Where is the best place to sell an article? Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one to make money? TextSale: interesting work, good income

Selling articles in stores and article exchanges can be a good start when looking to make money on the Internet. There are a lot of them on the Internet, some successful, others not so much. If you want to achieve some results in this matter, I recommend that you sell your articles in several article stores at the same time.

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So, it is best to sell your articles in several stores at once. But there is one big “BUT”! When selling an article in one of the stores, immediately remove it from other article exchanges. Unless, of course, you want to lose your rating or be blocked for selling an already posted article on the Internet.

Which article store is the best place to sell your article? Which article exchange is the best? Where and how to sell an article? Let's try to answer these questions.

To begin with, I will say that before writing a review of the best article stores, I worked for them for at least a year. And now I would like to give my objective assessment of the best article exchanges.

In first place in the ranking of the best article stores, I would put the store text . . M The store began its work relatively recently and has already managed to achieve a leading position among its competitors.

Pros text . :

High selling price of articles;

High speed of selling articles;

Manual moderation of each article (a plus for buyers).

Cons text . :

A special algorithm for checking texts for uniqueness (if on other sites the uniqueness of your article is more than 90%, here this figure can be equal to 38%) - you need to get used to the verification system;

In order for articles to pass moderation, you need to be a competent person: text .ru moderators are the most principled moderators of all article exchanges.

Advice for working on text.ru: write and post more articles, gain ratings, but do not set the price too low, since the number of articles sold does not affect your rating in any way.

Register for text . .

Second place in the ranking of the best article exchanges can rightfully be given to the exchange Etxt . Etxt – is a reliable and proven exchange.

Pros Etxt:

Large number of buyers;

Good speed of selling articles;

Not all articles are checked by moderators; the site has auto-check (not always a plus for buyers);

Cons Etxt:

High competition;

Prices are below average;

For each non-unique article posted in the store, “-10” rating points.

Tip for working on Etxt: before each posting of an article in the store, check its uniqueness using Etxt - anti-plagiarism (must be at least 80%). At the initial stage on the article exchange, do not set prices too high for the sale of your articles, but do not lower the price too low either.

Register for Etxt.

I would put it in third place in the ranking of the best article stores Copylancer. A very good and convenient article store.

Pros Copylancer:

Limitation of the minimum price for 1000 characters (the most important advantage of this exchange is the high selling price of articles);

Gentle conditions for moderating articles and checking them for uniqueness;

If an article hangs in the store for more than six months, then an automatic discount is given to it.

Cons Copylancer:

Average speed of article sales;

If a moderator finds errors in an article, it is immediately removed from the store (after the errors are corrected, the article must be re-posted).

Tip for working on Copylancer: articles here are bought, as they say, “rarely, but aptly.” Patience and hard work are the main principles of working on Copylancer.

Register for Copylancer.

Fourth place – article exchange TextSale. A very old exchange, some people like to work on it, but others not so much.

Pros TextSale:

A large number of buyers;

The articles are not checked by anyone for literacy (a big minus for buyers).

Cons TextSale:

The selling price of articles is below average (high competition);

From time to time, a glitch occurs on the exchange and all your articles previously posted for sale are marked with a red icon and do not pass the uniqueness check, accordingly you lose your entire rating;

The administration of the site is practically not involved in the exchange.

Tip for working on TextSale: place only unique articles on the exchange so as not to lose your rating (if the rating is zero, the articles are automatically removed from the store). If you suffer the fate of an “exchange glitch” and all your articles are marked as non-unique in one day, then there is one option to return it back: re-post the marked articles and set the sale price to $0.50. As soon as your rating becomes positive, the price of articles can be increased again.

Register for TextSale.

Fifth place for content exchanges NeoText And Krasnoslov. These exchanges have their own article store, similar interface and navigation, so they can be combined together.

Lack of literacy checks for articles and gentle checks for uniqueness (a minus for buyers).

Cons NeoText And Krasnoslov:

Very low speed of selling articles (exchanges mainly specialize in copywriting and rewriting).

Advice for working on NeoText and Krasnoslov: just post your articles in the store, you will sell several articles in any case.

Register for NeoText or Krasnoslov.

Sixth place – article store TextTrader. I registered in this store quite recently, I can’t give it an objective assessment, so its place in the ranking of the best article stores may be higher. I can’t say anything about the advantages of TextTrader yet, but I have already encountered one of the disadvantages: in order to post an article for sale, you need to download a special program TextTrader _Loader. When posting articles through this program, uniqueness is checked through Yandex search, and Yandex periodically blocks your IP address. It was impossible to post more than five articles a day in the store. However, I found a solution to this problem. Read more details.

But, I would like to note that in a month of working on the site, I have already sold 17 articles.

Anyone who has tried to make money online has heard about article stores. Such resources are available on many exchanges, and they also work separately. But selling an article on the Internet for money is half the battle. It is necessary to ensure that your works are bought regularly and the payment for them is high. And in order to sell articles for normal money, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

Where can I sell an article for money?

There are several well-known exchanges with article stores. This:

  • Profitable exchange Advego
  • Text.ru;
  • Etxt.ru;
  • Neotext.ru;
  • Textsale.ru.

You can also find many other options using a search engine. But you should give preference only to those resources that have reviews online. Otherwise, deception is possible. Don't sell articles at too high a price. Remember the principle of free cheese.

How to sell an article on the Internet profitably?

Write on topics that are in demand. To do this, study the demand on copyright exchanges. In particular, it is better to write about business, loans, real estate, rather than about rare plants or philosophy. But this again is not a fact.

Try to make quality material. Find interesting facts, check the text for errors and uniqueness. All this will make you a professional whose texts will be more valuable.

Create a small assortment of several articles. And see which ones will have more demand. So, you will work out the concept of action.

Do not resort to fraudulent methods or violations of article store rules. Otherwise, you can get blacklisted and no one will buy your articles.

It is advisable to sell articles along with pictures. Even if they (pictures) are not unique. But their very presence makes the webmaster’s work easier and makes the article more competitive.

How to write an article for sale?

There are a few simple things to remember when writing sales copy:

  1. Don't write in the first person. Customers don't like this;
  2. Write outside the box. So that it doesn't look like copy-paste;
  3. Don't write a lot. Materials that are too large are not in demand;
  4. More information. Refrain from meaningless reasoning;
  5. Lists, paragraphs, headings, tables (if possible). All this will make the article more profitable;
  6. Choose a topic that is not too trivial to reduce competition;
  7. It's better to write what you know. This will create the illusion of professionalism.

The text should be engaging and interesting. Headings should be written in such a way that you want to know their essence. But they must be on topic. The title of the paragraphs in the style of yellow media is significantly off-putting.

How much can you earn?

Typically, copywriters set the order price themselves. The principle of the exchange applies here. But there are some numbers, like this:

  • A simple article of up to 3000 characters can cost about $0.5 - $1.5;
  • An article on a popular and complex topic costs about $2 on average;
  • Materials with pictures and large volumes cost $3-4.
  • Much here depends on your professionalism and choice of topic. The audience that considers such proposals also plays a role.

To get your first income, you need to set minimum prices. So, you will “test the waters.” Don't try to earn a lot right away. Otherwise, no one will buy materials from you.

Tricks for selling articles

Some exchanges have unnecessarily strict moderation. And articles have difficulty making their way into stores. Therefore, if you cannot sell your work, you can always work as a simple order fulfiller.

If you are new to this business, watch video courses or read text materials. Of course, there are few secrets from geniuses in the public domain. But you will definitely learn the banal truths.

It is best to create your website on the Internet. With its help you can advertise articles, promote services, and attract clients. The site can also serve as a good portfolio.

Of course, anyone can sell articles on the Internet for money. But it’s difficult to make your main income out of this. Don't count on easy money. This area has a lot of competition. It is led by hardworking and talented people.

Hello, friends and blog guests!

Today we’ll talk about a guaranteed way to make money on the Internet, namely making money by selling articles or how to sell an article online.

Nowadays, online business is developing rapidly and more and more people are looking for an opportunity to make money. Of course, the first thing a beginner does is go to the Google search engine and look for ways to make money on the Internet.

To be honest, this method of searching will not entirely lead to

a positive result, because now there are a lot of different dubious projects that quickly disappear along with the users’ money.

But if you really want to start making your first money online, I recommend starting with selling articles.

I started my journey in the Internet business with this income, and I can say with confidence that it really works and brings good results in terms of money. The technique of quickly reworking articles helped me a lot; if you are interested, please look here.

Here the question arises - how to sell an article on the Internet?

It is very easy to sell an article on the Internet, but first of all you need to write it. Information about what to write and how to write is in the same methodology. Therefore, if you You don’t want to figure out all the details yourself this earnings, you can safely take this technique and start earning money.

However, if you decide to start writing articles yourself and you already have a personal article that you want to sell. For this purpose, there are special article exchanges where you can put your creation up for sale.

Why are articles needed and who will buy them?, I think there is no need to explain. There are simply a huge number of sites on the Internet that will buy articles for their resources. They definitely need to fill their sites with content, either they write them themselves or buy ready-made articles.

At the moment, you can sell an article on the Internet on the etxt exchange. You can register on the exchange using this link. For beginners, this exchange is the best in terms of simplicity and unpretentiousness to the article itself.

After registering on the exchange, you can safely start writing articles and putting them up for sale.

How to write an article and what to write about?

I think for starters it’s better not to come up with something on your own, but to redo existing articles. Just find an article on the Internet, rewrite it with your own owls and put it up for sale. This method is called rewriting or rewriting.

It may be difficult to do this right away, but after ten articles written, you will be writing them at a professional level.

The only condition is that the article must be unique so that it cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. Please, before putting an article up for sale, check the uniqueness of the article using an anti-plagiarism program. The normal percentage of article uniqueness is 95-100%.

How much can you sell an article for?

If you take the etxt exchange, then the price for rewritten articles will be approximately 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

To begin with, it is better to set the minimum price. This is necessary to increase your rating in the service. Then you can raise the price.

Maybe you have some doubts about whether they will be bought. They will definitely be, from my own experience I can say that my articles did not freeze for more than a week. Sometimes they bought in whole lots of 10-20 pieces.

Withdrawal of money is carried out to the WebMoney payment system when the threshold for the minimum amount for withdrawal is reached is 250 rubles.

You can write as many articles as you like per day, it all depends on your desire and lack of laziness. Your income will depend on this.

Step-by-step plan - how to sell an article on the Internet.

1. Register on the article exchange.

2. Write an article (copywriting and rewriting).

3. Put the article up for sale

Selling an article online is easy and quick, all factors contribute to this. Get down to business, don’t sit idly by, get involved.

P/S: Who hasn’t yet understood where all the people make money, come here and get a simple and correct system.

I wish you success! Earn money!

Good day! In this article I want to talk about making money from articles, namely, tell you how to write and sell texts for websites. As you know, it is relatively easy to make money on the Internet by writing articles. For those who find it easy to formulate their thoughts and retell other texts in their own words, you can start earning extra money in your free time. Moreover, the work of writing texts can be combined with the main job of hiring.

How to make money from articles

There are two ways to make money from articles on the Internet:

  1. write articles for sale;
  2. fulfill direct orders.

In terms of income stability, the most profitable thing is to take orders for work and collaborate with customers for a long time. This guarantees a daily influx of funds into your wallet, because... the work will be constant. But very often, this method is not suitable for beginner copywriters.

As a rule, complexity is caused by a lack of experience, reputation and recommendations from other customers, zero or low ratings, and fear of complex and not entirely clear order conditions. In addition, you will not have the right to choose a topic. Many customers want the text to contain certain keywords or the number of certain words to be repeated a limited number of times, and it is difficult for a novice copywriter without any experience to complete the task.

Earning money from selling articles is easier. You choose the topics of the articles yourself. If the text is not written, you can always put it aside and take on another topic.

What should the article be like?

To quickly sell an article on the Internet for money, you need to write it on a topic that is in demand. For example, on the stock exchange eTXT There is this rating of a catalog of categories and search queries, where you can see which topics are in demand among buyers at the moment:

Other article exchanges for making money by selling texts are listed here

Articles on similar topics sell quite well. For example, you write several texts on one topic, but at the same time, each article seems to complement the previous one and is a topic in its own right. For example, you chose some disease in a medical topic. You devote one article from the series to the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, another to the causes, a third to treatment with folk remedies, and a fourth to drug treatment. Or it may be that the sore has types and varieties, to which separate articles can be devoted. The customer would be more willing to buy a series of articles from you that cover a separate subtopic than to look for collecting material in parts from different copywriters.

Most often, buyers search for article titles using keywords. You can also use the key selection service for webmasters: https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. How to work with this site is described in detail.

And this picture clearly illustrates the selected list of topics that you can take into work on one specific topic:

Beginners can do this: write several similar articles on different topics. Of course, if you are knowledgeable in several topics. For those who find it difficult, write only about what you understand and where you have knowledge. Develop your skills.

I am often asked the question: where can I get the source text? You will find material for rewriting in the search results. Enter the title of the future article as a query and select the appropriate text for your work. Ideally, the text you create should be better than existing ones. Only in this case will it be useful on the new site. But buyers do not always understand this and post articles on their websites that are no different in content from existing ones, but only unique in terms of verification services...

I will not describe in detail the structure of the article; this information is in the article at the link. As for the size, write as much as necessary to cover the topic. The most popular articles are 2000 - 5000 characters long without spaces.

Check the article for spelling and punctuation errors. The MS Word editor will tell you the main errors. There is also a wonderful free spelling service, use it for more advanced analysis. Here is the link orfogrammka.ru

Do not post your articles for sale on several exchanges at once. If you do this, be prepared to quickly delete a copy of the sold article from another exchange. If it happens that your article is bought on two exchanges at once, arbitration will be on the buyer’s side, and you will lose your account.

Promotes quick sales beautiful packaging articles. When posting text on the stock exchange, you need to write an attractive, catchy title for it, create a description, and also provide a piece of text for viewing as a DEMO version. Choose the section of text that you think best demonstrates your skill. In the keywords, indicate those phrases that reflect the topic of the article, and those that you initially selected in Yandex Wordstat.

Value for money. Too low a price will scare off a serious buyer, because... he may decide that what he is selling is low-grade text. Too high a price in the absence of ratings and reviews will also not attract a buyer. For a beginner, the normal price would be one that is slightly below average. In your profile you can indicate: “high-quality texts from a beginner copywriter with a 20% discount for only 3 days.” This is a kind of advertising technique to attract potential buyers.

If you have several dozen articles for sale, you can advertise to quickly get an effect. eTXT has this option.

If you are just starting to make money from articles, download a free copywriting tutorial " How to become a successful copywriter ".

Write your thoughts in the comments, share your experience on how and where it is better to sell an article on the Internet.

You can make money on the Internet in many ways. But one of the most frequently used is writing articles and selling them. The benefits of this income are obvious: you make a profit almost instantly after selling the article.

And the speed of sale can always be adjusted by reducing or increasing the price. And all you need is to choose relevant topics and start earning money. You will learn where is the best place to sell articles. All this will be discussed.

Selling articles

Most often, articles are written to order. In this case, the employee (copywriter) receives a specific task that must be followed when completing the order. But there is another way - to write articles not for a specific customer, but for free sale. In this case, articles are added to special places - article exchanges, where buyers come.

Many people are already engaged in this kind of income and receive quite decent money. They know where to sell articles, what volume of text is most popular, what topics are popular, etc. For some individuals, the number of articles on free sale reaches 400 pieces and they are all sold in several stores at the same time, which increases the number of purchases. Some even organize and make money from it.

Article stores charge a small commission for their work. This percentage is usually 10, but there are also more loyal exchanges - their reward is only 5%.

When selling articles, it is very important to be able to use all the tools that article exchanges offer. For example, many stores publish trending topics, so why not take advantage of this valuable information?

Buyers select an article by reading the title, description and part of the article (a small piece of the article presented in the form of a picture so that search engines do not index it).

Where to sell articles

There are a lot of places for selling articles - exchanges. But it’s not worth working with everyone, this brings many difficulties: you have to spend a lot of time adding articles, and when selling an article on one exchange, you will need to quickly remove the same article from all other stores. Labor and time costs are growing, and they are not paying off. Therefore, I will provide a list of only the best article stores that I work with myself.


is the exchange that ranks first on my list. I consider it the best for both work and selling articles. First of all, I would like to note the lowest commission in the entire RuNet - 5% per participant. The creators of Etxt are true altruists. Fairness reigns here, something that cannot be found on any other exchange. Most often, arbitration tries to please the customer in any way, even if he is wrong, even to the detriment of the contractor. There is no such thing here! This is what I value most about the stock exchange: if you want humane treatment, sell articles here. The article store is very well thought out, with many categories. The demand for articles is the highest. In general, this exchange has some advantages.

All articles undergo manual moderation (and those who constantly add articles to sale have the opportunity to auto-moderate), which usually takes up to 5 days. At the same time, the quality of the article is assessed according to three criteria: punctuation, style and spelling.

  • Advego

It’s also a good exchange for selling articles. She appeared earlier than the others, so she is considered the oldest. There are the most customers here, but prices are lower than on other exchanges. This should be taken into account. The system commission is 10% per participant. There are various services that allow you to conduct both semantic and SEO text analysis. The performer can choose which part of the text will be visible to a potential buyer - this is not available in other stores.

Moderation takes place quite quickly - usually within a day (excluding weekends). But articles may be rejected if there are many errors in them.

  • Textsale.ru

This is also called a supermarket. And this is not surprising, because more than 200 thousand articles are sold here! There are no such sales turnover anywhere else. Despite the fact that textsale is considered an article exchange, it is more like a store, here any article, even written to order, is added to the free sale.

There are a number of advantages that increase the number of sales. Overall, this place is one of the best places to sell articles. But here a lot depends on your rating: it is very difficult for beginners to break through - the competition is simply enormous! However, if you can earn a rating, the number of sales will skyrocket.

The system commission is 10%, and articles are moderated automatically, instantly appearing on the store counter.

Alas, the law “the buyer is always right, even if he is fundamentally wrong” is true here. Be prepared for injustice. But, however, this injustice is covered by prices - on this exchange they are the highest.

– a very good article store. I am pleased with the speed of sale and prices. Here they pay attention to the literacy of texts, so some articles may be rejected due to a large number of errors.

When selling an article, no commission is charged to the artist.

Text moderation is manual and takes about 2-3 days.

I consider these four article stores to be the best of their kind. I haven't found any alternatives to them. If you know of good article exchanges that offer decent conditions for selling articles, be sure to share them by indicating the link in the comments.