Record-breaking insects. Insect records

Insects are record holders.

More than 80 percent of all living things on earth are insects. Currently, science knows about 900 thousand different species, but how many are still unknown? Maybe a million, maybe even more. Some people find them scary and disgusting, others are fascinated by their amazing diversity.

We want to introduce you to ten species of record-breaking insects, among which are the smallest, the most dangerous, the most desperate, the loudest...

Largest insect: weta, the Barrier Island giant.

The weta (Deinacrida heteracantha) is a giant insect native to Little Barrier Island in New Zealand. This is the largest and heaviest insect in the world. The weight of one individual reaches 71 grams, and the length is more than 8.5 centimeters. These insects are relatives of grasshoppers and the entire cricket family. Nowadays, the weta is a very rare endangered species.

Smallest insect: dicopomorpha echmepterygis

Tiny insects of the wasp family are the smallest of known to science. The homeland of these insects is Costa Rica. Males of this species reach only 0.14 millimeters in length, smaller in size than the single-celled slipper ciliates that can be found in lake water. Feeds this type larvae of other insects.

The most poisonous insect: the Maricopa ant

Maricopa ants (Pogonomyrmex Maricopa) are the most poisonous insects in the world, but this is in no way a threat to humans. The venom of this ant is 25 times stronger than the venom of the honey bee, but so little of it is released that Maricopa ants are completely harmless. When you read the title, you probably thought of some kind of giant Japanese hornet or African killer bee. Everything turned out to be much simpler; the most poisonous insect lives in almost every backyard in America.

The longest migrations in the insect world: the red tramp

Pantala flavescens or, as it is also called, the red tramp. This species of dragonfly has the longest migration in the insect world. Not even the migration of the Monarch butterfly compares. These dragonflies travel from India to Eastern and South Africa and back with the monsoons, their journey is approximately 14-18 thousand kilometers. In addition, the long journey of these insects makes them easy prey for migratory birds. Thus, if anything happens to this species, it will be very difficult for the birds to withstand long flights without constant food.

Fastest-winged insect: southern giant rocker

This species of dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, making it the fastest-winged insect in the world. Some believe that other insects can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Scientists do not agree with this statement, however, many consider the issue of flight speed to be very controversial. Opinions are divided between dragonflies, butterflies and horseflies. There are many unsubstantiated rumors about the speed of each of these species.

The most terrifying insect: locusta migratoria

Locusta migratoria or migrating locust is perhaps the most terrifying insect known person. Although mosquitoes are to blame for many human deaths, it is locusts that have always made people scream in horror. Locust swarms are rare these days, but do occur in some parts of the world: this was the case in Madagascar last year, or, for example, the locust attack in 2004, which affected several countries in West and North Africa and led to losses of 2.5 billion dollars.

The most tenacious insect: the German cockroach

I think few will be surprised by the title of this point. In the sense that everyone heard something like: after nuclear war only cockroaches will survive. And yet there is a rather curious case: the larva of a German cockroach (Blattaria germanica) managed to survive in a very unfavorable environment for it - in the colon of a 52-year-old woman. Apparently she got there with the food and somehow managed not to be harmed by the digestive enzymes in her stomach.

The rarest insect: the Lord Howe Island piercing insect

This rather large insect of the piercing family lives on Lord Howe Island between Australia and New Zealand. The species is also an example of what biologists call the Lazarus effect, which is when a species is thought to be extinct and then found again. The number of Dryococelus australis today is no more than 50 individuals; at the time of rediscovery there were only 24.

The insect is endangered, however, there is hope for the restoration of the species. The Melbourne Zoo in Australia is trying to breed 9 thousand individuals under a special program.

The loudest insect: the paddlefish

The cicada (Micronecta scholtzi) is a species of cicada and for its size it is the loudest on earth. The cicada family is generally known for its sound, some species can sing with a force of 120 dB. The comb, having a length of only 2 mm, is capable of creating a noise of 99.2 dB. It can be compared to sitting in the front row in front of an orchestra or the sound of a jackhammer 50 feet away.

Largest insect colony: Argentine ants

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) have the largest colony of insects in the world, even rivaling humanity in numbers. Scientists have discovered that insects of this species, found in America, Europe and Japan, belong to the same colonies because they refuse to fight with each other.

Moreover, a series of experiments showed that these supercolonies could practically be one huge colony of ants, since the participants in the experiments did not show hostility to each other and recognized “their” smell, despite the distance of thousands of miles. Moreover, this incredible phenomenon seems to have been created by people who accidentally transported ants from South America to other continents.

More than 80 percent of all living things on earth are insects. Currently, science knows about 900 thousand different species, but how many are still unknown? Maybe a million, maybe even more. Some people find them scary and disgusting, others are fascinated by their amazing diversity.
We want to introduce you to ten species of record-breaking insects, among which are the smallest, the most dangerous, the most desperate, the loudest...

Largest insect:weta, the Barrier Island giant

The weta (Deinacrida heteracantha) is a giant insect native to Little Barrier Island in New Zealand. This is the largest and heaviest insect in the world. The weight of one individual reaches 71 grams, and the length is more than 8.5 centimeters. These insects are relatives of grasshoppers and the entire cricket family. Nowadays, the weta is a very rare endangered species.

The most small insect: dicopomorpha echmepterygis

Tiny insects of the wasp family are the smallest known to science. The homeland of these insects is Costa Rica. Males of this species reach only 0.14 millimeters in length, smaller in size than the single-celled slipper ciliates that can be found in lake water. This species feeds on the larvae of other insects.

The most poisonous insect:Maricopa ant

Maricopa ants (Pogonomyrmex Maricopa) are the most poisonous insects in the world, but this is in no way a threat to humans. The venom of this ant is 25 times stronger than the venom of the honey bee, but so little of it is released that Maricopa ants are completely harmless. When you read the title, you probably thought of some kind of giant Japanese hornet or African killer bee. Everything turned out to be much simpler; the most poisonous insect lives in almost every backyard in America.

The longest migrations in the insect world:tramp redhead

Pantala flavescens or, as it is also called, the red tramp. This species of dragonfly has the longest migration in the insect world. Not even the migration of the Monarch butterfly compares. These dragonflies travel from India to Eastern and Southern Africa and back with the monsoons, their journey is approximately 14-18 thousand kilometers. In addition, the long journey of these insects makes them easy prey for migratory birds. Thus, if anything happens to this species, it will be very difficult for the birds to withstand long flights without constant food.

The fastest winged insect:southern giant rocker

This species of dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, making it the fastest-winged insect in the world. Some believe that other insects can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Scientists do not agree with this statement, however, many consider the issue of flight speed to be very controversial. Opinions are divided between dragonflies, butterflies and horseflies. There are many unsubstantiated rumors about the speed of each of these species.

The most terrifying insect:locusta migratoria

The Locusta migratoria or migrating locust is perhaps the most terrifying insect known to man. Although mosquitoes are to blame for many human deaths, it is locusts that have always made people scream in horror. Locust swarms are rare these days, but do occur in some parts of the world: this was the case in Madagascar last year, or, for example, the locust attack in 2004, which affected several countries in West and North Africa and led to losses of 2.5 billion dollars.

The most tenacious insect:german cockroach

I think few will be surprised by the title of this point. In the sense that everyone has heard something like: after a nuclear war, only cockroaches will survive. And yet there is a rather curious case: the larva of a German cockroach (Blattaria germanica) managed to survive in a very unfavorable environment for it - in the colon of a 52-year-old woman. Apparently she got there with the food and somehow managed not to be harmed by the digestive enzymes in her stomach.

The rarest insect: kLord Howe Island barking insect

This rather large insect of the piercing family lives on Lord Howe Island between Australia and New Zealand. The species is also an example of what biologists call the Lazarus effect, which is when a species is thought to be extinct and then found again. The number of Dryococelus australis today is no more than 50 individuals; at the time of rediscovery there were only 24.

The insect is endangered, however, there is hope for the restoration of the species. The Melbourne Zoo in Australia is trying to breed 9 thousand individuals under a special program.

Loudest insect: rguy

The cicada (Micronecta scholtzi) is a species of cicada and for its size it is the loudest on earth. The cicada family is generally known for its sound, some species can sing with a force of 120 dB. The comb, having a length of only 2 mm, is capable of creating a noise of 99.2 dB. It can be compared to sitting in the front row in front of an orchestra or the sound of a jackhammer 50 feet away.

Largest insect colony: aArgentina ants

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) have the largest colony of insects in the world, even rivaling humanity in numbers. Scientists have discovered that insects of this species, found in America, Europe and Japan, belong to the same colonies because they refuse to fight with each other.

Moreover, a series of experiments showed that these supercolonies could practically be one huge colony of ants, since the participants in the experiments did not show hostility towards each other and recognized “their” smell, despite the distance of thousands of miles. Additionally, this incredible phenomenon appears to have been created by people who accidentally transported ants from South America to other continents.

The wingspan of the Queen Alexandra birdwing butterfly is 28 cm; the wingspan of the Athenian blue dwarf butterfly is only 1.4 cm. If all the offspring of just one pair fruit flies survived and reproduced, then a year later, with the appearance of the 25th generation, these flies would form a ball the size of the Earth to the Sun.

The record holder for the fastest flight among insects is the hawk moth, flying at a speed of 53.6 km/h, but it appears to be cheating by taking advantage of a tailwind. A more realistic figure is 28.5 km/h; This is how fast the Anax parthenops dragonfly flies.

Some of the most ancient insect fossils, dating back over 300 million years, include the wings of cockroaches. Try to catch a cockroach and you will see that it is not easy. Cockroaches are excellent sprinters; they run 30 cm in a second, but this is only 1.8 km/h.

The so-called killer bees are special kind African honey bees, which often attack humans and animals. Over the past 3 years, more than 70 people have died from their bites in Venezuela.

Male cicadas produce the loudest sounds of any insect by vibrating ribbed plates in two resonator cavities on their abdomen. The sound of cicadas can be heard at a distance of over 400 m.

The largest order of insects is the order of Coleoptera (beetles). It has about 330 thousand species, which is almost a third of the insect species known to science.

The tallest termite mound found in Africa was 12.8 m high; it was only 3 m in diameter.

The tiny invisible mosquito flaps its furry wings 62,760 times per minute. Queens of some termite species have been reported to live up to 50 years, although their average lifespan is 15 years.

The sweetest, in the truest sense of the word, insects are aphids. About 5 billion individuals can feed on one hectare of plants. They annually release up to 2 tons of sugars into the soil in the form of honeydew.

The heavyweight champion among insects is the African goliath beetle, clad in a massive shell. The whole amount reaches 100 grams.

More than 80 percent of all living things on earth are insects. Currently, science knows about 900 thousand different species, but how many are still unknown? Maybe a million, maybe even more. Some people find them scary and disgusting, others are fascinated by their amazing diversity.

We want to introduce you to ten species of record-breaking insects, among which are the smallest, the most dangerous, the most desperate, the loudest...

Largest insect:weta, the Barrier Island giant

The weta (Deinacrida heteracantha) is a giant insect native to Little Barrier Island in New Zealand. This is the largest and heaviest insect in the world. The weight of one individual reaches 71 grams, and the length is more than 8.5 centimeters. These insects are relatives of grasshoppers and the entire cricket family. Nowadays, the weta is a very rare endangered species.

Smallest insect:dicopomorpha echmepterygis

Tiny insects of the wasp family are the smallest known to science. The homeland of these insects is Costa Rica. Males of this species reach only 0.14 millimeters in length, smaller in size than the single-celled slipper ciliates that can be found in lake water. This species feeds on the larvae of other insects.

The most poisonous insect:Maricopa ant

Maricopa ants (Pogonomyrmex Maricopa) are the most poisonous insects in the world, but this is in no way a threat to humans. The venom of this ant is 25 times stronger than the venom of the honey bee, but so little of it is released that Maricopa ants are completely harmless. When you read the title, you probably thought of some kind of giant Japanese hornet or African killer bee. Everything turned out to be much simpler; the most poisonous insect lives in almost every backyard in America.

The longest migrations in the insect world:tramp redhead

Pantala flavescens or, as it is also called, the red tramp. This species of dragonfly has the longest migration in the insect world. Not even the migration of the Monarch butterfly compares. These dragonflies travel from India to Eastern and Southern Africa and back with the monsoons, their journey is approximately 14-18 thousand kilometers. In addition, the long journey of these insects makes them easy prey for migratory birds. Thus, if anything happens to this species, it will be very difficult for the birds to withstand long flights without constant food.

The fastest winged insect:southern giant rocker

This species of dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, making it the fastest-winged insect in the world. Some believe that other insects can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Scientists do not agree with this statement, however, many consider the issue of flight speed to be very controversial. Opinions are divided between dragonflies, butterflies and horseflies. There are many unsubstantiated rumors about the speed of each of these species.

The most terrifying insect:locusta migratoria

The Locusta migratoria or migrating locust is perhaps the most terrifying insect known to man. Although mosquitoes are to blame for many human deaths, it is locusts that have always made people scream in horror. Locust swarms are rare these days, but do occur in some parts of the world: this was the case in Madagascar last year, or, for example, the locust attack in 2004, which affected several countries in West and North Africa and led to losses of 2.5 billion dollars.

The most tenacious insect:german cockroach

I think few will be surprised by the title of this point. In the sense that everyone has heard something like: after a nuclear war, only cockroaches will survive. And yet there is a rather curious case: the larva of a German cockroach (Blattaria germanica) managed to survive in a very unfavorable environment for it - in the colon of a 52-year-old woman. Apparently she got there with the food and somehow managed not to be harmed by the digestive enzymes in her stomach.

The rarest insect: kLord Howe Island barking insect

This rather large insect of the piercing family lives on Lord Howe Island between Australia and New Zealand. The species is also an example of what biologists call the Lazarus effect, which is when a species is thought to be extinct and then found again. The number of Dryococelus australis today is no more than 50 individuals; at the time of rediscovery there were only 24.

The insect is endangered, however, there is hope for the restoration of the species. The Melbourne Zoo in Australia is trying to breed 9 thousand individuals under a special program.

Loudest insect: rguy

The cicada (Micronecta scholtzi) is a species of cicada and for its size it is the loudest on earth. The cicada family is generally known for its sound, some species can sing with a force of 120 dB. The comb, having a length of only 2 mm, is capable of creating a noise of 99.2 dB. It can be compared to sitting in the front row in front of an orchestra or the sound of a jackhammer 50 feet away.

Largest insect colony: aArgentina ants

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) have the largest colony of insects in the world, even rivaling humanity in numbers. Scientists have discovered that insects of this species, found in America, Europe and Japan, belong to the same colonies because they refuse to fight with each other.

Moreover, a series of experiments showed that these supercolonies could practically be one huge colony of ants, since the participants in the experiments did not show hostility towards each other and recognized “their” smell, despite the distance of thousands of miles. Additionally, this incredible phenomenon appears to have been created by people who accidentally transported ants from South America to other continents.

The longest insect is the stick insect Phamacia kirbyi, which lives on the island of Borneo; its length can reach 54.6 centimeters.

The longest beetles are the Hercules beetle. The length from the tip of the abdomen to the tip of the mandibles is 19 cm. The longest beetle excluding the mandibles is the woodcutter Titan. Reaching a length of 16.7 cm.

The smallest insect is the pinnate beetle from the family Ptiliidae, their length reaches only 0.3-0.4 millimeters.

The heaviest insect is the Rhino Actaeon (Megasoma acteon) from South America. A large male weighs up to 205 grams.

The most powerful insect is the Sacred Scarab (Scarabaeus sacer). Can lift a load 850 times its own body weight.

The most large number legs The bipedal centipede Illacme plenipes, living in California, USA, has 375 pairs of legs, that is, 750 in total.

The most unusual defense The bombardier beetle (genus Brachinus) stores two relatively harmless substances in a special cavity in its abdomen. When the beetle feels that it is in danger, it pumps them into another cavity, where they are mixed with a special enzyme. As a result, a stormy chemical reaction, and a highly heated (up to 100 C) gas is released from the beetle’s anus. The beetle is capable of producing up to 500 gas bursts per second.

The largest structure built by insects is a termite mound. The highest dwellings are built by African termites of the species Macrotermes bellicosus. One of them reached a height of 12.8 m.

The fastest land insect These are tropical cockroaches of the Dictyoptera family. The registered record belongs to the American cockroach Periplaneta americana - 5.4 km per hour, that is, in one second it covered a distance exceeding its own length by 50 times.

The best jumper cat flea Cteneocephalides fellis. During the experiment, she jumped to a height of 34 centimeters and a length of 19.7 centimeters.

The longest-living insect is the borer from the family Buprestidae. May 27, 1983 from wooden stairs At the house owned by W. Euston from Prittlewell, Great Britain, the borer Buprestis aurutenta crawled out and spent 47 years there in the larval state.

The gray longhorned beetle has the longest whiskers relative to the body among beetles. The male's mustache is 4 times the body length.

The smallest butterfly The smallest wingspan among daytime butterflies is the gnome blueberry (Oraidium barberae) from South Africa. The wingspan of males is only 10 -15 mm.

The largest butterfly The largest wingspan among daytime butterflies is the Alexandra birdwing (Ornithoptera alexandrae). The wingspan of the female reaches 28 cm.

The longest period of development This is observed in the seventeen-year cicada (Magicicada septemdesim). It takes 17 years to transform from a larva into an adult insect, during which time the larva goes through 25-30 larval stages.

The most short life True mayflies (family phemmeroidae) spend 2-3 years in the larval stage on the bottom of lakes and rivers, while the adult winged stages live 2-3 days, sometimes even just a day.

The most prolific insect With an unlimited amount of food and the absence of predators, the mass of the descendants of one cabbage aphid in one year could amount to 822 million tons, which is three times the mass of the entire human population of the globe.

The most acute sense of smell The male peacock eye (Saturnia pavonia) is able to smell the female sex pheromone within a radius of 1 1 km. The female carries less than 0.0001 mg of this odorous substance.

Farthest Migration A tagged female butterfly released by Donald Davis in Presqu'ile Park near Brighton, Ontario Ave., Canada, September 6, 1986, was recaptured 3,432 km away on a mountain near Añangueo, Mexico, January 15, 1987.

The loudest insects The loudest insects are cicadas of the genus Homoptera, the sounds of males (up to 120 decibels) can be heard 400 m away

The brightest The brightest fireflies are the famous cuckoos, common in the tropical forests of America. Two luminous organs - green on the chest, and orange on the abdomen. To get light of this brightness you need 6,000 ordinary fireflies.

The sweetest insect is the aphid. Every day they release 2 tons of sugar solutions into the soil (5 billion individuals per 1 hectare). Aphids constantly absorb sap so as not to dry out.