How old is Stas Piekha’s child? Stas Piekha: biography and family

The couple recently broke up. Piekha and his wife no longer live together, but continue to communicate for the sake of their son Peter. Meanwhile, Natalia’s life is still followed by thousands of subscribers, many of whom simply did not recognize her in the latest photos.

The fact is that after breaking up with the singer, the model changed beyond recognition. Piekha's ex-wife dyed her hair blonde and acquired a Hollywood golden tan after a summer vacation. Fans compared Natalia to the legendary Barbie doll.

“Beautiful girl, don’t drive me crazy,” “Beauty, every man’s dream,” “Wonderful sexy beauty,” “Crazy about one of your qualities, you never cease to amaze,” “Real Barbie,” friends shared their emotions and Gorchakova’s subscribers on Instagram.

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Let us recall that when it became known about the breakdown of relations between Stas Piekha and his chosen one, who now lives with her son in St. Petersburg, many criticized the singer. Users social networks The artist was accused of abandoning his wife and child. An angry Stas gave a rather harsh response to all spiteful critics on his microblog. He admitted that he helps his family and son financially.

“They made a scapegoat! I haven’t reacted for a long time, but there have been countless direct insults. It's just too much. There was love, which culminated in a son, we communicate every day, I fully support my wife, son and grandmother (and many other family members). Yes, the relationship quickly exhausted itself, but friendship, gratitude and love for my son are progressing. Stop, you monsters, why sweep someone else's side of the street, take care of your sidewalks. Sorry for the post, it hurt!” Piekha spoke in his defense.

The grandson of a famous performer, the very famous pop singer Stas Piekha was born on August 13, 1980 in St. Petersburg. His biography has been connected with music since early childhood. The grandmother of the future star is a true legend on stage, her mother also practiced singing professionally, famous actress and TV presenter. The boy grew up in a very creative environment, which could not but affect his future.

Stas Piekha: biography

The greatest influence on the upbringing of the young artist was his grandmother, Edita Stanislavovna Piekha. Even in her youth, she promised to name her son after his father, who died very early. Only Edita herself gave birth to a girl, and only her grandson managed to inherit her father’s name. The boy hardly knew his own father. His mother divorced Petras Gerulis only after giving birth to a child. A short time later, Ilona Bronevitskaya already married Yuri Bystrov. In 1986, Stas had a sister, who was named Erica. She turned out to be the only one in her family who did not connect her life with a musical career. The girl chose to study design and architecture.

Stas was raised mainly by his grandmother, while his mother was building her career at that time. At the age of seven, the boy moved to live with Edita Stanislavovna and took her last name. From childhood, he got used to the stage, the public, and learned to perform. It was at the suggestion of eminent relatives that the boy was sent to study at the Glinka Choir School. The guy never received the necessary skills, so from the walls educational institution went to private lessons with tutors. In addition to music, Stas also received the profession of a hair stylist, and was also interested in sports and psychology.

Piekha’s career began with the project “Star Factory-4”. It was there that he managed to sing his first hit, and also stand on the same stage with famous performers of not only domestic but also foreign pop music. The guy became the winner and received unique opportunity release your own album. He began to quickly gain popularity and develop as an artist. Soon, many residents of the country already knew the name of Stas, his hits were sung on every corner.

Stas Piekha’s wife – Natalya Gorchakova, photo

The personal life of Stas Piekh enjoys increased public attention. Any changes are observed not only by his personal fans, but also by fans of his mother and grandmother. That is why he was long considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. He was credited with having affairs with famous models, actresses, but the guy was in no hurry to tie the knot. The press wrote about the romance of the singer and model Alena Vodonaeva, but both partners denied this information. Alena admitted that in her youth she was in love with Stas, but these unrequited feelings only pushed her towards professional growth.

Piekha’s family, like himself, prefers not to disclose details of his personal life. For a long time, the artist assured everyone that he was not yet ripe for a serious relationship. In the meantime, he managed to officially marry Natalya Gorchakova. Neither the press nor the fans at that time had any idea who Stas’s wife was or what she was doing. In 2014, they had their first child, son Peter. However, the star dad hid even the appearance of the baby from the public for a long time. Stas Piekha with his wife and son almost never appeared together in public places, did not give interviews or take part in photo shoots. How relationships developed in the young family remained a mystery.

In the photo: Stas Piekha with his wife Natalya

Not long ago, the media was full of headlines that Piekha Stas and his wife had separated. The singer commented that this was indeed the case and called himself the culprit. He was not ready for family life. According to him, he and his wife remained friends and the musician regularly sees his son. However permanent presence his wife and child in the house began to interfere with his creative process. They had to periodically disperse different apartments, not seeing each other for weeks. The guy is sure that this only insults his wife. That is why he decided to let her go. Thus, the artist had the opportunity to devote himself entirely to creativity and music. The version that Stas officially divorced his wife was confirmed.

Who is Stas Piekha's ex-wife dating?

After separating from her husband, Natalya Gorchakova did not give up her career and continues to work. In addition, Stas continues to support not only his child, but also his mother and grandmother. Representatives of the press were unable to find out whether the girl had love affairs or serious relationships with members of the opposite sex.

In the photo: Stas Piekha with his son Peter

Some time after the divorce, Natalya was credited with an affair with Alexei Vorobyov, but there were no official comments from either party on this matter. Gorchakova actively experiments with her appearance, surprises the public and enjoys life. Apparently, she is not yet striving for serious novels.

Who is Stas Piekha dating?

After the divorce, the singer was credited with many affairs, including with famous representatives of the fair sex. Only this all remained at the level of rumors, there was no official confirmation. According to Stas himself, serious relationships interfere with normal creative development. He gave up family life in order to be able to work normally.

In the photo: Stas Piekha with his wife and son

Children are of no small importance in Piekha’s life. In his free time, he tries to be with his son Peter as much as possible and takes an active part in his upbringing. In addition, the father makes sure that the boy does not need anything and fully provides him financially. It is not yet known how his personal life will develop further.

Stas never flaunted his personal life, and everything that happened in it was hidden from prying eyes. Even when he got married, for a long time no one knew exactly who Stas Piekha’s wife was or how his family life was going. The news that the successor to the famous creative dynasty divorced his wife put everything in its place, and it became clear that the singer’s marriage to model Natalya Gorchakova was unsuccessful and collapsed, having lasted a little more than two years. However, this time was enough for Stas Piekha to become a father - his wife gave birth to his son Peter, who turned three this year. For a long time after the birth of the child, the singer’s wife and son lived in Spain, where he rented them an apartment near Barcelona. It was there in Spain that his and Natalya’s wedding took place - the celebration passed quietly and unnoticed - Stas simply signed with his beloved in one of the local registry offices.

In the photo - Stas Piekha with his wife

When they arrived in Russia, at first they lived in St. Petersburg, then they moved to Moscow and even began to build a large country house, in which, however, they never had to live together. The singer took the blame for the breakup of the family, saying that, despite his age, and Stas Piekha turns thirty-seven this year, he is not yet ready for family life and will not be able to make his soulmate happy. He admitted that his career was more important to him than communication with his wife, but after breaking up with Natalya he maintained friendly relations with her. Moreover, Piekha does everything to ex-wife and son Peter lacked nothing.

In the photo - Stas with his son

He tries to be with his son as often as possible, watches how he grows and enjoys his new achievements. However, since Stas Piekha spends most of his time in Moscow, and his ex-family lives in St. Petersburg, he does not manage to see Peter very often.

Before meeting Natalya Gorchakova, Stas had a serious relationship with singer Victoria Smirnova, cousin Timati, which lasted almost four years, but Victoria was not destined to become the wife of Stas Piekha - he met Natalya.

In the photo - Natalya Gorchakova with her son Peter

Now the singer's time is occupied new project- he invests a lot of time and money in the development of his own clinic, which will help people free themselves from harmful addictions. He shared with his fans that he is now trying to live very frugally, has given up shopping and even cut down on his diet, eating regular budget foods.

Stas is not thinking about a new wife yet - he has a lot of plans related to his career, and does not yet have time for his personal life.

Stas was born on August 13, 1980 in a family where all members were engaged in creativity, and his mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya, after the birth of her son began to actively develop solo career, so he spent most of his time with his grandmother, the famous Soviet pop singer Edita Piekha, accompanying her even on tours. When Stas was seven years old, he was sent to the choir school. Glinka, where he mastered the skill of playing the piano and the subtleties of choral singing. Stas Piekha continued his musical education at the State Music College named after. Gnesins in the pop-jazz department, and began to actively engage in his career in 2004, after he became a participant in the First Channel television project “Star Factory”.

His first solo album, “One Star,” was released in 2005, the artist’s producer was Viktor Drobysh, several of whose songs were included in Stas Piekha’s debut disc. The next album, among others, included a composition performed by Stas in a duet with Grigory Leps “She’s not yours,” for which the young performer received the Golden Gramophone. Later, he became a participant in musical projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, and in February of this year he became a member of the jury of the international children's vocal project “You are Super!” on the NTV channel. Stas Piekha is also known as the author of poems included in his collections “Naked” and “I don’t remember what we laughed at...”.

For a long time, Stas Piekha hid the details of his personal life from a wide audience. The artist wanted to keep secret both the fact that he got married and the news that he became a father for the first time. In August 2014, StarHit was the first to report changes in the musician’s life, but even after that Stas was in no hurry to share his happiness. Reports that a graduate of the “Star Factory” connected his life with a model from St. Petersburg, Natalya Gorchakova, came as a big surprise to his fans and gave reason to be happy for him. However, in Piekha’s family life everything turned out to be not so smooth.

After almost three years of relationship, the artist broke up with the mother of his son Peter. Edita Piekha’s grandson openly stated that he was not ready for a serious relationship, and his significant other would only suffer with him. The artist intends to take a break and focus exclusively on work, so that in the future, when he is finally ready to start a family, he can do everything wisely.

“I’ve always had relationships, but they stopped me from growing – both creatively and spiritually,” explained Stas Piekha. - I realized that I still need to mature a little to truly be ready for a relationship. In the meantime, I don’t have such a readiness, and I understand that I’m only offending my wife by constantly asking: “Please sit in the room, I need to work” or “Let’s live separately for a little while, because I need to make a new program " It's no one's fault."

By the way, Piekha did not say whether the official divorce took place. He maintained friendly relations with the mother of his two-year-old son, and ex-lovers sometimes they spend time together when the singer visits the heir in Northern capital. According to Stas, he only recently began to truly understand clearly that he was a father.

“Natasha and I have a very good relationship, although the family did not work out. But we have a wonderful fruit of love. And I try to see Petya as often as I can. But Natasha is great: she manages to be a mother (although the main prize goes to Grandma Ira), and study, and develop, and work...” shared Piekha.

Little Petya constantly gives his father reasons for joy and pride. If earlier Piekha was convinced that small child understands little, and you can’t expect much from him, but not so long ago he was convinced of the opposite. When, after another long separation, the singer came to the heir, he reached out to him and affectionately said “dad,” Stas realized that the baby was his continuation, his own blood. “I felt so warm, as if only at that moment I felt that this was my son. Before that, I tried to accept that this someone running was my son, but then I just felt it,” said Stas Piekha in an interview with OK! .

A burning brunette with a piercing gaze, singer Stas Piekha is constantly under the gun of photo and video cameras, but this did not stop the famous artist from successfully hiding his personal life for many years.

Popular rumor married the famous heir to the musical family several times, but it turned out that Stas Piekha’s wife is only one woman.

The singer's early years

The biography of the favorite of millions and the conqueror of women's hearts Stas Piekha, and until the age of 7 he bore the surname Gerulis, begins on August 13, 1980 in St. Petersburg, and earlier in Leningrad.

Born into a musical family, the boy simply had no choice but to follow in his parents’ footsteps.

Women have always played an important and even sometimes decisive role in creative development future singer. His grandmother raised him from the cradle, famous Soviet singer Edita Piekha. It is noteworthy that the boy also received his first and last name thanks to a famous relative.

It turned out that Edita Stanislavovna always wanted to have a son and name him in honor of his father, who died at the front, but fate gave her a daughter, Ilona. When the girl, also a singer and musician, gave birth to a son, the grandmother simply insisted that the baby be named Stas and later, so that the eminent Piekha family would not be interrupted, she gave her grandson her last name.

Creative achievements

After the birth of her first child, Ilona Bronevitskaya, Stas Piekha’s mother, began to actively engage in her creative career, and transferred the care of her son to her mother. Further, Edita Stanislavovna became closely involved in educating her grandson and sent him first to the Glinka Choir School, and then, already as a conscientious young man, he himself Stas entered the Gnessin Music College.

For a short time creative path The artist has accumulated several albums in his arsenal:

  • "One star";
  • "Otherwise";
  • "10".

At just under 38 years old, artist Piekha participated in many musical television projects. and even acted in films. His acting credits include roles in films such as:

  • "My beautiful family";
  • “The era of Piekha”;
  • "My mother got married."

How creative personality, he constantly draws inspiration from love and romance, which means that the artist's heart is constantly beating for someone.

Romance with Victoria

Stas has always hidden his personal life and marital status and continues to do so to this day. One of the official romances, which never ended in a wedding, was the relationship with Timati’s cousin, actress Victoria Smirnova. The bright blonde won the heart of young Piekha in 2004 and the young people dated until 2008.

The reason for breaking off relations with Victoria was her departure to London. The girl really hoped that the young man would follow her, but this was not destined to happen. It was after breaking up with his cousin Timati that the young artist began to hide his personal life from the public.

Behind seven castles

A rumor that Stas was married appeared in the press in 2013. The media were actively discussing his whirlwind romance and the fact that he had legitimized his relationship with a certain mysterious blonde, with whom they were allegedly caught by the paparazzi several times. However, the artist, as usual, left such information without comment. The singer’s mother confirmed the information, noting that her son has a girlfriend, Natalya.

Second time young man, who, in his words, refused to participate in the show “The Bachelor” for ethical reasons, popular rumor got married in 2014. Some fans were sure that the idol abandoned the popular project, where there were many girls, only because he was already a married “bachelor”.

Stas confirmed the latest information about his wedding without going into details. It became known that his chosen one was model Natalya Gorchakova, who in the spring of 2014 gave her beloved son Peter.

Young family

The young people met at one of the star parties 8 years ago and have not parted since then. A native of St. Petersburg captivated the young man with her beauty and modesty. Little Peter was born in Spain, where his parents’ wedding ceremony took place when the baby was already 7 months old.

But the idyll did not last long; at the end of last 2017, information appeared in the media that Stas and Natalya Piekha decided to break up. It is known that little son The Russian artist continues to live with his mother, and the singer, between family and career, like his mother Ilona Bronevitskaya once did, chose creative growth.

As Stas himself said in one of the few interviews, despite the fact that he will turn 38 this year, he is not mature enough to have a family. The official status of the artist’s family also remains interesting; the young people are still not divorced. When asked by journalists, they usually complain about the banal lack of time and reluctance to deal with paperwork.

But according to Russian legislation a marriage like that of Piekha and Gorchakova is not considered legal. Painting in Spain does not officially bind young people in the Russian Federation.

So far, the artist’s official wife Natalya is actively involved in her career and devotes all her free time to her growing son Petya. Former model maintains his own blog on the Internet with more than 3,000 subscribers. The girl is enjoying her vacation on various exotic islands and, as can be seen from the latest pictures on the Internet, is not worried about anything.

It is known that some time ago the wife and son of Stas Piekha lived in Catalonia. The artist does everything so that his loved ones live with dignity and do not need anything. And recently Natalya and her baby moved to Moscow, closer to the father of the small family.

The singer once even said that he and Natalya live in the same house, but in different entrances and are still in good relations. Also, the young father Stas Piekha, family, wife, whose children are one of the topics discussed in Russian show business, has repeatedly stated that even after separating from his wife, he takes an active part in raising little Peter.

To be continued

Alert fans, however, noticed that in lately Photos are increasingly appearing on the Internet where Stas Piekha, his wife and son are walking together in various places. Natalya constantly keeps her subscribers updated on her personal life. Adding up the failed divorce and latest photos a young family where they are together and happy, as they say, “off camera”, fans of the couple are sure that the young people do not want to separate just yet.

No one knows how many affairs Edita Piekha’s grandson actually had and where the truth is. IN different times Stas was credited with relationships with many famous girls. At the end of last year, the artist was even suspected of being gay.

The artist himself recently said that he is trying to meet people on the Internet, but this is only for “one night or a short short story", and for serious relationship prefers the “old-fashioned way of communicating on the street.” And the most interesting thing is that there have been changes in his personal life again, since Stas Piekha recently reported that “there are some hints” on the personal front.

Natalya, in turn, was credited with a relationship with Russian actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, who is a year younger than her. The affair with him was also not confirmed in official sources. Who knows, perhaps Stas and Natalya, while talking about their romances, are simply taking the public’s attention away from their family life.

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