Wall ventilation. Supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment: effective air exchange systems

Many buildings that are currently being built, both industrial and residential, have very complex infrastructure and are designed with maximum emphasis on energy conservation. Therefore, it is impossible to do without installing such systems as general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems. To ensure efficient and long service life of ventilation systems, it is necessary to properly design and install a general air ventilation system, a smoke protection system and an air conditioning system. Installation of such equipment of any type must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. And in terms of technical characteristics, it must correspond to the volume and type of premises in which it will be used (residential building, public, industrial).

The correct operation of ventilation systems is of great importance: compliance with the deadlines and rules for carrying out preventive inspections, scheduled maintenance, as well as the correct and high-quality adjustment of ventilation equipment.

For each ventilation system put into operation, a passport and operational log are drawn up. The passport is drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored at the enterprise, and the other in the technical supervision service. The passport contains all the technical characteristics of the system, information about the repair work carried out, and copies of the as-built drawings of the ventilation equipment are attached to it. In addition, the passport reflects a list of operating conditions for all components and parts of ventilation systems.

Routine inspections of ventilation systems are carried out according to the established schedule. During routine inspections:

  • Defects are identified that are eliminated during routine repairs;
  • The technical condition of ventilation systems is determined;
  • Partial cleaning and lubrication of individual components and parts are carried out.

All data from a routine inspection of ventilation systems must be indicated in the operation log.

Also, during the work shift, the operating crew on duty provides for scheduled overhaul maintenance of the ventilation systems. This service includes:

  • Start-up, regulation and shutdown of ventilation equipment;
  • Supervision of the operation of ventilation systems;
  • Monitoring the compliance of air parameters and supply air temperature;
  • Elimination of minor defects.

Commissioning of general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems

The commissioning stage is a very important stage, because the quality of ventilation and air conditioning depends on the commissioning work.

During commissioning, the work of the installation team is visible, and the parameters specified in the project are checked and compared with the indicators specified in the project documentation. During the inspection, a complete check of the technical condition of the installed equipment, the distribution and uninterrupted operation of adjustment devices, the installation of control and diagnostic devices, and the identification of errors in the operation of the equipment are carried out. If deviations are detected that are within normal limits, then readjustment does not occur, and the object is prepared for delivery to the customer, with all documents completed.

All of our company’s foremen have specialized education, health and safety certificates, extensive work experience and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

At the commissioning stage, we measure air flow speed in air ducts, noise levels, test the quality of equipment installation, adjust engineering systems in accordance with project parameters, and certify.

Start-up testing and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out by a construction and installation or specialized commissioning organization.

Certification of ventilation systems

A technical document drawn up on the basis of checking the operating condition of ventilation systems and equipment, carried out using aerodynamic tests, is called ventilation system certification.

SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of buildings”, updated version of SNIP 3.05.01-85 “Internal sanitary systems” regulate the form and content of the ventilation system passport.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport, in accordance with the requirements of the above document, is mandatory.

Upon completion of the installation of ventilation systems, the customer receives a ventilation system passport.

A passport must be obtained for each ventilation system.

The passport is indispensable for registering purchased equipment, for proper operation of such equipment, in order to achieve the necessary sanitary and hygienic air parameters.

Within the period established by law, this document is provided by the control and supervisory authority. Receipt of this document is indisputable evidence in resolving controversial issues with the relevant authorities.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport can be carried out as a separate type of work, consisting of a set of aerodynamic tests. The conduct of such events is regulated by the following regulations:

  • SP 73.13330.2012;
  • STO NOSTROY 2.24.2-2011;
  • R NOSTROY 2.15.3-2011;
  • GOST 12.3.018-79. “Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests";
  • GOST R 53300-2009;
  • SP 4425-87."Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises";
  • SanPiN

Supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration from the TURKOV company, Moscow, no matter where you are, the atmospheric air always contains some kind of pollution: dust, car exhaust, factory chimneys, insects, fluff, smoke, gas pollution, etc.
The article discusses the main types of air pollution and methods of combating them using air handling units with TURKOV filtration.

If you divide air pollution as the particle size decreases, you get the following picture:

  1. Fine aerosol, as well as molecular (gaseous) pollution.

Let's consider these types of pollution in more detail, and also select ways to combat them.

These pollutions, as a rule, are local or periodic in nature.

One of the most common reasons for calls to technical service in the fall is due to “the ventilation is not blowing.” Most often this is October; gusts of the October wind blow leaves wherever possible and quickly clog either the protective mesh on the grille or the filter itself. If there are trees somewhere under the windows, you are at risk.
Fortunately, you can get rid of such pollutants using a regular brush or vacuum cleaner.

- “poplar fluff, heat, July...” Unlike autumn foliage, poplar fluff is light and spreads much further; thanks to its volatility, it can get into your ventilation system, even if poplars grow somewhere nearby. If poplars grow under the windows, then be prepared on a hot July weekend to clean either the supply grill with a brush, or the filter from the “carpet” that has accumulated there.

Insects. They are ubiquitous and get stuck in filters en masse, gradually rendering them unusable.
A brush and vacuum cleaner, as a rule, do not help much; small particles still remain in the filter.

The main danger of this type of pollution is that it is a Trojan horse for various microorganisms, bacteria, and other microscopic pests. Once in the coarse filter, bacteria actively multiply and gradually penetrate through the ventilation system into living spaces. The only method of combating this is to change filters on time, without turning them into a breeding ground for bacteria.

Protective mesh and coarse filter.

Dust of a technogenic nature, which appears as a result of human activity, a companion of cities and factories, is the most widespread and widespread - this is the same visible dust that swirls on the streets, settles on window sills, on the floor and furniture.

To combat this type of pollution, coarse filters are used:

  • G3 (retains 80-90% of synthetic dust)
  • G4 or F5 (retains at least 90% of synthetic dust)

Dust is mainly of natural origin, dust resulting from soil erosion and volcanic activity. Finely dispersed, distributed absolutely everywhere, capable of penetrating even through closed windows and extremely dangerous. It is this substance, in high concentrations, that causes allergies and poor health in asthma patients.

Solution: To combat this type of pollution, fine filters are used.:

  • F5 (retains 50-60% of atmospheric dust)
  • F7 (retains 80-90% of atmospheric dust)
  • F9 Carbon filter (retains more than 95% of atmospheric dust, smoke, odors, phenol, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and other harmful gases)

The most harmful type of pollution is a constant companion of megacities and large factories.
Car exhausts, factories, and thermal power plants are sources of huge amounts of smoke, fine dust and harmful gases.
A separate article can be written about the list of pollutants and gases, their localization and harm.

Solution: Such contaminants can only be combated by using specialized high-purity filters:

  • H10 (retains more than 85% of all types of contaminants)
  • H13 (retains more than 99.95% of all types of contaminants)

Standard air filtration

In TURKOV equipment we use F5 class filters.
This solution is optimal, as it allows you to filter the air efficiently, eliminating the most common contaminants while maintaining acceptable filter life.

Standard filtration class F5:

  • Filter F5 (retains at least 90% of synthetic dust)
  • Filter F5 (retains 50-60% of atmospheric dust)

What does a user get with the F5 filtering class:

  • The amount of dust in the premises is reduced.
  • Lack of mosquitoes, midges, and other flying creatures.
  • Lack of poplar fluff.

In the line of ZENIT HECO equipment with a casing made of foamed polypropylene, we optionally offer to equip the units with double filtration of supply air.
Air filtration classes G4 + F7.
Double filtration allows you to improve the filtration class of the supply air, while maintaining the service life of the filters.

Improved F7 class filtration:

  • G4 filter (retains at least 90% of synthetic dust)
  • Filter F7 (retains 80-90% of atmospheric dust)
  • Replacement frequency: 1-2 times a year

What does a user get with filtration class F7 (Compared to F5):

  • The amount of dust in the premises is significantly reduced.
  • Reducing allergic reactions.
  • Improving well-being in patients with asthma.

Systems with high air filtration i-Vent and Block is a compact air supply unit with air filtration.

Especially for large cities and places with difficult environmental conditions, the Turkov company has developed systems with a high level of air filtration.

These systems are equipped with 4-stage air filtration!

The dimensions, quantity and filtration class of each stage were selected for maximum effective joint operation of the filters.

4 stages of filtration:

Stage No. 1
Panel filter G4
It is used for primary air purification from large contaminants: fluff, insects, synthetic dust.

Stage No. 2
Pocket filter F5
Replacement frequency: 1-2 times a year
It is used for post-purification of air from small contaminants: fine synthetic dust, coarse and medium atmospheric dust.

Stage No. 3
Panel filter F9
It is used for fine air purification from fine atmospheric dust, smoke, benzene, acid vapors, phenol, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, formaldehyde and other harmful gases.

Stage No. 4
HEPA filter H13
It is used for absolute air purification, for clean areas and clean rooms. In the pharmaceutical and electronics industries, to solve problems of sanitation, hygiene and microclimate in medical institutions, at nuclear power plants, in the production of food (fermentation departments), medicines, etc.

This filtration class is also used for operating rooms.

The use of such a sequence of filters allows you to qualitatively purify the air from the maximum number of the most common contaminants, smoke, microorganisms, and gases by 99.95%.

What does a user get with filtration class H13 (Compared to F7):

  • Dust will completely disappear; from now on, the only sources of dust will be people and street clothes.
  • The influence of the external environment on the body of people with allergies and asthma patients is almost completely eliminated.
  • Even if there is a busy highway under the windows, the air in the apartment will always be absolutely clean, no odors, no harmful emissions, no gas pollution.

Application of Block high air filtration systems

This is a unit that does not have automation or a heater; the user controls the fan power using a rotary controller. Basically, the unit is used for air filtration by recirculating air indoors or is installed as a closer on existing ventilation to clean the supply air.

i-Vent This is a self-sufficient supply ventilation unit, with built-in automation and heater. The unit can be equipped with a VAV system and a CO2 system, which will significantly reduce operating costs. The optimal solution for organizing supply ventilation with filtration and a minimum number of ventilation ducts.

The air handling unit is used in apartments and houses with high requirements for air quality, pharmaceutical companies, electronics production, and hospitals. These systems are especially relevant in megacities and near factories, where the level of air pollution is extremely high.


Application supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration with a body thickness of 60mm, it allows the unit to be placed outdoors under a window, or on the side of the window, which eliminates the noise impact of the unit on the user, while the ventilation system occupies a minimum volume under the ceiling.

These systems are designed to organize energy-efficient ventilation systems with high air purification.

Supply fans and filters are removed from ZENIT and ZENIT HECO units.
The automation and heater are removed from the i-Vent unit.
The fan power regulator is removed from the Block unit.
ZENIT or ZENIT HECO units add a terminal block for connection to i-Vent or Block
i-Vent or Block units add a terminal block for connection to ZENIT or ZENIT HECO.
The electrical diagram for connection can be viewed at the link: Electrical diagrams

*System compatibility table

Advantages of these ventilation systems:

  • High air filtration is maintained.
  • The efficiency of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is maintained.
  • It is still possible to place i-Vent on the façade of the building.
  • The noise level of the air handling unit is reduced.

Until recently, we did not think about the quality of the air in our apartments, relying on the fact that periodic ventilation and installation were sufficient. Today, the creation of additional systems is becoming a necessity. This is understood not only by owners of apartments and private houses, but also by manufacturers who offer effective ones. How not to get confused when choosing and what will be most useful for creating a favorable indoor microclimate? in an apartment with filtration to supply fresh air - this is the most optimal solution, which, if desired, can be supplemented with a variety of useful options.

The principle of operation of supply ventilation

Read in the article

Why do we need supply ventilation with filtration in an apartment?

During renovation work, first of all, they pay attention to the design, select finishing materials, and analyze their combination. Few people think about microclimate. And in vain. Modern materials are of high quality in terms of environmental friendliness, have excellent energy saving indicators,. But many of them have low breathability. Not everyone pays attention to this.

If we take an ordinary average apartment and analyze the materials, we see:

  • – reinforced concrete;
  • external walls with an adhesive-based layer;
  • silicate;
  • – multi-chamber double-glazed windows with sealing;
  • metal with sealing rubber.

An ordinary apartment is quite airtight. Naturally, without ventilation, practically no fresh air flows into the apartment. In addition, laminated, tiled, etc. are often chosen for finishing. This increases breathability.

Lack of fresh air affects health. These are sleep disturbances, headaches, decreased immunity, frequent colds, and oncology. Natural ventilation solves the problem of air exchange only temporarily. The most effective and comfortable thing is to install forced ventilation in the apartment.

Forced ventilation - what is it?

Supply and exhaust ventilation ensures the most comfortable microclimate in the room. Its main advantages include:

  • all elements are made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • before being supplied to the room, the air masses undergo preliminary cleaning;
  • Additionally, the device can be equipped with a system for humidification, disinfection, and ionization of air flows;
  • When installed correctly, the system is absolutely safe;
  • long service life;
  • Possibility of self-installation, which significantly reduces costs.


Leading engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning LLC "GK "Spetsstroy"

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“The supply ventilation system can be equipped with a rotary or plate type recuperator (heat exchanger).


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Helps ensure adequate access to fresh air. This article discusses the principles of operation, factory models, technology for manufacturing and installing equipment in-house.

The principle of operation of supply ventilation

The installation of supply and exhaust ventilation in an apartment building or private building involves the preliminary installation of ventilation ducts through which air masses enter the room. can be installed outdoors. With its help, fresh air enters the house.

If necessary, it is installed in the room to heat outside air. The level of heating or cooling depends on the manufacturer.

The operating principle of the system is as follows:

  1. Air is pumped into the apartment by a ventilation unit.
  2. In the room, due to the pressure difference, contaminated masses come out through exhaust ducts.

Despite the fact that in apartment buildings ventilation ducts are installed during construction, if necessary, an individual ventilation system for an apartment can be installed independently.

Main types of supply ventilation

Ventilation is considered optimal, with the help of which the air volume completely changes within 2 hours. This is only possible with the help of an air supply system. The work of supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment is divided into 2 stages:

  • the supply system forcibly supplies air masses from the street, cleans them, and, if necessary, heats them;
  • the exhaust system removes polluted air.

Supply and exhaust ventilation combines these two processes. As a result, the indoor microclimate becomes comfortable and balanced.

Basic elements of supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment

A forced ventilation device in an apartment with plastic windows includes the following components, equipment and elements:

  1. Air intake unit. It includes a bell, adjustments and a grille.
  2. Filtration system.
  3. Air flow heating unit.
  4. Supply system It consists of pipes that are connected into a socket, through which the masses are supplied to the room. Additionally, a filtration system, including a noise-absorbing one, can be installed.
  5. A recuperator can be installed.
  6. Exhaust ventilation ducts for removing contaminated masses from the room. They are mounted in walls or on the ceiling.
  7. , creating pressure and vacuum in the channels.
  8. The control system adjusts the characteristics of the air exchange process.

You should know this! The temperature of the air masses entering the room should not be lower than +18°C, which is why the supply and exhaust system is most often installed with heating.

Types of supply ventilation systems for apartments

The supply and ventilation unit can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • ducted and ductless. In the first, air masses are supplied through, in the second - through inlet openings;
  • prefabricated and monoblock. The first ones consist of separate parts. The design of the latter includes a filter, an air duct system, an air heater, and control elements.

Supply systems can also be divided according to the ventilation method:

  • local− influx to a certain place;
  • complex– the supply system operates evenly over the entire area;
  • emergency or smoke control– triggered when there is increased smoke during a fire.

Supply ventilation with air heating

Continuous heating of air flows occurs thanks to a heat exchanger -. This is necessary to create a comfortable microclimate in the cool and winter seasons. The operating principle is as follows: the heat exchanger passes air flows without mixing them with the masses that are removed from the room. In other words, the incoming and outgoing flows are distributed through different channels, which are located close to each other, due to which heat exchange occurs between them.

The second heating option is using a heat pump operating in a heat pump mode or a heater. In such a system, exhaust air masses are mixed with supply air, purified, heated to a set temperature and supplied to the room.

Air conditioner with forced ventilation for an apartment

This type of installation is the most expensive. It provides an additional filtration system, installation of a compressor, condenser and evaporator. It includes both ventilation of air masses and cooling /.

The most expensive ones have automatic control. The sensors independently monitor the air condition, compare it with the specified parameters and turn on the required mode.

Air purification system for an apartment

When choosing the optimal and effective cleaning system for an air handling unit for an apartment, several factors are taken into account:

  • the performance of the ventilation unit, with the help of which air masses must be replaced once or twice over a certain period;
  • the noise level in the installation should not exceed permissible sanitary standards;
  • maintenance and maintainability.

For small city apartments, you can opt for small systems. They are inexpensive and their installation is usually not difficult. The equipment is compact and can be placed on a balcony, in a room under a window, on a wall or under the ceiling. Such units operate with little noise and serve an area of ​​up to 50 sq.m. Additionally, they can be equipped with an air mass heating function.

Full-fledged systems should be purchased for private houses or larger apartments. They are equipped with additional options: climate control, continuous air exchange, air quality monitoring.

Choosing an air filter for an apartment

The cleaning system is equipped with filters. Depending on the specified characteristics, they are classified into the following types:

Photo Description Degree of purification

G3-G4 - coarse cleaning. They use synthetic fabric or metal mesh.Up to 10 microns

F5-F9 – fine filtration, made of fiberglass.Up to 1 micron

HEPA filters.Up to 0.1 µm

Air filters for apartments protect the ventilation system from contaminants, thereby extending the life of the installation; a minimum amount of dust and contaminants penetrates into the room, which contributes to a more favorable microclimate. Their installation should be planned at the design stage.

Filters for supply ventilation in an apartment can be classified into the following types:

  • mechanical– provide double protection: they clean the air and supply and exhaust ventilation from external contaminants. They trap large particles, fur and dust;
  • roll− they are made of polyester. Filters from different manufacturers may vary in thickness;
  • cellular– can be corrugated in the form of a cassette or bag (pocket). The first ones are installed in almost all ventilation systems. Pocket ones are used after coarse filters. They are able to capture dust deposits;
  • electrostatic– traps oil deposits. They require periodic cleaning;
  • panel– made in the form of a frame with a mesh on which the filter fabric is attached.

Fighting bacterial air pollution

Medium and coarse filters are not suitable for combating bacterial contamination. An air ionizer is designed for these purposes. With its help, not only is it capable of destroying bacteria and viruses. The ionizer does not work separately, but in conjunction with the ventilation system.

The joint operation of the units efficiently and effectively destroys various types of air flow contaminants, extending the service life of the supply and exhaust ventilation.

The main nuances of installing supply ventilation in an apartment with your own hands

The ventilation system can be made in different ways: from the balcony, on the floor or from the outside of the building. The easiest way is to mount it under the ceiling. The work is carried out after rough finishing. You can choose a monoblock design or a system consisting of stacked elements.

Monoblock supply and exhaust ventilation is easier to install with your own hands. All components are assembled in one block, which is equipped with good sound insulation, and it is also compact. You can choose an installation with a recuperator and an air mass humidifier.

Many buildings that are currently being built, both industrial and residential, have very complex infrastructure and are designed with maximum emphasis on energy conservation. Therefore, it is impossible to do without installing such systems as general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems. To ensure efficient and long service life of ventilation systems, it is necessary to properly design and install a general air ventilation system, a smoke protection system and an air conditioning system. Installation of such equipment of any type must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. And in terms of technical characteristics, it must correspond to the volume and type of premises in which it will be used (residential building, public, industrial).

The correct operation of ventilation systems is of great importance: compliance with the deadlines and rules for carrying out preventive inspections, scheduled maintenance, as well as the correct and high-quality adjustment of ventilation equipment.

For each ventilation system put into operation, a passport and operational log are drawn up. The passport is drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored at the enterprise, and the other in the technical supervision service. The passport contains all the technical characteristics of the system, information about the repair work carried out, and copies of the as-built drawings of the ventilation equipment are attached to it. In addition, the passport reflects a list of operating conditions for all components and parts of ventilation systems.

Routine inspections of ventilation systems are carried out according to the established schedule. During routine inspections:

  • Defects are identified that are eliminated during routine repairs;
  • The technical condition of ventilation systems is determined;
  • Partial cleaning and lubrication of individual components and parts are carried out.

All data from a routine inspection of ventilation systems must be indicated in the operation log.

Also, during the work shift, the operating crew on duty provides for scheduled overhaul maintenance of the ventilation systems. This service includes:

  • Start-up, regulation and shutdown of ventilation equipment;
  • Supervision of the operation of ventilation systems;
  • Monitoring the compliance of air parameters and supply air temperature;
  • Elimination of minor defects.

Commissioning of general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems

The commissioning stage is a very important stage, because the quality of ventilation and air conditioning depends on the commissioning work.

During commissioning, the work of the installation team is visible, and the parameters specified in the project are checked and compared with the indicators specified in the project documentation. During the inspection, a complete check of the technical condition of the installed equipment, the distribution and uninterrupted operation of adjustment devices, the installation of control and diagnostic devices, and the identification of errors in the operation of the equipment are carried out. If deviations are detected that are within normal limits, then readjustment does not occur, and the object is prepared for delivery to the customer, with all documents completed.

All of our company’s foremen have specialized education, health and safety certificates, extensive work experience and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

At the commissioning stage, we measure air flow speed in air ducts, noise levels, test the quality of equipment installation, adjust engineering systems in accordance with project parameters, and certify.

Start-up testing and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out by a construction and installation or specialized commissioning organization.

Certification of ventilation systems

A technical document drawn up on the basis of checking the operating condition of ventilation systems and equipment, carried out using aerodynamic tests, is called ventilation system certification.

SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of buildings”, updated version of SNIP 3.05.01-85 “Internal sanitary systems” regulate the form and content of the ventilation system passport.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport, in accordance with the requirements of the above document, is mandatory.

Upon completion of the installation of ventilation systems, the customer receives a ventilation system passport.

A passport must be obtained for each ventilation system.

The passport is indispensable for registering purchased equipment, for proper operation of such equipment, in order to achieve the necessary sanitary and hygienic air parameters.

Within the period established by law, this document is provided by the control and supervisory authority. Receipt of this document is indisputable evidence in resolving controversial issues with the relevant authorities.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport can be carried out as a separate type of work, consisting of a set of aerodynamic tests. The conduct of such events is regulated by the following regulations:

  • SP 73.13330.2012;
  • STO NOSTROY 2.24.2-2011;
  • R NOSTROY 2.15.3-2011;
  • GOST 12.3.018-79. “Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests";
  • GOST R 53300-2009;
  • SP 4425-87."Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises";
  • SanPiN

When buying a long-awaited home, people try to provide the most comfortable conditions for their stay. Comfort is not only arranging an apartment with furniture and household appliances, but also creating a microclimate favorable to health. Below we will tell you how supply ventilation in an apartment can help with this.

The air flow in your apartment depends on the arrangement of ventilation, because air can not only affect our mood and performance, but also cause serious damage to your body. Supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration can provide clean air.

A supply ventilation system in an apartment is necessary to ensure normal living conditions, like other engineering communication systems. This system performs the following functions:

  • Supply of the required amount of fresh air to the apartment.
  • Cleaning it from dust and insects.
  • It cools the incoming air in the summer and warms it up in the winter.

In addition to the above, it performs a number of other, smaller functions, but they are considered less relevant.

About supply ventilation and installation

Most of us are sure that it is not worth spending money on expensive air handling units because you can simply open the window and let in the right amount of fresh air. Of course, it is impossible to keep the window open all the time, especially in winter. And do not forget that along with an open window, insects, dust, and exhaust gases fly into the house along with fresh air, from which people living close to a busy highway especially suffer. In this case, installing supply ventilation for the apartment will help out.

Installing a ventilation valve (ventilator) in a PVC window

We will need the following tools: felt-tip pen or pencil; Phillips screwdriver; ruler and knife.

  • To begin, open the window and at the top mark a distance on the sash equal to the length of the valve. You can measure with a ruler, or attach the supply valve itself.
  • Carefully cut out part of the seal within the marked limits. This can be easily cut with a utility knife.
  • The valve is mounted on the cut-out area using self-tapping screws (two at the edges and one in the center).
  • Then other seals, thinner ones, which come complete with the window valve, are glued between the screws.
  • On the frame, opposite the valve, the standard seal is also replaced with a new one from the kit. The thin seals do not touch, and air from the street freely flows into the gap formed.

Installation options will depend on the valve model and its configuration.

Installation of the supply valve

What methods exist for additional air flow into the apartment? The easiest way to improve ventilation in an apartment is to install a fan in the window or install a supply valve in the wall. The supply valve is the simplest device that can be installed independently without turning to specialists for help. By the way, it does not require an electrical connection.

The range of supply valves is very large. It starts from the most common noise-protective devices and ends with automatic devices that respond to changes in humidity in the apartment. The latter, in turn, allow you to ventilate the room without opening the window. When the “Normal” indicator is reached, it automatically closes. Of course, cutting into the wall will be expensive and time-consuming, but it will be worth it. Moreover, you can install either a ready-made or a hand-made valve.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a supply valve into a wall

  1. We outline the installation location.
  2. We cut an opening in the wall slightly larger than the valve duct.
  3. We insert an air duct wrapped in thermal insulation into the opening.
  4. Fill the gap with sealant or foam.
  5. Remove excess mounting foam.
  6. We assemble the valve itself.

You can choose any location for installing the supply valve. Recommended installation at the level of the upper third of the window, i.e. like a window.

Supply air filtration

Supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration purifies incoming air masses and has several designs that require knowledge and time to install. The system operates automatically, and this is very convenient, since residents do not need to think about managing it.

It turns on and off on its own, because it has built-in special sensors that can determine the air humidity in the apartment, as well as its contamination.

Supply ventilation in the apartment with filtration. This installation consists of:

  • Automatic adjustment system.
  • Fan.
  • An air valve that protects the unit from accidental air entry when it is “sleeping.”
  • Air duct.
  • Filters that provide air purification.
  • Lattice.
  • Soundproofer.

Supply ventilation for apartments with filtration has prefabricated or monoblock installations. The main difference between them is: price, size, installation method, as well as various functionality. This compact system takes up little space. It supplies purified air to the room, and if there are additional functions, it cools it. Heated models are also available.

Installation of the heat exchanger is unlikely to take one day, because... you need to drill a load-bearing wall, hang equipment and pull out ventilation ducts. In addition, the air handling unit is connected to the electrical network.

You can install a factory monoblock system in all rooms where people are constantly present. Its small size and silent operation make this installation attractive to apartment residents. Another advantage of a compact installation: it is not necessary to order a project and do calculations, as well as commissioning work.

Such a system is installed under the window or on the side of the window. It should also be freely available.

How to make fresh ventilation in an apartment? Here, for example, are the installation instructions: do-it-yourself supply ventilation in an apartment or installing a compact supply plenum.

First, an opening is formed in the wall that coincides with the channel. To do this, you will need a special tool that you will not find in every home - equipment for drilling from diamond chips. Next, the channel is insulated and soundproofed. The next step is to connect the air intake duct to the main unit and fix it in the wall with fasteners that are included in the assembly kit.

Checking the operation of natural ventilation

Of course, before moving into an apartment we do not think about the ventilation system; this was the concern of the developer and designer. During the construction of high-rise buildings, ventilation ducts are installed that lead to the bathroom and kitchen. The influx of clean air, as well as the elimination of polluted air, occurs naturally. Fresh air comes from a vent, an open window or door, and the exhaust air exits through the same ventilation duct.

You can check for yourself how well the central ventilation duct functions for your apartment. Open a window slightly in any room, take a strip of thin paper, approximately 4*25 cm, and bring it 10 cm closer to the ventilation grill. The free end of the strip is sucked in - the system works well, and if it does not tighten well, then you should clean the system.

Using a lit match to check draft is prohibited by Fire Safety Rules, because there may be gas in the mine and then destructive consequences cannot be avoided.

When the apartment has tight windows and doors, and there is no additional air flow, the principle of natural ventilation is disrupted. Without the supply of air from outside, the common house ventilation ducts cease to function.

What parameters are taken into account

Before installing supply ventilation with filtration, you need to decide, based on calculations, which fan or valve you need.

Air exchange calculations are very easy to do:
For 1 square meter of area, the air exchange flow should be at least 3 cubic meters per hour, and for 1 person - 30 cubic meters per hour.

Fans are selected according to power. For an apartment, a fan with a capacity of up to 500 cubic meters is sufficient. m/hour.
Based on the calculation results, you can easily draw up an apartment ventilation project.


It can be fully stated that supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration performs all the necessary tasks and ensures the formation of a favorable climate in the house. With this attitude, you will never have a headache from stuffiness, and your health and mood will always be wonderful.

In a ventilated bedroom, nursery, office, it is better to sleep and work. If you decide to do the ventilation of the apartment yourself, then before purchasing equipment you need to take into account the size of the room and the number of people in it most of the time. If the calculation is done correctly, then installing fresh air ventilation in the apartment will create an excellent microclimate.