Buzova in revealing clothes. Olga Buzova walked the red carpet in a naked dress (video)

Yesterday the Music Box music award ceremony took place at Crocus. Of course, Olga Buzova could not help but attend such an event. The aspiring singer made it a rule to shock the audience with each of her appearances at a music award, and this time Olga did not change her principles.

As it turned out, the choice of outfit played a cruel joke on Olga. Buzova and Anna Grachevskaya appeared in almost identical outfits! Black transparent jumpsuits left absolutely no room for imagination.

Anna, apparently, decided to draw attention to herself and went to kiss the red carpet. This very strange sight attracted great attention from the public.


The voting results for the awards did not come as a surprise. “Best singer” was Yolka, “best singer” - Dima Bilan. Sergey Lazarev took home the award for the best video and became the winner in the category “The largest number of votes from abroad.”

The best song was named “Mists” by Max Barskikh, and Basta became the “hip-hop of the year”. The award for “album of the year” was given to Svetlana Loboda, and the biggest contribution to charity, according to the public, was made by singer Zara.


Nikolay Baskov received an honorary award as “Best Friend of the Music Box Channel.”

Olga Buzova performed on the catwalk during the show of designer Bella Potemkina's works at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia. The singer surprised the audience not only with her performance of a new hit and dance moves, but also in an outfit.

Olga Buzova walked onto the fashion catwalk in a transparent dress with gold stripes. The singer's nakedness was covered with black shorts and a top. The audience who came to see the work of designer Bella Potemkina looked in amazement at the singer's performance. Almost everyone at that moment had a phone in their hands to immortalize this event.


Olga Buzova posted one of these posts on her Instagram page. “Girls, love yourself❤️The main thing we have in this life is us 👸🏻👸🏼 And for those who didn’t appreciate it, I just want to say, you didn’t make it into the hit parade of my thoughts 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 (here and further, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Editor’s note),” the singer signed the video. “Thank you for your applause and love ❤️ I heard it all 💋,” she added.

However, this was not the only outfit in which Olga Buzova appeared to the fashion-conscious public. She performed her popularly favorite hit “Not enough halves” in red open dress. And at that very moment, models appeared on the catwalk. “I get goosebumps when I watch the video of the fantastic show that I was lucky enough to open today!” the singer admitted.

Olga Buzova once again surprised the audience with her revealing outfit. The presenter walked the red carpet at the Musicbox Awards in a transparent dress.

This year the Musicbox music award celebrates its fifth anniversary. The most current domestic performers walked along the red carpet before the award ceremony - Kristina Orbakaite, Valeria, Nyusha, Alexey Vorobyov, Mark Tishman and many others.

The artists thoroughly prepared for the award - they lost weight, exercised, injected Botox, sunbathed, and sewed dresses. But everyone was eclipsed by the host of “House-2” Olga Buzova. She began a successful singing career and is preparing to give her debut solo concert in the fall. And that’s why today she needs to force people to talk and write about herself by any means necessary. After all, any excitement is beneficial for sales. And provocation is a proven move.

The star appeared at the award in a stylish transparent black dress, under which a black thong was clearly visible. Olga deliberately “forgot” her bra at home. She didn't even cover her nipples with fashionable stikinis. And therefore all the charms of Buzova could be seen up close in detail.

The singing presenter has an excellent figure; she has nothing to hide or cover up. Therefore similar revealing outfit she can easily afford it. Buzova wriggled, bent, posed... Although the puritans whispered: “What debauchery!”, “I’ve lost all shame!”, “Vulgarity!”

But most importantly, Buzova’s outfit left no one indifferent. He was discussed, criticized, praised. This means that Olga’s image was a success. And yet another provocation only added points to her.

Olga Buzova is a master at shocking the public, fortunately, the TV presenter has the harsh school of “House-2” behind her. Starring naked in a photo shoot, singing on stage in her underwear and swimming topless on a tropical island - Olya is ready to amaze her fans 24 hours a day. But the TV presenter and aspiring singer has not yet appeared in public in this form: last evening she walked along the red carpet in a completely transparent outfit. Buzova arrived at the Musicbox music award ceremony in a lace jumpsuit that hid almost nothing from the eyes of others.

Olga’s black outfit has already been nicknamed “shameless” - of course, it far surpassed all the minis and necklines of other participants in the event. Languidly rubbing her buttocks and turning in front of the cameras, Buzova proudly demonstrated what Mother Nature had endowed her with. And then, as usual, she published a video of her fashion triumph on Instagram.

- Just now. “Me. On the red carpet of the award,” Olga signed the video, adding her favorite hashtag “my people are always with me.”

In just two hours, the video of Buzova and her transparent outfit received almost one and a half million views.

Buzova’s triumph turned into a complete failure for the host of the ceremony, Anna Grachevskaya. Olya and Anya, without saying a word, came to the same event in almost exactly the same outfits. The black transparent jumpsuits were made by a domestic designer, who, out of the kindness of his heart, dressed both girls completely identically. However, after the “queen of scandal” Olga Buzova, the naked demarche of the ex-wife of the creator of “Jumble” went virtually unnoticed - all the attention of the audience was focused exclusively on the star of “House-2”.

The star of “House-2” Olga Buzova continues to shock the public: the TV presenter appeared at the Musicbox award ceremony... in a transparent jumpsuit over her naked body! The lace barely covered Olga's private parts, who seemed to enjoy posing for photographers.

Changing poses and stroking her thighs, she took photos for a long time and, of course, published a video of her fashion triumph on Instagram.

Just now. “Me. On the red carpet of the award,” Olga signed the video, adding her favorite hashtag “my people are always with me.”


Commentators, as always, were divided into two camps: those who appreciated Buzova’s courage and figure, and those who considered the TV presenter’s appearance terribly vulgar. But it turns out that she’s not the only one who has problems with taste. The ex-wife of the creator of Yeralash, Anna Grachevskaya, appeared at the same ceremony... in the same outfit as Buzova. In any case, the styles of the jumpsuits and the playful lace are the same. True, unlike Buzova, Grachevskaya covered her breasts with a silicone lining - and thank you for that. But the rest of the shape - especially the surgeon's "improved" buttocks, in her own words - Anna demonstrated in full.

And then for some reason she dropped to her knees and began to kiss the red carpet in this frank pose.


The crowd laughed at the celebrities: obviously, both young ladies were hoping for a wow effect when they appeared, but the result was... an embarrassment. Later it turned out that these black transparent overalls were made by a domestic designer, whose work both Buzova and Grachevskaya are apparently passionate about. However, Buzova and Grachevskaya are not the only stars who were disgraced because of identical outfits at the ceremony. This year Musicbox turned out to be extremely fruitful for fashionable embarrassments. Singer Kristina Orbakaite and blogger Anastasia Ivleva... also came in identical outfits!


True, Nastya was wearing a floor-length knitted dress, while Christina was wearing a one-piece trouser overalls with long sleeves. However, both outfits were made from the same material with identical patterns from the same designer. So both celebrities looked almost like twins. Orbakaite and Ivleva simply laughed at this embarrassment and noticed that they both had good taste.