What water to put bush chrysanthemums in. How to preserve chrysanthemums in the open ground garden in winter without digging them up? Reviving wilted flowers

Chrysanthemums themselves are one of the most unpretentious cut flowers. Usually they last in a vase for quite a long time, pleasing the eye of the beautiful owner of the bouquet with their lush blooms and light aroma. But, like other cut flowers, chrysanthemums require some special care.

The most pressing question regarding these flowers is: what to add to the water to make chrysanthemums last longer.

You can add a teaspoon of sugar to the water per liter of water. This will help the flowers not only last longer, but also revive the flowers if they are already a little wilted; This advice also applies to roses in a vase.
You can throw a pinch of salt into the water per liter of water;
Dissolve a quarter of an aspirin tablet in a liter of water, but immerse the stems only halfway in this water;
You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water to give the liquid a slightly pinkish tint;
If you add lapis (a solution of 0.003%) to the water, then the chrysanthemums will stand in the water for at least three weeks;
If you need the buds to open faster, you can add the drug “Bud-2” to the water, which is sold in specialized flower shops;

What else you need to know about cut chrysanthemums and their storage

The answer to the question of what to add to water for chrysanthemums, but what other tricks will help extend the life of these beautiful flowers? If you do not receive chrysanthemums as a gift, but take them from your own plot, then it is recommended not to cut these flowers, but to break them. At the same time, flowers with fully opened inflorescences are ready for cutting.

If the flowers were given as a gift, it is important to cut the stems correctly before sending them into the water. The cut is made at an acute angle and the cut must be oblique. Chrysanthemums must be placed in pre-settled water. You can add a pinch of salt or an aspirin tablet to a container of three liters of water. The stems should be immersed in such a liquid to half their length.

The water must be changed every day, while rinsing the stems in running water and trimming them a little more. The vase with flowers should be in a cool place. Be sure to protect the bouquet from drafts and direct sunlight.

If some inflorescences have damaged flowers, then it is best to remove such inflorescences. The part of the stem that is immersed in water must be completely freed from leaves.

This is interesting! Freshly cut chrysanthemums can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. To do this, the flowers must be wrapped in moistened newspaper and sent in a plastic bag to the fruit compartment.

After the flowers have fully bloomed, the fresh petals can be preserved for as long as possible. To do this, add a few drops of stearin inside each inflorescence.

Pay attention! No matter what rules you follow for the care and preservation of cut chrysanthemums, they will not last long in a smoky room. Also, these flowers do not last long in rooms where the temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius.

Chrysanthemums do not really like it when there are other flowers in a vase with them or a vase of fruit standing next to them. To make chrysanthemums last longer, it is recommended to remove other flowers from the vase at night. These tips also apply to tulips in a vase.

How to recolor chrysanthemum flowers, what to add to water

Yes, yes, ordinary white chrysanthemums can be painted in completely different colors. This process is quite simple to implement. On hand you need to have white chrysanthemums, the food coloring you used for the Teddy Bear cake, and glass jars.

Pour water into a jar and dilute food coloring in it. It is clear that you need to choose the color of the dye in which you want to dye the chrysanthemum. It is also important that the food coloring dissolves quickly in the water and immediately colors it.

Chrysanthemum stems are trimmed with a sharp knife. It is important not to squeeze the stem when cutting, as accidentally pinching it can harm the process of uniform coloring. It is necessary to trim the stems while they are in warm water. Then quickly transfer the flower from warm water to a jar of dye. In this case, it is important to squeeze the cut stem as much as possible with your fingers so that air does not get into it.

Leave the flowers in the dye jar overnight. After just a few hours, the first color changes will appear. The longer the chrysanthemums stand in water with dye, the more intense and brighter the final shade will be.

This is interesting! To add an uneven original color, you need to split the stem along the trunk from the base upward by 10-12 cm. Then quickly lower half of the stem into a glass with one dye, and the other half of the stem into a glass with a different color.

Now you know the secrets not only of what to add to water to make chrysanthemums last longer, but also how to paint chrysanthemums any color. Let fresh flowers delight you in a vase for as long as possible. Well, when their natural end comes, we wish that a new stunning bouquet will be waiting for you!

Chrysanthemums are garden flowers that can be preserved without digging them out of the ground. Another option is to dig them up and store them, for example, in the same cellar, or in another room adapted for this purpose. This is how chrysanthemums differ from other flowers, such as dahlias, for example. Dahlias must be dug up for the winter; there are simply no other options with them. And what to do with chrysanthemums depends on you. Those gardeners who have enough experience do not dig up all the chrysanthemums. They dig up only a part, and leave the other part of these flowers in the open ground for the winter. This approach is determined by a number of factors, which we will also talk about.

Preparing chrysanthemums for winter. To dig or not?

So, if you have not yet decided for yourself how your chrysanthemums will winter, then you need to consider two main factors. When you analyze them, you will understand what to do with your chrysanthemums so that they successfully survive the winter.

The first factor is, of course, climate. We cannot change the climate, so this is what we need to start with in the first place. In general, many varieties are not afraid even of extreme cold, and even more so if the winter is snowy. But now there are often wet or snowless winters. At the same time, the temperature in such winters “jumps” quite a lot. No shelter will help here. Either your chrysanthemums will freeze, or they will hibernate under cover.

The second factor when preparing chrysanthemums for winter is their belonging to a certain variety. So, varieties that love warmth (for example, Indian ones) are left without digging, only if your winters are always mild. Another variety of chrysanthemums, Korean hybrids (their other name is “oak”) tolerate winters well if they are covered very lightly.

Preparations for winter for chrysanthemums do not begin early. The first mild frosts will serve as a signal for you to begin this work. Usually this is October, sometimes the timing of such frosts shifts to the beginning of November. In this way you give the chrysanthemums the opportunity to undergo a certain hardening. Later, the plant needs to be trimmed, while you should still have low “stumps”, 10-20 centimeters each. These “stumps” are convenient to designate a variety.

We leave chrysanthemums in the open ground for the winter without digging them up. How to save?

Again, if you don’t dig up chrysanthemums, then here you can preserve them in different ways.

Firstly, mulching can be done if these varieties tolerate frost well or during snowy winters. In addition to mulching, chrysanthemums also need to be hilled when the first frosts arrive. This is done not with earth, but with sawdust, shavings or other similar materials. In this case, compost with humus is also quite suitable. If serious frosts are approaching, then you need to cover the chrysanthemums with spruce branches. You can do without it. Throw in regular branches and sprinkle some leaves on top.

The second option is to build a full-fledged shelter for these plants. Such a shelter is more reliable than spruce branches, and will preserve chrysanthemums even in capricious winters. A shelter can even be built from brick. It is placed around one chrysanthemum bush or around several at once. When you build such “walls”, then make a “roof” on top from boards, for example, or a piece of slate. A covering material is already placed on the “roof” and fixed there. This could be Spandbond, or a material with similar properties - Lutrasil. Fir branches are also suitable for this purpose. The main principle here when covering is to ensure that such a shelter is ventilated so that there is no excess moisture in it. Such a surplus will certainly destroy your chrysanthemums.

You can make trenches for wintering chrysanthemums. In this case, preparation begins early, in the summer (at the end), or at the beginning of autumn. The trench will need to be dug on a hill. No moisture will accumulate there. Its depth should be at least 50 centimeters. The bottom is insulated with pine needles, or it can be replaced with sawdust. When the first frosts arrive, the chrysanthemums will need to be dug up. There is no need to clear them from the soil, but together with the lump, we place them in a trench. The rows of chrysanthemums in the trench should be dense. Further, this shelter is also covered with boards, on top of which polyethylene is also laid. So, water from above will not penetrate into the trench. Why is this method convenient? It awakens chrysanthemums early in the spring. And they are usually removed from the trench with green shoots already present.

How to dig up chrysanthemums for the winter? When?

If your decision is not to leave your chrysanthemums in the ground, but to dig them up, then it’s better to do just that. Experts also share this opinion. After all, if you dig up chrysanthemums for the winter, the bush will only become stronger, it will get sick less often, but it will bloom even earlier than those that overwintered in the ground. It is also very convenient to monitor such bushes in winter. You can see in time that the bush is drying out, rotting or other problems during storage. Therefore, these problems can be solved in a timely manner. Treat, for example, a bush with fungicides.

Often we do not dig up flowers for winter storage due to the lack of a place for such storage. Not everyone has cellars, basements or garages. For chrysanthemums, the optimal temperature is from 0 degrees to +5.

If you have a cellar and the floor is earthen, then you just need to place the already dug bushes directly on this floor. From it, chrysanthemums will be able to receive the moisture they need. In such cellars, the temperature is usually kept at the desired level. So, your chrysanthemums will not wake up too early.

Today, many people store chrysanthemums in boxes that are specially prepared for this purpose before winter. There must be a certain mixture, which is made from sand and peat (mix them 1:1). Even when storing chrysanthemums in such prepared boxes, they should not be taken into storage immediately after digging. Let them stand and “freeze” a little in the cold air until the final frost sets in. This again helps to harden them.

If you have a bright room for storage with the required temperature, then it is better to store chrysanthemums there. Many people believe that light is necessary in such a storage facility. Without it, chrysanthemums lose their strength and become paler.

What is most important when choosing ways to store chrysanthemums in winter? You need to make sure that the humidity and temperature do not change sharply, so that your chrysanthemums do not freeze or dry out. Also, they should not wake up early (which is quite likely at high temperatures), and should not hide in storage or shelter. With proper organization of wintering for chrysanthemums, nothing threatens them, and they will successfully survive the winter.

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Chrysanthemums themselves are one of the most unpretentious cut flowers. Usually they last in a vase for quite a long time, pleasing the eye of the beautiful owner of the bouquet with their lush blooms and light aroma. But, like other cut flowers, chrysanthemums require some special care.

The most pressing question regarding these flowers is: what to add to the water to make chrysanthemums last longer.

The options here could be as follows:
You can add a teaspoon of sugar to the water per liter of water. This will help the flowers not only last longer, but also revive the flowers if they are already a little wilted; This advice also applies to .
You can throw a pinch of salt into the water per liter of water;
Dissolve a quarter of an aspirin tablet in a liter of water, but immerse the stems only halfway in this water;
You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water to give the liquid a slightly pinkish tint;
If you add lapis (a solution of 0.003%) to the water, then the chrysanthemums will stand in the water for at least three weeks;
If you need the buds to open faster, you can add the drug “Bud-2” to the water, which is sold in specialized flower shops;

The answer to the question of what to add to water for chrysanthemums, but what other tricks will help extend the life of these beautiful flowers? If you do not receive chrysanthemums as a gift, but take them from your own plot, then it is recommended not to cut these flowers, but to break them. At the same time, flowers with fully opened inflorescences are ready for cutting.

If the flowers were given as a gift, it is important to cut the stems correctly before sending them into the water. The cut is made at an acute angle and the cut must be oblique. Chrysanthemums must be placed in pre-settled water. You can add a pinch of salt or an aspirin tablet to a container of three liters of water. The stems should be immersed in such a liquid to half their length.

The water must be changed every day, while rinsing the stems in running water and trimming them a little more. The vase with flowers should be in a cool place. Be sure to protect the bouquet from drafts and direct sunlight.

If some inflorescences have damaged flowers, then it is best to remove such inflorescences. The part of the stem that is immersed in water must be completely freed from leaves.

This is interesting! Freshly cut chrysanthemums can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. To do this, the flowers must be wrapped in moistened newspaper and sent in a plastic bag to the fruit compartment.

After the flowers have fully bloomed, the fresh petals can be preserved for as long as possible. To do this, add a few drops of stearin inside each inflorescence.

Pay attention! No matter what rules you follow for the care and preservation of cut chrysanthemums, they will not last long in a smoky room. Also, these flowers do not last long in rooms where the temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius.

Chrysanthemums do not really like it when there are other flowers in a vase with them or a vase of fruit standing next to them. To make chrysanthemums last longer, it is recommended to remove other flowers from the vase at night. These tips will also apply to...

Yes, yes, ordinary white chrysanthemums can be painted in completely different colors. This process is quite simple to implement. On hand you need to have white chrysanthemums, the food coloring you used for, and glass jars.

Pour water into a jar and dilute food coloring in it. It is clear that you need to choose the color of the dye in which you want to dye the chrysanthemum. It is also important that the food coloring dissolves quickly in the water and immediately colors it.

Chrysanthemum stems are trimmed with a sharp knife. It is important not to squeeze the stem when cutting, as accidentally pinching it can harm the process of uniform coloring. It is necessary to trim the stems while they are in warm water. Then quickly transfer the flower from warm water to a jar of dye. In this case, it is important to squeeze the cut stem as much as possible with your fingers so that air does not get into it.

Leave the flowers in the dye jar overnight. After just a few hours, the first color changes will appear. The longer the chrysanthemums stand in water with dye, the more intense and brighter the final shade will be.

This is interesting! To add an uneven original color, you need to split the stem along the trunk from the base upward by 10-12 cm. Then quickly lower half of the stem into a glass with one dye, and the other half of the stem into a glass with a different color.

Lush chrysanthemums make any yard or flower garden indescribably cozy and elegant. Knowing this, we buy them in large quantities, because the temptation to make your home more beautiful is so difficult to resist...

Unfortunately, they don’t bloom for very long, and often no one knows how to preserve chrysanthemums in winter. Many people try to find out the secrets of growing from sellers, but often they either do not want to share such valuable information, or they themselves do not know much about it...

We store it in the cellar!

The easiest way to store faded plants is in the cellar. Before the onset of stable frosts, they are dug up along with a lump of earth and transferred to “winter apartments”. It is best to lay them on an earthen floor, trying to place the bushes as close to each other as possible.

In this case, the conditions are optimal, since the root system will receive the required amount of moisture from the floor. The air temperature in the room should not exceed four degrees Celsius.

Plants are in a kind of suspended animation, and therefore their growth completely stops. It is much worse when the temperature is higher than normal: in this case, young shoots begin to grow in the middle of winter, depleting the bush.


The second method involves storing them in special trenches. To do this, you need to dig a ditch with a depth and width of 0.7 m. The length is selected according to the number of bushes. They are dug out from the beds and then placed tightly in a ditch, filling the spaces between the roots with soil mixture.

Having learned how to preserve chrysanthemums in winter, you need to prepare the required amount of covering material in advance. Old slate, roofing felt and even pieces of tin will do. Until the onset of the first frost, chrysanthemums are stored open.

Please note that during the very first frosts, there is no need to cover the bushes: frost will destroy most of the pathogenic fungi. But as soon as the frosts become severe and constant, the trenches are covered with prepared materials. Peat, dry leaves or sawdust are placed on top. A plastic film is placed over this “sandwich”, the layer of which must be at least 50 cm.

Wintering in open ground

To do this, you need to prepare a lot of dry fallen leaves in advance. After the onset of stable frosts, a layer of them (30-50 cm) is used to cover the faded bushes. A plastic film is placed over the leaves, which should be secured as securely as possible. If the flower garden is very large and you don’t have that much polyethylene, you can cover the leaves with spruce branches.

In general, all experienced gardeners, when talking about how to preserve chrysanthemums in winter, mention covered and open methods. If your region simply does not have cold winters, there is no need to invent something. The maximum that can be done is to cover the weakest plants with a small layer of dry leaves.

In the spring (after frost), the foliage is removed, and to protect against sudden night frosts, it is better to cover it with thick plastic film.