Monica scandal. Women Presidents: Monica Lewinsky - The scandalous story of the White House

As the recent wave of revelations has shown: there have always been romances and harassment, including in Washington. But in 1998, it was customary to keep silent about this. Lewinsky's story was pulled into the light against her will. The conservative website The Drudge Report wrote about the novel. This, by the way, can be considered a harbinger of the future influence of online media on the information space.

Then major media from all over the world joined in: Monicagate, Levinskygate, even Shirinkagate: as soon as this scandal was not named 20 years ago.

1998 was not a good year for Bill Clinton from the start. A former employee of Paul Jones accused him of harassment. The president denied everything, but the prosecutor's office continued to dig further.

The “gift” for the investigation was the news: during the investigation, the former White House intern lied under oath. The girl was pressured, and she admitted that she herself had a relationship with the president. So the world first heard about Monica Lewinsky.

  • "Washington Post reports recording of a telephone conversation ... where 24-year-old Monica Lewinsky reveals ... that she had a year and a half affair with the president" ( CNN).

Bill Clinton denied everything.

"Listen, I repeat: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, with Ms. Lewinsky," he told reporters. "These accusations are false. I need to get back to work."

The development of the scandal was followed around the world.

  • "Only half of those surveyed have a positive attitude towards the president. The rating fell by 10 points in just a week" ( CNN).
  • "White House at gunpoint" CBS).
  • "Allegations of obstruction of justice, if proven, could lead to impeachment" ( CNN).

The first lady insisted: the president is innocent.

For months, the country was bogged down in disputes: was Clinton lying when he denied connection to Lewinsky? Did he have other mistresses besides her? Everyone wrote about the scandal in the States, from tabloids to quite respected publications. Some were interested in fried details, others in the likelihood of impeachment.

The public was hungry for details. Journalists pursued the girl everywhere: whether she was walking down the street, whether she met with a lawyer, whether she visited her relatives. Gradually, Monica Lewinsky became a world-famous celebrity.

In July 1998, the case moved forward. The prosecutor promised that he would not punish Monica Lewinsky for lying under oath, and she agreed to testify against the president. At the same time, there was also evidence of a sexual connection - a blue dress soiled by Bill Clinton.

In August, the president is forced to admit that he had a relationship with an intern: “As you know, in January I testified under oath about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Although my answers were legally correct, I did not disclose all the information. I had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and it was unacceptable."

Although this is not about coercion or harassment (both Clinton and Lewinsky insist on this), the media does not calm down. The president's lies under oath, the humiliation of his wife and the political earthquake in the United States occupy the front pages of the world press for a long time.

The impeachment case goes to Congress for discussion. In February 1999, a year after the sandal began, the legislature decides: the president is innocent. Bill Clinton remains in office until the end of his second term, but neither his fellow party member Al Gore, nor later his wife Hillary Clinton will be able to get into the White House. In many ways - precisely because of the 1998 scandal.

July 11, 2018, at 03:28 pm

Bill Clinton is clearly unlucky - he should have been born and become president in France. But fate decreed otherwise, and the poor fellow had to deal with a grandiose sex scandal.

Someone called this story "the show of the disgraced playboy." And in one newspaper, a certain journalist sadly remarked:

"There is no sadder story in the world,

Than the story of the Oval Office.

In 1998, during the days when default broke out in Russia, in addition to "local nightmares" on TV, you could learn a lot of new and interesting things from the very, very personal life of the President of the United States. It was so exciting for Russians caught in another economic crisis that they did not think about their pressing problems, but followed the “Clinton case” with the keenest interest. Someone sympathized with the foolishly caught cute president, and someone condemned the immoral behavior of the head of state.

Bill was born on August 19, 1946 in a small town in Arkansas. The boy was named after his father, William (Bill) Jefferson Blyth, who died in a car accident three months before his son was born. In order to get a decent education, Bill's mother, Virginia Cassidy Blyth, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. She left Bill with her parents for a while. The grandparents, Edith and Eldridge Cassidy, the child was surrounded by attention and love. They were very decent people, and they instilled their values ​​and beliefs in their grandson.

The Cassidys ran a small grocery store, and a person of any color could buy goods from them on credit - they trusted everything, which was then not very common in America. They taught their grandson that all people are equal and the attitude towards a person should not depend on the color of his skin. Bill remembered this lesson for the rest of his life.

In 1950, his mother returned from New Orleans with a degree; her son was four years old. Later that same year, she married a car salesman; Bill's stepfather's name was Roger Clinton. He gave Bill his last name.

High school student Bill Clinton once attended a special youth leadership conference in Washington DC. John F. Kennedy was the President of America at the time. Young Bill had the honor of shaking hands with the president ... For a boy, this was a very serious event.

In addition to politics, Bill was fond of playing the saxophone, but he never became a musician. After high school, he attended Georgetown University in Washington. In 1968 he graduated from the university and received a scholarship that allowed him to continue his education at Oxford, England. There he studied public administration and returned to the States to attend Yale Law School.

At Yale, one might say, a historic event for Bill happened - he met Hillary, his future wife.

Hillary Rodham was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago. She was an ugly "correct" girl who was not loved by her peers. As a child, Hillary dreamed of astronautics, wanted to work at NASA and was very upset to learn that women were not taken there. Then there were years of study - the girl studied "excellently", her teachers loved her very much, she was an activist of all kinds of student movements.

Hillary preferred abstruse scientific discussions and library halls to noisy companies, where, however, she was not invited. To arrange

fortunately, she did not need parties - it was in the library of Yale University that Hillary met Bill Clinton.

It was 1970. One day, when Hillary was sitting over her books as usual, she noticed a student staring at her intently. In the end, she could not stand it: “If you don’t stop staring like that right now, I’ll sit with my back to you. Or maybe we should get to know each other? My name is Hillary Rodham." Surprisingly, the student forgot to give his name. But later he introduced himself - Bill Clinton. Two young careerists quickly found a common language. And their sympathy for each other grew every day. It was fueled by conversations and discussions about the fate of America, about its future. “We just started talking and couldn’t stop,” she recalled much later in one interview, “we talked more and more and longer.” They had something to talk about. And it was not only that they both studied law, but also that both helped those in need. They longed for social change and were passionate about politics.

In 1972, while still students, they traveled to Texas to run for Democratic candidate George McGoven. This work brought them closer together. However, Hillary did not immediately decide on the last, decisive step. Before moving in with Bill in provincial Arkansas, Hillary Rodham, a graduate lawyer, traveled to firms in Washington, New York, and Chicago to assess potential losses. The potential damage was minor. Then she made a decision, and on October 11, 1975, Bill and Hillary got married. Bill was twenty-nine at the time, Hillary twenty-eight.

When the couple went to Acapulco on their honeymoon, the whole family of the bride followed them. Relatives settled in the same hotel and carefully monitored that everything was decorous and noble. Pretty strange behavior, but maybe that's the way it is in Chicago...

However, relatives need not worry. Hillary was not going to stretch her honeymoon, because she married Bill not to spend her life in the bedroom, and even more so in the kitchen. Their tandem formed to move up the career ladder, and over time, the Clintons climbed one of the highest steps on the planet.

There is such an anecdote: “Hillary and Bill drive up to a gas station and meet Hillary's classmate there. Clinton tells his wife, "You could be a tanker's wife." She says, “No, he could be the president.” This is the case when there is a share of a joke in a joke. Yes, and Bill Clinton himself admitted that he owes a lot, if not all, to his wife.

Early in their life together, Hillary taught law at the University of Arkansas and then moved to the law firm Rose Low Firm.

In 1976 they moved to the capital of Arkansas, Little Rock, where Bill became the state's attorney general. Since 1978, Bill has been repeatedly elected Governor of Arkansas. Hillary, the faithful eminence grise, accompanied him on all his trips during the campaign, they strategized the campaign together and traveled the length and breadth of Arkansas together.

Leaning on Hillary like a magic staff, Clinton strode briskly up the political career ladder. Their daughter Chelsea was born in 1980. But it was impossible to imagine Hillary doing housework and changing a baby's diaper. She was engaged in raising her daughter by fax and telephone. And she continued to build her career and the career of an ambitious husband.

In the end, the state of Arkansas became cramped for Hillary Clinton - in 1992, as a chief strategist and adviser, she began the presidential election campaign of her missus. “She feels better in the bar than with her family”; “This is not a marriage, but a professional contract”; "Lady Macbeth of Little Rock", "Evita Peron of American politics" - as soon as journalists did not speak about Madame Clinton.

However, ordinary voters saw exactly what they wanted to see - presidential candidate Bill Clinton made incendiary speeches, and his wife in the background smiled and did not take her loving eyes off her husband. A real family idyll, so appreciated by the American inhabitants!

Hillary even had to get up to the stove and learn "favorite family" recipes for the needs of ladies' magazines - Madam Clinton was not going to get by with one presidential term. She wanted to settle in the capital for a long time. And for this, any advertising tricks are good. Let them think that she is not only an excellent lawyer, but also a noble housewife who loves to feed her husband deliciously!

You can be ironic as much as you like, but Hillary got her way: Bill Clinton became the president of America. And when he took the famous presidential office, there was a joke in Washington that he intended to offer his wife, a lawyer, a ministerial portfolio, and sign a four-year contract with Barbara Bush to play the role of first lady.

But all these injections did not hit the target. Hillary has long been no longer the old know-it-all girl in ridiculous glasses - she has turned into an elegant lady, conquering others not only with her mind, but also with feminine charm. Of course, her team of advisers outnumbered the vice president's team - Hillary was and remains a great professional, but now she sewed her outfits from Donna Karan and posed for Vogue. Madame Clinton did not shine with natural beauty, but she “made” herself, according to all the rules of art, realizing that in this world, whether you like it or not, they are met by clothes.

Even on the way to the presidential apartments, at the election meetings, Hillary made presentations on the most important social, economic and political topics. Sometimes at rallies where she was supposed to represent her husband, her speeches were longer than those of Bill Clinton. It seemed that not her husband, but she was a candidate for the presidency.

It was then that the Clinton couple was waiting for the first blow! Singer Jennifer Flowers chose the most crucial moment in Bill's life and told the press that she had an affair with him that lasted twelve years. As a rule, such a scandal means the political collapse of a candidate for the presidency. But the loyal and extremely smart Hillary saved her husband's career by appearing with him on the popular TV show 60 Minutes. When the host forced Clinton to confess to an extramarital affair, Hillary energetically joined in: “I don’t think we should pull out personal life to the public. It's just our business." She immediately took the only correct and sensible position: everything that happens to Bill and her is their own business, purely family. They will take care of themselves! Hillary defiantly did not answer questions regarding their marriage. Without citing any evidence, she claimed that the only motive for the appearance of Jennifer Flowers in the campaign story was money. London tabloid newspapers offered Jennifer half a million dollars for a revealing interview. Surely Clinton's political enemies also offered money.

Clinton, with his image of an eternal boy, Clinton, who belongs to the generation that initiated both the youth revolution of the late 60s and the sexual revolution, unfortunately proved to be less wise and less foresight than his wife. While he was thinking about what to do or say, and smiling broadly, Hillary acted. And every time she came out the winner.

Finally, everyone understood and appreciated Hillary's tactics - she will not betray her husband! She will never let her emotions cloud her mind. She will "forgive" and pretend that nothing is happening.

Not everything was simple in their marriage (they say that the spouses even consulted a sexologist about their problems). Many believe that young careerists agreed solely on the calculation and agreed to treat each other's infidelity condescendingly. True, Clinton's security guard once heard Hillary shouting: "Bill, I need to be with you more than twice a year!" However, it's hard to imagine how the reserved and coldish Hillary screams about her intimate needs so that some security guard hears her.

One of Bill's girlfriends confided to the whole world that Hillary "isn't sensual" in her relationship with her husband. Therefore, it is unlikely that in her arms he can find what he likes so much in communicating with less intelligent, but more liberated ladies.

Clinton was "suspected" of Don Juanism during his Arkansas rule. On the eve of the presidential campaign, his advisers, who know their boss very well, specifically studied with him the question of how amorous Bill's amorous connections could affect the outcome of the election. By the way, Larry Nichols, who was fired by Clinton in 1990, in a suit for reinstatement, indicated that during his governorship, Clinton cohabited with six ladies, spending government money on them (!).

On the eve of the presidential campaign, Clinton's rivals hyped the biographies of several of Bill's "ladies of the heart" and launched them into political circulation. If anyone is interested, here are the names of some of them: Deborah Mathis - a young journalist from Arkansas, Elizabeth Ward - a beauty queen and "Miss Arkansas", Suzanne Wiggaker - Clinton's personal secretary, Lenocola Sullivan - a beautiful mulatto woman, also "Miss Arkansas".

The already mentioned twenty-seven-year-old green-eyed brown-haired Jennifer Flowers crowned her romance with Clinton with the fascinating book Passion and Betrayal. It says that the first meeting with Bill took place in her apartment, "he played me like a violin," but intimacy did not happen then, because Bill was a true seducer and preferred not to rush. However, after the second visit, Jennifer could confidently declare that Clinton was a "sensitive lover" who was ready to please her partner.

They made love for almost three hours with short breaks, she was pleased with his assertiveness, and he even left her his shirt as a souvenir so that she could feel his unique smell every day.

The novel lasted for twelve whole years, and during this time a lot of details about the intimate life of the energetic Bill have accumulated. If they could not meet, they talked for a long time on the phone.

One day, Jennifer became pregnant and, with the help of her lover, had an abortion - Clinton said from the very beginning that he was not going to part with Hillary. There was a time when Bill invited Jennifer to sing at a party at his governor's house and during the break he almost dragged her into the men's room - this did not happen only thanks to her self-control.

Once, Jennifer pleased Bill by showing up on a date in a fur coat, under which there was only underwear. Bill himself liked to give his lady "linen" gifts. When he did not have time to do it himself, he entrusted the purchase of linen for his mistress to his guards.

Almost all of Clinton's lovers noted that he was extremely resourceful in love. Jennifer, for example, really liked it when he held melting ice over her naked body. Once the governor smeared her all over with honey - from head to toe.

True, Clinton also craved variety: he once offered to drip candle wax on Jennifer, but it was already too much, and she flatly refused.

They broke up in 1989, when Jennifer decided to get married. And in May 1994, she released an audiotape of her conversations with Clinton, which can be freely purchased.

It is clear that all this happened for a reason. His political opponents are clearly behind this act of the former mistress (Hillary was right when she said that money intervened in the matter). At all times, for many striving for power, the end justified the means. And to this day, rivals are ready to "sink" their competitor in any way. However, there was still an affair with Jennifer. The dates of Clinton and Jennifer were confirmed by many eyewitnesses.

In December 1993, two former Arkansas security guards made claims that Clinton used his official position and instructed them to look for pretty girls on the streets, take their phones, find places for dates and protect the peace of lovers.

In addition, according to them, Clinton used security cars for his rendezvous, ordered to follow his wife (so as not to “cover”) and constantly keep him informed of her movements. This became especially relevant if he invited another passion to his home.

In July 1992, another former “Miss Arkansas” Sally Pedew announced her connection with Clinton (though ten years ago). The first beauty of the state said that he entered her apartment from the back door and smoked marijuana during “intimate communication”.

The belated revelations of "Miss Arkansas" were joined by rock singer Connie Hamsey. She told the world that she was once warming herself in a bikini on the beach, and one of the governor's assistants allegedly approached her and offered to go to the nearest hotel, which she (poor Little Red Riding Hood) did, with all the pleasant consequences that follow.

But the revelations don't end there. It turns out that the insatiable Arkansas governor did not disdain prostitutes.

In addition, Bill Clinton was repeatedly accused of rape.

In 1994, allegations of sexual harassment were brought against him, then already housed in the White House, by a certain Paula Jones, who worked in the government of the state of Arkansas when Clinton was its governor. She claimed that in 1991, Bill tried to seduce her in one of the local hotels. The plaintiff originally estimated the moral damage at $700,000. Subsequently, her appetites increased to 2 million - as you know, the appetite comes during the "process". In addition to monetary compensation, she demanded that the president publicly apologize to her. But Clinton was not eager to confess to rape ...

Juanita Broaddrick made similar accusations against the president. She said that in 1978, Bill Clinton forced her into an intimate relationship when he was an Arkansas state attorney and she worked as an administrator at a nursing home in Van Buren in the same state.

Her friend, Norma Rogers Kelsey, a former nurse at the same facility, said she cared for Juanita after she was allegedly raped by Bill Clinton. She firmly believes that Clinton is a rapist. “Every time I remember it with tears in my eyes,” said the sensitive Norma. She claimed that in April 1978 she and Juanita went to an American College of Nursing Home seminar at the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock.

Broaddrick was invited to take part in the election campaign of Clinton, who had just put forward his candidacy for governor of the state. She was then twenty-five years old. “We were excited about the fact that we would take part in the election campaign,” said Kelsey. “He was a terribly charming young man. He knew exactly what to do. Clinton then told Broaddrick that because of his position it would be difficult for him to meet her in a cafe, and offered to talk in her office. She didn’t even think that there might be something behind this proposal.”

Then Norma went to a seminar at a hotel, and Juanita Broaddrick went to negotiate with Clinton. Back in the hotel lobby, Kelsey called Broaddrick's room to find out how her meeting with the young prosecutor went. “She was very upset,” Kelsey recalled. “She asked me to come to her room immediately and then said we had to go back to Van Buren.” According to Kelsey, her friend was in shock. It turns out that Bill from the very first minutes began to pester her.

“If they had arranged a love date in advance, she would have told me,” Kelsey said. “We were close enough friends to let each other in on such secrets.”

As Broaddrick told her friend that evening, the meeting with Clinton began with a small conversation, and "she was a little surprised that they were alone in the room." Broaddrick said that Clinton showed her around Little Rock from his window, but "suddenly grabbed her and started kissing her."

“He threw her on the couch. To be honest, it was just plain rape." Broaddrick told Kelsey why she had swollen lips: "He hit me on the lips when I resisted."

The host of the radio program, where the victim's friend spoke, asked Kelsey what ultimately happened to Bill and her friend. “Yes, she was so shocked and scared that she allowed this to happen,” Kelsey said. - Juanita was very afraid that this incident could damage her reputation at work. That is why she took my word that I would not tell anyone about this.

Following these revelations, a videotape surfaced, incriminating Clinton in excessive womanizing.

The video was made during Clinton's tenure as governor. The video, according to the testimony of regular guards, depicts a young governor having sex with a woman who came to him in a pickup truck. The scene was filmed by an external surveillance camera installed to ensure the security of the governor's residence.

For the first time about this compromising material became known from the testimony of a certain Larry Patterson, who served in Clinton's personal bodyguard from 1987 to January 1993, when Clinton moved from the Arkansas governor's residence in Little Rock to the White House.

According to him, Clinton's sex adventure took place in the late 80s on the night when Hillary was out of town.

At the beginning of the twelfth, Clinton called the duty room and said: “Larry, a friend should come to me. Skip it." And indeed, soon a car drove up to the governor's residence. She parked in the spot where Hillary's car used to park. Clinton came out of the residence, went to the car and got into it. The night was cold, and the driver did not turn off the engine. “It was past midnight and they were still sitting in the car,” Patterson said at the trial. - I closed the gates of the residence, and suddenly the alarm went off. At his sound, Melissa Jolly, Chelsea's nanny, the Clintons' daughter, came out of the house. Seeing that she came close to the car in which the governor was sitting with a strange lady, I hurried to meet the nanny and said to her: “Melissa, we have a problem. The thief got into the area. Get back to the building."

The nanny left, and Larry, either worried about the long sitting of the president in an unknown car, or devoured by simple human curiosity, did the following: he directed the video surveillance camera at the car. And an image of a woman appeared on the screen. There was no doubt that Clinton and this woman were making love.

Clinton then left the car and entered the house. According to Patterson, the passenger in the car was a "very attractive woman" who worked in a Little Rock department store.

All these "petty sex scandals" took place against the backdrop of Bill and Hillary's accession to the White House. The first lady, in spite of everything, confidently settled into a new place. The fact that this wife of the president is not like the others became clear very soon: as soon as the festivities about the elections died down, the first lady got down to business.

Just five days after taking office, President Clinton announced the formation of a commission that, within a hundred days, should develop a concept for health care reform in the United States - "in order to supply the sick with proper food and, first of all, think about the needs of all sick Americans ". Hillary was assigned to lead this program.

Clinton put the problem of the century (health care) on the person he was absolutely sure of - his wife.

Hillary presided over the meetings of the commission, whose members were such "big heads" as the secretaries of health, defense, finance, labor and trade. The commission also included such people as the director of the management department and the department of economics. No first lady has ever received such power.

So, he introduced his wife as an active player in his team, placing her at the center of power. “I am grateful to Hillary for taking on the burden of this commission,” he said at a press conference. - But not only for that. Her acceptance meant to me that she was ready to take charge of the fire I hope to kindle. Many of you know that during my time as governor of my state, Hillary presided over a committee that developed criteria for city schools. These criteria have become a model for reform throughout the country. She acted as my spokesperson for the Southern States Regional Infant Mortality Group, and in 1979 and 1980 was also chair of our State Commission on Rural Health Program... I hope that in the coming months the American people, and above all the people of our state, will recognize , will see that she knows how to achieve victory by collecting a majority of votes. Of all the people with whom I have worked, she has an important advantage: she knows how to organize people and lead them, she knows how to organize a reliable conclusion at the beginning of the program.

With these words, Clinton demonstrated to the entire public a sense of “we” rare for the federal capital and showed his affection for his wife not only in his personal, but also in political life. "Choose one," he said unceremoniously during the campaign, "and you'll get the other one for free." Short and catchy, like in an advertisement for a product. But extremely rewarding.

The Clintons ascended, as two equal and equal partners, to the top of the American power structure. They demonstrated the principle of a real team, in which one stands for the other. Like all very close people, they can communicate with their eyes and do it at official receptions. If Bill says something, then, having said it, he immediately looks at Hillary. She gives him a barely perceptible nod, and after that nod, the president, very pleased with the approval, continues on. This nod has already become known to everyone and has received the name “The Hillari Nod”.

This is not to say that the other first ladies of America were far from power. No, they were nearby, on the side of their husbands, encouraging with advice and deed in the name of their own interests. Hillary's main difference is that she is able to be not only an attorney, but also an oppositionist. A lawyer with a doctorate from Yale University, she was perfect for the role of the president's wife. And not just a wife, but, what is extremely important, a wise wife.

With her appearance, the proverb “look for a woman” has acquired a new (very direct) meaning in the White House. Her political influence was not the result of bed whispers, it was the result of cabinet meetings and open-door meetings.

To one national newspaper Bill Clinton answered questions. Question: “Who would you always need to make decisions?” Answer: Hillary. And it was true.

But decisions are decisions, politics is politics, and for love pleasures, Bill again went "to the side."

The loudest "bomb" that exploded in the Clinton family was, of course, the story of Monica Lewinsky.

Monica went down in history as the "unsuccessful" mistress of the president, and President Clinton himself - as the most unlucky hero-lover. Before this unique incident, it was hard to imagine that for a love affair the president of the country could be subjected to a humiliating procedure of public interrogation, and even be forced to confess all the juicy details (where, for how long, exactly how).

The story of Monica and Bill is covered with a lot of intriguing details, but the most important thing is that Lewinsky entered the history of the United States of the twentieth century precisely as one of President Clinton's mistresses. Perhaps in the future she will do something more significant, and there will be more significant facts in her biography than sex in the Oval Office of the White House.

When Hillary Clinton's book came out, where she openly spoke about the affair of Monica and Bill and her feelings about it, Americans literally swept away the memories of the deceived wife of the American ex-president from the shelves: “Catching air, I started crying and screaming: “Why did you lie to me?!" And he just stood there and kept saying, “Forgive me.”

Monica Lewinsky, President Clinton did not ask for forgiveness.

As a child, Monica was very shy. Her father Bernard Lewinsky was distinguished by unimaginable severity. Monica and her brother Michael had to go to bed at a strictly defined time, and if at dinner someone, due to forgetfulness, got up from the table before their father (this was called “before dinner was over”), a terrible scandal erupted in the Lewinsky house. Bernard considered himself an exemplary father - after all, he bought the children everything they wanted. A well-known and respected oncologist, he was once just the son of impoverished Jews who fled Nazi Germany. But now his family had everything that the wife and children of a rich and respectable man were supposed to have. For them, he bought a huge Spanish mansion in Beverly Hills, a trendy blue Mercedes, paid for a personal family psychologist, and opened a huge bank account designed specifically for the purchases of his wife, Marcia.

Monica started wearing make-up at the age of ten - her mother explained how to apply blush and line her eyes to make them look bigger. Then she and her mother went to the supermarket and bought the girl real adult cosmetics. Monica considered herself too fat - her mother explained what diets were, and the girl counted calories all day long in a lined school notebook and courageously abstained from dinner, incurring her father's wrath. A little later, my mother recommended that Monica watch TV shows - at that time in America, Dynasty and the first soap operas similar to it were just at the peak of popularity, from which a ten-year-old schoolgirl learned that every woman must certainly have a beloved man, whom she will stroke her unshaven cheek, to whom she will give gifts, who will love her ...

Such a glorious childhood and such a glorious upbringing ... But then the parents filed for divorce. At almost the same time, Monica bought a recently published bestseller in a bookstore - her mother's book The Private Lives of the Three Tenors. Behind the scenes with Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras” and learned in detail about what connected her beloved mother with famous musicians.

By court order, the children remained with their father. He sold the villa in Beverly Hills, and the three of them moved into a simpler house. True, Monica tried more often to stay overnight with school friends - ordinary American girls whose parents were ordinary employees or small entrepreneurs. In these houses she was much more comfortable than at home. Having seen enough of their simple, but very human life, Monica decided that she would have everything the same no matter what. It will only grow, it will only find its love.

She herself, who by that time had turned into a pretty fifteen-year-old girl with plump lips and chestnut curls, did not even tell her mother about her first love - a school teacher. They met for a short time. Every day, Monica got up early in the morning and, trying not to wake her father, carefully styled her hair with tongs and painted - she was absolutely happy! In her thoughts, she was already at school - she sent secret signs to her beloved and looked forward to the end of the lessons in order to be alone with him. But after a couple of months, the teacher began to pretend that Monica did not notice. She began to call him at home, and a month later the teacher began to shudder when he saw her. And in the end he abandoned her class altogether. An experienced mother obviously forgot to explain to her daughter something more important than the rules for using cosmetics. As a result, Monica perceived non-binding flirting as a great and bright feeling to the grave, and a harmless story turned into a tragedy for her.

Monica had only two girlfriends. In the evenings she cried in their bedrooms, asking eternal questions: “Why? What did I do to him? I really loved ... ”Girlfriends advised to pay attention to peers - many of the class were not indifferent to the pretty Miss Lewinsky. But she didn't notice them. In her entire life, Monica did not have a single romance with a peer. The same age seemed to her boring and immature.

Later, the personal psychologist of the Lewinsky family explained that nothing else could be expected: “Since childhood, deprived of her father’s love, Monica subconsciously sought to find him in each of her lover - only mature, interesting in all respects, respectable and respectable men could apply for this role.”

After graduating from high school, Monica left to study at college in the specialty that interested her - psychology. A new candidate for the place of the only and the best appeared in her life - the director of the school theater, Andy Blayer. This chosen one turned out to be no better than the previous one, he also did not like Monica and remembered her phone number only when he needed relaxation and rest. She ran to his house, fussed about the housework, so that dear Andy was well. After a couple of months, the need for this disappeared - he got married. However, Monica continued to love him and so, married, visited them with his wife on weekends, later sat with the two children who appeared, helped with the housework and shared his marital bed with Andy if Mrs. Blair was away. After a couple of years, the unlucky gentleman got tired of his faithful assistant and in a good way asked Monica to leave his family alone. Is it any wonder that this was the second tragedy for Monica - there were tears again and all the same eternal questions.

In May 1995, Monica came to work at the White House as an intern in the personnel department. She was offered a job there by a family friend Walter Kay, she agreed without hesitation. There, Monica finally had a "real" friend - Linda Tripp. She was much older, but so understanding! “You know, it seems to me that the president has fallen in love with me! said Monica to Linde half in jest. - Imagine, I brought him coffee and, as always, introduced myself, and he smiled and replied: “I know your name.”

In November, it was the 15th, Linda and Monica came together to the White House for a birthday party for the Special Assistant to the Chief of Personnel. Compared to the elegant and dazzling ladies in diamonds, Monica looked sweet, very young and naive. Champagne, jokes, an informal atmosphere - she felt good, she felt almost happy, because she is standing here, in the heart of the country, all luminous, next to the president. A little later, Clinton invited her to see his office. Heart trembled, a blush covered her cheeks, and Monica agreed. And when, in the windowless corridor, the president asked permission to kiss her, she barely had the strength to nod her head ...

In that windowless corridor, it seemed to Monica that her dream was close to being fulfilled - she met a smart, mature man and he likes her!

They began to meet regularly. Everything went well at first. Bill told Monica how unhappy he was in his marriage to Hillary and how he longed to find his truly destined soul mate. Monica sincerely believed this extremely original revelation and decided that the "half" is just her. She began to think about the president, falling asleep, waking up and awake.

Monica wrote letters to Clinton via internal email. "You know, I love you very much." He, without reading, deleted the letters - so that, God forbid, someone would not see. Then she came up with another way to express her feelings: every evening she wrote to her beloved by hand - first on a draft, and then rewrote the message cleanly. Every evening she waited for his call and suffered from insomnia if he did not call. But, in general, Monica was happy, as a girl can be happy, finally finding the man of her dreams. Even if this man is the president of America, he is forty-nine years old, he has a wife and periodically falls asleep during telephone conversations.

Monica had a whole collection of photographs on her desk. Bill Clinton in profile, full-face, full-length, with a saxophone, with the Italian ambassador, with voters, with a microphone ... They were mostly newspaper clippings, but some of the photographs were given to her by Bill himself. On them, he is depicted in ties or shirts that Monica gave him.

By the way, about gifts. Numerous articles have been written on this subject. Bill did not particularly philosophize with gifts for his beloved. Among his presents are a hairpin for a hat, an old brooch, a towel, a porcelain service, a marble figurine of a bear, poetry collections. Monica, on the other hand, was more generous: she gave Clinton about 30 gifts, and he gave her, as meticulous journalists calculated, only 18. The very first gift to the “beloved president” was a poem engraved on marble. Monica presented it to Clinton on October 24, 1995 - Boss Day. This gift from Monica was the only one that Clinton sent to the White House archives.

All her gifts were within his sphere of interest: history, antiques, cigars, and souvenir frogs. She gave Bill some ties, an antique White House paperweight, a silver desktop cigar box, sunglasses, a shirt, a Santa Monica mug, a frog figurine, a frog letter opener, a few regular novels, and a few expensive antique books. Monica was indeed very selective in her choice of gifts. And this also suggests that she was very serious about their connection.

Every day circled in red marker on her desk calendar is a lucky day. So she managed to be alone with Bill.

But the girl's happiness was short-lived - Lewinsky was transferred from the White House to the Pentagon, away from the excitable president. Obviously, someone found out about their relationship.

Best friend Linda Tripp soothed Monica, who was crying every evening (“He didn’t answer my letter again!”, “He doesn’t call me anymore!”), Stroked on the head, consoled, and then ran to report to the National Security Committee, where later began to bring tapes of telephone conversations between Lewinsky and Clinton, copies of their letters.

At this time, Monica had an abortion. Oddly enough, she had several suitors, and from which of them the child was, she did not know.

However, this did not stop her from suffering from the president's sudden coldness. The poor thing was in a bad mood. To Monica's questions and complaints, Clinton dryly replied: "The sun cannot shine every day." The sun, as you probably understood, it is he - President Bill Clinton. But Monica cannot be denied character. She tried as often as possible to be accidentally in the field of view of the president. And on March 24, 1997, Bill Clinton again "slackened" - on this day they were together for the last time.

But "officially" they broke up in May. On a warm spring day, Monica, wearing the straw hat that Bill gave her at the beginning of their romance, came to a meeting that he himself had arranged. She was sure that Bill missed her, that he longed to see her ... She even brought gifts: a funny puzzle and a banana republic shirt. “Look how funny, try it on,” she began the conversation. The President was serious. He already realized that the relevant services were aware of his entertainment, and he was not laughing. “You know,” he said, “I really had many, many affairs. But these are all the sins of youth. After forty, I changed. I try to be right and be faithful to my wife, so…” Monica didn’t let him finish and burst into tears.

She later wrote, “Please don’t do this to me. I feel like I've been used and thrown away. I understand that your hands are tied, but I want to talk to you. I can't leave you. I want to be a source of pleasure, laughter and energy for you. I want you to smile. I am completely humiliated. It is clear as daylight that I will never return to the White House. I will never hurt you. I'm just not that kind of person. Moreover, I love you. Please do not Leave Me".

Naturally, Clinton did not answer. This was the last letter he received from Monica. Then there was a notice of her testimony. The games are over. Gray American days have begun.

Did she come up with all this herself in order to take revenge, or was she forced by the relevant authorities, into which her "best friend" inflicted a whole heap of compromising evidence on the president and his stupid mistress?

Be that as it may, the films carefully prepared by Linda, the unwashed dress and all sorts of other little things and details that, under a favorable set of circumstances, could become sweet memories of past happiness, were used. I would like to think that she, like any normal woman, experienced a break with her beloved man (albeit not the only one). In any case, according to her, if Clinton had extended his hand to her and asked for forgiveness, she would have stood up as a wall to protect her president from the attacks of "bad" services, she would have done everything to save his honor. But that did not happen.

The Bill-Monica scandal involved not only the US secret services and political opponents, but also a lot of money. Clinton never spent as many dollars in his entire life as he had to shell out to the lawyers who defended him. Lewinsky, on the other hand, made money - her book of memoirs, Monica's Story, was published in the United States in 400,000 copies and sold at a rate of 3 pieces per minute, which brought the poor thing about seven million dollars. A couple of million more unfortunate deceived girl was paid for numerous interviews. She secured her future. But today, Ms. Lewinsky is not happy about it. Monica needs money only in order to be able to order the necessary products and things on the Internet - for some reason she is embarrassed to go out into the street, where almost everyone will recognize her. She sits at home in New York, draws handbag patterns, then knits them herself and puts them up for sale on the Internet. Each Lewinsky bag costs about $150, but business is not going well.

A couple of years ago, she tried to lose weight, but to no avail: the weight is kept at around 92 kilograms. The depression that overcomes her in this dark, uncomfortable apartment in the center of the metropolis, Monica eats sweets. According to her, she often thinks about him - the man who "ruined her happiness." Where did the rest of the "cavaliers" go, history is silent. She is also silent about why the sufferer does not leave for another country where no one cares about her and where she could do something more creative and productive than knitting handbags.

We have offered you, so to speak, a lyrical account of events. But there is also a "drier" chronicle.

07/11/98. During the Clinton sexual harassment trial, testimony from Paula Jones and witnesses was released. Clinton's lawyers filed a protest with the Supreme Court.

07/28/98. The sex scandal with Clinton continues. He became the first US president to be forced to testify before a Grand Jury. If he had refused, the Republicans would have initiated impeachment proceedings.

07/31/98. Lewinsky presented the court with the famous blue dress with a stain as evidence of her sexual relationship with Clinton. Clinton's blood sample should be ready by August 17, the day Clinton testifies before the Grand Jury.

08/17/98. Clinton admitted that he had "an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky" and asked the nation for forgiveness for the mistakes of the past.

08/25/98. Independent Attorney Starr filed yet another indictment against Clinton in the Lewinsky "case". Clinton is accused of coercing Monica Lewinsky into perjury.

09/12/98. In the US, both experts and the public are wondering how Monica Gate will affect the country's economy. It is remembered that Nixon's forced resignation was followed by a deep crisis.

Many still believe that the US bombing of Yugoslavia, which began after the Monica story, is directly related to the scandal. The president had to somehow rehabilitate himself, show his strength and power. And he found such a terrible way ...

From the newspapers of 1998: “Looking for compromising evidence, they requested evidence from Lewinsky. She denied under oath that she had an affair with the President of the United States. However, information was leaked to the press that Lewinsky, to put it mildly, was telling a lie.

Last Saturday, Clinton answered questions from Jones's lawyers in Washington for six hours in her presence, becoming the first president in US history to testify as an accused. As it became known, he denied under oath that he maintained an intimate relationship with Monica Lewinsky, who joined the White House staff in 1995, and in April 1996 moved to the Pentagon, where she was listed as a secretary to the press secretary of the US Secretary of Defense until until the end of last year. Giving evidence to the same Paula Jones lawyers a few days before Clinton, Lewinsky, for her part, swore that she had never been in a love affair with the US president. Now all this is in question.

The fact is that another former White House employee, Linda Tripp, who worked with Lewinsky, recently provided special counsel Kenneth Starr with tape recordings of her conversations with her over the past few months. In them, Lewinsky allegedly told in detail about her one and a half year intimate relationship with the president ... Thus, we are talking about accusations against the US president of inciting false testimony and obstructing the administration of justice. At first glance, it is difficult to understand the motives behind Linda Tripp's actions. However, those who follow the struggle of Paula Jones with the president undoubtedly remember this lady. Last year, she also tried to bring charges of sexual harassment against Clinton, but failed. Now, wanting to take revenge on her imaginary offender, she deliberately called Lewinsky to frankness and recorded her confessions on tape.

Meanwhile, world-famous Revlon reported Wednesday that Vernon Jordan, who sits on the cosmetics giant's board of directors, was trying to get Lewinsky to work there as a public relations representative. Jordan, as it turns out, is not the only one who offered to help the former employee of the presidential administration find employment. US Permanent Representative to the UN Bill Richardson, responding to "someone's" request from the White House, offered her a job at the US Legation in New York. Both of these proposals were made to her just at the time when she was preparing to testify to the lawyers of Paula Jones.

Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is already investigating the new allegations. To do this, he had to expand the scope of the investigation in the Whiteother case about the possible involvement of the Clintons in the financial collapse of the Arkansas credit and insurance company Madison Guarantee in the 80s. The Special Bench of the Court of Appeals gave Starr the authority to investigate allegations against the President of the United States of inciting false testimony and obstructing the course of justice, and the US Department of Justice also confirmed his mandate. After Starr received information that Clinton and Jordan allegedly incited Lewinsky to lie to Paula Jones's lawyers, the special counsel immediately requested documents related to her from the White House.

According to former White House adviser George Stephanopoulos, the accusations against Clinton are "the most serious of all that have ever been brought against a president." If they are confirmed, then this, according to him, will not only cause political damage, but may also lead to impeachment proceedings against the president.

The chairman of the legal committee of the US House of Representatives, Henry Hyde, whose authority includes the start of the impeachment proceedings, said that he intends to first wait for the results of Starr's investigations, but did not rule out such a development of events as one of the options. Bill Clinton himself on Wednesday evening in an interview with the PBS television company categorically denied allegations that he was intimate with Lewinsky, and then in every possible way persuaded her to hide it. Hillary Clinton also expressed complete confidence in her wife, saying that all the charges against him were insinuated by his political opponents and were an absolute lie.

Prior to recent events, public opinion in the United States was rather favorable towards the president. Thus, according to a sociological study conducted by Time magazine and the CNN television company, 42% of Americans were inclined to believe what Clinton says about this case. And this is 6% higher than in June last year. Version of Jones trusted only 28% of respondents compared with 37% last summer. According to Clinton's entourage, Jones filed a lawsuit against the president with the sole purpose of enriching herself.

Jones' representatives, who initially denied this, were then forced to admit that if this happened, then she did not intend to refuse money. This, it seems, was the main trump card of Clinton, whose career was under serious threat!

So Lewinsky and Clinton testified behind closed doors, but in front of a Grand Jury in August 1998. After that, Clinton appeared on television screens. He publicly admitted that Monica Lewinsky was his mistress, and the marks on the dress were left by him during their meeting in the Oval Office.

Monica, on the other hand, said that she had been in love with Clinton for almost two years and that she hoped to stay with him after his term expired. The president's former mistress appeared on one of CNN's most popular programs. She admitted that she fell in love not only with Clinton, "but also with the power that the President of the United States identified with."

In 2001, Monica Lewinsky asked for the return of the dress that belonged to her, because of which Bill Clinton almost lost the presidency at the time. The former White House intern sent her demand to prosecutors who were investigating her scandalous relationship with Clinton. Lawyers for Lewinsky insisted that all items owned by Lewinsky should be returned to the owner. Monica said that she dreams of burning this dress. However, expert Harry Zimet cooled her ardor. “The dress may well be sold at one of the auctions. And not less than 2 million dollars, - he said. “There are simply no relics of this kind in the world today.” (What this expert meant by "relic" is not very clear...) Here we end our newspaper quotations.

Recently, a documentary film about the relationship between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, Monica in Black and White, was shown on American television.

About what inspired her to have an affair with the president, Monica said: “I thought it would be funny to go on a rampage with him. I'm young, he's the president, he's a cutie. It was all reckless, but it was great." At first, according to Monica, she did not even perceive him as a real man, he was, as it were, a symbol of everything “very-most” (here you have a naive awe!), But then, unfortunately, she began to experience real feelings. “It was absolutely unbelievable, but it was,” Monica says in the film, recalling her love story, which almost ended in a worldwide scandal ...

The protracted sexual and political all-around in America, to the surprise of journalists and political scientists, did not impress the population of the country, who were explained in every possible way that the management of the country could not be trusted to a president who could lie under oath. The majority of Americans (and especially Americans) not only forgave Bill Clinton for this sin attributed to him, but also completely justified him, not wanting to know how fair the accusations against him were. As one woman said, “How can a gentleman publicly confess his unofficial relationship with a woman? And can an oath or a presidency relieve a man of the obligation to be a gentleman? Only rape can be the subject of a trial, and all other details of intimate life, even the president, are a personal matter of himself and his wife.”

Bill Clinton's wife deserves special words: the first lady of America really turned out to be a "lady".

The role of a deceived wife is one of the most bitter and ambiguous, and a rare woman manages in such a situation not only to maintain her dignity, but also to win sympathy. When Bill Clinton said he had no intimate relationship with Monica Lewinsky, 53% of Americans did not believe him, but 67% justified his behavior. And when Hillary Clinton declared her belief that all the accusations of adultery brought against her husband were malicious slander, even fewer Americans believed her, but the number of those who appreciated her behavior turned out to be very large.

The story of Mrs. Clinton about how her husband woke her up on the morning of January 21 with the words: “You don’t need to take all this on faith, but I must tell you what is written in the newspapers ...” made a great impression on the Americans. Their developed imagination quickly painted a touching picture: the image of a faithful wife, whose peaceful sleep is interrupted by a rude and cruel invasion of a hostile outside world into her bedroom ... Maybe Hillary did not really fit this image (a confused sweet wife), but she became the clearest example of how a life partner should behave in difficult moments for the family.

Few people in America are interested in what Hillary Clinton said to her husband in private. But everyone was looking forward to seeing her "official" reaction. And it is precisely those straightforwardness and peremptoryness that previously only harmed her image that now helped everyone without exception - even the most devoted supporters of Clinton. “I know him better than anyone else in this world,” she said of her husband, who she said was the victim of a political conspiracy. The line of defense was created, and now it was only necessary to keep it, which Mrs. Clinton had to do more than once during the 28 years of her life together with her husband.

August 17, 1998 was, perhaps, one of the most terrible days in the life of Bill Clinton - he answered the questions of the prosecutor, and this procedure was broadcast on television throughout America ...

The next day, the Clinton family departed for vacation at their residence, located on the island of Martaz Vineyard. A crowd of journalists came to the plane, so again, all of America could judge the mood of Clinton and his family after yesterday's shame. Bill, Hillary, and between them a smiling Chelsea walked towards the plane hand in hand, as if wanting to show everyone that their union remains unbreakable, no matter what. Chelsea gave out such sincere smiles left and right that only one thought could come to everyone who saw it: their president, humiliated and exhausted by stories with alien girls, would be saved by his own women - his wife and daughter!

There are different ways to assess the reformist activities of Mrs. Clinton - her political and economic undertakings turned into both success and failure. But one thing cannot be denied to her - the amazing endurance and tact that she showed during the ugly scandal, when the whole world washed the bones of her husband. Her composure was admired by everyone!

Many expected that the Monica Lewinsky scandal would lead to the collapse of the Clinton family. Newspapers wrote that during the official visits of the American president to the Middle East and Ireland, Hillary kept to herself, sometimes did not even pay attention to her husband's hand. For their wedding anniversary, Mrs. Clinton traveled to Bulgaria, leaving Bill alone in Washington. But in the most difficult moments, she was next to her husband. By such behavior, she managed to convince the whole world of two things: that she is a strong woman, able to think and act independently, and that she does not leave her friends (and especially her husband) in trouble.

Hillary did not become humiliated and insulted, but turned into an object of delight for all of America. With the ominous shadow of impeachment hanging over Clinton's career, Hillary allowed herself to be photographed on the cover of Vogue magazine. It was a bold move, almost a challenge, but she did it.

What can I say, Hillary Clinton is a very worthy woman. But it turns out there is something to talk about. There is a version that Hillary herself has been unfaithful to her walking husband all these years. In any case, the famous writer Christopher Andersen claims so in his book. He writes that Hillary's lover was Bill's friend Vince Foster.

In general, during the years of Clinton's presidency, so many "skeletons" fell out of the family closet of the "first couple" of America into the light of day, that more and more people come to the conclusion that we have already written about - the marriage of Bill and Hillary is just a business union of two careerists.

The book claims that Hillary met Vince Foster in Little Rock. Tall, imposing Vince was liked by women, although he seemed to be happily married. So, according to the recollections of "contemporaries", fatal passions were seething in Little Rock. “Only a blind person could not notice their connection,” the author writes. - Hillary's friends were perplexed: maybe she wants to provoke Bill into a divorce in this way? According to security guard L. Brown, whenever the newly-made Governor Clinton left his house on business, Foster immediately appeared there and, if circumstances allowed, stayed at Hillary's until the morning. “They were passionately in love with each other. I often saw them kissing and hugging on the sly,” recalls Brown. Once Hillary, as if in excuse, told him: “Sometimes you have to look outside of marriage for what you could not get in marriage.”

Another security officer, Larry Patterson, recounted how Foster, in a dark corner of a Little Rock restaurant, gently hugged a slumped Hillary and "let his hands go."

Subsequently, the bodyguards more than once took the governor and her lover to a remote cottage in the mountains, which was rented for its employees by the company where Foster worked.

Both husband and wife Clinton had a great time on the side, and did not interfere with each other. When Bill became president, Hillary moved her lover to Washington. However, the romantic story of Madam President received a terrible and mysterious conclusion.

Hillary persuaded Foster to take the position of White House lawyer. "We need you, I need you, Vince," she said. Andersen, referring to the testimonies of Foster's friends, writes that he reluctantly accepted her proposal, although he had a premonition of something wrong. With each month of work in the presidential apparatus, he became more and more depressed. He explained this to those around him by saying that he did not like his work, that he yearned for his wife and children who remained in Little Rock. Bill Clinton consoled an old friend, and he hid his eyes ...

On July 19, 1993, Vince Foster drove his Honda to Fort Marcy Park near Washington, sat on a green hill next to a Civil War cannon, took a .38 caliber pistol from his pocket and shot himself in the mouth ...

When Hillary was told the terrible news over the phone, she screamed so hard that her press secretary, Lisa Caputo, thought the president himself had died.

Did Bill Clinton know about his wife's relationship with Foster? Andersen is sure he knew. But there is no evidence that he even once reproached Hillary for this connection.

Later in his book, the author claims that in 1988, embittered by the suspicions, Hillary insisted that her husband be tested for AIDS. The virus was not found, but Andersen, citing "reliable sources", reports that Clinton was diagnosed with a venereal disease, which had to be urgently treated. Allegedly for this reason, the full conclusion on the president's state of health has not yet been made public.

When the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke out and jubilant Republicans set out to overthrow the Democratic president through impeachment proceedings, Hillary was beside herself with rage. Former Secret Service agents told Andersen that the Clintons had rowdy fights nearly every night. Moreover, the first lady was not limited to swearing, but used her fists.

On a couple of occasions, the President has rushed out of his private quarters with fresh red marks on his cheeks. One day, through the open door, the guards heard Mrs. Clinton shouting at the faithful: “Stupid, stupid, stupid bastard!!! My God, how could you risk everything because of this?!"

All these disgusting scenes hit the Clintons' daughter, Chelsea, the hardest. According to the author, she was so stressed that she had to be hospitalized on at least three occasions with serious nervous disorders.

However, Andersen's revelations may turn out to be just another sensationalism. I don't think you should trust them unconditionally. True, with regard to Chelsea, the girl could well react exactly as he describes.

For most of her life, Chelsea wasted away in official residences - after all, she was born when her father was already the governor of Arkansas. During the 1992 election campaign, the Clintons' twelve-year-old daughter was in the shadows. Many Americans never dreamed of its existence. At that time, Chelsea was a typical "ugly duckling", combining in her appearance the most disadvantageous features of both parents: dad's meaty nose combined with mom's chipmunk cheeks, plus a mop of unruly curly hair. During one of the telecasts, talking about the personal life of a candidate for the presidential throne, the host Rush Limbaugh, as if by the way, said that the Clintons have a cat named Soke and a poodle named ... Chelsea. And pulled out a photo of the presidential candidate's daughter...

Having become the president's daughter, Chelsea did not immediately find the line of conduct that was necessary and convenient for her. Nevertheless, the first four years of the "trial period" were more than successful for Chelsea. From an awkward girl, she turned into a charming young lady. By no means a beauty, but a girl who attracts attention and arouses the interest of not only foreign politicians and journalists, but also ordinary men. When she smiles shyly, many even find her very pretty.

Looks are a big deal, of course, but Chelsea has something even more important - she's smart. When she was eight years old, she skipped one class at school as an external student. During her first trip abroad (then Chelsea accompanied her mother on a trip to India and Pakistan), she made a huge impression on guides and reporters with her provocative questions and ability to quickly assimilate information. You can't deny a girl a sense of humor. When Bill Clinton, who has long earned fame as a mediocre driver, undertook to give Chelsea driving lessons, after the first series of ordeals behind the wheel, her daughter stated: “Perhaps he learned something today.”

But the most important thing is that Chelsea is not spoiled by the height of their position. She was not affected by the "star" disease. Being in exceptional circumstances, she tries to use them in the most natural way. When the school was studying the basics of Islam, she called her classmates home to introduce them to King Hassan of Morocco, who was visiting the States at that time.

In general, she often invited friends to the White House - to play skittles or watch a movie. The only condition that was set for the guests was not to scatter bags of popcorn.

The Clintons went out of their way to ensure that Chelsea had a normal childhood as much as possible (in this they are united). No privileges and claims to exclusivity! And the fact that she went to a private, and not to a public school, was explained only by the desire to protect her from the ubiquitous reporters.

Clinton sincerely loves her daughter and has always tried to give her more time. The father had breakfast with his daughter; dinner, as a rule, took place in a close family circle. Mom and dad resignedly attended parent meetings at school and did not miss the ballet performances in which Chelsea participated.

Thus, when, at the beginning of his term, Clinton announced to all of America the need to observe family principles, there was nothing to reproach him with. His family outwardly represented the model that any American could be equal to. And Chelsea played an important role in the "family business". Anyone who dared to reproach Clinton for lack of will and softness immediately bit his tongue after looking at Chelsea - only a positive person in all respects could raise such a respectable daughter.

Chelsea ennobled both father and mother. Accompanied by her daughter, Hillary made a more favorable impression on those around her. Chelsea's presence reminded them that Hillary was not only a reasonable lawyer, but also an affectionate and caring mother.

While studying at school, Chelsea enjoyed attending a dance class, but it was clear to any outside observer that Isadora Duncan would not work out of a girl. Apparently, she herself was aware of this. Therefore, even before graduation, I decided to study medicine at the university and after graduation, find an interesting job.

In 1997, Chelsea entered Stanford (the choice of this university in Northern California, away from Washington squabbles, was undoubtedly made with the help of her elders) and, after a sentimental farewell to her parents, set foot on the path of independent living.

1998 was a difficult year for Chelsea. In addition to a million torments caused by accusations against her father, she had to endure her first love interest. In May, when the parents arrived at the university to visit their daughter, their company was shared by a young man - twenty-year-old Matthew Pierce, a student specializing in religious affairs, and an athlete swimmer (his victory in the 200-meter butterfly style helped the university win the championship at national competitions).

During the summer, Americans followed with benevolent interest the development of the novel of the president's daughter (in the pictures, Chelsea looked, if not happy, then quite interested in her new worries). But in December, they were deafened by the news that Pierce was "put up with a cross" and the girl was in a state of nervous stress. She complained of difficulty breathing and headache. The reason for this was not only and not so much parting with his first love. The shadow of impeachment that hung over the father could not but affect the daughter.

Shameless newspapermen also added fuel to the fire. Before that, journalists tried to behave with dignity in relation to an innocent girl. But in February 1999, the popular magazine "People" decided to dedicate the main article of the issue to the "duo of graces" - Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. In an advertisement for the forthcoming material, magazine editor Carol Wallace assured the public that all eight pages of the material would be filled with admiration for the mother and daughter in such a difficult and delicate situation in which they fell thanks to their beloved dad.

But, contrary to the statements, the material turned out to be completely different. So "different" that the Clintons "expressed their deep distress at the editorial's actions." “For more than six years, representatives of all media have treated with understanding and respect the fate of Chelsea, whose parents were the objects of close attention,” the spouses said in an official statement. “Now the press is doing something unworthy.”

And People magazine, it turns out, intended to make a birthday present for Chelsea, who turned nineteen on February 27. Didn't receive a gift...

Then the newspapers reported that Chelsea Clinton, the university-educated daughter of the former president of the United States, finally found happiness in Jan Klaus, the twenty-two-year-old college football star. According to fellow students of Chelsea, the couple in love is inseparable. Chelsea and Jan walk around holding hands. They were repeatedly seen "kissing and giggling in various bars". “The university is wonderful. I feel great here,” says Chelsea Clinton. According to the newspapers, apparently, it was love for Jan that helped the daughter of the ex-US president see the world with different eyes.

Bill and Hillary had nothing against this novel - Chelsea introduced her chosen one to her parents. Acquaintance with possible father-in-law and mother-in-law took place at a charity ball in London. It is difficult to say how the personal life of this girl will turn out. Let's hope, happier mother's fate.

True, Hillary does not cry for life. When her husband's presidential term was coming to an end, it was already clear to everyone that after being evicted from the White House, this smart and ambitious woman would not go into the shadows, but would continue to play an active role in the public life of the country.

Hillary Clinton is also financially independent. In 1990, her annual income was $ 190,000, in 1993 it was already $ 250,000, her husband's governor's income was $ 35,000 a year.

She manages the money in the family. She has shares in a number of Wal-Marts, Liz Clebourne, a ready-to-wear company, and other businesses.

Hillary is now a public politician and senator herself. She won a seat in the Senate on the first try.

A successful lawyer, the wife of a governor, the hostess of the White House, the best first lady of the United States, a senator, a possible presidential candidate ... Hillary Rodham Clinton ensured that when her name was mentioned, a service record immediately popped up in the memory of the townsfolk, and not a list of her husband's mistresses.

Now they say that the world's most famous intern Monica Lewinsky and other Jennifer Flowers with Paula Jones helped Hillary Clinton. When the whole world was busy discussing the sexual achievements of the American president, Hillary "gained points." Now Hillary is more than in demand. Engaged in politics, writes memoirs. He closely follows the fate of his daughter. Perhaps she can not be called unhappy!

Her husband is not bored either. Former US President got himself a new mistress. Newspapers have already written about it. According to journalists, Clinton has a stormy affair with a rich divorced woman. They are said to have been dating for a year and these meetings take place in her house in Westchester County, New York. Journalists do not disclose the name of the woman who is considered Bill Clinton's mistress. It is only known that she divorced a few years ago, that her husband gave her several million dollars during the divorce, and that she has children. Presumably, the mysterious woman of the ex-president is the daughter of one of his influential and wealthy supporters ...

The most scandalous show of the end of the 20th century is over. But Bill Clinton's betrayal story continues...

Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton at the White House

The documentary Lost Tapes, which premiered October 29 on the Smithsonian Channel, provides new details on the events of 1998, when Bill Clinton was under threat of impeachment and a female White House intern became one of the most talked about women in the country. Project producer Tom Jennings told Fox News that the film features footage that allows you to take a fresh look at this story and what Monica Lewinsky had to endure, which overnight turned into the most tasty morsel for all the media that pursued one of the main figures. high-profile case on the heels.

Monica Lewinsky talking to the President at the White House, 1996

“I don't think it was easy for her,” comments Jennings. “I don't know if anyone else could have gone through what she went through. She was mocked by many for causing such destruction, which everyone then perceived precisely as political destruction. It's strange to think about how young she was when everyone started talking about her. How would any of us cope with such global popularity?

Monica Lewinsky joined the White House as an intern in November 1995, working there until March 1997. After that, she was transferred to the Pentagon, where she met Linda Tripp. Despite the fact that the woman was much older than Lewinsky, they quickly found a common language, and a friendship developed between them. It was Linda who first admitted that she had a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton. The woman recorded Lewinsky's revelations on a tape recorder - these recordings later became important evidence in the case.

Bill Clinton at a press conference in Washington, April 30, 1998

In 1998, public attention was drawn to another lawsuit. Paula Jones, an Arkansas state official, filed a lawsuit against the president. The woman claimed that in 1991, when Bill Clinton served as governor of the state, he molested her. After Jones' lawsuit was dismissed in federal court, her lawyers filed an appeal and presented a list of possible victims of Clinton's similar cases, including Monica Lewinsky. But both she and the president himself denied having had a sexual relationship. And yet, the prosecution was not going to back down. Independent lawyer Kenneth Starr collected evidence that Clinton lied under oath. Linda Tripp gave him her notes of conversations with Monica, and he took them to the Washington Post. On January 21, 1998, an article was published stating that the president had an intimate relationship with his intern. She shocked America and marked a new round in the legal proceedings against the country's president.

Bill Clinton answers questions about his upcoming trial with Monica Lewinsky, July 31, 1998

Monica Lewinsky exits the courtroom, August 20, 1998

Lewinsky soon changed her testimony, deciding to use witness immunity (refusing to testify against herself) and presenting irrefutable evidence that an inappropriate relationship between her and the president did take place. One of the evidence was her dress, in which she met with Clinton. A DNA study of the traces left on it confirmed her words. The president had no choice but to admit that he had an intimate relationship with a young trainee.

Bill and Hillary Clinton at the White House, hours after defense lawyer Kenneth Starr delivered the full report on the Clinton and Lewinsky case, September 11, 1998

In November 1998, the House of Representatives began voting on four counts against Bill Clinton that could lead to the impeachment of the 42nd US President. However, only two of them were approved - they were sent for consideration to the Senate. By a general vote of senators, Clinton was acquitted (none of the items received the two-thirds of the votes necessary for the prosecution).

Demonstration in the state of Orlando, protesters hold signs calling for the resignation of President Clinton, September 9, 1998

After litigation, Monica Lewinsky participated in conferences and media projects for some time, but no one was going to feel sorry for her or empathize with her. Journalists' questions contained either mockery and accusations, or offers to comment on the intimate details of the relationship with the president. Lewinsky stopped giving interviews, ignoring the large sums of money she was offered for them. She avoided the press, trying to lead an ordinary life. But even this was not easy, given the scale of the scandal and the fact that her name periodically surfaced in the media in connection with the active political activities of Bill Clinton's wife.

In early 2018, Monica published an op-ed in Vanity Fair describing what she went through as "a living hell," adding that the public scrutiny of her personality led to her being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite the fact that the woman supported the #MeToo movement, she emphasized that what happened to her was not sexual abuse. “This is a gross abuse of power,” she wrote. “Only now, at 44, am I beginning to realize how unequal the position was between the president and the White House intern.”

Monica Lewinsky in New York, 2002

“She was very young,” says Lost Tapes producer Tom Jennings. “Impressionable. She had strong feelings for the President. I think she's confused about everything. They talk about her as a young and windy girl who was in a relationship with the president ... But everything changed when Linda turned to the investigative committee. She informs Monica that she is not going to lie. And Monica understands that she is in a terrible situation. From a young girl in a relationship, she has become one who is in a panic and understands that her whole world can collapse.

After that high-profile case, Monica moved to London, where she received a master's degree in social psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has now returned to America. For a long time she tried in vain to get a job. The refusals from employers came one after another - and all this was the result of litigation in 1998. Her name alone alarmed anyone to whom she came for an interview.

“Somehow she managed to survive it,” says Jennings. “It seems to me that her life is cyclical ... It seems that she is trying to make something positive out of what she has experienced.”

Lawsuit-weary Bill Clinton in Houston, June 2, 1998

Neither Bill Clinton nor Monica Lewinsky were directly involved in the creation of the new documentary. But still, the creators managed to get access to exclusive materials about this case: recordings of interviews with Clinton, which Branch did and subsequently gave to the University of North Carolina. “This is a living story, and we use primary sources so that viewers can immerse themselves in it. It’s like a time machine,” says the producer of the project.

In October 2018, Hillary Clinton caused controversy when she said on CBS that her husband and Monica Lewinsky's case could not be called an abuse of power because the former intern "was of age" at the time.

Jennings hopes the documentary will provide a new perspective on what went on behind closed doors. Also, given how often allegations of sexual harassment by superiors are heard today, that case twenty years ago seems to be a harbinger of them. “History repeats itself and our memories are too short,” Jennings added.

Hillary Clinton gives a speech to voters in Indiana during the presidential race, May 6, 2008. Husband (Bill Clinton) and daughter (Chelsea Clinton) support her

Who knows how Lewinsky's fate would have turned out if this story had happened in our day? Remembering Harvey Weinstein, who lost a leadership position in his own company due to a harassment scandal, or Kevin Spacey, whose acting career was hit hard by the accusations, one wonders what would have happened to Bill Clinton if that 1998 trial started today? Perhaps the fate of all the defendants in that high-profile case could have turned out differently. But you can't rewrite history. After Bill Clinton completed his second term as president, he faded into the background in politics, supporting his wife, who claimed the presidency. Despite the fact that in 2008 Hillary lost to Barack Obama already in the primaries, the former presidential couple actively supported the new leader of the country. The Clintons are still a very powerful couple for America.

Monica Lewinsky in Los Angeles on September 27, 2017

Monica Lewinsky did not have a personal life or a career. At 45, she is single and has no children. In recent years, she has taken on the noble mission of helping victims of media bullying. Based on her own sad experience, she tries to support those who find themselves in a similar situation.

So the White House intern was called by the compassionate American press after the famous scandal involving her and President Bill Clinton.

Monica Lewinsky at the 2018 Oscars. Source:

In 1998, Monica Lewinsky became one of the most talked about women in the world - it is unlikely that she wanted this. The scandal that erupted after the relationship of the young intern with the President of the United States became known to everyone, ruined her life and career.

He had power and strength...

Monica Lewinsky. Source:

Monica Samille Lewinsky was born on July 23, 1973 to a wealthy family. When the girl was a teenager, her parents divorced - as Monica recalled, this event had a strong effect on her, she became insecure, withdrawn, began to worry a lot about being overweight - later, after a scandalous story with the US president, the latter will be for her even more serious problem, the press will even write that she suffers from bulimia.

After school, Monica entered college, where she studied psychology. Then they will say that the choice of profession was due to the desire to overcome their own complexes, and, according to the recollections of friends, the girl succeeded. She became brighter, more relaxed, sociable, men began to pay attention to her. As the American press wrote, the girl usually fell in love with men older than herself - apparently to compensate for the lack of paternal attention.

In 1996, Lewinsky got an internship at the White House - according to rumors, her father's acquaintances helped. It was there that President Bill Clinton drew attention to the young intern. Subsequently, much will be written about this strange and scandalous "romance". Some will argue that the girl did everything to seduce the president and hoped to use their relationship for personal gain. Others will call her an innocent victim who really fell in love and seriously paid for her feelings. “I realized how strong the differences were between me and Clinton. He had power and strength, and I was only a trainee, ”Monica herself will say many years later.

Young intern Monica Lewinsky and US President Bill Clinton. Source:

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky: scandal step by step

Thunder broke out over the head of the American president in early 1998, when journalists came across information that Bill Clinton had an intimate relationship with an intern who was in her early 20s and who was fit for his daughter. And then the press began to actively dig up the details and think out the “fried facts” - how, where, when. At the same time, another sexual scandal flared up involving the president: the former employee of the administration of the state of Arkansas, Paula Jones, said that several years ago Clinton (then governor of the state) harassed her. She filed a lawsuit, the woman's lawyers began to look for other possible victims, so the Lewinsky story surfaced at the right time in the right place.

Bill Clinton said he never had sexual relations "with this woman", referring to Monica, and his wife Hillary called the escalating scandal part of a conspiracy against her. Lewinsky herself, under oath, also stated that they had no connection. But the untwisted flywheel was no longer to be stopped.

Evidence of the connection - recordings of telephone conversations - was discovered by a friend of Monica, who also worked in the White House and the Pentagon, Monica shared her heart secrets with her on the phone. Only when Lewinsky was promised immunity did she give new testimony, fundamentally contradicting the previous ones.

Monica Lewinsky leaving court, 1998. Source:

In July 1998, the whole world learned about the girl's famous stained blue dress, on which "traces of the crime" were preserved. It's been more than two years since they broke up! Weird? But, as Lewinsky stated, she deliberately did not give the dress to the cleaning - on the advice of the same friend. Well, then Bill confessed that everything really happened.

The president called the connection with the young intern "improper", or, according to other translations from English, "inappropriate", after which he was accused of perjury. Further, stormy clarifications began on whether to consider the connection between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky as a sexual relationship in the aspect in which they appeared in the Paula Jones case. But for the general public, this was no longer so important.

Caught by the paparazzi Monica Lewinsky, 1998 Source:

Monica Lewinsky now and the blue dress in the closet

For Clinton, everything almost ended in impeachment, and for Lewinsky, days, months, years of shame began. Then she will say that the investigation of the incident and the months that followed were the worst stress in her life. “On the whole planet there was no person more crushed and destroyed,” Lewinsky recalled in one of his interviews years later.

The incident put an end to her career and personal life. She was pursued by journalists and paparazzi, hounded on the Internet, drilled on the street with condemning looks. The woman needed dozens (according to some reports, hundreds) of hours of psychotherapy sessions. At one time, her mother did not leave her a single step and was on duty near her bed at night, fearing that her daughter would commit suicide out of despair.

more on the topic

In 1999, Lewinsky released the autobiographical book Monica's Story - the amount of seven million dollars appeared as a fee, they said that she earned a couple of million more in those years from interviews. Lewinsky tried to run her own business - until 2004 she "released" bags, but he did not go. At the same time, the woman encountered a serious one and ate up to almost a hundred kilograms - she ate stress with pastries and sweets. In 2001, after the release of the documentary Monica in Black and White, when another offensive and vulgar stigma was hung on her, she became even more painful. “We had a relationship with the president, a love affair,” Lewinsky will say bitterly at a press conference, but they will only laugh at her.

Then she decided to leave to study in the UK - in 2006, Monica Lewinsky graduated from the London School of Economics, received a master's degree in social psychology. She hoped that this would be her pass to a new life. At one time, she even wanted to stay in the UK, where people seemed much more friendly to her, but then she decided to return to the USA. She tried to get a job, went to numerous interviews, where a woman was tactfully told at best that because of her “history” she was not suitable. Sometimes she was invited to startups.

Monica Lewinsky at the 2018 Oscars.