Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels 8. Qigong for the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular diseases have become a scourge for modern people. They are one of the deadliest diseases on the planet: out of 10 sudden deaths, nine are from heart disease. They most often become the cause of disability. After 30 years, 70% of men and 84% of women are susceptible to them.

The development of heart disease is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and stressful situations, which have become constant components of the life of a modern person.

It is impossible to treat cardiovascular diseases with medications alone. Physical exercise is a good helper both in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. But not every physical activity is suitable for training the heart, especially if it is not entirely healthy, and you are no longer young. In this case, an individual approach to the choice of exercises is especially important.
When performing any physical activity, “core” athletes must remember the mandatory rules.

Chinese doctors use ancient oriental practices in the treatment of any disease, including heart disease.
Findings from Chinese cardiologists that traditional Chinese practices of qigong and tai chi help improve the health of people with diseases heart and blood vessels, doctors from many Western countries confirmed.
Thus, according to an analysis of medical publications by scientists from 10 countries, people who have heart and vascular diseases and regularly practice qigong for several years have lower blood pressure, lower levels of “bad” blood cholesterol, and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is noteworthy that qigong exercises do not affect the rhythm of the heart, so patients can perform them with arrhythmia, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Probably each of us knows that the heart plays a key role in ensuring human life. Our heart, weighing only about 300 grams, performs a tremendous job, providing every cell of our body with the necessary substances. And in order for the heart to function properly, it itself needs sufficient oxygen supply and the absence of stress in life. The nervous system is responsible for regulating the activity of the heart, and the health-improving practice of qigong allows you to harmonize the functioning of the nervous system, and thereby maintain heart health for many years.

According to ancient Chinese concepts, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is associated with the pericardial canal. Also, ancient Chinese healers believed that the heart is responsible for the emotional sphere of a person. Therefore, treating and strengthening the heart requires a special approach. When performing any physical activity, “heart patients” must remember the mandatory rules.

Basic rules for “core” athletes during physical education.

  1. You should not sharply increase the load even if you feel well, and if shortness of breath or pain appears, stop doing the exercise, take nitroglycerin and consult a doctor.
  2. You can do gymnastics only one and a half to two hours after eating.
  3. Constant heart rate monitoring: before, during and after exercise. The pulse should not exceed 120 beats per minute.

An excellent remedy for improving the cardiovascular and nervous systems is the complex “Calm the heart and equalize pressure.” It has a positive effect on blood pressure, stabilizing it. Therefore, performing these qigong exercises is shown as hypertension, and with hypotension. With the help of these exercises, you can work out energy channels and eliminate energy imbalances, which cause quite complex diseases in the cardiovascular system.
The study of this complex can be divided into three stages.

Stages of studying the complex.

  1. Studying the external form of movement, followed by proper breathing.
  2. Study of internal parameters accompanying movement.
  3. Awareness of the “energy body” as reality.

At the second stage, learn concepts such as:

  • "stretching the crown"
  • "defocus of gaze"
  • “sparseness-density of space”
  • "turbulence"
  • "opening-closing"
  • "tailbone-lumbar"
  • "emptiness-fullness"
  • "stick-unstick"

and learn to maintain the external state of the “Small Heavenly Circle”:

  • the tongue touches the palate lightly
  • the anus is slightly retracted (“locking” the Hui-yin point).

Touching the palate with the tongue and slightly retracting the anus allows you to close the anteromedian and posterior median meridians, creating a semblance of an energy circle. But do not try to invent the energy flowing through it, since this will have nothing to do with reality. The real feeling of energy arises spontaneously as you practice systematically. It is important not to miss this moment, but it is also undesirable to get attached to waiting for its arrival.

At the third stage, in the consciousness of the practitioner, “the energy body acquires the same reality as the physical one. And in this state, he is imbued with pure energy: “Earth Qi” and “Heaven Qi.”

Energy accumulation occurs in three TAN-TIAN centers, which are associated with the “SMALL HEAVENLY CIRCLE”.

The collection of energy or its emission is carried out through the main energy points.

Main energy points.

crown of head

crotch point

center of forehead

center of the eyebrow

center of palms

center of feet

The main points in the formation of the “Small Heavenly Circle” are two points:

  • Point BAI-HUI (T 20). "Back median meridian"
  • Point HUIYIN (J 1). "Anterior median meridian"

Localization of the BAI-HUI point: in the middle of the line connecting the tops of the ears.

Indications for massage: headache, dizziness; tinnitus; neurasthenia; memory loss; heartbeat; rectal prolapse or uterine prolapse.

Localization of the HUIYIN point: between the genitals and the anus.

Indications for massage: menstrual disorders, impotence, perineal sweating, genital itching, vaginitis, uterine prolapse; diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids, constipation; difficulty urinating.

Complex “Calm the heart and equalize pressure.”

This complex will give a positive effect to patients with any disease, but still, first of all, it is intended for people suffering from hypertension, hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It includes eight exercises that are performed in a certain sequence.

  1. "Rising to the Cry of the Rooster"
  2. "The White Monkey Brings Fruit"
  3. "The golden elephant curls its trunk"
  4. "The yellow stork folds its wings"
  5. "Shangong massages ears"
  6. "Tapping massage"
  7. "Twisted Roots of an Old Tree"
  8. "Massage with a step forward"
  9. "Rising to the crow of a rooster."

In the article we offer two videos with this set of exercises. Review them carefully and choose the option that is most convenient for you. Study each exercise separately in detail and only after that proceed to perform the complex as a whole. Masters recommend spending 3-4 days studying the external form of each movement. It takes the same amount of time to master the entire complex. And it often takes years to master the internal content.

The cause of the development of many diseases can be exhaustion and weakening of blood vessels. Violation of their functions leads to stagnation of blood in the organs, disruption of heat exchange and other processes in the body. A person begins to feel general weakness, exhaustion, loses appetite, and his blood pressure decreases or increases.

Special gymnastics for blood vessels helps to eliminate such problems. Regular exercises in combination with drug treatment can achieve good results in just a few months.

Why do you need to do gymnastics for blood vessels?

The peculiarity of vascular diseases is that they begin gradually, proceed sluggishly, but are also deadly.

According to statistics, the most common cause of death is vascular disease. Weak blood vessels mean an increased risk of developing:

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Hypertension.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.

As a rule, people begin to go to the hospital only after the development of serious complications caused by impaired vascular function. To prevent their occurrence, people with varicose veins, poor circulation, headaches, memory impairment and other pathologies associated with weakening of blood vessels are recommended to do gymnastics daily to strengthen the vascular system.

There are quite a few different techniques that have been developed specifically for this purpose. Some of the most effective among them are:

  • Exercises developed by Chinese professor Hu Xiaofei.
  • Sitela exercises.
  • Gymnastics Nishi.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • The Daoyin Yangshen Gong exercise system (developed by Chinese professor Zhang Gaunde).

There are also other exercises, for example, for spasms of the vessels of the head, gymnastics for the vessels of the head and neck, exercises for the lower extremities, for the vessels of the neck with atherosclerosis, breathing exercises.

Research by scientists from Beijing University of Physical Education has proven that the largest places where congestion occurs, which prevents the normal movement of blood throughout the body, include:

  • Armpit area.
  • Elbow joints.
  • Mid chest.
  • Knee joints.

Chinese experts recommend regularly performing the exercises they suggest for just 10 minutes a day. This will restore blood circulation and normal functioning of blood vessels. Dancing and yoga also help strengthen blood vessels.

Gymnastics Nishi

Nishi Katsudzo developed gymnastics aimed at improving oxygen supply to the brain and strengthening the body's defenses. To improve the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system and blood circulation, Nishi suggests the exercises presented below.


Position - lying on your back, hands under your neck. Bring your legs together, pull their toes towards you. Create vibration movements with your body, imitating the movements of a swimming fish. Movements should be directed to the right and left sides.

The duration of the exercise is at least two minutes.

Stimulating capillary function

While lying on your back, raise and fix your arms and legs in a vertical position. It is necessary to actively shake them for 2-3 minutes.

Sitela exercises

Professor A. Sitel developed a method for restoring vascular functions. This technique involves muscle relaxation, to achieve which it is necessary to perform slow and rhythmic movements. The professor developed separate movements for each muscle group.

With the help of Sitela's exercises, you can achieve significant improvement in your condition without resorting to the use of pharmaceuticals. For example, headaches can be easily eliminated by restoring blood circulation.

The advantage of the Sitel method is that his exercises can be performed even by patients who have advanced spinal diseases.

  1. Stand against a wall, leaning your back and heels against it. Raise your arms above your head. You need to concentrate on your hands, and at the moment when they begin to spontaneously fall down, try to fix them, not allowing them to do this.
  2. To relax the muscles of the lumbar region, you need to stand with your back to the wall and raise your right leg up 90 degrees. Try to hold it in this position for at least 25 seconds. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Perform alternate lifts with each leg 20 times.
  3. Stand up straight, place your fingers on the base of the sacrum. Inhale, counting to 10, while simultaneously pressing your fingers on the sacrum. In this case, you should push your fingers back with your back, creating resistance. Then you need to exhale deeply and repeat the exercise. Perform 5-6 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  4. For the vessels of the neck and head. Sit on a chair, tilting your head to the right and clasping it with your overstretched arm. The index finger of the left hand should hold the uppermost vertebra. Inhale, creating resistance with your right palm. As you exhale, relax the muscles and repeat the action with the other hand. Perform 10 approaches with each hand, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  5. To do this, while inhaling, you need to raise the shoulder girdle as much as possible, fixing it in this position for 15 seconds. Then exhale and lower your shoulders down. Repeat at least 6 times.

It should be borne in mind that Sitela exercises have some contraindications. You cannot do gymnastics if:

  • Presence of spinal injuries.
  • Pregnancy.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The presence of acute chronic diseases.
  • Serious neurological disorders.
  • Disorder of the vestibular apparatus.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises help enrich the blood with oxygen, which acts as a natural vasodilator. There are several methods of breathing exercises - Strelnikova, Qigong, Yoga, deep breathing technique according to Buteyko.

Despite the fact that such techniques were developed by different specialists, all breathing exercises are built on similar principles and are performed by taking a deep breath through the nose, holding the breath and exhaling smoothly through the mouth.

For example, Sitel suggests lying with your back on a flat surface and exhaling as deeply as possible. Then you need to take a very slow breath through your nose, gradually drawing air back into your lungs. Inhalation must be done until the ribs straighten and acquire an arched position. If there is no dizziness or discomfort, perform 10 such inhalations and exhalations.

When performing yoga breathing exercises, inhalations and exhalations are accompanied by protrusion and retraction of the abdomen. Thanks to such techniques, it is possible to reduce blood pressure and normalize vascular function. With regular exercise, patients can get rid of hypertension forever.

Gymnastics for atherosclerosis

  • Walk and jog daily. If you wish, you can combine running with exercises for the shoulder girdle.
  • Perform body bends.
  • Do gymnastics to help develop good balance.
  • Turn your head to the right and left, fixing it in a given position for several seconds.

Over time, you can begin to increase the load using small dumbbells. You should not immediately start classes with heavy loads and a fast pace, since in this case the patient may feel unwell.

Exercises for the blood vessels of the legs

Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs are especially common, because they have to withstand heavy loads every day - long periods of standing, walking, lifting weights. For the vessels of the lower extremities it is recommended to do the following exercises:

  • When standing, your feet are straight. You need to slowly rise on your toes and lower yourself. Perform 20-30 such lifts, and then spread your toes apart and repeat 20-30 raises on your toes again. Next, you need to bring your socks together and spread your heels and rise again on your toes 20-30 times.
  • A good exercise for the blood vessels in the legs is walking on a flat surface. You need to walk in such a way that the soles of your feet do not leave the floor.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. You need to pedal for 2-3 minutes, then take a short break and repeat the exercise again.
  • In a lying position, you need to rotate your feet and legs to the right and left.

Strengthening cerebral blood vessels

Even completely healthy people can suffer from impaired vascular tone. This condition is called vegetative-vascular dystonia. To normalize blood circulation, you need to perform the following exercises for the blood vessels of the brain:

  • Stand against a wall, leaning your body tightly against it. Inhale so that your chest is pressed tightly against the wall and your neck muscles are tense as much as possible. Fix in this position for a few seconds, and then repeat the exercise.
  • Squat down and place your palm on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward, creating counteraction with your palm. The neck muscles should be tense. Remain in this position for at least 5 seconds.
  • Next, you need to repeat the previous movements, tilting your head not forward, but to the sides.
  • This exercise also gives a good effect: tilt your head to the side, and then carefully rotate it in a circle - first to the right and then to the left.

Strengthening blood vessels and heart

It is very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels to ride a bicycle, swim, walk up the stairs, and perform cardio exercises. The simplest and most effective among them are:

  • Walking on your toes, raising your knees high.
  • Simulation of cycling while lying on your back.
  • Exercise “scissors” with legs, also lying on your back.

It should be borne in mind that if cardiac and vascular activity is weakened, the body should not be overloaded with grueling activities.

The main thing is to regularly perform exercises with strict cyclicity: the load should always be followed by relaxation. This helps to increase the muscle fibers of the heart and strengthen blood vessels.

Hello, dear readers. Do you know from which diseases most people in the world die? These are diseases of the cardiovascular system. External factors, genetic predisposition, pathologies - all this sooner or later leads to problems and visits to doctors. However, if you are reading this article, then I will make you happy: problems of this kind can be eliminated.

And Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels, called “Qigong,” will help you with this. The system originated (if you believe legends) more than 7,000 years ago, but it came to the countries of the Soviet Union in its full form just after the collapse of the USSR: in the early 90s. In China, the system has been used for thousands of years and brings tangible results: the abundance of long-livers who have maintained clarity of mind and good physical health in this country is obvious.

What problems arise with our blood vessels and why?

Problems with blood vessels can begin from your very birth: some unpleasant features can be inherited (vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension or hypotension, bloating of the veins in the legs). A sedentary lifestyle causes blood stagnation in the lower extremities and can lead to early heart attacks and strokes, and atherosclerosis.

Smoking and drinking alcohol dilates blood vessels and can make their walls inelastic. Varicose veins not only look unsightly, but are also dangerous.

Diabetes reduces blood circulation in the feet, which can lead to gangrene. Remember: what hereditary predispositions do you have regarding the cardiovascular system? How are they influencing your life now?

The most effective method of improving the cardiovascular system is light, regular exercise, an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. However, not all of us have the opportunity to lead a completely healthy life: many professions require sitting, and in large cities you unwittingly inhale clouds of exhaust fumes and become at least a passive smoker.

And, honestly, write: which of you leads a 100% healthy lifestyle, while earning your own living and having a family and at least one child?

The total length of blood vessels in the adult human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers. Those. Imagine that if all your vessels are stretched in one line, then they can wrap around the Earth’s equator 2.5 times! This is the route the blood takes in our body every day.

The greatest danger is posed by blockage of the smallest vessels: capillaries. Their length is 60,000 kilometers. Capillaries supply every cell of the body with the necessary oxygen, and if this thread-like vessel becomes clogged somewhere, then part of the body loses vital oxygen and begins to function worse or even die.

How does a set of health exercises for blood vessels work?

Globally, the system is aimed at “accelerating” blood throughout the body, establishing its normal circulation through the vessels and internal organs, and saturating it with oxygen. Acceleration of blood will eliminate stagnant processes and rid the body of inflammation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the appearance of blood clots and the accumulation of cholesterol plaques.

Classes are suitable for people of any age. However, you should not think that young age is a reason not to worry about the cardiovascular system: this is not at all the lot of old people. The sooner you start strengthening your circulatory system, the more problems you will be able to avoid in the future.

If you constantly practice, then gymnastics for blood vessels:

  • clears blood vessels from blockages and strengthens their walls;
  • reduce varicose veins;
  • will normalize the pressure. Will remove such anomalies as arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.;
  • will give a feeling of lightness to your legs;
  • improves overall blood composition;
  • will eliminate psychological diseases caused by the circulatory system: anxiety, depression, increased excitability;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen, eliminates hypoxia;
  • improves blood supply to the parts of the body furthest from the heart;
  • will improve the regeneration of the body (abrasions, scratches, etc. will heal faster).

Exercises to improve the circulatory system

Chinese gymnastics are not like the ones you might do every day. The principle of operation here is completely different.

In Qigong practices, certain energy points are identified on the human body (top of the head, perineum, forehead center, point between the eyebrows, centers of the palms, centers of the feet) and, accordingly, energy channels passing between them.

All of them form the so-called. "Small Heavenly Circle" In turn, in this circle, two transverse meridians are distinguished: the posterior one - along the lines of the apexes of the ears and the anterior one - between the point of the anus and the genitals.

Qigong contains several global sets of exercises:

  • to normalize the functioning of the heart itself (equalize pressure, eliminate arrhythmia, etc.);
  • to improve the functioning of blood vessels in the head (improving brain function, eliminating dizziness, pain, feelings of constriction and heaviness);
  • to improve blood circulation in the legs (elimination of varicose veins and trophic ulcers, elimination of swelling, “diabetic foot”, pain in the feet, heaviness);
  • a general complex for strengthening blood vessels throughout the body (eliminating cholesterol plaques, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing the separation of blood clots, removing harmful substances);

How should you start exercising?

Qigong is a system that cannot be described in words on paper: you just need to learn it visually. Therefore, either watch the video or sign up for live Qigong groups. It is important to remember the following rules:

  1. increase the load gradually, even if you feel good and do not feel tired;
  2. Monitor your heart rate during exercise. It should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  3. if you have any pain in the heart, temporarily stop or change your activities;
  4. After eating, an hour and a half to two hours should pass before classes: working out on a full stomach is both difficult and dangerous.

Friends, I believe that our eastern colleagues have developed a truly amazing and accessible health system for everyone. Take it, exercise, feel better. It may be difficult for you at first: in normal sports, during exercise, your thoughts can be about anything.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels suggests that thoughts and actions must necessarily coincide. The skill is “here and now” - a difficult skill, but very useful for both the mind and body.

I hope that the information in this article was useful to you, so subscribe to my blog and share the article on social networks. If you have any questions regarding Chinese gymnastics, you can ask them in the comments - I will be happy to answer.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Many have heard about the miraculous effect of the ancient on the human body. Those who want to join this art often do not know where to start or what set of exercises to choose. Health-improving gymnastics Qigong is exactly the universal solution that includes all the positive aspects of the ancient Chinese healing art and helps you always stay in good shape, in excellent physical shape and in a great mood.

What is Qigong

Understanding what Qigong is, on the one hand, is simple, but, on the other hand, it will require enough time and concentration. This ancient Chinese art is quite multifaceted, including both breathing exercises and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the health of the body and mind. Qigong represents internal, health-oriented, concentration and external manifestations in the form of exercises. “Qi” is the vital energy in the Universe, “gong” is the development of skill. Simpler is to be able to create energy.

A little history

A set of ancient Chinese exercises, consisting of eight stages, was created more than 2000 years ago by a commander from China. He set the task of creating an ideally designed systemic set of exercises for effective training of soldiers.

Did you know? This technique was supposed to help keep soldiers in excellent physical shape with a high level of morale so that they could go into battle at any time.

The developed system proved to be so productive and effective that it earned the attention of the ancient Taoists and began to be used by them. They adopted it when training martial artists, tightening it up a little.

Basic principles

Chinese Qigong gymnastics for beginners has a number of principles, they are not complicated:

  • You need to move in class smoothly, in unison;
  • the tongue is slightly raised during movements;
  • eyes remain narrowed;
  • clothes are not restrictive, loose, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, or even better, classes need to be conducted outdoors;
  • attention is concentrated entirely on the exercise being performed;
  • When moving, there should be no sweat, only light perspiration. If you still have to sweat, then you need to change clothes so as not to get too cold and reduce the speed of performing the complex;
  • after the end of classes is not allowed;
  • after finishing, you cannot eat for at least another half hour;
  • Qigong exercises are designed to be done every day.

Important! You need to start exercising immediately after you get out of bed and warm up a little.

Benefits of exercise

A set of Qigong exercises is extremely useful, it reduces the overall sensation, helps strengthen and. This system does not guarantee complete relief from health problems, and the effect, of course, will not occur overnight, but the improvement of the body, its resistance to diseases, and the ability to remain in excellent physical and moral shape will certainly manifest itself with regular exercise.

Each of the eight exercises has its own beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnation in the blood. People with heart and liver problems and those suffering from high blood pressure experience particular benefits from this exercise.
  2. An exercise that allows you to expand the chest - has a beneficial effect in case of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, lungs, neurotic manifestations, and heartbeat above normal.
  3. Rocking is a positive result for problems with the spine; it reduces the level of fat in the lumbar region.
  4. Circular movements - help strengthen the lower back and hips, heart and shoulder joints.
  5. Swimming movements have a beneficial effect on the hands, joints (shoulder and elbow), asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movements reminiscent of rowing with oars help strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, and heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to tossing a ball tone up the functioning of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like movements with a scope - help stimulate the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, reduce muscle tension and fat deposits at the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong can help overcome significant psychological problems in a person by simply relaxing muscle tension.engaged.

8 simple exercises

First, a light warm-up is carried out, after which you can begin classes. It is recommended to get acquainted with the exercises two or three per day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few lessons, they will be systematized and can be done quite easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to do them all six times. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

When performing Qigong practice for beginners, it is better to first master each exercise two or three times to avoid muscle pain. A gradual increase in load will relieve pain and discomfort.

Qigong exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video lessons and are carried out in a certain order:

  1. "Stabilization of breathing": standing, arms down, relax, focus on hands. Inhale - raise your upper limbs in front of you at approximately shoulder level (palms down). Exhaling, we bend our lower limbs so that our knees are at the level of our toes (“quarter squat”). The back is straight, the chest is not displaced, the head is tilted. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly lower, approaching the knees, and the lower limbs straighten. Upward movements are carried out when inhaling, downwards - when exhaling.

  2. "Chest expansion": when inhaling, the legs straighten, the upper limbs simultaneously go up to the shoulders (palms facing each other), then move apart with palms up. Focus on the chest. Exhale - we bring our palms in front of us, facing one another, our arms are lowered, turning our palms down, the practitioner takes the “quarter squat” position. Palms at the knees, lower limbs need to be straightened.

  3. "Rocking the Rainbow": inhale - straight arms rise, palms facing one another. We exhale, the body is transferred to the slightly bent right lower limb, the foot does not come off the surface, the left leg is in a straight position, touching the surface with the toe. The body and left upper limb bend to the left, the right hand moves above the head with the palm facing downwards. Similar movements are made in the opposite direction. You need to monitor your breathing processes.

  4. "Parting the Clouds": The upper limbs are lowered, crossing at the bottom of the body, transitioning into a “quarter squat”. Inhaling, we straighten our knees; The lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning with palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with palms to the sides; exhaling, we lower them. We return to the “quarter squat” and cross our upper limbs in front of us. You need to focus on the thoracic region.

  5. "Shoulder abduction": Continuing to be in a “quarter squat,” we align the left upper limb forward with the palm facing up. The right upper limb is bent and turned with the palm up, then it moves towards the thigh. The right upper limb near the hip - the body turns to the right side, while the arm rises with a swing (slowly) to the ear. You need to focus on your right palm. Next, the right upper limb is bent and the hand is pushed forward (as if with force) to the level of the ear. The left upper limb bends, makes an arcuate movement with the hand and lowers to the thigh. After which all stages are repeated in the opposite direction. You need to focus on your shoulders and arms.

  6. "Boat Riding": legs bend a little more than before, you need to bend forward with your arms down. Then the upper limbs go straight back, palms up, arms raised as much as possible, knees straightened. The lower limbs move in a circle and lower, the legs bend. You need to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Ball Game": we straighten up, the body is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) is in its original position, the right one is up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb is at the level of the left shoulder, the “tossing the ball” movement occurs, all the weight is on the left leg. The right hand is lowered and the repetition occurs in the other direction. You need to follow the imaginary ball with your eyes, focusing on your lower limbs. Exercise should be fun.

  8. "Admiring the Moon": in the “quarter squat” position, the upper limbs are lowered further to the left, the knees come to a straight position, the left hand is raised with the palm up. Bend your right arm in front of the thoracic region, turn your head to the left, and look at the left upper limb. We exhale, lower our arms, and return to their original position. The movements are repeated in the other direction. The upper limbs should move synchronously with the chest and head, the body should stretch as much as possible, the heels should not leave the floor, and focus on the arms.

  9. All movements are made smoothly and slowly, it is constantly necessary to control breathing, upward movements - inhale, downwards - exhale.

    Video lessons


    Qigong technique is not suitable for everyone. When implementing it, you need to take into account contraindications for its use for people suffering from:

  • diseases of internal organs with a chronic course;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathological heart diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the organs of support and movement;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! Women should perform exercises with caution during their menstrual periods; performing some of them is not advisable. Pregnant women and people with eye diseases are allowed to conduct classes only under supervision.

Temporary contraindications:

  • taking medications in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • worsened illnesses;
  • state of overheating or hypothermia;
  • indicators of elevated body temperature;
  • heavy physical and sports activities;
  • after eating.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is to benefit the health of the human body. Anyone who decides to take up this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will also become much more resilient both physically and mentally. Regular classes using the Qigong method can also solve some psychological problems of a particular person who has begun to master the system.

Vascular dystonia is a common blood circulation disorder, the causes of which may be related to both genetic predisposition and external factors. Stress, lack of physical activity, smoking, consequences of past illnesses - all this leads to the fact that the blood vessels are in increased tone. The narrowing of the lumen leads to impaired blood supply and increased blood pressure, especially if there is a diagnosis, which significantly aggravates the course of these processes. Restoring proper blood circulation can be helped not so much as by an active lifestyle and simple exercises for blood vessels.

Capillary training is a prerequisite for improving the vascular system

The smallest blood vessels are capillaries. They are responsible for the life of every cell of the body, delivering nutrients to it and freeing it from decay products. Capillaries permeate the entire human body, their total “length” is at least 60 thousand kilometers. If an obstacle is encountered in the path of blood flow in the form of an extremely narrowed vessel, then in the nearest cells there will be an accumulation of toxic decay products that will not be eliminated in a timely manner. This will lead to disease not only in the cardiovascular system, but also in other vital organs.

The Japanese scientist and healer Katsuzo Nishi called blood the “river of life” and created a whole system for healing the body through capillary training and exercises for:

  • The simplest but most effective technique that can improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is vibration exercise. You need to do it in the morning, without getting out of bed. Raising your legs and arms up, you should simply shake them finely and frequently for 1.5 - 2 minutes. In addition to a kind of vibration massage of the capillaries, there is also a redistribution of lymphatic fluid, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  • Another exercise from Nisha’s arsenal is “Golden Fish”. Lying on a flat bed, you need to put your hands under your neck at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra, pull your toes towards you, and, straining very hard, reproduce small vibrating movements with your whole body, like a fish. This exercise helps get rid of excessive tone of the nerves located in the spine and promotes active blood circulation.

You need to train capillary vessels regularly, repeating the exercises twice a day - in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening.

Video: a set of exercises according to the Nishi system

How to get rid of cerebral vascular spasms

Poor circulation and the reasons why they occur. The clinical manifestations of spastic attacks are familiar to many. This

  1. Regularly occurring changes in blood pressure;
  2. Nausea, disturbances in speech and coordination of movements;
  3. Tinnitus, memory impairment;
  4. Fatigue and a sharp decrease in performance.

Vasospasm can be triggered by a stressful situation, a change in atmospheric pressure, or chronic diseases of the spine (for example). To minimize the risk of spasms, it is necessary to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain. This will be helped by a healthy diet, adherence to a work and rest schedule, medicinal herbs and special exercises.

To improve blood supply to the brain, daily gymnastics should include movements that require changes in head position - bending from side to side, rotating the head, inversions and somersaults. When performing exercises, you must monitor your breathing and perform head movements smoothly, without jerking. If discomfort, darkening of the eyes, or severe dizziness occur, gymnastics should be interrupted and resumed after a short rest, reducing the intensity of movements.

A set of exercises to improve blood flow in the brain

  • Performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your head clockwise and back for 2-3 minutes.
  • I.P. - Same. Raise your hands up, interlace your fingers. Lean forward while performing “chopping wood” movements. Repeat 8 times.
  • I.P. - Same. Swing your legs alternately: the left leg goes to the right hand, the right leg goes to the left hand.
  • I.P. - the same, knees slightly bent. Stretch your arms to the sides and perform asynchronous rotations: rotate your left hand forward, your right hand back. Exercise improves memory and speed of thinking.
  • I.P. – lying on your back, legs and arms extended along the body. Raise your legs straight as high as possible, supporting your lower back with your hands. Perform the “Birch” stand for up to 5 minutes.

Excellent gymnastics for the blood vessels of the brain is dancing. By performing dance steps, a person trains coordination, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and its circulation improves. Brain vessels become more elastic, their tone decreases. In addition, dancing is a great way to relieve emotional tension and get rid of stress. And this is a very significant factor in the improvement of brain vessels.

Video: a simple exercise to strengthen weak blood vessels

Strengthening the blood vessels of the legs - a confident step into a healthy life

The “payback” for walking upright is the increased load experienced by the veins of the legs. Weakness of the leg veins can lead to, and as a consequence, the occurrence of. There is no better way to prevent vascular diseases in the legs than movement. To reduce the load on the lower limbs, it is more effective to perform exercises in water. Swimming, water aerobics, taking balneological baths and even simply pouring cool water on your feet stimulates blood circulation and causes the blood vessels in your legs to contract and unclench with greater intensity. Such regular exercise for the vessels helps to strengthen them and makes the walls of the leg veins more elastic.

A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the blood vessels of the legs

  • I.P. – standing on the floor, feet wider than shoulders. Bend forward and down, reaching the floor surface with your fingers. When performing bends, keep your legs straight.
  • I.P. - sitting on the floor. Spread your legs as wide as possible, fold your arms at chest level, leaning forward to reach the floor with bent arms. Make sure your legs remain straight. After every 8-10 bends, take a minute break.
  • I.P. - on my knees. Stretch your arms to the sides and start walking on your knees back and forth. If you are tired, lie down on the floor and restore your breathing.

Exercises to prevent venous insufficiency of the legs and varicose veins

Slow jogging is useful for improving the health of blood vessels in the legs. If you approach training without excessive fanaticism, dosing the intensity of the load and the duration of runs, then the benefits will be undoubted. Contraindications for training may include:

  1. Eating shortly before a run;
  2. Noise or buzzing in the ears;
  3. Weakness in the legs;
  4. Severely reduced blood pressure.

If you experience excessive fatigue or discomfort while jogging, it is better to stop, do a few breathing exercises to restore your breathing, and start walking. The intensity of training should be increased only when the body fully adapts to the increased physical activity.

Video: preventative exercises for legs

Healthy neck vessels are the key to good health

The neck is an extremely important part of the human body. It is here that the vital arteries are concentrated, through which the blood supply to the brain and spinal column occurs. Weakened neck muscles force a person to constantly strain to keep their head and back straight. This tension leads to compression of blood vessels and pinching of nerve endings. Hence – headaches, high blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms.

By strengthening the neck muscles, you can restore the blood vessels in the neck and thereby get rid of ailments. Among the exercises, the main place is occupied by turns, tilts and rotations of the head. All movements should be performed extremely smoothly, not forgetting to monitor proper breathing. Chinese gymnastics, where there are no sudden and active movements, gives good results. Exercises for neck vessels and muscle strengthening can be performed both at home and at work - you do not need a specially equipped place for this.

Exercises to strengthen neck muscles

  • Stand against a wall, trying to keep all parts of your body pressed tightly against the vertical surface. As you inhale, push yourself into the wall with all your might, tensing your neck muscles as much as possible. Hold your breath and maintain this position for 5-6 seconds.
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to place your palm on your forehead and press hard, forcing your head to lean back. At the same time, straining your neck, you should resist the forward movement of your head. Such a “confrontation” with maximum tension should be held for 5-7 seconds, while breathing should be suspended. After the time has passed, exhale and rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat movements 3 to 7 times.
  • Similar movements are made with the head tilted forward and to the sides. This gymnastics is good because you can perform 1-2 exercises every hour during the day - this is extremely useful for dilating the blood vessels of the neck and brain.
  • Slowly rotate your head in a semicircle, from one shoulder to the other, holding it in extreme positions. Repeat 8-12 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.

Video: exercises useful for VSD

How to train the heart and blood vessels?

In order to keep the blood vessels and heart in good condition for a long time, you need to pay maximum attention to their regular training. This is especially true for older people whose physical activity is reduced due to age. A sufficient amount of oxygen and feasible physical exercise - this should not be forgotten by older people.

Cardiovascular training should begin in the morning, immediately after waking up. Rotating your hands and feet is an exercise that will make your blood flow “wake up” and the blood vessels will dilate. Bends, squats and turns of the body must be performed while constantly monitoring the heart rate. If the pulse of an untrained person is within 90-100 beats per minute, then his heart still does not receive enough oxygen and blood. As the degree of general physical activity increases, the heart rate also increases. Accordingly, the heart works more efficiently and receives a sufficient amount of blood due to the good functioning of the aorta.

Several exercises for the heart and blood vessels

  • Rise on your toes and walk with your knees raised very high.
  • The legs are at shoulder width. Hands rise upward, clasping hands together. When the body tilts to the right, the right leg is moved to the right. Try to perform the tilt as deeply as possible. Repeat the same movements to the left side. Perform 8-9 times, remembering to control your breathing.
  • Extend your arms to the sides and rhythmically clap your palms on the opposite shoulder. Right hand - left shoulder, and vice versa. Keep your body straight. Increase repetitions and tempo in the absence of unpleasant sensations in the heart area up to 50 times.
  • Place your arms along your body, legs pressed tightly against each other. Make a full circle with your hands: back - up - forward. First carry out the rotation cycle in one direction, then change the direction to the opposite. Repetitions – from 10 to 50.
  • Lying on your back, you need to raise your knees bent at an angle of 90° and imitate the movements of riding a bicycle. Do not hold your breath.
  • While in a lying position, raise your outstretched legs to a height of 30-40 cm and make cross-shaped movements. Repeat 20-25 times.

Swimming, cycling, cardio exercises, and walking up the stairs help to actively train your heart. Just one thing should not be forgotten: the load should increase gradually. The main thing when doing exercises is not their quantity and intensity, but regularity. A strict cycle must be observed: load and relaxation. Then the muscle fibers of the heart will increase, the heart muscle and blood vessels will strengthen, and the benefits of training will become obvious.

Video: exercises to improve the cardiovascular system through muscles

Gymnastics for hypertension

Vascular training is especially important during. High blood pressure is often due to the fact that the walls of blood vessels lose their ability to relax and blood has difficulty “pushing” through the narrowed vessels. Adding to problems with high blood pressure are cholesterol levels on their walls. If you do not make any efforts to train slow-moving vessels, a chronic increase in pressure can lead to serious consequences.

Important! If you have hypertension, you should not perform bending, sudden swings of arms and legs, or all exercises that ensure blood flow to the head. You should not hold your breath while exerting muscle force - this can lead to an even greater increase in pressure.

Exercises for hypertensive patients

  • Warm-up: walking around the room, with smooth turns of the body. The arms and legs perform non-sudden movements - short swings, bending, half-squats. When walking, you can perform circular movements with your pelvis. Duration – 5 minutes.
  • Sitting on a chair, place your feet at a distance of 30-40 cm, raise your arms up. Lowering your arms down and moving them behind your back, bend forward towards your knees. At the same time, you need to keep your head straight, your gaze directed forward.
  • Without rising from the chair, extend your arms straight to the sides, and at the same time raise your leg bent at the knee to your chest. At the same time, your arms are brought together in front of you, helping to hold the raised leg. Perform alternately with the right and left foot, 6-8 times.
  • Hands to the sides - inhale, as you exhale, place your hands on your waist and tilt your body to the right. Repeat with a tilt to the left. You can perform the exercise both sitting and standing.
  • Extend your arms to the sides, keep your body straight. Move your right leg clearly to the right, hold it at a height of 30-40 cm. Repeat the same movements with your left leg.

Video: exercises to normalize blood pressure

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises greatly help to enrich the blood with oxygen, which is a natural factor. There are several practices of healing breathing exercises - Chinese Qigong gymnastics, Strelnikova breathing exercises, Buteyko deep breathing method, yoga. With all the variety of technologies, the principles of breathing are used with a high degree of similarity: a deep short breath through the nose, holding the breath and an almost imperceptible natural exit through the mouth.

During yogic breathing, inhalation is accompanied by protrusion of the abdomen, followed by exhalation after a pause - the abdomen is drawn in as much as possible. Several breathing exercises can reduce blood pressure and normalize vascular function. And mastering breathing practices will help you forget about hypertension for many years.

Video: breathing exercises for hypertensive patients

Therapeutic exercise after heart attacks and strokes

Physical exercise not only helps. Rehabilitation therapy in the post-infarction period involves the mandatory introduction of physical therapy exercises. The first complex of exercise therapy is prescribed to be performed while still in the hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. But even after discharge, the patient should perform special exercises daily, alternating between feasible exercise and relaxation, for at least half an hour. To restore the myocardium, a full supply of blood and nutrients is required, and this requires feasible physical activity.

Exercises on a chair, consisting of alternately raising and lowering the legs and arms, are performed at a leisurely pace, with strict adherence to the rhythm of breathing. Walking in one place, bending to the right and left, swinging your legs - these exercises should be done while controlling your pulse. The heart rate should not rise above 120 beats per minute.

Currently answering questions: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, teacher at a medical university

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