Arshavin gets along with his ex-wife. Yulia Baranovskaya in a book about Arshavin: “Andrei told me how bad he felt

35-year-old Alisa Kazmina decided to divorce. The woman fundamentally does not want alimony for her daughter.

Andrey Arshavin/Photo:

36-year-old Andrei Arshavin and 35-year-old Alisa Kazmina got married in September last year, and five months later the couple had a daughter, Yesenya. Before the wedding, Arshavin and Kazmina lived together for three years.

Rumors that the relationship between Andrei and Alisa were far from ideal appeared six months ago. Alice denied them, but gossip spread again. When Alice gave birth to a daughter, she found out that her husband had been cheating on her for almost a year. Almost all of 2015, Arshavin dated a young model: they were seen together in hotels, restaurants, shops... They broke up, and that same model told her husband during a family quarrel that she had cheated on him with Arshavin himself. The deceived man called Alice. But then both families survived. But now Kazmina herself told reporters that she intends to file for divorce, and she does not need alimony: she, they say, is a wealthy woman even without Arshavin.


A real traitor

Andrei Arshavin was happy in civil marriage with Yulia Baranovskaya, who bore him three children. Now Artem is 11 years old, Yana is 9, Arseny is 4. four years ago, when Arseny was not yet born: he fell in love with the married mother of two children, Kazmina. Andrei and Alisa met in secret from their other halves. Later, Alisa left her husband, a St. Petersburg businessman, and “legalized” her relationship with Arshavin. The footballer began to raise the children of his chosen one from his first marriage, but did not remember his own. Then Baranovskaya, having gone through numerous courts, won decent alimony for three children. They say that Arshavin is obliged to transfer 50% of his income to children every month - this is approximately 5 million rubles. “I trust Yulia. I hope that she will spend the funds that will go to her account usefully on her children,” Andrei Arshavin said after the trial. I didn’t want to see my three children even once over the years.

Arshavin and Kazmina got married five months before the birth of their daughter. Photo:

“There’s only one thing that hasn’t been done for me. He still bothers me with his attitude towards children. Their birthdays are coming. And we all wait together to see if dad will call. New Year“The same thing,” writes Yulia Baranovskaya in her book “Everything is for the Better.” — It’s still difficult for them to understand, especially Artem, why he disappeared from their lives close person- alive, healthy, here he is not far away, but he no longer comes to them, does not call. They themselves decided that for them dad was sick. Yanka and Arseny believe that dad is Kai, that he has an ice shard in his heart, and Artem is already an adult, he says that dad is going through a difficult period in his life. I would like them to communicate. Not for me, for the sake of the children. They need him. Still needed..."

Bad distant husband

All these years, Arshavin was a good father for Kazmina’s children: he played, took them on vacation, and showered them with gifts. Arshavin built a mansion in a prestigious area of ​​St. Petersburg, Alisa managed the renovation, design of the house, and chose the furniture. After the birth of her child, she spent a lot of time in Spain. The ex-star of Zenit and the Russian national football team now lives in Almaty, as he plays for the Kazakh club Kairat. Spouses in lately We saw each other infrequently, but the scandals did not decrease.

Yulia Baranovskaya gave birth to three children for Arshavin, was a faithful wife and housewife. After breaking up with the football player, she became the presenter of Channel One. Photo: Zamir USMANOV/

But Alice emphasizes that the reason for divorce is not only treason. Maybe someone richer and more successful appeared in her life? Or did she decide to invigorate the relationship and a stormy reconciliation would soon happen?

Not once after breaking up with Baranovskaya did Arshavin meet with the children

It was because of life in two cities that the relationship between Arshavin and Baranovskaya broke up. In 2009, at the peak of his career at Zenit St. Petersburg, Arshavin was invited to play for Arsenal in London. He, Yulia and the children move to London. Three years later, Arshavin returns as a loaned forward to Zenit. But his family remains in London! And at the same time he began a whirlwind romance with Alisa Kazmina...

Some time ago, the wife of football player Andrei Arshavin, Alisa, announced that she was going to get a divorce. The surprise of the athlete’s fans knew no bounds, because from the outside the couple seemed ideal. Photos regularly appeared on Alice’s microblog demonstrating the family idyll.

However, recently information appeared on the Internet that Arshavin had resolved differences with his wife. In one of the comments to a post on Instagram, Alice said that she had changed her attitude towards her husband after his frank interview.

“I love him. And he me, it seems to me. Not every man will dare to admit his mistakes directly in an interview,” the footballer’s chosen one shared.

“StarHit” contacted Alisa Arshavina with a request to comment on the current situation. The woman confirmed that she was indeed able to forgive her husband. According to Alice, they were able to resolve the contradictions that arose between them. The football player's wife gave him a second chance.

“We are doing well. Andrey and I communicate normally on the phone, we’ll meet tomorrow,” the athlete’s wife told StarHit.

A few days ago Andrei Arshavin gave frank interview"StarHit". The footballer, who avoids talking about his personal life, spoke for the first time about a possible divorce from his wife. He admitted the mistakes he made in the marriage and said he was going to get Alice back. According to Andrei, he repents of his actions. One of the reasons for the collapse of the Arshavin family was his betrayal of his significant other.

“We broke up because I really did the wrong things towards Alice, and at some point I crossed all possible boundaries,” Arshavin shared with StarHit. – Yes, I walked and I really regret it. I understand that, unfortunately, I can’t turn back time, I can’t fix anything... The only thing I can hope for is that my wife can forgive me and come back.”

The decision to divorce made by Alisa came as a complete surprise to Arshavin. “It’s hard to say how long it took her to achieve this,” Andrei said. “But I still want to save the family, I believe that Alice will stay with me - this is the closest person whom I love very much.”

Let us add that on Alisa Arshavina’s Instagram there were regularly contradictory comments about her family life. According to the woman, not only she, but also other close people have access to the social network account. Therefore, Alice advised to be wary of phrases published on the Internet.

After the unexpected breakup of Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, it was customary in the media to feel sorry for the latter and scold the former. They say that the football player abandoned his three children and does not even want to communicate with them, but the athlete’s wife denied the generally accepted version.

The media regularly praises Yulia Baranovskaya, who, despite the break with Andrei Arshavin, was able to cope with the difficult life situation and is now a sought-after presenter and happy mother of three.


At the same time, journalists never tire of scolding Andrei Arshavin, who allegedly abandoned two sons and a daughter from Baranovskaya and is busy raising children from his wife Alisa’s first marriage and their common child. Users also attack the footballer with criticism social networks on the Internet.

As a result, Arshavin’s wife Alisa lost her nerve. The woman explained why Andrei does not spend much time with children from ex-lover. Allegedly, Yulia Baranovskaya herself is to blame.

“Who told you that he ignores them, because you only hear the mother’s side. He corresponds with the children. And what he doesn’t see, it’s only the mother’s fault!!” – Alisa Arshavin is quoted in “7 Days”.

Posted by Yulia Baranovskaya (@ygemini) Jul 7 2017 at 11:19 PDT

Let us remember that four years ago Yulia Baranovskaya and her partner, football player Andrei Arshavin, broke up. They were together for ten years. The TV presenter gave birth to the athlete’s sons Artem and Arseny and daughter Yana. Recently, journalists have been willing to attribute romances with different men to the successful careerist, but she has not yet confirmed any of them. Arshavin married journalist Alisa Kazmina. In February 2017, their daughter was born.

Andrei Arshavin played the last match of the championship, which took place in Almaty. Judging by the photographs on his wife Alisa’s Instagram, the football player returned to St. Petersburg to his family. Alisa Kazmina's subscribers asked her about the future of their family. To which she replied:

“I love him. And I forgave him".

In an interview with one well-known publication, Andrei admitted that he cheated on his wife due to the fact that for a long time he and Alice had to live in different cities. He regrets what happened and is ready to ask his wife for forgiveness. Arshavin misses his family and does not intend to file for divorce.

Subscribers often accuse the football player of leaving three children and not supporting them financially. Alice usually responds to all comments and also responded to this one:

“It’s not true about money. Andrey loves his children very much. And he would not allow them to be without means of subsistence. And he helped them from the first day of leaving. And it still helps to this day. Every month".

Let us remember that Arshavin and Kazmina got married in 2016. Before that, they dated for about five years. For the former Russian national team footballer, this marriage was the first official. Before Kazmina, he had been in a civil marriage with Yulia Baranovskaya for nine years, with whom they raised three children.

Alisa was married to businessman Alexei Kazmin, with whom she gave birth to two children.

Astrologer and co-host of the program. reminded her followers on Instagram of a story with a forecast that affected Andrei Arshavin. The famous football player was mentioned by the TV presenter in connection with the topic of eclipses and their impact on important events life, in particular, a wedding.