Facebook friends lists mobile version. How to quickly hide friends on Facebook

When creating a page on social networks, a person posts personal photos and information. Some people don't want everyone they know to see her. That’s why there are special settings that help classify information or limit access to it. This can be done by using the functions provided by the developers.

Is it difficult to figure out how to hide friends on Facebook? If you read the short instructions, it will become clear that it is very easy to do. In fact, this procedure is carried out with just a few mouse clicks.

How to hide friends?

Figuring out how to hide friends on Facebook is not that difficult. If you don’t want to expose your personal life, you just need to restrict access to your personal page to unauthorized users.

This situation can be resolved in the following way:

  • First you need to go to the page using your own username and password.
  • On the page, select the “Friends” sub-item. Appears immediately full list contacts.
  • There is a discreet “Manage” button in the upper right corner. It is located next to the "+" and looks like a pencil. You need to click on it and select “Edit privacy settings.” Here you can configure the privacy of the page.
  • A new window with settings will open. You need to select "Friends List", but there are other functions there that are not related to how to hide photos and friends. There are many possibilities on Facebook, so in this section you need to go to the appropriate item.
  • Then select “Only me” in the menu, then only the owner of the page will view contacts, or define people who can view the page.
  • After completing the settings, you need to click the “Finish” button at the bottom and, thus, all the manipulations made will take effect.

There are other options in the privacy section. This settings item not only reveals the question of how to hide friends on Facebook, but also helps manage subscribers. Here certain people are selected who can read updates and enjoy free access.

How to hide friends in the mobile version?

To hide friends on Facebook - mobile version", you first need to go to your personal profile by entering your login information. At the bottom there is a special icon, indicated by three stripes. Click it, and the full page menu appears.

Need to find quick privacy clauses. Then the option “Who can view my content” will open. This is where people are selected who may have access to information and personal data. Using the mobile version social network settings are made to help determine who is visiting the page.

How can I view hidden friends?

On Facebook? This is possible using the “Mutual Friends” function. If you go to any user’s page, you will see mutual friends or possible contacts at the top. With their help, all information about a person and his environment is learned.

The communication data of a certain person is recognized by the likes left on his wall or by comments. Many people do not try to classify the information on the page. And in order to find out more about the person you are interested in, you just need to apply for friendship with him.

Hidden Friends

Everyone has a certain environment, and many on social networks refer to best friends, colleagues or relatives. Sometimes you don’t want ordinary acquaintances to know a lot of information. To achieve this, there are functions that allow you to hide information from certain users. They help ensure that only close people see the files on the page. To do this, you need to go to the contacts tab, and groups will immediately become visible into which you can sort your list of friends or close or open access to a specific group.

This setting will help you hide personal photos and files intended for specific people. Securing information is quite simple; there are special functions that help limit access to personal data and block unnecessary guests.

We can only hope that the instructions given will not leave anyone with questions about how to hide friends on Facebook.

If you don't want everyone on Facebook to be able to see the people you occasionally chat with, close your friends on Facebook. Thanks to this feature, you can reserve only the right to view your friends. To hide a specific person you need to go to the main page of your page. Then:

  1. Under the beautiful cover of your profile, find a category called friends.
  2. Once you move into this subsection, on the right side you will notice a small gray pencil drawing. It's located right next to the button that allows you to find .
  3. Tap this icon. Next, select the access privacy settings item. From the window that appears in front of you, you can choose who can watch the people on your list.

This can be absolutely all users, even those who do not have their own profile, only your loved ones, or just you. Choose the category that seems more appropriate to you.

Is it possible to hide friends on Facebook?

Hide friends on Facebook you can not just a general list, but also a separate small group; for this it is important to go into the specific user settings. They are located in the same management tab .

In the small privacy window you will notice the inscription “User Settings”, click on it. Here you can independently determine for which friends the general list will be available, as well as the publications that you upload to your wall, your pictures with , and your comments.

If you want to give access to many people except for all 2-3 people, the easiest way is to remove them from friends or enter their names in the field that is located below in the same window and is called “Do not Show”. Start typing in the first letters of the nickname of the person you want to block from showing your page. Then tap its thumbnail completely. Once you tap the blue save changes button, your settings will begin to work. In the same way, you can adjust the list of those who will have access to page subscriptions.

To write messages on mobile and quickly find those with whom you communicate most often, you can organize a list of your closest friends. To do this, next to the photo of the person you are going to add to a particular list, expand the “Friends” field. Next, select the category where you want to add it. This could be the category of close people, acquaintances, those who studied with you at school or at university. If you scroll a little further, you will see the ability to create a limited list or a list with a new name that only you can understand.

How to hide your friends list on Facebook

Hide and open again Facebook friends list you can do so as many times as you see fit, and information about your actions will be shown in the news chronicle of people with whom you communicate closely.

Also, if you want to see which of your friends just posted something interesting and new, you can click on the New Posts tab. Here it will be shown who and how many new posts have been posted on their profile. This is very convenient if you have a lot of friends and you want to keep track of what is happening in their lives, but without wasting time scrolling through the entire feed.

Unlike VK, Facebook allows you to hide your entire list of friends. I think this is correct. Firstly, you may simply be uncomfortable with them being visible. Secondly, if you accidentally friend a spammer, he will harass not only you, but also your friends, using technical capabilities. After all, Facebook makes it possible to invite, write messages and comments primarily to friends and friends of friends.
I'm not even talking about the fact that even collection agencies can get friends from the list of a social network. It's just not safe.

Hiding friends from the browser from the computer

You can hide friends directly from your own profile. The profile has invisible links and icons through which all profile settings can be edited. (It’s strange that you can’t hide friends from the main settings). When you move the cursor across the profile, pencil icons pop up. And there are also invisible arrow icons that, when clicked, lists drop out. We need to move the cursor to the list of friends. And there will be an invisible arrow. Now point by point:

Please note that you can set here so that only friends can see your friends list. Or ask just a few people who can (or, conversely, cannot) see the list. IN general options much more than in VK

How to hide friends on Facebook via phone

How to see hidden friends

Firstly, if you go to the profile of the person you are interested in, a list of mutual friends will be displayed.

They will be visible regardless of whether the person you are interested in has hidden his friends or not. But only if these mutual friends have an open friends list. Because if they both hid their lists, then you won’t see them in their mutual friends.

Secondly, there is an interesting one that will reveal much more to you than a list of hidden friends. You will be able to see which photos a person liked and which posts he commented on. Even his comments and posts in some other group can be seen. And with whom a person interacts are his friends; interaction is much more important than a formal list, which often includes even unfamiliar and uninteresting people simply because they knocked on the door. In general, read my article on how to use the surveillance tool.

Thirdly, it happens that the user's friends are visible only to the user's other friends. And everyone else is not visible. So if you are not a friend, and this is the situation, then try to friend the person, and then perhaps the list of friends will be displayed.

You've been wanting to know for a long time now how to hide friends on facebook? This will be discussed in this publication on the site. There can be a lot of good reasons to hide yours. For example, you run a business in this social network. networks or simply do not want other people to see your social circle. But it will be useful in any case to many people. Facebook, one might say, is simply “obsessed” with its privacy policy, so it won’t be too difficult for us to hide our subscribers. We need to hide our friends from prying eyes, and not completely and completely. These are undoubtedly different things. So, here we will learn how to properly hide our friends. First you need to log into your FB account.

In the top menu we can see the “Friends” menu item. Just below there are also two buttons - “Find friends” and “Edit privacy settings”. The last button is of particular interest to us. We click on it with the mouse. This opens the settings window, as shown in the top figure. Here we see two more items – “Friends List” and “Subscriptions”. To the right of these link buttons you can see a button that says “Available to everyone.” If we click on this button, another additional menu will appear, which also contains different items. Select “Only me” and now no one except you will be able to see who you are friends with. If you select the “Friends” item, then only your friends will be able to see the list of your friends. It will be closed to other users.

Very often a need or question arises among Facebook users. ? Let's say that you have visited the personal page of any user who, for example, periodically places .

If you do not know this person, then undoubtedly you have a great interest in him and you want to know his social circle. For this purpose, Facebook provides a special link button “Mutual Friends” (in the photo above). You go to this section and can see mutual friends with this person, but on condition that you click on another user and so through mutual friends you can see who the person you are interested in communicates with. But with one important condition– the list of friends of another user must be viewable, then you can find out the friends of the first one. If this user’s list of friends is closed to prying eyes, then you will need to look for a mutual friend with an open list of subscribers. Let us note right away that this loophole for viewing hidden friends in Face was made to make it easier to look for acquaintances or friends through “intermediaries,” so to speak.

So, intermediate results. We learned how to hide friends on Facebook and view hidden friends using a computer. But a huge number of people are on Facebook using other gadgets - iPhones, Android smartphones, tablets, etc. In this regard, let's consider how to hide friends on facebook mobile version.

Using a mobile device, everything is done by analogy with a computer. The mobile version of Facebook has the same options and functions. There you can also read, post, like, and communicate. In general, everything is the same. Download the Facebook application on your mobile phone and log in to your profile. We see three horizontal stripes at the bottom - these are the application settings (picture above). Go to settings and scroll down. Almost at the very bottom there will be a menu item “Quick privacy settings”, go to this section. We see at the very top the menu item “Who can see my materials” - go in. Next comes the selection of the audience, where we choose who will see in the future and who you are in touch with.

How to hide friends on Facebook?

Facebook sometimes resembles a dark forest. Everyone knows, but the functions created for the convenience of users that are installed on a social network have quite a lot of meanings and it’s easy to get lost among them.

It's virtually impossible to hide on Facebook. However, it is up to you to set everything up in such a way that “strangers” will never be able to find you on a social network using the phone number or email you specified on Facebook. In addition, you can allow or block Facebook from showing your friends on your profile. We will tell you how to hide friends on Facebook a little later.

Approximately forty percent of social network users do not even have a conventional idea that the list of friends will be visible here not only to them, but also to other users. U large quantity people arise social and everyday problems on this basis. For example: your girlfriend saw your ex-lover in the list of friends you added and started making a fuss about it. Or she noticed that you have many female friends, which causes her jealousy and constant indignation. Or another example: your friends noticed that in your long list of friends there are individuals they do not approve of (due to the fact that they are blood enemies or for other important reasons) and then off we go. Constant swearing, quarrels, etc. began. And each of us knows that nerve cells never recover, which means we need to try to find a compromise in such matters.

Facebook has a useful feature to hide your personal friends list from strangers. This tip will help you hide your friends list both from people who are not on your list and from everyone else. However, various applications will still have access to this list.

By default, the list of friends is available for viewing by all users of the social network. If you want to know how to hide friends on Facebook from prying eyes, then nothing could be easier.

How to hide friends on Facebook?

  • Select the “Account” menu item, then go to “Privacy Settings”.
  • Click on the “View Settings” link.
  • We find in this list a setting called “See the list of your friends.”
  • Click on the button with the lock and define the visibility area here. If you want to close your friends list completely from everyone or for certain people, click on the “My Settings” button.
  • Here you can easily either close or open the list for the people listed there.
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