How to terminate a loan agreement? The procedure for terminating a loan agreement with a bank. How to terminate a loan agreement.

How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank - this question arises quite often when paying off a debt to a financial institution becomes an unbearable burden, putting the borrower in a difficult situation.

Sign where the birds are placed

What is this paper? The meaning of a loan agreement is that the two parties formalize an agreement in writing, according to which the lender undertakes to provide the use of an agreed (and prescribed) amount of money in the hands of the borrower.

The borrower, in turn, accepts the conditions and obligations to repay the debts incurred within the established time frame, and is also familiar with the system of calculating interest for using the loan.

Based on the legislative norms in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of a loan agreement must be written with the seals of the borrowing organization and live signatures by agreement of the parties.

Registration of such an agreement is absolutely not necessary and many people do without this procedure.

When drawing up an agreement, all loan parameters must be spelled out clearly and clearly, so that in the event of controversial issues, the relevant clauses can be referred to.

What should the contract include?!

  • the size of the loan transferred into the possession of the borrower;
  • purpose of the funds issued (purchase of a car, purchase of real estate, money for education, etc.);
  • period of mandatory debt closure, as well as the possibility of early repayment;
  • interest rate, depending on many factors (circumstances of decrease or increase of this indicator);
  • the prescribed amount of monthly payments according to the established payment procedure;
  • copies of the borrower’s documents confirming his identity and solvency;
  • additional conditions, the reasons for which depend on which bank the client has chosen for cooperation.

It is worth remembering that if the agreement to issue a loan was drawn up orally, then you can not count on its validity, since it does not carry any legal force.

How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank?!

At the time of drawing up a loan agreement, one of the parties (most often the borrower) must very carefully monitor everything that is written down on paper and stipulate all the points and conditions, since its financial position in the future will depend on how correctly the information provided by the bank is understood. further.

An important place among all the nuances of registration is occupied by the advance termination of the agreement.

Referring to Article 450 of the Civil Code, each client should know about the general basis that provides for the termination of a loan agreement with a bank, as well as what options there are for resolving this issue in court when one of the parties is the initiator.

Reasons for liquidation of the agreement:

  • upon occurrence of cases provided for by law;
  • if one of the parties fails to comply with the prescribed requirements.

The second point is supported by Article 451 and occurs in cases where, by deviating from the fulfillment of the prescribed conditions, one or another party causes irreparable damage and entails severe losses for the second partner.

For example, the bank did not provide the next tranche on time for the construction of a shopping center, arbitrarily changing the conditions, as a result of which the developer did not complete the project on time and lost a lot of income.

The solution to this dilemma will be a statement of claim requesting termination of the loan agreement.

How to properly cancel an agreement?!

There are much fewer cases of creditor failure to fulfill obligations, because the bank has on its staff competent lawyers who know how to draw up documents with maximum benefit in their favor.

What remains for borrowers? Carefully read all the papers that need to be signed and, in situations where the conditions become too strict, terminate the deal unilaterally.

The scheme of this procedure is as follows.

Visiting a bank branch

Since terminating a loan agreement with a bank is a rather lengthy and not very pleasant matter, be prepared for the fact that the financial company will hinder the process in every possible way.

The first step is to visit the branch where the loan was issued and write an application. You can find the correct form to fill out on the Internet or ask a consultant for a sample.

The option that they will simply refuse to issue you a form also exists, so you can write in free form, detailing and clearly indicating the reasons for your decision to terminate relations with this institution.

The application must be sent to the bank by registered mail with mandatory notification. If the latter comes back to you, it means your request was received, however, most cases end in refusal or complete ignoring by the creditor.

Preparation of a statement of claim

After completing the first manipulations, the next step is a statement of claim sent to the court in your area.

The help of a competent lawyer at this stage will be very useful, since each individual case should be supported by the correct laws and a knowledgeable person will cope with this much faster and better than a beginner with tips from the Internet.

The claim must be supported by:

  • receipts for payment of state duties provided for by the Tax Code;
  • all copies regarding the number of participants in the case;
  • the application that the borrower submitted to the bank;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • all account statements on the movement of funds;
  • correspondence between the parties (if any).

The final stage is the most important because it is here that the outcome of the case is decided. In court, each party will have to defend its position.

How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank correctly? Thoroughly prepare your defense, supporting it not only with words about your innocence, but also with the maximum number of documents confirming your words.

Again, good help from a specialist will only be beneficial and will help you form a stronger foundation for your presentation.


Judicial practice in most cases does not give preference to the borrower, advocating to the last on the side of the lending organization.

This is primarily due to the presence of a whole staff of lawyers who work on drawing up agreements in banks.

They think through every moment, unlike people who decide to get a loan. Most often, when deciding to cancel an agreement, borrowers cite fires, loss of work, floods, serious illnesses and other force majeure situations as the reasons.

In this case, the court reminds that it is necessary to think through such a scenario before receiving a loan, or to reduce risks, insure life, health and property so that such circumstances do not unsettle, because the bank is not to blame for what is happening and is not obliged to forgive the debtor.

Terminate the credit agreement on the card

In the era of technology, many people use the Internet for this. This is convenient when opening a loan and promises many problems if the need arises to cancel the agreement.

Since the cards arrive by mail, the attached documents will most likely only contain a cover letter, and a copy of the agreement will remain in the bank. In this case, it is extremely difficult to familiarize yourself with all the attached conditions and obligations.

If you still decide to terminate the contract, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  • You cannot destroy the card yourself; this must be done by a consultant from the financial institution where the loans were received;
  • all fines and commissions must be closed;
  • find out about all additional services included in the card service. Since you can destroy the plastic and continue to receive various notifications about the accrual of penalties, interest, etc.;
  • not wanting to lose clients, the bank will delay the deadlines, and as a result may even file a lawsuit, so early consultation with a lawyer will help to avoid various nuances at the stage of canceling the relationship between the borrower and the client, and to ensure that no precedents arise in the future;
  • If the credit institution agrees to the borrower’s application for termination, you should request a written document with stamps and seals, as well as a certificate that will indicate the absence of any financial claims on the part of the lender.

Forewarned is forearmed!

When planning to draw up a loan agreement, make sure it is correct in advance.

To avoid many unpleasant moments, choose a bank based on your financial capabilities and individual preferences, use an online calculator to calculate the amount of monthly payments and accrued interest.

When concluding an agreement, clarify all unclear points, ask the manager to explain every point that raises doubts or questions, because your credit history, the contents of your wallet and your nerves depend on how comfortable the transaction is for you.

If there is no ironclad confidence that during the payments you will not lose your source of income or other circumstances will arise that could cause delays, then the right decision will be.

Having paid once for this service, in the future you can count on reimbursement of the due funds in the event of an insured event.

And finally, if you still settled on the option of terminating the loan agreement. Prepare your defense in the best possible way, provide the court with strong evidence.

Convince that your rights were really violated or that the prevailing circumstances forced you to make such a decision. Support your words with well-executed documents.

Build your relationship with the bank on mutually beneficial terms so that payments do not cost too much, and it does not even end up in litigation.

The question of terminating the loan agreement arises before the borrower, provided that he is unable to repay the loan, or before the bank if the client is in debt.

Termination of the contract unilaterally can be done in two ways: by agreement of the parties or through the court.

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At the initiative of the bank

Can a bank unilaterally terminate a loan agreement?

The bank has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally in accordance with Article 450 of the Civil Code, if the client violates the terms and conditions stated in it:

  • delays payment: the contract specifies the exact deadline for depositing the amount of money within which the client must meet;
  • does not make loan payments: the amount of debt accumulates.

What to do if the bank terminates the loan agreement? You can try to resolve this problem before the trial by contacting the bank with application for debt restructuring. Restructuring involves changes to the terms of the contract.

The most common changes concern:

  • payment schedule: change of payment date;
  • loan term: an increase in the loan period entails a decrease in monthly payments;
  • providing the opportunity for a certain period not to pay the principal, but only interest;
  • interest rate reduction: the bank takes this measure extremely rarely.

If an agreement with the creditor fails, then after three months of debt the bank has the right to file a claim with the court to terminate the contract.

Upon termination of the credit relationship, penalties are collected from the borrower.

Also, the borrower’s credit history will be damaged. The bank will still have to pay the debt, taking into account the amount of penalties and interest. Therefore, in a situation where there is no way to pay the loan, it is better to try to resolve everything peacefully.

At the initiative of the borrower

Terminate the contract at the initiative of the borrower perhaps without any consequences in two cases: when paying the entire amount, including interest and fines, or until the money is received, having previously notified the credit institution.

There will be no penalties in these cases.

You can also cancel an agreement that was concluded after July 1, 2014 (the date of adoption of the law on consumer credit), within two weeks from the moment of its conclusion, by paying the entire amount of the loan provided and the interest that accrued during this period. There is no need to notify the bank about this in advance.

In all other cases, desire alone is not enough to terminate the contract. It is virtually impossible to terminate a credit relationship without the bank’s consent.

A compelling reason is required. Such a basis should be a violation of the terms of the loan in accordance with Art. 450 GK.

There are two possible ways to break credit obligations:

  • by agreement of the parties;
  • on the trial.

You can submit a sample application to the bank for termination of the loan agreement.

By agreement of the parties

You should try to negotiate with the creditor to revoke the contract peacefully.

To do this, the first step should be drawing up an application for termination of the contract in free form sent to the bank.

The document is drawn up in the name of the bank manager, which is indicated in the upper right corner. Below is written from whom the request is being sent. The text of the document itself must include the date and number of the loan agreement in question.

The reason for breaking the contract must also be formulated there. The main reasons that are usually given are: dismissal from work, decreased income, serious illness, and natural disasters are also cited as arguments: fires, floods.

In the case of the latter reasons, the bank usually indicates that I had to take out insurance. At the end of the application there is a list of attached documents. For example, if you lose your job, this will be a layoff order and a certificate of registration for unemployment.

The claim can be sent to the bank by registered mail with notification or personally taken to a bank branch. It is necessary that on the second copy the bank employees made a mark of acceptance applications for consideration.

Within 30 days, the creditor is obliged to send a response, which, as a rule, will be negative, since it is not profitable for the bank to lose the contract.

If the main reason for breaking the contract is the inability to pay the debt, it is more logical to draw up application for debt restructuring. The bank may agree with this formulation.

A statement of claim to the court for termination of the loan agreement with the bank.

Through the court

It must be drawn up correctly, mentioning the norms of the law, so it is better to leave it to a specialist.

This claim should be accompanied by a statement in which the desire to terminate the contract by agreement was expressed.

It's better in the lawsuit indicate the violations that were committed by the bank. The following violations are given as examples:

  1. The agreement provided bank account opening fee and issuing a loan. The Bank does not have the right to charge additional funds for the provision of these services.
  2. Violation of the order of repayment loan. According to the rules in accordance with Article 855 of the Civil Code, the principal debt must be written off first, the penalty is paid last.
  3. Bank often forces its clients to take out insurance. This is not always legal. Insurance should only be taken out in the case of a mortgage loan.

The borrower must pay state duty of 300 rubles and attach it to the statement of claim. An agreement with the bank, a payment schedule, a statement of claim, a payment receipt and a document indicating the reason for termination - all these documents are sent to the district court.

In practice, a borrower rarely has a positive outcome from litigation. The court sides with the bank and believes that the borrower should have provided for all unforeseen situations.

But if properly prepare for trial, then there is still a chance to win the case.

To go to court you will also need certain costs, which may be related to payment for the work of your defender.

If a situation arises in terminating the loan agreement, the borrower must provide all the arguments for a positive result.

It is better to solve this problem by agreement of the parties, not to bring the matter to court, since during the trial most often the truth remains on the side of the bank.

You can learn about the consequences of terminating a loan agreement with a bank from the video:

Borrowers who complete a deal in a hurry without checking the terms of financing and repayment often face serious problems with their loan. To avoid such troubles, a program for comprehensive consumer protection has been developed at the state level, including the possibility of voluntary refusal of credit products. The law guarantees access to the transaction termination procedure within 14 calendar days from the date of official signing of the loan agreement by the parties.

Full termination of the contract within fourteen days:

  1. Guaranteed by law as one of the methods of protecting consumer rights.
  2. Does not affect the credit history and solvency rating of the borrower.
  3. Allows you to quickly return borrowed funds without having to make interest payments.
  4. Does not guarantee the return of money previously spent on additional services and bank commissions.
  5. Threatens the borrower with paperwork.
  6. Reduces the level of confidence of the lender in the borrower.

Termination within 14 days from the date of signing the current loan agreement can occur without the borrower indicating an official reason for refusing the transaction. In essence, the client withdraws consent to enter into an agreement with the credit institution. Of course, the presence of an objective and justified reason for such a decision will significantly speed up the process of abandoning the deal. In addition, the lender may threaten legal proceedings or officially limit the borrower’s ability to qualify for credit products in the future by adding information about the unreliable client to the organization’s blacklist.

You can cancel the contract if:

  1. Fraudulent actions on the part of the lender.
  2. Unilateral addition of previously unagreed terms of the transaction.
  3. The presence of prohibited commissions and hidden payments specified in the document.
  4. The emergence of new circumstances of the transaction that the borrower was not aware of at the stage of agreeing the contract.
  5. Mutual agreement between the client and the financial institution to terminate cooperation.
  6. Adjustments to the terms of the transaction as agreed by the parties.

The borrower has the right to apply to change certain terms of the transaction if at the stage of drawing up the current contract a misunderstanding arose with the lender. For example, due to inattention or a low level of legal literacy, many clients of commercial banks agree to receive paid optional services. As a result, the overall cost of the loan increases. By promptly contacting the bank with a request to note such terms of the transaction, the borrower will reduce the amount of the overpayment on the loan by 5-20%.

It is recommended that the borrower terminate the contract without revising the current terms of the transaction, citing the fact of fraud and misrepresentation. If the lender outright lies about the properties of the service provided or places partially false information, including on various advertising materials, the client can unilaterally cancel the contract. Typically, the lender quickly comes to terms with the defrauded borrower in order to reduce the risk of litigation, which could undermine the organization’s credibility among the audience.

Stages of termination of a loan agreement:

  1. Studying the list of credit products for which termination of the agreement within fourteen days is allowed.
  2. Submitting a written application for cancellation or termination of the contract. It is recommended to submit the application personally to an employee at any branch of a financial institution or send it by mail.
  3. Return of borrowed funds. You will have to pay off the credit card or transfer the full loan amount with commissions and interest charges to the lender's bank account.
  4. Receive application confirmation. After agreeing on the procedure, the lender undertakes to return the down payment, a one-time commission and related payments for the execution of the agreement.

The action plan for terminating the contract is extremely simple. The borrower must be well aware of his rights and obligations before applying for cancellation of the agreement. If a deceived client has problems with legal literacy, you should seek help from an experienced lawyer.

Lawyers and attorneys provide professional services in the field of concluding, verifying and terminating loan agreements. If necessary, specialists will also help with drawing up and submitting a statement of claim to the appropriate court.

Termination of the loan agreement does not apply to transactions related to:

  1. Acquisition of various real estate assets.
  2. Providing any type of real estate as collateral (mortgage).
  3. A consumer loan for services that were completed within fourteen days.

Cancellation of a concluded contract without explanation is possible only within the period specified by law. If the borrower delays contacting the credit institution, the transaction will be abandoned through the courts. The client will have to officially prove the fact of fraud on the part of the creditor.

The second option for repaying the loan is early repayment, which may result in significant overpayments. Some financial institutions impose a moratorium on refunds for several months from the date of the transaction. The borrower will have to pay for each day the loan is used.

Conditions for revoking consent to conclude an agreement:

  1. The fourteen-day period is calculated from the moment the borrower receives a copy of the signed agreement.
  2. It is enough for the client to return the borrowed funds if the goods and services within the framework of the consumer lending procedure were not received in full or their parameters do not correspond to those specified in the contract.
  3. Availability of documentary evidence of the fact of the return of money or goods to the lender.
  4. Payment of interest at the rate agreed upon in the contract for the period of actual use of the loan received.

Some commercial banks deliberately delay issuing the contract after signing so that the borrower loses the opportunity to refuse cooperation within fourteen calendar days. This is a gross violation of the procedure for concluding a credit transaction, which violates the borrower’s right to withdraw consent to receive a loan. If the dates of signing and receiving a copy of the agreement in hand are different, the period should be counted from the moment the lender transfers to the borrower a copy of the document with wet seals.

The contract termination process is affected by:

  1. Targeted nature of the transaction.
  2. Availability of additional paid services, including insurance.
    The amount of commission and interest payments paid by the borrower.
  3. Initial term and selected payment schedule under the agreement.
  4. Availability of a down payment.
  5. Using collateral and signing a surety agreement.

After the official termination of the agreement, the lender undertakes to immediately return to the borrower the payments associated with the provision of the loan. The one-time commission and initial payment are returned within seven days from the date of termination of the transaction. For each day after the fact of repayment of funds, the lender undertakes to pay the borrower a penalty, the amount of which is about 1% of the amount to be repaid.

The loan repayment procedure is regulated at the state level, so a financial institution does not have the right to demand payment of any penalties for refusal to lend or early repayment of debt. Interest is calculated solely taking into account the actual duration of the transaction. The borrower should also ignore the moratorium on early repayment of debt, since it only becomes effective 14 days after signing the documents.

The specifics of terminating a loan agreement in 2020 are specified in detail in Russian legislation.

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Knowing them, you can eliminate the possibility of impossibility of carrying out this procedure. In some situations, it is possible to terminate the loan agreement.

At the same time, this procedure is rarely used, especially when it comes to banks. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for terminating a loan agreement.


The procedure for terminating this type of contract entails a huge number of pitfalls that you need to be aware of.

To terminate the contract as soon as possible, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic theoretical information and Russian legislation.

What is it

A loan agreement is a document signed between a lender and a potential borrower.

According to this agreement, the financial institution undertakes the obligation to issue credit funds under the conditions specified in the document.

The borrower, in turn, undertakes to repay the debt within the terms specified in the contract with additional interest accrued.

In accordance with Russian legislation, a loan agreement is formed in a standard written form.

It follows that the transaction is subject to conclusion by both parties on previously agreed terms, and no mandatory registration is required.

In case of non-compliance with generally accepted rules for drawing up a contract, it may be declared invalid.

The main terms of this type of agreement include:

  • indication of the loan size;
  • intended use - if necessary;
  • lending period;
  • guarantee of solvency;
  • set interest rate;
  • procedure and rules for repaying debt obligations;
  • rules for terminating the agreement;
  • other conditions.

The reasons for terminating the agreement are key.

Necessary grounds

According to Russian legislation, in particular Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, termination of the contract may be for reasons such as:

  • the fact of malicious violation of the terms of the agreement has been established;
  • failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by one of the parties;
  • other reasons established by Russian legislation.

In the event of termination of a contract through the court, compliance with the claim procedure is considered to be a mandatory condition, which is based on the fact that the interested party, before the formation of the statement of claim, sends a written proposal for termination to the opposite party to the transaction.

Current standards (Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

The main legal document is considered to be the Civil Code of Russia. In particular, it is recommended that you read Article 450, which details the conditions for terminating the loan agreement.

Depending on what specific subject of the transaction we are talking about, the termination of the transaction may be regulated by:

The specified list of regulatory legal acts is not exhaustive, but it contains all the necessary key information on the issue under consideration.

Step by step instructions

The procedure for terminating a loan agreement has many nuances that are extremely important to know.

List of required documents

In case of termination of the contract in court, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

The statement of claim must be formed personally by the plaintiff or his authorized representative and submitted to the judicial authority at the address of the defendant’s location or the plaintiff’s place of residence.

According to Art. 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation allows for the possibility of filing a claim at the place where the loan agreement was signed.

However, this is possible when it comes to protecting consumer rights, for example, when concluding an agreement for a product.

Submitting an application (sample)

The statement of claim must be submitted in writing. It must indicate:

  • name of the judicial authority;
  • full initials and details of each party;
  • the essence of the violation of the plaintiff’s rights;
  • circumstances that give the right to terminate the contract;
  • list of accompanying documentation.

A sample statement of claim for termination of the contract is available.

The nuances of terminating a loan agreement with a bank at the initiative of the borrower

Termination of the agreement at the initiative of the borrower is allowed without various consequences in several situations:

  • in case of repayment of debt obligations;
  • before the period of receiving funds, for example, from Tinkoff, while notifying the creditor of this fact in advance.

It is important to remember that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is possible to terminate a lending agreement with a bank, for example, Sovcombank, which was concluded after July 2014 within 14 days from the date of signing.

If we talk about a mortgage loan agreement, then you need to pay the accrued interest for this period. The same applies to other types of lending.

In other situations, the contract may be terminated:

  • by mutual agreement of the parties;
  • through the court.

If, for example, we are talking about a loan agreement for cosmetic services, then the termination procedure depends on the conditions stipulated by the document. However, the termination mechanism is standard.


It is possible to unilaterally terminate a contract only if the debtor does not fulfill his obligations or other conditions are established.

Other conditions include:

  • changing the place of official employment without notifying the creditor;
  • change of permanent place of residence;
  • others.

It is important to remember that the lender must notify the borrower in writing of the start of the termination procedure.

If we talk about how to terminate a loan agreement for medical services, then in this situation you need to have on hand documentary evidence of the provision of low-quality services.

Is it possible to cancel the next day?

Many people do not know how to terminate a loan agreement with a bank the next day. However, this procedure is no different from the generally accepted one.

The difference is that not all creditors are cooperative. But we must remember that every person has the right to terminate the contract on the basis of Russian legislation, with good reason.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that terminating the contract does not at all mean releasing oneself from fulfilling one’s obligations to repay debt obligations.

Creditors in most cases have a strong legal base, which gives them the opportunity to defend their rights in court.

Judicial practice

Judicial practice in such cases shows that disputes are often won by creditors. This is largely due to the fact that lenders, as a rule, have a good evidence base for their correctness and borrowers’ ignorance of the terms of lending.

In particular, many borrowers, when signing an agreement, do not study its contents, which contain many nuances.

Advantages and Disadvantages

For financial institutions, the procedure for terminating a loan agreement has more disadvantages than advantages.

At the same time, everything largely depends on who the borrower is and what level of solvency he has.

In most cases, termination is carried out if there is nothing to take from the debtor or, on the contrary, there is property as collateral that can be encumbered until the debt obligations are fully repaid.

It is very unprofitable for creditors to hold overdue agreements for a long time, thereby worsening their statistics.

Because of this, they will try their best to take the maximum from the borrower before terminating the contract.

Termination of the agreement at the initiative of the borrower can bring such benefits as:

  • it is possible to exclude telephone calls from creditors demanding repayment of debt obligations;
  • it is possible to stop the deterioration of the credit rating;
  • it is possible to legally pay only that part of the debt that is officially provided for.

The disadvantages include:

  • there is a possibility that the termination will not develop according to the planned scenario;
  • existing debt obligations will still have to be repaid;
  • It is necessary to contact debt collectors with a demand to stop extortion for debt repayment.

According to the provisions of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the parties are free to conclude an agreement. This means that the terms of the contract are discussed and accepted by the parties in the form in which the contract is concluded.

In relation to a loan agreement, the principle of this article also applies, which is what banks usually use when considering disputes about the collection of loan debt. The borrower signed the agreement, therefore, accepted the lender’s terms and conditions regarding the procedure for using the loan and repaying it. But what if the bank wants to terminate the loan agreement?

When does the bank terminate the agreement unilaterally?

Only the bank has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract. Because he fulfilled his obligations at once, the loan was issued to the borrower in full. And the borrower’s obligations are long-term in nature and are fulfilled in parts. Therefore, it is the borrower who faces the risk of violating these obligations.

Important! But even if this condition is present in the loan agreement, the transaction is terminated in court. That is, the bank may demand termination of the contract when going to court.

The moment when the bank can demand termination of the loan agreement depends on the fulfillment by the borrower of its obligations. That is, if the loan debt is repaid on time and in full, then the bank will not terminate the agreement; it simply will not have the grounds for this provided for by law and the agreement.

Does the bank always terminate the agreement unilaterally?

Banks do not always make such a requirement. And this is quite understandable, because when the agreement is terminated, its actions are terminated, and if the creditor quite legally demanded early repayment of the entire loan amount, and the loan agreement was not terminated, then its actions in terms of accrual of interest and penalties continue to apply. And the debtor in this case falls into a long-term obligation to the creditor; he pays the debt collected by the court and remains liable for interest that continues to accrue.

For the borrower-debtor, termination of the loan agreement is beneficial because with its termination, the accrual of fines and penalties stops, which significantly reduces his financial responsibility.

Consequently, in cases where the borrower has legal proceedings with the creditor in the future, he needs to know what consequences debt collection in court may lead to.

Grounds for unilateral termination of a loan agreement

The creditor's right to unilateral termination

As stated above, such a right is usually enshrined in the loan agreement itself.

The rules of Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that a contract can be terminated in court at the request of one of the parties in the event of a significant violation of the terms of the contract by the other party.

This right can be exercised by a creditor who, when establishing the grounds for termination of a loan agreement, determines such significant violations on the part of the borrower as non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations on the part of the borrower (the formation of overdue debt on the loan account), lack of insurance of the collateral or non-renewal of such insurance by the mortgagor.

Improper fulfillment of loan obligations is a violation of the terms of the agreement regarding the full and timely replenishment of the account from which the bank writes off funds to repay the loan. Which entails the formation of overdue debt and, accordingly, the bank’s right to demand early repayment of the loan.

Important! The lack of insurance for the collateral violates the lender's right to the safety of the pledged property accepted by him, which entails the risk of loss of the collateral and non-repayment of the loan amount.

Therefore, if there is at least one of the listed violations, the bank has the right to demand not only early repayment of the loan amount (with all interest due and financial liability for violation of obligations by the borrower), but also termination of the loan agreement.

However, the practice of disputes between banks and borrowers in pre-trial (and sometimes in court) order is such that banks only declare a demand for early repayment of the loan amount, sending such a request in writing to the borrower. And upon termination of the contract, this requirement only mentions as one of the measures of liability of the debtor that the creditor has the right to demand termination of the contract in court.

Few borrowers, having read such threats along with the enumeration of other measures of the debtor’s legal liability to the bank (even criminal), will perceive the threat of termination of the loan agreement as something positive for their already difficult situation. Also, few people comply with the bank’s requirement to repay the entire debt within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request. After all, the delay itself usually occurs due to a lack of funds for the next payment, so there is no question of returning the entire amount of the loan balance.

Important! Therefore, the next communication between the borrower and the lender takes place in court.

It takes a bank some time to go to court, which can take two or more months. And all this time, the terms of the loan agreement regarding the accrual of interest for using the loan and the accrual of interest on overdue debt and penalties continue, the debt grows and the debtor receives a huge amount of demand from the bank before the trial.

How to avoid this? After all, banks often abuse their rights and deliberately delay time before going to court so that the amount of the debt increases in accordance with the current terms of the loan agreement.

If the borrower already clearly understands that further legal relations with the bank are impossible, then the process of terminating the loan agreement should be accelerated. Of course, this will not release you from fulfilling your obligations under it. But at least it will allow us to get rid of unnecessary fines.

In cases where the bank delays going to court, the borrower can initiate legal proceedings by filing a claim against the bank. Considering that almost all banks include conditions in loan agreements that infringe on the rights of consumers, you can go to court with a claim to protect consumer rights and declare the loan agreement invalid in terms of such conditions.

The bank involved as a defendant will file a counterclaim to collect the entire amount of the loan debt. And here it is necessary to clarify the issue of termination of the contract; if the bank does not make such a demand, then the borrower can raise the question of such a demand directly in court or declare it independently. The main thing is that during the trial this requirement must be stated and reflected in the court decision.

The borrower's right to terminate the loan agreement

If we consider the legal nature of the loan agreement, then it is difficult to talk about the possibility of unilateral termination of the transaction by the borrower. After all, obligations must be fulfilled in full and refusal from them is not acceptable. This is what civil law establishes in Art. 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, despite the fact that there is no such provision in the agreement, not only the creditor has the opportunity to demand unilateral termination of the loan agreement. It is provided for by civil law upon the occurrence of certain circumstances that allow the borrower to demand termination of the transaction with the bank.

True, termination of the contract itself cannot free the borrower from returning to the bank everything he received when concluding the contract. But it can allow you to reduce or completely relieve financial responsibility. It depends on what basis will be the basis of the requirement to terminate the loan agreement.

Significant change in circumstances Many borrowers believe that a significant reduction in income, loss of a job, or the birth of children are significant changes in circumstances that allow the provisions of Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. And these provisions provide that if, when concluding the contract, the parties could reasonably have foreseen this, then the contract would not have been concluded at all or concluded on different terms.

Unfortunately, the courts do not accept as a significant change in circumstances the loss of work and income, changes in family composition and other grounds that borrowers cite in their claims. And judicial practice in such disputes is in favor of banks. Thus, job loss is not is the basis for termination of the loan agreement.

Important! Recognizing a loan agreement as invalid is an option only if the loan was issued to an incapacitated citizen.

Often banks, in an effort to increase the number of loans issued in order to fulfill the plan, not only impose loan products on clients, but also enter into agreements with incapacitated citizens. Moreover, this happens even in the case when the bank manager notices oddities in the client’s behavior, but does not attach any importance to it.

The recognition of a loan agreement concluded with an incompetent citizen as invalid is provided for by the provisions of Art. 171 or Art. 177 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The first article provides for the nullity of a transaction concluded with an incompetent borrower, the second the invalidity of a loan agreement concluded, although with a capable client, but not capable of understanding the meaning of his actions or managing them.

The result will be the termination of legal relations with the bank, but it will not be possible to free the borrower from returning to the bank the received loan or its balance (but without overdue interest and penalties).

Termination of a loan agreement by a bank unilaterally does not entail adverse consequences for the borrower. Therefore, in case of violation of the terms and volume of repayment of loan funds, the borrower should worry about the approaching moment of termination of the contract.

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