Who is Chubais by nationality? Anatoly Chubais: biography, personal life, political activity, photo

In the city of Borisov in Belarus in a military family.

In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti (LIEI), in 2002 - Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the direction of "Problems of Modern Energy".

From 1977 to 1982, Anatoly Chubais worked as an engineer, then as an assistant at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute.

In 1982-1990 - Associate Professor at LIEI.

In 1983 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 1984-1987, Chubais led an informal circle of “young economists,” which was created by a group of graduates of the city’s economic universities. In 1987, he became one of the founders of the political club "Perestroika", whose goal was "to promote democratic values ​​among the broad masses of the intelligentsia."

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais was appointed deputy, then first deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and was the chief economic adviser to the mayor of Leningrad, Anatoly Sobchak.

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management, Minister of the Russian Federation.

Since June 1992, Chubais was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government for Economic and Financial Policy. In 1992, the State Property Committee, under the leadership of Chubais, developed a privatization program and carried out its technical preparation.

In June 1993, Chubais took part in the creation of the election bloc "Russia's Choice".

In December 1993, he was elected to the State Duma from the electoral association "Russia's Choice".

In November 1994 - January 1996, Anatoly Chubais was First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation for economic and financial policy.

From April 1995 to February 1996, he was a manager for the Russian Federation in international financial organizations.

In February 1996, Chubais created the Civil Society Foundation, on the basis of which the analytical group of Boris Yeltsin’s election headquarters began to work.

From March 1997 to March 1998 - First Deputy Prime Minister and at the same time in March - November 1997 - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Euromoney magazine recognized Chubais as the best finance minister of 1997.

Since April 1997, he was appointed manager from the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

From May 1997 to May 1998 he was a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

On April 4, 1998, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia, he was elected to the company's Board of Directors.

June-August 1998 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations.

In December 1998, Chubais joined the Right Cause coalition and was elected to the coordination committee of the coalition's organizing committee. From May 20, 2000 - co-chairman of the Coordination Council of the All-Russian political organization "Union of Right Forces" (SPS), from May 26, 2001 - co-chairman of the federal political council of the SPS party, on January 24, 2004, resigned from the post of co-chairman of the SPS, elected to the federal political party council.

Since July 2000, Anatoly Chubais became president of the CIS Electric Power Council; re-elected to this post in 2001-2007.

On September 22, 2008, by presidential decree, Anatoly Chubais was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation.
Anatoly Chubais - Acting State Advisor 1st class (1996), member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers), co-chairman of the permanent Round Table of Industrialists of Russia and the EU (since 1998), member of the international supervisory board of J. P. Morgan Chase bank (since 2008 ), honorary doctor of the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics.

Few of the Russian politicians and statesmen of recent times can compare with Chubais in terms of their constant presence in politics in prominent roles; Since November 1991, with very short breaks, he has held various key positions in the state, and is a member of the leadership of influential parties and public organizations. At the same time, Chubais is one of the most unpopular politicians in Russia; 29% of voters (44 thousand people) in one of the electoral districts of Moscow voted for the officer who was running for the State Duma, accused of organizing the assassination attempt on Chubais (and no longer known).


Jew. Born into the family of a retired colonel, teacher of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute, Boris Matveevich Chubais (1918-2000) and Raisa Khaimovna Sagal (b. 1918).

Brother - Igor Borisovich Chubais - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

Married for the second time. From his first marriage he has a son, Alexei, and a daughter, Olga.


In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti (LIEI).

In 2002, he graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the field of “Problems of Modern Energy”. Final work on the topic: “Prospects for the development of hydropower in Russia.”


In 1977-1982 - engineer, assistant at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute.

In 1982-1990 - Associate Professor at LIEI.

In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 1984-1987 - leader of the informal circle of “young economists”.

Political activity in the USSR

1980 - joining the CPSU.

1987 - participation in the founding of the Leningrad club “Perestroika”.

1990 - Deputy, then First Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Executive Committee, Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak.

Work in the Russian Government

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management - Minister of the RSFSR.

June 1, 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government for economic and financial policy. Under the leadership of Chubais, a privatization program was developed and its technical preparation was carried out.

June 1993 - participation in the creation of the election bloc “Choice of Russia”.

December 1993 - elected to the State Duma from the electoral association “Choice of Russia”.

November 1994 - January 1996 - First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government for economic and financial policy.

1995-1997 - member of the Foreign Policy Council under the President of the Russian Federation

From April 1995 to February 1996 - manager from Russia in international financial organizations.

February 1996 - created the Civil Society Foundation, on the basis of which the analytical group of B. N. Yeltsin’s election headquarters began work.

In June 1996, he created the Center for the Protection of Private Property Foundation.

In 1996, he was awarded the qualification category Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

March 7, 1997 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia and at the same time Minister of Finance of Russia.

In 1997, he was recognized by Euromoney magazine, based on an expert survey of the world's leading financiers, as the best finance minister of the year.

April 1997 - appointed manager from the Russian Federation at the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

May 1997 - May 1998 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

November 1997 - relieved of the post of Minister of Finance, retaining the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

March 23, 1998 - relieved of the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.


On April 4, 1998, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the company.

June 17 - August 28, 1998 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations.

December 1998 - became a member of the Organizing Committee of the Right Cause coalition and was elected to the Coordination Committee of the Coalition Organizing Committee. Headed the commission on organizational work of the Coordination Council.

In February 2000, at a meeting of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on Cooperation with the European Union, he was appointed co-chairman of the Round Table of Industrialists of Russia and the EU on the Russian side.

In May 2000, at the founding congress of the All-Russian political organization “Union of Right Forces”, he was elected co-chairman of the Coordination Council.

In July 2000, he became president of the CIS Electric Power Council. He was re-elected to this post in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

In October 2000, he was elected to the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers).

On May 26, 2001, at the founding congress of the Union of Right Forces party, he was elected Co-Chairman and Member of the Federal Political Council.

On January 24, 2004, he resigned from the post of Co-Chairman of the Union of Right Forces party. Elected to the Federal Political Council of the party.

Awards and titles

Three letters of commendation from the President of Russia (received in 1995, 1997 and 1998).

Title “The person who made the greatest contribution to the development of the Russian stock market” from NAUFOR (1999).

Honorary diploma of the International Union of Economists “International Recognition” “for his great contribution to the development of Russia based on the application of advanced international experience in the introduction of modern methods of organizing management, economics, finance and production processes” (2001).


On July 31, 1992, by order No. 141, he created the “Department of Technical Assistance and Expertise,” which employed American economic advisers. The head of the department, Jonathan Hay, was suspected of having ties to the CIA.

In January 1996, B.N. Yeltsin resigned from the post of Deputy Prime Minister after the defeat of the pro-government party “Our Home is Russia” in the elections to the State Duma of the 2nd convocation. Yeltsin said: “That the party got 10% of the votes is Chubais! If it weren’t for Chubais, it would be 20%!” In the program “Dolls” (written by Viktor Shenderovich), these words of Yeltsin were conveyed as “Chubais is to blame for everything!”; this formulation has become a very popular expression. However, Chubais soon headed Yeltsin’s election headquarters, and after the elections, his administration.

In the 1996 presidential campaign, he was involved in a scandal regarding the “copier box case,” when on the night of June 19-20, 1996, members of B. Yeltsin’s election headquarters, headed by Chubais, Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky were detained while trying to take out White House box with $538 thousand in cash. However, after interrogation they were released, and the initiators of their detention - head of the presidential security service Alexander Korzhakov, FSB director Mikhail Barsukov and First Deputy Prime Minister O. Soskovets - were dismissed. The case was closed, and the owner of the box was not identified.

In November 1997, he became involved in the so-called “book scandal”, when five leading reformers from the government and the presidential administration received an advance of $90 thousand each from a publishing company for the not yet written book “The History of Russian Privatization.” The authors of this book included A. Chubais, who at that time held the positions of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. In connection with the scandal, President Boris Yeltsin removed him from the post of Minister of Finance, however, the post of First Deputy Prime Minister was retained by him.

After a large-scale power grid failure in Russia in 2005, he was questioned by the prosecutor's office as a witness; Left parties demanded his resignation.

Attempt on Chubais

On March 17, 2005, an attempt was made on Chubais. At the exit from the village of Zhavoronki, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, a bomb was detonated on the route of Chubais’s car, and in addition, the vehicles of the motorcade were fired upon. Chubais was not injured.

Three people were detained in connection with the assassination attempt: retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and paratroopers of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin. Kvachkov, while in prison, became involved in politics; he ran for the State Duma from the Preobrazhensky district, and took second place; then he was denied registration as a candidate from the Medvedkovo district. He stated the following: “From a military-political point of view, this action is one of the forms of a national liberation war. The destruction of any foreign invaders and accomplices of the occupiers, including in the economic field, is the duty and sacred responsibility of every officer, soldier, any warrior, regardless of whether he is fighting in an open armed struggle at the front or operating in the territory of his country occupied by the enemy."... At the same time, Kvachkov believes that his involvement in the assassination attempt has not been proven. It is interesting that he supported M. B. Khodorkovsky, with whom he spent some time in the same cell.

The Presidium of the Union of Right Forces issued a statement declaring the political nature of the assassination attempt. Chubais himself said that he expected an assassination attempt and the day before ordered to strengthen his security, but did not make detailed comments.

The defendants in the case of the attempt on Chubais demanded that it be tried by a jury. The selection of the panel was repeatedly postponed by the court due to the failure of a sufficient number of candidates to appear, as well as due to the illness of defense lawyers; representatives of the injured party filed a motion to dissolve the selected panel due to its bias (“the majority of the jurors are pensioners who will not be able to objectively consider the case”). On October 9, the lawyer of the defendant Kvachkov, Oksana Mikhalkina, reported that her client was removed from the courtroom and suspended from participating in the trial until the end of the hearing due to violations.

The assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais caused a strong resonance in Russian society. For several days after the event, Internet forums on the Runet were undoubtedly dominated by messages like: “That’s why we live like this, because we haven’t learned to shoot.” In an interview with the well-known nationalist opposition ideologist Alexander Prokhanov, Colonel Kvachkov reports that during transportation from the cell to the courthouse and back, the guards expressed support for him, with the words “It’s a pity that you didn’t shoot this reptile.”

The childhood and youth of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Chubais, born into a military family, learned all the “delights” of garrison life from childhood. Father, Boris Matveevich Chubais, became a retiree with the rank of colonel and taught students of the Leningrad Mining Institute the philosophy of Lenin and Marx. Mother, Raisa Khamovna Sagal, had an extraordinary mind, had a specialty in economics, however, she never worked, devoting herself to the family and raising her sons.

The mother paid attention to the multifaceted development of the boy, as well as his brother Igor, who in the future became a Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

Even at school (the future politician became a first-grader in Odessa), Anatoly preferred exact sciences and came up with all sorts of clever inventions.

In the mid-60s, the family lived in Lviv, and in 1967, military service brought the father and the whole family to the city of palaces and museums. In Leningrad, Chubais studied at a school with military-patriotic education.

In the family of a Soviet officer, there were often discussions regarding political and philosophical topics, and young Anatoly was an involuntary witness to the debates taking place between his father and his older brother. This uniquely influenced the young man’s choice and he chose the economics university over the philosophical direction.

Student years and the beginning of Chubais’s career in politics

In 1972, Anatoly became a student at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti. He chose the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The future ideologist and leader of Russian market reforms and privatization activities graduated from his first alma mater with honors in 1977.

Chubais’s work experience began within the walls of his native institute, where he worked as an engineer, assistant and associate professor. At the same time, he was writing a dissertation, which he successfully defended in 1983.

Chubais - March of the Nanists

In 1980, Anatoly decided to join the Communist Party. At that time, the democratic movement was actively developing in Leningrad. Leningrad economists organized an informal circle, the leader of which was Chubais, along with Grigory Glazkov and Yuri Yarmagaev. The fruit of their joint work was the scientific work “Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production.”

Members of the circle also included future Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin, President of the Banking House "St. Petersburg" Vladimir Kogan, the late Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich, as well as older brother Igor.

Political career of Anatoly Chubais

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais took the post of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and a little later became first deputy. In 1991, the mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak, invited him to the position of chief economic adviser.

Possessing a talent as a politician and a brilliant analytical mind, Chubais rapidly moved up the career ladder. In November 1991, he was appointed chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. And already in 1992, President Boris Yeltsin entrusted him with the post of Deputy Prime Minister. IN

During 1992, Chubais created a privatization program, as a result of which by the beginning of 1997, 127,000 enterprises had been privatized. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia decided to elect Chubais to the Board of Directors. Also in 1998, he became chairman of the board.

Anatoly Chubais. Exclusive interview.

In politics, Anatoly Chubais is a prominent figure. He went through the path of a State Duma deputy from Russia's Choice, was the creator of the Civil Society Foundation, which predetermined the work of a group of analysts at Yeltsin's election headquarters.

Before the Duma elections in June 2003, he became one of the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party suffered defeat. After resigning from the post of party chairman, he was a member of the federal political council, and in November 2008, the Right Cause political party accepted him into the Supreme Council.

Now Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is the head of Rusnano. His political successes and economic achievements are appreciated by the domestic and world community. The private American Institute for the Study of East and West Studies awarded him the 1994 Outstanding New Artist Award.

The English economic magazine Euromoney named him the best finance minister in the world. He has been awarded many Commendations from the President of Russia and is an Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Anatoly Chubais honorary doctor of the University of Engineering and Economics of St. Petersburg.

Personal life, Anatoly Chubais today

From his first marriage, Anatoly Chubais had a son, Alexey, and a daughter, Olga. Both chose the economic direction. In 1989, the marriage broke up, however, material support from the ex-husband and father remained decent.

In 1990, Chubais married Maria Vishnevskaya for the second time. His wife supported Anatoly during his rapid career growth and, as expected, was a support in both joy and sorrow.

Working in a hospice and interacting with terminally ill patients left an imprint on the woman’s mental health. This affected the personal life of the spouses. Treatment in the most prestigious clinics was unsuccessful. After 21 years of marriage they separated. All property remained to Maria Vishnevskaya.

Anatoly Chubais is a famous Russian political and statesman. First of all, he is known as an economist. Currently he is the General Director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, and since 2011 he has headed the board of the open joint-stock company Rusnano. Since 1991, with minor interruptions, he has held key positions in Russian politics and major state-owned companies. He is considered one of the key ideologists of the economic reforms that were carried out by Boris Yeltsin’s team shortly after he came to power. His name is also associated with global reforms in the domestic energy sector, implemented in the 2000s. There is a lot of controversy about the nationality and real name of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. In this article we will talk in detail about his family and the main stages of his biography.

Family politics

Anatoly Chubais was born in 1955 in the city of Borisov, located on the territory of modern Belarus. His father was a soldier, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a colonel. After retiring from the military, he taught the philosophy of Marxism and Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute. The mother of the hero of our article was called Raisa Khamovna. Segal is her real name. Anatoly Chubais theoretically could have taken it, but preferred his father's surname.

The mother of the hero of our article was Jewish by nationality and an economist by training; she devoted her entire life to raising children. So the nationality of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is Jewish. Many are interested in the details of his biography, especially when he began to occupy key positions in the country. Therefore, let us immediately clarify: Chubais is the real name of Anatoly Borisovich.

He became the second child in the family. Anatoly Borisovich has an older brother, Igor, who is a Doctor of Philosophy.

Choosing a path

Since childhood, Chubais regularly moved from place to place, since his father was a military man, his duty stations were constantly changing. The Soviet army officer also introduced strict rules within the family, not giving his sons any extra reason to relax.

As a child, Anatoly Chubais often witnessed heated debates between his father and older brother, dedicated to philosophy and modern politics. Apparently, this played a certain role in choosing his future profession; he showed interest in the processes taking place in society from an early age. However, deciding on his future, he made a choice in favor of economic education. Most likely, because even at school he was especially good at the exact sciences.

Now you know the nationality of Anatoly Chubais, the features of his origin. He maintained close relationships with his family throughout his life. For Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, his real surname has always been of great importance; he never planned to give it up.


Chubais began receiving secondary education in Odessa; his father was serving there when the future politician had to go to school. Then he transferred to Lvov, and went to fifth grade in Leningrad. In the Northern capital, he was sent to a school with military-political education, which he hated and even wanted to dismantle into bricks, which he admitted when he became an adult.

In 1972, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais entered the mechanical engineering department of the Engineering and Economic Institute in Leningrad. He graduated from the university in 1977 with honors, and six years later he defended his dissertation, receiving the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. His professional career began at his native institute, where he worked first as an engineer, then as an assistant and associate professor.

In the CPSU

During the same period, Chubais became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He gains a large number of like-minded people who form an informal democratic circle around the hero of our article. Leningraders become its members, for whom Anatoly Borisovich himself begins to organize seminars on economics.

The ultimate goal of all these meetings is to promote democratic ideas among the broadest masses of the intelligentsia. It was at one of these seminars that the hero of our article meets his future colleague in leading the country, Yegor Gaidar.

Political career

The political career of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais actively began in the late 80s, when he founded a club under the name “Perestroika”, which was relevant for that time. Many well-known economists of that time became its members, who soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union would occupy key positions in the state; they would also be called “young reformers.”

Active and educated youth, who constantly suggest how to improve life in the country, attracted the attention of the top officials of Leningrad. After Anatoly Sobchak, the chairman of the Leningrad City Council, won the election, Chubais was appointed his deputy, as the leader of the modern democratic movement. His ideas and political attitude appeal to the leadership of the entire region.

In 1991, Chubais was offered the post of chief adviser on economic development at the Leningrad mayor's office. Soon after this, he creates a working group that begins discussing a strategy for the economic development of the entire country. By the end of the same year, he became the head of the State Committee for State Property Management, and in 1992 received the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister in Yeltsin’s team.

Privatization campaign

In his new position, Chubais gathers around himself a team of economists, with whom he develops a privatization program. As a result of this massive campaign, 130,000 state-owned enterprises are being transferred into private hands. How privatization was carried out, how honestly and rationally, is still being discussed by experts. Moreover, the majority gives Chubais’ team an unsatisfactory assessment, but at that time this did not prevent the politician from continuing to move up the career ladder.

In 1993, Chubais won elections to the State Duma from the Russia's Choice party, became first deputy prime minister, and headed the Federal Commission for Securities and the Stock Market.

Second term

In 1996, the politician took an active part in organizing the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, who was running for a second presidential term. For this purpose, the Civil Society Foundation was created. With its help, the rating of the head of state can be significantly increased, leading to a final victory in the second round.

Yeltsin appreciated the help of the hero of our article, appointing him to lead his administration, and a few months later he awarded the rank of first-class advisor.

Presidential Administration

It is generally accepted that Chubais’s main achievement as head of the presidential administration is that he, together with his supporters, achieved the removal of Alexander Lebed from the post of Secretary of the Security Council. This happened just two months after the appointment of the general who finished third in the presidential election. It is believed that the post was a thank you to Yeltsin, as Lebed urged his supporters to vote for Boris Nikolayevich.

In 1997, Chubais returned to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister, simultaneously becoming Minister of Finance. But he fails to hold on to these posts for long. In the spring of 1998, he resigns along with the entire cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Work in state corporations

In the same year, Chubais became the head of the board of RAO UES of Russia. In this post, he begins to carry out large-scale reforms, which provide for a complete restructuring of all structures of the holding entrusted to him. He decides to transfer most of the shares to private investors. These decisions found many opponents, who even began to call Chubais the worst manager in Russia.

In 2008, the energy company was liquidated, and Chubais was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation state corporation. In 2011, under his leadership, the company was reorganized into a joint-stock company, and soon it became the leading innovative enterprise in the country.

Personal life

The politician’s personal life turned out to be eventful. He got married for the first time while a student. His chosen one was Lyudmila, who bore him two children - Olga and Alexei. They followed in their father's footsteps, becoming professional economists.

In the early 90s, the hero of our article divorces Lyudmila and marries a second time. During his rapid career growth in modern Russia, he is accompanied by economist Maria Vishnevskaya, but this marriage also broke up.

TV presenter and screenwriter Avdotya Smirnova becomes the politician’s third wife. This marriage, which he entered into after 50 years, was received ambiguously by society; the new wife was fourteen years younger than her husband.

For Avdotya, this marriage became the second. From 1989 to 1996 she was married to St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov, with whom she gave birth to a son, Danila, in 1990. He studied at the Zenit football school and became the world champion in beach soccer as part of the Russian national team. At the moment, he has finished his sports career, works as a producer, having received a diploma from the University of Film and Television.

Chubais and Smirnova have been married since 2012.


According to the latest income declarations, Chubais earns more than 200 million rubles a year, his wife is several times less.

At the same time, they own two apartments in Moscow, one in St. Petersburg, and an apartment in Portugal with an area of ​​133 square meters. The family's fleet consists of two BMW cars and a Yamaha snowmobile.

Where is Anatoly Chubais now? Public Joint Stock Company "Rusnano" is the organization in which the hero of our article works. Currently Anatoly Chubais holds the post of Chairman of the Board.


In 2005, an attempt was made on the politician's life. As his car was traveling to the Moscow region, a bomb was detonated, and the cars of the motorcade in which the hero of our article was traveling were fired upon. Chubais was not injured. Three people became suspects in the case: retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, paratroopers Robert Yashin and Alexander Naydenov.

Kvachkov began to engage in politics in prison, declaring that the assassination attempt on Chubais was one of the forms of the national liberation war. At the same time, he repeatedly stated that his involvement in the assassination attempt had not been proven.

The criminal case was considered by a jury, which acquitted all three suspects. However, the Supreme Court later overturned this decision, sending the case for a new trial. A new suspect has also emerged - lawyer and writer Ivan Mironov. In August 2010, the jury again acquitted the suspects, and almost half of the jurors rendered a verdict according to which the attempt on Chubais’s life in 2005 was just an imitation.

Political Views

Chubais is considered a politician who believes that the only way for Russia to develop is capitalism.

At the beginning of 2000, he was a member of the Union of Right Forces party. He was even chosen as co-chairman, and in 2004 he resigned from this post. He returned to the leadership of the party after the defeat of the Union of Right Forces in the State Duma elections in 2007. Then the Union of Right Forces took eighth place out of 11 voting participants, failing to gain even one percent of the votes.

He advocates that subsidiaries be created at every higher education institution in the country. Since May 2010, he has headed the board of trustees of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation.

However, he remains one of the most unpopular and often criticized politicians in the country. In the early 2000s, most Russians assessed his activities negatively. A clear indication of how people treat him is the fact that Kvachkov, who was accused of trying to kill Chubais, ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency in 2005. In one of the districts of Moscow, he took second place, receiving 29% of the votes.

In 2008, Chubais’s activities were criticized by modern oppositionist Garry Kasparov. In his opinion, the liberal reformers of the early 90s failed to develop the achievements of perestroika, but only buried them. The question is constantly raised about the responsibility of the hero of our article for the reforms carried out, about the possibility of his criminal prosecution. For example, one of the journalists approached President Vladimir Putin with this topic in 2013 during the Direct Line.

The Soviet and Russian political and economic figure (according to Wikipedia) Anatoly Chubais is separated by 135 years from the Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1877, Fyodor Dostoevsky. The first has lived in Russia since 1955, the second lived (1821-1881)

“You know, I have been re-reading Dostoevsky for the last three months. And I feel almost physical hatred for this man. He is, of course, a genius, but his idea of ​​​​the Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice that he offers, makes me want to tear him into pieces" A. Chubais, ideologist of the movement "Destruction of the Russian Nation."

Being himself a member of the CPSU, he essentially turned out to be a rabid fighter against communism in its Soviet incarnation. He spoke frankly about privatization: “We were not engaged in collecting money, but in destroying communism. These are different tasks, with different values.... in accordance with Western textbooks, (privatization) is a classical economic process, during which the costs of to maximize the efficiency of placing assets transferred by the state into private hands. And we knew that every plant sold is a nail in the coffin of communism. Is it expensive, cheap, free, with a surcharge - the twentieth question, the twentieth. And the first question is one: every private one that appears. the owner in Russia is irreversibility. This is irreversibility. Just as on September 1, 1992, with the first voucher issued, we snatched the decision to stop privatization in Russia literally from the hands of the Reds, just as with each subsequent step we moved exactly in the same direction.

Privatization in Russia before 1997 was not an economic process at all. She solved a problem on a completely different scale, which few people understood at the time, much less in the West. She solved the main task - to stop communism. We have solved this problem. We solved it completely. We solved it from the moment when, during the elections in 1996, Zyuganov abandoned the slogan “nationalization of private property.” ...we forced him, regardless of his desire, to play by our rules, exactly what needed to be achieved ".

And another important revelation from Chubais himself: “... the Russian leadership has surpassed the most fantastic ideas of Marxists about capitalism: they considered that the state’s job is to serve a narrow circle of capitalists, pumping as much money into their pockets as quickly as possible. This is not shock therapy. This a malicious, premeditated, well-thought-out action aimed at large-scale redistribution of wealth in the interests of a narrow circle of people"

So, the essence of the Chubais-Gaidar reforms was not the construction of some mythical “market mechanisms”. The essence was a simple and crude expropriation of state revenues in favor of a handful of private individuals, without any attempt to build private entrepreneurial capitalism as such. All the cries about “continuing the course of reforms” and “a civilized market” are just a smoke screen, a rattle for idiots. »

It's pointless to look for logic here. There is no economy here. This is the fight against communism. And not in the interests of Russia. In the interests of pro-Western liberalism and the creation of an oligarchic regime in an unfortunate country that has fallen, eaten up from within by anti-Russian liberal worms.

This is exactly the kind of action that was promoted by the economic villain Anatoly Chubais. And he achieved his goal with his like-minded people, who infiltrated the Communist Party and destroyed it from the inside, as well as the country as a whole. And while A. Chubais, as an iconic figure or symbol of the era, with his Chubais and the forces behind them, will play a certain economic role and control the political process in Russia, until then the Russian Federation will remain in fact a country dependent on the West. Most of all, these werewolves were hindered by the Russian people with their messianic mentality of Goodness and Justice, protection of the oppressed and disadvantaged. And the exponent of such a mentality was Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

F.M. Dostoevsky on liberalism:...I attack Russian liberalism, and again I repeat that, in fact, I attack it because a Russian liberal is not a Russian liberal, but is not a Russian liberal. Give me a Russian liberal, and I’ll kiss him right now in front of you...

Russian liberalism is not an attack on the existing order of things, but is an attack on the very essence of our things, on the things themselves, and not on the order alone, not on the Russian order, but on Russia itself. My liberal has gone so far as to deny Russia itself, that is, he hates and beats his mother. Every unfortunate and unfortunate Russian fact arouses laughter and almost delight in him. He hates folk customs, Russian history, everything. If there is an excuse for him, is it that he does not understand what he is doing, and takes his hatred of Russia for the most fruitful liberalism..."

“If anyone destroys Russia, it will not be communists, not anarchists, but damned liberals.”

“One of the most characteristic features of Russian liberalism is a terrible contempt for the people.”

“Our Russian liberal is, first of all, a lackey, and is only looking to clean the boots of someone from the West.”

“Is it really possible that they won’t and won’t allow the Russian organism to develop nationally, with its own organic strength, and certainly impersonally, servilely imitating Europe? But where should the Russian organism go then? Do these gentlemen understand what an organism is? Separation, “detachment” from their country leads to hatred, these people hate Russia, so to speak, naturally, physically: for the climate, for the fields, for the forests, for the order, for the liberation of the peasant, for Russian history, in a word, for everything, for everything."

The owner of the Russian land is only one Russian (Great Russian, Little Russian, Belarusian - this is all one) - and it will be so forever. (F. Dostoevsky)