Direct and indirect objects in Russian. Secondary members of the sentence

Today, I will tell you about such a concept as “ Minor members in a sentence." I'll start with the minor members called "Supplement".

Addition in Russian

The addition is a minor member of the sentence, answering questions of indirect cases, as well as denoting the object to which this or that action is directed or connected. Sometimes denotes the action or state of an object.

Additions that denote the object of action are used with verbs or from nouns formed by them.

Complements that name an object are used with adjectives or with nouns formed from them.

Direct objects are objects that depend on a transitive verb and are used in the meaning of a noun or pronoun (and any other parts of speech that are expressed by a noun) in the accusative case without a preposition.

For example:

Build (what?) a building

Fix (what?) computer

Kiss (who?) mom

Direct object can also be formed using the genitive case in two cases:

1.When there is a negative particle “not” before transitive verb

A.Eat soup do not eat soup

B. To earn money is not to earn money

2. Or when the action does not pass to the entire object, but only to part of it

For example

A. Buy bread buy bread

B.Drink milk drink milk

B. Add rice add rice

A direct object denotes an object to which an action is directed, which can create, appear or disappear during the action.

Circumstance in Russian: 7 types

A circumstance is a minor member of a sentence that denotes how and under what circumstances an action occurs.

There are 7 types of circumstances:

1. Time circumstance (indicates the time and date of the action)

A.Work from morning to evening

B.Leave late

2. Circumstance of place (indicates the place or direction of what is happening)

A.Move left

B.Live in the forest

3. Circumstance of measure and degree (indicates the weight, measure and degree of what is happening)

A. Shoot twice

B. Three hundred thirty-two kilograms

3. Circumstance of the manner of action (indicates the manner of performing the action)

A. Answer clearly

B. Live in peace

4. Circumstance of reason (indicates the reason for the action)

A. Not coming due to illness

B. Oversleep because of a movie

5. Circumstance of the goal (indicates the goal)

A. Go on vacation

B. Come to study

6. Circumstance of condition (indicates the condition of the action)

A.Can't come due to snowfall

B. Don't swim because of the cold

7. Circumstance of assignment (indicates the condition contrary to which the action is performed)

A. Ride against your will

V. Despite there is nothing to run first

Definition: agreed and inconsistent

A definition is a minor member of a sentence that denotes a sign, quality or property of an object and answers the questions: what? whose?

There are 2 types of definitions, consistent and inconsistent:

1. Agreed definitions - consistent with the word being defined in number, case, singular- and in kind; expressed by an adjective, pronoun-adjective, participle, ordinal number.

Direct object- this is an addition in the form of V.p. without pretext. It refers to a verb and is used after transitive verbs:

I wash my hands.

A direct object can also be in the form of R.p. if:

· denotes a part of an object, a certain amount, for example, a little: drink water, eat soup;

· with a transitive verb there is a negation Not:did not build a new building, did not complete homework.

All other cases of complement are called indirect complement.

Definition. Agreed and inconsistent definition. Application

A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, complement or circumstance, defines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

Definition may refer to words different parts speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and non-agreed definition

Agreed Definition is the definition for which the type syntactic connection between the main and dependent words - agreement. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl(which?) unhappy, ice cream(which?) chocolate, on the terrace(Which?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition can be inconsistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:


· adjacency

Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: bookmoms- mom'sbook
(mom'sbook– this is an agreed definition, type of connection: agreement, and bookmoms– uncoordinated, communication type – control)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: presentmore expensive- presentExpensive
(presentmore expensive– inconsistent definition, type of connection – adjacency, and presentExpensive– agreed definition, type of connection – agreement)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

Lined up opposite shopping mall five floors.

Wed: centerfive floorsfive-storycenter
(centerfive floors– inconsistent definition, type of communication – control, and five-storycenter- agreed definition, type of communication - agreement)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girlwith blue hair- inconsistent definition, type of communication – control.)

In the role inconsistent definition different parts of speech can appear:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus- noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French– adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen- verb in indefinite form)

4) comparative degree adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(take it easy, more difficult comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(herpossessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special kind definition is application. Application is the definition expressed by a noun, consistent with the word being defined in case.
Applications stand for various signs subjects that are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

A variety of applications are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony- agreed application, words rivers And Sukhony stand in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

("Cinderella" - inconsistent application, words fairy tale And "Cinderella" stand in different cases.)


Circumstance- This is a minor member of a sentence, denoting a sign of action or another sign. Usually the circumstance depends on the predicate.

Since the meanings of circumstances are varied, circumstances are classified by meaning. Each value has its own questions.

Levels of circumstances by meaning
The following categories of circumstances are distinguished by meaning.

1. Mode of action - how? how?: The children laughed loudly.

2. Measures and degrees - how? to what extent?: We are tired to the point of exhaustion.

3. Places – where? Where? where from?: Everyone around was dancing. He looked into the distance. Father returned from work.

4. Time - when? How long? since when? until when? What time?: We waited to see the doctor for about ten minutes.

5. Conditions - under what condition?: If everyone wants, everyone can learn better.

6. Reasons - why? why?: Masha missed classes due to illness. We didn't go into the forest because of the rain.

7. Goals - why? for what?: She came to Yalta on vacation.

8. Concessions - no matter what? in spite of what?: Despite the fatigue, the mother was cheerful.

Circumstances are expressed

1) adverbs: fast, loud, fun;
2) nouns in the form of oblique cases with and without preposition: in the forest, by Tuesday, a week;
3) pronouns: in it, above it, under it;
4) gerunds and participial phrases: lying on the stove, you won’t find good luck;
5) indeterminate form verb: I came to talk;
6) phraseological turn: he worked carelessly;
7) the circumstances of the course of action are expressed in comparative phrases: Quartz sand sparkled like February snow in the sun.

8. Separation, its general conditions

Isolation is the semantic and intonation separation of minor members in order to give them a certain syntactic independence in a sentence. The somantic-stylistic function of isolation is that separate members clarify the expressed thought, specify the description of the action, give a more in-depth description of a person or object, introduce it into a proposal expressive coloring. Intonation emphasis is expressed in the fact that before the isolated member (if it is not at the beginning of the sentence), the voice is raised, a pause is made, it is inherent in phrasal stress, characteristic of intonation-semantic segments (syntagmas) into which a sentence is divided. In writing, isolated members are separated or highlighted with punctuation marks (commas, less often with a dash). Isolated members do not form phrases with defined words. Between the two, thanks to an additional affirmation or negation, semi-predicative relations are established, as a result of which the isolated members, in their semantic load, as well as in their intonation design, approach subordinate clauses, occupying an intermediate position between them and non-isolated members. Conditions of separation - these are the factors that favor the semantic and intonation emphasis of sentence members.

The most common and most prerequisite opportunities separation is the absence of a close connection between the secondary member and the main word. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that separation only “optional” members of the sentence are allowed - those that are not necessary with the main word: definitions, applications, circumstances. On the contrary, those members of the sentence that are associated with the transfer of main, rather than additional, content are not subject to isolation. For example, definitions without which a noun is unable to fully designate an object or circumstance are not isolated: Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a remote and distant side (A. Pushkin). Additions, which most often act as an obligatory part of the sentence, closely related to the main word, are also not subject to isolation.

Thus, the conditions separation- this is all that helps to weaken the connection with the main word and strengthen the semantic significance of the most minor member.

On separation influenced by syntactic, morphological and semantic conditions.

Syntactic conditions:

1. Word order: 1) inversion (reverse word order). There is normal (direct) and unusual (reverse) word order. Thus, with direct word order, the agreed definition comes before the word being defined, and the inconsistent definition comes after the word being defined; an additional action, called a gerund, comes after the main action, designated by the predicate. If a minor member of a sentence is placed in an unusual place for it in the sentence, then it stands out, is especially emphasized - its semantic significance is enhanced. Therefore, for example, among the agreed upon definitions, those that are worth after the word being defined, and among the circumstances expressed by single gerunds - standing before predicate. Wed: He ran without stopping And He ran without stopping.

2. Distant position of the secondary member of the sentence in relation to the main word (separation of the secondary member of the sentence from the main word): And again, cut off from the tanks by fire, the infantry lay down on a bare slope (M. Sholokhov). Such a separation of the definition from the word being defined is unusual and leads to an increase in its semantic weight. And this makes it necessary to isolate such a definition.

3. The volume of an isolated member (common members of a sentence are isolated more often than non-extended ones) or the presence of two or more homogeneous minor members: Compare: I brought a bucket full of dew from the forest (S. Marshak) And I spared no effort to fill the bucket full (S. Marshak).

4. A special semantic load, unusual for a given minor member of the sentence (the appearance of an additional meaning in the minor member), when the minor member explains not only the word to which it is directly subordinate, but also some other member of the sentence. For example, an agreed definition standing even before the word being defined (direct word order) is isolated if this definition has an additional adverbial meaning: Absorbed in his thoughts, the boy did not notice anything around him(the participial phrase standing before the word being defined is isolated here because it also has a circumstantial (causal) meaning).

Morphological conditions of separation:

Sometimes separation depends on the presence of a certain grammatical form or a function word of a certain lexical-grammatical category in the composition of the selected sentence member, i.e. separation in this case, it is associated with the morphological way of expressing the secondary member.

Participles, short forms of adjectives and participles, acting as a definition, combination with comparative conjunctions ( comparative turnover), some combinations of nouns with prepositions, the presence of introductory words usually form separate secondary members. For example: When the letter was ready and I was about to seal it, the headman (V. Korolenko) entered, apparently angry. In this sentence, a single (non-extended) agreed definition angry, standing before the defined noun is isolated, since it refers to introductory word apparently(which, by the way, is not separated by a comma from the definition).

Almost always (except for certain special cases) circumstances are isolated, expressed by gerunds and participial phrases.

Short forms adjectives and participles in modern Russian have become entrenched in the function of a predicate. Relatively rarely (mainly in poetry) they are used as definitions (which relate to the subject), retaining the meaning of an additional predicate, which makes them separation mandatory, regardless of location: The air vibrates, is transparent and clean (N. Zabolotsky); Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom (A. Pushkin); At the usual hour she woke up, she got up by candlelight (A. Pushkin).

The comparative conjunction, as a rule, requires intonation highlighting of the phrase: The stuffy air is still, like the water of a forest lake (M. Gorky).

Semantic separation conditions:

The absence or presence of a close semantic and syntactic connection between a minor member of a sentence and the word to which it refers is sometimes determined by the semantics of the word being explained. The more specific and definite the meaning of a word, the less it needs to be disseminated, the weaker the connections with it of secondary members, which are therefore easily are isolated.

For example, personal pronouns “do not recognize” ordinary definitions; one cannot say: I'm attentive, he's angry(cf.: attentive student, angry person). Therefore, definitions related to the personal pronoun are always isolated: A he, rebellious, asks for a storm... (M. Lermontov).

If the word being defined is a proper noun or refers to kinship terms (mother, father, grandfather, grandmother etc.), then this can also contribute to the isolation of the definition: Grandfather, in grandma’s jacket, in an old cap without a visor, squints, smiling at something (M. Gorky).

Vice versa: with nouns that are too general in meaning (person, thing, expression, matter and so on), the definitions form a single whole, because a noun without a definition cannot participate in the formation of a statement, for example:

This misconception is common even l smart and educated people; Funny, touching and tragic things happened (V. Astafiev)- definitions in these sentences are necessary to express the main (and not additional) message.

9. Homogeneous members of the sentence. The question of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous members of the sentence- main or minor members of a sentence, associated with the same word form and fulfilling the same purpose syntactic function. Homogeneous members are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration, as a rule, they are located contactally (immediately one after the other) and often allow rearrangement. However, rearrangement is not always possible, since the first in a series of homogeneous members is usually called that which is primary from a logical or chronological point of view or is more important for the speaker.

The presence of homogeneous members complicates a simple sentence. It is also noted that a significant part of sentences complicated by homogeneous members can be presented as the result of a “coordinate abbreviation” of a number of independent sentences or compound sentence: rus. Misha went out for a walk, and Masha went out for a walk - Misha And Masha went out for a walk .

Homogeneous members- These are sentence members that usually answer the same question and are associated with the same word in the sentence.

Homogeneous members- these are identical parts of a sentence, united with each other by a coordinating connection.

Homogeneous members can be both main and secondary members of a sentence.

For example: ForesthumusAndmoss absorbthis raintaking your time, thoroughly(Paustovsky). This sentence has two rows of homogeneous members: homogeneous subjects humus And moss correspond to one predicate – absorb; homogeneous circumstances of the course of action taking your time, thoroughly depend on the predicate ( absorb(How?) taking your time, thoroughly).

2. Homogeneous members are usually expressed by the same part of speech.

Wed: humus And moss– nouns in the nominative case.

But homogeneous members can also be morphologically heterogeneous:

A young man came intwenty-five years old, resplendent in health, . In this proposal, among homogeneous definitions the first is expressed by a noun phrase in the genitive case ( twenty-five years old), second – participial phrase (resplendent in health), the third – a combination of three nouns in instrumental case with a pretext With with dependent participle ( with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes).

Note. Sometimes coordinating connection can also connect opposite parts of a sentence, for example: Unknownwho and how spread the news of the death of old Sokjoy throughout the taiga(Fedoseev). Conjunctive words in subordinate clause are different members of the sentence (subject Who and the circumstance of the course of action How, but they are connected by a coordinating conjunction And ).

Pay attention!

The following are not homogeneous members of the sentence:

1) repeated words used to emphasize the multitude of objects, the duration of an action, its repetition, etc.

We seemed to be floating in the air andspinning, spinning, spinning ; White fragrant daisies run under his feetback, back (Kuprin).

Such combinations of words are considered as a single member of the sentence;

2) repetitive identical shapes, connected by a particle no, that's right : believe it or not, try, don’t try, write like this, write like this, work like this, work like this;

3) combinations of two verbs, the first of which is lexically incomplete: I’ll take it and tell you, I took it and complained, I’ll go and have a look etc.;

4) stable combinations with double conjunctions, between which there is no comma (!):

neither back nor forward, neither for anything nor about anything, neither fish nor fowl, neither sleep nor spirit, and laughter and sin, and this way and that etc.

3. Homogeneous members are connected by intonation (non-union connection) and coordinating conjunctions or only by intonation. If homogeneous members are separated by a comma, then commas are placed only between them. Before the first homogeneous member, after the last homogeneous member There are no commas (!).


Addition - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes addition denotes the subject of an action or state (see translation agency). For example: The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin).

Add-ons, expressing the object of action, are used with verbs, as well as with nouns formed from them: deliver goods- cargo delivery; work on an article- working on the article.

Add-ons, naming an object in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested, are used with adjectives and nouns formed from them: faithful to duty- loyalty to duty; stingy in his movements- stinginess in movements.

Add-ons are divided into straight And indirect.

Direct addition - This addition, which depends on a transitive verb and is expressed by a noun or pronoun (as well as any part of speech used in the meaning of a noun) in the accusative case without a preposition: see picture, sing a song, fix the iron , write a letter , solve a problem , seehis , meet a friend .

Direct addition can also be expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition. Genitive instead of the accusative it is used in two cases: 1) if there is a negative particle Not before a transitive verb: felt joy- did not feel joy; heard voices- did not hear voices; 2) if the action does not transfer to the entire object, but only to a part: bought bread- bread; drank water- water: ...The gun commander did not leave the firing position, he asked to bring him shells from the broken guns (V. Astafiev); Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia... (A. Pushkin).

Direct addition denotes an object to which an action is directly directed, which can arise, be created or disappear, or be destroyed during the action: knit a sweater,write an essay, decorate a room, check a dictation, break a tree, demolish a house etc.

Everyone else additions are indirect, they express different relations of action or attribute to objects: I won't regret it about roses, withered with a light spring (A. Pushkin); Aksinya remembered her youth and all her life, poor in joys (M. Sholokhov).

Add-ons can be expressed:

1) a noun in any indirect case with or without a preposition: With a golden ray the villagelilo (A. Maikov);

2) pronoun: I could never argue with them(M. Lermontov);

3) cardinal number: Divide thirty-six by two;

4) any part of speech in the meaning of a noun: I ran to my grandmother and asked her about the forgotten (M. Gorky);

5) infinitive: Everyone asked her to sing something (M. Lermontov);

6) syntactically integral phrases and phraseological units (the same as the subject): The hunters killed seventeen snipe (L. Tolstoy).



noun, With., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? additions, what? addition, (see) what? addition, how? addition, about what? about the addition; pl. What? additions, (no) what? additions, what? additions, (see) what? additions, how? additions, about what? about additions

1. One object, phenomenon, etc. is called addition to another object, phenomenon, etc., if it is added to it.

Practical experience is good addition to theoretical knowledge. | The next room was a small addition to the main room. | Fish became a valuable addition to their diet.

2. Supplement they call something that expands or deepens someone’s words, thought, text.

Make amendments to the bill. | He drew up a codicil to the will. | The iconographic material needed additions.

3. If you do anything in addition to something, it means you do it on top of something.

I studied two languages ​​in addition to the ones I learned at university.

4. In grammar addition- this is a member of a sentence that denotes the object of an action or attribute and is usually expressed by the indirect case of a noun.

Direct addition. | Indirect addition.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “addition” is in other dictionaries:

    ADDENDUM, additions, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. complement complement. He was involved in adding and correcting old articles for the collection. || A part added to clarify or correct what was previously written. In the new circular... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See addition, addition in addition... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. addition augmentation, replenishment, addition, addition, additive, allowance, increase, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    A minor member of a sentence, expressing the relationship of one subject of thought to another, named by a verb (verb object) or a name (nominal object). The function of addition is predominantly played by the indirect case of the name (with... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ADDITION, I, Wed. 1. see add. 2. What n. added, addition. D. to the resolution. In d. (in addition to nothing else). Additions to clothing (ties, belts, scarves, bags, jewelry). 3. In grammar: minor member of a sentence... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1's complement- reverse code bitwise complement - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general Synonyms reverse code bit complement EN one s complement ...

    - (document amendment) (rider) An American term meaning a clause or condition added in addition to an important bill, but not directly related to its contents. In most cases, such additional items would not be included in... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Addition- 1. Same as addenda, additional text with clarifications, changes or new considerations, placed by the author after the work or its part (section), when to enter new material into a previously written text or inappropriate (required... ... Publishing dictionary-reference book

    - (Supplement), Poland, 2001, 108 min. A film about choice life calling and attitudes towards faith. Main character in search of his calling, he rushes between the monastery and everyday life, in which he has a girlfriend and a brother. Cast: Pavel Okraska, Monika... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Addition- ADDITION. A grammatical term denoting a noun in the indirect case, as part of a sentence. In some traditional grammars, the term D. is used in a narrower sense to designate a noun in the indirect case,... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (complement) A product for which the demand changes in the same direction as the demand for some other goods whose prices have changed. For example, an increase in the price of bread can lead to a decrease in demand for it; if at the same time the demand for... ... Dictionary of business terms

    addition- The structural part of the main text, composed of materials allocated by the author for placement at the end of the work or its section. [GOST R 7.0.3 2006] Subjects of the publication, main types and elements Generalizing terms parts and elements of the text... ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Addition to the board game "Settlers" - Aztec Empire (8964), Trzewiczek Ignacy. The Aztecs expansion adds a new empire and new ritual game mechanics to board game"Settlers". Is not independent play. In order to play in addition "...

A sign or serving as its instrument. There is a difference between direct and indirect object. Direct the complement denotes the object directly involved in the action. Criteria for its selection in different languages are different. In is expressed accusative without, combined only with verbs. Depending on the nature of the action, such an object can be external (unchangeable): “buy a house”, “throw a stone”, and internal (resultative): “build a house”, “crush a stone”. A type of internal object is an object of content (“cognate addition,” figura etymologica), i.e., an object, as if extracted from the action itself: “think a thought,” “cry out a cry,” “grief grief.” An object denoting the subject of speech, thought, perception (“to report news”, “to plot a crime”, “to see a ship”) is called deliberative.

Indirect the addition is expressed by a noun in indirect cases with and without prepositions. Associated with the concept of indirect object is the idea of ​​an object affected by an action not directly (cf. “report the news” and “... about the news”) and not completely, but partially (cf. “drink water” and “... water”) . The indirect object may also be associated with the idea of ​​a smaller object (cf.: “wait for the train” as opposed to “wait for the train”) and of its peculiar activity (cf.: “be scared of the dog”, “be happy for your son”, where the object is specific stimulates the activity of the subject). In classical linguistics, the concept of indirect object covers various types of object meanings. In particular, there is a distinction between the objects at which the action is aimed (“ask for bread”, “to achieve success”) and from which it is sent or evaded (“to lose an inheritance”, “to avoid a quarrel”); recipient objects (“smile at a child”, “help a neighbor”); object-tools (“reap with a sickle”, “conquer with beauty”). In the structure of the utterance, all types of objects are in principle compatible and hierarchically ordered: “tell friends (O - addressee) the truth (deliberative direct O) about the war (deliberative indirect O) in the words of an eyewitness (weapon indirect O)”, and some objects are associated with the verb as the core of the message is more obligatory, others - less obligatory connection.

A type of addition is sometimes considered to be a member of a sentence, expressed and denoting a dependent verb feature (“hope to rest”, “promise to help”, “be afraid of making a mistake”, “convince to stay”). With an even broader understanding of the addition, it also includes various types of subordinate clauses associated with the main explanatory relations (“I want to be helped,” “I know that they will help me,” “I’m afraid I might make a mistake”). In school grammars, along with verbal additions, adjective additions are distinguished, which in most cases are derived from verbs, cf.: “read a book” and “reading a book”, “love the homeland” and “love for the homeland”, “thirst for glory” and “ thirst for glory”, “fill with content” and “filled with content”.

  • Shakhmatov A. A., Syntax of the Russian language, 2nd ed., Leningrad, 1941;
  • Grammar of the Russian language, vol. 2, part 1, M., 1954; M., 1960;
  • Peshkovsky A. M., Russian syntax in scientific coverage, 7th ed., M., 1956;
  • Jespersen O., Philosophy of Grammar, trans. from English, M., 1958;
  • Gabuchan K.V., Addition, in the book: Russian language. Encyclopedia, M., 1979.

I. N. Kruchinina.

Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. 1990 .



See what “Addition” is in other dictionaries:

    ADDITION- ADDENDUM, additions, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. complement complement. He was involved in adding and correcting old articles for the collection. || A part added to clarify or correct what was previously written. In the new circular... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    addition- See addition, addition in addition... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. addition augmentation, replenishment, addition, addition, additive, allowance, increase, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    ADDITION- a minor member of a sentence, expressing the relationship of one subject of thought to another, named by a verb (verb object) or a name (nominal object). The function of addition is predominantly played by the indirect case of the name (with... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ADDITION- ADDENDUM, I, Wed. 1. see add. 2. What what n. added, addition. D. to the resolution. In d. (in addition to nothing else). Additions to clothing (ties, belts, scarves, bags, jewelry). 3. In grammar: minor member of a sentence... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1's complement- reverse code bitwise complement - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms reverse code bit complement EN one s complement ...

    ADDITION- (document amendment) (rider) An American term meaning a clause or condition added in addition to an important bill, but not directly related to its contents. In most cases, such additional items would not be included in... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Addition- 1. The same as addenda, additional text with clarifications, changes or new considerations, placed by the author after the work or its part (section), when introducing new material into a previously written text is either impractical (required... ... Publishing dictionary-reference book

    ADDITION- (Supplement), Poland, 2001, 108 min. A film about the choice of life's calling and attitude towards faith. The main character rushes in search of his calling between the monastery and everyday life, in which he has a girlfriend and a brother. Cast: Pavel Okraska, Monika... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Addition- ADDITION. A grammatical term denoting a noun in the indirect case, as part of a sentence. In some traditional grammars, the term D. is used in a narrower sense to designate a noun in the indirect case,... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    ADDITION- (complement) A product for which the demand changes in the same direction as the demand for some other goods whose prices have changed. For example, an increase in the price of bread can lead to a decrease in demand for it; if at the same time the demand for... ... Dictionary of business terms

    addition- The structural part of the main text, composed of materials allocated by the author for placement at the end of the work or its section. [GOST R 7.0.3 2006] Subjects of the publication, main types and elements Generalizing terms parts and elements of the text... ... Technical Translator's Guide