Eggplants for the winter fried on both sides. Spicy fried eggplants for the winter

Prepare the vegetables: wash them thoroughly, cut off the tails and cut into large rings.

Place the chopped eggplants in a bowl, add salt and leave them alone for 15-20 minutes.

Now rinse them to remove excess salt and squeeze out the liquid. Next, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the vegetables on both sides.

While the eggplants are roasting, make the dressing. To do this, chop the dill and mix with crushed garlic. You can add a little chili pepper or other favorite spices, but do not overdo it so as not to overwhelm the flavor of the garlic. Add sugar, salt, vinegar and boiled cold water to this.

Remove the browned eggplants from the stove and pour into a suitable bowl. Now fill them with dressing and mix.

We prepare the jars: sterilize them in a convenient way, pour boiling water over the lids. Now pour the eggplants into jars. We do this as tightly as possible.

Take a large saucepan and line the bottom with a kitchen towel. Place jars of eggplant in a saucepan and pour water up to the shoulders. Place the structure on the stove and sterilize for ten minutes.

Our refrigerator is almost always empty at home unless we are expecting guests.
A couple of cans of canned food, jam, butter, mineral water and a bunch of bottles with different sauces. I usually cook for one meal, we rarely have breakfast, and have lunch in a cafe (or don’t have lunch at all). Therefore, the problem with looking through the refrigerator at night and constantly eating goodies is not about us))
But sometimes you have dinner, and after a couple of hours you want to chew something again, and not just some candy with tea. A hare can cut his own lard without any problems and go to the cellar for pickled cucumbers. In general, he has a strategic reserve of Doshirak for any unforeseen event (for example, for my culinary strikes).
And I can happily eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. And then I made fried eggplants and put them in jars - now you can make sandwiches for breakfast, add them to pasta or boiled potatoes, and offer them to friends as a snack on Friday evenings.
In general, this turned out to be a universal thing!
Well, the work is only for one evening, and if the house has a stove with 4 burners and 4 frying pans, then things will go 4 times faster!

All small, crooked and other ugly eggplants can be used - we will still cut them into circles 1.5 centimeters thick, put them in a suitable container (pan or bowl), sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes - let them release the juice.
Salt will be needed approximately 1 tablespoon for every kilogram of blueberries.
It is believed that this technique removes the bitterness from eggplants. But modern hybrid varieties are no longer bitter, but removing excess liquid is a useful point in the recipe, because then the eggplants must be squeezed out of the water (directly with your hands, like squeezing a sponge) and fried in vegetable oil.

Fry the eggplants in a large amount of vegetable oil on both sides until beautifully golden brown. If it seems like there’s a lot of oil, don’t worry, we’ll pour more oil into the jar later)) And, as I said, if there are several frying pans in the house, then you can use all the burners on the stove and fry a bunch of eggplants at once.

Now let's cook delicious pouring sauce.
On three kilograms of eggplants(this will make about 3 jars of 500 ml each) you will need:

  • 4 heads of garlic
  • 2 chili peppers
  • 0.5 tbsp pickling salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 2/3 liter of vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons 9% vinegar

This is a basic set, and you can add your favorite spices and seasonings as much as you like (suddenly you like cumin with eggplants or are crazy about dried dill).
In total, the recipe requires 1 liter of oil - we have already fried the eggplants with some of this oil, the rest is used in the sauce.

We cut half the garlic into slices, pass the rest through a press, remove the seeds from the chili and chop it finely.
Pour oil into a frying pan (remains from all the frying pans where eggplants were fried, everything that leaked onto the plate - everything goes there!), add garlic, chili, coriander, salt and sugar to the boiling oil, cook for about two minutes, stirring - the sugar should completely dissolve. And then pour in the vinegar, stir and remove from the heat.

Wash the jars with soda, place the eggplants, pouring the sauce layer by layer, tamp tightly, pressing well with a spoon and expelling the air - it’s incredible how so many vegetables fit into a small jar! Fill it to the very neck.

While you are putting the eggplants into the jars, put a large pan of water on the fire and place a napkin or towel on the bottom.
As soon as it boils, carefully lower the jars into the water (they won’t burst! The eggplants and sauce were very hot), cover with lids and cook after boiling again for about 15 minutes. You will see how much more air will escape from the layers and how much the eggplants will shrink. Well, plus sterilization!

We take out the jars (carefully, it’s very hot!), close the lids (they can be lowered into the same pan of boiling water where the jars were), and cool upside down under a blanket. But it needs to be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar (I haven’t tested it at room temperature).
It looks like pickled mushrooms! Another reason to sign everything))

Well, as I said, then at least just eat from the jar!
I liked it best with fresh white bread, with a generous drizzle of butter.

And in general, a unique preparation - fried eggplants, the taste is similar to mushrooms and meat. I've been adding spoonfuls to my plate all winter - I never get tired of it.
The remaining oil can be used in salads, poured over potatoes, and mixed with pasta.
And what a delicious pizza with such eggplants and mozzarella!

Enjoy! I'll go and eat))

By the way, if there are still fresh eggplants left - ! To eat right now!

Fragrant fried eggplants for the winter are a great opportunity to make a delicious vegetable snack for future use. This original salad turns out to be piquant, sweet-spicy, and spicy. Usually, eggplants fried with garlic for the winter instantly leave the table: on weekdays and during holiday feasts. The whole point is that the twist from the so-called blue ones, as eggplants are often called in many regions, goes well with cold cuts, vegetable dishes and alcohol.

The simplest recipe for fried eggplants for the winter without sterilization

Delicious fried eggplants with tomatoes for the winter are prepared according to various recipes. However, the most popular is the quick twist option, which does not involve sterilization.


To make blue ones for the winter using an extremely simple and quick recipe, you need to prepare:

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • hot pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • vinegar – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 150 g.

Cooking process

How to make spicy fried eggplants for the winter without the sterilization step? There is nothing complicated about it!

  1. First you need to tackle the main vegetable. The little blue ones are washing. Their edges are cut off. The fruits themselves are cut into circles 1 cm thick. They are generously salted and left aside for an hour to remove the bitterness.

    While the eggplants are brewing, you should make a dressing for them. To do this, you need to peel the bitter and sweet peppers with garlic. The resulting workpiece is sent to a meat grinder and scrolled. Vinegar must be poured into the resulting slurry. Everything must be thoroughly mixed.

    Now you need to wash the eggplants and fry the prepared circles in vegetable oil. The slices should be golden brown on both sides.

Note! You shouldn't overcook vegetables. You can check the readiness of the blue ones with a fork: it should fit well into the blue ones.

Then each slice should be dipped in the prepared garlic and pepper sauce.

    Containers must be closed with lids. This snack should be stored strictly in a cool place.

Spicy fried eggplants for the winter

No less popular are spicy fried eggplants with sauce for the winter. This “hot” appetizer will appeal to all connoisseurs of spicy and savory dishes. This appetizer goes well with potatoes, meat, and vegetables.


To make blue ones for the winter according to this recipe, you need to prepare the following components:

  • eggplants -1 kg;
  • garlic – 50 g;
  • sweet red pepper – 200 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 150 ml;
  • hot pepper – 50 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - optional.

Cooking process

Making spicy fried eggplants with garlic for the winter is quite simple. If you follow the suggested instructions, even the most inexperienced cooks can handle the preparation.

  1. The eggplants need to be washed. Then they are cut into circles. A good thickness is 7-10 mm. It is not recommended to cut the blue ones any thinner.

    The workpiece should be fried in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. It is optimal to fry the blue ones for 3 minutes on each side. You shouldn’t fry it too much: the main thing is to wait until an appetizing golden crust forms.

    The prepared slices of blueberries should be placed on a paper towel or napkin. This will help get rid of excess oil.

    Peeled garlic, hot peppers and bell peppers must be chopped. To do this, choose any familiar or most convenient method. It is best to use a blender that blends vegetables well.

    Pour vinegar into the resulting vegetable mixture. All components are thoroughly mixed.

    Now you need to lay out the eggplants in layers in pre-sterilized jars. On top of them is a garlic-pepper mixture. It is enough in the amount of 2 large spoons. Then the blue circles are distributed again. In this way, the jar is completely filled with vegetables.

Pay attention! The workpieces must be laid tightly, closely, slightly compacted.

The top layer is a mass of peppers and garlic.

That's it! The spicy vegetable salad is ready. From the quantity of products indicated in the recipe above, you get approximately 3 jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The attractiveness of this harvesting method is that it does not require additional sterilization. At the same time, in jars the snack looks unusually impressive and appetizing.

Fried eggplants in filling for the winter

There is another wonderful eggplant recipe for the winter. This is a very simple and self-sufficient dish. Apart from the blue ones, you don’t need any vegetables to prepare it. The only thing that needs to be done is the marinade.


To make such an unusual canned dish, you should prepare:

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • dill umbrellas – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying.

For the marinade (indicated quantity of ingredients per 1.5 l):

  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 70% - ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 0.5 l.

Cooking process

If all the products have been collected, you can safely start preparing the little blue ones for future use. In any case, eggplants fried with garlic for the winter according to this recipe will turn out piquant and unusual.

  1. Taking note of the recipe for eggplants with garlic for the winter with a photo, everything will certainly work out. First you need to thoroughly rinse the eggplants themselves. Use paper towels to remove any remaining water from them. The ends must be cut off on both sides. Only now can you start cutting vegetables. This should be done in circles, 1 cm thick. The workpiece is lightly sprinkled with salt.

Note! If you take not a simple frying pan, but a grill pan to fry the blue ones, then the eggplants in the finished appetizer will look especially appetizing.

Place the eggplants one by one on the hot oil. They must be thoroughly fried on each side. It is best to do this in batches to prevent the slices from coming into contact with each other during frying or laying out in layers, which is not at all acceptable!

    It is very important that the vegetable slices are fried evenly and completely. Be prepared for the fact that a lot of vegetable oil will be used, because eggplants absorb it strongly. You can reduce oil consumption if you lubricate the bottom of the pan with a special brush, rather than pouring the mixture directly from the bottle.

    When all the blue ones are fried, you can move on to the conservation stage. The slices are transferred to clean jars. The slices need to be pressed a little. Between the layers of eggplant, you need to make a layer of dill umbrellas, which were previously chopped. Garlic is also placed in the layer: it must be peeled and cut into thin slices.

    Next is the filling. Using the recipe with photo for preparing eggplant with garlic for the winter, you need to boil clean water in a deep saucepan. Salt and granulated sugar are poured into it. They should completely dissolve. When the liquid is about to boil, vinegar is poured into it.

    The resulting filling is poured into jars in which eggplants with garlic and dill are already laid in layers. The marinade is topped up to the very neck. The containers must be covered with lids and sent to sterilize for 20 minutes.

    After sterilization, the jars are rolled up and wrapped in blankets. They are left in this form until they cool completely.

These are just some of the recipes: fried eggplants with winter tomatoes or other vegetables also turn out very tasty and satisfying.

Video recipes for fried eggplants for the winter

Making your own fried eggplants for the winter with video is simple and easy.

Fried eggplants with garlic for the winter is a very tasty recipe that I inherited. My mother and both grandmothers always prepared such a delicious snack at the end of summer, and always in huge quantities! Since then, I also make such preparations every summer, although not in such volumes :)

Depending on how much hot pepper and garlic you add, fried eggplants can be pleasantly spicy or hot. The last option is especially relevant for men, so for my husband I always make several jars separately and sign them. For everyone else, I prepare fried eggplants with garlic for the winter in the same way as described in today’s recipe.


  • Eggplants – 1 kg
  • Hot chili pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 head
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml
  • Vinegar 9% – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Additionally: to fry eggplants you need vegetable oil

*This quantity makes 3 half liter jars.

Fried eggplants with garlic for the winter - recipe with step-by-step photos

Prepared garlic, hot pepper and bell pepper.

Grind it in a food processor (you can put it through a meat grinder).

Mixed it up.

I washed the eggplants and cut them into half-centimeter slices. I didn't clean the skin.

Fry the circles on both sides in a small amount of vegetable oil.

These are such ruddy blue ones.

Here I did this: as soon as one portion of eggplants was fried, I put them in a deep saucepan and placed a spoonful of garlic-pepper-vinegar dressing on top.

And I did the same with all the eggplants - I fry a portion, spread the dressing. And I do this until the eggplants and dressing are gone.

Layer by layer.

Then I covered the pan with a lid and stirred to mix the dressing and eggplant.

I put it in clean jars. This time I did not specifically sterilize them - since the jars with eggplants will already be sterilized.

She laid a towel on the bottom of the pan, placed the jars, filled them with water and covered the jars with a lid. I brought the water to a boil and left it to sterilize for half an hour.

And after this time I sealed it with lids.

I turned it over, wrapped it up and left it until the jars cooled completely.

That's all, fried eggplants are ready for the winter!

Bon appetit in winter!