The whole truth about Zhirinovsky is forbidden. Zhirinovsky: Berezovsky told me the whole truth about Litvinenko's death

Regarding the liberal democratic party of Russia, whose leader has been Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky for many years, two interesting facts are known. The first concerns Zhirinovsky himself and indicates that his patronymic was taken from his own father, lawyer Wolf Edelstein, a citizen of Israel, but he borrowed his last name from one of his many stepfathers; it is known that Zhirinovsky’s mother was a very loving woman.

The second fact concerns the fact that seats in the LDPR are sold for money. For example, places on the electoral list cost quite a lot of money. And this is not surprising; other parties are guilty of similar business, for example, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the well-known Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. But Zhirinovsky’s party is especially different in this regard. However, why are domestic rich people so actively buying up seats in parliamentary seats? And then what do they know, that soon they might come for them. And a living example of this is Mikhail Khodorkovsky. And then nothing can help them except the inviolability of the “people's choice.”

And so, there are a lot of similar figures in the LDPR, one can even note that in Zhirinovsky’s faction almost everyone is like that. However, it is better to say that the LDPR party traditionally retains a layer of “those”, in other words, swindlers of the new generation, distinguished by white collar workers. Most often they are classic thieves - from the St. Petersburg or Tambov organized crime group. Although, of course, not all of them get away with everything, most often their own people settle accounts with them. For example, deputy Skorochkin was killed in a criminal showdown. Another deputy Vengerovsky, once one of Vladimir Volfovich’s associates, was wounded. Glushchenko and Shevchenko have been on the international wanted list for many years on suspicion of organizing the murder of Galina Starovoytova, a well-known activist in the “democratic assault.” You can name about a dozen more LDPR deputies who are directly related to criminality: some were in prison, some were under investigation, and some still managed to hide behind the wide doors of the State Duma.

There is evidence that parliamentary seats in the Liberal Democratic Party can be purchased for three to five million dollars. Basically, all negotiations are conducted through intermediaries; knowledgeable people assure that this is done so that Zhirik does not cheat later.

Do you remember what a scandal the 1999 elections caused, when the leader of the LDPR had to urgently form a new “Zhirinovsky bloc”, because before that the Central Election Commission rejected all party lists, having found in them several names of criminals - repeat offenders - the leader of the “Solntsevsk group” Sergei “ Mikhasya" Mikhailov and Anatoly "Celentano" Bykov from Krasnoyarsk.

There was even a whole series of articles about the Krasnoyarsk bandit in the old Izvestia, which was called “The Hour of the Bull.” It told how a former boxer was able to become a respectable person through racketeering. In addition, there was also an article about another heavyweight boxer Konyakhin. This is the same one who was able, with three convictions, to become the mayor of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. And when Konyakhin was facing a fourth term in prison, he was defended in court by Zhirinovsky’s personal lawyer, named Belyak. We can say that so much has already been written and rewritten about the criminals - “Zhirinovites” in various media.
In general, it has long been no secret that the wealth of modern rich people from Russia is closely connected with crime. Thus, having accepted this hypothesis as reality, let’s pay attention to the state of the current State Duma deputies who belong to the liberal party. According to existing information, which is based on official declarations and expert assessments, all members of the faction are dollar millionaires. The poorest are those who barely managed to reach the “lemon”, and there are only four of them. The rest are worth between ten and one hundred million dollars. And there are eighteen of these people who care about the people.

The average age of Zhirinovites ranges from forty to fifty years. Such guys, confident in themselves and their own impunity, go to the polls under the slogan: “For the Russians and for the poor!” You see: the son of Wolf and the grandson of Isaac Edelstein are for the Russians. And a millionaire in the company of millionaires is for the poor. Although this, of course, was the slogan of the past elections, now the LDPR has a different slogan. But everything, as usual, is a lie, because this is a common thing for Zhirik.

MOMENT OF TRUTH, Issue dated November 19, 2009
Special issue - Interview with Alexander Vengerovsky: “If there is an attempt on my life, please blame Vladimir Zhirinovsky”

Let's drink to the poor, let's drink to the Russians

Radio Liberty

Vladimir Zhirinovsky:

I have a state award. What awards does Medvedev have? Not a single one. Modest, quiet, and he is no good for anything, even for the post of Minister of Justice, and especially for the post of President. People already hate him.

But I, for example, am proud to be the grandson of a manufacturer. But Zyuganov and Medvedev have nothing to be proud of. Petty, pathetic clerks who have achieved nothing in their lives. That is, I am the grandson of a manufacturer. And Zyuganov, Medvedev – who are they? Children of slaves, farm laborers?

Whose dog crossed the road? Transcript of an interview with Alexander Vengerovsky: “In the event of an attempt on my life, I ask you to blame Vladimir Zhirinovsky”

Stages of the path of Vladimir Edelstein (Zhirinovsky) Photos: Videos: Articles:

"Skunk" film by A. Karaulov about V. Zhirinovsky:

Issue dated June 22, 2010
"Skunk" is a film by A. Karaulov about V. Zhirinovsky. Oh mean. the history of the creation of the LDPR, about the business of the party and about the corpses around Zhirinovsky

Will Zhirinovsky order the president of the country?

Zhirinovsky "ordered" the president of the country?

LDPR - happy Hanukkah for life!

Orthodox liberal - “customer”

The moment of truth for the liberal “customer”


Alexander Vengerovsky

This interview ended. Perhaps it is worth adding to it the following words of Karaulov:
“Alexander Vengerovsky, as you heard, fears for his life. He calls Zhirinovsky his killer (he miraculously survived). So I’m wondering, despite Vladimir Volfovich’s cries in the Duma, will the prosecutor’s office hear this interview?”

There are two well-known facts. First: the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia is led by Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. His patronymic is from his own father, lawyer Wolf Edelstein, an Israeli citizen, and his surname is taken from one of his many stepfathers - Zhirinovsky’s mother was a desperate woman in terms of love.

The second fact is that seats in the LDPR are sold for money. Places on the electoral list cost a lot of money. This is party business. Some other parties are also guilty of this. For example, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, led by Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. But Zhirinovites sin especially actively. Why do domestic rich people buy parliamentary seats? Then they sense that they might come for them. For example, like Mikhail Khodorkovsky. And there will be nothing to excuse it with except the immunity of the “people's choice.”

Want examples? “I have them,” as they say in Odessa. Here is an example as bright as a diamond - Ashot Yeghiazaryan. His name has been talked about in every way for more than ten years. It will flash in one scam, then in another. But it was only last year that they got serious about it. Information has appeared in the media that the Investigative Committee of Russia has opened a criminal case against the alleged accomplices of State Duma deputy Ashot Egiazaryan, who is suspected (quoted from a statement by a representative of the investigative agency) “of a major fraud with the shares of the company that owns the large shopping and entertainment center Europark on Rublyovka , by 1.5 billion rubles.” In addition, Yeghiazaryan is suspected of several more tricks worth hundreds of millions of rubles. Previously, he managed to evade criminal prosecution, hiding behind a deputy mandate. Finally, even the patient State Duma ran out of patience and granted the request of law enforcement authorities to arrest the nimble deputy. And he immediately hid abroad, in one of the countries that willingly recognize our criminals as being persecuted for political reasons.

There are plenty of such figures in the LDPR. One could say that there, in the Zhirinov faction, they are predominantly like that. But we will put it more modestly: there remains a stable layer of “those like that.” These are either swindlers of the new, white-collar generation, or classic thieves - for example, from St. Petersburg or Tambov organized crime groups. Not everyone is lucky with time. For example, deputy Skorochkin was killed in a criminal showdown. Deputy Vengerovsky, a close ally of Volfovich at one time, was wounded. Glushchenko and Shevchenko have been on the international wanted list for many years on suspicion of organizing the murder of Galina Starovoytova, a well-known activist of the “democratic assault.” Currently, at least ten deputies of the liberal-democratic faction are, to one degree or another, “exposed” to criminal charges: some were “specifically” imprisoned, others, finding themselves on the brink between prison and freedom, took refuge behind the doors of the State Duma.

The cost of a place on the LDPR list ranges from three to five million dollars. Negotiations are often conducted through intermediaries. Knowledgeable people say: this is so that Zhirik does not “throw away”. The criminals also had serious problems. Let us remember the sensational elections of 1999, in order to participate in which the leader of the LDPR had to urgently form the “Zhirinovsky Bloc”, since the Central Election Commission rejected the party lists, seeing in them the names of seasoned criminals - the leader of the “Solntsevskaya group” Sergei “Mikhas” Mikhailov and Anatoly “Celentano” Bykov from Krasnoyarsk. “Mikhas” is generally a legendary person. And there was a whole series of articles about the Krasnoyarsk resident and his art in the old Izvestia, called “The Hour of the Bull.” How a former boxer, through racketeering and protection rackets, became respectable people. By the way, there was also information about lightweight boxer Konyakhin. Do you remember this one - with three convictions he managed to become the mayor of Leninsk-Kuznetsky? Then Konyakhin was defended from the fourth criminal charge by Zhirinovsky’s personal lawyer, his last name is Belyak. In general, the Zhirinovites in the Kemerovo region are a song, everything has been written and rewritten about them. Another one appeared on the horizon, a Novosibirsk guest. Probably, competitors drove to Kuzbass, the capital of the federal district became crowded. Or the detectives there were on their tail.

It is no secret that the wealth of modern Russian nouveau riche is heavily involved in crime. Taking this as a valid hypothesis, let’s look at the fortunes of the State Duma deputies who are now sitting on the Duputat “bench” of the LDPR. According to the Kommersant newspaper, based on official declarations and expert assessments, all members of the faction are dollar millionaires. The poorest are those who barely made it to the lemon. There are six of them. The wealthier ones - those who have between one and ten million, have a dozen of them. The majority of millionaires have fortunes ranging from ten to one hundred million. There are eighteen of them - caretakers of the people. Three went over a hundred million. Let me remind you - dollars, not rubles. Well, billionaires, as you know, prefer to buy deputies in bulk.

However, the Zhirinovites still have a long way to go; they are quite young, of the most productive age - from forty to fifty - more than half of them are there. And these guys, confident in themselves and their own impunity, go to the polls under the slogan: “For the Russians and for the poor!” Do you smell humor? Wolf's son and Isaac Edelstein's grandson are for the Russians. And a millionaire in the company of millionaires is for the poor.

However, this was the slogan of past elections. Now the LDPR has something different. I'm not even interested in which one. Because it's a lie. How is everything with Zhirik?

Don't believe me? I'll prove it to you now.

In addition to the blue screen with Channel One, we have the Duma. Look at the photo. This is Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, leader of the LDPR. In common parlance - Zhirik.


VerVolfych appeared out of nowhere at the first presidential elections in Russia and has not left the political scene for 25 years. Surely they will only carry him out feet first.

You may ask, what does Zhirinovsky have to do with it if I started talking about tolerance towards homosexuals in Russia? I'll explain now.

Just below is a video from a gay club where Volfych came to campaign for himself back in the 90s. He didn’t disdain, didn’t turn up his nose, but naturally joined the company of non-naturals:

It was a bold step for a politician. Anyone who watched Election Day 2 will understand. To publicly join a brothel is either bold, or courageous, or clearly hints at something to everyone!

In the next, fairly well-known video, no one noticed how Volfych sat for six minutes straight in an embrace with two ruddy, ahem, well done guys. Or cabbage rolls, I didn’t understand exactly:

Well, really - they drink, and let them drink for themselves. Who would suspect a famous politician of debauchery with boys? Moreover, Volfych is always so talkative that people listen to him more than look at who his playful hands paw.

Wherever the leader of the LDPR goes, he is accompanied by sugary young men in huge numbers. The boys have fair faces, but their eyes are very unkind. Obviously sectarians or worse. A squad of fighting comedians, no less!

Almost every show with the participation of Zhirinovsky on television or on the street is accompanied by the constant presence of a support group - an all-male group aged from 18 to 30 years.

People naively believe that these are thugs and thugs, a gang, but in reality, if you look closely, they are all suspiciously slobbery, sugary and suspicious.

They don’t look like fighters at all, you’ll agree.

I try not to take into account the “revelations” of exes, but often they tell the truth. “Zhirinovsky’s slave” Valentina Novak, whom he kicked into his mansion in 1999, allegedly kicked her into the position of maid, about the role young guys play in Volfych’s life.

However, Valentina's revelations are not evidence. Well, women are fools, as Zhirinovsky says, what can we take from us? You never know what they can say about an honest person?

But Zhirinovsky himself is more frank than all his other enemies. Language is often his friend, but even more often his enemy!

For example, in the video below he says that the most active and reliable workers are those with small penises.

Well, it even sounds logical, but how did Zhirinovsky find out this secret?

To find out the size, the employee must be accompanied to the bathhouse and see what is hanging there, the leader of the parliamentary party believes. Further, VerVolfych confidently stipulates that the best statesmen and politicians are eunuchs or supporters of same-sex love.

So, these are the conclusions Zhirinovsky made over decades of political life.

I can’t doubt Zhirinovsky’s words, but how did he know all this? Clearly experimental! Volfych personally inspects the baths, where he openly paws his retinue. This is his hobby. Or an experiment.

Whether this is party friendship or anything else is up to you to decide:

At the end of the video, if you watch it enough, Zhirinovsky looks, as he says, “into everyone’s mouth,” checking whether his comrades have retained their work uniform.

Apparently, the “mouths” of his charges are a sore subject for the elderly leader of the “liberal democrats”. For example, at a culinary fair, he is again accompanied by a retinue, in which there is not a single girl. And why are they - vile mares! - when Zhirik feeds the guys salted watermelon, gently pushing it into their - you guessed it! - in your mouth!

Everyone knows that against the backdrop of general dislike, people cluster together. They drag each other to warm places, occupying entire industries. So Zhirinovsky dragged a boy into deputies who doesn’t even know where the Moscow River flows.

No, just think about it, Yegorka Anisimov is a deputy. For a million rubles a month, he thinks about our good. Completely uneducated, but beautiful!

The situation is much worse with another member of the LDPR and a possible successor to Zhirik. The politician met Yaroslav Nilov when the boy was fifteen years old. Little Yarik wrote a letter to VerVolfych and invited him to visit him.

The parliamentarian has arrived, and why not when schoolchildren are calling to visit? This is almost normal for current tolerance. The deputy is frankly not bothered by who might think what.

After communication, at the age of 16, Yaroslavka Nilov becomes an assistant to deputy Zhirinovsky on a voluntary basis. 16 years old and already assistant to the leader of the parliamentary faction!

For what kind of merit? Let's look at the photo - this is a personal attitude:

Photo: social networks

From 2003 to 2007, Yarik Nilov worked hard or something else in Zhirinovsky’s secretariat, and from 2007 he headed it for 4 years.

In fact, Nilov is Zhirik’s secretary, who looks at her boss with adoration.

Photo: social networks

Everyone knows what secretaries and bosses do. One can only guess what unites Zhirinovsky and the boy Nilov.

The participation of Yaroslav Nilov in the pre-election race for the State Duma elections is a catharsis, after which the topic of pedophilia and homosexuality can no longer be silenced. Despite all the desire - everything is too sewn with white thread!

Unlike many of his party comrades, Yaroslav did not dare to get married, even for appearances and to maintain appearances!

Another possible successor to the LDPR leader is no worse. This is Mikhail Degtyarev, inspecting the baths together with the chief.

Photo: social networks

Dyagterev was put in charge of defending the honor of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in the last mayoral elections in Moscow, and during the campaign he repeated the opinion of his leader: “I will allow the gay pride parade, but at night and quietly.”

Well, so that no one would guess who authorized it, apparently.

Another LDPR activist and assistant to the unfortunate boy Yarik Nilov is Ruslan Zakharkin. He coordinates the Moscow branch of the party, lies in a sleeping bag in the cold and dreams of Vladimir Volfovich:

Photo: social networks

Of course, I don’t have ironclad evidence of his homosexuality, so I’m simply offering his photo for you to look at:

Photo: social networks

What do we end up with?

In his old age, the avid conservative Zhirinovsky surrounded himself with devoted boys with whom he probably shares a close bond. Not only ideological, but it is clear to everyone what else.

The politician appoints his sweet protégés as deputies, nominates them for elections and names them successors. The nomination of the boy secretary Nilov for elections to the State Duma, in my opinion, is a spit in the face of the very reason for the existence of parliament.

What laws will the sweet boys pass? Zhirinovsky has already come out in favor of allowing the gay pride parade. The LDPR, when adopting a law banning the propaganda of homosexuality among minors, remained silent, declaring that the very discussion on this topic was propaganda.

In your opinion, does the LDPR have the right to sit in the Duma, and its boy members to live at state expense?

On January 21, the Royal Court of London named State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoy and businessman Dmitry Kovtun guilty of the murder of Alexander Litvinenko. The court's conclusion stated that the murder was committed "possibly" with the approval of Russian President Vladimir Putin. So who really killed Litvinenko? Mikhail Kozyrev discussed this issue with the head of the Litvinenko Foundation in London Alexander Goldfarb, writer Yuli Dubov and the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Kozyrev: I want to include in our conversation today Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, who is in touch with us, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Vladimir Volfovich, good evening.

Zhirinovsky: Good evening.

Kozyrev: Thank you for agreeing to talk. My question for the audience is very general, but essentially: do they believe in the conclusions of Judge Owen’s report in the British Parliament and, in particular, in the phrase that “this was an FSB operation to kill Litvinenko, and it was probably approved by Patrushev, as well as President Putin." Tell me whether you believe it or not. If not, why not?

Zhirinovsky: Under no circumstances should you believe this. I personally met with Berezovsky 2 months before his death, and his guards and British intelligence know about this, since they always followed him when he traveled abroad. And probably all his conversations with me were recorded. So he told me that if he is allowed to return to Russia and all charges against him are dropped, then he is ready for truthful testimony from his widow Marina in the Litvinenko murder case. That Marina will tell the truth to the court, that neither Lugovoi nor Kovtun have anything to do with this case, that all this was provoked and carried out by the British intelligence MI6 itself. You understand that, firstly, he told me that I was perhaps the last person with whom he spoke for a long time. We sat with him for about 2 hours one day.

Kozyrev: This was in Israel, as I understand it? In Israel, right? Or in the UK?

Zhirinovsky: Yes, in Eilat. I was there at the resort. Three years ago.

Kozyrev: He was treated there, yes.

Zhirinovsky: 2013 So I found out that he was in a nearby hotel. We agreed, he met with pleasure and told us a lot. I heard all this, the two of us were sitting, the security removed everyone, they took the entire hall so that no one would be there. And the two of us sat and had dinner in the large hall of his hotel, that is, he was telling the truth. A person always speaks the truth before death, he poured out his soul. That is, he told me that the murder of Litvinenko was all inspired, that Lugovoi and Kovtun had nothing to do with it.

Kozyrev: Then please explain two motives. I want to understand. The first is Marina Litvinenko’s motive to hide the truth and the second is the British intelligence motive to destroy Litvinenko with such a staged operation.

Zhirinovsky: This means, in principle, Berezovsky was the organizer of all these actions. But Berezovsky did not trust Litvinenko, because Litvinenko knew how Berezovsky, with his assistance, Litvinenko received British citizenship, where he received citizenship using forged documents. If Litvinenko had told the truth in London, then Berezovsky could have been deprived of this citizenship. Therefore, Berezovsky was interested in the liquidation of Litvinenko. Marina did not want to leave London. She lived well there, was completely supported by Berezovsky and did not want to go anywhere, fly away, or leave. She also benefited from the liquidation of Litvinenko. And Litvinenko wanted to go to Russia. If Litvinenko had gone to Russia, then the British authorities would have sent Marina there too, to her husband in Moscow.

Kozyrev: Listen, this is some completely cold, inhumane story about destroying your own husband in order to stay in London. Do you believe in it?

Zhirinovsky: Certainly. What should I do? They went there, everything, all their connections collapsed. She understood perfectly well that an FSB agent, or rather an FSB employee, who had defected to London, was doomed to the worst. Both in London and in Moscow. That's why in London he got the worst. One more thing. The Spanish intelligence services were interested in eliminating Litvinenko. Because he prevented them from exposing our criminal structures in Spain. So this is where everything comes together.

Kozyrev: Didn't help, but actually hindered?

Zhirinovsky: Yes, yes, he knew, and he could convey all the information. You see, he didn’t have time. He was supposed to go there supposedly with Lugovoi in order to lead some people in Spain to him, but he didn’t have time. And the Spanish intelligence services could have been involved here, just look at how it all pans out.

Kozyrev: Okay, Vladimir Volfovich, I want...

Zhirinovsky: The owner of the bar where they meet dies. Why does he die, the owner of the bar? He is a British citizen. Some Italian witness dies. Berezovsky himself dies. (7.52) Well, what is the connection with Lugovoi? There is absolutely no connection with Lugovoi.

Kozyrev: I want to add to the conversation, now, one second, Alexander Goldfarb, who is on the other line, he has something to say now in response to your comment. Vladimir Volfovich, please stay on the line now, don’t leave. Alexander Davydovich, I’m listening to you.

Goldfarb: Well, I would leave most of it without comment. Because there is no fact behind it. But what Berezovsky allegedly told Mr. Zhirinovsky that all this was not true, where was he? The trial lasted a year. He had every opportunity to contact the court and tell them about this important conversation. And this conversation would have been weighed by the judge in contrast to Berezovsky’s written testimony, given under oath, that everything was not at all like that, but exactly as the British court decided.

Kozyrev: Now let’s ask this question and wait for an answer from Vladimir Volfovich. Where would you be during the trial?

Zhirinovsky: Please, I heard. I answer. This means that at the time when I spoke with Berezovsky, it was January 2013, 3 years ago, the Litvinenko case had all gone into the archives. It's all over. There were no questions or complaints to anyone. And British intelligence was not interested, and neither was the British government. This Litvinenko case arose again then, I specifically said, excuse me, but I heard everything from Berezovsky, someone came from London, some British television group. They arrived, I told them everything and left. I told them all, for the whole world: “Come on, I will testify. In any court, in the British, here in Moscow.” But no one began to listen to me. I openly told the whole world everything that Berezovsky told me. But why weren’t the British authorities interested in anything? I just did it. Goldfarb says why I was silent. I said everything literally in January 2013, when I returned to Moscow. And in March, when they told us that Berezovsky had died, then I said everything that I knew from him. While he was alive, I was afraid that it might harm him. In my opinion, he was killed, one of the reasons was that he was going to leave for Moscow one way or another. There was no point in me setting him up. But when I learned about the tragedy, that he was also killed, then I said everything that I learned from him, from Berezovsky.

Kozyrev: Are you sure that he was killed? Are you sure, right?

Zhirinovsky: Absolutely sure. He was killed, he would never have committed suicide, this is a man who really wanted to achieve, he wanted to return to Russia, I talked to him for many hours, so he had no thoughts about suicide, he had one desire - to return to Russia. Because he realized that he had been deceived in London, that nothing would work out, and he wanted to live here in Russia for some more years.

Kozyrev: Yes, I can personally testify to this, since I talked to him a couple of months ago, on the phone, in London, and really really wanted to go home, but the truth is, the only thing I noted is that I never talked to him when he was in such a broken, absolutely depressed state. This struck me in a telephone conversation. Vladimir Volfovich, one more point that I wanted to clarify with you. Years will pass and suddenly, suddenly this evidence base, which is based on the fact that this murder was committed by two of our citizens, Lugovoi and Kovtun, suddenly it will outweigh. And this is recognized by both our justice and world justice, everyone. Do you think that in this case you will find the courage to say that you have a murderer in the party?

Zhirinovsky: No, I will never believe that Lugovoi is a murderer, he is not a murderer. You must understand that our intelligence services are the most experienced in the world. They will never use any drug, plutonium, whatever you called it.

Kozyrev: Polonium.

Zhirinovsky: It's just funny. There are a huge number of means so that no one would ever know, and Litvinenko would instantly have a heart attack in his room or at home, in his car. There would be no connection with Lugovoi, so any special services have a huge amount of means to remove a person, without a shot, without poison, just lubricate the door handle that the victim touches, in 10 minutes he will have a heart attack, and everything from the handle will evaporate, and not a single examination will never find absolutely anything. Therefore, if the Russian special services had to remove Litvinenko, it would have been done without any Lugovoi or Kovtun, and it would have been done so beautifully that there was nothing at all. But scattering this substance with radiation, as you called it, plutonium...

Kozyrev: Polonium, polonium-210.

Zhirinovsky: Polonium, all over London. There, somewhere on the plane they found traces, and in a bar, it’s funny, well, kids can do that. This is a pioneer detachment, this is a theater for young spectators. In order for the Russian special services to remove one person, a kilogram of this polonium was scattered throughout London. Well, it's absolutely just funny. Has no relation.

Kozyrev: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Zhirinovsky: It will never be said that Lugovoi killed. British intelligence services, but they will never admit it. We also killed Stepan Bandera. In Warsaw, I think, somewhere, or in Munich. He was killed in Munich. So, are we going to admit this? We won't admit it.

Kozyrev: Yes, and there was, we also had an ice pick in our history, in which we admitted that it was Ramon Mercader.

Zhirinovsky: There was an ice ax, but this comrade lies in Moscow, it says “Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Kozyrev: Yes.

Zhirinovsky: Therefore, the intelligence services will never report anything. And we will never know anything about it.

Kozyrev: Thank you very much, Vladimir Volfovich. Thank you very much for your point of view.

Photo: Kommersant, LDPR press service