Homemade electrical equipment. Electronic homemade products for radio amateurs and novice electricians

Every day there are more and more, many new articles appear, it is quite difficult for new visitors to immediately find their bearings and review at once everything that has already been written and previously posted.

I would really like to draw the attention of all visitors to individual articles that were posted on the site earlier. In order to avoid having to search for the necessary information for a long time, I will make several “entrance pages” with links to the most interesting and useful articles on individual topics.

Let's call the first such page "Useful electronic homemade products." Here we consider simple electronic circuits that can be implemented by people of any skill level. The circuits are built using a modern electronic base.

All information in the articles is presented in a very accessible form and to the extent necessary for practical work. Naturally, to implement such schemes you need to understand at least the basics of electronics.

So, a selection of the most interesting articles on the site on the topic "Useful electronic homemade products". The author of the articles is Boris Aladyshkin.

Modern electronics components greatly simplify circuit design. Even a regular twilight switch can now be assembled from just three parts.

The article describes a simple and reliable electric pump control circuit. Despite the extreme simplicity of the circuit, the device can operate in two modes: water lifting and drainage.

The article provides several diagrams of spot welding machines.

Using the described design, you can determine whether a mechanism located in another room or building is working or not. Information about the operation is the vibration of the mechanism itself.

A story about what a safety transformer is, why it is needed and how you can make it yourself.

Description of a simple device that turns off the load if the mains voltage exceeds acceptable limits.

The article discusses the circuit of a simple thermostat using an adjustable zener diode TL431.

An article about how to make a device for smoothly switching on lamps using the KR1182PM1 microcircuit.

Sometimes, when the voltage in the network is low or when soldering massive parts, it becomes simply impossible to use a soldering iron. This is where a boost power regulator for a soldering iron can come to the rescue.

An article about how you can replace a mechanical thermostat for an oil heating radiator.

Description of a simple and reliable thermostat circuit for a heating system.

The article describes a converter circuit made on a modern element base, containing a minimum number of parts and allowing to obtain significant power in the load.

An article about various ways to connect a load to a control unit on microcircuits using relays and thyristors.

Description of a simple control circuit for LED garlands.

The design of a simple timer that allows you to turn the load on and off at specified intervals. Working time and pause time do not depend on each other.

Description of the circuit and operating principle of a simple emergency lamp based on an energy-saving lamp.

A detailed story about the popular “laser-ironing” technology for manufacturing printed circuit boards, its features and nuances.

Those who do radio electronics at home are usually very inquisitive. Amateur radio circuits and homemade products will help you find a new direction in your creativity. Perhaps someone will find an original solution to this or that problem. Some homemade products use ready-made devices, connecting them in different ways. For others, you need to completely create the circuit yourself and make the necessary adjustments.

One of the simplest homemade products. More suitable for those who are just starting to craft. If you have an old but working cell phone with a button to turn on the player, you can use it, for example, to make a doorbell for your room. The advantages of such a call:

First you need to make sure that the selected phone is capable of producing a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be completely disassembled. Basically, the parts are secured with screws or staples, which are carefully folded back. When disassembling, you will need to remember what goes with what, so that later you can put everything back together.

The player's power button is unsoldered on the board, and two short wires are soldered in its place. These wires are then glued to the board so the solder doesn't come off. The phone is going. All that remains is to connect the phone to the call button via a two-wire wire.

Homemade products for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything you need. However, there are times when homemade devices are simply necessary. For example, something broke, they gave it to a friend, and the like. That’s when the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can tamper with without fear of damaging your car is the battery. If you don’t have a battery charger at hand at the right time, you can quickly assemble it yourself. To do this you will need:

A transformer from a tube TV is ideal. Therefore, those who are interested in homemade electronics never throw away electrical appliances in the hope that they will be needed someday. Unfortunately, two types of transformers were used: with one and with two coils. To charge a battery at 6 volts, any will do, but for 12 volts only two.

The wrapping paper of such a transformer shows the winding terminals, the voltage for each winding and the operating current. To power the filaments of electronic lamps, a voltage of 6.3 V with a high current is used. The transformer can be remade by removing the extra secondary windings, or you can leave everything as is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected in series. Each primary is rated at 127 V, so combining them produces 220 V. The secondary are connected in series to produce an output of 12.6 V.

Diodes must withstand a current of at least 10 A. Each diode requires a radiator with an area of ​​at least 25 square centimeters. They are connected into a diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for fastening. A 0.5 A fuse is included in the primary circuit, and a 10 A fuse in the secondary circuit. The device does not tolerate short circuits, so the polarity must not be confused when connecting the battery.

Simple heaters

During the cold season, it may be necessary to warm up the engine. If the car is parked where there is electrical current, this problem can be solved using a heat gun. To make it you will need:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe is selected according to the size of the fan that will be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. The length of the pipe is everyone's preference. You can assemble a heating element and a fan in it, or just a heater. When choosing the latter option, you will have to think about how to allow air flow to the heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all components in a sealed housing.

Nichrome wire is also selected according to the fan. The more powerful the latter, the larger diameter nichrome can be used. The wire is twisted into a spiral and placed inside the pipe. For fastening, bolts are used that are inserted into pre-drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their number are selected experimentally. It is advisable that the coil does not become red hot when the fan is running.

The choice of fan will determine what voltage needs to be supplied to the heater. When using a 220 V electric fan, you will not need to use an additional power source.

The entire heater is connected to the network via a cord with a plug, but it itself must have its own switch. It can be either just a toggle switch or an automatic machine. The second option is more preferable; it allows you to protect the general network. To do this, the triggering current of the machine must be less than the triggering current of the room circuit breaker. A switch is also needed to quickly turn off the heater in case of problems, for example, if the fan does not work. This heater has its disadvantages:

  • harmful to the body from asbestos pipes;
  • noise from a running fan;
  • smell from dust falling on the heated coil;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by using another homemade product. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a coffee can. To prevent the spiral from closing on the jar, it is attached to a textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. A cooler is used as a fan. To power it, you will need to assemble another electronic device - a small rectifier.

Homemade products bring those who do them not only satisfaction, but also benefits. With their help, you can save energy, for example, by turning off electrical appliances that you forgot to turn off. A time relay can be used for this purpose.

The simplest way to create a time-setting element is to use the charging or discharging time of a capacitor through a resistor. Such a chain is included in the base of the transistor. The circuit will require the following parts:

  • high-capacity electrolytic capacitor;
  • pnp type transistor;
  • electromagnetic relay;
  • diode;
  • variable resistor;
  • fixed resistors;
  • DC source.

First you need to determine what current will be switched through the relay. If the load is very powerful, you will need a magnetic starter to connect it. The starter coil can be connected via a relay. It is important that the relay contacts can operate freely without sticking. Based on the selected relay, a transistor is selected and it is determined what current and voltage it can operate with. You can focus on KT973A.

The base of the transistor is connected through a limiting resistor to a capacitor, which, in turn, is connected through a bipolar switch. The free contact of the switch is connected through a resistor to the power supply negative. This is necessary to discharge the capacitor. The resistor acts as a current limiter.

The capacitor itself is connected to the positive bus of the power source through a variable resistor with high resistance. By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunted by a diode, which turns on in the opposite direction. This circuit uses KD 105 B. It closes the circuit when the relay is de-energized, protecting the transistor from breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, the base of the transistor is disconnected from the capacitor, and the transistor is closed. When the switch is turned on, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies voltage to the relay. The relay operates, closes its contacts and supplies voltage to the load.

The capacitor begins to charge through a resistor connected to the positive terminal of the power source. As the capacitor charges, the base voltage begins to rise. At a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay switches off the load. In order for the circuit to work again, you need to discharge the capacitor; to do this, switch the switch.

Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then probably after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or garden with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example. In fact, the process of assembling simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read diagrams and use the ham radio tool.

As for the first point, before you start making electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read electrical circuits. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

Among the tools for novice electricians, you will need a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter. To assemble some popular electrical appliances, you may even need a welding machine, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even described the same welding machine.

Special attention should be paid to available materials, from which every novice electrician can make basic electronic homemade products with their own hands. Most often, old domestic parts are used in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, novice radio amateurs and electricians just need to look for all the necessary tools in a garage or shed in the country.

When everything is ready - the tools have been collected, spare parts have been found and minimal knowledge has been obtained, you can proceed to assembling amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our small guide will help you. Each instruction provided includes not only a detailed description of each stage of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, as well as video lessons that clearly show the entire manufacturing process. If you don’t understand some point, you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our specialists will try to advise you in a timely manner!