Tarot cards meaning seven of pentacles. Self-improvement and spiritual growth

Brief description of the card: A young man, taking a break from work, looks at a bush with blooming or ripening “pentacles”. The card speaks of time for reflection during the waiting period. A bush with pentacles is a symbol of a project that has been launched and everything that you could have already done. The man seems to be trying to evaluate what he was able to accomplish in the past and what needs to be done next in order to succeed in his plan and reap the harvest. This is both satisfaction from successfully completed work and calm planning of further steps. But it is not yet time to relax on your laurels, since the harvest has not been harvested, and the fruits may be destroyed by hail or birds will peck at them.

The philosophy of the Seven of Pentacles is that there are a lot of things in the world that are beyond our control. And our task is to do our job well, and rely on the magic of nature - to wait and hope.
Grapes symbolize wisdom, fertility and wealth. In Christianity, grapes are a symbol of salvation and rebirth.

Astrology: Planet: Saturn. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. Virgo.

Key words: Slow growth. Expectation. Patience. Obligations. Start. Haste. Impatience. Unwise investment of money. Losing. Non-repayment of debt. Fatigue. Emotional burnout. Dissatisfaction. Feeling of failure. Anxiety about money. Insolvency. A series of delays and delays.

Inner meaning: Don't rush to pick green fruits! The seed must sprout. Everything needs time to mature.

Personal relationships: Calm period of calm. If there is no relationship, then it is not expected in the near future. Use this time to your advantage.
Study: You will only get the result you deserve. And if you did not prepare honestly for the exam, then you will fail it.

Business and finance: Long-term deals and profits. The Seven of Pentacles is a card of monetary profit, honestly received for one's efforts. Summing up results, submitting accounting reports, inventory.
In its negative aspect, the card indicates that you are spending on small needs what could be invested in a profitable business. The amount of actual work and costs exceed those you expected.

Advice: Believe in the best and be patient.

Warning: You shouldn’t chase quick profits and take on crude projects.

Card of the day: Today you should neither rush nor be impatient, although circumstances will force you to do so. This day is a test of patience, and any haste and carelessness can cause harm in the future. In a favorable aspect, the 7 of Pentacles indicates that time is now working for you, and on this day you can retire and relax.

Characters: A simple patient guy.

Professions and field of activity: Everything related to physical labor on earth.

Main meaning: The Seven of Pentacles is a time for summing up preliminary results and assessing the correctness or error of the strategy. This card does not promise dizzying gifts of fate. There is a slow, gradual, but confident growth here. This applies not only to business issues, but to everyone else. The map is generally positive, because You will enjoy both the work done and its fruits. Your success comes from doing your job well. You will receive exactly as much as you expected, no less, but no more. Unless the layout contains indications of gifts of fate. Therefore, the Seven of Pentacles is often considered almost a negative kata, because few people are directly satisfied with the goal of achieving it. Human nature is such that he always longs to get more from life, to be caressed by fate. For the same reason, people easily waste their lives spending on trifles and quick gains, losing in the long run.

The mood that the 7 of Pentacles gives is hope and uncertainty. This kata talks about the need to have patience, because every fruit needs time to ripen. And 9 pregnant women do not carry one child to term in a month.

Whatever you work on, now is the time when all processes can develop independently. This short break should be used to restore your strength.

Dividends from the Seven of Pentacles can only be received by those who take their work responsibly, do not pursue short-term profits, understand the mechanism and cyclical nature of processes, are ready to invest in the systematic realization of their desires, and are ready to devote themselves entirely to work and creation. This card is ruled by strict Saturn (or Chronos, the ruler of time), and he loves those who are hardworking, persistent and patient, ready to work hard, denying themselves much.

Negative, inverted position: Since work on the Seven of Pentacles is not easy, and, on top of everything else, monotonous and lengthy, and making a profit is gradual and extended over time, not only physical but also moral fatigue may arise, a desire to give up everything halfway and forget it like a bad dream. This attitude towards the situation will lead to melancholy and a feeling of emptiness. A lot of work has been done, there is no harvest yet, but there is no less work ahead than in the past. There is still so much to come! That is why the man, wearily leaning on his staff, looks at the bush with coins.

The feeling that someone is hunting for your harvest (ideas, projects, money) causes great anxiety, this forces you to be on guard all the time and become impatient - “when will it grow already!” These fears may well be justified if the remaining cards in the layout confirm it.

The Seven of Pentacles also speaks of problems at work; profit or salary does not cover the effort and time expended. This is hopeless, dull work, you won’t get a harvest from it, and you won’t get any benefit either.

Your efforts will not pay off, perhaps because of this. That a mistake was made at the very beginning or by the will of an evil fate, but this project will not take place. The wait is prolonged, you will receive less than you expected or you will receive nothing at all. Even if the result is achieved, it will take so much physical, mental and material costs that the result itself will no longer be a joy. While still on the way to achieving your goal, you have lost interest in it. You don’t see any prospects, but you also can’t quit halfway, because... are already involved in this matter. The trap of the 7 of Pentacles is that a person can get bogged down in useless, meaningless work, without having any strength to stop this process. The problem is also that, despite the fact that this work is fruitless, it must be done and the issue closed. In a very difficult situation, the card says that there is no work. No investment can bring success.

Interpretation in layouts:

Just like the Four of Swords and the Hanged Man, the Seven of Pentacles speaks of forced waiting and stagnation, only unlike these cards, the Seven has growth and development.

Also, the Seven of Pentacles in the classical interpretation is used to determine the period. In the upright position, she says that the result will not come soon, but it will happen. Here the definition of the units of time itself depends on the context of the question: days. Weeks, months. The waiting period is a year, this is exactly the period when they are waiting for a new harvest. Inverted: this will not happen within the specified period, the wait may drag on for a long time.

With the Jester (0 Arcana) – impatience, childishness. Quit the job halfway.

With the Hanged Man (12 Arcana) - all efforts made have led to a dead end.

With the Tower (16 Arcana) - collapse.

With the Sun (Arkan 19) - a reward for your efforts.

With Peace (21 Arcana) - get a harvest.

Seven of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Seven of Pentacles corresponds to Jupiter, symbolizing slow growth and patience. This is also Taurus in the third decade, which gives a person awareness of the need for a responsible attitude to his work, consistent achievement of goals, and full dedication to creative processes.

The ruling planet is Saturn, which makes a person persistent, organized, and fair. However, it also provides challenges: the desire to get everything at once, here and now, and the opposing need to wait, causes a person to be concerned about the future harvest, to worry about it.

Other names for the Seven of Pentacles: Seven of Denarii, Seven of Coins, Seven of Money, Lord of future success.

Brief description of Arcana: Patience, Waiting for the harvest, Fatigue, Endurance.

Description of the Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles of the classic deck depicts a peasant cultivating his land. At one time he planted fruit-bearing bushes, and now fruits have appeared on them. The peasant took care of his farm, so the harvest promises to be rich - the branches of the bush seem to be strewn with pentacle fruits.

His work was very hard, he was tired and needed rest, so he rested, leaning on his working tool and admiring the harvest. The fruits are not yet fully ripe, so the peasant is patient and waits until he can harvest.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot on the Seven of Pentacles, a young woman returns from the field with a rich harvest. The ears are filled with juice, which means the harvest is harvested on time, without haste. She waited patiently and was rewarded with a bountiful harvest.

The sacred meaning of the Seven of Pentacles

The sacred meaning of the Arcana originates from the Six of Pentacles preceding it, where our hero received financial assistance from a benefactor. In the Seven of Pentacles we see that he did not waste the money he received, but decided to increase it. He planted a tree, cared for it long and hard, and is now beginning to evaluate the result.

The tree, grateful for his care, began to bear fruit. A person is already looking forward to a rich harvest, but the fruits are not yet fully ripe, so he will have to be patient in order to harvest a good, ripe harvest on time.

The man’s posture tells us that the work was very hard and tiring: he stands leaning on a garden tool, because he is very tired and his legs can no longer support him. But harvesting also requires strength, so the person is now resting in order to begin the final part with new strength.

The Arcanum also makes it clear to us that a person invested not only physical strength into the result, but also spiritual strength. He literally lives in anticipation of the harvest, because if he weren’t so fixated on it, he could distract himself with something else, because behind there is a house that probably needs the owner’s hands. Yes, and resting in the house would be more comfortable, but our hero does not want to leave the fruits filling with juice for a second, as if he does not understand that now nothing depends on him and only time works for the result.

Mythological correspondence to the Seven of Pentacles

In mythology, we can gain an understanding of the Arcana from the stories of the Goddesses of the Seasons, which show that everything has its season: a certain time is allotted for planting, then comes the time of caring for the plants, and after that comes the time of harvesting. And nothing can interfere with this process, so you just need to be able to wait in the wings.

The meaning of the straight Seven of Pentacles in the layout

The Seven of Pentacles shows that some process that began earlier is currently undergoing. There is no result yet, but it is necessary to persistently wait for it, constantly adjusting the situation. How satisfactory this result will be will be told by the cards adjacent to the Arcanum. And yet the Seven of Pentacles is a card of income obtained as a result of persistent work. She says that the person worked hard and for a long time, he used the money correctly (if we take into account the previous Six of Pentacles, he did not squander the help provided to him, but invested the money in the future harvest). The most important thing now is to wait for the harvest.

Patience and restraint will bring good results, but impatience will not allow you to get the maximum result, and then you can talk about the discrepancy between the resulting harvest and the efforts expended. But the Seven of Pentacles also says that patience is not inert; during this period, development should not stop. If we take it in practice, it is not enough to plant a bush, it needs to be watered, hilled, and only then will there be a good harvest. At the same time, it should be understood that a person cannot speed up events.

In fact, the card indicates a success that has not yet been achieved, which the person has already set his sights on and was even able to feel himself in it. But this success still requires time, although at this stage it is already possible to assess whether this success will come or not.

The card can upset a person who is focused on getting instant results. It does not show the existing solution, but only gives an understanding that everything is going as usual, and time works in a person’s favor.

Another point that the Seven of Pentacles suggests paying attention to is fixation on a certain process, which prevents you from seeing something that could be useful. On the classic Arcana, a person stands leaning on a garden tool and watches the growth of the crop, although this process does not depend on him. You need to let events take their course, and join an active life yourself.

The meaning of the reversed Seven of Pentacles in the reading

The reversed Seven of Pentacles speaks of impatience, excessive worry, which affects the outcome. There may be carelessness in your actions. The map shows that a person has planted a vegetable garden, but for various reasons he will have either a meager harvest or none at all. The reasons may be an incorrect investment (the wrong place to plant a vegetable garden or low-quality seedlings), insufficient effort (a person did not take good care of the garden), or unfavorable external circumstances (a natural disaster destroyed the harvest).

When resources were initially distributed incorrectly, more effort is required to get results, so an inverted Arcanum shows that the harvest is negligible compared to the funds invested in it. The game is not worth the candle. Against this background, financial difficulties may arise due to unreasonable spending of money.

Also, the Seven of Pentacles indicates laziness, unreasonable delay in resolving some issues, which also leads to a loss of control over the situation and its disastrous result.


Currently, if business is growing, it is at a slow pace; profits do not satisfy the owners, and sometimes are completely absent. Still, there is some progress, but the company still has long and hard work to achieve the final goal.

Definitely, the card speaks of the need for hard work, which will be accompanied by fatigue and a desire to rest. You need to evaluate intermediate results and move on after a short rest. Hard work and patience can lead to career advancement. At the moment, the work invested is not paying off, but in the future it is possible to receive a good reward. The result of this work will be suggested by the nearby Arcana in the layout.

The Seven of Pentacles speaks of long-term projects that will have to be “pushed through” with persistent work, but for ideas that involve obtaining instant results, this Arcanum can be considered negative. Everything will be extended over time, and the period can be very long. Most often about a year.

This Arcanum is good for those who have disputes over business, complex negotiations that require time to understand and make a decision. He says there will be enough time for everything and it works for the person. The main thing is to be patient and not try to somehow influence events. Sometimes delay can be a blessing.

If we are talking about introducing something new, then a person will have to be patient and find worthy arguments to convince others. While understanding and support are not expected, there is time to change things. You just need to think everything through carefully. Jesus also tried to convey his ideas to the masses, but he received billions of followers only after he left this mortal coil. If the idea itself is valuable, then time will serve you well.

The inverted Seven of Pentacles speaks of an unsuccessfully started business that takes all the strength and resources, and its result can be very sad. In a person’s business, everything falls apart and collapses, and he himself is ready to indulge in laziness or thoughtlessly spend the remaining funds, despite the fact that bankruptcy looms ahead of him.

The card may indicate that a business partner did not live up to expectations and turned out to be a person trying to invest as little work or money into the business as possible. This threatens a serious disagreement with negative consequences for business.

The Seven of Pentacles is a bad investment that entails not only financial losses, but also wasted time and wasted energy.

The business that a person is engaged in does not bring satisfaction, most often due to exorbitant work and disproportionately small income. Sometimes the Seven of Pentacles reversed means that the harvest is being reaped by others.

Direction of self-development

From the standpoint of self-development, the Seven of Pentacles teaches a person patience. She makes it clear that it is not enough to launch some important process, you also need to support it, and without fussy treacherous actions, because there is nothing worse than trying to interfere with the natural course of events when it is necessary to show restraint.

There is no need to turn fatigue into laziness; you need to take a short break and then get back to your business. You need to take advantage of the respite in order to evaluate this stage, mobilize internal resources and adjust the strategy.

The inverted Seven of Pentacles makes it clear that a person’s self-development cannot progress due to his laziness. This is a setback that will force you to suffer mental and emotional losses.

Personal relationships

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a slow but progressive development of relationships, which will only happen if both partners work steadily towards this development. We are not talking about explosive passion or a whirlwind romance here. It is worth saying that these relationships do not look entirely harmonious; there are rough edges and certain difficulties in them. They consist in the fact that if one of the partners wants to speed things up, and the other, for various reasons, is in no hurry, then everything will develop very slowly, which cannot but irritate the impatient partner.

In this case, we can only advise you to be patient, since some steps towards the goal have already been taken and in order for them to bear fruit, you need to try to trust natural processes. Sometimes patience can be unexpectedly rewarded. For example, the partner’s pregnancy will interfere with the course of events. Possible “nudges” are determined by neighboring Arcana.

In some cases, and they need to be looked at in nearby cards, the Seven of Pentacles denotes a relationship that is stuck in a certain state, but the partner is not happy with the result. This is not what he expected, this is not what he wanted, and he is not going to stop developing. However, at the moment he needs to think about everything that is happening and develop new tactics. It is clear that a person is tired of steering this ship of relationships through a rather changeable sea of ​​events, but after a short rest he will have to roll up his sleeves again and steer the situation in his direction.

The inverted Seven of Pentacles indicates that there is now a period of disagreements and quarrels in relationships, and here we are not even talking about harmonious relationships. In this case, at least reach a compromise that is more or less satisfactory for both. This is very difficult, because partners see that they made a mistake by starting a relationship in the first place.

Everything is aggravated by the fact that partners make mistakes and unseemly acts, driven by disappointment and irritation. Sometimes these actions cause jealousy and suspicion, and not without reason: with such a card, betrayal is quite possible. This card is softened by the Jester (0 or XXII Arcana depending on the deck). He says the suspicions are unfounded and do not deserve attention.

The reversed Seven of Pentacles warns that one can expect a vile or immoral act from a partner.

Personality characteristics

The Seven of Pentacles depicts a person who is patient, but full of doubts and uncertainty. He takes some actions, makes decisions, and after some time begins to doubt their correctness, because he does not see immediate results. At the same time, he is not a pessimist, since he always has hope that the result will be exactly the one he was aiming for.

Such a person works hard because he is motivated by material wealth. Often he is not poor, but he is almost never completely satisfied with his condition; it always seems to him that he can achieve more, and does so. Since he works hard, he often looks tired and emotionally and physically exhausted.

The Seven of Pentacles person suffers from low self-esteem: it seems to him that he is not talented, smart, efficient, or professionally competent enough. This prevents him from setting high goals, because, in his opinion, he does not deserve them. At the same time, such a person is quite capable of mobilizing his strength in time in order to persistently and persistently achieve results.

The inverted Arcanum speaks of a person who is always in a hurry, doing everything in a hurry, and doing them somehow, naturally, without getting a decent result. If a life situation stretches over time, then he tries to interfere in the course of events and will definitely screw things up.

He tries to be in several places at the same time, naturally, he fails, which makes him angry, irritated and transfers his emotions to others. Most often this is a loser in life. Whatever he starts, he either doesn’t finish it or gets involved in obviously losing projects.

For all his fussiness, this man is damn lazy, and also wasteful. He often suffers losses, but this does not stop him. Embarrassing situations await such people around every corner.


As an indicator of health, the Seven of Pentacles is considered unfavorable. She speaks of the development of some kind of internal disease, the first symptoms of which will not appear soon, but time for treatment may be lost. With such a map we can talk about chronic fatigue, weakness, melancholy.

An inverted Arcana speaks of the rapid development of some kind of disease, sudden injuries.

Layout for the situation

The Seven of Pentacles in the layout of the situation shows that a favorable outcome awaits her, but for this to happen, a lot of effort will be required. At the same time, the card recommends being patient so as not to make fatal mistakes. There is a great desire to intervene in the course of events, to somehow speed up the ending, but you need to make every effort to restrain yourself from realizing this desire.

A wise warrior will not take unnecessary risks; he would rather sit comfortably on the shore, waiting for the hour when the enemy’s corpse floats along it. There is no need to be nervous and fuss, you need to calmly observe the situation: only an attentive person will see progress even when everything is moving at a snail’s pace.

It is clear that the appearance of the Seven of Pentacles in the layout makes it clear that the person has spent a lot of effort and energy, is tired of waiting for the result, and is very disappointed with this, but he needs to convey that there will be a result. What he sees and evaluates now is only an intermediate result.

The inverted Arcanum suggests that the situation will be resolved in a pitiable manner, and a huge share of the blame for this lies with the person himself: he was too impatient, tried to treacherously interfere in the course of events, and sometimes confused the cards. Now everything has gone wrong and is falling apart.

All the efforts expended earlier were in vain, too much was done “wrong” for there to be an opportunity to fix everything. This is a dead end situation that drives a person crazy.

Card of the day

A day when slowness will be welcomed, but slowness, not laziness. You need to carefully weigh your actions and not expect quick results, then success is guaranteed.

The inverted Arcanum warns that on this day it will cover you with laziness, but the consequences may result in losses.

Card of the Year

If you want to achieve your goals, then you need to throw the phrase “at any cost” out of your head. Here it is important to start on time and not interfere with the natural course of events, but only help with your deliberate actions. The card has to do with time, since time must always pass from planting a vegetable garden to harvesting. Typically this card speaks of a yearly period. Therefore, if the foundation is laid at the beginning of the year, then at the end it will be possible to complete the construction, the main thing is not to stop and not to rush.

An inverted card threatens a year of losses, deceived promises, dashed hopes.

Arcana Council

The Seven of Pentacles recommends remembering that there is always a time for everything: a time to plant seeds in the soil, a time to cultivate sprouts and a time to harvest, and nothing can change this, since this is the natural course of events, woven into the fabric of the divine plan. You just need to be able to wait for the harvest so as not to be dissatisfied with unripe fruits.

“Patience and work will grind everything down.”

Most often, this card means a modest reward for great work. Minor Arcana Tarot card Seven of Pentacles (Coins, Denariev) means you are wasting yourself where you could get by with a formality. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Seven of Pentacles means work and expectation of success, and whether it comes true or not will be shown by the neighboring cards.

General meaning of the Seven of Pentacles card

Crowley's meaning differs from the traditional one. Disintegration, failure of a business on which too much effort was spent. The failure of dreams and plans, which are pointless to cling to.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of the card is close to tradition: unfinished business will require too much effort from you, more than you expected. This is a reward for work in any field. You worked very hard, the process itself brought you satisfaction. Now that the field is plowed and sown, all that remains is to wait for the harvest to ripen.

Both meanings are interrelated. Both there and there talk about patience and labor. What may seem like a gift and reward to a patient and self-possessed person, to a fussy runner is pure torment and disappointment, a waste of time. But the Seven of Pentacles Tarot does not indicate a stop, but a slow, very gradual growth. These are long-term projects where you should not expect quick results.

This is a respite when you can evaluate the path you have taken and the situation as a whole. It depends on you whether this will be devastation or calm sifting out of the unnecessary and hope. If you wanted to get everything at once, you will be disappointed. Time manifests itself very clearly here, and the process itself will continue until the moment of Truth and Retribution comes. The main thing is not to stop, not to give up and not to listen to the whining rushers. Too much has already been done to back down.

The Seven of Coins does not promise a global and solemn conclusion; the process will peacefully and naturally come to its end, and maybe “die” if it is the will of Heaven. But in fact, there will still be some reward no matter the outcome. You just need to have enough patience.

In the scenario for the situation, the Seven Denariev prophesies a good result, but reminds of the considerable work that will have to be put into this matter. There is absolutely no need to resort to tricks, everything will happen on its own, but there is no need to rush - save your nerves and learn patience, everything should go naturally. Yes, a lot of effort has been invested, but the result is not yet visible. But the card teaches faith in future success.

Personal Description

This Arcanum speaks of possible doubts in one’s abilities. Dissatisfaction and hope for profit and prosperity. But a person is interested not in simple making money, but in his own self-realization. People of this card see the potential of those around them and the possible application of their talents to business. They can offer mutually beneficial cooperation. However, the benefactor’s opinion of himself is not high. It seems to him that he does not possess any talents and is generally not worthy of high results.

On a deeper level

The main meaning of the Arcana in this area is “Process” - “Road”, as opposed to the Result that completes everything (the end of the path when the result has already been achieved). It is not for nothing that the card is associated with agriculture - perseverance and patient work are inherent in the sign of Taurus, but Saturn gives notes of a decadent mood and vanity. This is a test of strength.

For magicians, the card symbolizes the moment when a ritual or other magical action is completed and left to unfold on its own until the result is achieved. Equivalence of physical and mental effort: in order to achieve enlightenment, a young monk must sometimes cross the threshold of fatigue while doing physical work.

In the third decade of Taurus, an attitude towards work and a desire to achieve goals, as well as the ability to plan, are formed. And also creativity, patience, curbing emotions, justice. The ruler is Saturn, which gives not only a creative streak, but also excessive fussiness and depression.

The Seven Denarii suggests that sometimes you need to lose a little in order to achieve a lot. This is a Path for the sake of the Path, and not for the sake of the Goal. And the result will be pushed away from you only so that you comprehend more and ultimately achieve more. Need gives rise to talent, and a true artist is always hungry, literally and figuratively. And the moneylender’s habits and the desire to get everything immediately only ruin everything achieved.

The Arcana also traces the action of Chiron, causing confusion. And the step leading to self-discipline will be important. Occasionally, Crowley’s formulation also works, correlating the Arcana with the World of Shadows and the slow dying of life.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The meaning of the card in various layouts

For career and work

There is almost no dynamics observed, although, it seems, things are moving forward. The profit is small, but in the future everything is possible. The card points to the very moment when we ask ourselves whether we will continue or look for another field of activity. This is thinking during a break, slow career growth. There will be results, but the cards nearby will tell you which ones. It is quite possible that there will still be a result, but the reward will not be very great.

Due to essentially small successes, you can get bogged down in illusions and miss the real chances that will appear after some time. In any case, the Seven of Pentacles will not appeal to people who are more vain and want to quickly increase their income. It’s good to see it in the layout, perhaps, only if it concerns the court. Everything will go slowly, calmly, in its own way, and all you need to do is calmly and diligently work.

Crowley exaggerates - he talks about hopelessness and bad times, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with the results. But everything is relative. Perhaps a bad mood diminishes everything you have done in your eyes.

Maybe you are trying in vain to “reach the minds” of those around you? But you know, people tend to resist pressure. Perhaps you should just reduce the pressure and everything will go much better. Often the card speaks of unrecognized talent, when contemporaries are simply unable to appreciate a person’s genius.

For finance and property

Impatience, the desire to quickly achieve what you want. The questioner is not satisfied with what he has. But in old sources, Arcanum is listed as a harbinger of wealth, successful transactions and profit, this is the result of hard work and good planning. Good savings and a built state brick by brick.

Sometimes the map was interpreted as an unexpected find - a treasure, hidden treasure. This is an accident that can reward you for the long patience you have shown before. Perhaps this is just a good moment, the most favorable for carrying out some financial transactions or transactions. Or a very good and interesting deal, which you will be able to pull off only thanks to the accumulated experience, and you will acquire it only in previous long and hard work.

Often, the Seven of Coins warns about the need to create a cash reserve that will provide you until you achieve stable results; if you do not receive the expected profit, it will be somewhat less.

Crowley, as always, is full of tragedy and extremes; he sees in this lasso a wide range of troubles from minor losses to bankruptcy and betrayal by partners. The inverted meaning of the card in the classical interpretation speaks of debts and financial difficulties. These are losses, financial holes, expenses unforeseen by the budget. Unclean sources of income or laundering of dirty finances.

For love and relationships

The Seven of Pentacles has a double interpretation, so you need to carefully look at the surrounding cards.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot meaning in relationships speaks of their leisurely nature. There are no sudden turns or madness, but you are constantly working to build an alliance. There are no ups, but there are no downs, there is no extravagance, but everything is not so easy, you go through the days, take gradual steps.

It is very likely that one of the partners is delaying the resolution of certain issues. For example, one wants an official marriage, and the second is afraid of financial instability or property troubles. Whereas the first partner is much less worried about such things and is very interested in the further development of this marriage.

Crowley says that people do not hear each other and disagreements most likely cannot be overcome. Often the lasso indicates disharmony in a marriage or partnership and the consequences of this imbalance. There is no use in forcing events. Natural processes must go through all phases before the situation is resolved.

If the object of your desires is not ready for changes in his life, then remember that people generally tend to resist any outside pressure. Most likely, you would not be interested in an uncomplaining wimp and an eternal victim who agrees with everything as an object of love. So show understanding and tact - give the person the opportunity to get to know you better and draw conclusions.

In any case, the process is underway. Let it be very slowly. The first meaning of the card is that everything will gradually form, the result will be achieved in due time. Wait, look for approaches, be consistent, don’t fuss in vain.

The second option, which is less optimistic, speaks of the hopelessness of the matter. Everything drags on and on, the years go by. And instead of looking for better and more worthy options, you sit at the same mouse hole and guard your mouse. The trouble is that the passages of the mouse hole are tortuous, and the cunning animal could have gone in a completely different direction long ago. The card speaks of a painful desire to gain the affection of the object of your passion. The situation is strange - you seem to be stuck between heaven and earth and most likely there will be no improvement.

Analyze everything related to your feelings and the signs that your partner gave you, perhaps even unconsciously. Perhaps it's time to stop this torment? Or do you need to give your partner time to “ripen” and morally grow to the right decision?

Sometimes the card speaks of innocence, as a state when an untouched and never-blooming bush cannot bear fruit. Traditionally, the card is associated with the constellation Libra, the VII House (it is responsible for creating a family), the presence of Venus and Mercury is felt here.

The card does not conceal complete hopelessness. It is quite possible that you have set yourself the wrong goal or are going towards it the wrong way? Or maybe public opinion obscures the partner’s eyes and he demands from this union something completely different from what his soul wants? Then this imbalance will interfere with the achievement of mutual understanding between the parties. Crowley focuses on the unresolvable crisis, stalling and collapse of relationships.

For health status

Health problems. Perhaps a chronic disease, the course of which you have no idea about. Lethargy and fatigue. Often this condition is typical for 35-50 year old people. Perhaps you are overcome by apathy and depression. Sometimes a card can indicate a pandemic.

Patience and perseverance are rewarded many times over, while in petty fuss you will lose everything you have already collected. Records are of no use here; everything has its time and place. You can get too bogged down in the little things of unnecessary vanity that you don’t have the strength to do anything great. A business, like a seed, needs to germinate, but pulling it by the top towards the sun is useless. And the gardener will still have time to think.

The meaning of a reversed card

Here the influences of Saturn unfold in all their glory: vanity, nervousness, impatience. In a hurry, money is unprofitably invested, wasted, losses and hard times. There are many errors in work, erroneous calculations. Procrastination and stagnation. The low position of Libra promises scandals in the family or work team, hopes are disappointed and the contribution to the common cause is unequal.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed indicates that efforts are not rewarded. Perhaps you cheated? In society - a violation of norms and rules, a person is either a victim of lawlessness, or a bully himself. Just vanity and suspicion. And everything is useless.

Combined with other cards

How is the Seven of Pentacles interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester - vanity is in vain;
  • With the Empress - a good combination, speaking of prosperity and warm relations. Reward for work.
  • With Justice - evaluate everything soberly and choose the right direction of movement;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - the direction of action will change;
  • With Death - things will soon move forward;
  • With the Devil - greed, reluctance to part with property, money is very important in your life. With the cards of the initial row of Pentacles, not counting the Ace, this is from experienced poverty and deprivation.

The 7 of Pentacles card is often called the Lord of Unfulfilled Success. It depicts a sower waiting for the harvest, who does not yet know whether the harvest will live up to his hopes or whether the winter will be hungry. However, there is still hope for success.

In the article:

7 of Pentacles - meaning of Tarot cards

The meaning of the 7 Pentacles of the Tarot is that the situation is developing somewhat differently than the fortuneteller would like. They put a lot of effort into realizing a certain idea. A lot of time and effort was spent to achieve the desired result. Part of the meaning of the 7 of Pentacles card lies in the appreciation of the effort invested. This is logical - the more you invest in the crop, the more it lives up to expectations, however, this does not always happen.

The Seven of Pentacles warns that your wishes may not come true at all. At a minimum, this will not happen in the time frame you expected. There is an opinion that this card means a period of a year. The fortuneteller’s efforts will not be in vain, but he will not achieve his goal as quickly as he thinks. And now there is uncertainty. You may have to put in extra effort to achieve the desired result. We'll have to be patient.

If you need to make a decision whose outcome will be of great importance, now is not the best time to do it. Don’t make hasty conclusions, take a break and think about whether to start a new project right now. No matter how promising the proposals are, it is better to know everything about the situation. Only if you have complete knowledge about the subject can you work with it.

7 of Pentacles Tarot upside down means approximately the same thing. However, the likelihood of bringing the idea to life becomes less. Most likely, you will not be able to get any benefit from your idea; your efforts will be wasted. Perhaps the first results of your work will appear only in a few years. The fortuneteller's impatience will not bring any benefit, as will hasty actions. In addition, the card promises anxiety about waiting for the results of an idea and depression caused by disappointed expectations.

In the situation indicated by the meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot, only patience can help. You should stop, carefully examine the situation and continue to act, but with greater caution. This will give you more chances of success, but the first results will not appear soon. You have embarked on a long-term enterprise, and if you do not strive to be content with what you have, but wait for real success, everything will turn out great.

7 of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in layouts for work and affairs

The Seven of Tarot Coins speaks of the long-term nature of the enterprise you are working on. Now the project is going through the next stage of development, and those who work on it can only wait. The wait promises to be long, but this time will fully pay off when the results finally appear. The best areas for activity now are science and technology.

Those who expected quick income, salary increases or other benefits will be disappointed. However, under no circumstances should you try to speed things up. This could leave everyone working on the enterprise broke. The consequences of hasty action can be fatal. Inverted The 7 of Pentacles warns that the investment will be unprofitable, the project is doomed to failure. However, it can also mean a missed opportunity.

The best thing to do in this situation is to be patient. If you or your career, the Tarot answer is this: in order to earn advancement, you will have to spend more than one year. If this is not your option, it is better to find another place or be content with what you have now. Regarding changing jobs, it is better not to take risks and think everything through carefully.

This period is good for studying the occult, meditation and concentration on the spiritual world. After working hard on a long-term project, you may feel the urge to relax. This must be done, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid nervous tension and overwork. In addition, the period is good for vacation.

Seven of Pentacles in relationship readings - meaning

Sexual Magic Tarot

The meaning in relationships of the 7 Pentacles of the Tarot can be called positive. This card does not promise anything unpleasant in this case. The quality of relationships invariably improves, but this is a long process. The result will sooner or later make itself known, but for now you will have to wait. There is no need to try to force things, this will only ruin the relationship.

Sometimes 7 coins portends pregnancy, usually unplanned, unexpected. If you have been trying for a long time, this card, on the contrary, will tell you about problems associated with childbirth. But perhaps pregnancy will occur when the partners finally lose hope of having heirs. Inverted The Seven of Pentacles speaks of infertility.

When fortune telling for a new relationship, the card also advises not to rush things. You have to let the situation develop naturally. You will have to be patient, but rushing rarely leads to good results. Making hasty decisions and indulging in the desire to get everything at once can ruin the situation. This relationship will mature gradually.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in personality characteristics

The person referred to by the Seven of Pentacles in a straight position, is distinguished by enviable patience and planning abilities. He never rushes headlong into the pool and does not make hasty decisions. These are employees who have been occupying the same workplace for years. They may choose long-term projects and positions that involve extremely slow career progression. This suits their character.

The person who received this card can be either an investor who chooses reliable, albeit not guaranteeing a quick income, or a farmer who strives for a stable, albeit small, harvest.

Inverted The 7 of Pentacles says that the person being told fortunes likes to give up. He stops in front of difficulties and does not want to continue on the path to his goal. Such people do not have patience; they often abandon projects they have started due to their unwillingness to wait for results. This is not the best colleague, boss or business partner.

7 of Pentacles - combination with other cards

In card fortune telling, not only the meanings of the cards, but also their combinations are of great importance, and the 7 of Pentacles is no exception to this rule. Thus, the Seven of Coins in combination with and indicates that waiting is necessary. The combination of these cards indicates slow but continuous growth or progress. Be patient and wait for positive results.

Together with the card, it says that the matter will be abandoned halfway. Lack of patience will be the main reason for not getting profit or results. In combination with the Seven of Pentacles, it speaks of languishing in the unknown.

One can only be glad if the 7 of Pentacles falls together with the Empress. This combination of cards indicates the beginning of a period associated with the appearance of the results of a certain long-term enterprise. Your investments will bring profit. The combination of the Seven of Pentacles with

The 7 of Pentacles is a card that speaks of patience, waiting, and sometimes just walking away from something that isn't working. It's about stopping and wondering why something you've been meaning to achieve for so long is still not producing results.

The Arcanum predicts and warns of disappointments, long periods of waiting and offers that you should consider.

Sometimes we really need to step back and look at things from a different perspective. In some cases there is nothing more we can do. We must take a step back.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you need to think through all the details before making a decision.

Description of the card image

In the center of the card is a young man in the modest attire of a farmer or landowner. He leans on a hoe and thinks about something. The young man's gaze falls on a green flowering bush. But on the bush, instead of fruits, there are coins with pentacles. There are six coins on the bush, another coin lies under the young man’s feet, but he does not notice this coin.

The Seven of Pentacles is a card of process, not of result per se. Here patience and perseverance come into contact with despondency and impatience. Fate tests your toughness and helps you realize that you can achieve results through slow and painstaking work. The Seven of Pentacles teaches you to carefully weigh your decisions, to persistently pursue your goal, but not contrary to fate. You are more of an observer of what is happening, and to a lesser extent, the one who decides and determines the final result.

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Direct position value

Keys: expectations, uncertainty, tolerance. Reflection and analysis of the situation. Tired and exhausted state. Investments for the future. Laying the foundation for future success. Realization of plans. Perseverance. Profit of future periods. Getting what you want after some time. No effort goes unnoticed. Patience and more patience. Results within a year. An assessment of the situation and results is necessary. Slow progress.

Successful completion of the case and receipt of reward for your work awaits you. But it is worth considering that this will not happen now, but soon. To achieve what you want, you did everything right: you laid the foundation, made an effort, now all you have to do is wait for your investments to start making a profit. Until then, keep working hard and doing good work.

You work hard and it will definitely bring you profit. The quality of your life will improve, your financial situation will stabilize. You are on the right track, keep working and wait.

It is worth remembering and taking into account some points. Not all work and investments immediately begin to generate income and pay off. You may experience delays in business, delays in making decisions, delays in results, but all this will be for your benefit. So don't try to speed up the process. While you wait for success, don't forget about the present.

Advice: stop and look around, maybe you missed something, didn’t take advantage of any opportunity. Most likely, there is already profit and it can be used for your own purposes.

Learn to wait, cultivate calmness and perseverance. Don’t try to take on several things at once; trying to master everything at once will lead to nothing.

Now you need endurance; perhaps you should lie low to hear and see the details of the situation that were missed in the bustle.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: uncertainty, anxiety, ambiguity. Retreat. A break is needed. Losses. Anxiety. Insolvency. Disharmony. Laziness. Slowness. Waste of funds. Dissatisfaction with yourself and your position. Financial problems, debts. Loss of position. Ill-conceived investments. Losing. Inability to be content with little and what you have. Awkwardness. The time period for implementation is a year or more. Unjustified investments. Self-pity. Bad credit history.

Your hopes will not come true, you will not be able to take advantage of the situation. Your investment will not return, will not bring profit and will not pay off. Your calculations turned out to be wrong. There was a flaw somewhere in the plan. You miscalculated.

If someone asks you for a loan, you should not grant this request. The debt will not be returned to you.

You cannot succeed because you are impatient or too slow.

Your plans are not yet being realized. If you have ideas, postpone their implementation until a better time. The worst situation is loss and damage. Plus the position is to miss the profit, but the opportunity to stay with your own.

Warning: You are at risk of wasted effort.

Seven of Pentacles in health

Straight position. Weakened immunity, loss of vitality. Body systems are out of order. The problems are internal.

Inverted position. Apathetic moods, depression, weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, infectious diseases.

Seven of Pentacles in Relationships

The Seven of Pentacles can indicate failure and sadness in a relationship or someone you've been waiting for a long time. You may be disillusioned with the partnership and want to give it up. Or do you think that a lot of work needs to be done in this regard.

This lasso is not the best card to draw when you are looking for romance. It indicates failure.

Straight position. A lot of effort has been invested in the relationship, but the return is not yet visible. The development of relationships has reached a dead end. Understanding and awareness that this situation will not last long and you need to make a decision and get out of the situation. The first option is to develop the relationship, move to the next level and move on. The second option is to break off the relationship and take a break.

One-sided desire in a relationship - one partner wants something, and the other denies it or does not support the initiative.

It's time to ask the question: “What will happen next and what development should we expect?” Don't be afraid to talk to your partner. Remaining silent and hiding the true situation is not the best option.

Advice: do not rush your partner into making any decision. Let me calmly think about the situation. Express your thoughts, complaints, convey to your partner what does not suit you, and give him time to think.

Inverted position. Perhaps a third wheel is interfering in the relationship, betrayal by one of the partners, hopelessness of the situation, routine in the relationship, naivety of one of the partners, fatigue from the relationship.

The state of affairs is in limbo, one thing is clear: it won’t get any better. Crisis in relationships. Survive the crisis by following the flow of life.

Seven of Pentacles at work

Areas of activity of the Seven of Pentacles: work related to land, land cultivation, city landscaping, work in agriculture, farmer, investor, appraiser, real estate sales manager.

Straight position. Slowly but surely achieving what you want. There is progress, but it is little noticeable. You should be patient and wait until your work is appreciated. You should not expect rapid development or recognition. Persistently and persistently go towards your goal, move slowly but surely. Apply your skills and abilities.

What you should pay attention to: do your work efficiently and conscientiously, do not get involved in conflicts. Please be patient.

Inverted position. Unemployment, lack of proposals and projects. Working for unworthy wages. Business does not generate income; it drains not only strength, but also money. Lack of knowledge, skill and work experience. Lack of understanding of your purpose. Inability to enjoy work. Defects and poor quality work. A large amount of work that cannot be completed or delivered on time.

Seven of Pentacles about the current situation

Straight position. To get what you want, you need to be patient and do some extra work. When developing or implementing a new project, do not rush. Think about the current situation and think through your moves.

In the current situation, you should not be cunning and look for illegal or contradictory solutions, everything will be resolved by itself. Don’t rush things, don’t look for a quick solution, everything goes as it should. Trust the slow progress and let the situation pass through you.

You should reconsider your action plan; most likely, you should understand yourself and find harmony within yourself. Phlegmatism and calmness are your comrades.

An assessment of the current situation, regardless of whether the fortuneteller is satisfied with the result or not.

Inverted position. Perhaps you yourself do not understand where you are moving, you are going for the sake of going. The surrounding bustle unsettles you. You're afraid to stop because you think you'll get hit. Don’t be afraid, step aside and analyze your situation, whether you are doing what you want. Accept your position.

Be careful that your work does not go to others. Stand up for your work so your profits don't go away from you.

Advice: you may have to gather your strength and do something that is unpleasant for you, but necessary for those around you.

Warning. You won't like what you're asked to do.

Keys to understanding the Seven of Pentacles:

  • Endless and useless work and investments.
  • A difficult period has come, difficulties in work. Unbearable obligations.
  • There are no prospects for development.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Loss of strength and emptiness.
  • Think about what you have gained, what positive moments and lessons can be learned from the situation.

Seven of Pentacles tips:

  1. Learn to be patient and wait.
  2. There is development and growth, but remember it is very slow.
  3. The result is not immediate, wait for the situation to be revealed.
  4. Know how to enjoy the moment and take your time.

Questions to analyze the situation when the Seven of Pentacles appears:

  • Why should you do or are doing something you don’t want or want?
  • How can I make my situation easier?
  • Why don't you like what you do?
  • The result of the work done? What do you see and what do others see?
  • How is your work perceived? How is it paid?
  • How to stop doing something you don't like?

The meaning of the 7 of Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Intolerance. Not being able to wait.

With a magician. Showcase your abilities. Expect victory.

With the High Priestess. Excuses. Obscurity.

With the Empress. Income. Possibility of conceiving a child.

With the Emperor. Attachments.

With the hierophant. Others are to blame for your problems.

With lovers. Disappointment. Expectation of reciprocity.

With a chariot. A choice must be made. Crisis situation.

With strength. A firm position is required. Know how to wait.

With a hermit. Defeats. Loneliness.

With the wheel of fortune. Departure from plans.

With justice. Doubts, search for truth.

C hanged. The hopelessness of the situation. Negative consequences.

With death. Uncontrollable forces. External influence.

With moderation. Income. Getting what you deserve.

With the devil. The futility of the work done. Disappointments.

With a tower of lightning. Loss of property.

With a star. Tolerance. Expectation.

With the moon. Avoiding problems.

With the sun. Make the right and thoughtful choice.

With the court. A new life awaits you ahead.

With peace. Reward for work done.

Seven of Pentacles in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. The standby mode ends. Everything will become clear soon.

With a deuce. Delaying a decision.

With a three. Sudden changes.

With four. Support from loved ones.

With an A. Attempts to repay a debt, a quarrel on financial grounds.

With six. The right decision was made. The makings of an entrepreneur.

With seven. Financial instability. Debts.

With eight. Favorable position, you will achieve your goal.

With nine. Your strength is being tested.

With ten. You need to change something in your life.

With a page. Wasted talent.

With a knight. Lack of knowledge and skills.

With the queen. Stay optimistic and be firm in your decision.

With the king. Inflated self-esteem. Invest in business.

The meaning of the seven of pentacles in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Show your strengths in practice.

With a deuce. Calm, searching for a way out of the situation.

With a three. Teamwork. There is no need to regret the past.

With four. Depression, apathy.

With an A. You don't understand what you're doing. Lack of control of actions.

With six. Missed opportunities. False hopes.

With seven. Closedness. Closedness.

With eight. Drive. The race for illusions and dreams.

With nine. The investment is worth it. Receiving income.

With ten. Family. Receiving rewards.

With a page. Frivolity. Reproaches.

With a knight. Disappointment. Empty expectations.

With the queen. Hiding your capabilities. Fear of something.

With the king. Your partner or friend is not reliable.

Interpretation of the 7 of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Uncontrolled emotions, breakdown, vanity.

With a deuce. Sadness. Recklessness.

With a three. Emptyness, loss of something.

With four. Internal changes occur in you that are not visible to others.

With an A. Experiences, worries.

With six. Favorable opportunities and new horizons for development open up for you.

With seven. Risks, revaluation of life principles.

With eight. You are captive of some circumstances.

With nine. The unknown.

With ten. Devastation, both moral and physical, and financial.

With a page. Lack of money, quarrels and conflicts.

With a knight. Bustle. Taking events too seriously.

With the queen. Control over the situation.

With the king. Profitable investments, making a profit.

Seven of Pentacles in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Stable position. Clarification of the situation.

With a deuce. Everything is in your power, there is an opportunity to correct the situation.

With a three. You can work and earn money.

With four. Planning your actions, following the plan.

With an A. Weakening of the immune system.

With six. Income. Getting what you deserve.

With eight. There is a lot of work, the pay is not worthy.

With nine. You can't stop living beautifully.

With ten. Empty hopes for others.

With a page. You won't achieve more until you take action on your own.

With a knight. Debts, both yours and what is owed to you.

With the queen. Lack of funds. Savings are needed.