Dream interpretation of seeing big waves on the sea. Destruction or tranquility

Seeing waves in a dream means obstacles in business, efforts and struggle for success.

If the waves are clear, it means you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

Dirty waves portend a mistake fraught with irreparable consequences.

River or lake waves - for peace of mind and self-confidence, sea waves - take a trip.

Sea waves rolling ashore during a storm - you will be overcome by anxiety and a gloomy mood.

Sailing through stormy waves in a dream means taming the unbridled temper of someone who will then begin to worship you.

Drowning, choking in the growing waves - will soon get rid of danger.

The blast wave that lifted you into the air and threw you away predicts that friends will violate your rights by abusing the trust you placed in them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wave

Wave - there will be a desire to gain more knowledge and improve in your professional activities.

Clean, small waves - fate will help you fulfill your dreams and desires.

Storm waves - difficulties and problems on your way.

Interpretation of dreams from

Large waves of the ocean or waves on the surface of the sea can bring various events to the sleeper. Let's consider the most known interpretations dreams about waves from leading esotericists in order to understand what to expect after such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book - Why do you dream about big waves?

According to this interpretation, it is worth first of all paying attention to the purity of the waters in the waves. If the huge wave is transparent and clean, then this is a good omen, your current work will turn into a very great achievement, or you will gain great knowledge. However, seeing a muddy and dirty wave covering you means that the path you are currently following is wrong.

Freud's dream book - big waves

I dreamed of a wave - an alarming signal for relationships. If one of the partners had such a dream, then it is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening connections at all levels. A dream signifying a warning can occur repeatedly over a period of time; this is a signal to think about changing your partner.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream about a big wave?

I dreamed that you saw giant waves, according to this dream book - to a long journey. If you saw huge black waves approaching during a storm, beware of prolonged illness and trials. If you dream that waves break on the shore easily, almost without touching it, or receding waves, then small life problems will resolve themselves.

Loff's dream book - big waves

Large waves rolling in in a dream are a sign of misfortune that will happen to the person who saw it due to the fact that he has lost control over life. Such a dream always means that a person needs to change and rethink something. If in a dream you see huge waves and a storm, it’s time to cleanse yourself of something; there is a great sin on your conscience, which is dreamed of in such an image.

Why do you dream about a big wave?

A dream where a huge wave slowly rolls in and becomes very large is interpreted by the dream book as follows: a person will experience a huge uplift in all areas of life. This means overflowing with emotions, good spirits, and growth in physical strength and capabilities. This symbol, clearly seen in a dream, has a good meaning for the person who sees it, but you need to understand that it can be difficult to cope with such a volume of events. In addition, during this period of strong spiritual elation, you become very attractive to friends and people of the opposite sex, which can create some small problems. With the right approach, it is not difficult to cope with a positive wave in life, and the fruits that it brings to the beholder can be reaped for a long time.

A dream in which you dream that large waves continually roll onto the shore has a completely different meaning, especially if they cause you fear. If you dreamed about something like this, then conflicts are coming in life, and you are unlikely to cope without outside help. If in this dream there is a person running or who has already escaped from the waves, then he will help you escape.

If you dream of yourself running away from big waves, then real life your enemies are digging a hole for you, be careful and prudent, you need a certain strength.

Admiring the waves of the sea in beautiful weather is a dream, which means that a bright streak is coming in life, and those enjoying the landscape will soon meet their soulmate.

Getting caught in waves at sea (many, but small) means business difficulties, travel.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a high wave rolling in and she likes this landscape, then esotericists predict her imminent marriage.

On the contrary, if married woman dreams of one or several large waves - troubles and a difficult period will begin on the family front, but if she escaped from it in a dream, she will be able to protect her family hearth.

A huge wave catching up with you in a dream has a distinct foam - your expectations and dreams, as the dream book says, unfortunately, are not destined to come true. Killer whale in big wave- a new unexpected acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - a huge wave

There is a dream about a wave that covers a person (or an entire city) in a dream, this speaks of a huge problem that will arise on the horizon. If you are the one who hid and remain alive, then you will cope with it, but if you go to the bottom, then you will not be able to solve it alone.

Taking a running jump straight into the wave means a desire to have children. A dream where you see yourself riding on the crest of a wave means that any ideas now will be easily realized.

Find out why you dream of huge waves in a video dream book

Dream theme: ,

A dream in which you find yourself under a layer of water speaks of upcoming events that require maximum concentration and attentiveness from you. But this is not the only thing that dreams about being covered by a wave. The dream book will tell you about other interpretations.

Get your act together!

To understand exactly what you see promises you, take a closer look at the wave itself - it is a reflection of your inner state.

Do huge masses of water cause panic? In reality, you will have to show all composure and composure so as not to invite trouble, says the dream book. The interpretation of a dream in which the wave was clean and transparent will be completely different. If you are not afraid of her, it means that in reality you have a lot of energy. It, coupled with determination, will help you achieve any goal.

Is it so destined?

The wave sweeping away everything in its path also symbolizes everything negative that the sleeper pours out on the world around him. According to the dream book, an event is coming, under the influence of which you will not be able to keep your feelings and emotions in check. This dream may even be a symbol of an event that is destined by fate.

Detailed interpretations

Current events have reached their highest point, the intensity of passions, if in a dream you were covered with a layer of water. But we must not lose sight of what exactly the wave was.

  • Dark, almost black - major quarrels and even conflicts await you.
  • Light and transparent - get ready for a meeting that will radically change your life.
  • The water was dirty - expect illness.
  • Waves of foam predict irreconcilable hostility.
  • A raging wave is a warning about a mistake that can cost you a lot.
  • Lake water speaks of calm and confidence.
  • Salty sea - bitter tears are coming.
  • Light, airy - you will be treated unfairly.

Get ready!

Why do you dream of a storm at sea or in the ocean? If you happen to see a similar plot in a dream, a difficult life period is coming. Failures will follow you at every step, and the financial issue will become more pressing than ever. There is a high probability of losing all your money.

But if you see the waves forcefully washing to the shore, nothing will disturb the successful flow of events. Something important is coming, something that can change your life if the surf waves are rushing swiftly.

Happy or sad?

What can a tsunami mean in a dream? The dream book believes that you are a person leading an equally active and hectic lifestyle. It also hints at your inherent extreme nature.

There is another interpretation of such a dream. A dream about a tsunami promises both comprehensive sadness and immeasurable joy. Which of them will affect you depends on current events. And if you watch the tsunami from a safe distance, it means you regret the mistake you made.

Open up!

In a dream, did a wave cover you entirely? According to the dream book, you will have to start some important business all over again.

Find yourself in the center of a truly huge wave? Feel a surge of inspiration in an area completely unfamiliar to you. Your new hobby will be so overwhelming that you will give yourself entirely to it, revealing a new side and achieving unprecedented success.

Miller's interpretation

Why do you dream about something like this, according to Miller’s dream book? Take a closer look at the wave. Dirty and muddy speaks of a mistake that will harm not only you, but also others.

Did the water please the eye with its transparency and purity? You will learn something that will help spiritual values ​​ascend to new level. Maybe you will become a follower of some knowledge or religion.

Change is coming

Did you see in a dream that another person was buried under a wave? As the dream book says, in life will happen an event that could change her once and for all. And if a wave covers and carries away a group of people, you should be prepared for loss and a feeling of melancholy and helplessness.

Why might you dream of a house that is covered by a wave? The irritation that has been building up for a long time is about to come out.

This dream has another interpretation - changes will occur in your life that you will never be able to get used to. According to the advice of the dream book, try to take them, otherwise you will not be able to correct the situation.

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Huge waves in a dream often foreshadow changes, difficulties, problems, difficult circumstances. However, in the dream book you can also find positive values what they dream about: successful overcoming of troubles, triumph over enemies.

You can achieve a lot

Seeing huge waves on the sea in a dream means: you need to control your emotions so that excessive sensitivity does not cause harm.

Did you dream that the sea was raging, and you admired its view? The dream book says: thanks to your own energy you can achieve a lot.

Get ready to overcome difficulties

Why do you dream about how the sea powerfully hits the rocks where you are standing? In reality, various difficulties await you on the way to your goal.

A storm in a dream and huge waves, which the sleeper watches from afar, according to the dream book, foreshadow trials. It is advisable to go through them steadfastly, then the experience gained will make a person wiser and stronger.

Did you dream of being caught in a storm? Difficulties will begin at work, at home, in personal relationships. You should consider your actions in difficult situations.

Be careful - there's serious trouble ahead

Did you manage to escape from the waters of a storm in a dream? The dream book tells you: even under the most difficult circumstances you should not give up, you should fight.

Large waves on the river symbolize impending disruption. You will have to work hard to overcome them.

Why do you dream about how they cover you? If they are cloudy and seething, this is an unfavorable sign. You may make a mistake at work and miss a good chance in business.

Does the mass of water completely cover the sleeping person? In reality, serious interference will arise that will be very difficult to overcome.

New love, favor of Fortune

Did you dream of seeing how it covers your head, but you swim without fear? The dream book tells you: there is a new love ahead, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

If in a dream huge waves overwhelm the dreamer, but they are clean and transparent - this is good sign. Fortune will help him in carrying out his plans.

Why do you dream of a tsunami? Stormy ahead social life, strong experiences, mental turmoil.

For men and women, the interpretation of a dream about a tsunami is different. For a man, seeing him from afar means a promotion at work. The dream warns a woman: a rival will try to take her lover or husband away.

Success, victory over enemies

Did you dream of looking at the azure ocean with huge waves? The dream book promises a long-awaited victory over enemies.

If the water carries it away, serious changes will begin. Did you manage to surface? The changes will be positive. Swimming in huge waves in a dream means you will defeat your enemies in reality.

Seeing yourself on a large sea ridge and rushing towards the shore is a wonderful omen. The vision portends success and prosperity.

Why do you dream about how a seething, terrible mass of water is approaching right at you? The dream book explains: difficulties lie ahead. You should remain calm and not panic.

Vision Details

The meaning of the dream depends on the details:

  • to see while standing on the shore - you will participate in a situation that will not directly affect you;
  • swimming in them means difficult times ahead;
  • a big wave approaches and overwhelms - failure of plans;
  • run away from it - make every effort to avoid trouble;
  • has covered you - there are difficulties ahead, from which it will be difficult to get out.

The sea and waves in night dreams are a sign of changes both within a person and around him. Such a dream may indicate the personal growth of the sleeper. However, the muddy and restless sea - bad sign. Perhaps the dreamer is in for a stormy showdown or serious danger. To understand exactly what the subconscious is talking about when sending this or that dream, it is important to remember all the details of the night vision and refer to the dream book.

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    Who is the dreamer

    The same dream seen by a man and a woman can mean completely different things. This is especially true for such an ambiguous symbol as the sea.

    Dream Interpretations give different interpretations for men, married women and unmarried girls.


    If a married woman dreamed of big waves or even a tsunami, then family life quarrels will begin. Perhaps the sleeping woman has a rival. But if the wave does not overtake the woman, then she will be able to keep warm hearth and home.

    To an unmarried girl dream of huge waves for an imminent wedding.


    Huge waves covering the dreamer's head promise a man new novel. Soon he will be overwhelmed by violent passions.

    Seeing a storm from afar in a dream means success in business and promotion.

    What were the waves like?

    The determining factor for the correct interpretation of a night vision in which the sea was present is the size and color of the waves.

    The dreamer could be caught in a storm or observe calm and clear sea water.


    A calm sea with small waves promises the dreamer a calm and measured life. All changes will take place peacefully. In addition, such a night vision speaks of the dreamer’s desire for personal growth. In the near future, it will be useful to expand your horizons and start learning foreign language or take advanced training courses.

    If in a dream a small surf barely touched the sleeper’s feet, then a journey awaits him to another country or to unknown corners hometown.


    A storm in a dream is an ambiguous symbol:

    1. 1. A raging sea symbolizes upcoming worries and experiences. A turbulent life awaits the dreamer, filled with experiences and emotional turmoil. Such night vision symbolizes the throwing of a person. He is overwhelmed by various feelings: jealousy, fear, resentment, hatred. To overcome all obstacles, one must not allow emotions to prevail over reason.
    2. 2. Seeing huge waves or a tsunami in a dream means impending danger. If the sleeping person managed to escape, then the threat is exaggerated.
    3. 3. If the dreamer was directly inside a sea storm, then trouble awaits him.
    4. 4. Watching a storm from the shore or from a cliff means that fate is favorable to the sleeper. Troubles will pass him by. Moreover, the further a person was from the surf line in a dream, the safer he can feel.
    5. 5. See yourself sailing on a ship high waves- to a fun life. In the near future, the dreamer will not be bored.
    6. 6. If in night vision you happen to see a tornado at sea, then the sleeper will experience unexpected and dramatic changes that will completely turn his life upside down. These transformations will not be easy. The dream book recommends not giving up, and then the dreamer will definitely win in the struggle for happiness.

    Foam on the crests of large waves in a dream symbolizes doubts that have been gnawing at the sleeper in reality for a long time. You should be more decisive and make an important decision.

    Clean or dirty sea

    Clean and clear sea water is almost always combined with calm. Such a dream promises the sleeper peace and harmony. You shouldn’t expect any negative changes or violent passions. Life will go on as usual, rocking the dreamer rhythmically on the waves.

    Rarely, but it happens to be seen in a dream clear water in a storm. Such a vision speaks of the purity of the thoughts of the person himself and the people around him. The dreamer chose the right path, on which he will not encounter major troubles.

    Dreaming muddy waves when the sleeper is dishonest with himself. He lives not as he wants, but as society dictates. It is recommended to defend your point of view more decisively. Also the sea with muddy water in a dream it acts as a signal about the machinations of competitors.

    Wave color

    The sea in night vision can take on a variety of shades:

    1. 1. The clear blue sea promises happiness to the sleeping person. A particularly good dream is one in which sun rays pierced by blue waves. But if in the dream there were many birds flying over the water or sitting on the shore, then the sleeper subconsciously experiences fear and anxiety. If in a dream a ship or boat was sailing on blue water, then the dreamer will have a quick trip.
    2. 2. Blue waves in night vision symbolize that the solution to the problem is known to the sleeper, but is hidden deep in his subconscious, like in the thickness of sea water. It’s worth being alone with yourself and thinking.
    3. 3. Dreamed Black Sea promises a sudden unpleasant meeting if it was stormy in the dream. However, a calm sea of ​​a dark shade, reflecting the moon and stars, portends the sleeper a happy and long life.
    4. 4. Green waves foreshadow a favorable outcome in real life. After the sleeper, a long-awaited vacation and a pleasant pastime awaits.

    Sometimes you can even see the red sea in a dream. It symbolizes long term relationship. Soon the question will arise - to move to a new level or finish the novel.

    The plot of the dream

    Usually the sea in a dream is a symbol emotional experiences and boiling feelings. But in order to accurately interpret the dream, the sleeper will need to remember his actions.

    Interpretations will be different depending on whether the person swam in the sea, drowned, or simply looked at the waves from the shore.


    If in your dreams you happened to swim in the sea, then you need to remember the details of the dream:

    1. 1. Swim in sea ​​water- a sign that the dreamer knows how to enjoy life and take advantage of circumstances. If the waves were small, then the sleeper will have good luck in life. We had to fight the elements - temporary difficulties lay ahead.
    2. 2. Swimming in the sea at night means changes and sharp turns in life.
    3. 3. If in a dream a person was sailing on a ship, then large waves that cause fear symbolize unpleasant event. It will be a real shock for a person. But a relatively calm sea promises success in business thanks to instinct and intuition.
    4. 4. Drowning in the sea in a dream means problems that will take the dreamer by surprise. The dream book advises to act more actively and boldly in reality.
    5. 5. Jumping into the sea means trusting to a stranger and lose control of the situation. In reality, the sleeper may commit an act that he will definitely regret later. The feeling of danger when jumping into the water is a reflection of life experiences.

    If in a dream a sleeper is carried away into the abyss, then in life he must accept difficult decision.

    By correctly interpreting night vision, you can notice the impending danger in time and make the right decision.