Edita Piekha without makeup. Edita Piekha, People's Artist of the USSR, singer, actress: “we must challenge life to a duel

People's Artist of the USSR celebrates her anniversary today [photo and video]

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Edita Piekha celebrates her 75th birthday. Can this really happen? She doesn't seem to change at all. Still the same voice, appearance. Surely the outfits that the artist sews for her anniversary will be just as good - no one has seen them yet. There will be new songs. We talked about all this with Edita Stanislavovna before her birthday.

“In Poland the surname Pieha is like in Russia Ivanov”

My mother was a simple woman, a miner’s wife, and sang in church. When I found out that I became a singer, I wrote: “No one has ever made money by singing. Aren’t you ashamed?” I couldn’t explain anything to my mother...

At first I was paid three rubles for a concert: enough for stockings and tights. Then they started paying five. Then nine, thirteen, twenty. And finally, for a solo concert I began to receive two rates - 38 rubles. And it seemed to me that I was so rich! But I still didn’t save anything.

And you had no idea that you would become a star?

First of all, I'm not a star. You know what definition I came up with: a star is when there is no last name. We have all the stars now. And from the very beginning I was just Edita Piekha.

I am a popular artist. I warm, like Patriarch Alexy, I give faith, hope, love for life. Otherwise it’s impossible. Wherever I went, everyone told me: “Hello, Edita Stanislavovna!”

Only happened once funny story. We performed in Kotowice in Poland. I went on stage to check the microphone. And then someone shouts: “Pyekha, move the piano!” I answer: “Sorry, I won’t move the piano.” - “What do you have to do with it? Every third person here is Piekha!”

It turned out that my dad is from Mountain Silesia and there really is Pieha, like in Russia Ivanov. And they asked the stagehand to move the piano.

Do you have any relatives in France?

I have a maternal half-brother, he worked as a policeman. Although, unlike his father, he went to school, he never wrote a single letter; his wife took the rap. She never forgot to remind: “I would like a fur coat, new boots, French cosmetics - maybe you have some extra?” I got tired of it and stopped answering. So we no longer maintain a relationship.

Last year I called: “I invite you to visit for Christmas.” The brother replied: “You and my wife do not want to correspond, and I will not come to you.” Now, in connection with the anniversary, I was taken to Poland. But I refused to go to them. My mother also told me: “You will never understand each other, you are different.”

By the way, I invited only my university friends to the anniversary. Maybe my friend will come from Poland.

“There were many fairy tales in life”

It’s very sad that the profession of an artist has become synonymous with a participant in show business,” said Edita Stanislavovna. - An artist is a person who gives his all. He transfers all his mental and spiritual powers to people so that they become better, kinder, purer, more in love with something. Several times already I asked myself: why are anniversaries needed? And then I thought: there are people who gave me flowers for so many years and believed in my songs. Well, why not gather them at a concert?

On my birthday, I never have a feast in restaurants. But I go on stage. In addition, this year is also 55 years creative activity. I have been celebrating this date since I received the gold medal at international competition at the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. In 1957, the first tour took place in Ukraine, in Crimea. And away we go, away we go! So these 55 years are not invented, not from the times kindergarten, although I also sang there. This is from the moment I first saw my name on a poster.

It seems that your friendly nature helps you overcome all your difficulties!

This is not character, but education. In France, if I wrote an essay poorly, then, at best, I would get my hands slapped with a ruler or kneeled on peas. Or we had a “donkey desk”, where you had to sit for a week. They wrote on it: “You are an ass, you know nothing.” It was humiliation. And then I ended up in Poland. And I met a good teacher, to whom I am grateful for everything. But there was a stepfather who “trained” me like the Zapashnys did in the circus of their animals.

But now they tell me: “They give you so many flowers!” And every time I am surprised: “Is this for me?” And grateful, because unspoiled. The energy that I gave formed very good relationships with people from many, many cities over these 55 years. So in this regard, I am a millionaire.

This is a detail. For example, I come to the store without makeup and ask: “Is your fish fresh today?” - “Oh, Edita Piekha! No, don’t take this fish, it’s yesterday’s fish.”

“I couldn’t even imagine”

What did you dream about as a child?

Boris Potemkin, the same one who composed “The Neighbor,” gave me “Lullaby.” “I didn’t dream of fairy tales - I dreamed of a crust of bread and big bombs that flew from the sky.” There was war, life in its most brutal manifestation. At the age of four, to be at a funeral, to see my dad, who was talking to me just yesterday, and today they are putting him in the ground... The neighbors were digging up a house that had been hit by a bomb. I saw how miners who derailed German trains were shot. And the Germans shouted at the same time: “Nehste, nehste!”

The song “Next!” appeared in my repertoire. There were lines like this: “The next ones shouted: “If you forget about this, you will be next.” This is a protest against war. I saw everything not in books. I felt the harsh truth and burning pain of this life with my skin. And there was no such thing as a dream.

And there were no books: my stepfather did not allow me to read them. He was an illiterate man, a shepherd. At the age of sixteen he emigrated from Poland, before the First World War. He shouted: “Only idle aristocrats read books.” And he was a communist. “I'm a fighter. I want you to go to the factory, work, help people live better.” So dreams are words whose meaning I learned already in adulthood, when I found myself in the Soviet Union. I touched the beauty when I found myself studying at a university in the most wonderful city in the world - Leningrad.

When I arrived, I couldn’t believe it and pinched myself. I thought: my God, St. Isaac's Cathedral! Peter and Paul Spire! I saw all this in photographs...

How did you imagine the future in your youth?

I only thought that I needed to finish university. That I shouldn’t catch a cold, because I had tuberculosis, complications could arise from it. But I caught a cold and had pneumonia, which I couldn’t cure for three years.

In my youth there were daily problems. Touring when we worked at Lenconcert. I knew a year in advance in which city I would perform and on what date. And I couldn’t imagine anything else. How could I have guessed that I would go to perform at the Olympia in Paris?!

Getting to Paris is another fairy tale. There have been many fairy tales in my life. Those that I had not seen because I dreamed of a crust of bread suddenly began to come true in life. According to the script, which was written by some power from above, a guardian angel.


“My stepfather beat me, but I was silent, like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya”

Did your stepfather beat you?

How! For me, being beaten was the norm. He believed that I should be beaten so that I wouldn’t accidentally grow up to be a girl of easy virtue. Primary school I graduated in a small town called Getesberg - “God's Mountain”, which is located at an altitude of six hundred meters above sea level. And then I took the train to the Pedagogical Lyceum, four stops. I had to get up at half past six in the morning and walk five kilometers to the station. In the summer it's a joy, and

in winter - waist-deep in snow. And then the same way back.

Sometimes the train was late by an hour, or even two. I came home at ten instead of eight o'clock in the evening. And the stepfather was already waiting with a belt: “Don’t make up the idea that the train was late. You were just hanging around with men! I won’t let you grow up to be a prostitute!” In his opinion, a girl who arrives at the wrong time is a wanderer. He hit my legs with a belt, my mother cried. And I told myself: “I am Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.” He shouted: “You see, she doesn’t even cry because she’s guilty!”

But it could be survived. In Auschwitz, the Nazis tortured people much more painfully. If my dad were alive, no one would have raised me like that. But I am seasoned.

Have you ever punished your daughter and grandson?

She hit her grandson once, and her daughter once. I don’t even remember what they did. Somehow they behaved in the wrong way, and I had no choice but to kick my butt. But not with a belt, but with a hand. My hand is swollen, my daughter is crying, and so am I. And then we kiss: “Mom, I won’t do this again!” The grandson, after the head wash, subsequently wrote: “My grandmother - good man, but in anger you should be afraid of her.” But I remembered for the rest of my life that this is impossible.

What if my father were alive?

Mom always said: I could still live if it weren’t for the cards. At the age of 36, my dad could no longer go down into the mine; he had a disability - petrification of the lungs. And the doctors advised: we must take care, we must not catch a cold. And he loved to play cards with his friends from the mine. And so mom didn’t keep watch when he sat down on damp earth, and it was early spring. I caught a cold. And a few months later he died. If dad had survived, we would have stayed in France. My stepfather, as a communist, wanted to build a people's Poland. Here we go. I was nine years old then...

But it turns out that, thanks to my stepfather, I became an artist: when I ran away, I ended up in the Soviet Union. If this had not happened, I would not have enrolled in the choir of Polish students, would not have met Alexander Bronevitsky, would not have found a home, homeland, family - everyone who is the meaning of my life.

All this wouldn't exist. Then, probably, I would have married a miner in Poland. I would be a retired teacher now. And in France, at best, she became a maid in a rich house, serving wealthy people.

Or maybe they would become a singer like Edith Piaf. Your voice is gorgeous.

Who needed it there? My mother also sang beautifully in the choir in the church. And I would also sing in the choir in the church. Edith Piaf was in Paris, not in the mining hinterland. In general, fate is like a treasure that you stumble upon by accident. And it sparkles with beauty precious stones. You touch it, it warms you, and you move through life in a different capacity thanks to your talent.


"I'm really from France"

I was shocked when I was invited to sing at the Olympia in Paris in 1965. At a huge press conference, journalists attacked me. And someone asked an aggressive question: “You made it all up. It’s PR that you were born in France!” I answered: “I don’t have a meter with me, otherwise I could show you.” The journalists invited me to go with them four hundred kilometers to the mining town where I was born. The mayor of the city was a Frenchman named Auguste Galle, he was already over eighty years old. He was warned that I was coming. The first thing he said upon meeting, opening a bottle of champagne: “I was a communist throughout the war. He supervised miners to ensure that trains carrying coal to Nazi Germany were derailed. Life was not easy for me. And I didn’t imagine that I would live to see the day when a girl would come to my city hall and extend the hand of Soviet-French friendship to me. Thank you, Edith!” And handed over a copy of the metrics. It turned out that I was really born there. The journalists raised their paws up. I still have this metric. Naturally, a duplicate. I visited this town two more times. Everything comes together in fate. Remember the song based on the poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky “City of Childhood”: “The city, like a dream, is covered with viscous dust, swept away... Quietly the cashier will answer: “There are no tickets...” And fate gave me a ticket to the city from where I once left as a hungry starving woman...

Gorbachev helped with perestroika

I settled in the suburbs because the city felt stuffy and very noisy. I bought a typical house in a simple Soviet gardening in the Vsevolozhsk region. The man who was selling it asks: “How much money do you have?” And I didn’t know how much it cost. I had 25 thousand rubles, all my money. It was 1989. The owner says: “Just enough.” And then the neighbors said that this hut cost at most five thousand. And I gave everything. And then she cried because it turned out to be an uninhabitable room. But Mikhail Gorbachev came to the rescue with perestroika. There were concerts at negotiable prices. They started paying me not 38 rubles for a performance, but 150-200-300, or even a thousand. And a year later I demolished this shack for thirty thousand. And it began to be built. But even here there were some adventures. I bought 75 pallets of bricks. And overnight this brick disappeared, like a cow licking it with its tongue. Life always tests my strength. Everything that is difficult in life has an address: Edita Piekha.

Edita Piekha had to sing at Miner's Day in Kuzbass without makeup and in slippers. The legendary singer's luggage with all her clothes, shoes and cosmetics was lost at the airport.


“Everything is fine, for me the miners’ holiday is very important. My father and brother were miners, they died early. Even my mother worked as a sorter at the mine, we still lived in France then, so I’ve heard about the hard work of miners since childhood,” said 74 - year-old Piekha - At my age, coming to Kuzbass again from St. Petersburg with concerts... For me this is not just a performance, but a real forced march. One thing upset me: my luggage with concert dresses was lost. Yesterday I had to perform in Mezhdurechensk in ordinary clothes. , no makeup."

Despite the unfortunate disappearance, the 74-year-old diva did not lose face and prepared for the performances in a hurry. As Edita Stanislavovna herself said, in order to somehow prepare for the concert, she had to buy powder and mascara in a Novokuznetsk store. There were no suitable shoes, and the star decided to go on stage in her usual street white shoes without heels, similar to more closed ballet shoes and sports shoes at the same time.

But this failure paled in comparison to the surprise that her costume designer presented to Edita Stanislavovna. It turned out that she had brought three dresses, which she did not check in with the rest. “My costume designer Lyuba is a true professional, she is ready for any emergency,” Piekha told Komsomolskaya Pravda. As a result, the singer managed to change her dresses three times during the concert: light green to white and light green, then to white pleated.

By the way, by the end of the concert it became noticeable that the singer was tired... without heels. “When the weather changes, my leg aches and hurts,” shared Edita Stanislavovna. “And on stage, I must say, it’s much easier for me to stand in heels than, as today, without heels"After the concert, the singer received a whole bunch of flowers from the miners.

Blonde, brunette, redhead?.. It’s hard to imagine what Lady Gaga’s hair actually looks like. The pop star constantly wears wigs. And what kind! The shocking celebrity's head is decorated with fantastic hairstyles of breathtaking colors. It is unlikely that the singer’s natural hair would have withstood such fashion experiments. Although maybe they couldn't stand it. Who knows what Gaga has under her wig...

Edita Piekha doesn’t do her hair. She just puts it on. The Soviet pop star says that she has been curling her hair in curlers for thirty years. I did the styling twice a day: in the morning and in the evening before the concert. Once on tour in Israel, the host advised her not to spoil her hair with hair dryers and curling irons and gave her a wig. Edita Stanislavovna liked the idea and her “hat” - that’s what the singer calls her artificial hairstyle - she hasn’t left it since then.

Young, beautiful and famous, but almost bald... Actress Keira Knightley admits: she has had to wear a wig for several years now. Kira ruined her naturally weak hair at the beginning of her career. Either she painted them for the role, then she did chemistry, then, on the contrary, she straightened them. At some point they began to literally crumble.

For the same reason - frequent changes of image - top model Naomi Campbell completely lost her hair.

It has been whispered for a long time that the “Black Panther” wears wigs. The paparazzi kept catching the star with his slightly exposed bald head. In 2011, Naomi decided to stop hiding and posed on the cover of a magazine with her natural “hairstyle.” And, by the way, many thought that this was even better than with false hair.

Alla Pugacheva also admitted to wearing wigs. Since Diva became the mother of twins, she has been blogging and communicating with fans on social networks. She recently shared a photo of herself without makeup, which she captioned: “Where would I go in this playful wig?” However, they say that back in 2005, during a tour in Kazan, Alla Borisovna took off her artificial hair in front of stunned spectators. True, according to the conditions of visiting that concert, cameras were not allowed.

or how to look 30 years younger in 3 weeks without surgery or injections?

A month before her 80th birthday, the singer suddenly looked 30, or even 40 years younger. Plastic surgery at this age are contraindicated. So what's the secret?

She was always surrounded by crowds of fans. Women dreamed of being like her, and men dreamed of being with her. But how does the artist manage to remain youthful and attractive? appearance even at 80, having become a great-grandmother twice?

We met with Edita Stanislavovna on the eve of the anniversary concert and asked a question that worries thousands of women:

“How is it possible to look at most 45 at 80?”

I’ll tell you honestly: for a long time I really remained a fairly attractive woman, despite my age, the first wrinkles, and life’s troubles. But as I approached 60, I began to lose control. The face swam, pigmentation appeared, obvious wrinkles were outlined, already senile, and not facial wrinkles, the years were taking their toll....

But now, at 80, you don’t have a single wrinkle and you look younger than your daughter, that’s a fact!

Thanks for the compliment. You know, at that time I was ready to get a lift, fillers, threads - anything, just not to see a wrinkled old woman in the mirror! But the doctors strictly forbade me from any interventions: problems with the heart and blood clotting.

Twice-great-grandmother Edita Piekha looks no older than 45

I developed real depression about this; I was completely unprepared to grow old. I wanted to have surgery even at the risk of my life, but my family dissuaded me.

But, let’s be honest, you never looked your age, your fans will confirm this.

At that time, I tried not to be caught by photographers, and went on stage only after several hours of make-up work. It was a well-established scheme (laughs). Everything changed about six months ago. And the way you see me now is no longer the result of a makeup artist’s work, but my real face. And without any plastic!

People's Artist turns 80!

Youth as a gift from an old admirer

Fate brought me together with many wonderful people. And I have many friends and fans all over the world. One of them, Victor, he now lives in Switzerland, sent me an New Year a huge bouquet of roses and a tiny box with a gift. The box contained 3 packs of Swiss cream, or rather anti-aging serum. In a postscript to the letter of congratulations, he wrote that this is Bio-Filler - the latest scientific development, which is not yet on sale even in Switzerland itself, and its authors have been nominated for Nobel Prize.

And you took the risk of using this cream, which was not yet on sale?

Certainly! First of all, Victor is mine old friend, and I trust him, and secondly, it was, albeit illusory, hope! I read the composition: a bunch of rare and very expensive components, plus a unique peptide, for which the developers were nominated for a Nobel. I simply replaced my day and night cream with this serum.

At first I didn’t notice any changes: the effect was as simple as good cream, that is, silky, “rested” skin. But after 2-3 weeks, my daughter, whom we had not seen all this time, gasped:

“Mom, you didn’t listen to us and still got a lift?”

I took a closer look at my reflection in the mirror... Deep wrinkles seemed to be filled from the inside with the very fillers whose injections were forbidden to me, the crow's feet around the eyes became barely noticeable, and the cheeks began to sag much less, as if they were lifted! And after another month, I actually looked 30 years younger!

This is true! There’s no way you can get over 45!

A funny story happened to me this spring. Grandson Stas took me to Paris for a couple of days, I love it when chestnuts bloom there! We went to a restaurant, and the head waiter mistook me for Stas's friend! He treated us like a couple! (Laughs) This was the best compliment in my entire long life!

Edita Piekha with her grandson Stas

We are very happy for you, Edita Stanislavovna! Do you know if this magical serum is already on sale in Switzerland? Is it possible to order it from there or somehow “get it”? After all, every woman dreams of regaining her youth...

In Europe, it has been sold somewhere since spring, when my grandson and I were in Paris, I bought several more packages there, including for Ilona (the singer’s daughter - editor’s note). But just recently I found out that a representative office has opened in Moscow Bio-Filler manufacturing company, and they deliver throughout the CIS. Just before the anniversary, I ordered from their website.

But the developers were never given the Nobel Prize; someone else won. But this, I think, is not so important, because the gratitude and happy smiles of thousands of women who, like me, were able to regain their youth and beauty, are much more important! Who will now believe that I, for example, am a great-grandmother?

The singer's grandson Stas with his great-grandson Petya

Amazing news! Thank you very much; with your permission, we will place a link to the supplier’s official website at the end of the publication. Once again, thank you for the interview, congratulations on your anniversary and wish you health and further creative success!

P.S. Recently, photos of 80-year-old Edita Piekha without makeup, taken with a hidden camera, appeared online. Unscrupulous journalists wanted to expose the singer in an unsightly form for everyone to see and point out to fans how old she really was. But this idea ended in a fiasco: Edita Stanislavovna looks 40 years younger than her age, even at home, without makeup or Photoshop!

80-year-old Edita Piekha without makeup. Hidden camera photo

And here, as we promised, is a link to the official website of the company supplying the low molecular weight anti-aging serum Bio-Filler, which helped Edita Stanislavovna regain freshness, youth and beauty.

There have been thousands of interviews in Edita Piekha’s life, but never before has Edita Stanislavovna been so frank. There have been legends about the Soviet pop legend for half a century. But for the first time, Edita Piekha decided to dispel all the myths about herself, absolutely not for fun.

They say that several years ago doctors strictly forbade Piekha from performing. This happened after the singer was hospitalized with a fracture. The huge Central Asian shepherd dog Julia, while playing, knocked her owner off her feet. There are no marks left, but my leg still hurts. But Edita Stanislavovna does not pay attention to the doctors’ prohibitions.

Edita Piekha, singer: “I swallow painkillers so that I don’t feel pain. You wouldn't wish this on your enemy. And I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I can handle it. It’s hard, of course.”

She goes on stage, often overcoming pain. True, now only in shoes with flat soles. Piekha wears a wig. Only those closest to her can she show everything that is hidden under the makeup and fluffy wig.

Edita Piekha: “I’ve been spinning my hair in curlers for thirty years. I carried a hairdryer with me for thirty years. I did my hair twice a day: in the morning to leave the hotel, and in the evening before the concert. Do you know how tired this is? And when I came to Israel on tour, they said to me: “Why are you twirling curlers? Every woman here has a wig."

Since then, Edita Stanislavovna has not done her hair. She simply puts it on, calling her wig a “cap.” Edita Piekha claims: she has never gone under the knife plastic surgeon I’ve never even heard of Botox. But the Soviet pop legend still tried one rejuvenating procedure.

Edita Piekha: “It was about 20 years ago. It was a deep burn. And new skin grew.”

But in fact, the secret of Piekha’s youth is mud masks and special gymnastics. Strengthening her facial muscles, the singer makes faces, inflates a ball, and makes figure eights with her eyes. In addition, Piekha is a teetotaler and doesn’t take a single drop into her mouth.

In a conversation with “”, the singer also commented on rumors about her affair with Yuri Gagarin in the 60s. She also admitted that she performed twice in gay clubs. Her song “Huge Sky” in Russia is a real anthem of sexual minorities. If only the author of the poems, Robert Rozhdestvensky, had known that 40 years later they would hear a “blue” subtext in his words. He wrote about his pilot friends, but it turned out to be a completely different story.

But Edita Stanislavovna is not yet ready to repeat and go to the barricades for the rights of non-traditional fans. She prefers to sing for them.

Piekha has a grudge against Pugacheva. ABOUT cold war singers have been talking for 15 years. And it all started like this: 1997, Olympic sports complex. Another Diva birthday. Old songs of the main singer of the country are sung by both stage veterans and young people. Only Piekha was not invited, but she still made it to the celebration and went on stage with roses. Alla did not appreciate such breadth of soul. Today there is no trace left of the old grievances. But if Alla Borisovna has left the stage several times since then, then Edita Stanislavovna’s song cannot be strangled, you cannot kill. She is 75 years old. She sings 55 of them and is in no hurry to retire.