Positive emotions and positivity. Positive emotions are vital for modern man

Positive and positive emotions indicate that a person feels joy, satisfaction, is optimistic about a bright future.

Let's take a closer look at those states that can cause positive emotions, and how to call them on yourself.

Concept and characteristics

Positive emotions - what are they?

The very word “positive” already speaks for itself; this is what brings feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

Emotions are a psychological process in the human body that caused by a number of factors:

  • environment;
  • surrounding people;
  • children, grandchildren;
  • holidays;
  • meeting nice people;
  • good weather and so on.

Everything that brings positive feelings to a person is the factors that cause positive emotions.

Emotion is characterized by psychologists as a process in the body of a psychological nature, which has an average duration and completely depends on the subjective perception of the world.

That is, each of us has some internal installations which can cause joy and a feeling of happiness.

For some, these factors are noticeably narrowed and limited; such people are usually called pessimists.

For others, on the contrary, even moments unnoticeable in everyday life can bring joy:

  • birds singing;
  • bright sun;
  • kind word.

This optimists or those people whose attitude is to love life as it is. This is a rare breed of people, the so-called optimists in life, who can rejoice at things that are common in the understanding of most people.

But they experience real joy from these ordinary things and objects and receive positive emotions much more often than those who do not notice them.

Psychologists share two related concepts - positive emotions and positive emotions. Even though they are very similar, positive It is customary to refer to those emotions that are caused in a person by factors that bring him inner pleasure or pleasure.

TO positive More relevant are emotions caused by the evaluative criteria of either the person himself or the people around him.

A person can evoke positive emotions in himself by tuning himself in a certain way.

What are they?

To be satisfied with what is happening in your life, to experience inner harmony and positive emotions is what everyone should strive for.

After all, as you know, negative thoughts and negative emotions lead to internal imbalance, causing disturbances not only in the psychological state, but also in the physical one.

The human body has a clear structure interconnected systems, and if one of its components fails, the others also begin to fail.

Why do doctors often determine when diagnosing a disease? the main cause of a particular disease- increased nervousness, constant, negative thoughts?

It is negative emotions that give impetus to the development of various diseases.

Therefore, always be in good shape and think, and live with positive emotions - very important for every person.

Let's take a closer look at the types of positive emotions. Main classification consists of a list of the following positive emotions:

  1. - the greatest satisfaction with everything that happens.
  2. Joy is pleasure from what is happening.
  3. Tranquility - calmness and inner harmony.
  4. Desire to achieve your goal.
  5. Hope is a dream + positive expectations.
  6. Admiration is a feeling of enjoyment of other people's talents, things, nature, etc.
  7. Interest is the desire to conquer new horizons.
  8. Surprise from pleasant events.
  9. Reverence is great respect and awe from someone or something.
  10. Relief after solving life's problems.

All these positive emotions can be received from external factors, but you can also develop these feelings within yourself and not wait for an opportunity, but be able to notice what would cause at least one of these emotions.

How to get it or where to get it?

Everyone must have had days “when you give up and there are no words, no music, no strength”.

On such days there is nothing to please you and nothing special to do.

Main- do not allow this internal state to swallow you whole. This can lead to mental illness.

As you know, “saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” which means we need to do something about it and get these very positive emotions from somewhere.

Here a number of tips, which can help cope with blues, apathy and even call on positive emotions to help yourself:

In the process of tuning into positive emotions, it is important to give yourself the mindset that you are a happy person simply because you live and have many options to diversify your life and see the good even in ordinary things.

For example, you went outside - the weather is rainy, windy, nothing predicts an improvement in your mood, but note that Autumn nature, even in the rain, is full of colors and shades.

Take a walk through the park and enjoy the colors of golden autumn. The internal attitude will definitely work, and you will move away from your dark thoughts and experiences.

Words that evoke a charge of emotion

You can also set yourself up in a positive way and use words, which you can repeat both out loud and silently.

Remember the movie “I am the most charming and attractive”, where the heroine of Irina Muravyova constantly repeated these words, and became self-confident and self-sufficient.

Indeed, the words that we pronounce even mentally affect our subconscious. giving the body impulses of a different nature. As the proverb says: “Tell a man he’s a pig a hundred times and he’ll grunt.”.

And if you tell yourself that you are a self-sufficient, happy person, then on a subconscious level completely different pictures will be drawn that will confirm the correctness of these words.

It’s not for nothing that Buddhists practice mantra reading, when positive words heal a person from the inside and create a positive aura around him. And Christians repeat prayers, which instills optimism and positivity in them.

Words that will help you become happier include:

  • Gratitude;
  • happiness;
  • joy;
  • inspiration;
  • success;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • uniqueness;
  • confidence.

You can do it yourself come up with a simple text which you say several times a day, for example: “ I'm very grateful to your parents.

What was born. I'm confident, self-sufficient a person who is not afraid of difficulties.

I can overcome everything, I am strong and have my own opinion. I know how to enjoy even the little things and share this joy with others. Life really is full of pleasant surprises and happiness.”

Don’t be afraid to tell yourself words that evoke positive emotions in you, even on a subconscious level.

Even if you feel internally that you are not yet ready to enjoy the little things, then After a while, you will learn to truly enjoy them, if you engage in this kind of training.

How to set yourself up for positivity?

And one more thing It’s worth setting yourself up for a number of things:

  1. Don't be offended.
  2. Don't slander.
  3. Don’t turn to alcohol or, even worse, drugs to escape depression.
  4. Perceive reality as it is.
  5. Don't engage in self-searching.
  6. See the good even in negative things.
  7. Believe that everything is really great.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into two equal parts- in one column write what is negative for you at the moment, in the second - all the advantages of your life.

If you don't forget to write in the second column such points as the opportunity to live, breathe, walk, communicate, the presence of relatives, friends, colleagues, nice people, beautiful places near home, the opportunity to change your life at your own discretion, the opportunity to love and give love to others, and so on, then there are advantages in your life will be noticeably longer.

And the disadvantages will seem so small that you won’t want to pay attention to them at all.

Know how to be happy this will help maintain not only a calm, balanced internal psychological state, but also physical health.

Think positively, then life will sparkle with new colors, and positive emotions will help you avoid both major and minor troubles.

Positive emotions as a powerful source of energy:

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Positive Emotions

This is a positive response to an event that causes a state of joy and is fully consistent with the expectations and internal attitudes of the person himself. Positive or positive emotions for most people are the basis of their happiness and happy moments in life. Positive emotions are a derivative of the received positive energy directed to us in various forms - verbal, mental, material or in combination, coming to us from other people or things. Example: The word “Thank you!..” as gratitude for something is part of a positive energy message that evokes an emotion of satisfaction in a person. A material thing such as a telephone evokes Emotions of Joy and a Happy moment, since it includes work and the result of positive work, positive energy of a large number of people.

The main source of positive Emotions and Happiness in your life is yourself, your inner World and all your beliefs and attitudes. Consciousness and subconsciousness, the human brain, realizing that the desired result has been achieved, a goal or a small victory has been achieved, give a command to our endocrine system to do something pleasant for the brain - to release the hormone of pleasure and joy into the blood.

On the physiological side, a number of biological substances in the body are called Joy hormones. These are the well-known ones - endorphin, serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine. The most powerful hormone of happiness is endorphin. The principle of action is similar to morphine. The pituitary gland is the part of the brain responsible for the production of this substance. The pituitary gland controls the functioning of all endocrine glands, stimulates the immune system, and increases the pain threshold for wounds and injuries.

Your personal attitude to what is happening around and inside you determines how much you yourself can radiate smiles and positive Emotions. Without positive emotions, life becomes sad, a person becomes despondent, depressed, and hysterical. An even more powerful option is when high, bright feelings also live in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions. In this case, the state of happiness may approach maximum.

What are Emotions and what are they? There is one single basis for positive emotions and feelings - these are happy moments! It is happy moments that are the basis of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If a person does not have joy from happy moments, then all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into continuous suffering. Positive emotions and high feelings have a common basis - this is, first of all, a positive attitude towards something, positive thoughts and attitudes.

What is Positive Attitude and Feedback?

A positive attitude and positive inverse is a set of a person’s ideas and beliefs, life attitudes and images, and his idea of ​​the world around him and himself. Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas form a negative attitude, while positive beliefs form a positive attitude. A negative attitude, in turn, is the basis for any negative emotions.

For your own positive emotion and the energy that this emotion radiates, it is important to experience more positive feelings yourself and you need to form in yourself as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your Self.

The path to happiness lies through many positive emotions! What are positive emotions?

Positive emotions are joy of varying strength with hundreds of shades: the Emotion of Joy, the Emotion of Jubilation, the Emotion of Pleasure, the Emotion of Pride, the Emotion of Admiration, the Emotion of Attraction, the Emotion of Anticipation.

Positive emotions like smiling and laughter are nonverbal expressions of positive emotions. Some emotions, such as Sympathy and Mercy, are very closely related to feelings.

How to get positive emotions?

Of course, the world around us is not only an endless source of positive impressions and joyful moments. Modern society and the world are very diverse. There are both very positive events and very negative ones.

This is life, so there are both black and white stripes. It must be remembered that for a true and lasting state of Happiness, you need to accumulate sources of your positive emotions in the form of additional funds, real estate, family life, money, and independent business. Constantly improve, learn, set new goals and achieve them. Of course you will say that money does not buy happiness, according to the classic catchphrase. However, money is frozen fragments of people’s gratitude, and it is this gratitude at the right moment that brings significant relief and emotional uplift.

There is one point in positive emotional outbursts - the person himself must be open and receptive. If he is completely negative, nothing in this world will please or satisfy him. On the contrary, even something good around him will make him angry and irritated. Hence the conclusion follows: only development, the formation of correct knowledge and strong positive beliefs within a person creates a powerful basis within a person for the constant development of positive emotions and feelings. An indicator that you are moving correctly in your development and in life in general will be your constantly growing satisfaction with life and the average line of Happiness.

Hello Friends! For most people, positive or positive emotions are the basis of their happiness in life. And of course, you need to know how to spark such emotions in yourself, and even better, so that they continuously flow in a person). And without positive emotions, life becomes sad, a person becomes despondent, falls into depression, hysterics, etc.

An even more powerful option is when in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions, high emotions also live. In this case, the state of happiness can approach the maximum!

Before considering what positive emotions are and where to get them from, I recommend getting acquainted with the basic concepts:

Positive (positive) emotions

There is one single basis for positive emotions and feelings - this! It is joy, both as an emotion and as a feeling, that is the ancestor of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If there is no joy in a person, all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into continuous.

All other positive emotions, by and large, are a derivative of Joy. It should also be noted that many people confuse positive emotions with feelings. For example, respect and gratitude are feelings, not emotions, although they can be expressed quite emotionally. Let me remind you that feelings are given to a person from Above and they live in the spiritual heart (in), and emotions are produced by people themselves and their place is (lower chakras).

But positive emotions and high feelings have a single basis - this, as mentioned above, is joy and a positive attitude in something. Exactly positive attitude is the basic basis of positive emotions.

For example, if you hate people, then you have virtually no chance of experiencing positive emotions while communicating with them. And vice versa, if you love someone, sympathize with some person, you will experience positive emotions when communicating with him.

And so it is in everything. If you love ice cream, you enjoy eating it). If you hate the foam from boiled milk, you are disgusted by the mere sight of this foam. Etc.

What is a Positive Attitude?

A positive attitude towards something is not a spontaneous phenomenon “it just so happens that I hate people...”. A positive attitude is a set of ideas and beliefs a person has about something or someone. By and large, this is the knowledge he acquired, which turned into life attitudes and images, into his ideas about the world around him and himself. Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas form a negative attitude, while positive beliefs form a positive attitude. A negative attitude, in turn, is fundamental to anyone.

The conclusion is obvious: In order to experience more positive emotions and feelings, you need to form in yourself as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your destiny. And the negative attitude (beliefs and ideas) needs to be removed, replacing it with a positive one.

This is the path to Happiness! About what Happiness is and what its exact formula is -!

What are positive emotions?

In essence, positive emotions are joy of varying strengths with hundreds of shades:

  • Emotion of Joy.
  • Emotion of Jubilation.
  • Emotions of Pleasure (there are many types and qualities).
  • The emotion of Pride (if pride without joy is already ).
  • Emotion of Admiration.
  • Emotion Attraction (attraction).
  • Emotion of Anticipation (of something good).
  • Other positive emotions.

Many emotions, such as , border on feelings; they are possessed by more spiritual people, with an open spiritual heart and a pure Soul.

Where to get and where to draw positive emotions from?

Of course, the world around us is an endless source of positive impressions, but if a person himself is filled with continuous negativity, nothing in this world will please or satisfy him. On the contrary, even something good around him will make him angry and irritated.

Therefore, the main source of positive emotions and happiness in your life is yourself, your inner world: all your knowledge and beliefs, all your personal attitude towards what is happening around and inside you.