Green Cibul. Green onions - what benefits will consuming them bring us? Growing in greenhouses and greenhouses

In nature, there is a separate family of onions, and it includes about 1000 varieties. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of the plant. It began to be grown there about 4,000 years ago.

Nowadays only a few species are eaten. Onions have a rather specific taste, and not everyone likes them. It is widely used in cooking. Both the root part and the stems are used.

The benefits of green onions for the body have long been known. Housewives specifically add it to dishes because it improves digestion and stimulates appetite. Nowadays it’s difficult to imagine many recipes without onions. Borscht, soups, salads, meat and fish dishes certainly include this vegetable. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Green onions are quite widely used in folk medicine. Few people know how useful it is. Onions cope well with colds and have antimicrobial properties.

Varieties of onions

Of the large number of onion varieties, only a few are considered edible:

  • branched;
  • slime;
  • chives;
  • batun;
  • onion;
  • shallot;
  • leek;
  • wild garlic;
  • garlic.

In these varieties, both the root and green onions are eaten. How is this product useful? It all depends on the variety and the soil in which it grew.

Useful properties

Many people are concerned about the benefits of green onions for women, men and children. It is a healing crop for everyone. Onions contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The most useful part is considered to be the top (green onions). Useful properties of the product:

  • Helps cope with vitamin deficiency due to the content of a large amount of vitamin substances.
  • Successfully treats colds.
  • It is used as a bactericidal agent.
  • Used to stimulate appetite and secretion of gastric juice.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

What's healthy about green onions? The question interests many people. The most valuable is its lower part and 10 centimeters of the stem. The remaining onion feathers are absolutely useless for health. Some sources claim that the bases of such stems even cause harm. When using them, the following occurs:

  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

In addition to all its healing qualities, green onions are very beneficial for men's health. It is considered a natural aphrodisiac. What are the benefits of green onions for men? It has a stimulating effect, increases sexual desire, and improves the functioning of the reproductive system. In ancient times, monks were prohibited from consuming such a product because of its stimulating properties.

What are the benefits of green onions for women? Helps in the fight against infections and is also a good remedy for irregular menstruation.


Despite the enormous benefits of onions, not everyone can use them. It is contraindicated for people with:

  • any diseases of the digestive tract;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Green onions are no less harmful to such people. Useful properties and contraindications do not differ much from the root part. Therefore, if you have such health problems, you should not use it either.

Chemical composition

The beneficial substances of green onions have been known for a long time. The composition contains vitamins C, B, A, E, as well as minerals such as zinc, sulfur, iron, magnesium, fluorine. In addition, onions are rich in flavonoids and essential oils.

Why do onions cause tears?

Every person has experienced tears while peeling onions at least once in their life. Few people have thought about why this happens. The fact is that onions contain special substances - phytoncides. They are the ones who irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and provoke the appearance of tears. Young green onions do not have this effect. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to soak it in water and periodically wet the knife while slicing.

What dishes can you use green onions in?

What are the benefits of green onions, we figured it out. It is worth noting that without greens, many dishes become less appetizing. Many housewives are interested in the benefits of green onions and dill, and what greens are best to add to dishes. In fact, they combine perfectly with each other in taste and complement each other in useful substances. Onions are most often added to all kinds of salads, soups, borscht, and solyanka. This type of green goes well with fried and stewed meat, fish, and mushrooms. If such dishes are supplemented with dill and parsley, they will have a delightful aroma and pleasant taste. In addition, greens are used for decoration.

Eating onions in childhood

Onions are not contraindicated for use in childhood. However, due to its specific taste and smell, few people like it. In its raw form, children consume this product even less often. The same goes for green onions, garlic, parsley and dill. The exception is dishes in which they are thermally processed. However, in this case, the beneficial properties of green onions and dill, parsley and other greens are significantly reduced. If the child still enjoys using this product, then it is necessary to remember about contraindications, such as:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions.

Harvesting green onions for the winter

In order to enjoy the wonderful taste of this product during the cold season, many housewives prepare green onions for the winter. Few people know how useful this product is. If it has not been subjected to heat treatment, it retains almost all its beneficial properties. You can grow it on windowsills, but not everyone likes this activity. A store-bought product purchased in winter may contain various chemicals that will not bring health benefits. Its taste is very different from a vegetable grown in its own garden beds in the summer.
When harvesting green onions, the following technologies are used:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • pickling;
  • pickling.

Frozen green onions are considered the most useful, the beneficial properties of which are preserved due to the lack of heat treatment. To prepare such a preparation, pre-washed onions are cut with a sharp knife and placed in a special container for freezing.

How are green onions beneficial for the body in dried form? It also retains all vitamins and microelements and has an original taste. This onion is not suitable for salads, but goes well with first courses, meat and fish. To prepare it, green onions are washed. Only fresh green stems are selected for drying. They are finely chopped and placed on parchment paper. Dry in convection mode at a temperature of 40 degrees for 1-2 hours. The onion must be stirred during the process. Then the stove must be turned off and left overnight. The finished onion is placed in glass or iron jars.

Very often pickled green onions are prepared for the winter. Not everyone knows how such a product is useful and what its disadvantages are. The disadvantages include the following:

  • the taste of this onion differs from the natural one and is not suitable for all dishes;
  • heat treatment, although not long-term, destroys half of the beneficial substances.


  • long shelf life;
  • an original taste that goes well with some dishes.

To prepare such a preparation, washed onions are placed in liter jars. Can be pickled whole or sliced. Add some mustard seeds, coriander and a few black peppercorns to each jar. Then the containers are filled to the brim with cold salt water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 40 grams of salt. Add 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar to each jar. Sterilize for 15 minutes.

Pickling onions is no different from pickling other types of greens. The stems are washed and placed in a colander. After the water has drained, salt is added. You need 200 grams per 1 kilogram of greens. Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in small glass jars. Store in a cool place.

There are products that are perceived by all of us as ordinary, everyday ones. For this reason, we may forget about their benefits and not pay due attention to them. And eating such foods may be the easiest and most cost-effective way to solve certain health problems or prevent various diseases. Such products include such a common and extremely surprising plant as green onions.

Yes, we all know very well from childhood that green onions are good for health, and some of us are even ready to remember why. But as a rule, such knowledge is limited to two or three short facts. And green onions have much more beneficial properties! It is worth remembering about them so that green onions are present on the table not only in the spring, but, if possible, throughout the year. Do you know how many green onions and onions nutritionists recommend eating in a year? As much as 10-12 kilograms! This figure seems quite large only at first glance.

Green onions are the feathers (also called arrows or shoots) of onions. It is not surprising that the composition and properties of the bulb and green shoots from it largely coincide, and according to the classification, green onions are considered a herbaceous plant and belong to vegetable crops. The feathers of not only onions, but also other varieties are used for food. Popular are leeks, shallots, slime, and batun. The content of nutrients in them varies slightly, but in general, each representative is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

The plant is rich in vitamin C. Green onions contain ascorbic acid, which is the main source of vitamin C. This vitamin is considered one of the most essential substances for humans; without it, life as we know it is impossible. And only 70 grams of green onions satisfy a person’s daily need for ascorbic acid! By the way, according to this indicator, green onions are three times more useful than onions.

However, vitamin C is not the only one present in large quantities in onions. The plant also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, E. That is why green onions, so widely available especially in spring, are the first product to combat vitamin deficiency. By the end of winter, our body depletes its reserves of vitamins and minerals; replenishing them is our direct responsibility for good health.

The vitamins listed above have other scientific names. These are beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin (PP, or nicotinic acid), folic acid, tocopherol. Perhaps for an ordinary person the name of all these substances does not matter much; it is much more important that they are actually present in green onions and, when entering our body, perform their function. For the most complete absorption of these substances, green onions are best eaten with vegetable oil.

First of all, regular consumption of green onions has a positive effect on strengthening the human immune system. Vitamins C and B3 (PP), present in the shoots in the form of ascorbic and nicotinic acid, respectively, are responsible for this in our body. This property of green onions is best supported by the presence of phytoncides in it. These biologically active volatile compounds that make up the essential oil are capable of killing and suppressing the proliferation of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and protozoa. The antibacterial and antiviral effects of phytoncides make it possible to use green onions to disinfect the oral cavity, against chronic and acute respiratory diseases, for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, sore throat, and pneumonia. These substances also suppress bacteria that cause dysentery, diphtheria, and tuberculosis.

Another amazing substance contained in green onions is chlorophyll. It is present in any greenery, being responsible, among other things, for the color of plants. The benefit of chlorophyll is to support hematopoietic processes. In green onions, this property of chlorophyll is complemented by the presence in the plant of a large number of microelements necessary for hematopoiesis. For this reason, people suffering from anemia should definitely include onion arrows in their diet.

Green onions are rich in magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and other trace elements. Each of them is responsible for the functioning of various organs and systems of our body. Together with the large amount of vitamins contained in onions, these substances generally have a beneficial effect on health. They stimulate the work of the heart muscle and strengthen blood vessels, reduce the amount of “bad” in the blood and inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, improve the digestion process, and have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, hair, nails, and skin.

A well-known folk remedy made from green onions is used for hair loss as a result of vitamin deficiency. A paste of crushed onion feathers is simply applied to the scalp. After an hour, wash your hair with regular shampoo. This vitamin charge helps keep your hair healthy.

The plant has a diuretic effect. Eating green onions allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, which is good for the entire human genitourinary system. But that's not all. The positive effect of green onions on the reproductive function of women and men has long been known. This is due to the zinc content in feathers. By the way, in Rus' there was a belief that if a woman eats a lot of onions during pregnancy, she will definitely give birth to a boy.

In those available to us in everyday life, green onions occupy one of the top lines. Its presence in the daily diet allows the male body to produce the sex hormone testosterone and increases sperm activity.

It is not surprising that one of the folk recipes using onions is associated specifically with solving men's problems. It is believed that by eating a bunch of green onions every day, a man can get rid of prostatitis.


Despite the fact that green onions are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, this plant should not be abused in case of exacerbation of certain diseases. First of all, people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum should approach the consumption of onions with caution. The fact is that onions increase the secretion of gastric juice and have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. For those suffering from gastritis or high acidity, green onions are indicated in small quantities or after heat treatment.

Another feature of green onions is their ability to increase blood pressure. For this reason, people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases should limit themselves to small portions of tasty greens. It is also not recommended for patients with bronchial asthma and those suffering from liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage to rely on this product.

Buy the “Onion Happiness” Plant, which allows you to get large yields of juicy green onions without soil and fertilizers (up to 1-1.5 kg per month). Delivery to any country in the world!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Green onion is a feather representing leaves.

Green onion - fresh leaves of a herbaceous bi- or perennial family Amaryllidaceae. Green onions are often called onion feathers for their resemblance to the long feathers of birds. Green onions are still found in the wild, and were first tasted in ancient times by shepherds from Asia, for whom the pungent taste and aroma of onions became an excellent addition to a meager diet. In Ancient Egypt, green onions were revered and worshiped; in Ancient Greece, wrestlers rubbed their muscles with green onions before competitions to ensure victory.

The arrows of green onions have a round white base, turning into hollow, juicy green leaves, which have a spicy-spicy, burning taste and aroma. Depending on the variety, the leaves are flat or tubular, vary in height (some feathers reach a meter) and color saturation.

Calorie content of green onions

The calorie content of green onions is 19 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Green onions contain fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal motility. Phytoncides, which are rich in onion feathers, have disinfecting and antibacterial properties, so green onions can be used as a prophylactic during the cold season. Green onions contain bioflavonoids, which are essentially natural antioxidants and have an anti-carcinogenic effect. The rich green color of onion feathers indicates the presence in them of a substance involved in hematopoiesis and strengthens the walls of blood vessels (calorizator). Green onions contain vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system, accelerate hair growth and improve the condition of the skin, as well as some minerals, including:,. It is believed that the white parts of the onion feather have the highest concentration of nutrients.

Harm of green onions

The most valuable thing about green onions is the fleshy white stem, then the feathers up to 10 centimeters from this white part. The rest, the upper part of the green onions, is not of particular value.

Fresh green onions, the upper part of the feathers, can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, so those diagnosed with gastritis and ulcers, especially in the acute stage, should use onions with caution.

When buying green onions, you need to choose dense, not withered leaves without yellowness or signs of drying. If possible, it is better to purchase onions with roots, this way you can store them more easily and reliably. Dark green onions have a more pungent, “vigorous” taste compared to light green leaves.

You need to store green onions in the refrigerator; if they have roots, then by placing them in a container with, ordinary feathers can be placed in a vacuum container, where the beneficial properties will be preserved for 10 days.

Green onions in cooking

The beneficial properties of onions are preserved while they are fresh; during heat treatment, most of the vitamins and minerals disappear. Therefore, it is wise to use green onions fresh, adding them to salads with fresh vegetables and more, to cold appetizers and hot dishes when serving. Green onions will add brightness and piquancy to both everyday and holiday dishes.

Green onions in cosmetology

The top parts of green onions can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, against hair loss, a paste of fresh arrowheads is applied to the hair for one hour, while insulating the head with a towel, after which the hair is washed well.

How to grow green onions at home

Green onions can be grown in a regular plastic bottle. To do this, you need to make holes in the bottle. To make them easy to cut, you can pour water into it and freeze it, then cut out holes with a knife.

Next, pour nutritious soil into the bottle up to the level of the lower holes and insert the onion into the hole, with the sprout facing out. So alternate filling the bottle with soil and bulbs. The bulbs act as plugs and prevent soil from falling out.

Place this “bed” on a pallet so that water and soil do not contaminate the window sill. Activation of onion growth will begin if there is enough sun. A bright windowsill is a suitable place for growing and within a week you can expect the first green feathers. Timely hydration will make the taste of the onion less pungent, so do not forget to water and spray the onion in the bottle.

The disadvantages of this technique include making a container for growing onions at home. Cutting holes is carried out with sharp objects, so you need to remember the safety rules. The process of making the structure is very dirty, as it comes into contact with the ground and water. To avoid staining the window sill, monitor the liquid level in the drain pans. Watering is done slowly so that the soil has time to gradually become saturated. Cultivation in toilet paper and sawdust causes fewer problems, but such mixtures are less nutritious and quickly deplete the bulbs.

Green onions can be grown all year round. It must be stored at a temperature of 0 ° C, then it remains fresh for ten days.

Especially for
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Onion sprouts also contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which has a beneficial effect on the human hematopoietic system.

With the help of onions, you can treat absence in children - it is not only a stimulating product, but also helps improve digestion and absorption of food.

For the treatment of obesity, onions are the main product in the diet menu. In addition to the fact that onions are a very low-calorie product, they help maintain the balance of vitamins in the body, so the process of losing weight is quite painless and effective. In addition, onions also contain a large amount, which is again indicated for weight loss.

And yet, green onions can replace salt and give food a familiar taste.

There are no contraindications for consuming onions; the only category of people who are not recommended to consume this product in large quantities are those with gastrointestinal infections.

In order to provide the body with the necessary amount of ascorbic acid, a person only needs to eat 100 grams of a green plant.

For people with blood diseases, onions grown at home are indicated.

For progressive diseases of the liver and gall bladder, onion greens should be consumed in limited quantities - two to three pieces per day.

Green onions have a choleretic effect, which prevents the formation of stones. The beneficial effects of this amazing plant are enhanced when combined with vegetable oil.

When compiling a therapeutic diet, you must definitely include a salad of green onions and vegetable oil, preferably corn or olive oil.

The beneficial properties of green onions appear in the fresh product, so it is not advisable to heat them.

Green onions have a lot of advantages over regular onions - vitamins B2 and PP, vitamin C, 2 mg% carotene and other trace elements.

The most useful plant that should always be present on every person’s table - green onions are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Green onion represents immature onion feathers (see photo).

The homeland of green onions is considered to be the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan.

To grow green onions, shoots of spring onions and shallots are also used, but the primacy still belongs to onions.

Types of green onions

There are several popular types of green onions:

  • Green onions are the traditional feathers of ordinary onions.
  • Leek - it is distinguished by the fact that it does not have a bulb, the vegetable ends with a thick stem, which is considered the most delicious part. The peculiarity of this type is that during storage the amount of vitamin C increases in it.
  • Onion - this type contains a record amount of vitamins compared to all other varieties. It does not have a bulb, but its vitamin composition differs from regular onions by almost two times.
  • Slime onion - gourmets claim that this is the most delicious type of green onion, a little reminiscent of garlic, but less spicy. Slime onions contain large amounts of vitamin C and iron.

You can see photos of each type of green onion mentioned here in the photo gallery at the end of the article.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of green onions are due to the presence of natural phytoncides, which help the body's defenses. Green onion salad will thus be an excellent prevention of acute respiratory diseases. The bright green color of the feather indicates the presence of a large amount of chlorophyll, which is extremely useful for the formation of blood cells.

The phytoncides contained in green onions make them indispensable for strengthening the immune system, and accordingly, for the prevention of acute respiratory infections.

Oddly enough, the onion contains less vitamins than green onion feathers. For example, just 70 grams of green feathers completely provide the body with vitamin C for the day.

Green onions have antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion juice perfectly disinfects and fights germs. Onions are rich in minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, which have a positive effect on the condition of teeth. In addition, fresh onions add appetizing to the dish, help digestion and facilitate the absorption of food.

The beneficial properties of onions make it an indispensable product for lack of strength and seasonal vitamin deficiency. It relieves drowsiness and dizziness, fights spring fatigue.

Use in cooking

In cooking, fresh onions are used in almost every dish. It goes well with most foods and gives them a delicate onion aroma.

Green onions have a slightly sweetish, pleasant taste and are valued both on their own and as additives to complex culinary recipes. Interestingly, fresh onion shoots have a large amount of sugar (the hottest representative contains about 14%). In terms of sugar content, onions are superior to some varieties of apples.

Green onions go perfectly with a boiled egg; any housewife can prepare a tasty and simple salad from these simple ingredients. There are often recipes based on fresh onions and rice. When fried, it goes well with many side dishes. You can also make an amazingly delicious pie filling from it.

Fresh onions will help out if you need to quickly prepare dinner or lunch. A bunch of green onions is enough to decorate several dishes before serving on the holiday table.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow green onions in the garden, in a greenhouse, and even on a windowsill. Of course, onion feathers grown on the windowsill will not be the same juicy green as those from the garden, but they will fill the body with vitamins even before the start of the vegetable season.

You can grow green onions not only in a greenhouse or garden bed, but even on your windowsill at home!

In order to grow onions at home, it will be enough to prepare the boxes, soil and the root vegetables themselves. Before planting, you need to select intact bulbs of approximately the same size (about 2cm). The bulbs need to be planted in the ground every 4 cm; there is no need to deepen the roots. Boxes of onions are stored in a warm place for about a week. After the first feathers appear, the boxes can be placed near the window.

The ideal option would be windows that face the sunny side. Homemade green onions will accumulate useful substances and acquire bright color, aroma and tasteonly if there is sufficient lighting. Caring for it is easy. Onions simply need to be watered with warm water once every two days. It is not recommended to cut off the first shoots, otherwise the onion will stop its growth. Since the feather grows from the middle, it is better to cut off the outer shoots. Thus, green onions can be grown even in winter on an insulated loggia.

How to store?

Storing green onions is almost a problem, because they are one of the most popular and sought-after vegetables. Onions are recommended to be consumed with almost all foods, since vitamins and minerals must be constantly supplied to the body.

Since green onions are a seasonal product, the question arises: how to store them? The easiest way is freezing. Onion feathers must be thoroughly washed, dried, cut into small pieces and frozen. You can also fry chopped onions in a frying pan, place them in a plastic container and freeze them. This method will take a little more time, but then the onions will be ready to be added to prepared dishes.

The benefits of green onions and treatment

The benefits of green onions for the body are obvious. Even in Ancient Greece, onions were considered a healing drug for all diseases. Zinc, which is part of this product, is involved in the formation of immunity. In addition, zinc deficiency can cause problems related to reproductive health. For men, a lack of zinc can lead to a decrease in the production of male sex hormones. In addition to insufficient testosterone production, zinc can reduce sperm activity.

Green onions contain minerals that are needed to support the overall health of the body. Regular consumption of fresh onions will have a positive effect not only on reproductive health, but also on the condition of hair and nails. Potassium, which is quite abundant in this vegetable, helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system and is an excellent prevention of heart disease.

Green onions are especially indicated for maintaining men's health. In men, the risk of prostate disease increases after 40 years of age. In order to prevent and even treat prostatitis, men of any age are recommended to regularly eat green onions. Onions can also be added to various salads, hot dishes, and stewed vegetables. Men who are concerned about prostate hypertrophy should eat a bunch of fresh onions in the late afternoon.

The most nutritious part of green onions is the white stem; the feathers themselves are also very useful, but only those located at a distance of 10 cm from the stem. The top of an onion not only does not provide any nutritional value, but can also provoke unpleasant fermentation in the stomach.

Harm of green onions and contraindications

There are no direct contraindications to the use of green onions in culinary recipes, but people with liver or kidney problems should not use fresh onions. Onions can also harm people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. A large amount of onion is irritating to the mucous membranes and can increase the concentration of acid in the gastric juice.

If you are bothered by a persistent onion smell after eating large amounts of green onions, use traditional recipes. Some recommend eating onions with toasted walnuts, others with a cinnamon stick or a slice of lemon. Experiment with different options, but don’t completely give up such a tasty and healthy product.