Ilya Varlamov photographs. The whole truth about Varlamov: who is he? Man or ship? Childhood and early years

I don’t know how much the curators of the pedophile exhibition paid Varlamov for the post in which Ilya called Sturges’s work art:

No, I don’t see anything seditious in such an exhibition. Sturges' photographs have nothing to do with pornography or pedophilia. People who are aroused by these pictures are related to pedophilia.
Ilya Varlamov

I don’t know and don’t want to know how much the conscience of a modern blogger costs. How long is he ready to justify the propaganda of child pedophilia and call the organizers educators?

Ilya has a daughter. Beautiful girl, very beautiful. Cheerful, lively, playful. When Murzilka publishes another disgusting order, I always remember Lenochka’s photographs and think - well, to hell with him, but he is a wonderful father.

Varlamov has a daughter.

More precisely, his wife Lyuba has a daughter, and perhaps that’s the whole point. If seven-year-old Lenochka had been his child, Varlamov, perhaps, would not have been able to justify pedophiles.

I don’t love Ilya and never have. He took money from both Potupchik and those who screamed against the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Varlamov has no conscience, but he was confident that he had at least some moral principles.

As it turns out, there are none.

Ilya called the exhibition of the pedophile mastermind art and cried over the fact that thanks to us it was dispersed.

The exhibition organizers don’t want to go to jail, that’s understandable. The only way to avoid punishment is to show that someone considers child pornography to be art. They say that society has a different opinion about photographs of naked children.

And Varlamov obediently demonstrated that such sentiments exist.

Do I think Ilya is a complete pedophile? I don't care if his wife, who leaves her daughter with him, thinks about it. I’m interested in something else: is Murzilka able to prove that Sturges’ photographs are art?

I’m ready to believe in the sincerity of the corrupt Murzilka’s words if he picks up a camera and does a photo shoot in the same poses and angles as Sturges.

Reproducing this “art” is not at all difficult, given that Ilya is a photographer. Undress your wife's child, film it and put it on public display. At the same time, you can photograph naked the three children of the exhibition organizer Natalya Grigorieva, who bleats pathetically, making excuses for us.

After all, this is art, so why be ashamed, right?

Let connoisseurs of beauty watch, enjoy and be enlightened. For example, here are these opponents of censorship with beautiful, spiritual faces:

Photo: Facebook

Or this enthusiastic admirer of human beauty, talking about conditioning nymphs:

Photo: Facebook

As soon as Varlamov does this, I will immediately believe in his sincerity. And I will be happy to see what his wife Lyuba, as well as Lenochka’s biological father, will do with him.

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: all the filthy perverts who cover up their pedophilic tendencies with cries about art must understand that there is no place for them in our society.

Anyone who justifies pedophilia and its propaganda has no right to open their mouth at all in our society. Scum, filthy perverts, creatures - all of you should stick your dirty tongues up your asses and be silent!

What do you think about people who justify the pedophile exhibition?

Bunnies, what would you do with your man if he began to justify pedophiles? Guys, what would you do with a friend who started talking about the beauty of naked children's bodies?

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov
Occupation: businessman, UHFA photo, blogger
Date of birth: January 7, 1984
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: Russia
Father: Alexander Varlamov
Children: Elena Varlamova

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov(January 7, 1984, Moscow) - Russian businessman - head of advertising - development agency iCube. He is better known as an amateur photography blogger - the author of a blog on LiveJournal called “Photo Travel and More,” where he appears under the nickname zyalt. He conducts human rights public activities, being one of the organizers of the “Country Without Stupidity” project. In 2011 established anti-prize "Glass Bolt".

According to LiveJournal, as of December 2, 2011 Ilya Varlamov's blog has 40,943 subscribers and is in 6th place in the LiveJournal ranking by the number of subscribers. In September 2011 Mr. Varlamov launched online media "Reedus".

Born and raised Ilya Varlamov in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute, and while studying at the university he organized a company, which later became the ICube group of companies with an annual turnover of $3,000,000.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, his company D. V.A. in a cube”, which became a pioneer in the field of 3D visualization, Ilya Varlamov created in 2002 together with Artyom Gorbachev. In the same year, its turnover amounted to $50,000, and its largest order was the visualization of the company’s “Scarlet Sails” skyscraper residential complex Don-Stroy.
In 2006 it was renamed iCube. In 2008 Varlamov's company occupied an office in the center of Moscow with a total area of ​​500 m², and its staff consisted of 50 people. The company does not accept orders worth less than $10,000 and is a full-service advertising and development agency.

He spoke about some of the circumstances surrounding the organization and development of his business in one of his interviews. Ilya Varlamov:
“At first I was too lazy to do my diploma. And I assembled an architectural studio to do it. It seems that I have organizational skills (...) in 2000 another company appeared that started doing computer visualization. And it became the largest in Russia. And then I became too lazy to work. And I built such a vertical of power so that I spend no more than 20% of my time on work. This is how I live now. Travel, sports - this is mainly, work - to a minimum.”

He also owns a computer graphics company.

In April 2012, having won the “Citizen Mayor” primaries, organized by the Omsk Political publication, Ilya Varlamov submitted documents to the Omsk City Election Commission to participate in the elections for the mayor of Omsk, which are scheduled to take place on June 17. On May 2, he announced the termination of the election campaign due to problems with collecting signatures from voters in support of the candidate; According to his information, his campaign headquarters managed to collect about 1,500 reliable signatures out of the required 10 thousand.
June 4, 2012 Ilya Varlamov together with Maxim Katz announced the launch of “City Projects”.

Blog Ilya Varlamov Zyalt

As a blogger-photographer, Ilya Varlamov runs the popular blog Zyalt, as well as Twitter varlamov. During various political actions of the Russian opposition, the LiveJournal blog often becomes a popular source of information and illustrations of current events. In particular, Varlamov took photographs and posted them on his blog online from events on Manezhnaya Square, near the Evropeysky Shopping Center, from the “March of Dissent,” and “Days of Wrath” in 2010-2011.

In March 2011, the government's Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that information that appeared in Varlamov's LiveJournal that airlines had raised ticket prices to Tokyo had caused widespread discussion among bloggers.

Coverage of the activities of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

On December 22, 2010, the media reported that Vladimir Putin had “his own personal blogger.” One of Ilya’s first assignments was to report on the work of journalists covering the activities of the chairman of the Russian government - he flew with them on the same plane to St. Petersburg. Varlamov told Life News that his current work is part of one big project. In another interview, he called his invitation to the pool by the government press service “in a certain sense, an experiment.” However, the blogger did not disclose the details, hinting that he could not answer all questions openly. A day earlier, Varlamov made a post on his LiveJournal, posting photographs of the grave of football fan Yegor Sviridov, who was killed in the winter of 2010, near which Putin visited.
March 19, 2011 Ilya Varlamov goes on a trip with Putin to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk again.
On August 1, 2011, Varlamov was invited to cover Putin’s trip to the youth forum of the “Nashi” movement on Lake Seliger.

Once upon a time, Ilya banned me from his magazine promo so that I would not appear in front of his readers. It seems to me that it was an ordinary fleeting outburst of envy on his part), nothing more. On January 8, 2016, Varlamov released a short post “Young punks who will wipe us off the face of the earth,” the title of which unusually accurately described our relationship with him. Many people asked me if I would answer him with something similar? But I preferred to maintain my opinion about this person before publishing. 8 months have passed, and I am ready to reveal the accumulated thoughts about Ilya Varlamov.

Photo source

As soon as they call this man with a very unusual hairstyle for our latitudes: dandelion, patlaty, Kremlin singer and the like. As a rule, people cling to appearance when there is nothing else. But Varlamov has a very wide range of skeletons in his closet: from working for the structures of Vladislav Surkov, the main Kremlin ideologist, to receiving money from the Moscow mayor’s office for praising new sidewalks on Tverskaya. They even say that for 500,000 - 700,000 rubles, Varlamov is ready to kill the reputation of some residential complex in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but I personally don’t believe it: the risk of losing a reputation for such a symbolic amount is too great.

First of all, Ilya Varlamov really is the No. 1 blogger in Russia. No matter how sad it may sound, it is Ilya who today has the well-deserved status of the most powerful blogger aimed at a mass audience. Someone will say that Navalny is “pushing harder”! Yes, but Navalny has much better funding and strictly limited topics - political investigations, beloved by the Russian people. Varlamov builds his relationship with the reader, which is described by the phrase “Easy reading “about everything in the world” in exchange for your “quiet” loyalty.” "Silent Loyalty" - this is when a fan doesn’t tear a T-shirt with the inscription “Varlamov” on his chest - my idol,” but simply reads the materials of his favorite blogger every day.

I have already said more than once that the quality of Varlamov’s materials on his blog is the highest in Russia. There is currently no domestic blogger capable of churning out so many posts and as often as Ilya does. Yes, there is Lena Miro, there is the brilliant Lebedev, but their content is either unstable in quality (like Lebedev’s questions about which finger to pick your nose with) or in quantity. Of course, Ilya has assistants, there are editors, and in general, there is a department of those who “bring in shells,” but I personally am convinced that the lion’s share of Varlamov’s success belongs to Varlamov himself.

Relevance. Anyway, blog - this is a diary. It must be current. Varlamov and his team manage to be relevant almost always. If any event of a federal or global scale has occurred, with a probability of 90% or higher it has already been described in the blog. Or there is a live information broadcast. This is very convenient and very difficult to implement. Ilya calls his blog an author's media: the statement is absolutely objective.

Disclosure of the topic. The same Tema Lebedev can comment on some global event in one or two phrases. Yes, brevity - the sister of talent, but in LiveJournal brevity is not always synonymous with quality content. For short, there's Twitter. And Varlamov understands this. The materials prepared are quite extensive, with many photographs, the text often contains a background for those who “don’t know yet,” and there are also private conclusions from Varlamov himself.

Personality on the blog. I like it when a blogger has some unshakable rules in life that he follows without being embarrassed by them. Varlamov likes beautiful and comfortable cities - he writes about this: they say, how long will Russia live in barracks? Or bicycles. Whatever. Blogger principles - always an interesting spice to his work. Texts without personality - some kind of vague parody of blogging (look how “gray” the authors have become on the main “LJ”, where personalities have long been pushed to the sidelines of history).

Commercially successful blogger. I think the most commercially successful. The very fact of having a blogger who is much more successful than 90% of the country's journalists makes one wonder: is a professional blogger really a poor, stupid and unworthy of money being? Rave. Especially if you approach the issue professionally. Varlamov masterfully uses the capabilities of LJ (with the consent of the owner of the site, I believe), but even this fact does not make his success on the readership front any less noticeable. Many bloggers from the top 20 rankings have a good readership, but their money situation is much worse.

Ilya Varlamov - This is a precedent when one person is able to create, for relatively modest funds, an original media outlet that influences public opinion. Perhaps, at some points, Ilya allows himself too much (to harshly emphasize his unshakable status as a leader), but, in general, he can afford it. The gap between blogger #1 and bloggers #2 is too obvious.

What do you think of this narcissistic guy with stupid hair?

Ilya Varlamov
Birth name:

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov

Type of activity:

businessman, amateur photographer, blogger

Date of birth:



Alexander Parnas


Elena Varlamova


Lyubov Varlamova


Elena Varlamova


Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov(January 7, Moscow) - Russian businessman - head of the advertising and development agency iCube. He is better known as a blogger and amateur photographer - the author of a blog on LiveJournal called “Photo Travel and More,” where he appears under the nickname zyalt. He conducts human rights public activities, being one of the organizers of the “Country Without Nonsense” project. In 2011, he established the “Glass Bolt” anti-prize.

According to Live Journal, as of December 2, 2011, Ilya Varlamov’s blog has 40,943 subscribers and is in 6th place in the Live Journal ranking by number of subscribers.

In September 2011, Varlamov launched the online media “Reedus”.


Varlamov himself spoke about some of the circumstances of the organization and formation of his business in one of his interviews:

At first I was too lazy to do my diploma. And I assembled an architectural studio to do it. It seems that I have organizational skills (...) in 2000 another company appeared that started doing computer visualization. And it became the largest in Russia. And then I became too lazy to work. And I built such a vertical of power so that I spend no more than 20% of my time on work. This is how I live now. Travel, sports - this is mainly, work - to a minimum.

He also owns a computer graphics company.

Varlamov (31) was born and raised in Moscow. His parents Elena Varlamova and Alexander Parnas, unfortunately, could not find detailed information about their parents. He studied at the Moscow University of Architecture, and during his studies he organized a company, which later became part of iCube. Wife Lyubov Varlamova (35) general director, managing partner of iCube. There is a daughter and a stepson.

Ilya is a very positive person and writes posts with humor, he is not very well versed in many things, so he does not claim to be an expert; it would be wrong to take everything he writes seriously.

The most popular travel topic. Oduvan has visited many countries of the world, photo reports and reviews can be seen on his blog, he notes both good and negative aspects. Of course, posts about bad cities and countries gained the most popularity. I agree with Ilya on this matter, isn’t it pleasant for you to see the dull landscapes of Russian cities every day, dirt, garbage, puddles, ice everywhere, cars in the yards, don’t we deserve better conditions? A small selection from the section.

Bad Tver

Bad Pskov

Bad Syktyvkar

Bad Novosibirsk Currently I live in Tyumen and see this every day, it’s very unpleasant. By the way, Varlamov, together with his friend Maxim Katz, organized the Urban Projects foundation, designed to improve the urban environment.

From the bad section, it is worth mentioning bad Israel; after arriving at the Tel Aviv airport, Varlamov was interrogated by border guards for 4 hours, examined all his personal belongings, looked through materials from electronic devices, and the reason was numerous visas from Arab countries. It left a very unpleasant impression.

Ilya has a very beautiful Bengal cat, Martha, who was given to Katz. She recently gave birth to kittens from the yard Vaska, a girl (Boka) and a boy (Omsk), the kittens will be sold at auction, and the proceeds will go to the City Projects fund.

Pregnant Marta with dad

Grown up

friend Maxim Katz, a colorful character. Wherever the fashion guru is looking =), a friend clearly needs help

Mom's coat

grandma's jacket

something mustard-colored is seductive)) I would like to note that I do not really approve of his activities, I hate politics, Max writes very straightforwardly and honestly, this does not benefit him. I don’t know his status at the moment, but Katz used to be a citizen of Israel, so as not to serve in the army he returned to Russia. He was a poker player and is currently involved in opposition political activities.

Oduvan loves his family very much

family photo

Daughter Lena, sweet girl, hair not like her dad)) Varlamov loves bicycles

By the way, the information about Oduvan’s excess weight is outdated, now he has lost weight.

Finally, a photo for those who doubt the natural origin of the hairstyle