Determination of runes when diagnosing runic influence. Diagnostics and cleaning with runes for beginners: the meaning of runes


The ancient magical symbols that we call runes are not always used exclusively for fortune-telling purposes. Their scope of application is much wider, and today we will talk about one of the most important and interesting aspects - runic diagnostics.

What is runic diagnostics?

Diagnostics with runes for beginners usually raises the most questions: some novice runologists think that this is some kind of special secret that not everyone can touch. It is for this reason that many people’s work with runes never goes beyond the “rune of the day” and the simplest layouts.

In reality, everything is not so scary. Diagnostics in magic is essentially the same as in medicine. When you visit a doctor, you name your symptoms, based on which the doctor makes a diagnosis. However, additional tests are sometimes required for an accurate diagnosis.

Runic diagnostics are almost the same. A person comes to a runologist with certain “symptoms”, the cause of which he wants to find out. These can be problems in personal life, career, health, conflicts of one’s own desires and capabilities, difficulties in communicating with someone, pursuing failures of various kinds, in a word, this is any area of ​​life in which a person is not satisfied with something.

The only difference here is that “diseases” in magic are somewhat different from those described in medical reference books. If a person comes to an ordinary doctor with colds, viruses, infections and injuries, then he usually goes to “magical” doctors with suspicion of negativity, the evil eye, damage, blocking of the money channel, as well as complaints about a ritual that did not work or did not work correctly, performed independently , or made by another specialist.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in making a “magical diagnosis”; even a beginner can cope with this task, provided that he knows and understands how to make diagnostics with runes. Another question is whether he will be able to help the person after identifying the problem? But this depends solely on the level of his practice.

Diagnostics of negativity with runes

For those who are just starting their journey in runic magic, we recommend the simplest and most banal way to diagnose negativity with runes: you simply take a bag with magic symbols, think about the person whose influence you want to detect or refute, and pull out one single rune. Do not consider this technique frivolous: runes are always specific, so the answer will be clear and understandable - either “yes” or “no”.

Now remember which runes indicate the presence of negativity:

  • Eyvaz is a sign that a person has actually been damaged, and not by a random person, but by someone who intentionally wanted to cause harm. Most likely, a special ritual was carried out to induce negativity, and this is definitely not an accidental evil eye from envy.
  • Hagalaz says that the object was negatively directed verbally. As you know, spoken curses and wishes for failure sometimes work very powerfully, and this rune reports exactly such a case.
  • Thurisaz should be perceived as the presence of an outside negative influence associated with someone’s revenge. Perhaps your client once crossed someone’s path, and the one who was offended decided to get even with him.
  • Laguz in diagnosing damage by runes clearly indicates the presence of negativity. If the position of the symbol is direct, then the negativity comes from the area of ​​love relationships (for example, when the client stole someone’s loved one or contributed to someone’s breakup), so you should look for the culprit among people you know. If the rune fell upside down, then the damage came to the person through some object (a charmed thing, earth from a cemetery, etc.)

When other runes fall out, you can calmly exhale and please the client that there is no negativity on him, however, some masters advise taking a closer look at the Odal rune and, when it falls out, still pull out another additional, clarifying symbol. If he doesn’t talk about anything bad, the question of the presence of a negative influence can be safely closed.

Advice! If you are just starting to practice and do not yet know how to make diagnostics with runes yourself, work only using this method, since in complex layouts you can get confused and scare the client

Diagnosis of diseases using runes

Before practicing health issues with people you barely know or even strangers, it is better to test your ability to identify diseases in someone close to you. And only if you understand what the runes want to tell you can you begin to diagnose someone else. You're not a doctor, are you?

In general, the same technique that we discussed above when we talked about negativity is suitable for beginners. The only thing is that in order not to mislead the person, first take out the rune that answers the question “Does the client have health problems?” An upright symbol can be perceived as a “yes” answer, an inverted one as a “no”. If the runes confirm the presence of problems in this area, you can mix the runes in the bag and take out another symbol - it will indicate which area is worth paying attention to.

The meaning of runes in diagnosing diseases

  • Fehu - respiratory diseases, as well as problems with bones and joints
  • Uruz - poor physical shape, muscle strain
  • Thurisaz - diseases of the skin, nervous system or heart
  • - oral cavity (throat, teeth, vocal cords)
  • Raido - there are difficulties with the musculoskeletal system
  • Kenaz (Kano) - problems with immunity or inflammatory processes
  • Gebo - stomach, poisoning, indigestion
  • Vunyo - respiratory system
  • Hagalaz - fractures, cuts, bruises, blows, sprains and other physical injuries
  • Nautiz - hand diseases or colds
  • Isa - temporary loss of sensation in any organ or part of the body
  • Yera - problems with the digestive tract
  • Eyvaz - can talk about any ailment, from ENT diseases to musculoskeletal problems
  • Perth - “male” and “female” problems
  • - weakened immunity, impaired brain activity, strokes, circulatory problems
  • Soulu - burns and other damage to the skin
  • Teyvaz - rheumatism, arthritis and similar diseases
  • - for men it means problems with the nervous system, for women - difficulties with pregnancy
  • Evaz - kidney diseases
  • Mannaz - physical injuries and sprains
  • Laguz - vascular diseases
  • Inguz - weak immunity or something related to urology
  • Otala (Odal) - a clear indication of hereditary diseases
  • Dagaz - a weakened nervous system

Diagnostics of the money channel using runes

Diagnostics of the money channel using runes is required when a person constantly experiences financial difficulties, for example, he cannot find a job for a long time, gets into debts and loans, or money simply does not stay in his hands for a long time - as they say, “it slips through his fingers.” "

If you already know how to diagnose yourself with runes for the presence of negativity and health problems, then it will be easy for you to work with the financial issue. First, you need to ask the runes whether the money channel of the person you are interested in is open. If the symbol appears in a straight position, interpret it as “yes”. Then no further work will be required, since, most likely, the client created the problems for himself due to inability to handle money or his own laziness.

If the rune appears upside down, then the financial channel is indeed closed for some reason, and you will have to determine it. To do this, you can ask the following questions with runes, and interpret their meaning in the classical way:

  • What prevents free access of money to this person’s life?
  • Was the channel closed for karmic reasons?
  • Does the client have any psychological blocks that interfere with material well-being?
  • Is there ancestral karma present in this situation?
  • Is it possible to open a money channel for a client?
  • If so, how exactly can this be done?

How to work further is an individual matter. Someone creates formulas and activates them, and then diagnoses the work of becoming runes, someone chooses a different approach. There is no single instruction for further actions.

Diagnostics of the work of the runic stave

Diagnosis of stav using runes is usually used in three situations:

  1. When you are about to activate a runic formula, but are not sure whether it will suit you and whether it will meet your expectations.
  2. When you have already made a stav and want to check if it works.
  3. When you want to find out whether you or your client have some kind of protection from everything negative.

In the first case, you should ask the runes questions about what the specific position you are asking about is intended for, whether it has pitfalls, what good and bad it will bring into your life, whether it will have an impact on your physical and emotional state, etc. .d. When diagnosing a stav, the interpretation of runes is the classic one or the one to which you are accustomed. Many forums for beginners are full of questions about what to do if the frame doesn’t fit or doesn’t work as expected. It is precisely to ensure that such panic does not arise in you that preliminary diagnostics are used.

Important! The main thing is to remember that all this is done BEFORE activating the formula, and not after

Diagnosis of runic influence on runes is a more complex topic that needs to be understood. There are special extensive layouts that allow you to evaluate the effect of the stave in all its aspects. But without experience and practice, you are unlikely to succeed in anything, so if you just want to find out whether the formula continues to work, ask a question about one rune and leave it at that. If it works, then everything is in order, and if not, it means that you, as a beginner, did something wrong, and it makes sense to consult with more experienced colleagues.

Runic protection can also be diagnosed using a single symbol. Since each runologist feels magical signs in his own way, there can be no unambiguous interpretations, so we will give only the general meaning. An inverted symbol always indicates a lack of protection, while straight symbols can be combined into groups:

  • Eyvaz, Laguz, Hagalaz, Odal, Evaz, Inguz. Dagaz and Turisaz testify to ritual protection, when the client is protected by some entities, generic or caused by the person himself during magical practice);
  • Fehu, Uruz, Soulu, Nautiz and Vunyo symbolize a person who is energetically strong by nature, who in most cases does not require additional protection;
  • Raido, Gebo, Kenaz, Yera, Teyvaz, Mannaz report on the current protection (when a person has already activated the protective formula and its effect continues);
  • Peter can talk about both established and generic protection.

If a rune appears that does not have a reverse position, try to pull out a clarifying symbol. So, for example, Isa can be a sign of strong damage, but at the same time speak of complete mirror protection.

Method "Rune wax"

This runic layout belongs to the diagnostic category of medium complexity, so beginners should work with it only after some practice. But he very clearly and in detail answers questions about the presence and nature of negative influence.

The runes are laid out alternately in three rows: four are placed in the first, two in the second, one in the third. The third row should be laid out only after the first two have been interpreted!

The first row talks about the presence of negativity and the client’s existing problems, which he himself attracted into his life through wrong actions in the past or karma of the family. The main rune in it is the first. If it turns out to be one of those that symbolizes negativity (we discussed this above, in the issue of diagnosing negativity with runes), then the entire alignment is read in this aspect. If the rune does not indicate the presence of damage, then the remaining symbols can be interpreted simply as problem areas in a person’s life, without the intervention of outside influence.

The runes of the second row will show who or what is the source of the negative (if there is one), or will show where potential danger can come from.

The rune of the third row will give a specific answer to the question of how the negative got to the client, i.e. exactly how the impact was made. If there is no negative result on the first rune, the third row is not laid out at all.

Now you know how to make diagnostics with runes, so you can safely start practicing in this area. Good luck with your experiments! Don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out right away - remember that everything certainly comes with experience.

Quite often you can find advice that diagnostics are necessary. And also face the fact that magical actions do not produce results, and in this case, diagnostics are also necessary.

Diagnostics is the determination of whether a person or object is protected, whether there is a magical effect: evil eye, damage, curse, love spell or lapel. In other words, it is searching and identifying the problem of why magical practices do not work or why a person suffers from failure.

For help with diagnostics, you can contact the Runic Set.

The basic rule in working with Runes is one problem - one Rune or one layout.

Determining whether there is damage or negativity.

In order to determine whether a person has damage, it is enough to take a set of Runes - 24 pieces. And ask the question: “Is there damage?” Then take out just one Rune from the bag. If one of the listed runes falls out: Eyvaz, Laguz in an upright or inverted position, Perth in an upright or inverted position, Hagalaz, Thurisaz, then there is damage. If another Futhark Rune falls, then there is no damage.

Eyvaz - the person who caused the damage knows what and how to do, or he has an interest in causing harm to a specific object. Eyvaz talks about ritual influences.

Hagalaz - speaks of a verbal curse, bad wishes, envy - negative.

Turisaz - negativity or damage is caused as a way of revenge.

If the protection was established ritually or in the form of a talisman from a runescript, then the runes will report this: Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Laguz.

If a person is under the protection of higher powers, Algiz and Ansuz will appear; these Runes also mean protection by conspiracies.

Feu – natural protection, strong immunity, persistent character. Additional protection is possible with the help of amulets or talismans, amulets.

Uruz is a strong spirit and will. It is very difficult to cast witchcraft spells on such a person.

Thurisaz – protection from the essence.

Raido - protection is placed on a person. The elements could have been involved in the conspiracy.

Kano - established protection with the help of the elements, mainly the fire element and candles.

Gebo – established protection; an agreement with higher powers is possible.

Vunyo is a natural protection, a strong person in terms of emotional and physical state.

Hagalaz is a natural protection. Possibly generic. The person himself most likely has something to do with magic or practices it on a professional level.

Nautiz is a natural protection. A person has the ability to magic, but he does not use it.

Isa - either a person has a lot of damage and negativity, or protection that protects from influence and viewing.

Jera is a protection set up using the element of earth.

Eyvaz - a person practices magic, it is possible that he has protection, and more than one.

Perth – generic protection is possible.

Soulu - a person has strong energy.

Teyvaz is a strong and strong-willed person. A person has good intuition; paternal protection is possible.

Berkana – assigned protection, or ancestral protection on the maternal side.

Evaz – protection from the essence.

Mannaz is protection through a challenge to another person.

Laguz – protection with the help of the water element.

Inguz – protection is provided through rituals.

Dagaz is a protection that, even after removal, is restored and repels and destroys negativity.

Otal – protection by nature, both transmitted and delivered. Strong human security.

Natural protection is equated to personal protection; these are the strengths and best qualities of a person.

When diagnosing protection, if a Rune appears that indicates several types of protection, or clarification is required, it is necessary to extract another Rune.

Runic diagnostics helps to identify the weaknesses of a person and his defenses, and to notice existing negativity in time. Consequently, this knowledge makes it possible to strengthen one’s position or makes it clear that one should behave more carefully with the object of influence.

Diagnosis of ritual

Before and after magical rituals aimed at any purpose, be it white or black, they must carry out diagnostics. This is important to avoid mistakes. And choose the right ritual.

You should definitely look at 2 cards.

1 - before the ceremony.

If after the ritual the runes show deterioration, then nothing should be done. You can try to choose a different ritual.

Here are 2 methods:

  1. Is the ritual done well?
  2. Did the Gods (other powers) accept the gifts (ransom)?
  3. Will the ritual be successful and achieve its goal?
  4. What are the barriers?
  5. How will it manifest itself in reality?
  6. Bottom line.

Another method:

  1. What do I intend to gain through the ritual?
  2. What will I actually get, what is the result?
  3. The influence of ritual on energy.
  4. Reflection of the ritual on the physical body. (here we mean health).
  5. Is there a risk of losing something valuable and expensive after the ritual? (loved ones, material assets, etc.)
  6. Bottom line. Will the ritual work?

Diagnosis of cleaning

To find out how the r will go or went Unique cleaning or any other, you need to make a layout.

  1. Condition before cleaning.
  2. Is the ritual suitable?
  3. How it will go or how it went.
  4. Condition after cleaning.

How to do runic diagnostics correctly?

Often a person cannot get out of some situation, or does not know how this or that ritual will affect him, or how he carried out the cleansing, etc. In such cases, if there are no extrasensory abilities, runes will come to the rescue.

These are ancient symbols with the help of which they not only tell fortunes, but also attract what they want. For example, using formulas that are activated using special methods.

There are 24 runes in total, each of them carries its own sacred meaning. This is an alphabet of energies, each sign has its own energy potential and acts in a certain way on a person.

Runic diagnostics are easy to carry out. But it is important to know the following recommendations:

  1. Before the schedule, it is important to calm down and relax. In an excited state, you will receive false answers. To do this, meditate, tune in to the process, you can light a candle, put a crystal ball, if it helps you.
  2. Be clear about the question. There should be no extraneous thoughts. In general, for any magical activity it is important to be able to stop the mental dialogue. Practice this once you start practicing magic.
  3. Before diagnosing, activate the set of runes. It is better to create runes yourself; for beginners, symbols carved on wood are suitable. It is more difficult to work on stones, since not everyone can cope with their energy. You can activate it spontaneously or through your energy. In the second case, it is enough to simply take each runic symbol in your hands and send energy to it.
  1. Listen to the runes. If you are told to take action, take action. If the runes show that becoming, for example, will give a negative result, look for another one.
  2. Treat the runic set with care. Store in a bag. Thank the symbols for their help in fortune telling and other magical activities.
  3. If some layout does not suit you or does not give a complete picture, create your own based on the available examples. Remember that magic is creativity.
  4. Do not give your rune set to anyone. No one should touch it. He is only yours.
  5. During women's days, don't guess.
  6. Know all the runes and their meanings.

In the world of magic, there are many ways to obtain the necessary information and perform any ritual. Everyone who has magical abilities has their own special rituals that help them achieve what they want. They are usually kept secret and not revealed to the uninitiated. Many magicians use runes in their work, which carry incredible power and energy. This power must be used very carefully, otherwise it can destroy the life of a careless magician and the person on whom the ritual is performed.

What are runes

Visually, runes are signs inscribed on any medium. It can be plain paper, cardboard, leather, and the like. The strength does not change depending on the material, because the sign itself matters. Only it carries a certain energy.

Many magicians claim that runes are an alphabet made of energy. It connects our material world with the world of higher powers. This connection is permanent and brings certain forces into our world, depending on the symbol itself. Beginners should keep in mind that runes are not a symbol of anything and they are not invented by man. We only have the opportunity to use the energy of the runes, and this must be done very carefully. Please note that the ability to handle ancient signs cannot be acquired - it is innate. There is a rare category of people who have a predisposition to read rune symbols and use their energetic power.

How they appeared

Until now, historians cannot say how runes came to our world. These symbols were found in ancient Etruscan burials and among the ruins of settlements of nomadic Germanic tribes. The symbols have always been identical to those of today, which allows us to draw a conclusion about their ancient history. Many scientists openly declare that runes are of extraterrestrial origin and appeared in our world as a clearly formed system. They draw an analogy with the alphabet, which allows for communication between people. In the same way, runes help to speak with higher powers.

The official version of their appearance is associated with the tribes of Northern Europe, where they were very widely used. According to the legends of these peoples, during his wanderings, accompanied by suffering and loss, he managed to receive the energy alphabet from higher powers. In turn, Odin gave this knowledge to people so that they could use it for good and have a connection with the gods.

How to use runic symbols

Experts advise creating runes with your own hands. In this case, you acquire a strong connection with these symbols; it will help you receive the necessary information from higher powers and perform various rituals.

Please note that before working with runes they must be activated. Unfortunately, the ancient ritual of activation was lost in ancient times. But experts say that you can make the signs “alive” with the help of your energy. To do this, after making it, it is enough to hold each rune in your left hand and give it part of your power. Before this process, you must accurately know each rune and its meaning. After activation, it is strictly forbidden to give symbols to strangers and take them out as entertainment. Moreover, you must clearly understand why you need these symbols. It depends on your preferences what power will awaken in the ancient signs.

You should not touch the runes in a bad mood or physical condition, this can affect their energy and disrupt your connection. Do not forget that you need to store the symbols in a special bag and communicate with them often.

What can you do with runes?

Runes allow you to perform a lot of magical actions. It all depends on your abilities and energy. Many magicians have the skills to compose runograms. These combinations of symbols are capable of summoning various forces into our world. These combinations can have protective, healing or any other power. Specialists also carry out runic cleansing of the human aura and create certain settings. Runic diagnostics worked well. We will tell you about it in more detail.

What is runic diagnostics

Beginners who are just beginning to master the wisdom of runic fortune-telling are often confused by specific terminology. Confusion arises mainly with the understanding and diagnosis of runes. Many people consider these concepts to be identical, but in reality this is not the case.

Fortune telling with runes is carried out with the aim of clarifying certain events. This may be information about the past, present or future. But diagnostics with runes is carried out when you need to clarify the magical effect on a person or on any of his activities (hobbies, business, etc.). If you have damage, a love spell or an evil eye, then the symbols will definitely reveal this. Moreover, if you ask the question correctly, you can even find out who exactly cast a certain magic on you.

Runes, diagnostics: how it works

Diagnostics is a kind of snapshot of your current state; it completely copies your energy component. If you are damaged, the symbols will immediately reflect this and indicate which area of ​​life is being negatively affected.

Keep in mind that information from runes is not programming - it is given to change the situation, so with the help of ancient symbols you can first reduce the consequences of magical influence to a minimum, and then completely cancel them.

I would like to clarify that diagnostics with runes can only be carried out in an atmosphere of complete calm, and the questioner must be able to read the symbols intuitively. Several runes form a specific message, which must be perceived only as integral information.

Runes: how to make diagnostics

To correctly make a diagnosis using ancient symbols, you must follow several rules:

  • There can be only one question per rune, otherwise you will not receive an answer;
  • all runic symbols must be charged with your energy;
  • After analyzing the answer, be sure to take action.

Do not forget that runes represent energy. Therefore, their answer involves energy costs - actions. Your actions, in turn, will feed the runes. Diagnosis in the next case will be simpler and more effective. According to experts, after runic diagnostics, any action triggers a whole series of events leading to a step-by-step resolution of the situation with which you initially turned to the signs.

Types of diagnostics

At the moment, there are many methods and options for runic diagnostics. But most often the fortuneteller performs the following rituals:

  • for protection;
  • identification of negative magical effects;
  • cleaning the chakras;
  • stav diagnosis.

We will dwell on each of them and describe in detail. So, first things first.

Diagnosis of negativity (damage, evil eye, curse)

The most popular thing that runes can offer you is the diagnosis of negativity. This ritual is performed through several rites. But for beginners, most of them will seem too complicated, so we present two of the simplest runic layouts for determining negativity:

  • Rune lot.
  • Simple runic layout.

For any of these rituals, you need to concentrate and ask your question correctly. Keep in mind that the question should not require a short answer. Think about it and ask it figuratively to get to the heart of the problem. After all, no one will be interested in a negative impact if they do not feel its manifestation in one or another area of ​​their life. Therefore, try to start the layout with the right question. After this, you need to take out four runes in turn, asking questions. Each symbol has its own relationship to the problem:

  • the first reveals the essence of the problem;
  • the second is the conditions under which everything happened;
  • third - in which direction the energy of the problem is directed;
  • the fourth is the possible outcome of the situation.

You need to put all the symbols in front of you and think about your problem again. If you read the runes correctly, then you will have a real message with options for action.

The second layout for the negative also includes pulling out the runes one at a time, but in this case the question should be more specific. You should ask about damage in a specific area of ​​life, but the answer will not mean the absence of negativity in another area. You can pull out runes as many times as you need to obtain information.

Runes: meaning in layouts for magical negativity

The meaning of runes when diagnosing negativity is very important. First of all, you need to remember the symbols that clearly indicate damage:

  • Perth (literally and inverted).
  • Laguz (literally and inverted).
  • Eyvaz.
  • Turisaz.
  • Hagalaz.

If these runes fall out in combination with, then you are under a family curse. In the case when bad runes are combined with the Mannaz symbol, the person himself brought trouble to himself.

In the runic layout, using symbols, you can determine how the magic spell was cast:

  • Gebo means gift.
  • Odal symbolizes the lining of your home.
  • Berkana or Larguz indicate the food with which magic came.

Keep in mind that the runes should only be considered together. If necessary, you can check the symbols and ask the necessary questions.

How to diagnose protection

If you are just starting to work with ancient runes, then you need to make such an arrangement as diagnosing protection. In this case, the runes will indicate the presence of protection, its nature and strength at the moment. First of all, this ritual should be done on yourself, it will help you better distribute your energy. Magicians advise diagnosing defenses, your own and those of others, every time you plan to work with other people. He may have a powerful shield that can bring you trouble.

Protection diagnostics are done as follows:

  • you will need five runes, which must be laid out one by one;
  • two runes are placed in the top row from left to right;
  • in the second row in the same order and under the first ones - two more runes;
  • the fifth symbol is placed between the third and fourth, in the last row.

Each rune has its own meaning:

  • 1 - presence or absence of protection from nature;
  • 2 - type of this protection;
  • 3 - presence or absence of magical protection from the outside;
  • 4 - the nature of this protection (dark or light magic);
  • 5 - general characteristics of protections (frequency of updates, strength of external influence, etc.).

The meaning of runes in such layouts is interpreted according to the general characteristics of the set of symbols.

Runic diagnostics of chakras

Diagnostics of chakras using runes is not the most popular scenario. But still, it can bring some benefits. To perform a reading, you must focus on the chakra you want to test. You need to start with the mental one and first enter a state of complete relaxation. Once you have relaxed and feel lightness in all parts of your body, take the runes in both hands and shake them. The symbol that appears will indicate the state of your chakra. This action must be performed with all seven chakras in turn.

The following runes indicate good condition:

  • Fehu;
  • Tours;
  • Ansuz;
  • Raido;
  • Gebo;
  • Yera;
  • Algiz;
  • Soul;
  • Mannaz;
  • Inguz.

You should worry if you have:

  • Hagalaz;
  • Nautiz;

Additional questions require:

  • Uruz;
  • Kano;
  • Eyvaz;
  • Perth;
  • Evaz;
  • Laguz.

In addition to the indicated character, its original value should be added to the meaning of each dropped rune.

Stav: what is it and how to diagnose

If you want to radically change your life, you can do this. Diagnostics of this runogram will help you check the effectiveness of the applied symbols. Stav represents several runes meaning installation. They should be applied to a person or his photo. Most installations have already been created a long time ago, so there is no need to experiment and come up with your own.

You can diagnose becoming with three runes. Before you pull them out of the bag, you need to mentally inquire about the work of the bet on you or the person on whom it is superimposed. The first elongated rune means the essence of the stave, the second - its impact, and the third - the final result. If you have any questions, you can draw out clarifying symbols, but do not forget to ask the right question.

It is necessary to interpret the meaning of signs based on the general meaning. At first it may seem difficult, but as you gain experience and develop your gift, it will become much easier for you to work with runes and interpret them.

Runes are an absolutely extraordinary magical tool. They can protect a person and completely change his life, directing it in a different direction. But do not forget that any magic requires responsibility and caution. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of higher powers. But it’s still better to be friends with them.

The ancient magical symbols that we call runes are not always used exclusively for fortune-telling purposes. Their scope of application is much wider, and today we will talk about one of the most important and interesting aspects - runic diagnostics.

What is runic diagnostics?

Diagnostics with runes for beginners usually raises the most questions: some novice runologists think that this is some kind of special secret that not everyone can touch. It is for this reason that many people’s work with runes never goes beyond the “rune of the day” and the simplest layouts.

In reality, everything is not so scary. Diagnostics in magic is essentially the same as in medicine. When you visit a doctor, you name your symptoms, based on which the doctor makes a diagnosis. However, additional tests are sometimes required for an accurate diagnosis.

Runic diagnostics are almost the same. A person comes to a runologist with certain “symptoms”, the cause of which he wants to find out. These can be problems in personal life, career, health, conflicts of one’s own desires and capabilities, difficulties in communicating with someone, pursuing failures of various kinds, in a word, this is any area of ​​life in which a person is not satisfied with something.

The only difference here is that “diseases” in magic are somewhat different from those described in medical reference books. If a person comes to an ordinary doctor with colds, viruses, infections and injuries, then he usually goes to “magical” doctors with suspicion of negativity, the evil eye, damage, blocking of the money channel, as well as complaints about a ritual that did not work or did not work correctly, performed independently , or made by another specialist.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in making a “magical diagnosis”; even a beginner can cope with this task, provided that he knows and understands how to make diagnostics with runes. Another question is whether he will be able to help the person after identifying the problem? But this depends solely on the level of his practice.

Diagnostics of negativity with runes

For those who are just starting their journey in runic magic, we recommend the simplest and most banal way to diagnose negativity with runes: you simply take a bag with magic symbols, think about the person whose influence you want to detect or refute, and pull out one single rune. Do not consider this technique frivolous: runes are always specific, so the answer will be clear and understandable - either “yes” or “no”.

Now remember which runes indicate the presence of negativity:

  • Eyvaz is a sign that a person has actually been damaged, and not by a random person, but by someone who intentionally wanted to cause harm. Most likely, a special ritual was carried out to induce negativity, and this is definitely not an accidental evil eye from envy.
  • Hagalaz says that the object was negatively directed verbally. As you know, spoken curses and wishes for failure sometimes work very powerfully, and this rune reports exactly such a case.
  • Thurisaz should be perceived as the presence of an outside negative influence associated with someone’s revenge. Perhaps your client once crossed someone’s path, and the one who was offended decided to get even with him.
  • Laguz in diagnosing damage by runes clearly indicates the presence of negativity. If the position of the symbol is direct, then the negativity comes from the area of ​​love relationships (for example, when the client stole someone’s loved one or contributed to someone’s breakup), so you should look for the culprit among people you know. If the rune fell upside down, then the damage came to the person through some object (a charmed thing, earth from a cemetery, etc.)

When other runes fall out, you can calmly exhale and please the client that there is no negativity on him, however, some masters advise taking a closer look at the Odal rune and, when it falls out, still pull out another additional, clarifying symbol. If he doesn’t talk about anything bad, the question of the presence of a negative influence can be safely closed.

Diagnosis of diseases using runes

Before practicing health issues with people you barely know or even strangers, it is better to test your ability to identify diseases in someone close to you. And only if you understand what the runes want to tell you can you begin to diagnose someone else. You're not a doctor, are you?

In general, the same technique that we discussed above when we talked about negativity is suitable for beginners. The only thing is that in order not to mislead the person, first take out the rune that answers the question “Does the client have health problems?” An upright symbol can be perceived as a “yes” answer, an inverted one as a “no”. If the runes confirm the presence of problems in this area, you can mix the runes in the bag and take out another symbol - it will indicate which area is worth paying attention to.

The meaning of runes in diagnosing diseases

  • Fehu - respiratory diseases, as well as problems with bones and joints
  • Uruz - poor physical shape, muscle strain
  • Thurisaz - diseases of the skin, nervous system or heart
  • Ansuz - oral cavity (throat, teeth, vocal cords)
  • Raido - there are difficulties with the musculoskeletal system
  • Kenaz (Kano) - problems with immunity or inflammatory processes
  • Gebo - stomach, poisoning, indigestion
  • Vunyo - respiratory system
  • Hagalaz - fractures, cuts, bruises, blows, sprains and other physical injuries
  • Nautiz - hand diseases or colds
  • Isa - temporary loss of sensation in any organ or part of the body
  • Yera - problems with the digestive tract
  • Eyvaz - can talk about any ailment, from ENT diseases to musculoskeletal problems
  • Perth - “male” and “female” problems
  • Algiz - weakened immunity, impaired brain activity, strokes, circulatory problems
  • Soulu - burns and other damage to the skin
  • Teyvaz - rheumatism, arthritis and similar diseases
  • Berkana - for men means problems with the nervous system, for women - difficulties with pregnancy
  • Evaz - kidney diseases
  • Mannaz - physical injuries and sprains
  • Laguz - vascular diseases
  • Inguz - weak immunity or something related to urology
  • Otala (Odal) - a clear indication of hereditary diseases
  • Dagaz - a weakened nervous system

Diagnostics of the money channel using runes

Diagnostics of the money channel using runes is required when a person constantly experiences financial difficulties, for example, he cannot find a job for a long time, gets into debts and loans, or money simply does not stay in his hands for a long time - as they say, “it slips through his fingers.” "

If you already know how to diagnose yourself with runes for the presence of negativity and health problems, then it will be easy for you to work with the financial issue. First, you need to ask the runes whether the money channel of the person you are interested in is open. If the symbol appears in a straight position, interpret it as “yes”. Then no further work will be required, since, most likely, the client created the problems for himself due to inability to handle money or his own laziness.

If the rune appears upside down, then the financial channel is indeed closed for some reason, and you will have to determine it. To do this, you can ask the following questions with runes, and interpret their meaning in the classical way:

  • What prevents free access of money to this person’s life?
  • Was the channel closed for karmic reasons?
  • Does the client have any psychological blocks that interfere with material well-being?
  • Is there ancestral karma present in this situation?
  • Is it possible to open a money channel for a client?
  • If so, how exactly can this be done?

How to work further is an individual matter. Someone creates formulas and activates them, and then diagnoses the work of becoming runes, someone chooses a different approach. There is no single instruction for further actions.

Diagnostics of the work of the runic stave

Diagnosis of stav using runes is usually used in three situations:

  1. When you are about to activate a runic formula, but are not sure whether it will suit you and whether it will meet your expectations.
  2. When you have already made a stav and want to check if it works.
  3. When you want to find out whether you or your client have some kind of protection from everything negative.

In the first case, you should ask the runes questions about what the specific position you are asking about is intended for, whether it has pitfalls, what good and bad it will bring into your life, whether it will have an impact on your physical and emotional state, etc. .d. When diagnosing a stav, the interpretation of runes is the classic one or the one to which you are accustomed. Many forums for beginners are full of questions about what to do if the frame doesn’t fit or doesn’t work as expected. It is precisely to ensure that such panic does not arise in you that preliminary diagnostics are used.

Important! The main thing is to remember that all this is done BEFORE activating the formula, and not after

Diagnosis of runic influence on runes is a more complex topic that needs to be understood. There are special extensive layouts that allow you to evaluate the effect of the stave in all its aspects. But without experience and practice, you are unlikely to succeed in anything, so if you just want to find out whether the formula continues to work, ask a question about one rune and leave it at that. If it works, then everything is in order, and if not, it means that you, as a beginner, did something wrong, and it makes sense to consult with more experienced colleagues.

Runic protection can also be diagnosed using a single symbol. Since each runologist feels magical signs in his own way, there can be no unambiguous interpretations, so we will give only the general meaning. An inverted symbol always indicates a lack of protection, while straight symbols can be combined into groups:

  • Eyvaz, Laguz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Odal, Ansuz, Evaz, Inguz. Dagaz and Turisaz testify to ritual protection, when the client is protected by some entities, generic or caused by the person himself during magical practice);
  • Fehu, Uruz, Soulu, Nautiz and Vunyo symbolize a person who is energetically strong by nature, who in most cases does not require additional protection;
  • Raido, Gebo, Kenaz, Yera, Teyvaz, Berkana, Mannaz report the current protection provided (when a person has already activated the protective formula and its effect continues);
  • Peter can talk about both established and generic protection.

If a rune appears that does not have a reverse position, try to pull out a clarifying symbol. So, for example, Isa can be a sign of strong damage, but at the same time speak of complete mirror protection.

Method "Rune wax"

This runic layout belongs to the diagnostic category of medium complexity, so beginners should work with it only after some practice. But he very clearly and in detail answers questions about the presence and nature of negative influence.

The runes are laid out alternately in three rows: four are placed in the first, two in the second, one in the third. The third row should be laid out only after the first two have been interpreted!

The first row talks about the presence of negativity and the client’s existing problems, which he himself attracted into his life through wrong actions in the past or karma of the family. The main rune in it is the first. If it turns out to be one of those that symbolizes negativity (we discussed this above, in the issue of diagnosing negativity with runes), then the entire alignment is read in this aspect. If the rune does not indicate the presence of damage, then the remaining symbols can be interpreted simply as problem areas in a person’s life, without the intervention of outside influence.

The runes of the second row will show who or what is the source of the negative (if there is one), or will show where potential danger can come from.

The rune of the third row will give a specific answer to the question of how the negative got to the client, i.e. exactly how the impact was made. If there is no negative result on the first rune, the third row is not laid out at all.

Now you know how to make diagnostics with runes, so you can safely start practicing in this area. Good luck with your experiments! Don’t be discouraged if something doesn’t work out right away - remember that everything certainly comes with experience

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