The personnel officer who came from the Federal Penitentiary Service will strengthen labor discipline at Rosneft. The Vice President wags “Rosneft” The leader of the “Christian State” was released on his own recognizance


Born 1946


In 1979 he graduated from the Saratov Law Institute named after D.I. Kursky



Latypov’s “feats”?

Convicted FSKN colonels, trade in positions and bribery. There are rumors that the vice president of Rosneft may be connected with this. Will he give what he deserves?

In March 2017, after the departure of General Oleg Feoktistov, Ural Latypov was appointed deputy head of the security service at Rosneft.

As a MorningNews correspondent learned from informed sources, there are many questions about his biography, activities in previous government posts and current activities.

The leader of the “Christian State” was released on his own recognizance

The leader of the Christian State - Holy Rus' movement, Alexander Kalinin, who was detained in the case of arson of cars, was released on his own recognizance. His brother Yuri Kalinin, who confessed to the arson, was arrested by the court until October 11.

As part of the VIII Tyumen Oil and Gas Forum, the regional government held a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Tyumen Industrial University, headed by Governor Vladimir Yakushev. The council presented the results of the first year of participation of TIU in the federal project “National Universities”.

Acting Rector Veronika Efremova reported that this year’s admissions campaign was successful, and the average passing score at the university increased to 66.4. The university is strengthening its position as a leading regional school for training engineers. He is actively modernizing the scientific and technical base, opening new laboratories and research centers, expanding cooperation with enterprises, developing practice-oriented communication, and increasing human resources.

Having worked all his life in the penal system, he thought that at the peak of his career he would be the vice president of personnel at one of the world's largest oil companies - Rosneft. I would really like to believe that now the former owner of all Russian prisons is engaged in team building and headhunting, trains employees in corporate ethics, conducts interviews with foreign top managers. Unfortunately, in reality the opposite happened: work with personnel at Rosneft began to be built on prison principles.

The collection of money from applicants for high positions has been established, there is a brisk trade in chairs in subsidiaries, and their own people are being placed in key positions.

Those who weren't imprisoned were promoted

Yuri Ivanovich would not have led the domestic penitentiary system for even one day if he had not immediately crushed the financial flows (or “warming”, a closer term for him). At Rosneft, according to a well-established scheme, Kalinin took over the divisions through which goods and services are purchased for the entire corporation: the Department of Procurement Organization (DOZ) and the Department of Material and Technical Resources (DMTR). Kalinin appointed his own people as the heads of these divisions: Sergei Mikhailov and Vladislav Serdyukov, respectively.

Sergei Evgenievich Mikhailov is known in the oil industry for his extensive experience in creating corruption schemes. He wove one of them at his previous job at TNK-BP. Mikhailov gave more than 90% of tenders for the provision of services to formally different legal entities (more than 20 enterprises), which, however, were controlled by a single holding company, BelSibServiceGarant.

When the management of TNK-BP conducted an internal investigation into the activities of Sergei Mikhailov back in 2011, the hairs of the shareholders stood on end. For Mikhailov essentially created a corrupt octopus that extended its influence to all subsidiaries.

The total volume of TNK-BP purchases, which under the leadership of Sergei Mikhailov were transferred to BelSibServiceGarant, amounted to $600 million. In 2011, the management of TNK-BP officially admitted the creation of a corruption scheme and fired Mikhailov.

The next place of work for the “effective manager” was the oil company Slavneft. There, Sergei Evgenievich meticulously recreated his favorite scheme for promoting affiliated companies and receiving kickbacks. As a result, the company's internal audit revealed a 54% excess in procurement costs. Mikhailov was miserably fired from Slavneft.

It would seem that with such a reputation it would be difficult to find a job. But Yuri Kalinin, with his trained eye, noticed criminal talent. And soon Mikhailov, together with a team of accomplices from TNK-BP, found use for his abilities in Rosneft.

New names - old offshores

Yuri Kalinin was not mistaken in appointing Mikhailov. Having received a high position in Rosneft, the latter immediately began to recreate the corruption scheme that had proven itself in TNK-BP and Slavneft.

Even while working at TNK-BP, Sergei Mikhailov fell in love with working with father and son Davydov - Valery Khatskelevech and Dmitry Valerievich. By a strange coincidence, it was Messrs. Davydov who controlled most of the legal entities with which TNK-BP entered into agreements: Nizhnevartovskdorservice LLC, Universalstroy CJSC, Urals Capital LLC, Nizhnevartovsk Technological Enterprise LLC. These offices, in turn, were the founders of other offices. And the ends, as usual, were hidden in Cypriot offshore companies.

Sergei Mikhailov's weakness can be explained very simply. Dmitry Davydov is the son-in-law of the former vice-president of TNK-BP Sergei Brezitsky (that is, the former boss of Mikhailov). For a short time, Brezitsky was appointed vice president of Rosneft, but resigned “for family reasons.” However, the “Brezitsky family” in the person of father and son Davydov remained. And, according to the tradition established in TNK-BP, she continued to apply for Rosneft contracts with the help of Mikhailov.

In order not to use already exposed companies, Mikhailov asked the Davydovs to find a new legal entity to work with Rosneft. It became Hydromechanized Works LLC, headed by Yuri Evtefeevich Guryevsky. The Davydovs entered into the capital of this company. Thus, it became part of a network of legal entities affiliated with Mikhailov.

Then the Hydromechanized Works company won the Rosneft competition for the maintenance and repair of roads for RN-Nizhnevartovsk for 462 million rubles in an “uncompromising struggle” with Nizhnevartovskdorservice LLC (this company is also controlled by the Davydovs and is already blacklisted) Rosneft contractors). At the same time, in order to prevent a price reduction, Nizhnevartovskdorservice’s application was recognized as not meeting the criteria, and .

In general, with the arrival of Mikhailov and Serdyukov to senior positions at Rosneft, the situation with the approval of procurement documents in the company began to resemble deliberate sabotage and work in favor of competitors in the global market.

In particular, materials for the construction of a number of facilities for the Syzran Oil Refinery alone took more than five months to be agreed upon by the DoZ and DMTR. And the main technological equipment for facilities at Rosneft oil refineries, which should be put into operation in 2015, has not yet been contracted.

Regarding the contracting of material and technical resources for the construction of oil and gas production facilities, the situation is no less deplorable. The volume of construction and installation work in 2015 was provided by these resources by only 51%, and by design and construction services by only 25%.

In conditions of unstable exchange rates, such a delay leads to multibillion-dollar losses for Rosneft. For a huge production holding with interconnected technological processes, such bureaucratic red tape will lead to catastrophic consequences.

Modernization deadlines have been missed, production volumes are declining

Sabotage of contracts for the provision of equipment and services at Rosneft is explained solely by subjective reasons. Here Yuri Kalinin and his wards Mikhailov and Serdyukov use several crude but effective techniques.

Even if the tender documentation has been agreed upon and a tender has been announced, important documents suddenly begin to disappear from suppliers’ proposal packages. Without them, the proposal is rejected as not meeting the requirements (for example, during the competition for the purchase of cooling towers for the Syzran Oil Refinery, supplier documents were “lost” twice in a row). And if the incredible does happen and the auction takes place, the result is declared invalid and the date for a new auction is announced.

By deliberately delaying procurement, Yuri Kalinin and Sergei Mikhailov are pursuing the goal of compromising the current contracting system in the eyes of the Rosneft management and, above all, Igor Ivanovich Sechin personally. They say that if everything is done in compliance with federal laws and corporate regulations, it will take a long time and be ineffective. And if you immediately give it to some next “BelSibServiceGarant” - then quickly! Then (after removing the corruption rent, reaching up to 50%), contracts can be transferred to subcontractors - real suppliers of goods and services. And if the company suffers losses, it doesn’t matter: Sechin will ask Putin for more money from the budget.

According to experts, due to the postponement of the commissioning of facilities as part of the modernization of five oil and gas processing enterprises of Rosneft, lost profits could amount to at least 40 billion rubles. In addition, due to the company's ineffective procurement policy, a decrease in oil and gas production is expected.

At the end of 2013, delays in procurement procedures have already led to the failure to fulfill the production program of LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz for a significant volume - more than 500 thousand tons of oil. The largest oil and gas refineries and subsidiaries of Rosneft have been waiting for months and even years for the necessary equipment. Meanwhile, dishonest top managers of the parent company make money from corruption schemes.

Such work by individuals in state-owned companies threatens the entire policy of the leadership of the Russian Federation. After all, a significant part of the assets from the hands of the oligarchs has long passed under the control of the state or businessmen loyal to it. But instead of increasing tax payments, modernizing production, and strengthening the social sphere, state corporations are increasingly demonstrating unjustified costs and ineffective management.

Unfortunately, the corruption hydra is too much for the management of most state corporations. The numerous heads of this snake, still growing from TNK-BP, YUKOS and international crime clans, can only be cut off by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Igor Ivanovich Sechin.

Let's hope that this will also happen at Rosneft someday.

Protocol of the Purchasing Commission of OJSC NK Rosneft



Purchasing Commission of OJSC NK Rosneft

in the field of oilfield services

on approval of the results of the qualifying and evaluation stages of consideration of applications for participation in the procurement and selection of the procurement winner

11:00 am Moscow


7 members and the secretary of the Purchasing Commission of OJSC NK Rosneft in the field of oilfield services.

There is a quorum.

Subject of purchase:

Provision of services for the maintenance and current repair of highways for OJSC RN-Nizhnevartovsk

Purchase (lot) No.:

Purchase 534_14

Lot 14-918-NPU-0.0

Initial (maximum) price of the contract (lot):

462,161,816.14 rubles including VAT

Purchase Notice No.:

Closing date and time for applications:

09/04/2014 at 18:00 Moscow time

Documents reviewed:

1. Notice, procurement documentation.

2. Applications for participation in procurement.

3. Report on the procedure for opening received envelopes.

4. Conclusions of specialized departments.

By the deadline established in the notice and procurement documentation, applications from the following participants in the competitive procurement procedure were received:

Procurement participants

Type of offer

The total price of the application for participation in the procurement,

rub. with VAT

LLC "Hydromechanized Works"

INN: 8603165021

Gearbox: 860301001

OGRN: 1098603004147

Address: Nizhnevartovsk, southwestern industrial hub, panel 25

09/04/2014 at 11:20


LLC "Nizhnevartovskdorservice"

INN: 8603115976

Checkpoint: 862450001

OGRN: 1048600511574

Address: Nizhnevartovsk, st. Industrialnaya, building 66, Western industrial hub, panel 13

Date and time of application receipt:

09/03/2014 at 16:40



Approval of the results of the selection and evaluation stages of consideration of applications for participation in the procurement and selection of the winner of the procurement for the maintenance and routine repair of highways for OJSC RN-Nizhnevartovsk

1.1. Based on the results of the qualifying stage of consideration of applications for participation in the procurement of services for the maintenance and routine repair of highways for OJSC RN-Nizhnevartovsk, the following procurement participant is allowed to further participate:

Procurement participants

Type of offer

LLC "Hydromechanized Works"


1.2. Based on the results of the qualifying stage of consideration of applications for participation in the procurement for the maintenance and routine repair of highways for OJSC RN-Nizhnevartovsk, due to identified inconsistencies with the selection criteria established in the procurement documentation, the following procurement participant shall be denied admission to further participation in the procurement:


Type of offer

Grounds for refusal

in tolerance

LLC "Nizhnevartovskdor-service"


in accordance with paragraphs. c) clause of the Procurement Regulations (non-compliance with the requirements of clause 3.1.42 of the Procurement Documentation

1.3. In connection with the admission of only one participant to the procurement, the competitive procedure for the procurement of services for the maintenance and routine repair of highways for OJSC "RN-Nizhnevartovsk" must be recognized as failed.

1.4. Recognize Hydromechanized Works LLC, the only participant in the competitive procurement, as meeting the requirements of the procurement documentation and conclude an agreement with it for the provision of services for the maintenance and routine repair of highways for OJSC RN-Nizhnevartovsk on the following conditions:

Contract price:

Scope of services:

Service delivery period:

Payment terms:

Within 90 calendar days, but not earlier than 60 calendar days.

This protocol is a protocol for summing up the procurement results.

Enterprises controlled by Davydov V.Kh. and Davydov D.V.

Company name

Location address

Executive body

Main activity

Information about the founders

Signs of affiliation

LLC "NVDS" Limited Liability Company "Nizhnevartovskdorservice"

INN 8603115976 KPP860301001 OGRN1048600511574 OKPO73154596


Industrialnaya st., 66 / panel 13

General manager
Troyan Oleg Tadeevich

Carrying out general construction work on the construction of roads, railways and airfield runways

99% Davydov Valery Khatskelevich
RUB 9,900.00
1% Davydov Dmitry Valerievich
100.00 rub.

Father and son Davydov are owners of shares in the authorized capital.

CJSC Universalstroy Closed Joint Stock Company "Universalstroy"

INN8603076371 KPP860301001 OGRN1028600938596 OKPO44716662

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
street 2p-2 Western Industrial Hub, 13 / panel 23

Executive Director
Obolensky Evgeniy Alexandrovich
TIN 8603214733697

Carrying out civil works for the construction of buildings

Authorized capital: 7,590 rub.
50% ZAO Zhilstroy
RUB 3,795.00
50 % Davydov Valery Khatskelevich RUB 3,795.00

He is the founder of CJSC "EPRS" (Closed Joint Stock Company "Ermakovsky Well Repair Enterprise") and Davydov V.Kh.

LLC "Urals Capital" Limited Liability Company "Urals Capital"
Limited liability company "Urals Capital"

INN7730675129 KPP773001001 OGRN1127747129982 OKPO14191423

Minskaya street, 2G/1

General manager
Ivanov Artem Anatolievich
TIN 391844042780

Business and management consulting

Authorized capital: 10,000 rub.
99 % LLC "Nizhnevartovsk Technological Passenger Enterprise"
RUB 9,900.00
1% Ivanov Artem Anatolyevich
100.00 rub.

The founder is the Nizhnevartovsk Technological Passenger Enterprise. He is the management company of the Nizhnevartovsk Technological Passenger Enterprise. The representative of the management company is Davydov D.V.

LLC "NTPP" Limited Liability Company "Nizhnevartovsk Technological Passenger Enterprise"
Nizhnevartovsk Technological Passenger Enterprise, Limited Liability Company

INN8603144952 KPP860301001 OGRN1078603005040 OKPO81307944

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk
Industrialnaya street

Management company
Urals Capital LLC
TIN 7730675129
Representative of the Management Company
Davydov Dmitry Valerievich
TIN 772741561022

Activities of other land passenger transport subject to a schedule

Authorized capital: RUB 5,000,000.
100 %
Ntpp Holding Limited (Cyprus)
RUB 5,000,000.00
Cyprus "NTP HOLDING LIMITED" RUB 5,000,000.00

Urals Capital LLC is the management company. Representative of the management company - Davydov Dmitry Valerievich

Enterprises indirectly controlled by Davydov V.Kh. and Davydov D.V.

LLC "GMR" Limited Liability Company "Hydromechanized Works"

INN8603165021 KPP860301001 OGRN1098603004147 OKPO00138614

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Autonomous Okrug
South-Western Industrial Hub street

General manager
Guryevsky Yuri Evtefeevich
TIN 860306543942

Preparing the construction site

Authorized capital: 11,140 rub. 90 %
Guryevsky Yuri Evtefeevich
RUB 10,025.00
10 %
Bukhtoyarova Yana Yurievna
RUB 1,115.00

No visible signs of affiliation were identified, however, when drawing for lot 14-918-NPU 0.0 dated 10/09/14. (maintenance of roads for RN-Nizhnevartovsk - in the amount of 462 million) there is clearly a conspiracy with NVDS LLC.

Limited Liability Company "Samotlortrans"

INN8603094317 KPP860301001 OGRN1028600939465 OKPO53481689

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Autonomous Okrug
Aviatorov street, 15

General manager
Novoshitsky Igor Alekseevich
TIN 860303674880

Carrying out general construction work on the construction of bridges, elevated roads, tunnels and underground roads

Authorized capital: 30,000 rub.
100 %
OJSC "Corporation "Stroyinvest"
RUB 30,000.00

He is the founder of the Non-Profit Partnership "DEVELOPMENT OF OIL SERVICES"

Limited Liability Company "Prioblesprom"

INN8614005220 KPP861001001 OGRN1028601499464 OKPO45792464

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Autonomous Okrug
st. 10 Km A/d Nyagan-Talinka, 1

General manager
Tatunov Vladimir Anatolievich
TIN 8603023103902

45.21.2 Carrying out general construction work on the construction of bridges, elevated roads, tunnels and underground roads

Authorized capital: RUB 6,015,000.
100 %
Ermolenko Artem Stanislavovich
RUB 6,015,000.00

He is the founder of the Non-Profit Partnership "DEVELOPMENT OF OIL SERVICE SERVICES" and LLC "Samotlortransport.

LLC "ETK" Limited Liability Company "Ermakovskaya Transport Company"

The chief personnel officer of Rosneft, ex-head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Yuri Kalinin, decided to strengthen discipline in the company. He is dissatisfied with lateness, long breaks and early leaving work and asks his bosses to “strengthen control” over employees

Lunch on schedule

Rosneft is strengthening the already strict labor discipline within the company. From February 24 to March 16, 2016, the company underwent an audit of employees’ compliance with the working time schedule, approved by the company’s internal labor regulations, follows from the lettervice president of human resourcesYuri Kalinin. The letter wassent to heads of departments at the company's central office. RBC reviewed a copy of the letter; its authenticity was confirmed by two sources in the company.

“The results of the audit revealed numerous cases of workers being late for work, including systematic ones, and early departures without good reason,” writes Kalinin. “Including cases of employees using more than 45 minutes during the entire working day for a lunch break, including for negotiations in public catering places,” he points out. These “negotiations” during lunch are one of the reasons why workers stay after work hours to carry out their job duties, the letter adds.

“Revealed facts” indicate that department heads do not properly supervise their employees, Rosneft’s chief personnel officer concludes. As measures to eliminate violations, he proposes strengthening control over “compliance with working hours.” In individual cases, employees must send a memo to the HR department about the need to change the work schedule, indicating the reasons. Heads of structural divisions are also instructed to approve “lunch break schedules for employees” lasting no more than 45 minutes and familiarize employees with them “under signature.” The relevant documents must be sent to the personnel department by April 20, Kalinin concludes.

Kalinin became vice president of Rosneft in 2012, after the company was headed by Igor Sechin. IN From 2004 to 2009, Kalinin headed the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), and then was Deputy Minister of Justice. According to people familiar with him, he is distinguished by special requirements for the subordination of subordinates in relation to leadership. For example,Vedomosti wrote in June 2013 that one day, when in Sechin's reception manager, who was sitting cross-legged and reading a newspaper, the top manager snatched the newspaper from him and said: “Come on, legs together, hands on your knees!” Representative " Rosneft “he denied this. On Wednesday, Rosneft press secretary Mikhail Leontyev refused to comment on Kalinin’s letter.

According to one of the Rosneft employees, the inspections affected only the company’s central office on Sofiyskaya Embankment. The production divisions of subsidiaries have their own rules and work routines. But throughout the company there is a system of electronic passes that records the time an employee arrives and leaves the office, he told RBC.

Yuri Kalinin and his “friends” are bringing the National Welfare Fund to Cap d’Antibes and the Alps

Recently, the press service of Rosneft and even the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov were forced to deny rumors about the resignation of the company's president Igor Sechin.

The information seemed so plausible that even sophisticated representatives of the establishment took it on faith. After all, all we’ve heard lately is how Rosneft is cutting down investment projects, and Igor Sechin is asking for money from the National Welfare Fund and proposing (of course, in the interests of Rosneft) to increase refinancing limits secured by investment projects from 20 to 100 billion rubles.

All this happens in the background corruption scandals and mutual revelations in the top management of the corporation. So the circulation of rumors about the resignation of Igor Sechin may be aimed both at shifting attention from the internal conflicts of Rosneft to a topic on a federal scale, and at the desire to test whether Sechin’s resignation is possible in principle.

Yuri Kalinin's team is fighting for power

According to a source close to the management of Rosneft, traces of the spread of rumors about the imminent resignation of Igor Sechin lead to the Procurement Organization Department and the Material and Technical Resources Department of the company. Both divisions are actually under the control of Rosneft Vice President Yuri Kalinin.

Why should subordinates undermine the authority of the first person of Rosneft, who (to put it correctly) has not strengthened due to the financial crisis? This behavior can only be explained by the fact that Yuri Kalinin’s team began a struggle for absolute power in Rosneft.

Corruption adventures of former top managers TNK-BP and Slavneft, which took leading positions in Rosneft, have already been described in operational reports and, as they say, have caused serious dissatisfaction among the country's leadership. And the actions of Vice President Yuri Kalinin, who organized a “roof” and shelter for the scammers, greatly irritate the intelligence officers assigned to Rosneft. After all, their hostility to simple penitentiary corruption is laid down at the genetic level (let us recall that Yuri Kalinin had been working for a long time before joining Rosneft). headed the Federal Penitentiary Service).

Kalinin's team's move to action likely came after Igor Sechin was forced to admit in February that Rosneft was cutting its capital investment by about 30% in dollar terms in 2015. Translated into corruption dialect, this meant that the funds for development were reduced by a full third. Consequently, there will not be enough funds for all and they will have to be spent under special control.

The threat of losing power over Rosneft's multibillion-dollar contracts caused serious discontent among the heads of relevant departments controlled by Yuri Kalinin. After all, the “tail” in the form of Kalinin’s team was completely confident that it was wagging Igor Sechin, and gave it to the president NK "Rosneft" only one role - always asking Vladimir Putin for funds for the development of the company.

More than one strategic project of Rosneft fell into artificially created downtime - until the next member of Kalinin’s team received a guarantee of his share in a particular tender. And it doesn’t matter that sabotage of strategic projects has a detrimental effect on the company’s development in the long term. Yuri Kalinin’s team, in fact, is guided by a principle well known to the former owner of all Russian zones: “You die today, and I die tomorrow.” The main thing is to grab it now. What will happen next, and whether Rosneft will exist at all, is the tenth matter.

Realizing that Igor Sechin began to pose a real threat to established corruption schemes, the “tail” bet on the possible appointment of Yuri Kalinin as president of the company. Since Vice President for Human Resources Kalinin has all his own key personnel, the question of transferring power without managerial failures would become purely technical. Moreover, Yuri Kalinin has already become accustomed to the presidential chair, having actually managed Rosneft during Igor Sechin’s business trips.

True, 68-year-old Yuri Kalinin can hardly be called a careerist. A chalet in the Alps and a villa in Cap d'Antibes - what else does a big man need to calmly meet old age?! But Yuri Ivanovich’s entourage is too interested in his promotion to the position of the first person of the state company. Without understanding that the resignation of Igor Sechin can only worsen the already precarious position of Rosneft. Deprive the company of even a ghostly chance to get out of the personnel and financial impasse.

Just look at the fiasco of the Eastern Petrochemical Company project, the collapse of which also involved Yuri Kalinin’s proteges...

Billions of VNHK will be cut into small projects

At the beginning of 2014, Rosneft announced plans to build facilities of the Eastern Petrochemical Company (VNHK) in Nakhodka. It was assumed that by the end of 2020, the installations of the oil refining part of VNHK would be put into operation, and in 2022, the petrochemical installations.

The implementation of the project made it possible to create 20 thousand jobs, solve the problem of fuel shortages in the Far East, and reduce the cost of fuel to the average Russian level. The design capacity of the complex assumed the production of up to 30 million tons of hydrocarbons per year. It was planned to invest 1.3 trillion rubles in construction. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation personally undertook to supervise the VNHK project Dmitry Medvedev.

However, immediately after the start of the project, Rosneft top managers began to vaguely hint that it would be very difficult to build an oil refinery without tax benefits and without attracted funds from investors. And then they decided to freeze the VNHK project altogether. Let us emphasize: this statement was made back in those happy times when oil cost more than $100 per barrel. And as soon as the price of oil went down, representatives of Rosneft logically reported that the construction of the VNHK was impossible without the allocation of budget funds from the National Welfare Fund.

The contract for the design of the VNHK was concluded back in February 2014. However, at present, the implementation of the project has completely stalled. Back in September 2014, Rosneft structures stopped the purchase of equipment, construction and installation work, and actually curtailed all work on the project.

It is interesting that Rosneft declared as many as four tenders invalid as part of the preparatory work for the first and second stages of the VNHK project. As reported in the customer’s materials on the government procurement website, the auction did not take place due to a lack of applications. It is possible that the director of the Rosneft Procurement Department, Sergei Mikhailov, was simply not satisfied with the size of the kickback offered by potential suppliers. Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine that Rosneft’s billion-dollar contracts, for which there is usually a serious fight, went unnoticed by potential contractors.

And soon, Vice President for Personnel and Social Affairs Yuri Kalinin, at one of the internal meetings, reported to Rosneft President Igor Sechin about the inappropriateness of maintaining a staff of VNHK CJSC employees. Thus, in the near future, more than 300 highly qualified specialists - lawyers, economists, financiers, and security workers - risk losing their jobs.

The best personnel from all over the country were invited to the VNHK project, which was launched as the main Far Eastern construction project of the century. They offered tempting working conditions: free housing, increased salaries. Today, people driven to despair are already writing letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “We are tired of such cynicism and lack of understanding that the strategic goals of the entire country are much more important than the personal benefits of individual leaders. We have a lot of experience behind us, we have families and children behind us. Who cares? None of the Rosneft management even thinks about this. We will soon be distributed throughout the company, someone will be at the door. But it will no longer be possible to gather us all. Nobody believes what is happening anymore. We should not be a bargaining chip for personal use..."

Regarding the personal goals of Kalinin’s team, as they say, don’t go to a fortune teller. Here is just one of many memos to Igor Sechin, initiated by the director of the Procurement Organization Department, Sergei Mikhailov. In it, he proposes to abandon long-term investments in the VNHK project (in this case, without purchasing hydrocracking reactors), which will free up “approximately 3 to 6 billion rubles.” Of course, the released funds Mikhailov and his colleagues plan to direct them to procurement with a faster prospect of obtaining a corrupt margin (see photocopy of the document below).

Yuri Kalinin’s short-sighted policy towards VNHK led to the fact that there were too many people in Rosneft who wanted to tear apart the strategic project for the sake of their own (financial, career, image) interests. VNHK employees have already had their salaries seriously reduced and their social packages have been significantly reduced.

Some went to Nakhodka to earn money, some for a career, some for experience. As a result, more than 300 specialists now find themselves in the grip of internecine wars between individual clans of the central apparatus of Rosneft, who are trying to make money from the burial of VNHK. The project staff has already been significantly reduced, and another reduction of more than 100 people is coming soon.

Let us remind you that all this is happening on a key project for the Far East and the entire country, which is under the personal control of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Text of the letter to Sechin from the vice-presidents of Rosneft Mikhailov, Kasimiro and Slavinsky

Letter to Rosneft President Igor Sechin from three vice-presidents

"To the Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC NK Rosneft"

I.I. Sechin

Regarding hydrocracking reactorsfor the VNHK 30 project

Dear Igor Ivanovich!

In accordance with your instruction dated December 9, 2014 No. P-30505-IS on organizing a meeting on the supply of reactors produced by the OMZ group for the VNHK-30 project and financing this supply with a loan from Gazprombank, we inform you as follows e.

As part of the competitive procurement for the lot “Hydrocracking and hydrotreating reactors, in the amount of 6 pcs.”, for CJSC VNHK, the Procurement Organization Department prepared materials for consideration of the issue of approval of the qualification selection results at the Central Control Commission.

Taking into account the decision of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 15 of December 18, 2014) to suspend the implementation of the VNHK-30 project with the subsequent decision to continue the implementation of the project after the provision of state support for financing by the Federal Executive Authorities of the Russian Federation (FOIV) for the project and confirmation of its economic efficiency, in the Business Plan of OJSC NK Rosneft for 2015-2016. The VNHK project does not provide funding for procurement procedures for the purchase of materials and equipment.

Taking into account the decision made on the further implementation of the VNHK-30 project, we propose at this stage to abandon further procurement procedures for the purchase of the specified equipment and return to this issue after receiving a positive conclusion from Glavgosexpertiza and the decisions of the federal executive authorities on providing state support for the VNHK-30 project (II quarter . 2017).

We believe that this decision will free up the Company’s funds (approximately from 3 to 6 billion rubles) by refusing to purchase equipment, the need for which will arise in six years.

Taking into account the above, I ask you, dear Igor Ivanovich, to agree on the proposal to refuse at this stage from the purchase of the specified equipment and to cancel further implementation of the order dated December 9, 2014 No. P-30505-IS.


1. Decision of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 15 dated December 18, 2014) for 4 l."

The tail intends to finish the dog

However, Yuri Kalinin is merciless only in relation to ordinary employees of Rosneft strategic projects. Yuri Ivanovich shows unprecedented patience with his people.

Take, for example, the former deputy director of the Department of Technological and Long-Term Planning, Alexander Yukov, who for a long period of time systematically collected kickbacks at Rosneft in the amount of 10 to 15% from almost all contractors who performed design and survey work in the period from 2011 to 2013 at oil and gas production facilities and oil refineries.

Moreover, Mr. Yukov acts as a dealer for Yuri Kalinin in trading key positions in Rosneft. According to available information, he is actively selling top management positions in subsidiaries of oil and gas production companies and helps resolve sensitive issues related to the distribution of contracts in Rosneft subsidiaries (for example, in RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC).

With the active participation of Mr. Yukov, another strategic project for Rosneft came under the rink of Yuri Kalinin and his team - the development of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field. Oil reserves in the C1 category are estimated at 90.9 million tons, and in the C2 category - 38.9 million tons.

It was assumed that the development of one of the largest undeveloped fields in Eastern Siberia would create infrastructure for further exploration and development of the region’s reserves, and use the asset in line with Rosneft’s gas strategy. President of Rosneft Oil Company Igor Sechin personally stated that already in 2014, production at this field should have reached 1 million tons, and starting from 2017 - exceed 5 million tons per year.

However, miracles do not happen. The long-term development strategy of Rosneft once again collided with the strategy of obtaining a quick corruption margin by the team of Yuri Kalinin. As a result, the professional specialists who defended this project and were responsible for its implementation were forced to leave the company.

Therefore, plans for the development of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field remained only on paper. And today Rosneft, having dispersed its own specialists and cut off funding, is trying to find at least some kind of partner for this project: a share is offered either to the Chinese or to the Indians.

Large-scale projects of one of the world's largest oil companies are crumbling like houses of cards. We hasten to disappoint conspiracy theorists: the reason for this was not the Zionists on Wall Street, but ordinary human greed and short-sightedness, and the internal intrigues of Rosneft top managers. The construction of oil refineries and field development are being postponed indefinitely solely in order to redistribute funding and provide billions of dollars in contracts to the “right people.”

And the National Welfare Fund of Russia, meanwhile, is becoming less and less rubbery...

Alexander Sedunov

Former Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia

Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia (2009-2010, 1998-2004). Previously - Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service (2004-2009), Head of the Main Directorate for Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1992-1997). Supporter of the death penalty. Colonel General of Justice, State Counselor of Justice 1st class and Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Yuri Ivanovich Kalinin was born on October 28, 1946 in the city of Pugachev, Saratov region. In 1979, he graduated from the Saratov Law Institute named after D.I. Kursky.

Since 1970, Kalinin served in the penal system, from inspector of the operational part of the colony to the head of the Department of Correctional Labor Institutions of the Saratov Region.

Since 1992, Kalinin headed the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In May 1997, after an inspection by the GUIN, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Anatoly Kulikov, Kalinin was removed from office for financial abuse. However, the Prosecutor General’s Office did not find confirmation of suspicions that Kalinin, for a fee, entered into dubious agreements with commercial firms that collaborated with the GUIN system. According to other versions of the investigation, the former head of the GUIN was simply inattentive when signing financial documents.

In 1997, the head of the Ministry of Justice Sergei Stepashin invited Kalinin to his department to the position of deputy head of the department. At that time, it was assumed that the GUIN would be transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. A year later, in July 1998, Kalinin was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice and began reforming the penitentiary system. The main results of the reform were increased transparency of the correctional system, including greater openness of pre-trial detention centers and colonies to the media, and some improvement in the conditions of detention of prisoners.

In December 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Kalinin as director of the Federal Penitentiary Service by decree.

Kalinin has established himself as a supporter of the use of the death penalty. In his opinion, the death penalty is only “fair retribution” for especially serious crimes. “Villains like Chikatilo, in my opinion, do not have the right to life,” he said in an interview with the newspaper Zavtra in 1997, when Russia already had a moratorium on executions. On the other hand, Kalinin confirmed then that “a lot of unnecessary people end up in pre-trial detention centers” - according to him, a quarter of those arrested are released from pre-trial detention centers and not sent to a colony.

In 2003, Kalinin, as an expert for the prosecution, took part in the London trial of the extradition of Akhmed Zakaev. Then he assured British justice that in the Russian correctional system all the rights of prisoners are respected, and torture is not used, and promised Zakayev “excellent conditions” of detention.

In August 2005, Kalinin denied Mikhail Khodorkovsky's statement that the former head of Yukos was on a hunger strike in solidarity with his accomplice Platon Lebedev, who was placed in a punishment cell. Kalinin announced that neither the management of the pre-trial detention center where Khodorkovsky was held, nor the Moscow Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service had any information about this protest action and that Khodorkovsky was “given food worth a thousand dollars a month.” As Kalinin’s words in the Moscow Federal Penitentiary Service explained then, every prisoner has the right to go on a hunger strike, but he is obliged to notify the administration of the institution about his intentions, since in most cases a hunger strike is a protest against the conditions of detention. After this, a prosecutor’s investigation is carried out based on the hunger striker’s complaint, and the protester himself is taken under observation by a doctor.

In December 2005, the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow filed a lawsuit against the RenTV channel and its presenter Marianna Maksimovskaya, as well as Lebedev and Khodorkovsky’s lawyers Yuri Schmidt and Evgeniy Bar, demanding to refute information about Khodorkovsky’s hunger strike, previously published in the program “A Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya.”

On August 25, 2006, the court recognized a number of statements by lawyers in Maksimovskaya’s program as untrue and ordered them to refute these statements. At the same time, no crime was found in the words of the TV presenter.

On November 10, 2006, the media reported that Kalinin submitted a report on his resignation from the civil service of his own free will “due to reaching the age limit for being in the civil service” (on October 28, 2006, the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service turned 60 years old). The press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service told Gazeta.Ru correspondents that they first heard about Kalinin’s resignation from journalists. Previously, informed sources in the FSIN claimed that the issue of extending Kalinin’s powers had practically been resolved. Meanwhile, the Kommersant newspaper called this resignation very possible - in connection with the beginning of a large-scale inspection of the FSIN institutions in the Perm Territory. This check was launched by order of the President of Russia, to whom prisoners in one of the Perm colonies complained about their conditions of detention and violations of the law during the “direct line”.

On November 14, 2006, it became known that Kalinin’s report was endorsed by the Minister of Justice Vladimir Ustinov and sent to President Putin for signature. However, Kalinin was never dismissed. In January 2007, he published an article in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, in which he reported on the development of a departmental regulatory act at the Federal Penitentiary Service, designed to determine in detail the procedure for providing psychological assistance to convicts. Mentioning the widespread media coverage of a number of excesses in correctional institutions, Kalinin announced a qualitative improvement in the work of the psychological service, which “learned lessons from these events.”

On April 23, 2007, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow upheld Kalinin’s claim, obliging Ponomarev to refute the information he disseminated, and the Regnum news agency to publish a refutation. On April 28, 2007, the reasoning part of the court's decision was announced. The judges decided that amateur organizations of convicts were formed and acted in accordance with the order of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 79 dated July 8, 2005, therefore Kalinin cannot be the author of the established system. The decision of the Presnensky District Court on June 14, 2007 was approved by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Moscow City Court. On July 30, 2007, in accordance with the court decision, Regnum news agency published a refutation written by Ponomarev. The human rights activist admitted that his statement about Kalinin’s “authorship” turned out to be inaccurate, but emphasized that the materials presented to the court and the testimony of witnesses proved the prevalence of torture in the Russian penal system. In addition, Ponomarev cited a verbatim excerpt from the ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Moscow City Court: “Since 1992, Kalinin has been the permanent head of the body supervising the penitentiary service in the Russian Federation, and, therefore, bears direct responsibility for the violations of rights and freedoms of citizens."

On August 4, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, by decree, relieved Kalinin from the post of director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, while simultaneously appointing him Alexander Konovalov, Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia. Alexander Reimer became the new head of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

In January 2010, it became known that Prime Minister Putin had expelled Kalinin from the government commission on crime prevention. In March of the same year, by decree of President Medvedev, Kalinin was relieved of his post as Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (the reason for the dismissal was not reported) [