Percentage of blacks and whites in America. Native American population: numbers, culture and religion

The ethnic composition of the United States is striking in its diversity. Representatives of a variety of nationalities live on the territory - from Aleuts to Malagasy. But statistics, which also include data in percentage terms, will help you understand the full composition.

Indigenous people

The main population of the state is If you believe the statistics, then out of all ~325 million residents only 61% of the citizens are such.

It is interesting that identity is determined by citizenship precisely because they are very heterogeneous in religious, ethnic and racial composition. You should also be aware that the term “Native Americans” has a place in this state. These are the Eskimos and Indians.

It is impossible not to mention the phrase said by Arthur Schlesinger, a liberal politician and social critic of the 20th-21st centuries. He said that the American people are a nation not based on ethnic communities. People who decided to become part of the state made their own choice. However, a person, having received citizenship of this country, still remains a representative of his people. That is why the ethnic composition of the United States includes only ~61% of Americans.

German group

It’s worth starting with the peoples belonging specifically to it. The most numerous are African Americans. If we talk about the ethnic composition of the United States, they occupy about 13%, which, by the way, are included in the above-mentioned 61%.

Next in number are the Germans. If you believe the most recent statistics for 2015, more than 2% of them live in America. There are also Pennsylvania Germans, who are descendants of 17th and 18th century settlers from Southern and Western Germany to Pennsylvania and the United States. There are only 0.07% of them in America (approximately 235,000 people).

There are even fewer Russian Germans, about 20,500 citizens. This is 0.01%, which statistically also includes the ethnic composition of the United States.

An even more or less numerous group are Jews, living in the amount of ~1.7% (5,200,000 people).

The population also includes Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, Scots, Flemings, Barbadians, Manx, Alsatians, Luxembourgers and about two dozen other peoples representing the Germanic group. The least number of Faroese live in the United States - only 900 people. The ratio of other peoples ranges from 0.01% to 0.39%.

Roman group

It cannot be ignored when considering the ethnic composition of the US population, because more than 1/5 are representatives of the Romance group.

Mostly Mexicans. About 11% of them live on the territory of the state. The next most numerous are Italians, they make up 3%. There are also many Puerto Ricans (1.61%), Cubans (0.64%) and Salvadorans (0.51%) living in America.

It is especially interesting to consider the ethnic composition of the United States by state. Few people know, but about 75% of all Cuban immigrants live in Florida. However, this is logical. After all, Cuba is separated from Miami, one of the largest cities in the state, by 150 km.

However, it is worth returning to the language group. Its smallest representative is the Romansh people. There are about 1,500 of them in the United States. The number of other representatives of the group varies from 0.01% to 0.47%.


There are also quite a lot of representatives of our language group living in America. This is confirmed by the ethnic composition of the United States in percentage. About 3.2% of Slavs live on the territory of this state. Which is more than 10,105,000 people.

Most of all there are Poles in America. As a percentage, they make up about 1.9% of the population. Next in number are the Russians. There are about 0.5% of them in the USA - approximately 1,400,000. There are more than two times fewer Ukrainians (0.22%).

Also in the Slavic group are Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Slovenians, Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Belarusians, Bosnians, Carpathian Rusyns, Montenegrins and Lusatians. The latter live in the United States the least - about 2,500 people, to be more precise. The number of other representatives varies from 0.01% to 0.19%.

Celtic and Indo-Aryan groups

Now we can move on to smaller ethnic categories. The Celtic language group includes only four peoples. These are the Irish, Welsh, Northern Irish and Bretons. They all add up to 0.9% of the American population. That is, there are less than three million of them.

The Indo-Aryan group includes more peoples, but in percentage terms it is inferior to the Celtic group. Since its representatives make up only 0.8% of the American population. And this is approximately 2.55 million people. But of the 22 peoples of this group, the most numerous are the Hindustanis. That is, people from Northern India. They are about 0.22% (approximately 642,000 people).

Other groups

In addition to all the above-mentioned peoples, Greeks also live in the USA. Their share of the total American population is 0.28%. That is, there are only 871,500 Greeks in the United States. Of which 6,500 are from Cyprus.

The Iranian group is even smaller. Only 0.2% of the population. These are Persians, Kurds, Afghans, Tajiks and Baluchis. In total there are less than 630,000 people. Even the Armenians representing the group of the same name are even more - 0.22% (more than 705,000 people).

Also living in America are Lithuanians (0.1%) and Latvians (0.02%), Albanians (0.05%), Hungarians (0.22%), Finns (0.13%), Estonians (0.01% ) and Basques (0.001%). But the least number of Samoyeds in the USA. These are the people who are part of If you believe the statistics, there are only 100 of them in America.

You can talk for a long time about the ethnic composition. It includes Asians and Pacific Islanders (4.17%), Eskimos (0.05%), representatives of the Indian group (0.8%), Africans (0.41%), Somalis (0.04%) and several dozen more other peoples. Looking at their complete list, you can be convinced that the United States is perhaps the most multinational state in the world.

Racial composition of the USA

It is also necessary to briefly talk about it. Everyone knows that this is a historically established group of people, which is characterized by common physical features (eye shape, skin color, hair, etc.). And there are separate statistics, by looking at which you can understand what the composition of the US population is in this context.

The racial composition is not as diverse as the ethnic composition. White Americans, according to statistics, make up about 75% of the population. Next in number are African Americans. There are about 12.5% ​​of them. Asians make up 4.5% of the US population. Representatives of other races live in the amount of 5%.

Interestingly, there are several states in America in which more racial minorities live than whites. These include Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, Columbia and California. Most whites, by the way, live in the Midwest.


This state borders America, and it is impossible not to mention it. Still, it is interesting to know what the characteristics of the ethnic composition of the USA and Canada are.

This country is territorially larger than America by ~300,000 square kilometers. However, 10 times fewer people live on its territory. And the ethnic composition is not so diverse, although it has undergone major changes in the last 30 years. All due to changes in immigration policy.

One third of living citizens identified themselves as Canadian when taking the census at the beginning of this century. About 22% of residents claimed English ancestry. Approximately 19% of people identified themselves as French. The remaining ~17% are from other nationalities.

What’s interesting is that the country’s Muslim population has grown by 82% over the past 10 years. At the same time, the number of Arabs and representatives of Turkic-speaking peoples increased.

Top of Society

Finally, I would like to note the national composition of the US elite. Before Donald Trump, there were 44 presidents who governed America. Among them were three Irish (Reagan and Kennedy included), the same number of Dutch (who were Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt) and two Germans (Hoover and Eisenhower). What about the rest? Another 35 presidents were British. Of which 8 were Scots (George Washington can be considered a striking example).

And Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was a Kenyan Jew. The current ruler, Donald Trump, is half German and half Scottish. His father was an emigrant from Bavaria, and his mother was born on the Isle of Lewis.

However, such ethnic “mixing” among the US elite is not surprising. After all, the national composition of this state is truly impressive, which is difficult to argue with.

The Indians who belong to a separate group are the indigenous population of America. They have inhabited the territory of the entire New World since the beginning of time and still live there. Despite the countless genocides, colonizations and other persecutions against them that were carried out by Europeans, they occupy a very significant place in each of the states of this country. Below in the article we will look at what the indigenous population of America is and in what numbers it is calculated. Photos of various subraces and representatives of certain tribes will allow you to more clearly understand this topic.

Habitat and abundance

The natives of the New World lived here in prehistoric times, but even today, in fact, little has changed for them. They unite into separate communities, continue to preach their religious dogmas and follow the traditions of their ancestors. Some representatives of the original Americanoid race assimilate with Europeans and completely adopt their way of life. Thus, you can meet a pure Indian or mestizo in any country in the northern, southern or central part of Novaya Zemlya. The total "Indian" population of America is 48 million people. Of these, 14 million live in Peru, 10.1 million in Mexico, 6 million in Bolivia. The next countries are Guatemala and Ecuador - 5.4 and 3.4 million people, respectively. 2.5 million Indians can be found in the USA, but in Canada there are half as many of them - 1.2 million. Oddly enough, in the vastness of Brazil and Argentina, such huge powers, there are not so many Indians left. The indigenous population of America in these places already numbers in the thousands and amounts to 700,000 and 600,000 people, respectively.

History of the appearance of tribes

According to scientists, representatives of the Americanoid race, despite all their differences from any other known to us, moved to their continent precisely from Eurasia. For many millennia (approximately 70-12 millennia BC), Indians came to the New World along the so-called Beringian Bridge, where it is now located. Then the non-indigenous population of America gradually mastered the new continent, starting from Alaska and ending with the southern shores present-day Argentina. After America was mastered by them, each individual tribe began to develop in its own direction. The general trends they observed were as follows. The Indians of South America honored the maternal line. Residents of the northern part of the continent were content with patriarchy. The tribes of the Caribbean tended to move towards a class society.

A few words about biology

From a genetic point of view, the indigenous population of America, as mentioned above, is not indigenous to these lands at all. Scientists consider Altai to be the ancestral home of the Indians, from where they left their colonies in distant, distant times in order to develop new lands. The fact is that 25 thousand years ago it was possible to get from Siberia to America by land; moreover, people probably considered all these lands to be a single continent. So the inhabitants of our region gradually settled throughout the northern part of Eurasia, and then moved to where they turned into Indians. The researchers came to this conclusion due to the fact that among the Altai aborigines the type of Y chromosome is identical in its mutations to the chromosome of the American Indian.

Northern tribes

We will not touch the tribes of the Aleuts and Eskimos, who occupy the subarctic zone of the continent, since they are a completely different racial family. The indigenous occupied the territory of what is now Canada and the United States, starting from the eternal glaciers and ending with the Gulf of Mexico. Many different cultures have developed there, which we will now list:

  • The northern Indians who settled the upper part of Canada were the Algonquian and Athapaskan tribes. They hunted caribou and also fished.
  • Northwestern tribes - Tlingit, Haida, Salish, Wakashi. They were engaged in fishing and sea hunting.
  • California Indians are famous acorn gatherers. They also did regular hunting and fishing.
  • The Woodland Indians occupied the entire eastern part of the modern United States. The indigenous population of North America here was represented by the Creeks, Algonquins, and Iroquois tribes. These people lived by settled agriculture.
  • The Great Plains Indians are renowned wild bison hunters. There are countless tribes here, among which we will name only a few: Caddo, Crow, Osage, Mandan, Arikara, Kiowa, Apache, Wichita and many others.
  • In the south of North America lived the Pueblo, Navajo and Pima tribes. These lands were considered the most developed, since the aborigines here were engaged in farming, using the method of artificial irrigation, and part-time raising livestock.


It is generally accepted that the indigenous people of Central America were the most advanced. It was in this part of the continent that the most complex slash-and-burn and irrigated farming systems developed at that time. Of course, the tribes of this region widely used irrigation, which allowed them to be content not with the simplest grain crops, but with the fruits of plants such as maize, legumes, sunflowers, pumpkin, agave, cocoa, and cotton. Tobacco was also grown here. The indigenous people on these lands were also engaged in cattle breeding (the Indians lived similarly in the Andes). Mostly llamas were in use here. We also note that they began to master metallurgy, and the primitive communal system was already moving to a class system, turning into a slave state. Tribes that lived in the Caribbean include the Aztecs, Mixtecs, Mayans, Purépechas, Totonacs and Zapotecs.

South America

Compared to the Totonacs and others, the indigenous population of South America was not so highly developed. The only exception can be the Inca Empire, which was located in the Andes and was inhabited by Indians of the same name. On the territory of modern Brazil lived tribes that practiced hoe farming and also hunted local birds and mammals. Among them are the Arawaks and Tupi-Guarani. The territory of Argentina was occupied by mounted guanaco hunters. The Yamana, Ona and Alakaluf tribes lived on Tierra del Fuego. They lived a very primitive life compared to their relatives, and were engaged in fishing.

Inca Empire

This is the greatest association of Indians that existed in the 11th-13th centuries in the territory of present-day Colombia, Peru and Chile. Before the arrival of Europeans, local residents already had their own administrative divisions. The empire consisted of four parts - Chinchaisuyu, Colasuyu, Antisuyu and Kuntisuyu, and each of them, in turn, was divided into provinces. The Inca Empire had its own statehood and laws, which were mainly presented in the form of punishments for certain atrocities. Their system of governing the country was most likely despotic-totalitarian. This state also had an army, there was a certain social system, over the lower layers of which control was exercised. The main achievement of the Incas is considered to be their giant highways. The roads they built on the slopes of the Andes reached 25 thousand kilometers in length. To move along them, llamas were used as pack animals.

Traditions and cultural development

The culture of the indigenous population of America is mainly their languages ​​of communication, many of which are still not completely decipherable. The fact is that each tribe had not just its own dialect, but its own autonomous language, which sounded only in oral speech and did not have a written language. The first alphabet in America appeared only in 1826 under the leadership of the leader of the Cherokee tribe, the Sequoyah Indian. Until this moment, the aborigines of the continent used pictographic signs, and if they had to communicate with representatives of other settlements, they used gestures, body movements and facial expressions.

Indian deities

Despite the huge number of tribes that lived in different climatic conditions and regions, the beliefs of the indigenous population of America were very simple, and they can be combined into one whole. Most tribes in North America believed that the deity was a certain plane that was located far in the ocean. According to their legends, their ancestors lived on this plane. And those who committed a sin or were careless fell from it into the gaping void. In Central America, deities were given the appearance of animals, most often birds. The wise Incan tribes often considered their gods to be prototypes of people who created the world and everything in it.

Modern Indian religious views

Nowadays, the indigenous people of the American continent no longer adhere to the religious traditions that were characteristic of their ancestors. Most of the population of North America now professes Protestantism and its varieties. The Indians and mestizos who live in Mexico and the southern part of the continent almost all adhere to strict Catholicism. Some of them become Jews. Only a few are still based on the views of their ancestors, and they keep this knowledge a huge secret from the white population.

Mythological aspect

Initially, all the fairy tales, legends and other folk works that belonged to the Indians could tell us about their life, their way of life, and their methods of obtaining food. These peoples sang songs of birds, wild mammals and predators, their brothers and parents. A little later, mythology acquired a slightly different character. The Indians developed myths about the creation of the world that are very similar to our biblical ones. It is noteworthy that in many stories of American indigenous peoples there is a certain deity - the Woman with Braids. She is simultaneously the personification of life and death, food and war, earth and water. She has no name, but references to her power are found in almost all ancient Indian sources.


We have already mentioned above that the so-called Indian population of America is 48 million, according to official data. These are the people who are registered in their country, who belong to the colonial society. If we take into account those Indians who still live in tribes, the figure will be much higher. According to unofficial data, over 60,000 representatives of the original Americanoid race live in America, who are found both in Alaska and Tierra del Fuego.

The indigenous (pre-European) population of America belongs to two types of Mongoloid race - Artic and American.
The American race of the second level (American Eskimos), in turn, is represented by two variants - Alaskan and Greenlandic, the differences between which are noted in height and cephalic index. Alaskan Eskimos are taller (up to 166 cm) than Greenlandic Eskimos, and they have less pronounced dolichocephaly. In general, both groups are characterized by relatively dark pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes, straight, coarse hair on the head, sparse body hair and a wide face with prominent cheekbones, i.e. features of the Mongoloid race.
Features of the American race are yellowish-brown skin color, straight and coarse hair, weak tertiary hairline, noticeable protrusion of the cheekbones, high orbits, and an increased percentage of spade-shaped incisors. However, representatives of this race also have features that distinguish them from classical Mongoloids: almost complete absence or low values ​​(up to 10%) of epicanthus in adults (this feature is observed more often in children). In terms of the high bridge of the nose and the sharply defined profile of the nose, the American race is close to the Caucasian race. Based on such characteristics as significant width of the nose and mouth, the presence of prognathism, large molars, there is a similarity with the equatorial race.
The diversity of anthropological types among Indian tribes within one Americanoid race indicates isolation and intensive processes of race formation. This is also confirmed by the uniqueness of the blood groups of American Indians, who in 100% of cases have group 0. Under conditions of isolation, recessive genes are eliminated, and blood type O is recessive. In the course of race formation in America, the effect of genetic patterns characteristic of isolation is confirmed by isoserological studies of mummies, as a result of which antigen was isolated not only of blood groups 0, but also B and A. By the time Europeans discovered America, Indian tribes lived on this continent, -

cherished at different stages of social development, but related to each other. The bulk of the population is concentrated in the mountainous regions of Southern Mexico and the Andes, where agricultural civilizations developed (the state of the Aztecs, Incas, etc.). In most of the territory of both North and South America there lived small tribes with a primitive communal system, engaged in gathering, hunting, fishing and primitive agriculture. The estimated number of the indigenous population of America at the time of its discovery reached 80-90 million people.
Many hypotheses have been expressed regarding the origins of the indigenous population of America. The assumption of autochthony was refuted by archeology and paleontology. No remains of great apes or ancestral forms of humans have been found on the continent. The land connection between North and South America appeared relatively recently as a result of mountain building processes, so the flora and fauna of these massifs have significant differences. The currently accepted Asian theory of the origins of the American Indians is that settlement occurred from northeast Asia in several waves of migration across the Bering Land Bridge, which connected Asia and Africa. Back in the 1970s. It was believed that man appeared in America at the very end of the Upper Paleolithic, i.e. 10 thousand years BC JI. Leakey assumed that the first settlers from Asia appeared in America at least 50 thousand years ago, and possibly earlier. Archaeological finds of the 70-80s. XX century indicate that the settlement of America occurred about 50 thousand years ago. The Pleistocene period in the USA, Canada and Mexico was characterized by four cold periods. Each climatic change led to noticeable changes in the culture of the Paleolithic population. In North America, there are five cultures of different chronological dates. Culture up to the tips has been recorded in the USA, Canada and Mexico. At the sites, remains of fauna and flora were found along with tools (often Asian-type choppers, chippers, etc.). Kul
The tur was named after the absence of spearheads and darts. Dating of the sites of this culture showed their deep antiquity. The age of the American Falls site (Idaho) reaches 43 thousand years, the Louisville site (Texas) - more than 38 thousand years. A reliable reconstruction of the physical type of the settlers is impossible due to the fragmentation of paleoanthropological data. But the certainty that these were Mongoloids is provided by monuments of fine art and, in particular, sculptural images of heads with Mongoloid features. According to experts, these images were made by Paleolithic hunters of the culture down to the tips.
The Sandia culture is characterized by the use of points and scraper tools. The tips were made of bone and flint. Sandia-type tips are found from California and Arizona in the west to Alabama in the east, from Texas in the south to central Canada in the north. Alaska was not inhabited by carriers of this culture. Sandia Cave (New Mexico), as well as the Lucy site at Odell Lake, are the richest in tools and other finds. The Sandia culture dates back to the 30-20th millennium BC.
Chronologically, the Sandia culture was replaced by the Clovis culture. The main area of ​​distribution of this culture is the prairie plateau and the south of the state of Arizona; settlements of this type have also been found in Alaska. The tips were processed more carefully: there was a strict sequence in the processing of the workpiece. Along with the tips, many knives made of chalcedony and quartzite, scrapers made of flint, and plates of regular shape were found. The oldest sites of the Clovis culture date back 17 thousand years.
The Folsom culture is considered the final stage in the development of Upper Paleolithic cultures in North America. The distribution area of ​​this crop in the United States is very wide: Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma and other states; it has also been found in Canada. The leading tools in this culture are fluted points made of thin and elegant plates. The age of these tools is 10-12 thousand years.
The settlement of people across the American continent occurred gradually. Thus, the high mountain areas were occupied
Lena 20 thousand years BC (Ayacugo cave in Peru). In the 8th-7th millennium BC, perhaps earlier, primitive man penetrated to the southernmost tip of the continent - Patagonia. By that time, distinctive archaeological cultures had emerged in various regions of America.
Paleoanthropological material from America is fragmentary and allows us to judge the transformation of types only relatively. The indigenous inhabitants of the continent descended from small groups of settlers, which is confirmed by comprehensive data, including the distribution of blood antigens. The peculiar geographical conditions of the New World (from the northern temperate zones to the tropics) as the groups settled contributed to their isolation from related tribes. Considering the low level of culture of the first settlers, it can be argued that geographical conditions stimulated the processes of race formation, caused variability in selectively valuable morphological characters and the formation of new anthropological types. The racial type of the American Indians is close to the ancient protomorphic (original) variants of the Mongoloid race. This primary type differs from modern “classical” Mongoloids by a less flattened face, a protruding nose, and a smaller percentage of epicanthus.
The few local series of skulls do not allow us to consider the variability of the population throughout the continent as a whole. But the continuity of the anthropological type in Central and South America is noted. Many of the fossil people were more low-faced than modern Indians; in some respects (low orbits, prognathism, high skull) they were close to the skulls from the Zhou-Kou-Tian grotto in China.
In 1983 K.H. Rodriguez summarized his collection of 111 skulls from Colombia and compared them with already known ones stored in museums in various cities of North and South America. All materials were divided into five chronological periods: Paleoindian - until the end of the 6th millennium BC; archaic - 5-4th thousand BC; preclassical - 3rd millennium BC - turn of the century AD; classical - 1st millennium BC; post-classical - first half of the 2nd millennium AD Researcher
noted that the heterogeneity of the anthropological composition of the American population can be traced back to ancient times.
From the 6th millennium BC over a vast territory from the southern states to Chile, the Paleo-American (as defined by I. Däniken) anthropological type was widespread, characterized by a narrow and medium-high shape of the skull, a large longitudinal diameter and dolichocrania, low face and mesognathism. Rodriguez considers this type to be the original type for all combinations of Central-South American groups. It also confirms previously obtained conclusions about the heterogeneous composition of American Indians based on features characterizing the horizontal profile of the face and the degree of protrusion of the nose. North American groups exhibit a more profiled face and a more prominent nose. By these characteristics one can distinguish Americanoids from Asian Mongoloids.
The population of America is characterized by similar processes of epochal changes as Europe - gracilization and brachycephalization, which can be traced back to the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. Further variability over time is less clear due to the widespread ritual of artificial head deformation.
Features of the North American anthropological type arose under the influence of climatic conditions in the northern regions of the United States. Central South American types formed much later in Central America and then penetrated to the South American continent. Researchers back in the 19th century. paid attention to the high percentage (according to their data, up to 96%) of such an “oriental” feature as spade-shaped central incisors in the aboriginal American population. According to odontological data, the Indians of Peru turned out to be closer to the population of Mongolia and Siberia. The complex of characteristics that differentiate the “eastern type” is especially pronounced among the Indians. The spade-shaped shape of the central incisors is found in them in 73% of cases, the distal ridge of the trigonid is from 11.6 to 14.2%, the geniculate fold of the metaconid is from 46.1 to 58.4%. A six-cusped second lower molar is common (31% of cases) (Zubov, 1978).
In the first two centuries of colonization, a significant part of the Indians were exterminated. In the XV-XIX centuries. for land development

Based on the wealth of America, planters began to use African slaves, brought mainly from the Guinea coast and from Angola and belonging to various anthropological types and tribal groups (Bantu, Yoruba, etc.). During the slave trade, millions of Africans were resettled in America, who then became the predominant population in many of its countries. Most blacks live in the USA (about 30 million) and Brazil (up to 40 million). Since the discovery of the New World, population groups belonging to three large races have mixed here for centuries.
By origin, the modern population belongs to the following groups:
pre-European population - Eskimos and Indians (their number is 20 million people);
descendants of European immigrants (about 200 people who moved to America at different times, mainly from England, Spain and Portugal);
descendants of slaves brought to North and South America from Africa (the number of blacks and mulattoes reaches more than 100 million people); formed as a result of the mixing of Europeans with Indians - mestizos (over 80 million people), Europeans with blacks - mulattoes, Indians with blacks (the so-called Sambo); later immigrants from East Asian countries were Chinese, Japanese and representatives of other nationalities.
As a result of mixed marriages in some countries, an “average” type is formed with the characteristics of three large races - Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Equatorial.

National composition of the US population. Racial composition. African Americans, Germans in the USA

Racial composition according to the 2010 US Census, table.

Racial compositionQuantityPercent
Americans308 745 538 100,00%
White Americans 223 553 265 72,40%
African Americans38 929 319 12,60%
Asian Americans 14 674 252 4,80%
Native Americans or Alaska Natives 2 932 248 0,90%
Native Hawaiians or other Oceanians 540 013 0,20%
Some other races 19 107 368 6,20%
Two or more races9 009 073 2,90%

The American nation is a relatively young multi-ethnic entity, formed in the process of long-term cultural, economic, social and everyday interaction, as well as mixing with each other and assimilation of descendants of people of different ethnic origins, representing all three main races of humanity - Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid.

Rank Origin Quantity Percentage of total population
- Great Britain (1801-1922)
All people from the former United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
66 224 627 23,30%
1 German 42 841 569 15,20%
2 Irish 30 524 799 10,80%
3 African 24 903 412 8,80%
4 English 24 509 692 8,70%
5 American 20 188 305 7,20%
6 Mexican 18 382 291 6,50%
7 Italian 15 638 348 5,60%
8 Polish 8 977 235 3,20%
9 French 8 309 666 3,00%
10 Indigenous peoples of the United States 7 876 568 2,80%
11 Scottish 4 890 581 1,70%
12 Dutch 4 541 770 1,60%
13 Norwegian 4 477 725 1,60%
14 Scots-Irish 4 319 232 1,50%
15 Chinese 4 010 114 1,40%

White Americans(White American)

Make up the majority of US residents. Originating from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

72.4% White Americans in 2010- the smallest percentage of whites in history. The highest was in 1930 and 1940 and was 89.8%. T Also, the number of Hispanic and Latino Americans in 2010 was50,477,594 people or 16.4% of the US population.

US states with the highest percentage of white Americans, as of 2007: Vermont 96.2%, Maine 95.5%, New Hampshire 95.0%, West Virginia 94.3%, Iowa 92.9%, Idaho 92.1%, Wyoming 91.6%, Minnesota 90.94%, North Dakota 90.9%.

US states with the highest percentage of non-Hispanic whites , as of 2007: Vermont 95.4%, Maine 94.8%, West Virginia 93.7%, New Hampshire 93.4%, Iowa 90.9%, North Dakota 90.2%.

Americans of German descent (Germans in the USA, German American)
Self-identified German Americans make up 17.1% of the US population according to the 2000 US Census.

German Americans are Americans who are of German or Alsace origin. Number of about 50 million people(50,764,352 people or 17.1% of the US population (2009)) making them the largest e the largest group ahead of Irish Americans, African Americans and English Americans. They comprise 1/3 of the world's German diaspora.

However, Anglo-Americans and British-Americans are still considered the largest ethnic group due to the fact that in the 2000 census, many English and British Americans self-identified under the new category of "Americans", considering themselves "native" because their families had lived in the United States for a long time or were of mixed European ancestry.

African-Americans in the USA (African-American)
African-Americans, also known as Negroes, are an ethnic group of citizens or residents of the United States with full or partial origins in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa. The term can also be used to refer only to those individuals who are descendants of African slaves.

African Americans make up the second largest racial and ethnic minority group in the United States. Most African-Americans are of West and Central African descent and are descendants of enslaved blacks within the present borders of the United States. However, immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, Central America and South America may also identify with the term. Wikipedia sources: , , .

The United States has become a country where races are no longer divided into black and white. A very interesting selection.

Mackenzie McPherson, 9, with parents Alison, 36, and Lawrence McPherson, 40, Houston, Texas. Self-identification: mulatto, mixed descent. Census answer: white/black.

When people ask 26-year-old Celeste Seda about her roots, she invites curious interlocutors to guess for themselves before revealing her Dominican-Korean origins. At the same time, Celeste is sure, such information says very little about her individuality, which is shaped by many different factors - childhood on Long Island, a Puerto Rican adoptive family, an African-American sister, a career as an aspiring actress. An unusual appearance attracts attention, but it is not only flattering, but also very tiring. “It’s a gift and a curse,” Celeste smiles sadly.

Sandra Williams, 46, Chicago, Illinois. Self-identification: biracial, “human.” The answer on the census questionnaire is: black.

Kelly Williams II, 17, Dallas, Texas. Self-identification: African American, German, multiracial. The answer on the census questionnaire is: black.

Julie Weiss, 33, Hollywood, California. Self-identification: Filipina, Chinese, Spanish, Indian, Hungarian, German Jewish. Census response: White/Asian/Indian/Chinese/Filipino.

Ariel Toole, 14, Chicago, Illinois. Self-identification: mixed, multiracial. Census response: White/Black/Vietnamese.

Maximilian Sugiura, 29, Brooklyn, New York. Self-identification: Japanese, Jewish, Ukrainian. Census answer: White/Japanese.

Maya Joey Smith, 9, Cary, Illinois. Self-identification: Black and Asian, Korean and African American. The answer on the census questionnaire is: black.

Mariam Nayeri, 33, Brooklyn, New York. Self-identification: Mexican and descendant of natives of Saudi Arabia. The answer on the census form is: other race.

Yuda Holman, 29, Los Angeles, California. Identification: Half Thai, half black. Census answer: Asian.

Daisy Fenkle, 3 years old, San Antonio, Texas. Parents' definition: Korean and Hispanic. Did not participate in the 2010 census.

Imani Cornelius, 13, Shakopee, Minnesota. Self-identification: black and white. The answer on the census questionnaire is: black. Imani needs a bone marrow transplant, but due to a shortage of African-American and biracial donors, she was forced to wait two years - the donor must be of a similar background.

Cameron Benjamin, 22, Los Angeles, California. Self-identification: Hawaiian, Chinese and Caucasian. Census response: White/Chinese/Native Hawaiian.

Joshua Asoak, 34, Anchorage, Alaska. Self-identification: Jew and Inupiat Eskimo, “Evreskimo.” Census response: Alaska Native.

Adrian Adrid, 24, Haleiwa, Hawaii. Self-identification: white. Census response: White/Filipino.

Celeste Seda, 26, Brooklyn, New York. Self-identification: Dominican and Korean. Census response: Asian/other race.

Jordan Spencer, 18, Grand Prairie, Texas. Self-identification: Black and biracial. The answer on the census questionnaire is: black.

Tayden Burrell, 5, Sarasota, Florida. Self-identification: Black and white, biracial. Census answer: white/black.

Yoel Shak Bautista, 7, Castaic, California. Self-identification: black, Mexican, Afro-Roxican. The answer on the census questionnaire is: black.