Swimming pool at the dacha (41 photos): advantages of polycarbonate, design features. Self-production

The summer season in Russia is not very long. Throughout the summer, in many regions they swim in natural bodies of water: lakes, ponds, rivers. If there are no natural bodies of water nearby, install an artificial pool from the usual means on a personal plot. However, the pool needs additional care, since dust and various plant debris can get into the water. To protect the structure from such troubles, a special pavilion is built above it.

We build with our own hands:


The independent process of constructing a simple greenhouse pool is not labor-intensive. Sheathed with polycarbonate or other translucent materials. The frame is made of profile pipe, which gives the building a neat and aesthetic appearance. Main purposes of the pavilion:

  • The construction allows you to create a relaxation area with increased comfort near the country pool;
  • Provides protection to the structure from various contaminants and does not require regular cleaning;
  • Protects swimmers from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Operation of a greenhouse pool with a polycarbonate pavilion is possible in all weather conditions;
  • There are financial savings on electricity and other methods of heating the pool;
  • A canopy increases the life of the pool and reduces maintenance and repair costs.

REFERENCE: The canopy is constructed at various heights. The lowest is no higher than 1.5 meters, the highest one covers only the pool itself, or the owner has the opportunity to arrange the entire internal space near the reservoir.

Materials and construction requirements

Using polycarbonate sheets, you can build a canopy over a pond with your own hands, without spending a lot of effort and time. You only need the following materials and tools:

  • Polycarbonate;
  • Square or rectangular profile pipe;
  • Welding machine;
  • Shovels and concrete mixers;
  • Concrete mixture;
  • Fastening elements;
  • Electric jigsaw and screwdriver.

Swimming pool-greenhouse for a summer residence:

The polycarbonate pavilion has many advantages. The main ones:

  • Environmentally friendly materials are used during construction;
  • The pavilion, together with the materials from which it is made, is durable and lightweight, so there are no extra costs during transportation;
  • The structure is resistant to adverse weather conditions;
  • Thanks to polycarbonate, the amount of moisture evaporation in the greenhouse pool is reduced, and it also helps maintain an optimal humidity level;
  • The water in the pool is protected from the appearance and further proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • You can build a canopy yourself, without involving specialists, you just need to have the necessary materials and tools;
  • Building materials can be purchased at an affordable price;
  • Service life exceeds 10 years;
  • The design is fire-resistant and has good light transmission;
  • Easy maintenance of the building. You can clean polycarbonate from dirt using ordinary detergents. The frame of the structure should be painted regularly to prevent the formation of rust. The wooden frame should be periodically inspected for rot and traces of mold.

REFERENCE: The optimal thickness of polycarbonate for a canopy is more than 8 cm.

Requirements for a swimming pool in a greenhouse

The created artificial reservoir is protected in various ways:

  • The shelter covers the pool on one side or several. Basically, the canopy is built as a full-fledged one, for greater reliability of the pavilion;
  • The covering can be stationary or sliding (telescopic). The advantages of the latter include rapid transformation. However, the rather complex manufacturing is a disadvantage;
  • The type of bowl is determined by the shape of the reservoir itself: it can be rectangular, combined and round.

A polycarbonate pavilion, built independently over a country pond, comes in different shapes:

  • Asymmetrical. Appearance: semi-arch. With a vertical wall along the building plus a vault on the opposite side. The vertical walls at the end serve as a place to install the door. The shape adds volume to the pavilion and allows for a seating area;
  • Canopy in the form of a dome. It is built if the pool is round in shape. During self-construction, polycarbonate is cut into segments, which gives the building an impressive and aesthetic appearance;
  • Arched and pitched canopies have two longitudinal vertical walls. Building them with your own hands will not be difficult.

Features of the installation of the structure and its strengthening or to do it right?

A greenhouse pool needs a solid foundation:

  • A foundation 50 cm high is poured using concrete and reinforcement, and only then the frame is built;
  • Before constructing the frame, the shape of the future pavilion is determined;
  • Using bolted connections, secure the frame to the foundation;
  • Using special fasteners, the arches and stiffeners are fixed;
  • An anti-corrosion coating is applied to the frame and then painted;
  • Afterwards, the pavilion is sheathed with covering material.

Possibility of year-round operation

The short summer does not allow the full potential of the dacha reservoir to be used. During the rainy season or with the onset of autumn, being near the pool does not bring any pleasure. In this case, it is necessary to build a pavilion over the reservoir for year-round use:

  • The structure is mounted directly on the foundation;
  • Before installing the frame, strengthen the base to increase the service life of the building;
  • Thanks to the polycarbonate dome, the illusion of weightlessness is created. Due to the greenhouse effect inside the pavilion, you can swim in the pool in any weather. To operate the pool all year round, it is necessary to build a high, sealed pavilion. When dug into the soil, it will absorb the heat of the earth, and the structure of the roof will prevent the heat from escaping outside. In regions with harsh winters, a separate internal heating system will be needed.

If you don’t have the energy and time to build a greenhouse pool yourself, ready-made kits are purchased from specialized companies. Designs from Germany are expensive, but their advantage is high quality. Constructions from China are affordable, but far from high quality. Russian buildings occupy the “golden mean” in terms of cost and quality.

A swimming pool in a country house or on the territory of a country house gives you the opportunity to plunge into pleasant cool water on a hot summer day. Such a structure gives a real holiday to both small children and adults. Let's see what materials can be used to inexpensively build a swimming pool on your own plot of land.

Artificial reservoirs - choosing the type of design that suits us

The choice of the type of pool for a suburban area is determined by what time of year it is planned to operate the structure for receiving water procedures, as well as the size of the site allocated for its construction. In addition, the available financial budget should be taken into account. The cost of constructing artificial reservoirs varies widely.

All modern swimming pools are usually divided into three large categories:

  1. 1. Plastic.
  2. 2. Stationary.
  3. 3. Frame.

Plastic bowls mean structures made from a variety of polymer materials. These include composite, polypropylene, polycarbonate and fiberglass structures. The most popular are bowls made of polycarbonate and polypropylene. They have high resistance to aggressive compounds and good mechanical stability.

Frame metal pools are made from a single sheet of steel, onto which a special protective coating is applied (usually in several layers). Such bowls are used, as a rule, exclusively in the summer. They are installed on a fairly thick (20 cm or more) sand cushion. Factory sets of frame ponds initially include all kinds of accessories and devices - nozzles that draw in and discharge water, ladders for lowering and lifting, filters.

Stationary structures are built to last. They have a powerful and reliable concrete base. To decorate them, decorative mosaics or tiles with a low water absorption rate are used. Next, we will describe the technologies for constructing different types of pools at the dacha, and the features of performing the necessary work operations. You will only need to evaluate your strengths and existing construction skills in order to choose one or another artificial reservoir, which you can build with your own hands without serious difficulties.

Bowls made of polypropylene - we build a pond in 30 days

Swimming pools made from modern plastic materials are sold ready-made in specialized stores. You can purchase such a factory kit and install it yourself on your site. It is clear that the question immediately arises about how much the finished structure costs. The price of polypropylene bowls can be quite high. This does not suit many summer residents who are accustomed to spending their money rationally. The costs of setting up a private pool can be reduced. To do this you need to make a bowl with your own hands. The process, believe me, is not as complicated as it might seem at first.

With the right approach, the operation of manufacturing and installing a polypropylene reservoir will take us about 30 days. As a result, we will get an excellent structure for swimming and pleasant leisure time, which will be in use for 15–20 years. Such a long service life of the structure is due to the special technical characteristics of polypropylene:

  • high impact resistance, strength, protection from burnout and the effects of various chemicals;
  • elasticity, allowing you to create pools of the most bizarre configurations;
  • low thermal conductivity, increased gas and moisture resistance.

The (total) cost of constructing polypropylene water structures consists of the costs of digging a pit, purchasing sheets of material in the required quantity, pouring a concrete base, purchasing or renting special equipment. The latter refers to a welding extruder and various attachments for it, a heat gun (the so-called hot air gun), and a rod for soldering polypropylene sheets. Without these tools, it is impossible to independently make the pool we are interested in on a suburban area. An extruder is necessary for joining thermoplastic products. We will use a hot air gun to straighten and process the resulting seams.

We draw a drawing of the planned bowl from polypropylene sheets. Based on this, we purchase the required number of plastic profiles. We take thicker sheets - from 8 to 15 mm. Moreover, you need to buy thicker products for the walls. Theoretically, a pool can be equipped from sheets 5–7 mm thick. In terms of waterproofing and strength, they are not much inferior to 8–10 mm profiles. But in the process of welding stiffeners to thin sheets, there is a risk that the products may “play.” This will cause waves to form on the bowl. With thick profiles such problems never arise.

We make and install a plastic pool - no lining needed!

When the material has been purchased, we outline the areas for connecting the seams and begin cutting out the profiles from which we will make the steps of the stairs, walls, side and bottom of the structure. Next, we dig a pit for the future pool and install a concrete slab in it. The first thing we do is make the bottom of the artificial reservoir. We connect the cut polypropylene profiles from the outside using a welding extruder. Place the prepared products on the bottom. We weld sides to their edges on both sides. From the outside, the operation is performed using welding nozzles; from the inside, we use a rod to connect the seams.

Then we weld the steps and attach the stiffeners to the bowl. The distance between these elements is 0.5–0.7 m. The bowl is ready. Pay attention! We built a pool right in the pit. This allows us to avoid the time-consuming process of installing the bowl. If the structure was assembled on the ground, you will need to carefully lower it into the pit. It is almost impossible to do this yourself (especially when the pool is quite large). You may have to order a faucet or call friends for help.

Important! The assembled bowl is installed strictly according to pre-made markings and drawings. Even a slight shift in the structure during its installation can lead to problems during the operation of an artificial reservoir made of polypropylene.

To ensure that your home pool functions properly and is easy to use, we will equip it with filtering and pumping devices. We drill holes in the side walls and bottom of the reservoir and secure the necks of pipe products in them for draining and supplying water, as well as for connecting other devices (skimmers, filtering equipment, nozzles, and so on).

Now we perform the most lengthy, but simplest operation - securing the pool. We place wooden spacers inside the bowl, wrap the communications and pipes going to the structure from the outside with plastic wrap. Then you need to build a simple formwork around an artificial polypropylene pond and fill it with concrete. This is where the most boring part of the job begins. The formwork must be filled with separate layers of concrete mixture. Moreover, the thickness of each layer is no more than 0.3 m.

On the first day, pour some of the concrete and leave it for 24–30 hours.

After the specified time, add the next portion of the mixture. Again we wait a day (minimum). We proceed in the same way until the pool is completely concreted in height. After 3 weeks, the concrete will become completely monolithic. We fill all the voids around the bowl with earth or sand and compact the material well.

You can use your own pool! There is no need to additionally cover its walls. They themselves are pleasant to the touch and absolutely smooth. To extend the service life of the structure, you can install a butyl rubber or polyvinyl chloride protective film on its walls. Individual pieces of these materials are joined together by cold welding.

Polycarbonate structures are durable and absolutely hygienic

Polycarbonate contains the polypropylene described above. Therefore, structures made from these materials are approximately the same in their characteristics. But polycarbonate also has its own special properties. It guarantees absolute protection of the bowl from the appearance of algae and the proliferation of microorganisms. From this point of view, polycarbonate reservoirs in the country have no equal.

We will build the pool according to a simple scheme; all work is done with our own hands without the use of special equipment. The algorithm for constructing a polycarbonate font on the territory of a country house is as follows. We draw a design drawing. We purchase sheets of material, as well as:

  • bitumen mastic;
  • bars 150 cm long;
  • stainless steel screws (they are black);
  • board (edged), the required volume of wood is determined by the height of the bowl being built;
  • screwdriver

We will build the frame of the pool from the specified materials. The work is not difficult. We treat the bars from below to a height of about 0.5 m with bitumen mastic. We install them first in the corners of the dug trench, and then between the main posts. Here it is important to ensure that all the bars are at the same horizontal level. We check compliance with this condition by pulling the cord, fishing line between the posts and subsequent analysis of the correct installation of the supports using a conventional hydraulic level.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a layer of sand, tamp it down, and add crushed stone. On this pillow we pour a solution of cement (1 part) and sand (3 parts). We get a skinny screed. Its height is no more than 8–10 cm. When the screed has set, we tie the supports installed along the perimeter of the reservoir with an edged board. The operation is performed with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. The frame is done.

Now we can safely begin installing the base of our structure. There won't be any problems. Polycarbonate products bend easily and do not break. The easiest way is to build a rectangular base and the bowl itself. But you can try and make the pond round or elongated. Tip: lay awning fabric of the color you like on the frame. Since polycarbonate is a transparent material, it will give the pool its own personal touch. The end sections of the sheets should be sealed. For this we use special adhesive tapes. They are usually sold in construction stores. Polycarbonate profiles are attached to the wood frame with self-tapping screws.

Stationary pools - if you want to swim to your heart's content

Artificial concrete ponds are built over large areas. Such pools can be made of any shape and size. This allows you to create entire mini-lakes in which you can not only take a dip, but also have a full swim. Stationary concrete structures require considerable financial and labor costs. It is impossible to say exactly how much it costs to build such structures in a dacha. It all depends on the size of the pool, the type of its finishing and landscaping, as well as what additional accessories are installed in the bowl. A small concrete bowl will cost a reasonable amount. But a large pool with all sorts of bells and whistles, heating and exclusive cladding can cost a fortune. Decide for yourself how much you are willing to spend on building your own “lake” on your suburban area.

We begin the construction of the concrete structure as standard. We are developing a project for it, indicating all the elements of the pool in it, and determining their geometric dimensions. We also immediately mark on the drawing the locations of embedded parts, equipment, pipe supply areas and other communications. Then we dig a pit of the required size and, if desired, equip the bottom under the pond with drainage. But this is an optional operation. The base for the font is made taking into account allowances (width - 0.6 m, depth - 0.3 m).

We line the walls and bottom of the pit with a heat insulator (foam plastic, polyurethane, mineral wool) and proceed to concreting the structure:

  1. 1. At the bottom of the pit we make a sand cushion (height - 0.3 m), on which the waterproofing is mounted. We do it double. First we lay the roofing material, and then coat it with bitumen mastic. Advice. There is no need to feel sorry for the mastic. Apply it in 3-4 layers.
  2. 2. We arrange a drain. The number of holes and their location depend on the configuration of the bowl and its parameters.
  3. 3. The time has come to construct the formwork. We make it from boards. Then we assemble a frame from reinforcing bars.
  4. 4. Completely fill the formwork with concrete mixture. Be sure to remove any air bubbles from the latter. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure with a deep vibrator.
  5. 5. While pouring the bowl, we simultaneously make a ladder. We select the number of steps based on the depth of the pool. At the same time, we take into account that one step should have a height of about 0.15 m.

All. We are waiting for the concrete to harden, while developing a scheme for equipping and high-quality finishing of the constructed water feature at the dacha.

Upgrading a concrete bowl - let's listen to the professionals

The inside of concrete structures is most often finished with dense polyvinyl chloride film, mosaic or ceramic tiles. The material used should have a low tendency to absorb moisture. Recently, it has become popular to line the bottom of the pool with special polymer compounds (so-called self-leveling floors). We need to level the bottom of the concrete bowl well. And then fill it with a polymer solution. In two days we will receive an impeccable coating - resistant to thermal and mechanical stress, leak-proof, extremely strong and durable.

We make sure to equip our pool with filtration units. They will clean the pond from polluting particles, small algae and microorganisms. Filtration equipment varies. One works constantly (recommended for large-sized bowls), the other turns on periodically. Both the first and second installations include:

  • quartz gravel or sand, hydroanthracite, other filter element;
  • cleaning container;
  • valve (multi-way);
  • circulation pump.

Filter elements of any type last no more than 2–2.5 years. They should be changed regularly and cleaned during use. Additionally, it is recommended to use special chemicals to purify the water in the bowl. It is advisable to purchase formulations based on chlorine and oxygen. With proper dosage of such cleaners, they cannot cause harm to human health.

If you plan to swim in an outdoor pool in the spring and fall, when the outside temperature is not the most comfortable, install an inexpensive instantaneous water heater in it. But be prepared for hefty electricity bills. Such equipment consumes a lot of electrical energy. And for owners of country houses who are not very concerned about financial issues, we recommend installing original lighting in the pool. Then your personal pond will be truly luxurious.

Last moment. The area around the pool also needs to be landscaped. Install ceramic tile paths around the structure. You can choose other material. The main thing is that it is not slippery. Enjoy water treatments in the pool that you built and equipped yourself!

The appearance of your own swimming pool at your summer cottage can be compared to the materialization of thoughts after watching Hollywood films. If you think about it, such a landscape element can radically transform the appearance of the territory, making it visually brighter. In this article, we will look at what a polycarbonate swimming pool is in a country house, and we will also learn how to make its bowl.

It should be recognized that although our country is rich in various types of reservoirs, not everyone and not always can pamper themselves with swimming in them. Therefore, if “the mountain does not go to Mohammed...”, then you can turn your own plot into something like a lake shore.

A polycarbonate pool is one of the easiest ways to achieve this. It should be understood that we are talking not only about the bowl, but also about sheltering the structure from atmospheric influences.

Why do we need a pavilion?

Thanks to this design, you can really improve the performance of the pool.


  • protect the summer pond from debris, in particular, branches and leaves from trees in the area, which will reduce the number of its cleanings;
  • will make it possible to use it even in rainy or very windy weather. Often a heater is installed in the room, warming bathers even in the cold season;
  • allows you to extend the life of an artificial reservoir, protecting it from the summer heat and preserving it during conservation in winter;
  • will not allow the water to cool quickly, which will provide great savings in electricity;
  • protect from ultraviolet radiation during water procedures;
  • will become another place to relax, protected from prying eyes.

Tip: if it is not possible to make a stationary pool, find out on our website how to install an inflatable one.

Pros of polycarbonate

Of course, a bowl can be made from different materials, and the industry is ready to facilitate this. However, many experts are inclined to believe that the most successful option is polycarbonate.

Below we consider its positive characteristics:

  1. Weather resistant.
  2. Resistant to biological influences, it has been noted that algae do not grow in such structures and harmful microorganisms do not multiply.
  3. The price of arranging a pool depends on the size of the structure and will not exceed $10,000 excluding the pavilion. For example, a concrete bowl will cost $85 per square meter. m, and from propylene - for $100.
  4. You can do all the work yourself and in a short time.
  5. The material is lightweight and does not pose any difficulties for its delivery to the construction site.

Advice: renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help solve the problem of uninterrupted power supply to your dacha.


Various structures can be installed above the pool, differing from each other in the degree of protection. Two main directions can be distinguished:

The structures also differ in height above the pool:

Another design feature of shelters is their ability to be:

  • sliding, when convenient operation occurs due to the fact that the sections are installed on guides. Such structures are difficult to manufacture, but are in good demand. This is due to the mobility of the structure;
  • stationary, when shelters are installed over high artificial reservoirs made of polycarbonate.

The design of the protective structure depends on the pool bowl and can be:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • combined, used for non-standard bowls;
  • dome-shaped - usually above a round bowl;
  • arched or pitched, where there must be vertical walls and an arched roof. Typically, such structures are large in size and can accommodate, in addition to a swimming pool, a recreation area and even a small front garden.

Advice: if you don’t want to build a house on a country plot yourself, ready-made country houses made from block containers with all the amenities are offered.

How to make a pool yourself

Below are instructions for the process:

  1. Select a site that should not be the lowest on the territory and located no closer than 15 m from a residential building. Also make sure that the tree crowns do not obscure the future structure, and that there are no power poles nearby.
  2. Clear it and mark it.

  1. Dig a pit. Try to make the walls smooth and dense.

Advice: if the soil in the area is too soft, deepen the hole to a hard layer so that groundwater does not damage the building.

  1. Make a drainage, for which, not far from the pit, dig a hole with a depth below the pool. It is designed to drain water from an artificial reservoir. For this purpose, prepare a drain pipe, one end of which is installed at the bottom of the wall of the structure, and the other end is led into the drainage tank.
  2. Make a frame from dried pine wood, which must first be treated with a permanent antiseptic.
  3. Treat the lower parts of the bars approximately 500 mm with bitumen to protect them from rot and insect pests.
  4. Dig prepared pillars in the corners of the pit with your own hands and along the perimeter, keeping an eye on their horizontal level.
  5. Fill the bottom of the pit and compact it with layers of crushed stone and sand.
  6. Fill the top with a cement-sand screed 100 mm high.
  7. After the solution has hardened, tie the pillars together with boards.

Advice: you can play it safe and put a waterproof awning fabric on the bottom before installing the polycarbonate, choosing the appropriate color.

  1. Install the polycarbonate base over the entire area of ​​the frame. Thanks to the good flexibility of the sheets, you can create the desired shape in a short time.

  1. Seal the ends of the sheets using special adhesive tapes for polycarbonate.
  2. Carry out decorative work around the pond by installing non-slip slabs or similar materials along the edges. Don't forget about the stairs for easy access to the pool.


From the article you learned what types of artificial ponds in the country house are made of polycarbonate, as well as what structures are used to protect them from atmospheric influences. It was also told how you can dig it yourself.

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Anyone can make a pool on their country/dacha plot if there is space for it. For a long period of operation, it is important not only to correctly design and implement the pool itself, but it is also important to properly care for it, which is why many owners have the idea of ​​​​the need to create a canopy. A polycarbonate pool canopy will act as reliable protection and can also transform the local area.

This is what a polycarbonate pool cover looks like

Even if the pool has modern protection against pollution and is able to maintain an optimal microclimate, a polycarbonate canopy will significantly increase comfort during water procedures, especially in windy and rainy weather. If you don’t need a specialist (you have a penchant for design, a little time and money), then you can try making a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands.

Low pavilions are convenient if the pool is used only in the summer season

Advantages of a polycarbonate pool cover

A polycarbonate canopy has a number of advantages:

  • the water in the pool will be cleaner, the tank will have to be cleaned much less frequently;
  • the pool can be used during strong winds, rain and other “whims” of the weather;
  • a polycarbonate canopy provides protection from ultraviolet rays, so when swimming you don’t have to worry about getting sunburned;
  • the plasticity of structural materials allows you to make canopies of various shapes without damaging the canopy;
  • due to the light weight of profiles and polycarbonate sheets, the assembly of the structure requires a minimum of time (there is also no need to use special equipment);
  • despite the light weight, the design has a large margin of safety;
  • water from a pool under a canopy evaporates much more slowly;
  • skillfully selected polycarbonate sheets create excellent diffused lighting, which is almost impossible to achieve with glass and plastic panels;
  • the finished polycarbonate structure retains its original appearance at temperatures from -40 0 C to +120 0 C;
  • heating the pool requires significantly less electricity due to the low thermal conductivity of polycarbonate.

If you use polycarbonate mirror panels, this solution will significantly increase the space of a small pool, fill it with light and create a cozy atmosphere.

A sliding canopy located above the pool will prevent debris from entering the water

Types of polycarbonate canopies

There are two types of pool covers, structurally different from each other;

  1. Stationary. The design of such a cover is monolithic, placed on a foundation, and usually occupies a larger area than the pool itself. In some way, it turns out to be a unique structure designed to accommodate not only the pool itself, but also furniture, a bar, benches, etc. Electricity and heating are usually supplied to such an extension;
  2. Sliding or telescopic. Such an extension can be fully or partially extended to cover the pool. The main advantage of a sliding canopy is the ability to heat water using sunlight.

Types of structures

Stationary and sliding canopies are presented in the form of straight or bent aluminum profiles and polycarbonate sheets, attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. From a technical point of view, stationary canopies are a multi-sectional system, which is very difficult to install on your own. To build a stationary canopy, contact our specialists for help.

This is what a stationary canopy looks like from the inside. A semi-closed pavilion protects only part of the pool, and it is better to install it from the wind or from green spaces.

Sliding canopies have a more simplified design, consisting of separate sections. Telescopic canopies can be produced in the form of oval, semicircular, asymmetrical and other shapes. Such a canopy for a polycarbonate pool is much cheaper, and assembling it with your own hands is not so problematic.

Sliding or telescopic pavilions move on a rail system and can be completely removed from the water area of ​​the pool

Canopy for a polycarbonate pool: do it yourself or do you need a specialist?

Before you begin the installation process, you need to decide on the shape, design and size of the canopy. The design can be drawn using a computer program, or you can simply draw a diagram on paper, not forgetting to display all the dimensions there. If everything is done correctly, then calculating the approximate consumption of materials will be very simple.

The polycarbonate pavilion is assembled according to the principle of a conventional greenhouse

If you are going to start building a canopy yourself, in a construction supermarket you will have to purchase: polycarbonate sheets, a profile pipe with a square or rectangular cross-section, concrete mix, fasteners, screws and bolts, a shovel, a welding machine, a screwdriver or hammer drill, a jigsaw, a hacksaw, concrete mixer, tape measure, level. If you don’t want to buy all this equipment for a single use, our specialists will be able to calculate and install the canopy for you.

Although polycarbonate sheets are light, the structure will be quite heavy in the end. The canopy must be installed on a concrete foundation with a depth of about 50 cm; After laying the foundation and drying it, it needs to be covered with tiles, which will provide additional protection from moisture. The canopy frame is usually made of metal or wood. If the profiles need to be bent to obtain an arched shape, then a specialist is needed - a professional welder.

This is what the process of preparing the foundation for a pool cover looks like. The foundation should protrude another 7 cm forward from the pavilion structure in order to securely hold the entire load

To create a frame you need:

  1. Throw the profiles over the pool, and then secure them to the foundation;
  2. Stretch the arcs at a distance of 1 m from each other, and place stiffeners between them;
  3. Connect the structural parts together with bolts or welding.

After creating the frame, they begin to cover it with polycarbonate. The joints with the frame are marked on the sheets, then holes are drilled there for self-tapping screws (in order not to damage the skin, it is recommended not to remove the film from the sheets). The diameter of the holes should be slightly larger than the diameter of the screws, because under the influence of heat the material tends to expand.

A canopy made of metal profiles, with a closed side from neighbors. Made of milky cellular polycarbonate, thickness 10 mm.

Polycarbonate is attached to the profiles with self-tapping screws, under which small washers are placed. After the joints between the sheets and the screw heads must be treated with sealant.


Polycarbonate has acquired excellent strength characteristics, unlike, for example, polymer plastic. Despite its positive properties, polycarbonate coating must be kept clean; It is also worth taking care of the metal frame if you want the coating to last for a really long time (it is necessary to treat the metal elements with an anti-corrosion agent once a year).

You can avoid sunburn or the risk of skin diseases due to the fact that polycarbonate absorbs the lion's share of the particularly dangerous spectrum of the solar flux, turning dangerous ultraviolet radiation into harmless heat thanks to a special coating.

If you are confident in your abilities, you can try to build a polycarbonate canopy yourself, but no one can guarantee you a long service life of the structure. You can order all the materials to create a canopy from us. If the option of installing a turnkey canopy is more attractive to you, then we will be glad to see you on the list of our clients. The cost of canopies is determined individually (depending on the complexity of the design, painting, brand of polycarbonate, its thickness, etc.), but in any case we offer the lowest prices.

Such structures are very resistant to vertical and horizontal loads, any rain, and can withstand even stormy winds.

We sell polycarbonate at a price of 3 thousand rubles. for 1 m 2 in Moscow and the Moscow region. The monolithic polycarbonate offered by us has the following dimensions: width – 205 cm, length – 305 cm; the cellular one has a fixed width of 210 cm, with a length of 6 or 12 m. The material lends itself well to cutting and changing shape, so from us you can purchase as much polycarbonate as you need to create a canopy. Regardless of the volume of your order, you are guaranteed to receive free delivery.

Source: http://navesimoskva.ru/navesi/iz-polikarbonata/dlya-bassejna/

As beautiful and healthy as a stationary pool is, it is just as difficult to maintain. The water must be constantly cleaned, filtered, and removed from debris. But if the structure is covered from above by a transparent pavilion structure, as if floating above the water, then maintenance becomes easier. Even those owners who installed an open bowl eventually build pool pavilions over it with their own hands.

  • Water will evaporate less from the surface.
  • Heat losses will be significantly reduced, which means the cost of heating water. In addition, this will lengthen the swimming season.
  • Dirty sediments and wind-blown dust, debris, and leaves will not get into the pool, and the owner will save on filtration and water purification with chemicals (if the pavilion is closed).
  • Ultraviolet rays will collide with an obstacle and enter the pool already refracted. This means that their destructive effect on the walls and bottom will become weaker, which will lead to an increase in the service life of the pool materials.
  • In winter frosts, the temperature under the pavilion is higher than outside, which means that the structure will not have to undergo tests at too low temperatures, which can cause some materials and the water supply system to become unusable.

Material about methods of filtering water in a pool will also be useful:

Rules for choosing a pavilion design

To build a pool pavilion with your own hands, you need to decide on its design.

Low pavilions

If the pool is used periodically and is idle the rest of the time, then the cheapest option would be a low pavilion with a height of no more than a meter. It will perform the most important function - protecting water from the sun, precipitation and debris. And if the owners do not plan to dive from the sides, then it is enough to make a sliding section and get into the water through it.

Low pavilions are convenient if the pool is used only in the summer season

There are also structures with a height of about two meters. For ease of use, they have a door installed at the end. This version of the pavilion is made according to the principle of a conventional greenhouse using metal profiles and polycarbonate sheets. You can, of course, stretch polyethylene film instead of polycarbonate, but the aesthetic appearance will suffer from this, and the wear resistance of the film coating is weak.

High pavilions

The high pavilions are about three meters high and are used not only to protect the pool, but also serve as an excellent relaxation area for the owners. The greenhouse climate allows you to arrange flower arrangements around the perimeter of the bowl, or place rocking chairs for relaxation. But this is the case if the boundaries of the pavilion are much wider than the size of the bowl.

Tall pavilions replace traditional gazebos for owners, because they have enough space for relaxation and are warm enough even in winter

A more economical option is a pavilion, which is built around the perimeter of the bowl, protruding ten centimeters. It can be completely closed or semi-closed. The semi-closed version protects the bowl either from only one side (usually from the side, from where the wind blows), or from the ends, leaving the middle open, or from the sides, leaving the ends open. Such a pavilion will not provide maximum protection, but it will create a barrier to wind and debris, and the owners will receive a shady area in which they can hide from the scorching sun.

A semi-closed pavilion protects only part of the pool, and it is better to install it from the wind or from green spaces

Sliding structures

In a pavilion of any height, a system of sliding sections increases the level of comfort. Their base is a system of rails (as in commander cabinets), along which sections can move and fit one after another. By moving them to one end, the owners receive an awning to create shade, and in case of precipitation they can quickly insulate the bowl.

Sliding or telescopic pavilions move on a rail system and can be completely removed from the water area of ​​the pool

The choice of pavilion shape depends on the bowl of the pool itself. For round bowls, dome-shaped models are used, for rectangular ones - in the form of the letter “P” or a hemisphere. The most complex ones are pools of irregular shapes. Asymmetrical “canopies” are created for them.

For round bowls, the most successful form of pavilion is a dome

Technology for creating a pavilion with your own hands

From an economic point of view, creating pavilions on your own is justified, but if you do not have experience, then the installation of a tall structure may take a couple of weeks. True, some summer residents simply have no choice, because it is not always possible to find an appropriate “roof” for a non-standard-shaped bowl. This means you have to buy the materials yourself and build the pavilion. Let's look at how to do this using the example of a semi-closed polycarbonate structure.

Deciding on materials and shape

The polycarbonate pavilion is assembled according to the principle of a conventional greenhouse

For the covering we will use polycarbonate, which is usually used to cover greenhouses. And we will make a profile pipe as a frame.

To minimize costs and simplify installation, we will make the structure open at the ends, place it on the foundation of the pool or its finishing, and leave the opportunity to disassemble it for the winter.

The material on preserving a pool for the winter will also be useful:

You don't need a great height for swimming, so a two-meter pavilion is enough.

Pouring the foundation

Despite all their apparent lightness, polycarbonate and metal profiles have considerable weight, so the base for the pavilion must be reliable. If a relaxation area has already been created around the pool and tiles have been laid, then you can install it directly on it.

The foundation should protrude another 7 cm forward from the pavilion structure in order to securely hold the entire load

The remaining owners will have to pour a foundation half a meter thick, the width of which should protrude from the base of the frame by about 7 cm to the sides. Concrete must be reinforced by laying out square cells with a side of 20 cm.

The foundation for the pavilion must be thick and strong, because the weight of the entire structure can reach a ton or more

Creating a frame

For the main arcs of the frame, you need a wide pipe on which you can attach two edges of adjacent polycarbonate sheets. Its length is 1 height (2 m) + the width of the pool.

The pipes must be bent into arches. It’s better to entrust this to specialists, and those who have welding can do it themselves. We cut the part of the pipe that should bend on three sides with a circular saw, carefully bend it, fixing the edges in a vice, and then weld all the cuts. We grind the welding places.

We secure the base of the frame to the foundation using bolts.

We attach the base of the frame to the foundation or finishing of the pool using bolts

We install the arches, also securing them with bolts and nuts (If the option is non-separable, you can weld it). The distance between the arcs is a meter.

We attach all the arcs to the base using bolts

Between the arcs we fix the stiffening ribs, alternating between 2 and 3 ribs per span.

We take the arcs with double bolts for reliability

We treat the finished frame with anti-corrosion agents and paint it in the desired color.

Sheathing with polycarbonate

We mark on the polycarbonate sheets (the color and thickness of which you choose yourself) the places where they will be attached to the pipes, and drill holes. They should be slightly thicker than the screws, because polycarbonate “plays” in the heat, and there must be room for expansion.

We cover the finished frame with polycarbonate sheets. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws, and metal (galvanized!) washers must be placed under the caps to close the holes.

Carbonate sheets should be laid end-to-end on the profile pipe

From the inside, we coat all fastenings and connections with sealant.

Lubricate all joints and fastening points with sealant

The concrete base must be insulated on both sides from water and precipitation using decorative finishing with porcelain stoneware, tiles, etc.

It should be borne in mind that the more often you disassemble the structure, the faster it will wear out. So think about whether it makes sense to rent a pavilion before each winter. This is justified if only in winter the dacha will be empty and no one will clear the snow from the pavilion in the event of heavy snowfalls.