Fortune telling on Mayan stones. Mayan fortune telling - an ancient way to find out your future

Focus on what interests you in at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

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The Mayan Indians became known as the smartest people on our planet. In a time when there was no high technology and means of communication, they knew how and found ways to make great discoveries and themselves became the progenitors of some of them. What is their calendar of predictions worth, which never ceases to amaze modern scientists with its accuracy and eventfulness. We, in turn, could not pass by ancient fortune telling Indians and invite you to perform this ritual. Several conditions must be met: online fortune-telling "Maya" must be carried out during sunset, the moon must be full, place some gold object nearby (a ring or earrings without stones).

Gold for the Indians did not serve as a luxury item; it symbolized value for the Gods and was brought to them as alms. Gold brought them confidence in the positive decisions and commands of their divine patrons. Therefore, place a gold ring next to you in an open space - this will become a sacrifice to the Mayan Gods and will bring you good luck. Fortune telling takes place on stones that look like some kind of cards with mysterious symbols inscribed on them. Click on the “Start fortune telling” button and expect a truthful result, like everything the Indians predicted.

You need to completely get rid of extraneous thoughts, not think about anything negative under any circumstances, you should focus on the current problem and the issue that interests you. Fortune telling can be done with one witness, or better yet, alone. Then the stones will reveal to you the complete truth. The interpretation of the predictions may be somewhat unexpected, but, on the other hand, the ancient Mayans looked at the world a little differently. Take this not as irony, but as an ancient manuscript. Interpreting the meanings of the symbols on the cards will help you overcome difficulties. A situation that requires your attention will be outlined from a new perspective. Perhaps in a way you haven’t perceived it before. And new knowledge always gives rise to new actions and directions.

You should be honest and frank in your thoughts; you do not need to appear before the cards with secret fabrications and desires, this will not have the desired effect on the results of fortune telling. Sincerity, in turn, will be taken for granted, and a useful solution or direction in choice will be revealed to you. Your further actions will become conscious and supported by the ancient wisdom of the famous Indians. Surely you will receive worthwhile advice in relation to the people around you, their secret fears and desires will be revealed to you. Having acquired this power, you will be able to brilliantly pass through the trials that fate has destined for you and create a cloudless and happy future for yourself. Accept the results of fortune telling and agree with them, because you will be able to verify their truth more than once and right force. If you can't deal with a problem, walk around it on the other side and it won't stand in your way.

Mayan fortune telling is accompanied by mystery. Before the prediction online fortune telling, provided free of charge, tell a bloodthirsty story about the sacrifices of the Mayan priests. The Mayan oracle, using sacred symbols, predicted the future.

Knowledge ancient civilization amaze scientists. For example, the Indians knew that Sirius - star system, consisting of two stars. This became known to modern scientists only recently, when powerful telescopes appeared. And many more secrets of ancient civilization have not been revealed.

The Mayan difference is a perfect prediction system. Echoes have reached us. But the echoes also leave me in awe.

Even the imitation of Mayan tablets radiates with the incomprehensibility of the ancient mind, like an artifact found in a pyramid. And this is understandable: the sacred is present not so much in the material of the tablet, but in the applied symbol.

Mayan symbols are not just drawings, but magic signs. This suggests that Mayan fortune telling has not lost its power. It is impossible to speak exactly about the rituals followed by the oracle thousands of years ago.

Ordinary people have no need for this: not everyone is interested in looking into the future from a layer of time into millennia. We need to know what will happen in the near future.

Some will prefer the online version of fortune telling for free, while others will purchase tablets with Mayan symbols. It is not known whether the effectiveness of prediction suffers when doing fortune telling online. Too ancient and incomprehensible magic. Make your own choice.

Please note: when you are dealing with Mayan signs, you are not just a fortuneteller, but an oracle. What's the difference? The Oracle requests information and receives it from forces unknown to us. The fortuneteller simply guesses the meaning in the dropped signs.

If you choose tablets, then you need to show respect: keep them clean and separate from other things, especially from items for fortune telling - cards, bones, beans and runes. Signs like a place hidden from human gaze. If you decide to get a forecast for free on the Internet, then show respect for the symbols by closing other browser tabs.

Symbol meanings

Tablets with Mayan symbols can be easily made with your own hands; you don’t have to look for them in esoteric stores. Anyone can cut out cards from cardboard and put images on them.

What exactly are the symbols shown on the cards and what exactly do they mean:

  • Tree of the World. Look inside yourself: how do you feel now? Fear and doubt? Wait for danger. The joy and feeling of flying? You will be happy.
  • Morning. The sun is rising. You've made your decision. But you doubt it. If you decide, then act - the morning will not turn back and will not become night.
  • Deer. Be fast and you will catch up with luck.
  • Rabbit. You are small. I forgot about my ancestors, I forgot about the Earth, I forgot about my loved ones. Who do you remember? You will become great by regaining your memory.

  • Death. Wise advisor. You are waiting for an important step. But he didn’t ask for advice. If this day is the last. Will you take this step?
  • Lizard. You were weak and sick. The spirits have cut off your Power. But now what was cut off has grown back like a lizard’s tail. Don't waste time - you have the Power.
  • Night. Listen to nature. Are you a man? Woman? The spirits want you to remember this.
  • Wind. The Power is in you. She tears you up. Share It with others - show the way, persuade leaders and relatives to leave their homes.
  • Crocodile. You are strong and scary. Save the Power for your enemies.
  • Ancestors. The spirits of your ancestors want to speak to you.
  • Water. You are fluid and unpredictable.
  • Dog. Be sensitive and faithful, and you will win.
  • Monkey. Cunning and dexterous.
  • Road. Leave the hearth, warrior, and you will return a winner.
  • Jaguar. You will be strong and rich.
  • Eagle. Success through insight.
  • Grif. No matter how high it soars, it always returns to the ground. Don't forget this.
  • Incense. Wisdom, like a fragrance, is invisible. But help the sensitive hunter.
  • Storm. Your Power is the Power of the Spirits. Your action is the action of the Spirits. The desire of the Spirits is your desire.

Whether you make a forecast for free via the Internet, or through tablets, show respect to unknown forces, in return you will receive power in knowing the future.
Author: Igor Vaskin

The Mayan Indians knew how to foresee future events and read the destinies of individuals and entire nations. Mayan magical fortune-telling has reached our time. It is possible that some information may have been lost over time. However, to this day we can use the Mayan oracle to get answers to a wide variety of questions.

Among the vast heritage left to us by ancient civilizations, there are not only various calendars, scientific achievements and everyday devices. They also left us fortune telling, which help determine a person’s future and how his life will proceed.

Among all the rituals of this kind, Mayan fortune-telling occupies a special place. Although this mysterious tribe became famous not for fortune telling and other inventions, but for a calendar that ended in 2012, it would take a huge amount of time to study the heritage of civilization. In this article we will look at magical rituals for predicting the future that each of us can use.

Magic rite of divination

Mayan fortune telling involves the use of special pebbles from the image, which you can make on pebbles yourself or purchase in a specialized store. These stones should be stored in a fabric bag that is pleasant to the touch.

Fortune telling can be done on any day, at any time. To do this, you need to mix the pebbles in an opaque fabric bag and ask a question if you want to get an answer to it. You can simply think about the future if you want to know what awaits you. Next, you should draw out five pebbles, which will be the result of fortune telling.

Note that much of Mayan divination depends on interpretation rather than on the individual meaning of each stone. You should rely as much as possible on your feelings at the moment of deciphering the symbols.

Notations in Mayan fortune telling

  • The world tree is the tree of life, symbolizing instincts that should be relied on in solving various problems;
  • Sunrise - the exact decisions you must make so that everything in your life goes as usual;
  • Deer is good luck in all endeavors, and to activate it you just need to rely on yourself;
  • Rabbit - worth paying attention spiritual development. Perhaps in the near future you may lose your meaning and aspirations for development;
  • Death is the wisdom that life will give you;
  • The lizard is vital force, by accumulating which, the fortuneteller will succeed and fulfill everything;
  • Night is the unity of the masculine and feminine principles, the search for oneself;
  • Wind is a potential, most often hidden, that will help you realize yourself in life;
  • Crocodile - there is a powerful energy inside you that helps you achieve all your goals;
  • Ancestors are a symbol of higher consciousness, your roots will help you find yourself, listen to your loved ones;
  • Water – pay attention to the realization of your artistic talents;
  • A dog means victory, success in business, if you dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to achieving your goal;
  • Monkey - you can get what you dream of if you concentrate only on it;
  • The road is the path to new achievements, harmony and unity with nature and others;
  • Jaguar - wealth, both spiritual and material, awaits you;
  • Eagle - success in money matters, which will be quite long-lasting;
  • Vulture - connection with higher powers, spirituality;
  • Incense - wisdom and prudence that will help you choose the right path;
  • Thunderstorm - by devoting yourself to higher goals, you will achieve harmony.

As you can see, all the meanings of this Mayan fortune telling are ambiguous. That is why you should pay attention to intuition and rely on your feelings when fortune telling. Remember, you can’t guess again a second time. You can perform the ritual only once a day.

This ritual is an excellent chance to find out the future or get an answer to a question of interest. If you believe in the power of magic, then this fortune telling ritual is a good opportunity to find out everything that interests you. Once you have prepared the stones, keep them out of reach. No one should see or touch them. They should only be yours.

Mayan Oracle - video review

The Mayans believed that deities could control the sun and moon. Even at night they continue to move through the underworld and meet on their way evil spirits who want to stop them.

Therefore, celestial bodies need human help. To do this, the priests performed rituals: they cut off limbs, tortured and sacrificed people. The Mayans considered this a payment for the continuation of the life of the universe.

It was considered a privilege to die during the ritual. The sacrificed person was supposed to gain immortality. The repeated cycles of creation and destruction described in mythology are reminders of the consequences if people break their obligations to the gods.

According to the Mayan year according to the sacred calendar, every 52 years there is a threat of destruction of the world. The onset of this date meant a terrible time when the gods of light and chaos must fight in the world of immortals. The outcome of this battle determined the fate of all living things.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Fortune telling of the ancient Mayan tribe is considered one of the most effective. This is due to the mystery of the entire civilization. Scientists are still wondering where the people who lived in those villages could have gone. Nothing remained of them, but only household items, houses and other utensils were untouched. Complete order was maintained for several centuries, but the remains were never found. What could it be? Only magic. Mayan fortune telling for the future can be done online. Completely free and with accurate predictions. The well-known calendar of civilization was taken as a basis.

What does the fortune telling process look like?

Mayan golden fortune telling or as fortune telling is also called “Mayan Golden Oracle”. Has several options. But let's start our acquaintance from the very beginning. To start fortune telling online, you should find out the history of the creation of such an event in ancient times.

The Mayans were a civilization that always used magical knowledge in everything. Only priests had such qualities. They were raised from infancy. Particular honor was given to the mother who gave birth to a child capable of the subtleties of the art of communicating with spirits.

All fortune-telling processes took place during celebrations and honors. Stones were used for this. But the main attribute was blood. Without it, not a single ritual could be performed. The prediction was invalid or it was impossible to see the future at all.

Blood or offerings were not always of animal origin. For important events used human sacrifices.

This is how fortune telling on Mayan stones has survived to this day. It is extremely rare for sorcerers to use in their practice such techniques where one can read the meaning of one’s immediate future using symbols and signs. Online Mayan prediction is much simpler and does not require:

  • sacrifices;
  • shedding of blood;
  • knowledge in magical arts;
  • ability to read symbols and signs.

Modern Oracle

If the Mayan people learned the near future with the help of bloody drops on stone slabs, then online fortune telling takes place using tablets. The Mayan methods were bloody, but this is not required for a modern oracle. The main thing is to choose the right option:

  • ancient fortune telling on stone tablets or “Golden Prediction”;
  • a way to decipher Mayan symbols;

Depending on what worries you most at the moment, we choose a method. For questions about your condition or health checks, fortune telling is suitable by symbols. Thanks to him, you can find out what to pay attention to and how to act in the situation you find yourself in, whether urgent help is required or the gods have decided so, which means it is no longer possible to change.

The second option is “Golden Prediction”. With the help of this fortune telling you will find out what awaits you ahead. The option involves drawing out three signs, which then show the near future, distant future and advice. After you have told your fortune and received an answer, give 2-3 minutes to rest and continue asking questions of interest to life. Fortune telling will help you shed light on all your questions and any difficult situation.

Maya Oracle - fortune telling for one tablet. Thanks to him, you will find out what lies ahead and the answer to your question.

How to guess

Before you start guessing, decide on the option that is right for you. Now concentrate only on the situation or moments that interest you most. You can't let other thoughts enter your head. They will simply ruin the result.

The question should be asked clearly. It is advisable to formulate one sentence clearly indicating the event, time or period. You can say it out loud or to yourself. The main thing is to tune in to the right mood. Breathe calmly.

The next step is to click on the signs and get the answer. It's worth looking at the description right away. If necessary, repeat the entire fortune telling process, but with a short break. This is necessary so that the stones can rest and not get tangled.

at the Women's Club!

Mayan fortune telling is accompanied by mystery. Before the online fortune telling, provided free of charge, they tell a bloodthirsty story about the sacrifices of the Mayan priests. The Mayan oracle, using sacred symbols, predicted the future.

The knowledge of ancient civilization amazes scientists. For example, the Indians knew that Sirius was a star system consisting of two stars. This became known to modern scientists only recently, when powerful telescopes appeared. And many more secrets of ancient civilization have not been revealed.

The Mayan difference is a perfect prediction system. Echoes have reached us. But the echoes also leave me in awe.

Even the imitation of Mayan tablets radiates with the incomprehensibility of the ancient mind, like an artifact found in a pyramid. And this is understandable: the sacred is present not so much in the material of the tablet, but in the applied symbol.

Mayan symbols are not just drawings, but magical signs. This suggests that Mayan fortune telling has not lost its power. It is impossible to speak exactly about the rituals followed by the oracle thousands of years ago.

Ordinary people have no need for this: not everyone is interested in looking into the future from a layer of time into millennia. We need to know what will happen in the near future.

Some will prefer the online version of fortune telling for free, while others will purchase tablets with Mayan symbols. It is not known whether the effectiveness of prediction suffers when doing fortune telling online. Too ancient and incomprehensible magic. Make your own choice.

Please note: when you are dealing with Mayan signs, you are not just a fortuneteller, but an oracle. What's the difference? The Oracle requests information and receives it from forces unknown to us. The fortuneteller simply guesses the meaning in the dropped signs.

If you choose tablets, then you need to show respect: keep them clean and separate from other things, especially from items for fortune telling - cards, bones, beans and runes. Signs like a place hidden from human gaze. If you decide to get a forecast for free on the Internet, then show respect for the symbols by closing other browser tabs.

Symbol meanings

Tablets with Mayan symbols can be easily made with your own hands; you don’t have to look for them in esoteric stores. Anyone can cut out cards from cardboard and put images on them.

What exactly are the symbols shown on the cards and what exactly do they mean:

  • Tree of the World. Look inside yourself: how do you feel now? Fear and doubt? Wait for danger. The joy and feeling of flying? You will be happy.
  • Morning. The sun is rising. You've made your decision. But you doubt it. If you decide, then act - the morning will not turn back and will not become night.
  • Deer. Be fast and you will catch up with luck.
  • Rabbit. You are small. I forgot about my ancestors, I forgot about the Earth, I forgot about my loved ones. Who do you remember? You will become great by regaining your memory.

  • Death. Wise advisor. You are waiting for an important step. But he didn’t ask for advice. If this day is the last. Will you take this step?
  • Lizard. You were weak and sick. The spirits have cut off your Power. But now what was cut off has grown back like a lizard’s tail. Don't waste time - you have the Power.
  • Night. Listen to nature. Are you a man? Woman? The spirits want you to remember this.
  • Wind. The Power is in you. She tears you up. Share It with others - show the way, persuade leaders and relatives to leave their homes.
  • Crocodile. You are strong and scary. Save the Power for your enemies.
  • Ancestors. The spirits of your ancestors want to speak to you.
  • Water. You are fluid and unpredictable.
  • Dog. Be sensitive and faithful, and you will win.
  • Monkey. Cunning and dexterous.
  • Road. Leave the hearth, warrior, and you will return a winner.
  • Jaguar. You will be strong and rich.
  • Eagle. Success through insight.
  • Grif. No matter how high it soars, it always returns to the ground. Don't forget this.
  • Incense. Wisdom, like a fragrance, is invisible. But help the sensitive hunter.
  • Storm. Your Power is the Power of the Spirits. Your action is the action of the Spirits. The desire of the Spirits is your desire.

Whether you make a forecast for free via the Internet, or through tablets, show respect to unknown forces, in return you will receive power in knowing the future.

And the most important advice