Presentation - indeclinable nouns. Presentation in Russian on the topic “Indeclinable nouns” (grade 6) Presentation on the topic “Indeclinable nouns”

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The twenty-ninth of November. Cool job.

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Letter dictation Insert letters
1. stand by the banners... 2. be in the lobby... 3. grow old from time... 4. participate in an expedition... 5. take care of the harvest... 6. in the flames... of a fire 7. answer in history... 8. call by name.. 9 . walk along the alley.. e___________ 10. foot in the stirrups... and

Slide 3

Let's check:
e 2,5,9________ and 1,3,4,6,7,8,10
Grading: 0 errors - "5" 1 error - "4" 2 errors - "3" 3 or more errors - "2"

Slide 4

pince-nez emu tango menu show Defoe Secondary School Buratino Avenue Sochi dash

Slide 5

Lesson topic
Indeclinable nouns

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acquaintance with indeclinable nouns and their groups.

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Indeclinable nouns –
These are nouns that have the same form in all cases.

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We inflect one of the indeclinable nouns:
I.p. R.p. metro was built I’m standing at the metro station D.P. I’m walking along the V.p. metro station. I see the metro etc. I admire the metro P.p. I'm on the subway

Slide 9

Borrowed nouns with the final vowel -O, -E, -I, -U, -Yu and the final stressed vowel - A (common and proper nouns). - Animal world: kangaroo, cockatoo, chimpanzee, hummingbird, pony. -Clothing, food and human housing: muffler, tights, pince-nez, coat, purse, khaki, coat, mango, cocoa, coffee, popsicle, salami, ivashi, fillet, blinds, foyer, dressing table, piano, flowerpot, domino, piano, radio. -City: avenue, highway, scoreboard, show, panel, studio, cafe, metro, taxi, cinema.

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Groups of indeclinable nouns
First names, surnames, geographical names: Tbilisi, Congo, Tokyo, Sochi, A. Dumas, Cipollino, Peppy, Mowgli, Pinocchio.

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Groups of indeclinable nouns
Borrowed nouns denoting female persons and ending in a consonant: fraulein, ingénue, travesty, miss, lady, lady, madam, milady.

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Vocabulary work
Ingenue (from the French ingénue - “naive”) is an acting role: a naive girl. Less commonly, “ingénue” is used to refer to performers of the roles of inexperienced young people. At the end of the XVIII - 19th centuries this role in the Russian theater was often called “simpleton” and “simpleton”.

Slide 13

Vocabulary work
Travesti (from Italian travestire - to change clothes) is a theatrical role that requires a suitably dressed person to play the role of the opposite sex; predominantly an actress playing the roles of boys, teenagers, girls, as well as roles that require dressing up in a man's suit

Slide 14

Groups of indeclinable nouns
Russian and Ukrainian surnames ending in –О and –ИХ(-ИХ): Rudykh, Malykh, Levchenko, Golovnykh, Tikhykh, Shevchenko, Prikhodko.

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Groups of indeclinable nouns
Compound words: MTS, Youth Theater, UN, traffic police, media.

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coat muffler popsicle purse piano foyer metro salami cockatoo flowerpot hummingbird tsunami panel sconce All-Russian Exhibition Center media

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Find indeclinable nouns in the text

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Let's check
Last spring, Madame Anna Viktorovna Osipenko went on an excursion to European countries. She visited Paris, Helsinki, USA, Copenhagen. A bus rushes quickly along the highway, and Anna Viktorovna remembers her journey. She learned about this tour from her friend Belykh Zinaida Sergeevna. On the way from Finland to Sweden, she learned about the terrible tsunami that occurred in Capri. When the huge steamer approached Stockholm, Anna Viktorovna stood on the deck. Even in my coat and muffler it was cool. She was struck by the elegant turrets of the “city of cheerful Carlson,” as if made of papier-mâché. At lunchtime, she happily ate sturgeon fillet with mashed potatoes in a cafe and drank a glass of Pepsi. In the evening, in the cabin under the light of the sconce, she had already read in a guidebook about the city of Oslo, the capital of Norway, and dreamed about how next year will visit Monaco or Miami.

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Specify indeclinable nouns
A) sleigh B) cloud B) jury D) piano

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Highlight the phrases in which indeclinable nouns are used incorrectly:
A) appeared on the tablet; B) I’m driving in the meter; B) along the broad Mississippi; D) about a smart chimpanzee.

Slide 21

Summing up
What new did you learn in the lesson? What did you like about the lesson? What was the most interesting? What was the most difficult?

Bukhovets Tatyana Alekseevna

Municipal secondary school No. 3, Unecha, Bryansk region

Lesson + presentation in Russian on the topic: “Indeclinable nouns”

for 6th grade

To create the presentation, illustrations taken from:


Subject: "Indeclinable nouns."

Target: To familiarize students with the concept of “indeclinable nouns.”

Tasks: 1) develop competent writing skills;

2) develop spelling vigilance, speech, logical thinking, processes of analysis, synthesis, creative abilities;

3) cultivate a kind attitude towards animals and interest in the subject.

Equipment: computer, projector.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

U .: Dear guys! Today we have an unusual Russian language lesson. Guests came to us. Let's welcome them. Sit down, guys.

2.Linguistic warm-up.

U .: Guys, today I want to invite you to the zoo.SLIDE №1

Let's write down the proposal.

The zoo is home to wild animals: kangaroos, lions, chimpanzees, cockatoos, flamingos, hummingbirds.

1 student does parsing sentences at the board with explanation,

at the same time the second - phonetic analysis wordslions (on one's own),

third - morphological analysis nounat the zoo (on one's own).

Students checking assignments.

U .: Name all the spellings you know in this sentence.

3.Updating basic knowledge.

U .: Let's inflect the nounslions and kangaroos.

Students verbally decline these nouns.

U .: Draw a conclusion.SLIDE No. 2

The word kangaroo does not decline.

U .: What other words in a sentence are not declined?

Flamingos, chimpanzees, cockatoos, hummingbirds.

U .: Try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

4.Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Record the topic of the lesson.SLIDE No. 3, SLIDE No. 4 .

5.Learning new material.

Etymological information.

U .: What languages ​​did these words come from? (Student's message about the origin of these words)

Drawing up a table.

U .: What other indeclinable nouns do you know?Guys, let's write our conclusions in a table.SLIDE#5

Teacher's comment:

So,the words kangaroo, subway, cinema, hummingbird, chimpanzee, cockatoo never change. These are borrowed words from other languages. They do not want to obey the laws of the Russian language and therefore are called inflexible. The final vowels of such words are not endings, but root vowels.Pay attention!Some of them are similar to neuter nouns, with -o and -e endings. Such similar words need to differentiate. And remember that, for example, the word sieve is inclined, but the word coat is not.

1) Noun. of foreign language origin with final vowels –o, -e, -u, -yu, -i.


U .: Schoolchildren came to the zoo.Vita Semchenko liked the bright hummingbird,

and Yane Dolgikh is an agile kangaroo.SLIDE No. 7

U .: What are the children's surnames? Try to decline them. Draw a conclusion.

2) Russian and Ukrainian surnames are not inclined to -o and -i(s).SL.№8

U .: Do we have any guys in our class with irreducible surnames? Name them.

U .: Media collaborate withUN to bring global attention to biodiversity and the need to protect endangered wildlife species and their habitats.SLIDE No. 9

U .: What are the underlined words called?(Abbreviation, or compound words of a sound or letter nature).

U .: Decipher them.Try to decline them. Draw a conclusion.

3) Abbreviations ending in a vowel, as well asabbreviations with a reference word of the neuter and feminine genderdon't bow down.SLIDE No. 10

U .: Read the rule on page 91 and complete the table.

4) Foreign language nouns denoting female persons and ending in a consonant are not inflected (to the familiar miss, novel by the writer Voynich).SLIDE No. 11

U .: - Using the table compiled, name the groups of indeclinable nouns again.

6. Fastening.

1. Half a minute for a joke.

U .: Now listen to the poem:SLIDE No. 12

One early morning

My friend and I sat down a meter away.

And we went on the meter

Watch a film about a kangaroo.

A kangaroo entered a cafe

I took a free table there

And sits behind the domino

With a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.

U .: Why were you laughing? Is there anything wrong?

D.: A very funny poem, because you can’t say that.

U .: Correct the text. Name the indeclinable nouns.

2. Creative work in groups.

U .: Compose short story, using as many indeclinable nouns as possible. You can use the material from the exercises in the textbook (pp. 92-93).

Tasks for strong students: write a poem using indeclinable nouns.

3.Independent work . SLIDE No. 13


1. Choose indeclinable nouns.

A) menu; B) village; B) Baku; D) Jules Verne.

2.Which word does not and cannot have an ending.

A) gendereB) mountainseB) cafeeD) ribO.

3. In which sentence is there an error?

A) Children enjoy reading Walter Scott's novels.

B) Friends were waiting for Masha Gorelenko in the foyer.

B) Zenit played a draw with Dynama.

Peer review.SLIDE No. 14

7. Results. Reflection.

What new did you learn in the lesson?(Eat special group nouns – indeclinable.)

What are indeclinable nouns?(Nouns that have the same form for all cases.)

What can you say about the endings of indeclinable nouns?(They have no ending (the whole word is the base.)

Why do they study such a topic at school?(So ​​that the speech is literate.)

What did you find difficult in the lesson?


Find 5 indeclinable nouns in the dictionary.

Compose 5 sentences with indeclinable nouns.

For strong students - a story about security environment using indeclinable nouns.SLIDE No. 15

U .: And finally, I want to tell you an anecdote. Listen and try to guess what the topic of the next lesson will be.

An educated girl stands behind the counter. Customers come up to her one by one and ask: “Give me one coffee.” The girl is waiting for someone literate to appear. And finally she hears: “Give me one coffee.” Alas, the next phrase was: “And one bun.”

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Slide captions:

Indeclinable nouns grade 6.

Goal: acquaintance with indeclinable nouns and their groups. Equipment: computer, projector. Objectives: development of speech, thinking, memory, attention, imagination of students; skills formation independent work; enrichment vocabulary students, broadening their horizons.

Let's repeat what we've done. “The letters E, I in the endings of nouns” 1. stand by the banners... 2. be in the lobby... 3. grow old from time... 4. participate in the expedition... 5. take care of the harvest... 6. in the flames... of the fire 7. answer in history ... 8. call by name... 9. walk along the alley... 10. foot in stirrups... I E I I E I I E I

Let's repeat what we've done. List the differently inflected nouns. Burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown, path, child. What suffix is ​​added to the root in these words? Suffix - en - .

Getting to know new material. One early morning my friend and I sat down in the metro and went in the metro to watch a film about a kangaroo. Here we are sitting in the movie theater, without a coat and without a muffler, Or rather, you and I, without a muffler and without a muffler. Children love kinas, If a kangaroo wanders in kinas, it wanders along the highway, Carrying a chimpanzee in a bag. A kangaroo entered a cafe, took a free table there, and sat at the domino with a chimpanzee and a cockatoo. Suddenly a huge monkey began to play the piano. Then the adult, taking off his pince-nez, laughed his heart out. Interesting movie. It's a shame it ended. It's time to run to the wardrobe. They will give out polka. (A. Hight) Listen and read. What makes you smile?

Declension of nouns nominative lions kangaroo genitive lions kangaroo dative lions kangaroo accusative lions kangaroo instrumental lions kangaroo prepositional about lions kangaroo

Indeclinable nouns. Groups of indeclinable nouns. Examples. 1. Noun. of foreign language origin with final vowels –o, -e, -u, -yu, -i. Flamingo, chimpanzee, cockatoo, menu, hummingbird. 2. Russian and Ukrainian surnames with –o,–i(s). Semchenko, Dolgikh, Tolstoy. 3. Abbreviations ending in a vowel and with a reference word of the middle and feminine. Media, Moscow State University, Unified State Examination, UN. 4. Foreign language nouns denoting females and ending in a consonant. Miss friend, Voynich writer.

Solve a linguistic problem. Yesterday I saw Shlyafer, and today – Shlyafer. ? When did you see your sister, and when did you see your brother?

Find indeclinable nouns. In the evening, my friend and I went to the cinema. It was cool outside, so my friend was wearing a new gray coat. I tied a muffler around my neck. On the way, we stopped at a cafe and ordered cocoa, jelly and popsicle. There were a lot of people in the cinema lobby. The film was about a huge chimpanzee. We returned home by taxi.

Write down indeclinable nouns from the pictures. Cocoa, foyer, radio, coat, piano, muffler, coffee, cockatoo, aloe, dressing table, metro, stew, coat, cafe, domino. Make up and write down sentences with any 3 words. Muffler - neckerchief or scarf. A manto is a wide women's coat, usually fur.

Insert appropriate indeclinable nouns into the phrases: Leave _______________, walk without ___________________, drive along ___________________, arrive at ______________________, take out from ______________________, listen to ___________________, go to ___________________, work at ___________________, play at _______________, a sandwich with ___________________, ride ___________________ subway coat highway taxi purse radio studio piano salami movie pony

Write down the words, distributing them by topic. Clothing - Animals - Food - Words for reference: k o ala, cashew, a v o kado, kimono, kakadu, broccoli, monpasse, muffler, salami, manto, spaghetti and , coat, flowerpot, gu pp i, chicken a bier, grizzly bear.

Examination. Clothing: kimono, muffler, manteau, coat Animals: koala, cockatoo, guppies, grizzly Food cashews, broccoli, avocado, monpasier, salami, spaghetti, chicken

What is special about indeclinable nouns? To become literate And write perfectly You can never change In different cases Neither cinema, nor dominoes, Neither bureau, nor the metro, Neither mufflers, nor pince-nez, Neither highway, nor chimpanzees. You can sing a song in front of honest people, If only you don’t change neither in number, nor in kind, neither cocoa, nor depot, nor a cafe, nor a coat, nor a hummingbird, nor a cockatoo, nor a jury, nor a kangaroo.

Reflection. What new did you learn? - Which task in the lesson did you find most interesting or difficult? Why? - Determine the key words of the lesson (do not change, indeclinable, no ending, from other languages). - What conclusion can you draw on the topic of the lesson? Nouns that have the same form in all cases are called indeclinable. These are mostly words from other languages.

Homework § 39 Exercise 219 (assigned)

Thanks for the lesson. 17

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Slide captions:

Indeclinable nouns

Digital dictation Stand by the banners... Be in the lobby.. Grow old with time... Participate in an expedition... Take care of the harvest... 6. In the flames... of a fire 7. Answer according to history... 8. Call by name... 9. Walk along the alley... 10. Foot in the stirrups...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 errors - “5” 1-2 errors - “4” 3-4 errors - “3” 5 or more errors - “2”

Let's do a syntactic analysis of the sentence: Yekaterinburg is a beautiful and modern city.

We inflect the noun metro I. p. Built R. p. I'm standing at D.P. I'm walking along V.p. I see T.p. I admire P.p. I'm going to

Indeclinable nouns are nouns that have the nominative form in all cases.

Groups of indeclinable nouns: Nouns of foreign origin with final vowels -о, -е, -и, -у, -у and final stressed vowel - а Fauna: kangaroo, cockatoo, chimpanzee, hummingbird, pony

Clothing, food and human housing: muffler, tights, pince-nez, purse, domino, piano, radio, piano, popsicle, cocoa, blinds, fillet, mango, coffee, etc.

City: avenue, highway, taxi, cinema, cafe, subway, taxi, etc.

First names, surnames, names: Sochi, Buratino, Pippi, Mowgli, Tokyo, A. Dumas, Congo, etc.

2. Indeclinable nouns denoting female persons and ending in a consonant: Merry Poppins, miss, madam, poetess Aligeri, etc. 3. Russian and Ukrainian surnames with -o and - their(s), for example: in Sukhikh, o Shevchenko 4. Compound words: in the media, Youth Theater, University, UN

Homework Find the meaning of the words: attache, sconce, muffler, coat, maestro, referee, flowerpot, blinds, dressing table, pince-nez, panel 2. Make up phrases with them, highlight the main word, sign the questions 3. Come up with 3 complex sentences 4. § 39 -40 ex. 218, 224

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation: indeclinable nouns

The presentation was made to study the topic in 6th grade "Indeclinable nouns", an explanation of new material...

Russian language lesson "Indeclinable nouns", 5th grade, Federal State Educational Standard,

The lesson is built in accordance with the criteria of the Federal State Educational Standard, intended for teachers working in 5 grades according to the program of M.M. Razumovskaya...

Russian language lesson in 9th grade Topic: “Indeclinable nouns”

The purpose of the lesson: a) to summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Noun”, to give an understanding of indeclinable nouns that are most often found in speech; introduce the origin...

Subject: "Indeclinable nouns."

Target: To familiarize students with the concept of “indeclinable nouns.”

Tasks: 1) develop competent writing skills;

2) develop spelling vigilance, speech, logical thinking, processes of analysis, synthesis, creativity;

3) cultivate a kind attitude towards animals and interest in the subject.

Equipment: computer, projector.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Linguistic warm-up.

U .: Guys, today I want to invite you to the zoo. SLIDE №1

Let's write down the proposal.

The zoo is home to wild animals: kangaroos, lions, chimpanzees, cockatoos, flamingos, hummingbirds.

1 student parses a sentence at the board with an explanation,

at the same time the second is a phonetic analysis of the word lions (independently),

the third – morphological analysis of the noun in the zoo (independently).

Students checking assignments.

U.: Name all the spellings you know in this sentence.

2.Updating basic knowledge.

U .: Let's inflect the nouns lions and kangaroos.

Students verbally decline these nouns.

U .: Draw a conclusion. SLIDE No. 2

The word kangaroo does not decline.

U .: What other words in a sentence are not declined?

Flamingos, chimpanzees, cockatoos, hummingbirds.

U .: Try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

3.Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Record the topic of the lesson. SLIDE No. 3, SLIDE No. 4.

4.Learning new material.

Etymological information.

U .: What languages ​​did these words come from? (Student's message about the origin of these words)

Drawing up a table.

U .: What other indeclinable nouns do you know?Guys, let's write our conclusions in a table. SLIDE#5

Teacher's comment:

So, the words kangaroo, subway, cinema, hummingbird, chimpanzee, cockatoo never change. These are borrowed words from other languages. They do not want to obey the laws of the Russian language and therefore are called inflexible. The final vowels of such words are not endings, but root vowels.Pay attention!Some of them are similar to neuter nouns, with -o and -e endings. Such similar words need to be distinguished. And remember that, for example, the word sieve is inclined, but the word coat is not.

1) Noun. of foreign language origin with final vowels –o, -e, -u, -yu, -i.


U .: Schoolchildren came to the zoo. Vita Semchenko liked the bright hummingbird,

and Yane Dolgikh is an agile kangaroo.SLIDE No. 7

U .: What are the children's surnames? Try to decline them. Draw a conclusion.

2) Russian and Ukrainian surnames are not inclined to -o and -i(s).SL.№8

U .: Do we have any guys in our class with irreducible surnames? Name them.

U.: Mediacollaborate with the UN to draw global attention to biodiversity and the need to protect endangered wildlife species and their habitats.SLIDE No. 9

U .: What are the underlined words called?(Abbreviation, or compound words of a sound or letter nature).

U .: Decipher them. Try to decline them. Draw a conclusion.

3) Abbreviations ending in a vowel, as well as abbreviations with a neuter and feminine supporting word, are not declined.SLIDE No. 10

U .: Read the rule on page 91 and complete the table.

4) Foreign language nouns denoting female persons and ending in a consonant are not inflected (to the familiar miss, novel by the writer Voynich).SLIDE No. 11

U .: - Using the table compiled, name the groups of indeclinable nouns again.

5. Fastening.

1. Half a minute for a joke.

U .: Now listen to the poem:SLIDE No. 12

One early morning

My friend and I sat down a meter away.

And we went on the meter

Watch a film about a kangaroo.

A kangaroo entered a cafe

I took a free table there

And sits behind the domino

With a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.

U .: Why were you laughing? Is there anything wrong?

D.: A very funny poem, because you can’t say that.

U .: Correct the text. Name the indeclinable nouns.

2. Creative work in groups.

U .: Write a short story using as many indeclinable nouns as possible. You can use the material from the exercises in the textbook (pp. 92-93).

Tasks for strong students:write a poem using indeclinable nouns.

3.Independent work. SLIDE No. 13


1. Choose indeclinable nouns.

A) menu; B) village; B) Baku; D) Jules Verne.

2.Which word does not and cannot have an ending.

A) field B) mountain C) cafe D) rib.

3. In which sentence is there an error?

A) Children enjoy reading Walter Scott's novels.

B) Friends were waiting for Masha Gorelenko in the foyer.

B) Zenit played a draw with Dynama.

Peer review. SLIDE No. 14

6. Results. Reflection.

What new did you learn in the lesson?(There is a special group of nouns - indeclinables.)

What are indeclinable nouns?(Nouns that have the same form for all cases.)

What can you say about the endings of indeclinable nouns?(They have no ending (the whole word is the base.)

Why do they study such a topic at school?(So ​​that the speech is literate.)

What did you find difficult in the lesson?


Find 5 indeclinable nouns in the dictionary.

Compose 5 sentences with indeclinable nouns.

For strong students– a story about environmental protection using indeclinable nouns.SLIDE No. 15

U .: And finally, I want to tell you an anecdote. Listen and try to guess what the topic of the next lesson will be.

An educated girl stands behind the counter. Customers come up to her one by one and ask: “Give me one coffee.” The girl is waiting for someone literate to appear. And finally she hears: “Give me one coffee.” Alas, the next phrase was: “And one bun.”