Plan for morphological analysis of participles examples. Analysis of participles and gerunds

Scheme of morphological analysis of the inflected verb form - participles

I. Select the verb form from the text and name its type.

II. Indicate the initial form - infinitive.

III. Install lexical meaning words.

IV. Having posed the question, indicate the general categorical and grammatical meaning.

V. Characterize the morphological features of the verb

1. Type: perfect or imperfect, indicate:

A). general and particular meaning of the species;

b). grammatical features;

V). type in relation to the species category: correlative in species (determine how the species pair is formed) or incorrelative in species: two-species or one-species (name the meaning).

2. Returnable or non-refundable, correlative in terms of returnability or not.

3. Transitive or intransitive, indicate the meaning.

4. Having identified the formative bases, determine the class of the verb: productive or unproductive.

5. Conjugation: I, II, heteroconjugated, archaic conjugation.

VI. Determine how the participle is formed: from what stem, with the help of what suffix.

VII. :

1. Voice: active or passive, name the meaning and indicator.

2. Time: present or past (name the indicator); indicate the relative temporal value (preceding, simultaneous, subsequent action).

3. In full or short form(for passive participles).

4. Number (indicate means of expression).

5. Gender (indicate means of expression).


1. Type of connection with other words.

2. Role in the sentence.

Analysis samples

Nazi troops defeated The Red Army soon capitulated.

I. Defeated

II. Win .

III. Win - “someone or something. To win a victory over someone or something." [Ozhegov, Shvedova, p. 527].

IV. Answers the question: what to do?

V. , from which the participle is formed:

1. Perfect look:

won - will win ;

victorious - defeated;

having won;

win - win , the species pair is formed by the suffix method, as well as by alternation d//zhd’.

2. Non-refundable, non-refundable.

3. Transitive: denotes an action that passes to a direct object.

4. The basis of the infinitive is victory- (win t), the basis of the future tense - victories’- (victories yat).

5. Form 3rd l. pl. h. - will win, stressed subspecies, II conjugation (at the end).

enn -:

-win-+ -enn- → defeated

(and is shortened to j: и>j, *dj>жд’ - iotation in the late common Slavic era).

VII. Morphological features participles:

1. Passive voice: denotes the attribute of an object according to the experienced action, indicator - suffix - enn -.

enn -

3. In context, used in full form, indicator - ending - s.

4. In plural h.; OPS - ending - s.

5. The gender cannot be determined, because in the plural. h., SS - form of noun. troops(noun is in plural form, in I. p.)

VIII. Syntactic features of participle:

1. Defeated(by whom?) army: connection with a noun army- verbal control, the participle controls the noun, putting it in the form T. p.; troops defeated: connection with a noun troops- agreement, participle agrees with the noun in number and case.

Old poet, late achieved fame, hated and feared beginners.

(Guy de Maupassant)

I. Achieved - inflected verb form, participle.

II. Achieve .

III. Achieve - “Achieve something.” after effort." [Ozhegov, Shvedova, p. 169].

IV. Answers the question: what to do? The general categorical and grammatical meaning is a procedural feature of the subject.

V. Morphological features of the verb, from which the participle is formed:

1. Perfect look:

A). denotes an action limited by a limit, a particular meaning - actual and effective;

b). grammatical features:

IN indicative mood has the forms of two tenses - past and future: achieved - will achieve;

Forms a synthetic form of the future tense;

Forms only past participles: achieved;

Participle perfect form: having achieved;

Does not combine with phase verbs;

Does not combine with words indicating the duration and repetition of an action;

V). the verb is correlative in appearance, forms an aspectual pair: achieve - strive , the species pair is formed by the suffix method.

2. Returnable, non-relative in terms of returnability.

3. Intransitive: denotes an action that does not transfer to the direct object.

4. The stem of the infinitive is dobi- (dobi t xia), the basis of the future tense is dob’- (dobi yut xia).

Correlation of basics -i-… -t’-: productive, class V.

5. Form 3rd l. pl. h. - will achieve, stressed subtype, I conjugation (at the end).

VI. The participle is formed from the base of the infinitive (past tense) by adding the suffix - vsh -:

-finish-+ -vsh- → achieved.

VII. Morphological features of the participle:

1. Valid pledge: denotes the attribute of an object based on the action performed, the indicator is the suffix - vsh -.

2. Past tense: denotes a sign of an object by action that appeared before the moment of speech, indicator - suffix - vsh -; relative temporal meaning: denotes an action preceding the action of the predicate verb.

3. Used only in full form, indicator - ending - th.

4. In units h.; OPS - ending - th.

5. In m.r.; SS - form of noun. poet (noun m. r. is in the form of singular, i. p.).

VIII. Syntactic features of participle:

1. Achieved(what?) fame: connection with a noun fame- verbal control, the participle controls the noun, putting it in the form of R. p.; poet achieved: connection with a noun poet- agreement, participle agrees with the noun in gender, number and case.

2. Included in the proposal separate definition, expressed by participial phrase.

OPS is the main paradigmatic tool.

SS is a syntagmatic device.

I. General grammatical meaning (sign of subject by action)

Initial form (masculine, singular, nominative case) – which?

what is he doing? what did he do? + from what verb is it formed

II. Constant signs:

Active or Passive

Returnable or non-refundable

Time (present or past)

Not constant signs:

Full or short form (y passive participles)

Gender (singular only)

Case (for full participles)

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

The fields are already compressed.

I. The fields (what are they? what are they made of?) are compressed – participle, denotes the attribute of an object by action

Chief: which one? compressed, derived from the verb - compress

II. suffering, non-return, sov.v., past time.

Non-continuous pr.: in short form, plural.

III. The sentence is nominal part compound nominal predicate.

Morphological analysis participles

I. General grammatical meaning (additional action to the main action)

Initial form: from what verb is it derived

II. Constant signs:

Variable signs:


I was walking along the road trying notice their tracks.

I. Walked (doing what? How?) trying – gerund, denotes an additional action

Beginning: derived from the verb – try

II. uneven appearance

Non-constant: constant

Morphological analysis of the numeral name

I. General grammatical meaning (number of objects, counting order)

Initial form (nominative case) – how many? Which?

II. Constant signs:

Quantitative (integer, fractional, collective) or ordinal

Simple, complex or compound

Variable signs:

Gender if any

Lives in the Black Sea one hundred eighty species of fish.

I. Types (how many?) one hundred and eighty – numeral, denotes the number of objects

Head of f.: one hundred eighty

II. Constant pr.: quantity, integer, composite

Inconstant pr.: in ip., has no gender or number

III. In a sentence it is the subject.

Morphological analysis of pronouns

I. General grammatical meaning (indicates the subject, its characteristic and quantity,

without naming them)

Initial form (nominative case)

II. Constant signs:

Rank by value (for personal ones – face)

Variable signs:

Number (if any)

Genus (if any)

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

To me fifteen years.

I. Fifteen years old (who?) I am – pronoun, points to the face

Chief: who? I

II. personal, 1 person singular in d.p.

III. In a sentence it is an indirect object.

Morphological analysis of the adverb

I. General grammatical meaning (a sign of an action or a sign of another sign)

Initial form (if it is an adverb with degrees of comparison)

II. Constant signs:

Group by value

Variable signs:


Degree of comparison

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

Kolya jumped higher.

I. Jumped (how?) higher – adverb, denotes a sign of action

Head: high

II. mode of action

Non-constant: constant, in simple comparison. degrees

III. In a sentence it is a circumstance.

Morphological analysis of words of the state category

I. General grammatical meaning (state)

The initial form is for homonymous adverbs that have degrees of comparison

II. Constant signs:

Rank by value

Variable signs:


Degree of comparison

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

It's very light.

I. On the street (what?) light is a word of the category of state, denotes a state

II. state of nature

Unfixed ex.: unchangeable

III. It is a predicate in a sentence.

Morphological analysis of the preposition

I. Grammatical role (what is it used for)

II. Morphological characteristics:

Rank by value

Simple or compound

Derivative or non-derivative

What case is it used with?

Immutable word

III. What member of the sentence is it?

By Alarmed jackdaws darted across the sky.

I. By - preposition, expresses the dependence of the noun sky on the verb rushed

II. place value, simple, unpronounced, used with d.p., invariable. word

III. Not a member of the sentence.

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Morphological analysis of the participle(analysis under number 3)

Check with your textbook: participle and gerund are defined in it as verb forms, or as independent parts of speech.


  1. Participles can be determined by questions (which? What does he do? By whom...?) and by suffixes:

Active past participle (-вш-, -ш-). Suffix -sh used when the stem of the infinitive ends in a consonant:

carrycarried, carriedcarrying

(Note that the suffix -sh- is also used if the verb ends in -shibit, -eret: wipe - wiped, bruise - bruised. The erroneous forms wiped, bruised are unacceptable in literary language).

Passive past participle (-enn-, -nn-, -t-)

Active present participle (-уч-, -уш-, -аш-, -яж-)

Passive present participles (-em-, -om-, -im-)

  1. Participles do not have future forms. Only participles formed from verbs have present tense forms imperfect form.
  2. Short participles, like short adjectives, in the sentence act as a predicate: The computer is grounded.
  3. Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs, have a full and short form

Signs by which you can distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle:

1) Verbal adjectives are formed only from imperfective verbs: boiled milk (but there is a whole range verbal adjectives-exceptions: made, cutesy, seen, desired, arrogant, minted, cursed, slow, sacred, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected, unexpected, accidental, counted, watchful eye).

2) Verbal adjectives do not have prefixes: fried cutlet, confused answer. If the prefix not- is added to an adjective, then it remains an adjective and is written with one n: slaked lime- quicklime;

3) Verbal adjectives do not have dependent words: sauerkraut, compare: sauerkraut for the winter.

4) Verbal words in -ovanny, -evanny - adjectives: transformed, sterilized.

Examples of morphological analysis of participles

Analysis of the participle as a verb form: Analysis of the participle as an independent part of speech
rotating- verb, beginning form spin; constant signs: non-transition, return, NSV, II reference. (excl.); non-post. signs: in the form of a participle, actual, present. time, women kind, units numbers, I. p.; synth. role: definition. rotating- prib., beg. rotating shape;
fast. signs: return, NSV, real, present. time;
non-post signs: for women kind, units number, I. p.;
synth. role: definition.
(With) played- verb, initial form– play; constant signs: NSV, irrevocable, intransitive, 1 reference, active, past tense; inconsistent symptoms: plural, etc.; synth. role: definition. (With) played– parable, initial form – playing; constant signs: irrevocable, NSV, real, past tense; non-constant signs: plural, etc.; synth. role: definition.
running- verb, beginning form run;post. signs: non-transition, non-return, NSV, I reference; non-continuous. signs: in the form of a participle, actual, present. time, wed. kind, units numbers, I. p.; synth. role: definition. running - pr., beginning running form;
fast. signs: non-returnable, NSV, valid, present. time;
non-post signs: on Wed. kind, units number, I. p.;
synth. role: definition.
grounded- verb, beginning form ground;cont. signs: transition, non-return, NE, II reference; non-constant. signs: in the form of a participle, suffer., past. Time, full uniform, male Rhoda, units numbers, P. p.; synth. role: definition. grounded- prib., beg. form grounded;
fast. signs: irrevocable, SV, passive, past. time;
non-post signs: in full uniform, husband Rode, units h., P. p.;
synth. role: definition.
purchased– verb, initial form – buy; constant signs: SV, irrevocable, transitional, 2 sp.; non-constant signs: full. passive, present Vr., singular, male, r.p.; synth. role: definition. purchased– adverb., initial form – purchased; constant signs: irrevocable, SV, passive, present. temporary; intermittent signs: full. f., singular, male, r.p.; synth. role: definition.

Morphological analysis of gerunds(analysis under number 3)


  1. Participle – denotes an additional action, answers the questions: what are you doing? (NSV) or having done what? (SV). Participles imperfect form formed from the present tense stem using suffixes -a, -i:

keep silent: silently-at silentlyA ;
decide: deciding-yut decidingI .

Participles perfect form formed from the stem of the infinitive using suffixes -v, -lice, -shi:

shut up: shut up-th shut upV ;
decide : decide-th decideV ;
do : busy-th-Xia busylice sya;
bring : brought-ty broughtshi .

  1. The syntactic role of a gerund can only be determined in the context of a sentence. If there are dependent words, it is part of the circumstance; if not, it is a circumstance.
  2. A gerund can turn into an adverb, but in this case it loses all verb categories, i.e. values ​​of type, time, voice and control: Neither bread nor clothing is obtained by lying. We must attack immediately.

Participles that have turned into adverbs are found in phraseological combinations: carelessly, with folded arms, swarming, etc., as well as adverbial phrases: apparently; as a matter of fact etc.

Examples of morphological analysis of gerunds

Analysis of the participle as a verb form: Analysis of gerunds as an independent part of speech
sipping- verb, beginning form sip;post. signs: transition, non-return, NSV, I reference; non-post. signs: in the form of a gerund; synth. role: part of the circumstance. sipping- participle;
fast. signs: transition, non-return, NSV, unchangeable;
non-post signs: none;
synth. role: part of the circumstance.
stumbling- verb, beginning form - stumble. constant signs: non-transition, return, NSV, I reference; non-post. signs: in the form of a gerund; synth. role: part of the circumstance. stumbling– gerund. post. signs: non-transition, return, NSV, unchangeable, non-continuous. signs: none;synth. role: part of the circumstance.
having graduated- verb, beginning form finish;post. signs: transition, non-return, NE, II reference; non-constant. signs: in the form of a gerund; synth role: part of a circumstance. having graduated- participle; post. signs: transitory, non-returnable, NE, unchangeable; non-constant. signs: no; synth role: part of the circumstance.

Russian language
7th grade

§ 25. Morphological analysis of the participle

The order of parsing the participle

  1. Part of speech. General meaning.
  2. Morphological characteristics.
    1. Initial form (nominative case singular masculine).
    2. Constant signs: a) active or passive; b) time; c) view.
    3. Inconstant signs: a) full or short form (for passive participles); b) case (for participles in full form); c) number; d) birth
  3. Syntactic role.

Sample parsing

The steppe, which has cooled overnight, is shrouded in blue fog.

Oral analysis

Cooled down- participle.

Firstly, it denotes a sign by action: steppe(which?) cooled down.

Secondly, the initial form, when cooled, has constant morphological characteristics: active participle, past tense, perfect form.

Used here in nominative case, in the singular, in the feminine gender - these are its unstable signs.

Thirdly, the sentence is a definition.

Written analysis

Cooled down- participle.

  1. Steppe(which?) cooled down.
  2. N. f - cooled down.

    Fast. - valid, past vr., owls view; non-post - I. p., units. h., w. r.

  3. Which steppe? cooled down .

152. Read the text aloud using enumerative intonation. Sort out the participles: two in writing, the rest orally.

Kolya painted the fields that were harvested at the end of August. A large series of watercolors depicted either a field before the rain, or a river and bushes, obediently quiet in anticipation of an approaching thunderstorm, or the surface of meadows, stitched with the first threads of rain, or the clearing sky, just washed by a recent downpour, watered valleys, trees with heavy foliage.

(According to L. Kassil)
