Download the chipboard cutting program. Uncover

The program is designed for a comprehensive solution to problems of cutting sheet materials. It combines the capabilities of the control program preparation system with the functions of organizing the production process. The solution approach used in the program summarizes the experience of a number of enterprises operating thermal cutting machines.

Using the Database

The program combines traditional Tehtran processing programming tools with a database. The database is entrusted with not only the task of managing various data, but also managing the operation of the system as a whole, since the objects of the database are also sheet cutting programs. First of all, parts that can be imported from another system, built using Techtran tools, or created based on macros are entered into the database.

Creating Macro-Based Parts

While working with the program under production conditions, a number of typical parts are gradually identified, differing in size and the presence or absence of some auxiliary elements. It is convenient to store such typical parts in a library in a parameterized form and use them when creating real parts, specifying the actual values ​​of the parameters. The program allows you to use parameterized parts when creating a part in the database. Part parameters are entered in a dialog box. Users have the opportunity to develop macros that describe the geometry and, if necessary, processing of typical parts. It is also possible to specify a description of the parameters for customizing the dialog box and controlling the input data.

Fixed incorrect geometry when importing DXF files.

The system has the ability to adjust the accuracy of contour matching when importing DXF files. Conjugation accuracy is the distance within which mismatch of the original segments is acceptable, which is eliminated when they are converted into contours. The accuracy of the mate influences whether closely spaced segments will be combined into one contour or not. If the boundary points of the segments do not coincide, but the distance between them is within the conjugation accuracy, such segments are mated (combined into a single contour). Segments are mated due to their continuation, truncation or displacement of end points - depending on the relative position of the segments:

a) Truncation of segments.

b) Extension of segments.

c) Displacement of segments “Short” segments (having a length less than the matching accuracy) are eliminated.

After removing the “short” segment, adjacent segments are paired. Segments (or parts of segments) that overlap each other within the matching accuracy are merged. It is convenient to view parts simultaneously with a list of all parts. To manage parts and other database objects, Tehtran offers a single visual mechanism using two panels. This approach allows you to perform actions on database objects from the list (creating, deleting, editing and viewing parameters) and at the same time see a graphical representation of the list elements (parts, sheets, sheet cuttings, etc.) on the adjacent panel. In addition, the presence of two panels makes it convenient to work with objects that in turn include other objects. For example, the cutting of a sheet contains details. To organize the viewing of parts related to different sheet cuttings, you can display a list of sheet cuttings in one panel, and a list of parts placed on a specific sheet in the other.

Cutting task

The program organizes the interaction of various objects involved in the process of cutting sheet material. From the parts that need to be made, a cutting task is formed. The cutting job then includes sheets to make the parts. The program provides the ability to automatically and manually place parts of a cutting job on sheets. In this case, the program monitors the number of unplaced parts and the possibility of manufacturing a part from the selected sheet.

Automatic placement of parts on a sheet

In automatic placement mode, the program places job details on sheets in the optimal way. Required additional sheets can be automatically taken from stock. The program also allows you to automatically place selected parts on a specific sheet. In this case, the specified distances to the edge of the sheet and between the parts are maintained. The automatic placement strategy ensures very high material utilization rates. The user has the opportunity to select the optimal balance between the quality of placement of parts and calculation time. Automatic placement specifies the method for compacting parts on a sheet that is not completely filled. This affects the form and proportions of business waste, taking into account the specifics of its further use. Controlling the selection of parts to fill holes allows you to use smaller or larger parts to fill voids within parts, or not fill holes at all.

Manually placing parts on a sheet

There is a manual mode for placing parts on the sheet. In this mode, the part is selected from the list of unplaced parts of the cutting task and placed on the sheet, and then moved to free space using the graphic editor. There are also means for precise control of the relative position of objects. The combination of automatic and manual part placement makes it possible to take advantage of the advantages of each mode for the most efficient work.

Parts movement control

In manual placement mode, the program takes on a number of useful functions. These include different ways to move parts while maintaining the required distances between parts and between parts and the edge of the sheet, as well as the ability to place parts close to each other.

Strict control of parts movement. Enabling this function allows you to move parts across the sheet on the monitor screen, like real objects, for which other parts and the edge of the sheet are an insurmountable obstacle.

Preventive control of parts movement. With preventive control, the movement of parts is not limited to the free area of ​​the sheet. However, when it enters an overlap zone with other objects, an unacceptable location is diagnosed by changing the color of the moving part.

Move parts until they stop. This function makes it possible to press the part close to the very edge of the free area of ​​the sheet. In other words, during this operation the part moves in a certain direction until it rests against the part or the edge of the sheet.

Copying parts close to each other.

When copying parts in this mode, the distance by which the part can be moved in a given direction is automatically determined so that the parts are located close to each other.

Combining the sides of parts allows you to orient the parts in such a way as to align them with the selected sides.

Aligning parts in a straight line. This feature is useful when arranging parts for through-cut processing.

Processing programming

After the parts are placed on the sheet, the processing is programmed. In the simplest case, it is enough to sequentially indicate the contours of the parts to be processed. The program builds the trajectory of the tool, taking into account the necessary corrections, generates approaches, departures and auxiliary movements of the tool, commands for turning the cutter on and off, feed, correction, etc.

Approach and departure. It is possible to variously configure the methods of approaching the processed contour (straight line, arc, normal, tangent, etc.), selecting the approach point (automatically or explicitly) and operating modes of the cutter at various stages of processing.

Jumpers. On the contour of the part, non-cutable areas can be identified - jumpers. When constructing a trajectory, the program automatically generates commands to turn the cutter on and off in such places and builds in approach and departure sections.

Bridges between parts allows you to process multiple parts without turning off the torch. Setting the transition points of the trajectory from one part to another is done after placing the parts and is taken into account when constructing the final trajectory of the cutter.

Loops provide high-quality processing of corners of parts and can be assigned to any angle.

Assigned processing. To simplify the work, the processing of parts can be programmed at a preliminary stage so as not to repeat the same actions to repeatedly include elements in the cutting.

Manual processing Yu. For non-standard cases, it is possible to construct a trajectory and specify technological commands explicitly.

Subroutines provide structuring of the resulting control program and allow you to reduce the volume of generated text.

Processing parts using combined cutting. Pairs of parts placed on the sheet at a distance of the width of the cut can be processed with a single cut without turning off the cutter. When processing individual parts, it is enough to indicate the outline of the part that will be processed first.

Pre-punching. When processing thick sheets, it may be necessary to first punch a hole in the sheet and then perform the main processing. For such pre-processing of the sheet, either a separate cutter or a drill can be used. The program allows you to perform processing with preliminary hole punching. It is possible to specify various methods of preliminary punching.

Positioning over the material. In some cases, when moving from contour to contour, it is necessary to move the cutter, bypassing parts and waste separated from the sheet. This function is necessary when cutting foam rubber. Sometimes it is required during thermal cutting to prevent the torch from colliding with cut parts and waste. The program provides the possibility of such positioning taking into account the specified distance to the part and to the edge of the sheet.

Automatic processing

The automatic processing mode makes it possible to simplify the programming of processing a large number of parts as much as possible. The program itself assigns a sequence for traversing parts on the sheet and performs processing. Various part bypass strategies ensure that the required processing conditions are met.

Cutting edges for welding

Cutting edges for welding can be done on thermal cutting machines equipped with three-cutting units. The program provides the ability to process parts with both constant and variable chamfers. A constant chamfer is characterized by the constancy of the front and rear angles and heights along the entire length. A variable chamfer is characterized by a uniform change in angle and height along the length. The program automatically builds into the trajectory of the cutter special sections - cut-in windows in the places where the side cutters are turned on and cutter reversal loops, which ensure the correct orientation of the side cutters and compliance with the necessary processing conditions. The position of the inset windows can be changed using a graphic editor.

Sheet layout

Markings can be applied to a sheet using powder or a core. Marking outlines can be stored in the database along with the part. In this case, the markings are placed on the sheet along with the details. To program the operation of a marking block, it is enough to specify the marking contours in the required sequence. The program will make all the necessary switches and build a trajectory.

Multi-slide machining

On machines equipped with multiple slides, multiple parts can be cut at the same time. The program provides automatic and manual placement of parts, taking into account the capabilities of such equipment. When programming processing, the required caliper layout is performed automatically.

Use of business waste

The unused part of the sheet generates business waste, which can be placed in a database for later use.


The program generates the following output documents:

  • sheet cutting map
  • sheet cutting specification
  • cutting task specification.

As a rule, the specific type of output documents is determined by the traditions of the enterprise. The report generator included in Techtran has a flexible mechanism for customizing the document format and the amount of output information.

Automatic text generation

In the process of constructing geometric objects and designing sheet cutting, the program text is generated in the Tehtran language. The program includes the entire sequence of actions performed and can be used for further work. This allows you to flexibly combine the convenience of the dialog mode with the advantages of the text representation of the program, which include:

  • Use of previously written programs and macros, their quick modification
  • Parameterization for standard parts
  • Using conditional statements, loops, arithmetic expressions and functions
  • Ability to debug and fix errors

Program development and debugging tools

The system includes a set of tools for working with the program in the Tehtran language:

Execution commands(execute the statement, go to the macro, execute the program to the end, to the cursor, etc.) allow you to execute and debug the program on Techtran. Using these commands, you can execute the program entirely or in parts, pausing the process to analyze the results of executing individual statements.

Execution Controls make it possible to view the values ​​of variables, use a graphical window for visual control of program objects, and view diagnostic information generated during program execution.

Obtaining the control program

The postprocessor, which is part of Techtran, allows you to create control programs for various CNC machines using the part processing program and equipment data included in the system. Using a part processing program obtained for one machine, you can obtain a program for any other machine from the list of equipment.

Customization for specific CNC equipment

Techtran provides the ability to configure specific CNC equipment. To describe the equipment, you need to fill out a machine passport and create a machine module in the special Technical Post language. This mechanism allows users to independently take into account the peculiarities of the formation of software programs, developing their own modules based on existing ones.

Features of version 7:

The automatic placement mode using a hodograph allows you to:

  • Place parts on sheets and free-form business scraps
  • Additionally, place parts on sheets on which parts are already placed, increasing the material utilization rate

Processing check

  • Control of cutting parts during processing
  • Tracking the exit of the processing path beyond the sheet
  • Checking for unprocessed parts

Advanced mechanism for automatically generating business waste contours

Increasing the number of circuits when generating business waste in automatic mode

Merging adjacent fragments of business waste sheets

Batch Processing

Batch processing has been implemented - an operating mode in which a number of actions are automatically performed on sheet cuttings. The purpose of batch processing is to perform a sequence of time-consuming operations, saving the user from repeatedly opening database objects, thereby reducing the amount of routine work and increasing efficiency.

In batch processing mode, the following actions can be performed:

  • checking the correct location of parts on the sheet
  • automatic processing of parts
  • checking the resulting trajectory for cuts
  • obtaining waste contours, cutting cards, control programs, processing statistics, sheet cutting specifications
  • export of parts and trajectories

Calculation of the cost of cutting parts

The calculation allows you to determine the cost of work for the reporting period. The report generates the cost of cutting, calculated on the basis of special tables filled in by the user. Calculation formulas can be adapted. When assessing the cost of a solution, we take into account:

  • cost of cut sheets;
  • cost of business waste;
  • scrap cost;
  • slag cost;
  • cost calculated based on:
  • total processing time (includes equipment depreciation and staff salaries);
  • number of punches (includes consumption of nozzles, gases, energy);
  • cutting path/time (includes consumption of nozzles, gases, energy).
  • idling distance/time (includes gas and energy consumption).

The cost is calculated separately for each sheet cutting.

Costs can be summed up for a cutting job specification.

The cost can be distributed among parts in proportion to their area and perimeter.

Calculation formulas can be individually adapted to the specific requirements of the enterprise.

Duct Element Library

A library of air duct elements has been developed, consisting of shaped parts of air ducts (supplied optionally).

Using the library allows you to:

  • obtain parts scans with the required characteristics
  • using the preview window, select the optimal combination of those parameters that are not fixed (for example, the location of the cut line of a cylindrical section).
  • include additional connecting elements - folds - into the part.
  • take into account the thickness of the sheet in order to compensate for the deformations of its external and internal surfaces that occur during the bending process.
  • if necessary, split the part into several fragments
  • select elements and assign geometric and technological parameters in dialog mode
  • automatically generate development patterns taking into account the bend radius
  • quickly view and change scan options
  • view three-dimensional models of the resulting joints

Using a library of air duct elements will allow you to:

  • reduce development time
  • take into account the technological features of element connections
  • obtain high precision in constructing scans
  • control the geometry of the constructed developments at the design stage

Import dstv (nc) files

Import will allow you to transfer not only the geometry of the parts and its designation, but also the number of parts required for cutting, indicating the thickness of the material. Programs supporting the DSTV(NC) format - Tekla Structures, Advance Steel, StruCAD.

1) Milling processing. The system includes milling processing capabilities: drilling holes, contouring, sampling, etc. This allows you to significantly expand the class of equipment for which the program is oriented. It has become possible to program processing on cutting and milling machines and on combined machines that combine sheet metal cutting and milling. 2) Saving table filters. Table filters are used to make it easier to browse the database. They allow you to display only those elements that meet certain conditions. User-defined filters can now be persisted between sessions and added to the database structure. 3) Customizing Toolbars- allows you to reduce the time of access to frequently used commands due to the ability to edit standard toolbars, create and save your own. 4) Importing flat parts from a 3D model allows you to import contours of parts from a three-dimensional model file, if the model is an assembly of flat elements. Only the geometry of parts whose shape is characteristic of sheet metal processing is extracted from the model.

5) Three-dimensional visualization of edge cutting on parts. Edges are defined on parts and appear as connected cut lines on the top and bottom surfaces of the imaginary sheet from which the parts are made. It is these lines that determine the actual position of the part when placed on the sheet, taking into account the fact that they may extend beyond the boundaries of the parts. Thus, visualization of edges makes it possible to achieve such placement of the part so as to avoid cutting of adjacent parts during processing.
6) Hodograph of dense placement- a significant increase in the speed and quality of automatic placement of parts.
7) Placing parts in stripes- a method for automatically placing parts on a sheet, designed to fill the sheet with stripes made up of parts of the same name. In most cases, it provides the most dense placement due to the predetermined repeating shape of subsequent parts.
8) Grouping placed parts using color. This is a display mode in which the details of each item on the sheet are painted in a specific color. Such mosaic selection more clearly identifies a part relative to others, which is especially important if tens or even hundreds of parts are involved in the placement.
9) Assigning several bridges at a time significantly simplifies the work when you need to connect a large number of parts with bridges. This method replaces the more labor-intensive construction of each bridge separately. The bridge arrangement is used to process multiple parts without turning off the torch.
10) Changing the processing sequence a convenient tool for changing the initial order of processing elements made. The need for this may arise when automatically assigning processing to take into account the characteristics of a specific cutting. 11) Cutting off business waste allows you to carry out processing associated with cutting business waste directly during its formation from the sheet. 12) Verification of processing. The capabilities of monitoring the correctness of processing have been expanded. Added check for maintaining a safe distance to the part when turning off the cutter. There is also a mode in which checks are carried out not only when analyzing the finished trajectory, but also directly during its construction to search for alternative solutions. 13) Batch processing. The batch processing mechanism is being improved. You can now abort the process if an error occurs. Added batch processing status information window. Batch processing is provided for parts (checking geometry and applying inscriptions). 14) Reproduction of processing. A mechanism has been added that allows you to reproduce processing in a graphics window in various modes. The controls are organized according to the type of player: continuous playback, step-by-step and accelerated scrolling in forward and reverse directions. Allows you to analyze the results obtained.

Optimization of cutting of various sheet materials is carried out in special programs, which helps to do everything correctly and save a lot of time on this task. We have compiled a small list in which we have selected for you several representatives of such software.

"Master 2" provides users with great opportunities not only in drawing up a cutting project, but also in running a business. Multi-user mode is supported, there is sorting and systematization of entered information, and data on materials and contractors is saved.

Implementing a warehouse will help you always be aware of the remaining amount of materials. There is a distribution into tables where active orders, planned orders and an archive are located; all information can be viewed and edited by the administrator. "Master 2" has several assemblies, one of them is distributed free of charge and available for download on the official website.

Cutting 3

This representative with a huge selection of materials and parts is more suitable for individual use. The cutting turns out to be well optimized; the user only needs to enter the required dimensions, select materials and specify additional settings, if necessary.

Cutting 3 provides users with the ability to use files from other programs, for example, loading parts from . In addition, visual design is supported.

Astra Cutting

"Astra Cut" simplifies the cutting process as much as possible. All you need to do is load the parts, indicate their dimensions and wait for the cutting map to be processed. Third-party and official libraries of furniture and other objects that are suitable for procurement in this way are supported.

We recommend that you pay attention to the presence of built-in documentation. It is systematized and formed as the work on the project progresses. Just go to the appropriate tab when needed and print any of the compiled documents.

There are many programs on the Internet that perform the same actions as the representatives of our article, but they all copy each other. We tried to select the most suitable and high-quality software.

Cutting is a program for cutting sheet materials: chipboard, glass, etc. The program for cutting chipboard allows you to reduce and optimize material consumption; it records waste, including “business” waste, which is not taken into account when calculating the cost of the order. The utility can be used in enterprises engaged in the mass production of cabinet furniture; for this purpose, the concept of ordering has been introduced into its functionality. All completed orders are automatically entered into the order database, and subsequently it is possible to repeat or change them. You can download Opening for free on this website.

To start working with the utility, you need to set the dimensions of the sheet and the parts that will be cut from it. Next, the program will independently select the optimal cutting option with the least amount of waste. If necessary, you can use the material database available in the program, which contains standard sheet or roll sizes. In this case, it is enough to specify the material to be cut, and the utility will automatically calculate according to the standard parameters of the sheet.

The cutting program works according to two main algorithms for optimizing chipboard consumption - reducing total waste and increasing continuous cutting. Reducing overall waste means cutting with a minimum amount of scraps. The continuous trim increase mode, in addition to reducing waste, is used to create a maximum trim that can then be used for another order. You can also save on material by combining two orders if they use the same material.

The main advantages of the Cutting utility

  • Two cutting optimization algorithms.
  • Database of standard sheet sizes.
  • Working with two types of edges.
  • Works with both sheets and rolls.
  • Database of completed orders.

During cutting, all cuts are made from one edge of the sheet to the other - either horizontally or vertically. The material consumed for cutting and other technological operations is taken into account when calculating cutting. The utility allows you to work with two types of edges. The program allows you to optimize the consumption of not only sheets, but also rolls. If necessary, it is possible to use Cutting in online mode.

Automated production system PractiCAM™ is focused on the production of products for ventilation systems from sheet and coil metal, as well as from pipe blanks. PractiCAM™ works with plasma and laser machines with computer numerical control (CNC), as well as stamping, spiral and coordinate punching machines. The program has great functionality for cutting sheet metal, i.e. It is focused not only on the production of air ducts, but also flat parts, signs, weather vanes, roof elements, etc.

Main advantages of the PractiCAM™ system:

Creation of air ducts of any type, as well as any other elements from sheet and rolled metal, and pipe blanks

System libraries PractiCAM™ very extensive and unparalleled. They contain over 4000 fittings and over 1600 parameterized flat parts. Despite such diversity, the system libraries PractiCAM™ are still increasing (each time you download a new version of our program, new elements will be waiting for you).

In addition to existing libraries, we can create for you as many different fittings, flat parts and other elements as you wish. We will make the parts you need and send them to you as soon as possible (as a rule, the development of a new part, depending on its complexity, takes from one to three working days).

Compatible with any equipment

System PractiCAM™ Supports many models of plasma and laser CNC machines. It can also work with punching machines, spiral punching machines, jig punching machines, tube cutters and bar code readers. If your machine model is not yet in our library, then we will quickly write a post-processor for you completely free of charge, which will connect our program with your equipment.

Instant and accurate cost estimates

During your work, the system PractiCAM™ continuously creates an accurate cost estimate of all parts manufacturing costs. The full calculation takes into account the cost of material, labor costs for manufacturing parts, the cost of all fastening elements (bolts, screws, tires, rivets, etc.), as well as the cost of various accessories (blades, rods, flaps, etc.). The American tables of the SMACNA standard are given as an example, but you can create your own regulatory tables for accounting for labor costs at your enterprise, taking into account the specifics of your production.

Export and import of information in generally accepted formats.dxf, dwg and.csv for communication with software products of 1C, Microsoft, Autodesk companies

All information about the metal spent, consumables and components contained in the system PractiCAM™ can be translated into a .csv file format, which is supported by 1C: Accounting and Microsoft Excel programs. This makes it possible to calculate the cost of all your products using accounting programs.

System PractiCAM™ can work with .dxf and .dwg files, which allows you to import drawings from AutoCAD and Compass programs, as well as export cutting maps, fitting patterns and flat parts to these programs.

Importing orders from 1C:Accounting program

In the 1C: Accounting program, you can create orders for cutting fittings, indicating the names of fittings, their quantity, the material from which they should be made, technological parameters, names of allowances, etc., and send them to the system PractiCAM™. Having received the order, the system PractiCAM™ automatically finds the specified fittings in its libraries, applies the specified parameters to them and lays out the fitting patterns on sheets of metal. After automatic installation, control commands for your equipment are generated, as well as various reports and labels.

Metal saving

There is the possibility of using leftover sheet metal suitable for cutting out any products from them, and maximizing the use of sheet area. For this purpose, the “Warehouse” functional module has been added, which allows, after laying the main work parts on metal sheets, to automatically add flat parts from a pre-created list to unused space.

Possibility of automatic stacking of products using a combined cut

IN PractiCAM™ There are two options for automatic stacking of products: regular stacking and stacking with a combined cut for products that can be combined on one side.

Fully Russified

In addition to the Russian language, the system PractiCAM™ translated into English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean.

Various types of allowances

Allowances (connectors, locks, joints, seams) and notches contained in large quantities in the system libraries PractiCAM™ can be created in any geometric shape, fully parameterized and editable. The graphic editor provides ample opportunities for creating and editing allowances and notches.

Generating reports

System PractiCAM™ provides you with a wide selection of standard report templates. In addition to this, you can create your own reporting forms in any convenient format and with any type of layout. The main thing is that in the report you can report any information contained in the system PractiCAM™.

Creating Labels

Mark parts in the system PractiCAM™ easy and convenient. Various label templates are provided for your attention, but if they do not suit you for some reason, then you can create your own template. Add any information to your labels: your organization’s logo, barcodes, 3D images of parts, any part parameters you are interested in; edit these inscriptions in any style and font size. You can make a label for any fitting and flat part.

Useful Specifications

Specifications (SNiPs) of the system PractiCAM™ allow you to define all the features of your production standards when working with different products, allowing you to unify production, automate the entry of products for production and reduce the number of errors during entry, thereby increasing your productivity, and with it your profit. You can create your own rules for the production of products that are used in your enterprise.

Availability of libraries of double-wall fittings

In the system PractiCAM™ Libraries of double-wall fittings are available. They are used in cases where it is necessary to increase the level of heat and noise insulation. For each double wall fitting, insulation can be cut to fit between its walls.

Possibility of manual and automatic segmentation for large products

System PractiCAM™ allows you to segment (break into separate components) large-sized products that do not fit on a sheet of metal. You can set segmentation rules for each product yourself or entrust this process to the program.

Benefits of our technical support:

  • The best product support - at the request of users, we develop and add new software modules, create new fittings and parametric flat parts (within 1 - 3 days depending on the complexity of the product), add new methods of cutting fittings to existing ones.
  • Free training on how to use the program.
  • Regular update PractiCAM™— a new release comes out at least once every 2 weeks.
  • Development and addition of new labels and reports, placing on them the information necessary for the user.

Currently, a new version of the program has been developed PractiCAM™. Its main difference is that the program is now divided into many functional modules that can be turned on and off in various combinations, reducing or increasing the set of functions performed by the program. Depending on the number of included modules, the price of the program is determined. PractiCAM™ It is still possible to purchase the entire program with all its capabilities, but you can also buy one of the standard program packages (each of which is a truncated version of the system PractiCAM™), or a standard package with additional options.

Standard packages PractiCAM™:

PractiCAM™ for typical parts.

  • Use libraries of parametric flat (two-dimensional) parts, create flat parts using a graphic editor.
  • Work with a graphic model of the part, specify dimensions, material and thickness.
  • Use multiple layers when creating a part.
  • Import files with the extension .dxf, .dwg (AutoCAD, Compass, etc. systems).
  • Use automatic placement of parts on sheets of metal using various algorithms, including combined cutting.
  • Lay parts on sheets of metal manually.

  • at the exit).

PractiCAM™ for ventilation.

This package allows the user:

  • Use libraries of shaped products (fittings).
  • Work with a three-dimensional graphic model of a fitting, set dimensions, allowances, material, determine the method of cutting the fitting.
  • Work with the library of fittings accessories, specify dampers, stiffeners, couplers, rotary blades.
  • Use various marking notches, automatically generate bend lines, create marking lines.
  • Create a library of materials used, indicating the material thickness and type (sheet, roll).
  • Create a library of used allowances (connectors, locks, joints).
  • Apply automatic laying of product patterns on sheets of metal using various algorithms, including combined cutting.
  • Lay product patterns on sheets of metal manually.
  • Based on the installation results, generate and print installation maps.
  • Based on the laying results, automatically generate a sequence of control (CNC) commands for the cutter.
  • Set cutter parameters (table dimensions, table positioning and orientation, size and shape of cut at entry and cut
    at the exit).
  • Determine the method of transmitting control commands to the cutter (via a file or COM port).
  • Automatically segment (cut into pieces) large patterns.
  • Automatically add allowances when segmenting patterns.
  • Create and edit seam allowances connecting segmented parts of patterns.
  • Create tables for recalculating fitting section parameters and apply them when creating fittings.
  • Import/export files with the .pmx extension (PractiCAM™ program files).

PractiCAM™ Classic.

This package combines the PractiCAM™ for Generic Parts and PractiCAM™ for Ventilation packages and provides all the features listed for these packages.

The list of additional options (program features) for packages is given in the table.

If you want to learn more about PractiCAM™, then we can conduct a demonstration of the program at a time convenient for you, completely free of charge using Skype or TeamViewer, and at the same time answer all your questions. Also, specifically for your machine controller, completely free of charge, at your request, we can write a postprocessor and activate PractiCAM™ for you for 1 month so that you can evaluate all its capabilities directly in your work. All you need to do is call us or write a message to our email, or leave your contact information by filling out the following form.

When creating an order for cutting, you can enter parts manually or import data from another program.

An essential feature of specifying the initial data is the use of the alphanumeric part number and the name of the part in the product, which corresponds to its actual representation in the design documentation.

Library of standard products

The program allows you to describe a library of standard products and use them in the future when creating orders for cutting. You can reduce the time required to enter initial data for cutting by tens of times - a few commands and the order is ready for cutting.

Pasting the edges of parts

For parts, you can specify the edges to be glued. At the same time, an arbitrary number of grades of material for gluing edges is supported. The entered information is used to calculate the quantity and cost of the material per order.

When cutting glass or metal, this function is no less useful! In the same way, you can consider grinding the edges of parts for glass or cutting edges for welding for metal.

Optimal cutting

Automatic cutting of material is carried out taking into account technological and organizational parameters of production. The parameters allow you to set: cut width, cutting the edge of the sheet, taking into account through cuts, type of cutting, minimum distance between saws, etc.

A unique set of customizable parameters is a distinctive feature of the Astra Cutting program.

When manually editing maps, a number of functions are provided for quick and accurate cutting adjustments: placing a group of parts to the width of the cut, alignment to a common base, shifting until it stops, etc. At the same time, canceling completed operations is supported, allowing you to restore the previous state of the cutting map, and scaling document windows.

Full accounting of measured residues after cutting

Calculation of residues after cutting is carried out both automatically and in dialog mode. Depending on the set parameters, the remaining parts are automatically cut out in the following orders. When working with a list of residues, they can be added, deleted, sorted or filtered by any of the following criteria: sizes, material grade, fiber.

All order documentation

For each cutting map, a complete set of technological documentation is generated - a sketch and specification, including the necessary information for the manufacture of parts and accounting for the work performed. The cutting map is printed at any scale set by the user and in any sheet orientation. You can also set the output of several cutting cards on one printed sheet. In addition, the following documentation is generated: order specifications, material availability sheet, specification for gluing the edges of parts, an invoice for work performed and materials for the order, labels for marking parts.

Postprocessors for CNC cutting machines


Importing data from a furniture design program

A great way to realize your design ideas in three-dimensional form is to use. In a few minutes you will develop a project and just as easily cut it in the Astra Cutting program.