Succinic acid powder instructions for use. What is succinic acid: what effect does it have on facial skin, how to lose weight with its help

Hello to all beauties! Today I remembered a long-forgotten drug. And it seems to me that many of you will now hear about this remedy for the first time. Meanwhile, it has been widely used for decades for a variety of purposes. In general, the topic of today's conversation is succinic acid, indications for use, reviews and expert opinion. Make yourself comfortable, the conversation will be long but fascinating.

Succinic acid - what is it and what are the benefits?

Our today's heroine is the most important element in the chain of chemical processes of cellular respiration and ATP synthesis (the main source of energy in the body). It is synthesized daily in the human body in amounts of up to 300 mg, and in addition, it is additionally supplied in some volume with food. Which ones? This substance is found in:

  • pickled vegetables;
  • unripe berries;
  • fermented milk products;
  • oysters;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • Borodino bread, rye flour crackers;
  • barley;
  • aged wine and beer;
  • seeds and sunflower oil.

In general, ordinary products. Therefore, under standard conditions, the human body contains a sufficient amount of succinic acid and does not require additional “feeding”. But in stressful situations, during physical activity, or emotional imbalance, the body feels its deficiency. The consequence of this is sleep problems, loss of energy, depression and nervous exhaustion.

All these conditions, to one degree or another, alas, are familiar to everyone - from students to retirees. Therefore, the reviews from doctors are clear - for a modern person, in his rhythm and with his problems, taking succinic acid certainly won’t hurt. Also, despite the fact that the drug is only a dietary supplement and not a medicine, the following diseases should be included in the indications for the use of succinic acid:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • ARVI;
  • poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • for diabetes.

But! This is only part of a comprehensive treatment. Some of these diseases require long-term and sometimes lifelong medication. And succinic acid, in addition to the immediate therapeutic effect, helps to reduce the dose of medications taken, shorten the duration of treatment courses and increase the interval between them. According to patients, the period without medications with UC is easier to tolerate.

How to obtain, properties and functions

There is a lot of noise around succinic acid today. It is credited with many properties, from anti-cancer to anti-aging, but not everything that is said is true. And the first unfortunate disappointment is the source material.

Myth No. 1

Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes claim that their product is made from amber and this is a blatant lie. The cost of a kilogram of this fossil resin is hundreds of euros, and its acid content is very low. The first attempts to extract the substance from amber were made back in the 17th century, but today it is obtained artificially from maleic anhydride. In general, no romance.

Therefore, now succinic acid can be found in every pharmacy and at a ridiculous price - from 10 to 50 rubles for a blister with ten tablets. There are also more serious medications based on it, for example, Mexiprim, which is administered intravenously.

But why do we need succinic acid at all? What functions does it perform?

  1. Participates in the process of ATP synthesis, an acid that is a source of energy at the cellular level.
  2. Has an antihypoxic effect, improving cellular respiration.
  3. It is an antioxidant, due to which, according to some data, it effectively complements therapy for oncology.
  4. The substance acts as an adaptogen. It improves the body's resistance not only to viruses and bacteria, but to stress and other adverse external factors.
  5. It affects the functioning of absolutely all organs, but most of all the heart and nervous system, as the main consumers of oxygen.
  6. Stimulates insulin synthesis.

Succinic acid takes a direct part in the central link of metabolic processes, therefore its addition from the outside acts as a means for igniting a fire. Many processes accelerate, blood pressure rises, strength and energy appear, the immune system reacts, breathing becomes deeper.

I don’t want to dive into biochemistry; after all, I’m not an expert, but for those who are thirsty for knowledge, I suggest watching this video about the principle of action of succinic acid:

Succinic acid - instructions for use

Many people have a logical question: how to take these same pills? The instructions are usually modestly silent about this. And the drug itself does not have instructions as such, with rare exceptions. Only a few lines directly on the blister.

Therefore, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer, the tablet can be swallowed whole, dissolved or dissolved in water. Although some note that problems arise with the last point and the “amber” has to be crushed first.

For preventive purposes, succinic acid in tablets is taken in the morning. Preferably during meals so as not to irritate an empty stomach. The daily requirement is approximately 300 mg. You should not take the drug at night, unless, of course, you plan to spend it at work. According to the principle of action, Yak is similar to an energy drink, so you are guaranteed at least an hour of wakefulness.

Why take it for adults?

The drug has found its way into sports. By promoting energy production at the cellular level, it improves the quality of your workouts. You can work directly on your muscles longer and more effectively, or do more intense cardio. Yantarka is drunk in preparation for competitions and as an aid in recovery after them. Athletes call Eleutherococcus tincture similar in effectiveness.

Succinic acid is often prescribed to older patients. The drug is useful for older people for many reasons.

  1. Firstly, it acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes, and therefore slows down aging changes in the body.
  2. Secondly, as mentioned above, it is indispensable for chronic diseases, which become more and more common with age.

An indisputable fact: succinic acid helps detoxify the body during alcohol poisoning by accelerating the breakdown of ethanol and acetaldehyde.

In other words, YAC is a real first aid for a hangover. It is even found in some anti-hangover products. By taking the pills immediately before the feast, you can completely avoid the painful consequences. If trouble does occur, then the tablets are taken in loading doses - one every 40-50 minutes. No more than 6 pieces in total.

Attention! Such therapy cannot be combined with sorbents. The effect will be zero. If you really want it activated carbon, then first black tablets, and after 2 hours - white tablets with succinic acid.

Myth No. 2

There is also an opinion that this substance is beneficial for the male reproductive system. Supposedly it is taken to increase sperm activity. But I was unable to find documentary evidence of this theory. As well as another, that succinic acid increases libido in representatives of both sexes. Therefore, I propose to classify these statements as yet another myth.

Is it possible for children

In general, a healthy child’s body does not need additional succinic acid. Schoolchildren do not yet suffer from depression, and their energy is enough for three adults. However, if a child accidentally eats a pill, there is no need to panic.

It is only important to keep in mind that the effect can be quite unexpected - rapid heartbeat, excessive activity, stomach pain. If after half an hour or an hour nothing happened, then there is no need to worry.

In the instructions for use, dietary supplement manufacturers usually note that the drug is approved for use by adolescents over 14 years of age. Therefore, there is no need to prescribe this “vitamin” to your child yourself. Although in some cases the drug may be prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The properties of the substance have also attracted interest from the beauty industry. Cosmetologists use amber as a rejuvenating agent.

  1. Crushed tablets are mixed with honey to prepare a nourishing mask, or dissolved in water to make facial tonics.
  2. Also, honey with crumbs of “amber” tablets can be used as a hand scrub.
  3. Often, this composition is used to wrap problem areas or simply vigorously massage them to combat cellulite.
  4. YAK is also used to strengthen hair. For this purpose, it is simply taken orally or masks are made by diluting it in warm water. You can also mix amber powder with an egg and olive oil, apply to your hair and keep under a towel. It’s good and easy to rub it into the scalp before washing your hair.

Interesting! In the West, our heroine has never been heard of. However, there is a more popular product there, which is well known in Russia - coenzyme Q10. But, in essence and in action, this is our succinic acid!

In the video you can see how it is more convenient to apply liquid face masks:

Is it effective as a means of losing weight?

Magic pills will probably find their customers as long as flat tummies remain in fashion. Losing weight ladies tend to believe everything that is said confidently and embellished with incomprehensible terms.

And if the miracle remedy is also absolutely natural, and costs a penny, then it would be a sin not to try it at all. Everything is the same as in the case of succinic acid, which is said to promote easy and rapid weight loss. But does it really help? I, like that Baba Yaga who is always against it, strongly doubt this.

Myth No. 3

Important! Succinic acid itself does not burn fat, does not block its absorption and does not speed up metabolism. On the contrary, this substance catalyzes the secretion of gastric juice and increases appetite. Therefore, calling it a weight loss product is imprudent. Alas, we will write down this property as myth No. 3.

But YAC will come in handy during physical activity. Taking it before training increases endurance by accelerating ATP synthesis. In simple words, succinic acid helps you obtain additional energy, which means you can train longer and more effectively.

And there you are already close to losing weight - perhaps these extra 10 minutes on the treadmill are not enough for you to achieve results. But fanaticism is inappropriate here, despite its naturalness and harmlessness.

How to use for plants

Beginning flower growers simply need succinic acid. This substance is sold in the form of a powder or a liquid ready-made product, for example, for orchids. But pharmaceutical tablets can also be used to care for plants, but you cannot make watering solutions for future use.

It is good to water flowers with YAK solution or soak cuttings and roots in it. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of an “overdose” - the substance disintegrates very quickly in the presence of sunlight and does not accumulate in the soil. You can even spray the leaves of indoor plants with Amber. It cannot be called a fertilizer, but rather a means to stimulate appetite. So, it is used:

  • for rooting plants;
  • during transplantation;
  • to preserve a dying specimen;
  • as anti-shock therapy for tropical species.

Succinic acid is not used so often for gardening. Usually to alleviate the plight of heat-loving species in colder climates. In vegetable crops (tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, eggplants), productivity increases after watering with this solution.

Contraindications and harm of the drug

It is believed that an overdose of succinic acid is impossible. It is known that the substance breaks down very quickly and its half-life is only half an hour. The excess is simply not absorbed.

Nevertheless, there is also an opinion that long-term use or excess dosage of succinic acid contributes to the formation of kidney stones. Probably, one should not discount this possibility, especially considering that urolithiasis is among the contraindications to taking the drug.

Taking some sedatives is incompatible with Amber. Therefore, if you take sleeping pills, sedatives, tranquilizers or other similar drugs, it is better to discuss the use of succinic acid with your doctor.

There are other restrictions on taking UC, including:

  • stomach and/or intestinal ulcer in the acute phase;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • ischemic disease and, in particular, angina pectoris;
  • late toxicosis in pregnant women.

Individual reactions to the drug and its components are also not excluded. For example, tablets almost always contain glucose (Kvadrat-S, Marbiofarm, Mosbiopharm), which precludes their use for diabetes. There are also preparations with the addition of vitamin C - Elite-Pharm, "Yantar Ka" with the taste of honey from Farmindusti.

Well, it seems that's it. I scared you a little at the end, but I think that no one has any doubts that our heroine plays a significant role in metabolic processes. Therefore, I am finishing the story about the properties of succinic acid and indications for its use. I look forward to your feedback and maybe advice. Good luck to everyone and see you again!

Girls who want to lose weight go to various lengths to achieve results. Admit it, you also want to find a remedy that would help burn those hated calories. And we have something to offer! Did you know that succinic acid has been used for weight loss for quite a long time and everywhere? What do you know about this product? Today we will tell you how it is to lose weight like a king.

Succinic acid is indeed extracted from natural stone. Therefore, we did not lie that losing weight would be done in royal style. Are you interested in an unusual diet? Then study our article and start working on your figure, because there are only a few months left until summer!

Succinic acid - what is it?

If you have never heard of succinic acid, then this item is for you. Before using this product, you should definitely study its properties.

First, let's figure out what the connection itself is. It is obtained from amber, hence the beautiful name. It is presented in the pharmacy in the form of a white crystalline powder or tablets. The product will taste like lemon extract.

By the way, the body itself is a producer of amber powder. A person can also get it from green gooseberries, turnips, kefir and cheese. This substance is extremely necessary, because its lack leads to a deterioration in mood and well-being, and fatigue.

Succinic acid is a harmless substance that is used as a food additive.

Benefits of the powder

Useful properties succinic acid for weight loss:

  • Normalizes energy metabolism at the cell level and promotes the formation of new ones.
  • It has an antitoxic function, relieves the body of the effects of intoxication and removes toxins.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which helps in cleansing the body.
  • Supports immunity, providing a general strengthening effect.
  • Normalizes the nervous system.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation.

Amber powder heals the entire body and helps in weight loss. It normalizes the metabolic process, which stimulates weight loss. The product also affects the functioning of the intestines and cleanses the body. As a result of the synthesis of the amber substance, oxygen saturation occurs, which is a participant in the burning of calories.

The weight loss powder will work best if you follow proper nutrition and exercise. The advantage is that if you lead an active lifestyle, you will not feel tired if you take the amber substance.

Amber tablets during pregnancy

Acid has a positive effect on reproductive functions. Therefore, future parents can use this product to improve their health.

During pregnancy, the drug will help ease hormonal changes and saturate the female body with the necessary energy. If you take succinic acid, it recovers faster even after childbirth. And the fetus develops and receives a large amount of oxygen.

Only a gynecologist prescribes the exact dosage of taking the pills, so do not experiment and consult a doctor.


Although succinic acid has a long list of benefits, there are indications for which you should stop taking it for weight loss:

  • Urolithiasis. A person who has this disease, taking amber tablets, is at risk of developing stones due to stimulation of metabolism.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. The succinic compound will become a negative product, aggravating the course of the disease, since the substance increases the acid balance of the stomach.
  • Unstable blood pressure- succinic acid has a tonic property.
  • Individual intolerance.

Before use, consult your doctor.

Side effects

Amber tablets are not suitable for everyone, because part of the population has an allergic reaction to this substance, accompanied by the following side effects:

  • high blood pressure;
  • stomach ache;
  • heartburn and deteriorated condition of the mucous surface.

The powder is a medicinal product and cannot be called a completely natural product. Side effects appear when the dosage is exceeded, allergies, long-term use and combination of amber tablets with other drugs.

How they work while losing weight

There is no need to expect instant results from taking amber powder. A weight loss product does not work on its own. The tablets will certainly have a healing effect on the body. However, to lose weight, you must try and make an effort:

  • Proper nutrition when losing weight, this is the first step to a beautiful figure. The weight loss process largely depends on this part. So choose a diet that suits you or start sticking to the basics of a healthy diet.
  • Avoid junk food, which contributes to gaining kilograms. These are all flour and confectionery products, sausages, fast food and soda. Start eating at certain times and don't overeat. Try to reduce portions of food.
  • Enrich your diet menu for weight loss fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Include in your diet dairy products, they will be good helpers for weight loss and enrich the body with vitamins.
  • If you want not only to lose weight, but also to gain a toned, slender body, then seek help from physical activity. Start with small home workouts and gradually move on to more serious workouts in the gym.

The main merit of the described remedy is that it supports the body during weight loss. When following a diet, a person experiences stress, so additional energy and recharge are needed, which is what succinic acid becomes.

Instructions for correct use

To get the desired result for weight loss, you should follow all indications for the use of succinic acid.

Option one - intermittently:

  • During the first 3 days, take 3-4 tablets of the amber substance with meals.
  • On day 4, do not use the weight loss product. Also, do not overeat and do not overload your body with training.
  • This method gives a quick effect. It costs a month to stick to it.

Option two - on an empty stomach:

This method for losing weight is based on taking pills in the morning before breakfast 30 minutes.

Option three - drinking:

Those who choose weight loss powder need to drink the acid in the form of a solution. It is prepared at the rate of 1 g per 1 glass of water. You should drink the drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

In order to prevent obesity It is recommended to take succinic acid 2-3 tablets of 0.25 mg each. The weight loss product should be used daily for 30 days.

It is recommended to start a weight loss course with 500 mg. (divided into three steps). If over time you feel a bright surge of energy, then lower the dosage to 300-200 mg. For each person, the proportions of the weight loss drug are selected individually depending on his state of health.

An adult dosage of use of the product is described. Tablets are allowed to be used from 14 years of age.

Natural Sources of Amber Compound

For those who do not want to take succinic acid for weight loss in tablets and powder, we advise you to include in your diet foods that contain this substance:

  1. So, berries, especially unripe ones, are a rich source. Eat hawthorn, gooseberries, grapes and strawberries to reap the benefits.
  2. By the way, the process of chemical and mechanical processing of products does not in any way affect the level of succinic acid. Therefore, it is present in juice and white wine, jam and raisins.
  3. Weight loss acid is also found in foods such as sunflower, sugar cane and rhubarb.
  4. Among the plants, alfalfa stands out, the decoction of which has the highest content of a compound for weight loss.
  5. Cereals are considered another source of succinic acid. It is found in barley and rye. Therefore, eat porridge to lose weight and get health benefits.
  6. And last on the list for weight loss are dairy products. Opt for kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt. They contain essential substances for weight loss.

Doctors' opinion about succinic acid

Doctors say that succinic acid is a compound present in every cell of the body and plays an important role. The substance is involved in the process of energy production, which supports human life. Medical studies have proven that the product has a beneficial effect on the body.

Succinic acid is an antioxidant element that protects cells from any negative influence. Therefore, the substance can slow down the signs of aging and prolong youth.

The compound also helps with weight loss, but you should understand that the product does not burn fat, but improves metabolism. To a large extent, the process of losing weight depends on you and your efforts.

If you have chronic diseases, do not take pills without your doctor's advice.

Succinic acid belongs to dibasic carboxylic acids and is a colorless crystalline substance involved in cellular respiration (biochemical reactions) of living organisms. Therefore, in nature it is found in all plants, animals, amber, and brown coal. It is produced from amber waste or synthetically through chemical reactions. The range of its application is very wide: in crop production, livestock and poultry farming as a growth stimulant and to increase the protective properties of organisms; in the food industry - as an antioxidant, additive E363, which protects products from oxidation, preserves color and extends shelf life; in cosmetology, especially in anti-aging skin care products.

In pharmacology, many drugs contain succinic acid, including in the treatment of cerebral-vascular, cardiovascular disorders, alcohol and other poisonings, radiculitis, anemia, colds and viral diseases. It has been established that it increases the tone and immunity of the body, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, accelerates energy metabolism, and stimulates the synthesis of insulin. With such a “track record,” the question arises: can this remedy be applied to children?

Benefits and harms for children

So is it possible to give this substance to a child? Let's try to evaluate its benefits and harms for children. Succinic acid is not a drug, does not accumulate in the body, is not toxic, and is not addictive. It activates protective resources and accelerates energy exchange in cells.

A healthy person produces approximately 200 g of succinic acid daily, another part comes with the food consumed: pickled vegetables, fermented milk products, cheeses, unripe berries. It is also found in brewer's yeast and aged wines, which are not included in children's diets. In the event of an increase in intellectual or physical stress as a result of sports, stress, or outbreaks of infections, excessive consumption of this substance occurs and its deficiency occurs. The body reacts to this with deterioration of well-being, fatigue, and ailments.

The positive effect of succinic acid in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchial asthma in adults has been experimentally proven, which means it can also cope with seasonal infections in children. It is logical to help a child during the period of their spread for prevention or during illness by resorting to this remedy. After suffering an illness or stress that has depleted the body, it will also not be superfluous to take measures for rehabilitation, restoration of strength and vital activity. And yet the pediatrician must decide, because Only he knows the health status of his patients and can weigh and evaluate all the risks.

Harm from taking the drug occurs in the event of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs or allergies. Other obstacles to the use of succinic acid are stones in the urinary system or high blood pressure, which sometimes happens in adolescence.

Succinic acid is necessary for the human body to carry out cellular respiration and produce energy from carbohydrates and fats. With excellent health, it is present in the body in the right quantity. The benefits and harms of succinic acid depend on a combination of factors. Acute deficiency of the substance reduces performance and accelerates the aging process.

What is succinic acid

Succinic acid is a useful substance present in amber, resins and subbituminous coal. It is also called E363. It is a crystalline powder from which medications are made. Another scientific name for the substance is ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. It also enters the human body through food.

With proper functioning of the main life support systems, the level of succinic acid is within normal limits. If deviations occur, its number is reduced. Additional health problems may arise in the future.

Comment! In terms of taste, succinic acid resembles ascorbic acid.

What foods contain succinic acid?

To replenish the supply of amber in the body, it is enough to diversify your diet. Due to the fact that there are not many products containing it, the use of drugs based on it is additionally prescribed. E363 is present in the following products:

  • hawthorn;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • seafood;
  • flour and yeast;
  • barley;
  • grape;
  • turnip;
  • sugar cane.

Succinic acid is added to some products at the production stage in order to increase shelf life. This effect is achieved thanks to its filtering and oxidizing properties.

Important! The need for succinic acid may increase with excessive stress.

What are the benefits of succinic acid for the body?

The health benefits and harms of succinic acid can be explained by its rich composition. Based on the principle of action, the substance is compared with. It helps prevent various diseases and produces a rejuvenating effect. The advantage of succinic acid over coenzyme Q10 is its budget cost.

People who use preparations with amber prolong their lives and improve their health. In addition to this, aging is slowed down. By neutralizing free radicals, toxins are removed from the body. The ability to withstand the effects of dangerous external factors increases. It also ensures an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to tissues and important organs. This is especially important for successful brain function. The main beneficial properties of E363 include:

  • improving the functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • inhibition of tumor growth;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • removing alcohol and toxins from the blood;
  • stimulation of insulin production;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiviral effect;
  • memory improvement.

Doctors note the pronounced benefits of succinic acid for hangovers. When ethanol is supplied, acetaldehyde accumulates. It contributes to the appearance of anxiety symptoms. Amber removes toxins, relieving discomfort. The patient's consciousness becomes clear, nausea and headache disappear.

For women

The beneficial properties of succinic acid are most pronounced in relation to the female body. With its introduction, positive dynamics are observed in the fight against benign tumors of the genital organs and mammary glands. The benefits of succinic acid for women are as follows:

  • elimination of the source of inflammation;
  • restoration of hormone levels;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • treatment of adhesions;
  • weight loss;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • boosting immunity during pregnancy and lactation.

For men

Succinic acid is indispensable for the stronger sex. It is distinguished by its ability to restore energy levels after physical activity as quickly as possible. The benefits of succinic acid for the male body are especially noticeable in relation to the reproductive organs. By saturating the pelvic cells with the required amount of oxygen, blood flow improves. This has a beneficial effect on potency and stamina during sexual intercourse. With regular use of E363, sexual desire increases.

Is it possible to take succinic acid for children?

Children need less amber. Nevertheless, its replenishment is extremely necessary. When using succinic acid, the dosage must be observed. In this case, the drug will help to quickly recover after suffering from the disease, strengthening the immune defense. Children are given succinic acid as part of compotes and various juices. Before using it, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

Succinic acid during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of succinic acid during pregnancy. It stabilizes the woman’s condition and replenishes the body with useful substances necessary for the embryo to develop. Reasons for the need to use succinic acid during pregnancy include:

  • preventing anemia;
  • stabilization of emotional state;
  • improving the process of oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • reduction in the frequency of attacks of toxicosis;
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • normalization of liver and kidney function.

During lactation, a woman is in an exhausted state. Therefore, it is important to think about the completeness of your diet and taking vitamin complexes. The benefit of E363 in this case is to stimulate metabolic processes. As a result of use, well-being improves, drowsiness and fatigue are eliminated.

Application of succinic acid

When used correctly, amber does not harm health. Its main advantages include accessibility and a wide spectrum of action. Most often, drugs containing succinic acid are used as part of combination therapy. Its beneficial properties make it an indispensable means of preventing various diseases. The following diseases may be the reason for its use:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • systemic poisoning of the body;
  • malignant formations;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • hepatitis;
  • viral infections;
  • bronchopulmonary pathologies.

For weight loss

Nutritionists recommend using the drug for those who exercise and strive to lose weight. This is due to its ability to trigger metabolism, stimulating fat burning. At the same time, energy resources are replenished. The benefits of succinic acid for weight loss are concentrated in the following properties:

  • accelerating the process of burning extra calories;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • getting rid of swelling;
  • stimulating energy flow.

It is important to remember that one dose of E363 with a large excess of subcutaneous fat will not be enough. You need to eat right and exercise.

For a cold

The benefits of succinic acid in tablets are explained by its ability to strengthen the immune defense. Therefore, it is often prescribed for preventive purposes. The use of acid is considered the safest way to stimulate the immune system. The duration of treatment is 30 days. Take 1 tablet each. three times a day. If there are symptoms of a cold, the dosage is doubled. When used correctly, the remedy helps relieve nasal congestion, eliminates cough and normalizes body temperature. Unlike potent medications, the substance does not harm health. Taking amber can be combined with treatment with antipyretic drugs.

In sports

Succinic acid is valued for its ability to restore the body after suffering heavy loads. First of all, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. In combination with glucose, it eliminates muscle pain and mobilizes strength. Athletes are recommended to take 500 mg of the drug immediately after breakfast. After stabilization of the condition, the daily dose is reduced to 100 mg. The benefits of succinic acid for the human body involved in sports will be most noticeable with regular use. But it is important to take breaks in taking it to avoid a surplus of the beneficial substance.

In oncology

For malignant tumors, succinic acid is prescribed to stop the growth of pathological cells. There is no harm in doing so. Particular effectiveness is observed in the early stages of oncology. But taking amber does not eliminate the need for drug treatment.

In gynecology

The benefits of amber for women's health are especially noticeable in the reproductive sphere. There is increased activity of the substance in relation to the adrenal glands and hypothalamus. As a result, the production of female sex hormones is regulated. Due to the ability to supply the body's cells with oxygen, blood circulation in the pelvis improves. This has a beneficial effect on endometrial growth.

With the help of E363, you can reduce pain during menstrual periods and prepare the body for conception. It is often prescribed to eliminate uterine defects. The drug is often prescribed in the following cases:

  • vaginitis;
  • menopause;
  • adhesive process;
  • ectopia of the cervix;
  • endometriosis;
  • decreased fertility;
  • fibroids.

How to drink succinic acid in tablets

The principle of using succinic acid depends on the purpose of treatment. The standard scheme is located in the instructions for the drug. It involves taking 2 tablets 2 times a day. To get the most benefits, you need to drink succinic acid with meals. It is washed down with clean water or milk. The standard regimen is used to treat decreased physical activity and drowsiness. In other cases, the drug is taken as follows:

Succinic acid in cosmetology

Succinic acid is widely used in cosmetology. This is due to its ability to slow down the aging process. The most pronounced benefit was noticed when the substance was combined with. As a result of using amber, skin elasticity increases and skin tone is evened out. Black circles under the eyes become less visible. Due to good cell nutrition, the upper layers of the skin surface are renewed faster.

Face masks

Not every woman knows about the benefits of succinic acid for the face. It is not only taken orally, but also applied to the skin surface as part of homemade masks. They get rid of acne, relieve puffiness and make the skin fresher. A mask based on succinic acid is made in the following way:

  1. 2 tablets are crushed to a powder state.
  2. The resulting powder is diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water.
  3. The mixture is distributed over the face.
  4. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Advice! If itching or red spots on the skin occur during use, the mask should not be used. The main harm is an allergic reaction.

Hair care

The beneficial properties of succinic acid for the human body make it possible to use it to improve the structure of hair. For these purposes, the drug is used both externally and internally. For ease of use, you can add several tablets dissolved in water to your shampoo or hair conditioner. The most noticeable effect is observed when mixing the drug with olive oil. The treatment with succinic acid is applied to the entire length of the hair, leaving for 15 minutes. Regular procedures make hair stronger and more elastic without harming its structure.

Succinic acid in cooking

E363 has an intense sour taste. The substance does not harm the body, so it is widely used in the food industry. Due to its properties, it is a good alternative. When adding during cooking, it is important to follow the dosage so as not to spoil the dish. The antioxidant is added to baked goods, juices and compotes.

Contraindications and side effects

The benefit of the drug is neutralized if it is used without taking into account contraindications. Succinic acid is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • deviations in blood pressure levels;
  • urolithiasis;
  • glaucoma;
  • digestive tract ulcer;
  • allergic reaction;
  • coronary heart disease.

The harm from using an antioxidant is minimal. But in some cases, side effects may occur. These include:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased production of gastric juice;
  • epigastric pain.

Attention! The beneficial properties of the drug remain for 4 years from the date of its release.

Succinic acid for plants

The benefits of succinic acid in tablets for plants are concentrated in the saturation with microelements. With its help, the quality of the soil is improved. The fertilizer is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. 2 g of crushed amber are diluted with 2 liters of water. Water is introduced in portions - first warm and then cold.
  2. The solution is poured into a container with a sealed lid. It must be used within 3 days.
  3. The effect of the drug is fixed in the soil for a long period.

The benefit of succinic acid for flowers is to stimulate the growth of new shoots. If you pour the solution on a dying plant, it will bloom with renewed vigor. In this case, the concentration of the active ingredient is doubled. The solution can be used not only for watering, but also when spraying leaves. It is important not to overuse fertilizer, then it will not harm the plants.


The benefits and harms of succinic acid are practically not controversial. In most cases, it has a positive effect on well-being and health. Therefore, it is recommended to always have it in stock in your home medicine cabinet.

Friends, today we invite you to take a closer look at a substance with the beautiful name succinic acid. In this article, we will try to find out what exactly the real benefits and harms of this drug are for human health, and we will focus on the reviews of people who have been using succinic acid for a long time to strengthen their body. Let's find out why plant lovers always have several tablets of magic acid on hand and how even hopeless orchids come to life with the help of “amber”.

The beneficial and sometimes magical properties of products made from amber resin have attracted our ancestors for a long time. It was believed that raw amber was able to scare away evil spirits from a person himself and his home. But the ennobled sunstone, another name for amber resin, is capable of attracting goodness. For this purpose, pregnant women tried to decorate themselves with amber beads. It was believed that they help the unborn child to be born kind and positive and, of course, healthy, and for the mother to preserve and increase her beauty. However, not only women, but also men did not forget about the magical properties of amber. For example, hunters made jewelry for themselves from resin that had turned into stone in the hope that the amulet would help them maintain health, get rid of ill-wishers, and bring good luck.

Modern science has confirmed the beneficial properties of amber. And now, in addition to jewelry, to preserve beauty and health, we use succinic acid, which is obtained by processing amber chips.

What does succinic acid contain?

Succinic acid is a substance without which our body cannot exist. A healthy person in a normal state produces about 200 g of acid per day, which he successfully spends on various important vital processes occurring in our body. The amount of useful substance that we produce ourselves is supplemented by succinic acid, contained in various food products.

Proper nutrition with a well-chosen diet allows a healthy body to receive all the nutrients necessary for life. In order for succinic acid to be present in your body in the required volume, pay attention to the following products:

  • beet juice
  • grape
  • watermelon
  • cherry
  • hard cheeses
  • apples
  • seaweed
  • kefir
  • sunflower
  • rhubarb
  • rye products
  • gooseberry

Naturally, this is an incomplete list of products that contain succinic acid. It should be noted that some manufacturers add “amber” to ready-to-eat canned foods, baked goods, etc.

Beneficial properties of succinic acid for the body

Not the most favorable environmental conditions, stress force our body to use additional succinic acid, not only that contained in products, but also to resort to the use of tablets.

It should be noted that succinic acid is not a drug, but belongs to dietary supplements. Therefore, you can purchase it in pharmacies and take it without a prescription from a doctor. However, it will not be superfluous if you seek additional advice and recommendations on dosages from your doctor. Especially if there are chronic diseases.

Succinic acid:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • protects the body from viral diseases
  • improves tone and gives strength
  • restores the nervous system
  • improves blood circulation
  • absorbs toxins hazardous to human health
  • helps fight the growth of tumor cells
  • restores cell respiration and structure
  • helps maintain normal body weight
  • affects the functioning of the heart muscle, adrenal glands and hypothalamus
  • prevents the aging process

◊ Important. It should be remembered that succinic acid is an additional remedy to the main treatment. It can enhance the effect of medications and vitamins.

Indications for use

In what cases should you take succinic acid in the form of a biologically active supplement, the task of which is to help the body maintain immunity as a whole and serve as an additional means to the main treatment for the disease.

Pay attention to the dietary supplement if you have:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Depression, anxiety, severe stress.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • ARVI, bronchitis, flu, colds.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Allergies and asthma.
  • Gynecology - stimulation of reproductive function, various inflammatory diseases.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Obesity.

As you can see, the beneficial properties of succinic acid magically spread to almost all organs of the human body.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that succinic acid has no side effects, addiction, or dependence, there are a number of contraindications to the use of dietary supplements.

You should not take dietary supplements if you have:

  • individual intolerance to the drug
  • gastrointestinal disease in the acute stage
  • urolithiasis (urolithiasis), as this can lead to rapid stone formation
  • hypertension
  • glaucoma
  • gestosis during pregnancy
  • before bedtime for insomnia, nervous disorders

Application in cosmetology

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect not only on our internal state, but also on beauty. Which cannot but please us all. And especially those who prefer to carry out their skin care and appearance in general not only in a professional salon, but also at home.

A huge advantage of the acid is its ability to activate intracellular metabolism and normalize cell structure. As a result:

  • removal of toxins
  • improved cell nutrition

As a result we get:

  • healthy complexion
  • skin elasticity returns or increases
  • the skin is cleared of acne and pimples - since succinic acid regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • lightening of age spots, including age spots
  • scars become less noticeable.

Recipes for beautiful skin

Whitening mask with clay

♦ Succinic acid – 2 tons, 0.5 g each

♦ Cosmetic white clay – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the tablets to a powder, combine with clay and dilute with warm water or milk. You should end up with a thick paste. Apply the mask to cleansed face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Rejuvenating mask

♦ Succinic acid – 2 t.

♦ Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine crushed succinic acid tablets with olive oil. Apply the paste onto your face using massage movements along the massage lines. Massage lightly and leave on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Mask for hands and nails

♦ Succinic acid – 1 t.

♦ Natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix honey with crushed amber tablet. Mix thoroughly and apply to hands. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Benefits of succinic acid for plants

Succinic acid is an excellent fertilizer for both garden and house plants.

In addition, it is beneficial for the soil - the acid fights toxic substances, harmful microorganisms and technical soil pollution.

◊ Important. Succinic acid is not a fertilizer and does not replace them, but it has the ability to enhance the applied fertilizing.

Methods of use

  • Pre-sowing preparation - a 0.2% aqueous acid solution is used to soak the seeds.
  • Rooting of cuttings and survival of seedlings.
  • Stimulation of the root system, plant growth and flowering.
  • Rehabilitation of plants after various stressful situations - heat, drought, waterlogging, cold.

I would also like to dwell on how lovers of indoor plants save their home flowers using the beneficial properties of succinic acid.

Despite the fact that “amber” is not a fertilizer, it significantly helps flowers cope with diseases, strengthen the root system and speed up flowering.

Probably the most important admirers of succinic acid are orchid lovers. The problem area of ​​this wonderful flower is the root system. A solution of succinic acid helps restore it and grow roots.

How to prepare a solution from tablets

Grind the tablets thoroughly until they form a powder. I do this with two tablespoons.

Dilute the resulting powder in a glass of warm water. Make sure that the “amber” completely dissolves.

Add the remaining water to the solution - for 2 tablets of succinic acid you need to take 1 liter of water. The water should sit for several days and be slightly warm.