Typical errors in the Russian language: grammatical, speech and spelling. Incorrect use of case and preposition after control words Spelling syntax errors

Classification of errors according to FIPI

  1. Grammar errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logical errors
  4. Factual errors.
  5. Spelling errors.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

grammatical error– this is an error in the structure of a linguistic unit: in the structure of a word, phrase or sentence; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word formation, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip instead of slip, nobility instead of nobility– here an error was made in the word-formation structure of the word, the wrong prefix or suffix was used;
  • no comment, go instead of go,more easier– the form of the word is formed incorrectly, i.e. the morphological norm is violated;
  • pay for travel, awarded– the structure of the phrase is broken (management standards are not followed);
  • After skating on the skating rink, my legs hurt; In the essay I wanted to show the importance of sports and why I love it– sentences with participles (1) and homogeneous members (2) are constructed incorrectly, i.e. syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical speech errors– these are errors not in the construction, not in the structure of a linguistic unit, but in its use, most often in the use of a word. These are mainly violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters in Goncharov’s novel of the same name “Oblomov”;
  • They lost their only two sons in the war.

A speech error can only be noticed in context, this is its difference from a grammatical error, for the detection of which context is not needed.

Below are generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Erroneous word formation - Trudol beam oh, over laugh.
  2. Erroneous formation of a noun form - Many miracles A technology, not enough time I.
  3. Erroneous formation of the adjective form - More interesting, more beautiful.
  4. Erroneous formation of the numeral form - WITH five hundred rubles
  5. Erroneous formation of the pronoun form - Theirs pathos, Ihee children.
  6. Erroneous formation of the verb form - They travel, want, write about the life of nature.
  7. Violation of agreement - I know a group of guys who are seriously into... imisya jazz.
  8. Impaired control - You need to make your nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate - Majority objected against such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in individual constructions - He wrote a book that is epic.
    Everyone was glad, happy and funny.
  11. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members - Country loved and was proud of the poet.
    In the essay I wanted to say about the meaning
    sport and why I love it.
  12. Errors in constructing sentences with participles - Reading the text, there is such a feeling...
  13. Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases - The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.
  14. Errors in the construction of complex sentences - This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child.The man thought it was a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said, that I I do not agree with the reviewer's opinion.
  16. Violation of supply boundaries - When the hero came to his senses. It was already late.
  17. Violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms - Freezes for a moment the heart and suddenly starts beating again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it - We were shocked wonderful acting.
    Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
  2. Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix - My attitude towards this problem has not changed.Effective measures were taken.
  3. Non-distinction of synonymous words - IN final In the sentence, the author uses gradation.
  4. The use of words of a different stylistic coloring - The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people into a slightly different direction.
  5. Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units - Astafiev continually resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  6. Unjustified use of colloquial words - Such people always manage to outdo others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility - ​​​​​​ The author enhances the impression. The author uses artistic >features (instead of means).
  8. The use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm - The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us using artistic techniques.Young young man Very beautiful.
  9. The use of words with the same root in a close context (tautology) - This story tells about real events.
  10. Unjustified repetition of a word - The hero of the story does not think about his actions. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.
  11. Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions - When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Poor use of pronouns - This text was written by V. Belov. It refers to an artistic style.I immediately had a picture in my mind.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

This errors associated with the use of verbs, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They are driven by a feeling of compassion(follows: moves);
  2. Incorrect use of tense forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, teaches you how to make calendar calculations quickly and accurately(follows: ...give.., teach... or...gives.., teaches...);
  3. Errors in the use of active and passive participles: Streams of water flowing down amazed the author of the text(follows: flowing);
  4. Errors in the formation of gerunds: Having walked onto the stage, the singers bowed(norm: going out);
  5. Incorrect formation of adverbs: The author here was wrong(norm: here);

In order to express yourself correctly in written and oral speech, you need to constantly work on your education. Sometimes it can be terribly embarrassing to read the largest news portals, whose journalists make simply enchanting mistakes.

Please note that in the headings the correct variants of words are indicated in brackets.

  1. Coordinally (cardinally)

Where this word monster came from is unclear. After all, the word “cardinal” and “coordinates” have absolutely nothing in common in meaning.

Cardinally means completely, radically, in its entirety, in its entirety, radically.

  1. In general (in general or in general)

In general, I must say this: this error does not tolerate any compromises, so either “in general” or “in general”.

In general, we would like to add that the origin of this error is, in general, quite clear.

  1. Participate (participate)

Here, remembering the correct spelling and pronunciation is quite simple. To do this, ask yourself a screening question: are you ready to become a teacher? V stnikom or not?

If not, then get involved, become a member and start participating in self-education. There are only two letters “BB” in the word, not three.

  1. Tsya / tsya

One of the most favorite mistakes in the Russian language. Although to check it is enough to ask a simple question to the verb.

If we get “What to do?”, that is, there is a soft sign at the end, then the verb will also have one. If the question is posed differently: “What does it do?”, then there will be no “b” in the verb.

  1. Sorry (sorry)

If you have a specific And on, then it must be brought from And opinion. But don’t even think about mentioning the e disagreements. Izv And sheet metal And also cannot be considered as a statement And nittyny. If there is a fault, then ask for an apology.

  1. Put on/dress

Often on the street you can hear the irritated cry of a young mother: “Put on your hat immediately.” Bad…

It will be correct to either dress someone or put on something. At school, teachers helped us remember this rule with a simple example: put on clothes, but put on Nadezhda.

  1. Coffee Expresso (espresso)

An express vehicle is a vehicle moving at a higher speed than usual. But there is only espresso. We don’t insert any more “K” into “espresso”.

  1. To the white knee (to the white heat)

It is quite possible that our knees under the meat, that is, the bones, are really white. But in this case it is correct to say “to the point of white heat.” This means the following.

When metal is hardened in fire, it first turns red, then yellow and finally white. If you wait until the color is white, it means you have brought it to the limit, that is, to white heat. There's nowhere else to go.

  1. Reluctantly (reluctantly)

The heart is not a cart and not the door of an ancient castle to creak. The correct spelling of this expression is reluctantly, and it means something that is done reluctantly, contrary to one’s desire. Reluctantly - this means having tightened the heart, or in general - strengthened.

  1. During/during

This is also one of the most common mistakes in the Russian language. In order not to confuse the use of these two words, remember a simple rule: during e This is a preposition that is associated with a certain period of time. That is, if the expression can be replaced with “during”, then at the end there will be “E”: during.

“During” is written only when talking about the flow of a river. For example: in a powerful current And In the water, their boat began to spin uncontrollably.

  1. Theirs (theirs)

One of the most terrible words for modern literates. Although, in fact, this word is often found in Russian classical literature (in particular in Russian literature).

It’s just that today it’s outdated, so only the shortened version is used: them.

This is their home, their family, not their home, not their wife, and not her husband.

  1. Also / likewise

Errors in this use of Russian words come from a reluctance to concentrate. But it’s so simple: “also” is the same as the conjunction “and”. For example: “Petya, Vanya will go to the store And Angela" = "Petya, Vanya will go to the store, and Also Angela."

But “in the same way” means “exactly the same”: he loves his wife just as much as he loves his mother; he loves hunting as much as fishing.

  1. Painting/signature

Well, everything is quite simple here. You can paint the walls with graphics, but only a signature is placed on documents.

  1. Lay down (put down)

With the words “I’ll lay down, I’ll lay down” there is a wonderful joke about a lieutenant and an ordinary soldier. But the author of this article did not remember him, so if he is familiar to you, please write him in the comments. Very useful for memorization.

So, in what cases is it correct to use the words “put” and “put”?

And a few examples for reinforcement.

  • I'm already with you put tiles, but I'll put again.
  • Luggage chips. You too put chips on the table.
  • So I I put this map here.

If the principle is still not fully understood, save the following picture to your wall on any social network.

  1. In Kratsi (in brief)

Judging by the statistics, such an absolutely wild error occurs quite often in the Russian language. The word “briefly” means “in a shortened form.”

We also know what a walkie-talkie is. But it’s hard to even imagine what the mysterious “in Kratsi” is.

  1. Inside (inside)

It is correct to speak and write only together: “inside.”

  • This medicine is taken orally.
  • They wanted to look inside the tank.
  • They entered the building.
  • It was dark inside the room.
  1. Sunday/Resurrection

If you mean the day of the week, be sure to use a soft sign: Sunday b f. If you are talking about how Christ rose from the dead, then say through “I”: risen And e.

  1. Cream(s)

In a professional environment, you can often hear the wrong version of this word, that is, with the pronunciation through “A”. However, it is correct, after all, there will be “creams”. Just remember this.

  1. Agency (agency)

This is also a fairly common mistake found in the Russian language. But here the test word is “agen” T" Therefore, the correct option is only “agent” T stvo".

  1. Meticulous (scrupulous)

A difficult word that many people pronounce and spell incorrectly. We offer this option for memorization (record only the underlined words): tearful poor man eats cereal . Now let's combine these two parts: C cereal useful.

It sounds absurd, but try to write this word correctly tomorrow without peeking, and you will immediately see lacrimal the face of a poor man who is devouring cereal for both cheeks. You will immediately remember: C cereal useful.

  1. Too much (too much)

In the Udmurt Republic () there is a river Chur. If you are talking about it, then you can say this: we passed through Chur.

In all other cases, this word is written together and with the letter “S”: too much.

  1. Functionality (Functionality)

As a rule, the word “functional” is mistakenly used to describe a set of functions. However, it is correct to say “functionality”. For example, the functionality of a new smartphone or computer.

The functionality is from the . Therefore, if you are not a mathematician, simply forget the word “functional” and do not use it in your speech.

  1. Try (try)

We will not go into details, but simply give a well-known rule of the Russian language: if in the first person singular of the present or future tense the verb ends in -y or -yu, then in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffixes -eva-, -ova- are used. . Try it wow- I tried ova t.

  1. Burner (burner)

Previously, this word could be written and spoken with an “M”. But today only one standard is considered correct: “burner”.

  1. Extreme (extreme)

As sad as this may sound, for the word “extra” e small" you cannot use "extra And m" as a test word. This is how it happened historically, so just remember.

  1. From under the radar (on the sly)

It is written only together. To remember, read a few simple examples.

  • He glanced at her surreptitiously.
  • The children were spoiled and did everything on the sly.
  • He is kind only in appearance, but he himself does mischief on the sly.
  1. My birthday (my birthday)

How could “lovers” of the Russian language distort this phrase! How to remember the correct option? It's simple! We are talking about the DAY, therefore, it is not “mine”, but “mine”. Next we ask the question: day of what? Birth. My birthday.

It is appropriate to recall here that the names of public holidays containing the word “day” are written with a capital letter, and only the word “Day”. For example: Day of Knowledge, Day of National Unity, Day of Cosmonautics, etc.

But the names of personal holidays are usually written with a small letter: birthday, angel’s day, etc.

  1. Adore (adore)

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language states that “adore” comes from “god” O create." Therefore, it is written exclusively with “O”: about O reap

  1. Slip (slip)

There are no “D”s in this verb and never have been. A man was walking on a slippery road, slipped and fell. The question is, what does the letter “D” have to do with it? Don't you know either? Then don't write it.

By the way, many people also try to insert the letter “D” into the verb “to mock,” which, of course, is completely wrong.

  1. Cute (cute)

Simp A sympathetic is someone who evokes sympathy A tyu. But the letter “O” is completely useless here.

Well, this is where we will finish the list of the most common mistakes in the Russian language, although the list, undoubtedly, can be continued for a long time.

In the end, we just note that a person who reads regularly will simply not be able to make the above mistakes in the Russian language. Well, perhaps only as an exception or inattention.

If any serious errors are not listed in this article, write about it in the comments.

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Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is easy to notice that some rules of Russian do not cause difficulties, while others regularly trip up the majority. It's not so much that these rules are complicated. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and peculiarities of application that their presentation takes up an entire page - it seems that they are impossible to learn without being an academician.

Let's look at the most typical mistakes in the Russian language, made not by schoolchildren, but by fairly literate people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

A grammatical error is a violation of a generally accepted established norm. Grammar refers to any errors related to word formation (for example, the wrong suffix is ​​used), morphology (for example, incorrect declension of a verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main sentence

It is necessary to distinguish grammatical errors from spelling or speech errors.

The most common mistakes are related to punctuation:

1. Many people are used to highlighting “however” with commas and are very surprised when Word underlines the comma after it as an error. More attentive people will notice that a comma after “however” is considered an error only when it appears at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to “still”, “nevertheless”, and it is in the middle of a sentence, then it is considered introductory and must be separated by commas. If it means “but”, as, for example, in the sentence “However, she did not understand him” (= “But she did not understand him”), then there is no need to put a comma.

2. There is often confusion with the dash and colon signs. Many, faced with a missing conjunction, intuitively understand that they need to use a more “solid” sign than a comma. But which one exactly? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words to replace the missing conjunction.

If words such as “what”, “namely” are suitable in meaning, then you need to put a colon. A colon is also placed if the first sentence ends with words denoting perception and suggesting that they will be followed by a description. These can be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): it was evening, a quiet pipe was playing.

He was a complex person (namely): hot-tempered, bilious, gloomy.

I recognized him immediately: (because) he was wearing one yellow shoe.

I see: a barge is floating, on it is a barefoot boy, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkling with a smile and the very next second he waves his hand at me.

If you can insert words such as “a”, “but”, “and”, “as if”, “it”, “therefore”, “as if”, then you need to use a dash.

He took a wide step - his pants tore.

Across the sea, the heifer (this) is half a piece, and carries a ruble.

The wind blew - (therefore) the old forest groaned and creaked.

A dash is also used when the words “if” or “when” can be added at the beginning of a sentence.

(When) I thought about Grisha - he was right there.

(If) I get a fee, we’ll go to sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

Difficulties arise with the “nn” in suffixes (although everyone remembers glass, tin, and wood); it is especially difficult to deal with the double “n” in adverbs. And also many people are confused by the use of particles not/nor. Quite a few educated people, unbeknownst to themselves, make mistakes in management. Which is correct, “control for” or “control over”? Confusion between the two is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • quality control;
  • control over the execution of orders;
  • water level control.

Which option is correct? All. This or that type of control in this case is selected depending on the characteristics of the subsequent word. For example, “control over” is used before verbal nouns (perform - execution). There are other subtleties.

This article does not cover all common grammatical errors. It is quite possible to learn not to commit them by studying the rules. We hope that we were able to demonstrate that learning the secrets of one’s native language is a fascinating thing, and sometimes a superficial acquaintance with a rule is enough to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you noticed the use of the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the headings “examples”.

Spelling and punctuation errors – violation of spelling and punctuation rules.

Grammatical errors are a violation of the norms of word and form formation (examples: imprint vm. imprint; instead of vm. instead of; thoughtful look vm. thoughtful look), as well as the norms of syntactic connections between words in a phrase and sentence.

Speech (stylistic) errors - violation of lexical compatibility, as well as shortcomings in the construction of syntactic structures.


1. SPELLING ERRORS (violation of spelling patterns existing in the Russian language).

2. WORD-FORMATION ERRORS (violation of the norms of Russian literary word formation): a) incorrect direct word formation, for example, hare (instead of hare), thoughtful look (instead of thoughtful look), etc.; b) incorrect reverse word formation: kudryakha (from curl), loga (from spoon), etc. This kind of word formation is inherent in children of preschool and primary school age; c) substitutive word formation, manifested in the replacement of any morpheme: throw away (instead of spread out), weigh (from hang); d) word-composition (creation of a non-existent derivative unit that cannot be considered as occasional): spender, reviewer.

3. GRAMMARICAL ERRORS (incorrect formation, violation of the systemic properties of the formative system in different parts of speech): a) violation of the norms of formation of nouns: 1) formation of the form V.p. an inanimate noun, as in an animate one - “I asked for a breeze” (instead of: breeze); 2) formation of the V.p. form. an animate noun, as in an inanimate one - “They harnessed two bears to a sleigh” (instead of: two bears); 3) change of gender during the formation of case forms: “pie with jam”, “February blue”; 4) declension of indeclinable nouns: “play the piano”, “ride the meter”; 5) the formation of plural forms in nouns that have only a singular, and vice versa: “a tray of teas”, “The sky was covered with a cloud”; b) violation of the norms of forming adjectives: 1) incorrect choice of full and short forms: “The hat was full of water”, “The boy was very full”; 2) incorrect formation of forms of degrees of comparison: “The new ones are becoming more militant,” “She was weaker than Petya”; 3) violation of the norms of verb formation: “The man is rushing around the room”; 4) violation of the formation of gerunds and participles: “Riding on the bus”, “The hunter walked, looking around”; 5) violation of the norms for the formation of pronoun forms: “Their contribution to the victory”, “I didn’t want to tear myself away from it (the book)”, etc.

4. LEXICAL ERRORS (violation of lexical norms, i.e. norms of word usage and lexical-semantic compatibility of words). Lexical errors are manifested in a violation of compatibility (i.e. at the level of semantics of a phrase, less often - a sentence): a) the use of a word in a meaning that is unusual for it: “All the walls of the classroom were covered with panels.” “Troekurov was a luxurious (i.e. living in luxury) landowner”; b) violation of the lexical-semantic compatibility of the word: “The sky was bright” (“to stand” in the meaning “to take place” can only be weather, heat), “The rays of the sun lay in the clearing” (the rays of the sun illuminated the clearing). This type of error primarily affects the verb, so violation of subject and object lexical-semantic combinability connections is frequent (other semantic connections of the verb, for example locative ones, are violated extremely rarely); c) attributing a figurative meaning to a word that does not have it in the literary language system: “His weary hands claim that he worked a lot in life,” “The stripes on his vest said that Fedya is a brave man”; d) inability to distinguish shades of meaning of synonyms: “Mayakovsky in his work uses (instead of: uses) satire”, “The boy, with his legs spread wide apart, looks at the field where the players are fighting” (instead of: fighting); e) mixing the meanings of paronyms: “His eyebrows raised surprisingly” (instead of: surprised), “This novel is a typical image of the detective genre” (instead of: example); f) ambiguity that cannot be removed in a sentence: “These lakes live only a few days a year”

The Latin word is lapsus. It denotes an error in a person's speech. From this word came the well-known abbreviation blunder. Only if a blunder is considered a gross violation of speech norms, then lapsus has a less strict meaning. Unfortunately, there is no analogue of this word, which denotes speech errors, in modern Russian. But lapsus are found everywhere.

Speech errors are divided into standard errors and typos. Typos are mechanical errors. A word may be spelled incorrectly in the text, which will complicate the perception of information. Or instead of one word they accidentally use another. Typos also occur in spoken language. These are slips of the tongue that you hear from people every day.

Mechanical errors occur unconsciously, but a lot depends on them. Errors in writing numbers create a distortion of factual information. And spelling words incorrectly can completely change the meaning of what was said. One scene from the film “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,” directed by Miguel Arteta, demonstrates the problem of typos well. The printing house mixed up the letters “p” and “s” and in a children’s book they wrote, instead of “You can jump on the bed,” the phrase “You can burp on the bed.” And according to the plot of the film, this situation resulted in a scandal.

Particular attention was paid to typos during the Stalinist repressions, when an incorrectly spelled word cost a person his life. It is impossible to eradicate the problem of typos, since people make them unconsciously. The only way you can avoid this type of speech error is to be careful when writing your text and carefully select the words you say.

Types of regulatory errors

Speech errors are associated with violations of the norms of the Russian language. Types of speech errors:

  • orthoepic;
  • morphological;
  • spelling;
  • syntactic-punctuation;
  • stylistic;
  • lexical.

Spelling error

A pronunciation error is associated with a violation of orthoepy norms. It manifests itself only in oral speech. This is an erroneous pronunciation of sounds, words or phrases. Errors in pronunciation also include incorrect stress.

The distortion of words occurs in the direction of reducing the number of letters. For example, when instead of “thousand” the word “thousand” is pronounced. If you want to speak competently and beautifully, you should rid your speech of such words. A common mispronunciation of the word “of course” is “of course.”

Pronouncing the correct accent is not only correct, but also fashionable. Surely you have heard how people correct the incorrect emphasis in the words “Alcohol”, “calls”, “contract” to the correct ones - “alcohol”, “calls” and “contract”. Incorrect placement of stress has recently become more noticeable than before. And the opinion about your erudition depends on compliance with pronunciation standards.

Morphological error

Morphology is a branch of linguistics in which the object of study is words and their parts. Morphological errors are caused by incorrect formation of word forms of different parts of speech. The reasons are incorrect declension, errors in the use of gender and number.

For example, "doctors" instead of "doctors". This is a morphological error in the use of the plural.

They often use the wrong form of a word when changing case. The genitive case of the word apples is apples. Sometimes the incorrect form of "apples" is used instead.

Common morphological errors - incorrect spelling of numerals:

“The company owned five hundred and fifty-three branches.” In this example, the word “fifty” was not declined. Correct spelling: "The company owned five hundred and fifty-three branches."

In the use of adjectives, a common mistake is the incorrect use of the comparative degree. For example, this use: “more beautiful” instead of “more beautiful”. Or “the highest” instead of “the highest” or “the highest”.

Spelling error

Spelling errors are misspellings of words. They arise when a person does not know the correct spelling of a word. Have you ever received a message containing grammatical errors? A common example: spelling the word “sorry” with an “e.” To prevent such spelling errors from happening to you, read as much as possible. Reading stimulates the perception of the correct spelling of words. And if you are used to reading correctly written text, then you will write without making grammatical errors.

Spelling errors, in principle, occur due to ignorance of the correct words. Therefore, if you are not sure of a written word, you should consult a dictionary. At work, learn the list of words specific to your field that you need to remember and in which you should never make grammatical errors.

Syntax and punctuation errors

These types of speech errors occur when punctuation marks are placed incorrectly and words are incorrectly combined in phrases and sentences.

Missing dashes, extra commas - this refers to punctuation errors. Don't be lazy to open your textbook if you're not sure about the use of commas. Again, this is a problem that can be overcome by reading a lot of books. You get used to the correct placement of punctuation marks and already on an intuitive level it is difficult for you to make a mistake.

Violations of syntax rules are common. Coordination errors are common. “To be happy, a person needs a favorite place to relax, a job, a happy family.” The word “need” in this sentence is not suitable for listing. It is necessary to use “need”.

Professional editors believe that management error is common. When a word is replaced by a synonym or a similar word, but the control does not agree with the new word.

An example of a management error: “They praised and congratulated Alina for her victory.”

They praised Alina. They brought congratulations to Alina. Parts of the proposal are inconsistent due to mismanagement. After "praised" you need to add the word "her" to correct the mistake.

Stylistic errors

Unlike other types of errors, stylistic errors are based on distortion of the meaning of the text. Classification of main stylistic speech errors:

  • Pleonasm. The phenomenon occurs frequently. Pleonasm is a redundant expression. The author expresses a thought, supplementing it with information that is already understandable to everyone. For example, “a minute passed,” “he told the true truth,” “a secret spy was watching the passenger.” A minute is a unit of time. The truth is the truth. And a spy is a secret agent in any case.
  • Cliche. These are established phrases that are used very often. Clichés cannot be completely attributed to speech errors. Sometimes their use is appropriate. But if they are often found in the text or a cliché of a conversational style is used in a business style, this is a serious speech error. Clichés include the expressions “to win”, “golden autumn”, “overwhelming majority”.
  • Tautology. An error in which the same or similar words are often repeated. The same word should not be repeated in the same sentence. It is advisable to eliminate repetitions in adjacent sentences.

Sentences in which this error was made: “He smiled, his smile filled the room with light,” “Katya blushed from the red wine,” “Petya loved to go fishing and catch fish.”

  • Violation of word order. In English, word order is much stricter than in Russian. It is distinguished by the clear construction of parts of a sentence in a certain sequence. In Russian, you can rearrange phrases as you would like. But it is important not to lose the meaning of the statement.

To prevent this from happening, follow two rules:

  1. The order of words in a sentence can be direct or reverse depending on the subject and predicate.
  2. The secondary members of a sentence must agree with the words on which they depend.

Lexical speech errors

Vocabulary is the vocabulary of a language. Mistakes occur when you write or talk about something you don’t understand. More often, errors in the meanings of words occur for several reasons:

  • The word is outdated and rarely used in modern Russian.
  • The word refers to highly specialized vocabulary.
  • The word is a neologism and its meaning is not common.

Classification of lexical speech errors:

  • False synonymy. A person considers several words that are not synonyms to be synonyms. For example, authority is not popularity, and features are not differences. Examples where an error was made:“The singer was an authority among young people” instead of “The singer was popular among young people.” “The brother and sister had many differences in their personalities” instead of “The brother and sister had many differences in their personalities.”
  • Using words that sound similar. For example, using the word “single” when you need to say “ordinary”. Instead of the word “Indian” they may write the mistaken “Indian”.
  • Confusion in words with similar meanings. “Interviewer” and “Interviewee”, “Subscriber” and “Subscription”, “Addressee” and “Addressee”.
  • Unintentional formation of new words.

It's easy to make a speech error. Sometimes this happens in case of a slip of the tongue, and sometimes the problem lies in ignorance of some norm of the Russian language or due to confusion in the meanings of words. Read a lot of books, speak correctly and don’t hesitate to consult a dictionary or textbook once again. Constantly work on your oral and written speech so that the number of errors is close to zero.