Characteristics of Gerda and Kaya from the fairy tale The Snow Queen. Boy adding the word “eternity” (based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”)

  • Category: All essays on the Russian language

At the world literature lesson we study the works of Andersen. One of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is the boy Kai.

He was good guy, knew how to make friends, loved nature. Grew up in tall building big city, so boxes with flowers became his garden. He watched them, they grew with him. Kai loved reading books and happily flipped through the pages. Generous and sincere, he valued his friendship with Gerda. But everything changed when a piece of an evil mirror wounded his heart. He began to say bad words to the girl, learned to imitate everyone, became heartless and selfish, his entertainment became different. He defiantly hooked his small sleigh onto the Snow Queen's large ice sleigh, which carried him far from his home. There, in the domain of the white lady, his heart became cold and callous. The guy forgot his family, Gerda, and their friendship. Only the sincerity of feelings and responsiveness of the girl managed to melt away Kai’s callousness and indifference. He is back to being the funny, kind, sincere and generous guy we met at the beginning of the book.

“The Snow Queen” is a wonderful fairy tale about the victory of good character traits.

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Kai is one of the main characters of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". At the beginning, he appears to the reader as a kind, sympathetic boy, who has a strong friendship with Gerda, a girl living next door. The children always spent summer days together, enjoying the scent of roses. And in winter, when everything around was covered in ice, Kai put a coin to the glass and admired the flying snowflakes through the thawed hole.

Fate was preparing difficult trials for the boy. A misfortune happened to Kai. A fragment of an enchanted mirror is embedded in his childish, love-filled heart. Kai becomes a victim of the white queen, whom not so long ago he resolutely wanted to put on the stove.

From that moment on, the world seems to turn upside down for the boy. Kai becomes tough and ruthless. Everything that was filled with beauty until this moment now appears plain, ugly, and ugly. Beautiful roses seem like ordinary bushes. His behavior also changed. With close and dear people, he began to behave like a notorious hooligan: he made faces, imitating his grandmother, Gerda and neighbors. This behavior led to trouble, doing everything in defiance of his grandmother; one day he tied his sled to someone else’s large sled, which took him far from home.

It was the pranks of the snow queen; she bewitched Kai with her icy hugs and kisses. Kai began to see beauty in the cold image of the queen beautiful girl. He completely forgot his close friend Gerda, his own grandmother and everything that connected him with his past carefree life. Living in the ice palace, Kai, subordinate to the queen, stubbornly tried to spell out the word “eternity” with pieces of ice, for which they promised to give him peace and a pair of skates. Being constantly in the icy cold and severe frost, Kai forgot how to appreciate all living things, he was attracted by the soulless image of the queen. He lost the highest feelings of compassion and pity. His once warm heart has now turned into a piece of ice.

The warm tears of Gerda, who had been trying to find him for a long time, helped him return to life. Drops of tears melted the icy heart. He managed to remember everything that happened in his home. Gerda's love helped him overcome the spell of evil and Kai again became a smiling, friendly boy.

Essay Image of Kai

“The Snow Queen” - a fairy tale by G.H. Andersen about touching childhood friendship. Tender bonds of affection united the boy and the girl. Their names were Kai and Gerda. The children's lives passed among delightful roses, pea garlands, in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual care. In winter, they loved to watch snowflakes that resembled white bees.

Their love went through difficult trials. Something happened to Kai. It is no coincidence that it was the boy who became the victim of the white lady. Although he was kind and inquisitive, his threat to put the Snow Queen on the stove sounded too arrogant and boastful. Perhaps that is why a magical fragment of a mirror, which was made by an “evil” troll, fell into his heart. The world turned upside down in the eyes of the hero. Kai became soulless and selfish. Everything that had previously seemed beautiful, he now called ugly, crooked, ugly. Roses began to seem disgusting to him. The kind boy became rude. His entertainment changed: he began to ridicule and imitate his grandmother and then all his neighbors. He noticed all their oddities and shortcomings. This led to trouble. Kai behaved defiantly, tying his sled to a large white sled, which carried him far from his home. The frightened boy could not even say a prayer. But everything changed after two piercingly cold kisses.

The cold beauty of the Snow Queen captivated the boy and seemed perfect. It seemed to him that there could not be a “more charming” face. He forgot everything he had lived with before: Gerda, grandmother, roses, which he once loved to watch, books in which children looked at pictures...

He wanted to receive the whole world and new skates as a gift, so in the ice palace he stubbornly tried to make the word “Eternity” out of ice floes. Living there, Kai admired the dead, lifeless beauty. He lost the ability to feel sorry, compassion, and did not feel the cold. His heart turned into a piece of ice. All his feelings froze. Outwardly, he was “motionless and pale, as if lifeless.” But he was not aware of these changes. The epiphany came when Gerda's tears melted his heart. He remembered everything that used to be family. The arrogant, spoiled boy was disenchanted and completely transformed. The evil spell is defeated by Gerda's selfless love. Kai again became the kind and sincere friend that the reader met him in the first pages of the fairy tale. He changed in appearance: he became “cheerful and healthy” again.

Having gone through trials and grown up, Kai and Gerda return home. The reader, together with the little robber, believes that “running to the ends of the world” for the sake of Kai, that is, for the sake of love and friendship, is worth it!

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Girls are different: there are capricious girls, there are chatterboxes, there are sneakers and mischief-makers. But, fortunately, there are also people like the little heroine of H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen.” Gerda is a reliable and faithful friend. She is not even aware of the terrible magic fragments that fell into the eye and heart of her sworn brother Kai, and yet, when he turns from a cheerful, kind and caring boy into a cruel, angry and mocking one, Gerda does not turn away from him. And when the Snow Queen takes Kai away in her snow-white sleigh, the girl, without a moment’s hesitation, goes in search of him.

During her long wanderings, Gerda shows herself only with the best side. She is sweet, friendly, kind and this attracts not only different people, but also animals and birds. She is brave, patient, persistent, and this helps her not to be discouraged by failures and not to lose faith that she will find Kai. She is faithful, loving, reliable, and this helps her cope with the charms of the Snow Queen herself and melt the ice in the boy’s heart. If Gerda were a real girl and not a fairy-tale girl, she would have a lot of friends. I don't doubt this one bit.

Even in early childhood, my mother read me fairy tales by the wonderful Danish storyteller G. K. Andersen. It was very interesting to me when the most ordinary things came to life on the pages of my favorite book, flowers, animals, toys began to talk. Most of all I liked the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, where the little girl Gerda saves her adopted brother Kai, who was bewitched by the Snow Queen.

Despite the fact that the main adventures fall to Gerda, Kai is the second main character of the fairy tale, because it was because of him and for his sake that the girl had to endure so much.

At the beginning of the fairy tale, we meet Kai as a kind, sympathetic boy. He and Gerda had been strong friends for a long time and “loved each other like brother and sister.” The guys often visited each other and started fun games, grew beautiful roses. The two of them had a very good time together; they loved listening to the tales of their grandmother, who often told them all sorts of entertaining stories. They first heard about the Snow Queen from their grandmother.

One day, Kai got into his eye and heart with fragments of a devilish mirror, in which “everything great and good seemed insignificant and disgusting, and the evil and evil was reflected even more brightly.” Since then, Kai has changed dramatically. He became angry, rude, and even sometimes offended Gerda and grandmother. It seems to me that it was from that moment that he became subject to the charms of the Snow Queen, because his heart had already begun to turn into a piece of ice.

How beautiful the Snow Queen appears before us from the pages of the book! This is not an evil and ugly old woman, but a “tall, slender, dazzling white woman" Kai thinks she is “lovely” and “tender”, because she is a real queen! However, in her eyes “there was neither warmth nor meekness,” she was so cold that when Kai wrapped himself in her white fur coat, he “as if sank into a snowy snowdrift.” With her kisses, the Snow Queen bewitched the boy, turning his heart into ice and making him forget “Gerda, and grandmother, and everyone at home.”

It seems to me that Kai himself is a little to blame for what happened.

He rode his sled far beyond the city gates, and after meeting the Snow Queen, he did not run away, but allowed himself to be bewitched and taken to the palace. Of course, there were two devilish fragments in his heart and in his eye, but Kai did nothing to get rid of them, although he could have, I’m sure of that. After all, Gerda managed to save her friend from these spells!

In the palace of the Snow Queen there was a snowstorm and evil winds whistled. It was “cold, deserted, dead.” However, Kai did not notice any of this - after all, he was bewitched. The boy was busy folding various figures from flat, pointed ice floes. There was only one thing he couldn’t do: make the word “eternity” out of ice floes. The Snow Queen promised him: “If you put this word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a pair of new skates.” Kai did not yet understand that this was his only chance to get rid of evil witchcraft on his own. Material from the site

When Gerda came to the palace, having overcome all the difficulties of the journey, Kai did not recognize her, but sat “motionless and cold.” But Gerda’s hot tears, falling on his chest, “melted the icy crust” of his heart and “melted the fragment.” Having recognized his named sister, the boy seemed to wake up, and the cherished word “eternity” formed by itself. Thus Kai was saved.

This fairy tale tells us that only faithful and selfless love can destroy the witchcraft spell and melt the cold and evil of an icy heart, as before it helped a little girl overcome many obstacles along the way.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

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“The Snow Queen” characteristics of the heroes - Kaya, Gerda, the Snow Queen

"The Snow Queen" characteristics of the heroes


Gerda is the main character of the fairy tale.

Description of Gerda:

“... her hair curled, and the curls surrounded her sweet, friendly face, round and rosy, like a rose, with a golden radiance.”

Gerda is kind, affectionate, brave. She loves Kai like a brother and goes to a long, long way to save him. A warm heart pushed Gerda to take such a step. Gerda believed that Kai was alive, and she must definitely help him.

Gerda's character traits: strong, courageous, loyal, courageous, sincere, purposeful, persistent

Scientists helped the girl in her search crows , the prince and princess who gave Gerda warm clothes and mittens , the little robber and the deer.

During her long wanderings, Gerda shows only her best side. She is sweet, friendly, kind, and this attracts not only different people to her, but also animals and birds. She is brave, patient, persistent, and this helps her not to be discouraged by failures and not to lose faith that she will find Kai. She is faithful, loving, reliable, and this helps her cope with the charms of the Snow Queen herself and melt the ice in the boy’s heart. If Gerda were a real girl and not a fairy-tale girl, she would have a lot of friends. I don't doubt this one bit.

The Snow Queen bewitched Kai's heart and turned it into a lump ice . But Gerda’s hot tears and her love saved the boy.

Gerda turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen. After all, the Snow Queen has a cold heart, and Gerda has a hot one. Gerda is the embodiment of the best human qualities. Therefore, she defeats evil and wins Kai away from the Snow Queen.

"Snow Queen" characteristics Snow Queen

Description of the Snow Queen:

- “She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice... and yet alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.”

Gerda and the Snow Queen are strong personalities.

Gerda and the Snow Queen: similarities and differences

Characteristics of Kaya “The Snow Queen”

At the beginning of the fairy tale, he is a kind and sympathetic boy. After Kai gets to the Snow Queen's palace, his heart becomes icy - now he is a rude, angry and insensitive boy. Kai does not understand that one cannot live without true feelings - such an existence is meaningless. Gerda, with her true love, saves Kai from his icy imprisonment.