Master class on making cards for the day of family, love and fidelity. The best congratulations on Family Day in verse and prose Download a card with congratulations on Family Day

You can download “Happy Family Day” cards and animations and funny pictures for free from the catalog on our website to send to the people dearest to your heart: parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children.

Happy Family Day!

Our family is the people who surround us from the moment of birth and throughout our lives. They are real guardian angels with whom you can share joys and hardships. We are connected to them by roots, blood, spiritually.

A person is not given the choice of which family to be born into. Having already matured, he independently chooses his spouse and creates his own “unit of society.” As a rule, he loves his relatives by blood and by right equally strongly, with all his soul.

Once a year is very little to let your family know how valuable and loved they are. But it is on July 8, on the international day of family, love and fidelity, that you need to forget about everything and please them, if not with gifts, then at least with touching postcards from those that we offer you.

On a wonderful family holiday, do not skimp on emotions, kind, sincere words and hugs. Let your loved ones feel how dear they are to you.

Pictures-postcards with inscriptions

There are people who know that the family holiday is actually celebrated twice a year! July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the history and traditions of which you will learn a little later. And May 15, International Family Day. This day was declared a holiday back in 1993 by the UN General Assembly.

The international organization emphasizes the importance of the family as the original unit of society in which a person socializes, learns to interact with others, learns what love, support, affection is, and most importantly, universal values.

For more than 20 years in a row, on May 15, many countries have held official and entertainment events dedicated to Family Day. Relatives gather under one roof to chat and dine on home-cooked food.

If you do not have the opportunity to organize such a meeting, take just a few minutes to select from the catalog on our website, download and send beautiful postcards with inscriptions in Russian, Ukrainian and English to your family and dear people on social networks.

Wishes of love and fidelity

On the International Day of Family or the Holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity, send mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and children beautiful congratulations in pictures with wishes of health, prosperity, tender and trusting relationships with family, mutual respect, comfort in the home and a huge amount of warm moments together. It doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry or prose, the main thing is that it’s from the heart!

Beautiful animated pictures

The most effective and funniest greeting cards for family holidays are animated. The animation comes to life, the pictures move, the images change each other, sparkles, sparkles, twinkling stars, and butterflies flapping their wings appear on them.

Holiday - Family Day: when it is celebrated, history

Why is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated? July 8? The holiday is quite young. In Russia it has been celebrated since 2008, in Ukraine - since 2012. The date of celebration coincides with Memorial Day Peter and Fevronia. Saints are considered patrons of family and marriage.

Their story is amazing. Back in the 13th century, young Prince Peter, who was suffering from terrible incurable leprosy, saw the commoner Fevronia in a dream, who sat down to communicate with animals and save people from illnesses with the help of herbs. The prince found her and promised to marry her in exchange for a cure. Fevroia managed to overcome leprosy; Peter kept his promise, which aroused the wrath of the nobility. Then he exchanged title, power and money for love, and began to live a simple life with his wife. The couple ended their days in the monastery; the couple died on the same day and were buried in the same coffin.

The symbol of Family Day, love and fidelity is the chamomile. You can most often find an image of this flower on animated postcards and photos with congratulations. In addition to daisies, they depict people holding hands, lion families - prides, swans intertwining their necks, doves, etc.

Cool video congratulations

In addition to animated congratulations and postcard pictures, send your loved ones videos with beautiful words accompanied by gentle musical accompaniment.

Your child will love the cartoon video in which the cute bee Maya congratulates him on Family Day.

The family, like a quiet haven, tirelessly waits for its inquisitive ship from distant voyages. And he brings to her all the joys, hopes and anxieties. On Family Day, don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones with a beautiful poem or hug and kiss your parents, because your family, like a lighthouse in the ocean of life, will shed light even on the darkest night and will always show you the right path.

Short congratulations on Family Day

May your home be a full cup,
And year after year life becomes more and more beautiful,
The soul is calm and light,
A family is strong by harmony!

Family Day today in the world -
how many of you are in the family, four?
Let it quickly become ten:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, become stronger,
Never upsets!

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
Family is a place where they believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look rule.
In a family, everything is always shared among everyone:
Problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong happy family,
Then sadness will pass you by.

Happy day of family, love and fidelity
We send you congratulations.
The aroma of wonderful tenderness
Let your home be filled!
Let the words of recognition ring out,
And there will be no end to them!
Let your wishes come true
Hearts beat in unison!

Touching congratulations on International Family Day in verse

Family is our wealth
And a divine gift from above!
I wish you not to part
And always be together everywhere!
On this holiday I wish you family
To love and appreciate each other,
And tender feelings and affection,
Carrying it through the years, keep it!

Year after year, from generation to generation,
The custom is very ancient,
Living together in love, creating families,
Warming each other with care.
Each one stands there like a solid mountain,
For those whom I called my family,
They raise children, parents are held in high esteem,
Always in business, troubles and work.
And there is no price for such kinship threads,
Which, like the sun at its zenith,
They caress everyone with rays of kindness,
Hopes, affection, hearts of warmth.
For them today is the Day of Family and Happiness,
May their misfortunes not always pass,
But everyone knows, without hiding faith,
Since ancient times, the unbreakable stronghold is family!

On International Family Day,
We congratulate you!
A union strong and in love
We wish you to live long!
Let the children of elders never
They don’t disappoint you in any way!
And dad and mom of the kids
They surround you with care!
For the heart - holiday, warmth
And joy in communication!
We wish you always with your loved ones
Be on better terms!

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement, trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Sincere wishes on Family Day for mom and dad

Who will always warm your heart,
There are no hands more tender than anyone,
Who has the keys to the door?
The one that is hidden in the soul.
Well of course it's mom
The best, most faithful friend,
The one that is sincere and direct,
Not afraid of severe blizzards.
And her father matches her too,
Always ready to help everyone,
Mom and dad are so similar
Just like we do on them, exactly the same.
We are their children, after all.
And born in love
We hasten to congratulate them now
Happy family holiday!
We are proud of our home
The feelings are not hidden at all,
Let's just say it to everyone we know,
We are a great family!

Only mom knows for sure -
The most important thing in life is family,
After all, it can’t be otherwise,
If happiness is at the helm.
I congratulate mom,
And I thank her,
Only mom knows for sure
How to love your family!

I want to say thank you dad
After all, among all family ideals
Only he was able to once make it clear -
Family is the main beginning in life.
Happy Day of Fidelity, Family and Happy Day of Love
I want to congratulate my dear dad,
Let your dreams come true!
You won't find a daddy like him anywhere!

Let it be like this:
There is love in the family,
There is respect at work.
Success, joy, work
And a little patience!
We wish to have everything in the house,
We wish you to succeed in everything in life,
Maintain health and vigor
And live for many, many years!

Beautiful congratulations on Family Day in prose

There are many wonders and amazing places in the world, but no matter how interesting it is across the seven seas, a person will always strive to return to his homeland, to his family. All the treasures of the world cannot compare with a mother’s affectionate hugs, a tender kiss from a wife and a happy smile from a child. Congratulations on International Family Day, always be healthy and happy, love and support each other - by doing this you will definitely make the world a little better!

There is a well-known proverb that it is easy to break one branch, but if they are collected in a bunch, it is hardly possible. That's how it is with family. Together it is much easier to face life’s adversities, find solutions, fight... And how sweet it is to share victories with loved ones! Today, on Family Day, please accept sincere congratulations and wishes that peace, harmony, love, mutual assistance and understanding always reign in your family!

The real value in life is family and friends. Congratulations on Family Day and wish you mutual understanding, happiness, bright plans and many interesting activities. May the family always be a strong rock, protection from adversity and consolation in troubles. Love, beauty, bright future, prosperity and joint development!

Dear friend! On Family Day, I wish you home comfort and warmth, may the family hearth shine with sparkles of joy and kindness. Ruddy pies on the table, tender hugs from relatives, kind words and beautiful deeds. May fidelity, love and mutual understanding accompany your family for many years to come, and may your family photo album be filled with images of the best moments!

Lyubov Fedotova

Good afternoon, dear guests of my page!

Tomorrow we celebrate the holiday - Day of family, love and fidelity. I won’t talk about Peter and Fevronia; enough has already been said about them on our website. I want to offer you a master class on making cards for this holiday. This is for those who would like to make a postcard, but don’t have time - the easiest option. Everyone knows that the daisy is considered a symbol of family and holiday, so we will make a card with a daisy.

To work we will need:

Green cardboard, white office paper or cardboard, yellow colored paper;



Glue - pencil.

Let's get started:

1. Find the middle on green cardboard and fold the edges towards the middle. This is the template for our postcard.

2. Draw a flower and a center according to the template.

3. Cut out the parts and assemble the flower.

4. On the back side of the flower, mark the middle with a pencil.

5. Coat one part of the flower up to the line with glue and glue it to the card.

6. Turn it over - our postcard is ready. All that remains is to paste a poem - a congratulation, for example this:

"Happy Family Day

All of you, dears!

So that in happiness and love

We lived all the time!

So that the house is full

There was certainly ours,

And so that we could live in it


Thank you for your attention!

I will be glad if someone takes advantage of the master class and has time to make a postcard.