 1821, in the USA, in the state of Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient wall were found, under which lay two human skeletons 215 cm tall. In 1885, in Pennsylvania, a stone crypt was discovered in a burial mound, in which there was a skeleton of the same height. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1899, in Germany, in the Ruhr region, miners discovered fossilized skeletons of people from 210 to 240 cm. Around the same time, in Egypt, archaeologists found a sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, in which lay the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and physique of the mummies differed significantly from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies with red hair have been discovered in Nevada.

But here are the facts confirming that in the distant past, even taller people lived on the planet. Archaeologists and local residents regularly find imprints of huge feet. In South Africa, a local farmer discovered a “left foot print” imprinted into the rock. Its length is 128 cm. Another example is a huge stone in the Blue Mountains (Australia) above the surface of a stream. On it you can see the imprint of part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers is 17 cm. It can be calculated that the height of the creature that left such a print is 6 m.

In the 1950s In Alaska, workers discovered two skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in a burial mound. The height of the skulls reached 58 cm. Their owners had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, like the skulls, were three times larger than those of modern humans.

Inca legend

No less interesting are the legends and traditions left by different peoples of the world. The natives of South Africa talk about giants who lived in their area. They were endowed with incredible strength. During the day, hundreds of kilometers were covered during the hunt, and the killed animals were easily thrown onto the shoulders and carried home. When one of the giants coughed, the birds seemed to be blown away by the wind.

There is an ancient Inca legend (I myself heard it in Peru from local residents), according to which during the reign of Inca XII Ayatarco Cuso, people of such enormous stature arrived on huge reed rafts that even the tallest Indian reached them only to their knees. They erected buildings that were beyond the power of the local residents. The Incas considered these newcomers to be descendants of ancient civilizations. (By the way, in Peru, large people were often depicted on stones, taller than mammoths.) Similar legends were told to me in other parts of the world. In general, the myths and traditions of many peoples say that the ancestors of modern man were giant creatures.

Various peoples of the world have legends about giants. Photo:

Finally, the testimonies of travelers, and not only them, have been preserved. Ibn Fadlan, Arab traveler, who lived more than a thousand years ago, saw a 6-meter human skeleton, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size was observed by the Russians writers Turgenev And Korolenko in the museum of the Swiss city of Lucerne. They were told that these huge bones were discovered in the 16th century. in a mountain cave.

And the Spaniards, when conquering America, allegedly discovered a skeleton 20 meters tall in one of the Aztec temples! And this is already a gigantic scale.

In the scientific community there is a group of independent researchers who have been trying for many years to form a true picture of what was on Earth 12-20 thousand years ago and what creatures lived on it. Their conclusions are as follows: in those days, the height of the giants ranged from 4 to 12 m. And in addition to great physical strength, they had phenomenal mental abilities.

The question arises: is this not the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans, which some consider mythical, while others consider it to really exist and perish? It is suggested that it was this civilization of giants that built the pyramids not only in Egypt, but throughout the entire planet. They erected more than 600 similar structures, and their construction was carried out according to strictly specified rules of geometry.

Why was it possible for giant people to exist in the distant past? How did the US Supreme Court order one of the institutions to release previously classified data on this topic? The ending will be in the next issues of AiF.

Humanity in modern society does not occupy the first place: just take a ride on public transport, and you will see that there are very few who give up their seats to the elderly, pregnant women and children. Many people don't think about what it means to be humane.

Humanity - love for everything

Helvetius said:

“Humanity in a person is the result of the memory of suffering, which is familiar to him either from his own experience or from the experience of other people.”

The word “humanity” comes from the Latin word humanus, which means humane. That is, a humane person is a person with a pronounced system of attitudes, ideas and views on social objects (people, animals).

Signs of humanism

There are several signs of manifestation of humanity:

  • caring for others;
  • readiness to provide any possible assistance;
  • respect for the human person and all living things;
  • showing love and kindness;
  • a condescending attitude towards the misdeeds of others;
  • responsiveness, etc.

Humanism calls for treating others with love and understanding, not judging, not scolding, and being mutually polite and supportive of each other.


One of the most striking examples of humanity can be volunteering. This activity is aimed at providing free and selfless assistance to those in need.

Volunteers do not pursue the goal of making a profit or any benefit; what is important to them is how certain people, social groups or animals feel.

A volunteer certainly has the quality of altruism. He strives to be useful, often to the detriment of himself.

Humanity is a person’s way of thinking and acting towards all living things. This is selfless love and respect for one's neighbor, compassion and empathy, the desire to help and be useful.

To be humane is to be generous and fair. Only on the basis of humanity can modern society become highly moral.

Used in medicine and law. Therefore, the terms “latent” tuberculosis, “…” diabetes, “…” hepatitis, “…” syphilis or “latent” crime are completely unsurprising. You can find dozens of synonyms and phrases for this word that explain its meaning - dormant, invisible, in potency, inaccessible to external observation and, finally, secret.

Modern meaning and application of the concept of “latency”

But if this is a “fashionable word”, then it can be used to describe anything that takes place, but is not clearly observed. Hence, latent with a double bottom, leading a double life, having a second “I”. You can say - a charlatan, or you can say - a latent person.

Nowadays this adjective is most often found in combination with the noun “homosexuality”. A latent homosexual is one who does not know or is not sure that he has secret inclinations. Although with such “colorful” gay pride parades, what “latent” will not become apparent.

A latent person is most often an unhappy person, and his double life may be forced by surrounding circumstances, his own indecision, inability to change the conditions of existence, so to speak, a conflict between the individual and society. In the short story “The Latent Man,” the hero perceived the hated reality as a dream, and the dream as a wonderful life.

Strictly speaking, a latent person is both a scout and a partisan, anyone “thrown behind enemy lines.”

The word “latent”, the meaning of which at the moment completely replaces the word “secret” in the fashion community, entered everyday life recently, but has spread almost everywhere. With new times come new words. They come and go. That is, they remain, but they no longer meet at every step. For example, “creative”. More recently, only a pig was not called this word. There are also “pretentious” and “rudimentary”.

Durability of fashion concepts

Probably, the concept of “latent personality” can be interpreted as “mysterious” or “unstudied”, but there is no way to study it. Then the “latent Yeti” also has the right to exist.

There is the term “latent intellectuality”, which is applied to a person who does not want to stand out from society. An intellectually latent person is a person who either, through an effort of will, hides the presence of a mind, or is unaware of its presence.

The concept of “latent learning” is interpreted as a cause-and-effect relationship between two indifferent stimuli that are not explicitly reinforced. All this is used to enhance the figurativeness of the language, often in the absence of its own


The meaning of the word “latent” is interpreted as something temporarily unobservable, but which, under appropriate circumstances, will certainly appear in the future. professional term. In physics, it characterizes specific processes; here there are concepts - “latent (latent) heat of fusion” and “latent heat of vaporization”.

But “latent misanthrope” - the phrase used to call Chubais - sounds intriguing, cool and incomprehensible. And what is the advertising worth - “A talented person is, by definition, a latent schizophrenic.” At the moment when a word becomes trendy, the nausea of ​​its use in speech exceeds all limits of what is permissible, its real meaning is lost and becomes truly latent.