Presentation steppe zone. Message on the surrounding world on the topic: “Natural areas of Russia


Student 8 "B" class

Gorlanov Vladislav

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Steppes of Russia

Steppes are treeless spaces; they are located south of the forest zone in the European part of Russia, in the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, and in the Far East.

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The steppes are located south of the forest zone, and there is enough heat there. But there isn't enough rain. Even if there are a lot of them, a significant part of them evaporates, leaving little for the trees. Trees do not grow in the steppes because it is dry there.

Slide 4

The length of the steppe from north to south in European Russia is about 200 km. Climatic conditions change when moving from west to east; The Siberian steppes are characterized by dryness, harsh winters and a large temperature contrast compared to European ones.

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Humidification is insufficient and unstable. Representatives of the steppe fauna are distinguished by their adaptability to arid climates.

Slide 7


Red poppies, dark crimson peonies, pink, white and red clover, blue-violet sage, blue violets, yellow tulips, white crocuses are blooming.

In spring, the steppe resembles a colorful carpet.

Slide 8

  • The soil is very fertile. As a result of the activity of small rodents, insects, and worms, a fertile layer is formed - humus.
  • In the southern steppe is the kingdom of feather grass. They are adapted to drought conditions.
  • River valleys, slopes and ravine bottoms in this natural area are covered with meadow grasses.
  • Slide 9

    Animal world

    • In the steppe zone, rodents predominate: hamsters, gophers, voles, and grain-eating mice.
    • They live in minks, hiding from predators: wolves, foxes, weasels, steppe ferrets.
  • Slide 10

    • Bustards and kulans are found in the steppe.
    • Bustards are listed in the Red Book.
    • Rodents are tracked by birds of prey - steppe eagles and hawks.
    • Quails, partridges, and larks make nests in the steppe grass.

    Animal world

    Slide 13

    • To protect crops from strong winds, people plant protective forest belts in the steppes.
    • Watermelons, melons, and pumpkins ripen on irrigated lands.
    • Rich harvests of apples, pears, plums, cherries, and apricots are harvested in the gardens.


    Tsareva Natalia Alexandrovna

    Program: “School of Russia”

    “The world around us” - A.A. Pleshakov, E.A. Kryuchkova - 4th grade

    Lesson type – combined.

    Topic: “Steppe zone”.

    Purpose of the lesson : to form students’ idea of ​​the natural zone of the steppes.


    Educational: introduce the geographical location of the steppe zone, climate, flora and fauna;

    - develop the ability to work with a map, textbook, additional literature;

    Foster a love for nature and your small homeland;


    Map of natural areas;

    Physical card;

    Costumes for the scene;

    Cards (image of plants);

    Card (features of steppe plants)

    Textbooks “The World Around Us” Part 1 A.A. Pleshakov

    Lesson progress

    I. Organizational moment.

    The road awaits us today,

    And we need to find out a lot.

    So let's get to work, guys, quickly,

    So as not to waste time.

    And how hard they worked at home,

    Let's hasten to tell you.

    II. Checking homework.

    What natural area was studied in the last lesson?

    (We studied the forest area)

    Show the forest area on the map. Tell us about its location.

    (The forest zone is located south of the tundra zone. It stretches from West to East. It occupies the East European, West Siberian Plain, and the Central Siberian Plateau. It consists of three parts: taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests).

    Place animals and plants in natural areas (work at the board).

    III. Working on a new topic.

    Where will the road lead us? Want to know about it? Then try to solve the crossword puzzle as soon as possible.

    Guess the plants and animals of the forest zone.

    1. Leaves - glossy.

    Berries - with blush,

    And the bushes themselves -

    Not higher than a hummock. (Cowberry)

    2. Christmas tree or not a Christmas tree?

    Green needle,

    And not a peg at all. (Larch)

    3. The owner of the forest

    Wakes up in the spring.

    And in winter, under the snow howl

    He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

    4. Takes from my flower

    The bee has the most delicious honey.

    But they still offend me:

    The thin skin is torn off. (Linden)

    5. There are earrings,

    Yes, not a girl;

    There are also cones

    Yes, not pine;

    And he lives in the lowlands,

    Near the vine. (Alder)

    The key word is STEPPE.

    Communicate lesson objectives.

    Today in the lesson we will study the steppe zone.Such great Russian poets as A. Koltsov, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin wrote poems about the steppe. The steppe was depicted on their canvases by such great artists as A.I. Kuindzhi, A.M. Vasnetsov, and lesser-known artists, for example, Zverkov and others. The steppe is sung about in the song “Steppe and steppe all around.” Steppes without end and edge I , smooth, boring, loose,wavy, hilly... The steppe, like a living creature, changes its outfits. Different poets, different artists - different perceptions of the steppe (the teacher accompanies his story by showing reproductions)

    1. Practical work No. 1

    Look at the map of natural zones of Russia. What color is the steppe zone on the map?

    (The steppe zone is indicated in yellow. It is located south of the forest zone).

    Compare the area of ​​the forest zone and the steppe zone. What do you say?

    (The steppe zone is much smaller than the forest zone.)

    Now let's look at the physical map of Russia. Where is the steppe zone located?

    Teacher. (Most of the steppe zone is located on the East European Plain, and it is also found in Western and Eastern Siberia).

    2. A student’s story about climate (the assignment was given on the eve of studying the topic).

    The steppe zone is located in the temperate climate zone. Summer is long and dry. In July +22 - +25 degrees, the heat can reach up to +40 degrees. The weather is dry and sunny. Dry hot winds often blow - hot winds. Sometimes dry winds turn into dust storms. The rains are torrential in nature. The rainfall passes quickly, and most of the water, not having time to saturate the soil, flows down in streams and evaporates. Winter is short and warm, but there are cold temperatures down to -20 -30 degrees.

    3. Fauna of the steppe.

    Sketch “Green Theater” - 3 students participate.

    Author. Hot summer day. The steppe stretches far, far away. The feather grass sways like a silver sea. An eagle soars high in the sky, looking for prey on the ground. Here he moves away, turning into a black dot, and disappears. And in the thickets of feather grass we met a jerboa and a gray partridge. They are not afraid of each other, because the jerboa feeds on plants, and the partridge eats insects.

    Jerboa. Finally the eagle flew away. Otherwise I was afraid to run across the steppe.

    Partridge. And I’m afraid of the eagle, I’ve been sitting hungry for two hours now. I just don’t understand, why should you be afraid of him? How fast you run. Will the eagle catch you?

    Jerboa. That's why I run fast so that I don't get caught. Who knows, it’s better not to take risks.

    Partridge. Who else in our steppe runs as fast as you?

    Jerboa. Saiga. And mice, hamsters and gophers hide in holes. (Slide show)

    Partridge. There were few eagles, but foxes and wolves also appeared. (Slide show)

    Jerboa. Don't talk. I'm tired of being here, I'm thinking maybe I should move to the northern steppe. And here there are feather grass and feather grass, and there are a lot of flowers and herbs of all kinds. (Slide show)

    Partridge. I don’t know, I’m fine here too. Look, the bustard is running, it’s hilarious! The legs are long, it flies somehow. (Slide show)

    Jerboa. It takes her a long time to run away. And it flies not so bad.

    Partridge. A real bird should fly higher. It may be that I am a gray partridge, or a demoiselle crane, or a pink starling, or a steppe lark. (Slide show)

    Jerboa. Or an eagle. (Slide show)

    Partridge. Don't tell me about the eagle! It rises high, high, and then from there it rushes at everyone... No, a real bird doesn’t do that.

    Jerboa. Look, the grasshopper has jumped!

    Partridge. This is not a grasshopper. This is a filly. Grasshoppers have long antennae, while fillies have short antennae. Grasshoppers eat insects, just like me, even though they are insects themselves. And the fillies are plants.

    What animals live in the steppe?

    View slides about animals.

    1. The steppe eagle is a bird of prey. Nests on the ground. The fingers are weak, the claws are short, it feeds on small animals (rodents, birds). Wingspan up to two meters.
    2. The kestrel is a bird of prey.
    3. Steppe lark - we hear its song in early spring. Only the male sings. They feed on insects and carrion.
    4. The bustard is the largest bird, weighing from 16 to 21 kg. Runs well and flies well. It rises into the air with difficulty from a running start. It flies against the wind, low, gradually gaining altitude.
    5. The gray partridge looks like a small chicken. It also clucks and rakes the ground with its paws. Destroys many harmful insects for agriculture.
    6. Gophers do not stray far from their holes. Rising on their hind legs, they look around all the time, and noticing a person or animal, they hide in a hole with a squeak.
    7. Steppe viper - in weeds and ditches. They feed on rodents and insects.

    4 . Flora of the steppe. Practical work No. 2

    To identify steppe plants, you will split into groups of 5 people, and each group will receive a task.

    (The teacher distributes tasks. 3 groups receive 5 cards with images of plants.)

    1 group. Dwarf birch, tulip, feather grass, fescue, lady's slipper.

    2nd group. Blueberry, thin-leaved peony, fescue, iris, strawberry.

    3rd group. Blueberry, iris, feather grass, tulip, moss.

    Open your textbook. Read the information about steppe plants in the textbook and choose from the plants suggested that belong to this zone. Stick them on the sheet where it says “Steppe” and sign their names.

    4th group. You have been given a text about the characteristics of plants in the “Steppe” zone. Read and answer using the help card:

    a) Plants of the steppe are trees, shrubs, herbs.

    b) Leaf shape – narrow, wide. Why?

    c) Leaf color – light, dark. Why?

    d) Root system – bulb, bunch, rhizome. Why?

    Generalization - slide show (flora of the steppe).

    All steppe plants are herbaceous and grow on fertile soil. They adapt to life in the steppe in different ways; for example, in tulips, after flowering, the leaves and stem die off, and the bulb remains in the ground with a supply of nutrients until next spring. Fescue and feather grass adapt in a completely different way. These plants grow in the form of a large dense bush. This way the root system better collects and retains moisture from the surface of the earth. The leaves of feather grass and fescue are narrow so that less moisture evaporates. The leaves are light in color and reflect the sun's rays better.

    IV. Summing up.

    I want to end the lesson with the following lines.

    What space and freedom there is here!

    Everywhere you look there is freedom!

    South of the forest strip

    There is a carpet of herbs and flowers.

    There is room for winds and birds, Rodents and wolves. Foxes.

    Here the dry winds love to sing!

    And it’s called – this is the steppe!

    What did you learn about the steppe today?

    Photo “Steppe and steppe all around”, “Feather grass steppe” - author Alesing

    …..The beauty of Don nature in the vast steppes. The more you peer into the discreet beauty of your native landscapes, the more you absorb the feeling of unprecedented space and breadth. Both the paints and the colors in nature are somehow special here. The Don flows widely in the open spaces of green steppes. It meanders like a mirrored ribbon of shining silver among the fields along the wide expanse of the steppe. And its flow is slow and smooth. Don seems to be sleeping. No wonder they called him Quiet..." (M. Sholokhov)

    V. Homework.

    Prepare a short report about representatives of the animal or plant world of the steppe. And then from your messages we will compile a book - “Fauna and Plants of the Steppe.”

    The world around us in the 4th grade of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”

    Topic: Steppe zone. Steppe and man.

    Goal: To form in students an idea of ​​the natural zone of the steppes; introduce the geographical location of the steppe zone, its features, flora and fauna, and the role of humans.
    Develop educational and cognitive competencies: obtaining knowledge directly from the surrounding reality, mastery of methods of educational and cognitive problems, observe, reason, draw conclusions, compare, generalize, find common and distinctive characteristics of plants; value-semantic competencies: related to the student’s value orientations, his ability to see and understand the world around him; Information competencies: work with a map, atlas.
    To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the importance of plants and animals for humans and our planet.

    Lesson progress:
    1. Organizational moment.
    Good afternoon, dear friends!
    The bell has already rung,
    Let's start our lesson!
    Try to understand everything
    Give complete answers,
    And get paid for work
    Just a five rating!
    - Today, guys, we will make an exciting journey. We learn a lot of interesting things along the way.
    We have an interesting lesson today,
    Each of us prepared for it.
    To win, you need to know a lot,
    Everyone will have to think and reason.
    I think you can handle everything,
    After all, I’ve been teaching you for four years now.
    And I know that everyone will have their own success,
    And, as always, I root for everyone!

    2. Updating knowledge.
    Work in rows
    - Letters came from the meteorological station. It is necessary to determine the natural area to which the letter was sent. Match the name with the figurative expression and arrange the natural area in order of location from north to south.
    1st row: There are dark coniferous forests in wide areas. The owner here is a brown bear. (Taiga)
    Row 2: It’s day here for six months and night for six months. There is snow and ice everywhere. The sun rises low above the horizon in summer. The territory of the zone has no indigenous population. (Arctic)
    Row 3: Trees don't grow here. Swampy areas are a great place for numerous mosquitoes and midges. Summer is short here. Numerous birds visit this region in summer. Mosses and lichens dominate everywhere. (Tundra)

    3. Immersion in the problem.
    “Like the sea, the grass and crops are agitated here.” Summer here is hot with dry winds. To retain snow, forest strips are planted here. Many rodents inhabit these regions, escaping in burrows from cunning foxes and eagles. (Steppe)
    - What kind of natural area is this? Where is it located?
    (We don’t know this zone yet)
    Reading poetry by students
    Way on all sides
    No forest, no mountains.
    The vast expanse
    Endless space.

    This is the steppe zone of Russia

    4. Formulating the topic of the lesson.
    - Formulate the topic of our lesson.

    5. Setting the educational task.
    -Yes, guys, today in the lesson we will study the steppe zone, its location, the flora and fauna of the steppes, the human influence on the nature of the steppe. And the textbook, map and additional material that is on your desks will help us study this topic.

    6. Formation of new knowledge.
    - Let's draw up a plan for our work.
    1) climate
    2) flora

    3) fauna
    4) occupations of the population
    5) environmental problems

    Today you will be scientists and conduct your research.
    To do this you will work as a team. 1 team - geographers, 2 team - biologists, 3 team - zoologists, 4 - ecologists. What kind of people are these? What will they be doing today?
    But first, look at the picture and say: Why are there different natural zones on Earth?
    Why does this depend? (On the climate. The climate depends on the distribution of heat on the earth, the flora and fauna depend on the climate. In the northern regions, the sun's rays fall obliquely. They slide over the surface of the Earth and heat it slightly. The further south, the more directly the sun's rays fall on the Earth, the more they heat the earth's surface.).
    Working with the textbook pp. 95-103.
    Try to talk about the climate of the steppes. (it’s hot in the steppe zone, because the sun’s rays fall more directly and the earth receives more heat).
    - Of course, guys, the steppe zone is located in the temperate zone. To the south of the forest zone there is even more heat, but less precipitation falls. The lack of moisture makes it more difficult for trees to grow here. Forests increasingly alternate with treeless areas, and then disappear altogether. So gradually the forest zone is replaced by a steppe zone. In the steppe zone, summers are long and dry. In July + 22 - + 25 degrees, the heat can reach up to 40 degrees. The weather is dry and sunny. Dry hot winds often blow. Sometimes dry winds turn into dust storms.
    The rains are torrential in nature. The rain passes quickly, and most of the water, not having time to saturate the soil, flows in streams into the lowlands and evaporates. Winter is short and warm, but there are cold temperatures down to -20, -30 degrees.
    In spring, the steppe comes to life and is covered with a carpet of tulips and irises. Close your eyes and imagine the following picture: wherever you look, there are boundless expanses all around, a hot wind blows over you, the sun burns mercilessly, and there is not a single tree, only grasses swaying around. This is the steppe zone.
    - So, let's start working in teams. Each team receives help cards with questions on which you will base your answers.
    - Geographers, using a map and a textbook, will try to determine the location of the steppe zone.
    - Botanists, also using the textbook and additional material, will tell us about the flora of the steppes.
    - Zoologists will prepare a story about animals.
    - Ecologists – about the protection of the steppe zone or environmental problems.
    (teams are preparing)
    7. Inclusion in the knowledge system. “Discovery” of new knowledge by students – reasoning, comparisons, conclusions.
    - Well, everyone is ready. We are beginning to jointly characterize the steppe zone. The floor is given to geographers.
    - Where is the steppe zone located? What did the map tell us?
    Show the steppe zone on the map? There is more heat in the steppes than in the forest zone, but there is less precipitation. Summer is long and dry, +25C, +30C, the heat can reach up to +40C. The weather in summer is sunny and dry. Winds often blow, sometimes turning into dust storms. Winter is short and warm, but there are cold temperatures down to -30C, and there is little snow. Due to the fact that there is little moisture in the steppe zone, trees do not grow
    (the student answers, and the group members help him).
    - Absolutely right, guys. The steppe zone is located south of the forest zone, it stretches along the southwestern border of Russia. Its territory is interrupted by forest-steppes. This is a small zone in area, smaller than the forest and tundra zone.
    - Well, now you have an idea where this natural area is located.

    Now let's listen to what research biologists have conducted.
    - What plants are found in the steppe zone? What is their feature?
    The steppe is the kingdom of grasses. Wormwood, fescue, and feather grass grow in the steppe. At noon there is a bitter smell of wormwood. By the end of summer the steppe is almost burnt out. Then you can see the tumbleweed field. In autumn, their stem breaks at the very base, and the wind drives light, almost transparent balls across the flat expanse of the steppes. So tumbleweed - the field carries its seeds over long distances.
    The steppe is beautiful in spring, when the snow melts. At this time, the green steppe is covered with colorful lights of tulips, irises, hyacinths

    (The leaves of plants are narrow so that less moisture evaporates. The roots go deep into the ground to extract moisture).
    - Well done, biologists. Indeed, in the steppe there are heat-loving plants that have narrow leaves and long roots in order to obtain moisture. Some steppe plants have fleshy stems and leaves that retain moisture.

    8. Physical exercise.
    Now guys, stand up
    Raise your hands slowly
    Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them
    Hands down and stand like that
    Lean right, left
    And get down to business again
    - Well, now it’s time for zoologists to tell us about the animals of the steppe.
    The main representatives of the fauna of the steppes are rodents: ground squirrels, jerboas, hamsters, voles.

    The groundhog never gnaws the entire stem of a plant: he bites off a leaf here, a shoot or a twig there. Therefore, marmots do not cause much damage to plants. By autumn, when the cold weather begins, marmots climb into holes and fall asleep until spring.

    (Insects, birds, and many rodents live in the steppes. Birds make nests right on the ground, because there are no trees in the steppe. Animals of the steppe are small, their life is connected with the earth).
    - Indeed, guys, the animals of the steppe all live and make their homes right on the ground, because in the steppe there are no trees, but a continuous carpet of grass. Why do animals have the color of the earth or vegetation? (hide from predators and get food without them being noticed).
    - Well done. Now let’s look at the picture and together we’ll figure it out, what do the people who live there do in the steppe? (farming). The steppe has very fertile soils. Such soils are called chernozem. In this regard, the steppes are the most favorable area for agriculture, since cultivated plants can develop here for up to nine months a year. Grains and industrial crops are grown here. Unsuitable for arable land in the steppes is used as pasture for livestock.

    The population of the steppes (Mongols, Buryats, Tatars and others) live near rivers and forests, where large cities are built. But, driving pasture from place to place, shepherds and their families lead the way of life of nomads. Their temporary home is a yurt.

    Why? (There are fertile lands there)
    - What are they growing?
    - What else do they do? Why? (lots of vegetation for livestock)
    - That's right, guys. But in this regard, environmental problems arise in the steppe zone. Our ecologists will tell us about this. (To preserve the nature of the steppes, it is necessary to limit the plowing of land, limit grazing, fight poaching, and create nature reserves).
    - Thank you very much, dear ecologists, you introduced us to the problems that have arisen in the steppe due to human fault, and suggested ways to solve them.

    What zone do you and I live in? (reading a poem)
    Endless Russia
    Like an eternity on earth
    You go, you go, you go, you go,
    Days and miles don't matter!
    The steppe is wide open
    It flies across and along,
    Like a sea of ​​fire
    The heat is burning and scorching.

    Heaven is like a copper dome,
    They got hot. The steppe is bare;
    Somewhere in front of the poor man's hut
    The poor willow is drying up
    Step by step, with calm importance
    Oxen dragging weights.

    Dust sweeps away like a sultry blizzard,
    A blizzard of fiery ash.
    The steppes are bare, silent,
    Still, both song and honor to you!
    All of you are Mother Russia,
    Whatever it is!


    9. Work in a notebook with a printed base.
    - Well, now let's write everything down in our notebooks. Open page 32 and find task 52, complete it. If anyone needs help, I'll be there.
    Tasks for those who can complete them faster. I suggest you draw up and record the food chains that have developed in the steppe.
    Plants hamsters steppe viper
    Plants insects gray partridge steppe eagle
    10. Reflection of activity.
    - We traveled with you across the endless expanses of the steppes. We got acquainted with the flora and fauna.
    - and now let’s check how you have mastered the natural zone of the steppes.
    A) Guess the riddles, name the habitat:
    Runs among the stones
    You can't keep up with her!
    He grabbed the tail, but, ah!
    She ran away with the tail in her hands! (Lizard, steppe.)
    Hump-nosed, long-legged,
    Branch-horned giant.
    Eats grass, bush shoots,
    It's hard to compete with him in running. (Elk, forest area.)
    Touching moss with hooves,
    The northern handsome man walks
    Walks boldly and easily
    Horns spread wide. (Reindeer, tundra.)
    11. Grading.
    12. Homework

    Prepare reports on plants and animals of the steppe

    1. Create an image for students about the natural zone of the steppes, through the features of the geographical location of their native land. Introduce the geographical location of the steppe zone, its features, flora and fauna, and the role of humans. 1. Create an image for students about the natural zone of the steppes, through the features of the geographical location of their native land. Introduce the geographical location of the steppe zone, its features, flora and fauna, and the role of humans. 2.Develop the ability to work with a map, identification atlas and additional literature, herbarium. Teach children to observe, reason, draw conclusions 2. Develop the ability to work with a map, atlas-identifier and additional literature, herbarium. Teach children to observe, reason, draw conclusions 3. Through the form of a lesson, promote the ability to work in a team. 3. Through the form of a lesson, promote the ability to work in a team.

    Close your eyes and imagine the picture: wherever you look, there are boundless expanses all around, a hot wind is blowing around you, the sun is mercilessly scorching, and there is not a single tree, only grasses swaying around. The question arises: How did plants and animals adapt to life in the steppe? How does a person live? To answer this question you need to look at the map. Close your eyes and imagine the picture: wherever you look, there are boundless expanses all around, a hot wind blows over you, the sun burns mercilessly, and there is not a single tree, only grasses swaying around. The question arises: How did plants and animals adapt to life in the steppe? How does a person live? To answer this question you need to look at the map.

    The steppe zone is located south of the forest zone, it stretches along the southwestern border of Russia. Its territory is interrupted by forest-steppes. This is a small area in terms of area. It is located in the temperate zone, but closer to the northern tropics. Most of it is located on the East European Plain, and a small part on the West Siberian Plain. The steppe zone is located south of the forest zone, it stretches along the southwestern border of Russia. Its territory is interrupted by forest-steppes. This is a small area in terms of area. It is located in the temperate zone, but closer to the northern tropics. Most of it is located on the East European Plain, and a small part on the West Siberian Plain.

    Steppe climate. 1. The location of the sun in the sky. 2.Distance from the Atlantic Ocean. Streams and rivers dry up from the heat, and the earth cracks. Hot winds are dry winds, they develop into dust storms. It rains here rarely, torrential in nature. The steppe is dry during this period. Winter is short. This harsh time of year is characterized by snowstorms - blizzards. The steppe is very beautiful in spring. Streams and rivers dry up from the heat, and the earth cracks. Hot winds are dry winds, they develop into dust storms. It rains here rarely, torrential in nature. The steppe is dry during this period. Winter is short. This harsh time of year is characterized by snowstorms - blizzards. The steppe is very beautiful in spring.

    What animals live next to insects? What animals live next to insects? Where do birds nest? Where do birds nest? How big are the steppe animals? Where they live. How big are the steppe animals? Where they live. Are there predators in the steppe? Are there predators in the steppe? What's special about the color of steppe animals What's special about the color of steppe animals

    31 4. Reflection. Conventions +, - After listening to the statements, answer them with the signs + if you agree and - if you don’t. 1. The steppe zone stretches from west to east of Russia. 2. The steppe has cold summers and hot winters. 3. In the steppe in winter there is a polar night, in summer there is a polar day 4. The plants of the steppe are only herbaceous. 5. In steppe plants, the root is represented by bulbous roots, long rhizomes, and root bundles. 6.The coloring of steppe animals is bright, catchy, noticeable from afar. 7. Lark steppe bird. 8. The following are listed in the Red Book: steppe eagle, bustard, grasshopper. 9. There are no environmental problems in the steppe.


    The steppe is a flat landscape zone located in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Steppes are common on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

    Unfortunately, this type of natural landscape is gradually disappearing from the face of the earth. There are many reasons: plowing of the land, poaching, intensive grazing, fires.

    General characteristics of the steppe

    The steppes are characterized by an almost complete absence of trees. The exceptions are artificial plantings along paved roads and forest belts near water bodies. But in the steppe a large number of herbaceous plants and shrubs grow.

    However, it is worth remembering that a flat treeless area with a humid climate is no longer a steppe. This is a zone of swampy meadows, and in the north, under such conditions, tundras are formed.

    Natural areas of the steppes

    The steppe natural zone is located between forest-steppe and semi-desert. The steppe is a treeless space completely covered with grass. The grasses form an almost closed carpet.

    Steppe plants are distinguished by their ability to tolerate drought and heat. As a rule, the leaves of steppe plants are small, grayish or bluish-green. Many plants have the ability to curl up their leaves during drought to prevent evaporation.

    Since the steppes occupy vast areas, plant species are very diverse. First of all, forage plants are of great importance for humans: clover, alfalfa, corn, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke. Beets, potatoes, as well as grains: oats, barley, millet.

    Among the steppe plants, medicinal herbs and honey plants are also distinguished.

    Animals of the steppes are not much different from the fauna of deserts and semi-deserts. They also have to adapt to hot summers and frosty winters. The most common ungulates are antelopes and saigas, and the most common predators are foxes, wolves and manulas. There are many rodents (gophers, jerboas, marmots), reptiles and insects. Steppe eagles, bustards, larks, and harriers are commonly found among steppe birds. Most bird species fly to warmer climes in winter.

    Many steppe animals and birds are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

    Types of steppes

    Types of steppes are distinguished depending on the ratio of cereals and herbaceous plants.

    . Mountain- characterized by lush forbs. An example is the mountain steppes of the Caucasus and Crimea.

    . Meadow, or forbs - the largest number of species of steppe plants grow here. Meadow steppes are in contact with forests, and their soils are rich in black soil. Most of the steppes of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia belong to this species.

    . Xerophilous- with an abundance of turf grasses, mainly feather grass. This type of steppe is often called feather grass. For example, the southern steppes in the Orenburg region.

    . Desert, or deserted. There is a lot of wormwood, tumbleweed, twigs and ephemerals here. This is what the once rich, mixed-grass steppes of Kalmykia have become, which as a result of human activity are gradually turning into deserts.

    Steppe climate

    The main feature of all steppes is aridity. The climate type is from moderate continental to sharply continental. The average annual precipitation rarely exceeds 400 mm. Windy weather prevails in the steppes, and summer is characterized by a large number of sunny days. Winters have little snow, but snowstorms and blizzards are frequent.

    Another feature of the steppes is the sharp difference in day and night temperatures, since at night the temperature can drop by 15-20ºC. These conditions make steppes similar to deserts.

    Dust storms often occur in the steppes, which affect soil erosion and lead to the formation of gullies and ravines.

    The soils of the steppes located in the temperate climate zone are very fertile and are actively used in agriculture. The basis is black soil, only closer to the southern latitudes chestnut soils are found.

    In different countries, steppes have their own name. In Australia and Africa it is savannah, in South America it is llanos and pampas, or pampas, in North America it is prairie, and in New Zealand it is tussock.

    In Europe, steppes have been preserved mainly in protected areas. But in Siberia there are still virgin steppes - Kuraiskaya, Chuiskaya.

    For 1 sq. km of steppe space is inhabited by more insects than people in the whole world.

    The largest birds live in the steppes. In Russia there are bustards, and in Africa there are ostriches.