Leaders of factions in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. Legal regulation of the activities of factions in the State Duma of the Russian Federation

The Council of Leaders of Factions of the All-Russian Political Party "UNITED RUSSIA" is a permanent collegial consultative, advisory and coordination body under the All-Russian Political Party "UNITED RUSSIA".

The Council of Faction Leaders was created for the coordinated work of factions (deputy associations) of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" in the State Duma and legislative (representative) bodies state power subjects Russian Federation and representative bodies of municipalities and urban districts for the implementation of state policy in the field of socio-economic and political development Russian Federation, their interaction in the legislative process and exchange of experience in parliamentary activities.

In its activities, the Council of Faction Leaders is guided by these Regulations (*pdf)

Chairman of the Council - Head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction, Deputy Chairman State Duma Sergei Ivanovich Neverov


20.12.2019 16:47 10.10.2019 13:13

Andrey Makarov: Regions will understand their budgetary security by November 20, money should start working on January 1

Last year, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, even at the beginning of the financial year, said that they did not know what they would receive from the federal budget, this year all the necessary decisions were proposed so that the regions had the opportunity to begin implementing projects from the beginning of the year, said the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on budget and taxes, speaking at an extended meeting of the Council of Leaders of Factions of the UNITED RUSSIA party.

10.10.2019 13:07

Sergei Neverov outlined priority areas in work on the next three-year budget

The UNITED RUSSIA faction, in preparation for consideration of the draft budget for 2020-2022, will devote special attention issues of timely delivery of federal funds to the regions, increasing budgetary security and investment attractiveness of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as the implementation of the program for the comprehensive development of rural areas.

10.10.2019 11:31

Sergei Neverov: The UNITED RUSSIA faction will meet again with Anton Siluanov before the first reading of the budget

12.07.2019 19:51

The Commission of the Council of Leaders of UNITED RUSSIA factions accepted four federal-level initiatives from the regions

Initiatives concern the organization of draft commissions, protecting people from tobacco smoke, the use of trademarks and notarial activities.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is the chamber of the Federal Assembly. In Russia, this is the highest legislative body of power. The final composition of the State Duma is elected; the term of parliamentary powers is 5 years.

Who's in parliament

The powers of the VII convocation came into force on September 18, 2016. On this day, national elections took place, which determined the composition of the State Duma both according to party lists and single-mandate constituencies.

Voter turnout was almost 48 percent. Parties needed to get 5 percent of the votes to get into the federal parliament. To win in a single-member constituency, it was enough to gain a simple majority.

According to the results of the vote count, only four parties overcame the 5 percent barrier. The State Duma included " United Russia", which received more than 54 percent of the votes, the second and third places were taken by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, which each received a little over 13 percent; the 4th place was taken by " Just Russia" with a result of 6.22%.

The composition of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was also formed by the people's representatives who won in single-mandate constituencies. In addition to the parties that passed the 5% threshold, representatives of Rodina, Civic Platform and one self-nominated candidate were in the Duma.

Structure of Parliament

The fundamental link in the structure of the State Duma is its apparatus. Its functions include legal affairs and the activities of people's representatives. And also work with documents, analytics, assessment of information, financial, material and technical conditions, ensuring social and living conditions for deputies. Andrei Voikov became the first head of the apparatus in 1994. She currently holds this position. Despite the fact that a new composition of the State Duma was elected, she retained her post.

An important role belongs to He is responsible for establishing interaction with other branches of government - the judicial and executive. In the first convocation, the Parliament was led by Vyacheslav Volodin, who now holds this post.

The main bodies of the federal parliament that take part in the lawmaking process are State Duma committees. Their composition is formed according to the proportional principle: how many deputies from parties are included in the State Duma, they will be represented in the committees in the same proportion.

All issues that are subsequently included in the agenda of Duma meetings are initially discussed in the relevant commissions. Now the Duma has commissions on legal support, budget and construction, and many others.

The function of planning the work of Parliament is assigned to the Council of the State Duma. He is also obliged to complete the development of bills by the next meeting of the lower house.

List of parliamentary associations

In each convocation, deputies exercise their right to form factions and groups. At the same time, inter-factional associations and independent parliamentarians periodically work.

Exotic parliamentary associations existed from the first to the fourth convocation. For example, "Anti-NATO" or "Women's groups".

The current composition of deputies of the State Duma has currently formed factions in accordance with the party affiliation of the deputies in them. The same situation arose in the Dumas of the last three convocations. Independent groups and coalitions fade into history over time.

Rights and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of people's representatives who are members of the State Duma in parties and single-mandate constituencies are prescribed in federal legislation. They are divided into two groups.

The first includes those that a parliamentarian is obliged to carry out directly in the State Duma.

These are oral appeals to the Prosecutor General and other high-ranking officials, speeches at sessions and meetings, participation in the work of Duma committees and commissions.

In his constituency, a deputy is obliged to contact all kinds of government bodies, organizations and enterprises based on citizens’ appeals received to him and seek answers. Officials must freely receive the people's representative, and he also has the right to receive and disseminate information, unless it is particularly sensitive.

What are deputies not required to do?

Despite the fact that the law lists not only the rights, but also the duties of a parliamentarian, one very obvious one is not among them. It is an obligation to attend meetings of the State Duma.

The absence of this provision in the law is fraught with the fact that measures are not applicable to the so-called truant deputies disciplinary action. Unlike Russian legislation, in the practice of foreign states, the status of a deputy is spelled out in more detail, and much attention is also paid to penalties that can be applied to a people’s deputy in case of failure to fulfill his direct duties.

Features of the State Duma of the VII convocation

The main feature of the State Duma of the new convocation is that for the first time in modern Russian history one of the parties represented in parliament has a constitutional majority. That is, two-thirds of the seats in parliament.

As a result of the elections, United Russia received 343 seats in the lower house out of 450. This means that deputies of this party can pass any laws without the support of representatives of other political forces. After all, there are many times fewer members of other parties. In the State Duma there are only 42 communists, 39 liberal democrats and 23 members of A Just Russia.

A faction is an association of deputies of the State Duma elected as part of the federal list of candidates, which was admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma. The faction includes all deputies of the State Duma elected as part of the corresponding federal list of candidates. Factions in the State Duma are registered in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

A deputy of the State Duma who is a member of a faction can only be a member of the political party in whose federal list of candidates he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

A deputy of the State Duma, elected as part of the federal list of candidates to whom a deputy mandate was transferred, cannot be a member of any faction in the State Duma. Such a deputy can only be a member of the political party in whose federal list of candidates he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

In the event of termination of the activities of a political party in connection with its liquidation or reorganization, the activities of a faction of this political party in the State Duma, as well as the membership of State Duma deputies in this faction, shall cease from the date of inclusion in a single state register legal entities the corresponding entry. A deputy of the State Duma, elected as part of the federal list of candidates of a political party and included in a faction in the State Duma, can only be a member of the political party whose faction he is a member of.

A deputy of the State Duma, elected as part of the federal list of candidates of a political party, and who has joined a political party that has its own faction in the State Duma, is included in this faction and does not have the right to leave it.

Deputies of the State Duma, elected as part of the federal list of candidates of a political party and not included in factions in the State Duma, have the right to form deputy associations that are not factions. The procedure for the activities of these deputy associations is established by the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The full name of the faction must correspond to the name of the political party specified in the charter of the political party from which the corresponding deputies were elected as part of the federal list of candidates. A faction has the right to have a short name established by the faction regulations, corresponding to its full name.

The faction elects from among its members a faction leader and a deputy faction leader. In accordance with the regulations on the faction, the faction can form a governing body.

Within a faction of more than 100 deputies of the State Duma, intra-faction groups can be created. The size of an intra-faction group cannot be less than 50 deputies of the State Duma. The head of the intra-faction group is the first deputy head of the faction. In terms of logistical support for activities, the first deputy leader of a faction, who is the leader of an intra-factional group whose number exceeds the number of any faction in the State Duma, with the exception of the faction within which this intra-factional group was created, is equal to the leader of the faction.

The faction adopts the faction regulations at the organizational meeting by a majority vote of total number deputies of the State Duma elected to the State Duma as part of the federal list of candidates from the relevant party. The faction regulations establish:

a) full and short (if any) name of the faction;

b) faction structure;

c) the procedure for electing the leader of the faction and the deputy leader of the faction;

d) the procedure for electing the governing bodies of the faction;

e) the procedure for electing/appointing persons authorized to represent the faction at meetings of the chamber, in government bodies and public associations;

f) the procedure for making decisions of the faction;

g) other provisions relating to the internal activities of the faction.

Faction decisions are made, as a rule, by open voting. The faction may decide to hold a secret vote. Decisions of a faction are made by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma included in the faction, unless a different procedure for making decisions is provided for by the Rules or regulations on the faction.

Factions inform the Chairman of the State Duma, the Council of the State Duma, the State Duma Committee on Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma about decisions on the organization of their activities.

Registration of the faction is carried out by the Temporary Commission of the State Duma on the Rules and Organization of the Work of the State Duma. After the termination of the powers of the Temporary Commission of the State Duma on the Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma, changes in the composition of factions and regulations on factions are taken into account by the State Duma Committee on Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma, on whose instructions the State Duma Apparatus enters the relevant information into the State Duma Electronic Information Resources Fund Duma.

To register, the faction submits:

a) a list of deputies of the State Duma compiled on the opening day of the first meeting of the State Duma who were elected as part of the corresponding federal list of candidates who were admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma;

b) minutes of the organizational meeting of the faction, including decisions on the adoption of the faction’s regulations, on the election of the faction leader, the deputy head of the faction, on the formation of governing bodies, on persons authorized to represent the faction at meetings of the chamber, in state bodies and public associations;

c) faction regulations.

Registration of factions is carried out no later than two working days from the date of submission of documents to the Temporary Commission of the State Duma on the Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma. If a faction has not completed the registration procedure before the termination of the powers of the Temporary Commission of the State Duma on the Rules and Organization of the Work of the State Duma, then its registration is carried out by the State Duma Committee on the Rules and Organization of the Work of the State Duma.

Deputy State Duma has the right to be only in one faction. A deputy has the right to resign from the faction by submitting a submission to the State Duma Committee on Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma written statement about leaving the faction. The day a deputy leaves the faction is considered the day of registration of the State Duma deputy’s application to leave the faction in the State Duma Committee on Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma, which notifies the State Duma Commission on Mandate Issues and Issues of Deputy Ethics about the deputy’s withdrawal from the faction.

In case exit of the deputy State Duma from the faction, as well as in case of non-compliance by a State Duma deputy with the requirements Federal Law“On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” powers of a deputy State Duma stop. A draft resolution of the State Duma on the early termination of the powers of a State Duma deputy is submitted to the chamber for consideration by the State Duma Commission on Mandate Issues and Issues of Deputy Ethics. The day of termination of the powers of a deputy of the State Duma is considered to be the day the relevant decision is made by the State Duma.

Activity parliamentary parties subject to media coverage.

The legislator gives the following legal definitions:

1) parliamentary party - a political party whose federal list of candidates was admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as a political party whose federal list of candidates was given a deputy mandate on the basis of officially published results closest to the day of coverage of its activities by the relevant state public television channel or radio channel for elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

2) state public television and radio channels - mass media (TV programs, radio programs), the founder and distributor of which is an all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization created in the form of a federal state unitary enterprise;

3) all-Russian television program, radio program - a television program or radio program included as component in accordance with the broadcast network on a state public television channel or radio channel and distributed in half or more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) regional television program, radio program - a television program or radio program included as an integral part in accordance with the broadcast network in a state public television channel or radio channel and distributed in less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that one cannot expect total action from the media. Thus, the provisions of this law apply to relations related to the coverage of the activities of parliamentary parties by state public television channels and radio channels, at the same time the effect of the law does not apply for relationships related to:

1) ensuring guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive and disseminate information about political parties in the period from the date of the beginning of the relevant election campaign, referendum campaigns before the day of the official publication of the results of the elections, referendum;

2) coverage of the activities of state authorities, local governments, other state and municipal bodies;

3) production and distribution of specialized state public television channels and radio channels: children's, cultural, music, sports, etc.

Coverage of the activities of parliamentary parties by state public television and radio channels is carried out on the basis of the following general principles:

1) equal volume of dissemination of information about the activities of each parliamentary party;

2) publicity of state control over coverage of the activities of parliamentary parties;

3) creative independence and professional independence of the editorial staff of state public television channels or radio channels when covering the activities of parliamentary parties, including independent determination of the grounds, forms and methods of such coverage;

4) comprehensive and objective informing of television viewers and radio listeners about the activities of parliamentary parties.

The activities of parliamentary parties are covered by state public television and radio channels, this involves posting information about the activities:

1) the parliamentary party, its governing and other bodies, regional branches and other structural divisions parliamentary party;

2) members of the governing bodies of the parliamentary party, members of the governing bodies of regional branches of the parliamentary party;

3) deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation who are members of factions of parliamentary parties;

5) deputies of representative bodies of municipalities who are members of deputy associations (factions) of parliamentary parties;

6) factions of parliamentary parties in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, factions of parliamentary parties in legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputy associations (factions) of parliamentary parties in representative bodies of municipalities.

The dissemination of information about the activities of persons not related to the activities of a parliamentary party, carried out without indicating that such persons belong to the relevant parliamentary party, does not relate to the coverage of the activities of the corresponding parliamentary party, and the amount of airtime spent on the dissemination of such information is not subject to control and accounting. Statements and speeches or fragments thereof must be accompanied by captions in the all-Russian television program, and in the all-Russian radio program by explanatory messages containing an indication of the affiliation of such persons to the relevant parliamentary party. Coverage of the activities of parliamentary parties in regional television and radio programs is carried out in accordance with the requirements.

Control over ensuring guarantees of equality of parliamentary parties when covering their activities by state public television and radio channels is carried out by the Central election commission of the Russian Federation with the participation of parliamentary parties, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the federal body executive branch, authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of mass media, and the all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization, which is the founder and distributor of state public television channels and radio channels.

The list of state public television channels and radio channels that cover the activities of parliamentary parties in accordance with the Federal Law is compiled and approved by the federal executive body authorized to carry out the functions of registering mass media, and after approval is immediately sent to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. This list is published by the specified federal executive body in " Rossiyskaya newspaper", and is also posted on its official website on the Internet. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is immediately notified of changes made to this list. Such changes, no later than 10 days from the date of their approval, are also published by the specified federal executive body in Rossiyskaya Gazeta and posted on its official website on the Internet.

If a new state public television channel is included in this list, recording of the airtime spent by this television channel on covering the activities of parliamentary parties is carried out from the first day calendar month, following the month in which the one-month period expires from the date of publication of the relevant changes.

The procedure and methodology for recording the amount of air time spent during one calendar month on covering the activities of each parliamentary party in all-Russian television programs, radio programs and regional television programs, radio programs are approved by a decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in agreement with the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision in the field of media. The methodology for recording the amount of airtime should include such indicators as the number of messages, the duration of such messages, as well as the overall timing of statements and speeches or their fragments. When determining the amount of airtime spent on covering the activities of each parliamentary party, the amount of airtime spent in all-Russian television programs, radio programs and regional television programs and radio programs is taken into account separately.

By decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of mass media, other requirements for the procedure and methodology for recording the amount of airtime spent on covering the activities of each parliamentary party may be approved.

In order to establish the results of accounting for the amount of airtime spent during one calendar month on covering the activities of parliamentary parties, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation creates a working group and approves the procedure for its activities. Included working group includes two members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, two representatives from each parliamentary party, from the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, from the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of mass media, and from the all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization. The activities of the working group are led by a member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

The Central Executive Committee of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can place an order for work to record the amount of airtime spent on covering the activities of parliamentary parties for a certain period.

If the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation establishes a violation of the requirement to cover the activities of parliamentary parties in an equal amount within one calendar month, then it makes a decision on the need to compensate for the missing amount of airtime in relation to the corresponding parliamentary party and forwards the said decision to the relevant all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization. In the event that it is possible to compensate for the missing amount of airtime only during the period from the day the corresponding election campaign, referendum campaign begins until the day of the official publication of the results of the elections, referendum, this decision is made after the official publication of the results of the elections, referendum.

The all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization, which has received a decision from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the decision, compensates for the missing amount of airtime on television or radio channels allocated for the corresponding parliamentary party. In case of disagreement with the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization has the right, within 10 days from the date of its receipt, to notify the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in writing about this with a reasoned justification of the reasons for such disagreement.

Central Executive Committee of the Russian Federation within 10 days from the date of receipt of the notification again considers the issue of the results of accounting for the amount of airtime spent during the corresponding calendar month on covering the activities of parliamentary parties. If the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation makes a decision in which it again establishes the fact of violation of the requirement to cover the activities of parliamentary parties in an equal amount, then the corresponding all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization will compensate for the missing amount of air time on television or radio channels, allotted for the corresponding parliamentary party within 20 days from the date of such decision.

The Central Executive Committee of the Russian Federation has the right to request and receive from the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of mass media, and from the all-Russian television and radio broadcasting organization, information necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the Central Election Commission by Federal Law RF. Information on ensuring guarantees of equality of parliamentary parties when covering their activities by state public television channels and radio channels for the previous calendar year is published by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Gazette annually no later than January 31 of the current year.

Faction in the State Duma

"...1. A faction is an association of deputies of the State Duma elected as part of the federal list of candidates, which was admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma. The faction includes all deputies of the State Duma elected as part of the corresponding federal list of candidates, with the exception of provided for in part five of this article. The faction may also include deputies of the State Duma elected from the federal list of candidates of the political party specified in part five of this article. Factions in the State Duma are registered in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation... "


Federal Law of 05/08/1994 N 3-FZ (as amended on 11/21/2011) “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Faction in the State Duma” is in other dictionaries:

    Social Democratic faction in the State Duma- representatives of social democracy in the legislative institutions of Russia in 1906 17. Due to the boycott by the Bolsheviks and partly the Mensheviks of the elections to the 1st State Duma (1906), the social democratic deputies of the Mensheviks entered it... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the 4th convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (since 2007) Communist Party faction in the State Duma of the fourth convocation deputy association of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the fourth convocation (December 24, 2 003 ... ... Wikipedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the second convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (2007 2011) Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the second convocation. In the elections of December 17, 1995, the federal list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation received... ... Wikipedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the third convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (2007 2011) Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the third convocation (January 18, 2000 December 29, 2003). Federal list... ... Wikipedia

    LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third convocation- LDPR faction in the State Duma Liberal democratic party Russia in the State Duma of the third convocation (1999 2003). On October 11, 1999, the federal list of LDPR candidates did not register; 35 people were excluded from it for providing ... Wikipedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the fourth convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (2007 2011) Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the fourth convocation (December 24, 2003 November 16, 2007). In the elections in December... ...Wikipedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the first convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (2007 2011) Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the first convocation (1994 1995). 13 February 14, 1993, the Second Extraordinary Congress was held... ... Wikipedia

    LDPR faction in the State Duma of the fourth convocation- LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in the State Duma of the fourth convocation (2003 2007). On September 8, 2003, at the LDPR congress, lists of candidates (federal and by district) for the State Duma of the 4th were approved ... Wikipedia

    Faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the fifth convocation- Communist Party faction in the State Duma 1 (1994 1996) 2 (1996 2000) 3 (2000 2003) 4 (2003 2007) 5 (2007 2011) Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the fifth convocation (since 2007). Contents 1 ... Wikipedia

    LDPR faction in the State Duma of the fifth convocation- LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in the State Duma of the fifth convocation (since 2007). The composition of the State Duma of the 5th convocation was formed according to party lists. In the State Duma elections, the LDPR received 8.14% of the votes, which gave ... Wikipedia

Factions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation - type of deputy associations of the lower house of the Russian parliament.

To the deputy associations of the State Duma, the lower house of the body legislative branch Russian Federation includes factions and parliamentary groups. A deputy has the right to be a member of only one deputy association.

In the Dumas of the 1st-4th convocations, a deputy association could be formed on the basis of a party or electoral bloc that entered the Duma according to a federal constituency, as well as from deputies elected in single-mandate constituencies. Deputies who were not included in factions could form deputy groups. According to the Duma resolution of December 29, 2003, the numerical threshold for the formation of a deputy group was increased: deputy groups of at least 55 deputies were subject to registration. In the previous Dumas there was not a single deputy group consisting of at least 55 deputies during the entire period of the legislature. This meant that non-party deputies had no choice but to join the pro-presidential party. This norm contributed to the entry of many single-mandate deputies into the United Russia faction.

In the State Duma of the 5th convocation, deputy associations in the form of factions are formed only on the basis of political parties that have received seats in the State Duma. Within a faction of more than 100 deputies of the State Duma, intra-faction groups can be created. The size of an intra-faction group cannot be less than 50 deputies of the State Duma. The head of the intra-faction group is the first deputy head of the faction. In terms of logistical support for activities, the first deputy leader of a faction, who is the leader of an intra-factional group, the number of which exceeds the number of any faction in the State Duma, with the exception of the faction within which this intra-factional group was created, is equal to the leader of the faction.

The right of deputies to leave a deputy association and join a new one was purposefully curtailed by introducing various changes to the rules of work of the Duma and the legislation on parties and elections. The change in rules also made it possible to prevent the strengthening of opposition political forces, which previously could transfer deputies close to them to associations subordinate to them in the legislative assembly. Currently, in the event of a State Duma deputy leaving the faction, as well as in the event of a State Duma deputy’s failure to comply with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a State Duma deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,” the powers of the State Duma deputy are terminated.

There are four factions in the State Duma of the current, fifth convocation:

- “United Russia” (315 people; headed by B.V. Gryzlov), which includes four deputy groups (headed by V.V. Ryazansky, V.A. Pekhtin, A.N. Chilingarov, T.V. Yakovleva) ;

- Communist Party of the Russian Federation (57 people; head